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sordid; base; filthy; unwholesome; Ex. seamy side of city life Mnemonic : [Sounds like "unseemly".] [a person saying SEE - MY - ****, thats really FILTHY]


sparkle; flash; be animated; be full of life; Ex. scintillating conversation


speak violently or excitedly; rave; talk excitedly showing anger; scold; make a grandiloquent speech. Mnemonics: r-"Ant". When an ant bites, you rant.


spread randomly; sprinkle; scatter; MNEMONIC: strew = threw


(noun) a person who places expediency above principle Mnemonic : An OPPORTUNIST is a person who takes GOOD ADVANTAGE of an available OPPORTUNITY.


(noun) a person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea Mnemonic: person opposite to opponen


(noun) a person who receives support and protection from an influential patron who furthers the protege's career


(noun) a person who speaks more than one language synonyms : linguist Mnemonic : poly(many)+glot(tongue)


(noun) a person who takes a practical approach to problems and is concerned primarily with the success or failure of her actions Mnemonic : pragmatists are PRACtical


(noun) a vast treeless plain in the Arctic regions where the subsoil is permanently frozen Mnemonic: TUNDRA is a region like the SAVANNA, Pampas, Prairies etc.


(noun) a very wealthy or powerful businessman synonyms : baron , big businessman , business leader , king , magnate , mogul , power , top executive Mnemonic: A TYCOON is a POWERFUL, wealthy business magnate. A person who ranks amongst the world's richest.


humor , humour , wit , wittiness mnemonics : Witticism rhymes with critisism. Witticism is a clever remark and critisism is a critical remark, pointing of a fault


humorous imitation, spoof, takeoff, travesty Mnemonic : parody..parrot..always imitates people often in a humorous way.


humorously sarcastic or mocking, dry , ironic , ironical mnemonics : Wry is like cry because they both give your face a contorted look of disgust or disappointment


in essence; for practical purposes.


in former times was free and cultivated his own land, beefeater , yeoman of the guard mnemonics : Yeoman can be compared to ploughman. A yeoman is someone who owns a piece of land and is free to cultivate it, while a ploughman makes one's way laboriously. They are both, therefore using physical resources


inclination; natural tendency Mnemonics : Acclivity- an upward slope; Declivity --a downward slope; Proclivity -- a natural inclination


inclined to cruelty Mnemonic : ( sadistic warden STIC se maarti hai )


inclined to; prostrate Mnemonics : assume that RON of harry potter is inclined to illness


include (as a member of a group); encompass Mnemonics : subsume -- sub + sum + e. Sum -- summing. summing something means adding up and hence to include everything.




indescent Mnemonic : ( CURRY kharab banane par hotel owner passed scurrilous remarks for his head chef ) [ Scurrilous sounds like hurry(quick) less. People give abusive remarks who is slow in doing work.]


induce; triumph over Mnemonics : vail sounds like vel(which lord muruga has) by which he can win all the battle


influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering mnemonics : wheedle..wheed(SOUNDS LIKE NEED)...when we NEED something very urgently we try to obtain it in whatever way possible, be it by flattery or deception.


influenced by personal feelings; occurring or taking place within the mind; unreal;


influincing future development Mnemonic : [ SEMINAL is like SEMI fINAL s in future] ( seminal seminar in our colg on future technology development )


introductory Mnemonics : you can find the Preface in every book , which is the introductory part, PREFAtory.


lavish expenditure; overabundant condition Mnemonics : WHERE THERE IS FUSION (EXPLOSION, ABUNDANCE MUCH) OF MONEY


law enacted by the legislature MNEMONIC : statutory warning


recollection Mnemonics : Can break it as re + mini + scene - recollecting mini scenes from our past memories


reconstruct (a sentence, story, statue, etc.); Mnemonics: re (again) +cast (to form)....and recasting something means, to bring a change in the existing form and presenting it again. Fashion again


recover; return to health; regain; Mnemonics : the last part sounds like operate...so after the operation, patient recovers


refine; purify; replace (natural urges) with socially acceptable activities; change between a solid state and a gaseous state MNEMONIC: lime juice refines us..


refutation; response with contrary evidence; V. rebut: refute; disprove. Mnemonics : ebuttal~refutal--> refu(refuse) + tal(at all) .... one who refuese to listen at all and gives proof to falsify it!


