GRY 100 Study 2

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Which of the following statements is part of the EU's defense of the technical rules placed on Ghana's farmers and their difficulty exporting crops?

1. The rules are necessary to protect public health. 2. If we didn't subsidize our farmers, food prices would increase. 3. Ghana has no tariff barriers, so these rules are minor. 4. We can help build testing facilities to meet our requirements.

How many followers of voodoo are there worldwide today?

15 million

Over the past 40 years, approximately what percentage of the Brazilian Amazon rainforest has been destroyed?


According to a World Bank study, what percentage of Caribbean migrants living abroad were college educated?


Approximately what percentage of African elephants were killed between 1970 and 1990?

60 percent

According to the phenomenon known as environmental lapse rate, if the temperature at sea level is 80°F, approximately what will the temperature be at 5000 feet above sea level?


About _____ percent of people in Ghana earn their living from agriculture-based activities.


Africans are increasingly moving to cities. What is the most likely effect of this population shift?

A decrease in average family size

What is the role of ACESAL in local tourism development?

ACESAL maintains most of the public trails to Salto del Limón.

What process gives coffee beans their different colors?

After coffee beans are dried, they are roasted on a fire. It is during this roasting process that coffee beans gain their specific color.

In which region of South America is the highest population density found?

Along the coasts

Brasília was designed to mimic the shape of what object?

An airplane

How do we know that Bush people once lived in the hilly areas of what is now South Africa?

Ancient cave paintings detail the life of the Bush people.

The ancient city of Tenochtitlan, on the site of modern-day Mexico City, was the political and ceremonial center of which people?


After Sub-Saharan Africa, the Caribbean has the highest HIV/AIDS infection rate in the world. HIV/AIDS is mostly transmitted through heterosexual sex and began its rapid spread in the 1980s and 1990s when little was known about the disease and how to prevent it. Today, most Caribbean countries have successful programs in place that work to reduce the incidence of HIV/AIDS, but infection rates are still comparably high, causing significant demographic and health issues for the region. Which country has the highest prevalence of HIV/AIDS?


Which of the following islands is NOT part of the Greater Antilles?


A small number of islands contain the majority of this region's population. Four islands in the Greater Antilles account for 85% of the population, although the Lesser Antilles contain some very densely populated microstates. Which country has the highest population density?


Latin Americans are known for their love of soccer, but which sport is the dominant sport for much of the Caribbean?


How has the rapid growth of Tijuana caused problems for residents?

Basic services such as sewage treatment and waste disposal have not been able to keep up with the rapid growth.

You are a travel agent working with clients who want to travel to Brazil to spend time in a coastal city with a low population density. Which city should you advise them to visit?


How do Brasília's satellite towns differ from the capital city?

Brasília's satellite towns are unplanned, disorganized, and occupied mostly by people who cannot afford to live in the capital city.

How do the youth of rural Mexico hope to escape the economic challenges that often exist in small towns and villages?

By obtaining an education

Which of the following Latin American traditions is an example of a syncretic religious practice?

Carnival in Brazil

Brazil's largest trading partner today is


Which country is Sub-Saharan Africa's largest trading partner and the primary investor in the region?


What form of Christianity is most common in Ethiopia?

Coptic Christianity

In which Caribbean country is Santeria most common?


Which country is part of the Latin American Integration Association?


What environmental issue most commonly associated with Latin America?


What did Dominic and his brothers do with the surplus fish they caught on Lake Turkana?

Dominic and his brothers sell most of the fish so they can buy maize meal.

For over 50 years, Caribbean people have been leaving the region in search of economic opportunities, often to North America and Europe. Many of these migratory flows are considered circular migration, which typically occurs when a man or woman leaves children behind in order to work hard, save money, and eventually return home. Which country has the most immigrants living in the United States?

Dominican Republic

Which of the following solutions would most effectively reduce elephant poaching in Africa?