reject bluntly; snub; beat back; Mnemonics: re (reject) + buff (bluff) -> you will reject/snub/beat back what a bluff (person who pretends or lies) says!


reject disdainfully; scorn; MNEMONIC : spur is to give heart to i.e., help. spurn is to reject help.


relating to a unifying motif or idea Mnemonics : Thematic and Topic are rhyming words which refer to a subject being discussed.


relating to space MNEMONIC : spatial--sounds like special--ANYTHING related to SPACE IS always special.


relating to the stars Mnemonics : imagine u are walking on the street and the person walking SIDEt to u is a superstar celebrity...you think that u are dreaming but REAL


remainder Mnemonics : Remainders on u r phones say u 'rem(remember )+na or+nt(not)


remedy, compensation Mnemonics : REDRESS=RE+dress. So 're' is a prefix which means afresh. Since all the clothes have been burnt in the fire accident, you redress, i.e. get dresses afresh for which you were paid a SUM OF MONEY AS COMPENSATION FOR YOUR LOSS Or Redress is: "relief from distress"


renovate, make bright by polishing by changing one character b to n we get REFURNISH. i.e. refurnishing something - renovate or make bright by furnishing again. Or Sounds like Re-furnish or again developing something which refurbish means refurnish--making things brighter and prettier.




repay Mnemonics : reimburse-re +i(m)+purse-i repay using my purse


repay, revenge Mnemonics : re+QUITE one would be quiet only after taking his REVENGE or after he is repaid.




replace; cause to be set aside; make obsolete; N. supersession Mnemonics : when a SUPER new thing arrives, we REPLACE /SET ASIDE the old thing because it is OBSOLETE..


representation of words in the form of pictures or symbols; puzzle in which pictures or letters stand for words; Mnemonics: Ex. ``R U 18'' is a rebus for ``Are you 18''.


reproduce, duplicate


request earnestly; seek Mnemonics : when u want to seek help from others u make sit in a comfortable chair and request ur needs


requiring sitting; done while sitting; not moving from one place to another; settled; Ex. sedentary job/population Mnemonic: ["sed"iment means dust that sits.] [dentary- dentist u require a lot of sitting to make ur teeth healthy]


rescue from loss,saving Mnemonic:[solve the water problem by salvage] ( SAAL bhar apni WAGE bachana to rescue from salvage )


resembling or characteristic of a fox mnemonics : PINE is sharp, thus it makes the syn :clever, crafty, cunning, foxy, ingenious, shrewdness, skillful, sly, tricky, wily.


restate a passage in one's own words while retaining thought of author


restore in a good condition, renew


restore to proper condition Mnemonics : Re+habits... wn ever v consider are habits again...v want r habits to be gud n in proper conditions


restrain, crush, oppress


restrained , self controlled Mnemonics: Temper + ate.U ate the temper,,you reduced your temper,that is you reduced your anger and you Feel self controlled.


slight offense Mnemonic : "pecc" (actually, pecado) refers to "mistake" as in impeccable. pecking others etc., So, peccadillo means small mistake


slip or slide Mnemonics : slither sounds like slide..


slope; inclined plane or roadway (connecting two levels)


slow up; loosen Mnemonics : s-lack is the lack of speed.


slow-moving tree-dwelling mammal Mnemonics : "slow"th


slow; lazy; lethargic Mnemonics : slug moves very slow... hence lazy


small opening; outlet Mnemonics : He WENT out through the VENT.


small shiny metallic piece sewn to clothing for ornamentation MNEMONIC : The Spangle on the saree matches the bangles.


small, light sailboat or rowboat Mnemonics : SKIFFs SKIP on the water.


small, poor bed Mnemonic : Pal+ let: take the word let as 'late' in hindi ( to lie down) and if u with your pal lie on a single bed and then it seems to be small and like in hostels...if all your pals try to be in on a single bed then there are chances...It may break.so of poor quality.


smirk; smile affectedly Mnemonics : your smile should be simple...not simper


soak thoroughly; imbue; impregnate; charge; fill to capacity Mnemonic : [ the "rate" of population growth got saturated to the capacity in which India "sat" at the top]


soak; saturate; MNEMONIC: steep~weep ; when you weep your cheeks steep !


soaked; dull, as if from drink Mnemonics : 1)SODDEN ...remove the 'o' and replace it with 'a',u get sadden(ed)...so when u are saddened u look so DULL 2) You got SOaked by a suDDEN shower. SO+DDEN.