Educate people in Japan about the effects of buying and selling ivory.

Which of these countries has the highest number of migrants living in the United States?

El Salvador

The interior of Sub-Saharan Africa is dominated by what physical features

Elevated plateaus

What role did disease play in European efforts to colonize Africa?

Endemic tropical diseases in Sub-Saharan Africa killed many Europeans and delayed their conquest of the region.

Based on language patterns, which country colonized Jamaica?


Which two colonial languages are the most widespread in Sub-Saharan Africa?

English and French

Female circumcision (also known as female genital mutilation) is most common in

Ethiopia, Somalia, and Eritrea

Why is the Caribbean an attractive location for offshore banking?

Exemptions from taxes

What are maquiladoras?

Foreign-owned factories located in Mexico in order to take advantage of cheaper Mexican labor

What European power colonized Haiti?


Brasília's Monumental Axis contains what structures/activities?

Government ministries

Which European country had a territorial conflict with Argentina over the Falkland Islands in the early 1980s?

Great Britain/United Kingdom

Which country has experienced the most rapid growth in urban areas in recent years?


The Dominican Republic and what other country are located on Hispaniola?


In recent years, what economic activity has Costa Rica been hopeful in attracting?

High-tech manufacturing

The Turkana way of life is slowly disappearing. Historically, what has been the main economic activity in the region?

Historically, the main economic activity in the Turkana region has been pastoral nomadism.

Which of the following best characterizes the physical environment of Tijuana, Mexico?

Hot, dry desert

What characteristic of Brasília's initial design reflected the egalitarian vision of Brazil's then-socialist government?

Housing was organized such that laborers and government ministers would be living side-by-side.

What is the relationship between ALADI and CARICOM membership in the Caribbean?

If a country is a member of ALADI, it is not likely to be a member of CARICOM.

Where within Brazil did the government locate the new national capital?

In a remote area in central Brazil, 600 kilometers from the nearest paved road

What is Puerto Rico's relationship to the United States?

It is a commonwealth that presented a bill for American statehood.

Why does the Dominican Republic require government approval for cutting royal palm trees?

It is a protected tree species.

Which of the following statements best describes the educational system in the Dominican Republic?

It is not required and students can attend during the day or night.

What makes the Amazon River distinctive?

It is the world's largest river by volume.

According to the video, what is one problem with the national ivory registration system in Japan?

It is voluntary.

Which statement regarding decolonization in Sub-Saharan Africa is most accurate?

It occurred rather quickly, but peacefully starting in 1957.

Which of the following countries is one of the biggest consumers of ivory?


The undisputed film capital of Africa is


Why is Lake Turkana receding?

Lake Turkana is receding because of a prolonged drought.

How has agrarian reform changed landholding patterns in Latin America?

Large estates were divided and the parcels of land were given to small farmers.

Carolina wants to enjoy the best of both of her worlds: modern and traditional. What are two ways she is attempting to keep her village's cultural traditions alive?

Learning how to sew and crochet

Scientists believe that Lake Turkana holds special significance. Why?

Many scientists regard Lake Turkana as the cradle of humanity.

Which nation has become a major transshipment zone for drugs from South America and Asia?


Which city in the United States has become the destination of choice for Cubans migrating to the United States?


Which statement is TRUE regarding the religious geography of Sub-Saharan Africa?

Muslims are found across northern Africa, Christians are concentrated in south Africa.

How did colonization affect the languages of Latin America?

Native languages were discouraged and repressed.

What oil-rich African country is notorious for widespread government corruption?


Where are squatter settlements most likely to be located in a Latin American city?

On the periphery of the city (periférico)

Which of the following solutions would be most effective in helping Ghana increase its level of international trade?

Organize a farming cooperative.

What is the cultural region stretching from coastal Brazil to the southeastern United States?

Plantation America

Which is NOT a factor for why Sub-Saharan Africa is the poorest region of the world?

Poor climates and soils throughout the region have limited settlement and development.

What language is spoken by one-third of the people in Latin America?


Which variable likely determines the decision to migrate from Latin America to the United States as opposed to other developed countries or regions in other parts of the world?


Which of the following statements regarding Puerto Rico's status as a commonwealth of the United States is correct?

Puerto Ricans can move freely between the island and the U.S. mainland.

Why has Tijuana grown to be one of the largest and fastest growing cities in Mexico?

Rapid growth of maquiladoras

Which of the follow statements reflects that respective region's climate?

San Francisco has dry summers and wet winters.

Which city is the largest home port for cruise lines and the second largest cruise-ship port in the world in terms of total visitors?

San Juan

Nelson Mandela served as the first post-Apartheid president of which country?

South Africa

Which of the following regions of Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest HIV/AIDS infection rate?

Southern Africa

Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic all speak


During the colonial era, Haiti was the world's leading producer of what product?


U.S. neocolonialism has its roots in which of the following policies?

The Monroe Doctrine

Which of the following actions or events led to the Portuguese presence in the Americas?

The Treaty of Tordesillas

How does the average income of workers in the sugarcane fields today compare to that of the average Haitian?

The average income of workers in the sugarcane fields today is approximately double what the average Haitian earns currently.

Where in Africa do the Bush people live?

The central dry lands of southern Africa

Which of the following global trends is most responsible for grassification in Latin America?

The growing demand for meat for domestic markets and for export

In 2002, a raid uncovered 6.5 tons of smuggled ivory that had been shipped to Singapore. How did investigators determine where the ivory had come from?

The investigators used DNA forensics.

Coffee was first grown in Colombia in the 1800s; specifically what part of the country is famous for its coffee production?

The northwestern part of Colombia is most famous for its coffee production.

What is the outside of the coffee bean that is removed during the coffee-making process called?

The outside of the coffee bean is called the cherry.

What is the process of shaking the dried coffee beans in order to remove the chaff called?

The process of removing the chaff from the dried coffee beans is called threshing.

What evidence demonstrates the resilience of Indian cultures in Latin America?

The survival of Amerindian languages in the region

What is capital leakage?

The vast majority of income generated by Caribbean tourism flows to wealthy hotel and cruise ship owners who reside in the United States and Europe.

Why do the youth of Carolina's village no longer speak Mazahua?

The young children are afraid they will be misunderstood or made fun of at school.

How are maize farmers in Ghana affected by farming subsidies in other countries, like the United States?

They cannot compete with the low price of imported maize.

Why has it been difficult for smoked fish producers in Ghana to meet the EU's rules?

They cannot meet the hygiene requirements.

What caused the Bush people to move away from territory they occupied in what is now the country of South Africa?

They were driven northward by pastoralists and farmers like the Bantu.

What is the name of the practice of the Bush people during which a shaman enters a state of altered consciousness to communicate with the spirit world?

Trance dance

Which of the following factors has emerged as the most significant threat to political stability in Africa?


The dominant climate of Sub-Saharan Africa Is

Tropical wet-dry savanna

Which statement most accurately describes voodoo as a religion?

Voodoo is a polytheistic religion.

What are the origins of Voodoo?

Voodoo originated in the religious practices of western Africa that were brought to Haiti by slaves.

How do most houses in Tijuana get clean water?

Water is delivered to houses by tanker trucks.

What attracts tourists to the Limón area?


In what highly visible way have the older women in Carolina's village maintained their culture on a daily basis?

Wearing traditional clothing that is brightly colorful and decorated and often made by hand

How is the trade of smuggled ivory generally arranged?

Zambian elephants are killed; ivory is smuggled to Malawi, and then shipped to the far East.

What does the voodoo goddess Mami Wata resemble?

a mermaid

What is a keystone species?

a species that plays a significant ecological role in an area

What is the term for a person who has fled from a conflict, but remains in his or her country of origin?

an internally displaced person

What are the most powerful fetishes within the voodoo religion?

animal parts

In what category are indigenous African religions generally placed?