social outcast Mnemonic : consider it as paraya.. which in Hindi means stranger. hence it could be an outcast


someone who bears the blame for others; whipping boy; CF. escape+goat Mnemonic: [one who becomes goat- bakara].


someone who can make his or her voice seem to come from another person or thing Mnemonics : Ventriloquist and vocalist sound the same and they refer to the vocal chords. A vantriloquist is an entertainer who can throw his voice in such a manner that it seems to be coming from a puppet, a vocalist refers to a singer


someone who dissipates resources self-indulgently mnemonics : 1.wast(waste)+rel(rail)...so a person who is throwing waste materials in a rail. 2. A wastrel is a person who wastes money on self-indulgence, is a profligate.


someone who wastes money MNEMONIC : Spend - drift sounds similar to spend-thrift."drift means to force that something moves around"


something originally of little value or importance that in time becomes very valuable Mnemonics : parents may scold u because u sleep a lot--- but they don't know how valuable u are ?


song of praise or joy Mnemonic : Paean sounds like pain...n if achieve sumthg after taking pains then you will listen praise for yourself played on piano....


(:verb) make into a powder by breaking up or cause to become dust "pulverize the grains" synonyms : powder , powderise , powderize , pulverise Mnemonic : it sounds like powderize and so it means


(N) last demand; last warning; last statement of conditions that must be met; Ex. They have ignored our ultimatum. Mnemonics : Ultimatum.Utimate + Term (condition). These are the ultimate terms and conditions that have to be met...this is the final ultimatum.


(adj.) having a natural fragrance;(adj.) morally offensive Mnemonic : 1. odori relates to odour/smell. 2. ferous related to ferocious and hence offensive


(adj.) without mercy or pity


(noun) a formal exposition Mnemonic: focus on TREATI..almost same as TREATY...now remember treaty between two nations, so it must be a formal written document


(noun) any severe mental disorder in which contact with reality is lost or highly distorted


(noun) outlying areas (as of a city or town)


(noun) using words that imitate the sound they denote Mnemonic : onoma (name) + poi (poet).. names that a poet uses to express natural sounds..


(verb)dig up - discover (facts) by careful searching; Ex. He unearthed some secrets about her; synonyms : excavate /antonym: conceal Mnemonics : he was digging up(unearth) the earth to DISCOVER the fossils of the animals.


1. (noun) any of various substances of either mineral origin or plant or animal origin; they are solid at normal temperatures and insoluble in water 2. Wax-(verb) go up or advance, climb, mount, rise, full. mnemonics : If you go for WAXing( A technique to remove hair from your skin..usually ladies go for it) once..next time the hair growth on your skin INCREASES GRADUALLY)


1. a convex shape that narrows toward a point, diminish gradually 2. candle (A lighted TAPER ) Mnemonics : Remember your workshop course - you would've done tapering. Otherwise, think of a hose pipe connecting to a tap. Its width decreases gradually.


A display of bad temper, Caprice Mnemonics : Sounds like "tantra mantra". We do tantra mantra to get rid of the bad temper if someone has due to evil souls entering someone's body


Biologist who specializes in the classification of organisms into groups on the basis of their structure and origin and behavior Mnemonics : taxo(classifying into different catagories or arranging in an order...) + nomist(one who names the things.)


Echoing ; resounding ; deep & full in sound. Mnemonics : resonance--> well known coaching institute...per batch 100-200 students ..and all making lots of noise(mastikhor hai sab ke sab) hence ..full of sound


Immature; half-baked, like a sophomore


Inlaid , mosiac


Pompous walk MNEMONIC: rhymes with SLUT - imagine the way she walks...pompous, with head erect and chest thrown out.


Recover ; find and bring in


Subordinate MNEMONIC: SUB+ALTERNate.....an alternate, someone who is inferior (sub)in position, meaning a SUBORDINATE.


Swollen, pompous, bombastic Mnemonic: tumid has the first three letters common with TUMOUR, which is a swollen mass or ball of cells. So tumid is swollen, or distended.


a (usually) large and scholarly book Mnemonics: TOME is the Home of a book or a large volume.


a colony of rabbits mnemonicsv: WAR+ren(rain)--during AR and heavy RAIN time ..people choose to move to safer places and thus overcrowed the living area


a confused multitude of things,clutter , fuddle , jumble , mare's nest , muddle , smother. mnemonics : Welter is like helter-skelter. Welter means a state of turmoil, while helterskelter means, in a disorderly haste...thereby showing a confusion


a connection (like a clamp or vise) between two things so they move together,coupling,link mnemonics : replace y with j joke, you know a joke and a laugh brings, joins people together.


a disposition to exhibit uncontrolled anger


a farm implement used to break up the surface of the soil (for aeration and weed control and conservation of moisture) Mnemonics: TILL used to tilt the upper surface of the soil


a fervent and even militant proponent of something mnemonics : zealot-zeal + lot a person possessing a lot of zeal


a gradual decline (in size or strength or power or number) ,ebb, ebbing. mnemonics : Wane and pain are similar because wane is a decrease in vigour and if you are in pain you certainly lose vigour


a great quantity; Ex. scads of clothes Mnemonic : [Scad == Sc + Ad. Scads of ads coming on TV nowadays....scad - add add add]


a hand tool that is used to hold or twist a nut or bolt, spanner, twist. mnemonics : Wrench sounds like drench. if you do not use the wrench properly to fix the tap, you are sure to get drenched (wet).


a homeless child especially one forsaken or orphaned mnemonics : If your wife doesnot treat you well, you will become a "waif".


a legal document issued by a court or judicial officer mnemonics : Writ and script sound the same,writ is a formal written authoritative command while a script is a text of a play,novel etc.


a long flag; often tapering,pennant, pennon, streamer. mnemonics : sounds like "raft", which is used for travelling on water. It gently sails through the sea waves...drifting in the breeze


a lumpy abscess under the hide of domestic mammals caused by larvae of a botfly or warble fly, sing by changing register; sing by yodeling, descant, quaver, trill Mnemonics : Warble can be broken into WAR+Ble(bell), now picture the scene before war, soldiers play drums and BELL and SING patriotic songs


a man who is a stupid incompetent fool, buffoonish , clownish , clownlike mnemonics : 1.zany sounds like Johnny,Johnny Walker, a comedian with a zany sense of humour 2. Zany sounds like Fany, Goa's famous liquor which when drunk in excess ,can drive you crazy so that you start behaving like an incompetent fool..


a medicine or therapy that cures disease or relieve pain Mnemonics : therape(therapy) + eutic..a therapy to cure something.so therapeutic means curative


a miserly person Mnemonics: tight + wad,,a person who is tight or very miserly when it comes to spending money,,we generally say he is a tight handed person..that means he is a miser


a person who is not very intelligent or interested in culture, bumpkin , chawbacon , hayseed , hick , rube , yahoo mnemonics : Yokel sounds like total,a person who is a total fumbler.


a person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage;A flatterer Mnemonics: Sir, "TODAY"(toady) you look very ...... (this an act of pleasing someone in order to gain a personal advantage.)


a political unit governed by a group of religious people Mnemonics: theo(means god)+cracy..(goverment...) goverment by god or religious people


a powerful circular current of water (usually the result of conflicting tides), maelstrom, whirlpool, convolution, swirl, whirl. mnemonics : A Vortex creates turbulence, thereby wreaking havoc


a raised or strengthened seam. a raised mark on the skin (as produced by the blow of a whip); characteristic of many allergic reactions, wale , weal , wheal, flog , lash , lather , slash , strap , trounce , whip mnemonics : sounds like BELT...having been beaten by a belt, he had marks all over his body.


a reflex response to sudden pain mnemonics : it is similarly to rinse ,rinse means drown up.So we will move back,or shrink because of fear


a religious doctrine that is proclaimed as true without proof, dogma Mnemonics : TENET rhymes with TENANT...so the tenants were given a set of DOCTRINE by the owner before they could occupy the house


a substance that changes readily from solid or liquid to a vapor,fickle, explosive.


a sudden happening that brings good fortune (as a sudden opportunity to make money) mnemonics : WIND+FALL.When the WIND blows, fruits FALL


a tiny or scarcely detectable amount,scintilla, shred. mnemonics : whit has the same sound as BIT.so, a bit means something small in amount.


a viewer who enjoys seeing the sex acts or sex organs of others mnemonics : A voyeur is a vulgar person.