Why are elephants in Africa often killed?

because poachers can sell their ivory tusks

According to the video, how have pineapple farmers been able to overcome the EU's nontariff barriers?

by producing organic pineapples

Puerto Ricans

can freely move between their island and the United States

The most common form of migration in the Caribbean is

circular migration

The main difference between climate and weather could be succinctly stated as __________.

climate is what you expect over the long term, weather is what you get day-to-day

What racial category was used during Apartheid in South Africa to define people of mixed European and African ancestry?


During El Niño, what is the main force driving the bulge of warm water across the equator from Indonesia to South America?

coriolis effect

Which was not one of the characteristics of plantation America?

crops for domestic consumption

What caused the widespread depletion of biological resources in the Caribbean?

deforestation and agriculture

What was the main cause for the demographic collapse of native Carib peoples in the Caribbean?


Maroon societies were composed of which group of people?

escaped slaves

Ghana relies on __________ for most of its national budget.

foreign aid

According to the video, what is the primary reason developing countries have been able to improve economically?

freer trade

The average number of children born to women in Latin America has been decreasing for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

government penalties for large families

Climate change is one of the most significant issues facing the Caribbean. Which of the following is most likely to occur in the Caribbean as a result of changes in global climate?

increased intensity of storms

Neoliberal economic development calls for all of the following EXCEPT

increased social spending for the poor

The Sahel

is a zone of ecological transition between the Sahara and Sub-Saharan Africa.

The population of Sub-Saharan Africa is characterized by

large family sizes

The Mexican assembly plants found along its border with the United States are known as


A distinguishing social characteristic of the Caribbean region is

matriarchal (female-dominated) households

What is the primary problem that banana farmers face when trying to export to Europe?

meeting the EU rules on the length and width of bananas

The vast majority of people in Latin America are of mixed race ancestry, commonly known as


In the United States, El Niño affects places that otherwise ___________ by redirecting and concentrating storms, not necessarily by increasing the number of storms or amount of moisture.

might have been drier

What are "hankos"?

personal signature stamps used in Japan

Which animal is especially threatened in today's Africa?


Which pattern of migration plays the greatest role in creating and maintaining primate cities in Latin America?

rural-to-urban migration

What is transhumance?

seasonal movement of livestock between wet- and dry-season pastures

The poor tropical soils of Sub-Saharan Africa often require farmers practice

shifting cultivation (swidden)

Historically, what crop has been the most important in the Caribbean?


The two most densely populated regions of Latin America are

the Atlantic coast of Brazil and the area around Mexico City

Which Caribbean country will have the greatest loss of land due to sea-level rise?

the Bahamas

Cuba's key military ally and trading partner during the Cold War was

the Soviet Union

Which country was not in attendance at the Berlin Conference, which divided up Sub-Saharan Africa?

the United States

Which parts of Sub-Saharan Africa are most vulnerable to global climate change?

the arid and semiarid regions

Creolization is

the blending of African, European, and Amerindian cultures in the Caribbean

What is the rimland of the Caribbean?

the coastal zone of the mainland, beginning with Belize and extending along the coast of Central America to northern South America

What is the Caribbean diaspora?

the economic flight of Caribbean peoples across the globe

Maize farmers in Ghana usually sell their crop to __________.

the poultry industry

The highest rates of HIV/AIDS are found in which part of Sub-Saharan Africa?

the southern portion of the region

The CITES treaty from 1989 imposed a ban on what?

the trade in ivory

What is the purpose of the Lusaka Agreement Task Force?

to fight wildlife crime and the illegal trade of wild plants and animals

Which of the following activities is an example of neoliberalism?

transferring the control of a state-run industry to a private corporation

Indication of a strong El Niño event usually begins with ___________.

warmer ocean water along the western coast of South America

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