a vigil held over a corpse the night before burial,aftermath,backwash, viewing, arouse, waken up, come alive. mnemonics : Wake--wake "UP"--when you wake up in the morning, your brain attains conscious state from sleeping state, thus making your mind alert.`


a yearning for something or to do something, hankering, ache , languish , pine , yearn mnemonics : see the similarity in the words yen n yearn


abandon, disown, repudiate Mnemonics : satyam announce to renounce ramalinga raju(CEO)


abdominal Mnemonics : ventral--> "central", for example the abdomen which is in the central part of the body.


ability to foretell the future Mnemonics : PRE(before)SCIENCE we had prophets to know the future


able to be touched; real; concrete; palpable; possible to realize or understand; Ex. tangible proof .Mnemonics : 1. Tangible or say Physical - something that can be sensed or felt by touch. 2.tangible ~ touchable Thing which can be touch and sense. ex tangible result


abstain from, resist Mnemonics : refrain= re + frain ...here frain sounds like train .. high society people RESIST traveling by train....


abstruse; not easily understood; profound; secret Mnemonics: recon-dite: recon sounds like reckon which means guess...if a question is DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND u will GUESS the answer


absurd; ridiculous Mnemonics : PRE means before POST means after but together in a single word pre+post+erous seems ABSURD.


abundantly fruitful Mnemonics : prolific ~ pro (production) + life; now try to relate meaning of prolific with 'production of life'.


abusive; scolding Mnemonics : Remember the 'IT' (telephone) operator we always abuse and scold, for the internet connection being so slow


accidental transposition of sounds in successive words; MNEMONIC : It is like speaking with a spoon in the mouth - unclear and confused.


act of dissecting living animals Mnemonics :vVivisection means disection.


act of finding the total; summing-up; summary (esp. one given by the judge at the end of a trial)


active strength Mnemonics : eager (rhymes) to do something


amends, compensation Mnemonics : compare it with making repairs


an established custom mnemonics : Wont is similar to want.you want (wish) to do something and in wont you are accustomed to do something.


an indolent or clumsy rolling about, rejoice, triumph, welter, billow. mnemonics : look for wall in word wallow and imagine a wall surrounding you which is not allowing you to go anywhere, which makes u helpless


an instance of accomplishing something by scheming or trickery, finagle, manage, cook, fake, falsify, fudge, manipulate, misrepresent mnemonics : wan(VAN)+gle(gal)--if you want a GIRL TO SIT IN YOUR VAN--you HAVE to PLAY SOME TRIcKS WITH HER , like you have to persuade her to come with you by making fabricated stories and fake offeres


an instance of intense argument (as in bargaining), dustup ,quarrel , row , run-in , words, brawl, haggle , haggling , wrangling mnemonics : wr+angle=wr(wrong+angle).if you view your friend's statement from a wrong angle, its likely to cause a dispute between the two of you, which might even turn bitter and noisy


ancestor Mnemonics : Pro + Genesis


ancient paper made from stem of papyrus plant


animal or plant living on another, toady, sycophant


annoy; distress Mnemonics : very similar to wax and LADIES go for waxing, even though it is a very painful and annoying process.


appearance of truth; likelihood Mnemonics : ver + similar + tude; 'ver' means true and 'tude' means a state, so 'verisimilitude'means 'the state of being true'.


appease Mnemonics : propiti + ate .. propiti sounds very close to property.. + ate. so just imagine if you elder brother ate (here it means encroach) all your property.you will quarrel with him... your father will try to appease or pacify you.


approve formally; confirm; verify. Mnemonics : ratify =satisfy you are satisfied only when you approve to or with something.


approve; ratify; N: permission; penalty intended to enforce compliance Mnemonic : [saction of food grains for the rats @ ur kitchen]


arrangement of parts so that balance is obtained; congruity; ADJ. symmetrical


arrogant; taking liberties, going beyond what is right Mnemonics : LOOK FOR esum(ASSUME)...SO HAVING an assumption that what you think is always right.


artificial channel for directing or controlling the flow of water. Mnemonics : Divide 'sluice' into 'slow','ice'.when ice slowly melts in the Arctic region then the nearby areas are flooded and we need a sluice, which means watergates, to control the flow of water and protect the people.


as with a loss of moisture, shrink , shrivel , shrivel up,fade mnemonics : wither = with + her when a lover wants to spend time with her, generally his money is going to decay,


assist (someone in difficulty); aid; comfort; N. Mnemonics : 1. Succour in hindi sounds like sukkar(IYA)....SUKKARIYA.....means thanks....so to whom do we say sukkariya or thanks??...obviously to someone who HELPS or ASSISTS us in OUR DIFFICULT TIME ..OR in a time of difficulty. 2.This word sounds like Shakkar/(Sugar) in Hindi.. we usually go to our Neighbors when our sugar gets over... So in a way we seek their assistance in the time of difficulty.


assuage or satisfy (thrust); slake; douse or extinguish; put out; suppress. Mnemonics: rhymes with drench (which also means the same).


atmospheric conditions.


bad-tempered; rude; cross Mnemonics : sur+ly,focus on sur,SOUNDS LIKE SIR,,so THINK OF our school SIR,,who was very BAD TEMPERED AND RUDE..who use to beat us whenever we hadn't completed our home work on time


banish(drive away) to an inferior position Mnemonics : relegate..split it like rele(relatives+gate)your relatives are crying at THE GATE because you are not allowing them to enter your house, you have put them in a worse place i.e the GATE WHICH IS ALMOST LIKE A FOOTPATH


be immersed in, roll around,wallow


behaving like a slave; servile; obsequious; subordinate; N. subservience Mnemonics : 1. sub+servient..servient sounds like servent.....a servent is a slave or one who is low in rank or position so subordinate. 2. sub+servient...so remember it as 'serving' as a 'sub'. Sub means below par or dignity, therefore the meaning goes as "behaving like a slave".


belligerence aroused by a real or supposed wrong (personified as one of the deadly sins) mnemonics : w+rath-- due to an argumentative conversation on last night or RAAT(rath)..you are still in anger with your husband


below the threshold of conscious perception; Mnemonics : sub means smaller. liminal (minimal) is pertaining to limit. smaller than a limit. • focus on word sub( the word sub means something which is of lower level than waht you expect.)


bending of a ray of light


beyond that which is normal in nature Mnemonics : preter+natural. i.e. remember Spider man(PETER) who had super normal power.


binding; rigid; marked by scarcity of money; MNEMONIC: STRI(Lady) N GENT are binded together- both have to follow some rules when they are together.


blood feud Mnemonics : Ven (when)- d (the)- etta (attack),,when they attack each other they are in vendetta.


bloody,creating blood,cruel bad Mnemonic : [I became sang'uinary to kill him when he sang a song] (NARI ke saath sanguinary relationship )


board on which painter mixes pigments Mnemonic: Sounds like plate...d plate on which painter mixes paint.


boat or yacht race Mnemonics : regatta~calcutta + satta ; There was a satta (challenge) between two groups to win a regatta in the bay of bengal in calcutta...and i am going to watch it !! :):)


bold Mnemonics : venturesome sounds like adventure + some which means taking risks and be bold


boldness ,rashness Mnemonics : Temerity (boldness) is the opposite of timidity, which means fear or shyness.


bombastic; stiffly pompous; MNEMONIC: when you are stilted you are still and tilted


border; edge Mnemonics : put for 'r' 'd'—verge-edge


branch out; divide into branches or subdivisions. Mnemonics : amify sounds similar to classify ram + ify = class + ify


branching out; subdivision; one branch of a system; one of the results following from an action or decision; Mnemonics : Bhagwan Ram and his brothers were subdivided, i.e., two were sent to the jungle and while the other two stayed in the kingdom. So, ramification means subdivision. Ramification. In mathematics (geometrical term)...We use this term. Where we see that square root function of a complex number can be seen having two branches. And both of them differing in sign.


brief and to the point; effectively cut short Mnemonics : TERSE rhymes with VERSE. Just a verse is always CONCISE and PITHY


brightly shining, gleaming Mnemonics : refulgent sounds like detergent.. use detergent to make things shine


broad-bladed instrument used for spreading or mixing


brother or sister


bundle of stalks of grain; any bundle of things tied together Mnemonics : Remeber it with chef,a chef brings a bundle of grain sacks for cooking..Has a gud stock in kitchen for preparing food.


calmness; placidity Mnemonics : renity--> in the rainy season if it rains well, the farmers released from stress.


capable of being bribed Mnemonics : ve + nal = we null ....we can be easily bribed as we are null in terms of money.


capable of being repaired


capable of being stretched. Mnemonics : Tensile and Ductile have one thing in common. They both refer to something that is easily strechable.


capable of grasping or holding Mnemonics : PRE(before)+HENS+ILE before the hens can escape we have to grasp & hold them


capable of maintaining life; practicable; workable Mnemonics : viable SURVIVABLE !


capable of sensation and conscious; aware; sensitive;Ex. sentient creature; N. sentience Mnemonic: [Sentimental people are sentinent.]


capricious, impulsive mnemonics : Whimsical sounds like comical,whimsical is impulsive, playful.comical is amusing and funny.


careful and diligent in the use of resources Mnemonics : Thrifty and Safety go hand in hand. It is for our own safety to be thrifty (to use resources thoughtfully).


carefully contrived; calculated; unspontaneous; deliberate; thoughtful;


case for a sword blade; sheath Mnemonic : [S (Sword) + CABBARD (Cupboard), so you can say that it is a sword's cupboard or a case!]


charming , magic , magical , sorcerous , witching , wizard


charming in a childlike or naive way mnemonics : you can win some one only if you are charming and attractive..




cheater Mnemonics : Swindler -- sWINDler -- A swindler changes his mind just like WIND direction


cheerful,hopeful Mnemonic : ( sonu nigam n alka yagni ek saath SANG karte the they had sanguine relationship ) [I feel sanguine on seeing penguin,they are optimistic and hopeful]


children; offspring, Mnemonics :progenitor son...progeny


church dignitary Mnemonics : bishops come late because they start the prayer after everyone gather


clamorous; noisy Mnemonics :take the second part of word --> FEROUS !!! it is oer of IRON,so when iron peices collide with each other ... they make noise !! "" ferous -> iron -> collide to make noise.


clear of charges Mnemonics : vidicate,split it like vin(WIN) + di(the) + cate(case).,so when you win a case IN a COURT,it means you are freed FROM ACCUSATION AND CHARGES...you are freed from blame.


clever reply Mnemonics : re+partee..partee..sounds like party..... imagine a woman at a party with her cleverness and adroitness in her talks fetches everyone's attention towards her


clever; astute


computer network that spans a wider area than does a local area network,pale, palid, sick. mnemonics : WAN for WANting color; so it is pale


conceal; hide away or cache; produce and release a substance into an organism; CF. secretive


conceited smile Mnemonics : SMIle+IRK....meaning SMILE IN AN IRKY MANNER OR IRRITATED MANNER


condition of being squalid; filth; degradation; dirty neglected state; MNEMONIC : squal = sucking quality.


conference Mnemonic : Parley sounds like parliament... where CONFERENCE is held between opponents.


conquer; bring under control MNEMONIC: It sounds like: subdue + gate. i.e., put the gate down i.e., conquer a place.


conscientious; extremely thorough; Ex. scrupulous worker Mnemonic : [scrupulous sounds like "trouble less". A person who is EXTREMELY THOROUGH is trouble less.]


conspicuous; notable; protruding


construction that is flagrantly incorrect grammatically Mnemonics : solecism(sol+e+C.M) sol means speak(tamil) when CM was speaking on a live telecast he spoke wrong grammatically.


contemptible; despicable; N: disease caused by deficiency of Vitamin C Mnemonic : [SCURVY is a deadly disease. So people suffering from this vitamin c deficiency are low in health. [the survey gave that many have disease caused by vitamin C ]


created by statute or legislative action; regulated by statute; MNEMONIC : related to "statute".


criticize harshly Mnemonic : Think of pan( in hindi ), when the people who eats and then splits on grnd.they are harshly criticized.




cure-all, remedy for diseases Mnemonic : Panacea is a biotech firm which produces medicines to cure all diseases.


curious; suggesting puzzlement (without saying); questioning; teasing; mocking; bantering; Mnemonics: FOCUS ON QUIZZ+ICAL..quizes increase curiosity. quizzical =quizz+comical =quizz(curious) in a comical (teasing,mocking) way.


cut small bits or pare shavings from mnemonics : hittle reminds us of Hitler who cut things into smaller also just focus on "hit" part of this.


deadlock; situation in which further action is blocked MNEMONIC : STALE(bad) + MATE(lifemate) -> You have got a bad life mate, and now you cannot do anything about it, you are at a standstill, a deadlock.


deceptive scheme; clever trick MNEMONIC: strategy to deceive some one


decrepit; run down; disrepution; shabby and untidy Ex. seedy downtown hotel Mnemonic: [seedy~bidi : one who smokes bidi (gen. workers) are shabby and untidy and they are morally degraded (generally rowdy by nature + smoking is not good] ( seedy place pe pirated CD milti hain. )


denoting an unobstructed and comprehensive view Mnemonic : There is a book named panorama..which contains the information of everything.


deny, go back on, fail to fulfill a promise or obligation Mnemonics: renege seems lke rehne de.. so rehne de promise mat kar coz i the end you will renege(won't fulfill it or deny it) or sumthng


deserter, traitor Mnemonics : renegade sounds like grenade. A person who throws a grenade in his own country is a Traitor. Or re+negade(sounds like negate....means deny...something) so a traiter..DENIES to accept his children and wife.....betraying his loved ones.LEAVING THEM ALONE TO SUFFER..deserting his family's faith..so a deserter


deserving blame Mnemonics : It sounds like opposite of apprehensible and apprehensible sounds like derived from appreciate..so reprehensible is something which is not appreciated


deserving high respect Mnemonics : VANAR(monkeys in the Ramayana ) were ABLE to respect HANUMAN because he was the strongest of them all.


direct financial aid by government, etc.; V. subsidize: assist with a subsidy


divide into parts


draw out a discussion or process in order to gain time Mnemonics: If you are not able to memorize the GRE words properly you temporize your plan to schedule the exam date immediately


dress or groom oneself with care Mnemonics :Relate primp to prom. People groom themselves with care before proms.


drink greedily Mnemonics : When you swill a liquid, there is a chance it might spill on you.


drink moderately but regularly: Mnemonics: Reminds of tippu sultan. Kings we see in films usually drink and enjoy.


drive away, disgust




engrossed; absorbed; enchanted. Mnemonics : My many friends read rape news with rapt attention.


enjoy; have a distinctive flavor, smell, or quality; N: taste or smell; distinctive quality Mnemonic : [SAVOR and FLAVOR are rhyming words. You savor (feel the taste) the flavor (taste) of the food you eat.]


enormous; marvelous Mnemonics : see the digi part—(if we have a digital calculator we can add enormous amount of numbers


entertain Mnemonics : Regal is a famous movie theatre in Delhi,so REGAL+E(entertaintment) Or re+gale(remember chris gayle )if he comes to bat again he always provides entertainment to audience


enthusiasm; liveliness Mnemonics : put n instead of v---Opposite is nerve (nervous)


entreating; beseeching; N. Mnemonics : 1. God, please SUPPLY me what I wANT.. a humble request! 2. supple & pliant mean "flexible". Both together mean "very flexible" i.e.,begging like.


equality, close resemblance Mnemonic : parity...in maths..parity means to find the EQUALITY BETWEEN TWO numbers whether the number is EVEN OR ODD


excessive; overabundant; unnecessary; N. superfluity Mnemonics : divide it as super+flow.. when there is large(super) flow of money, it becomes EXCESSIVE / OVERABUNDANCE of wealth..


fear of foreigners or strangers mnemonics : Break it like X +ENO +Phobia . ENO stands for English national opera.. Phobia means an extreme fear of a particular thing or situation. Means one who hates ENO (foreign culture). means dislike or fear of foreigners


feelings; sentry; lookout; lookout man , picket , scout , sentry , spotter , watch a person employed to keep watch for some anticipated event Mnemonic: [ u will be having 100[senti] policemen for evet sentimeter of a museum]( sentinel at rose garden put senti lovers under nal )


feign Mnemonics : heard of simulation??? Means imitating a molecule's environment to make a model of the molecule to study its properties... (not to be confused with stimulate)


felt in one's inner organs Mnemonics : Visceral and internal are similar and mean - inside.


female fox; ill-tempered woman. Mnemonics : oxen means cow who is very generous female. vixen is opp. of oxen which is wicked, ill-tempered woman or fox.


fill up again Mnemonics : replenish ~ re + plant (in plenty) the forest which had been emptied before


filled to the brim or to the point of being stuffed, abundantly supplied deplete, complete, replete all relate to the quantity of something


filthy; foul; base; vile; MNEMONIC : (SORDID)SORry I DID this FILTHY, VILE thing.


firmness , persistence determination,strong Mnemonics: Tenacity and Frailty are rhyming words with opposite meanings. While tenacity stands for firmness,strength, frailty refers to weakness or fragility


flexible; limber; pliant Mnemonics : 1. Playing cards can be SHUFFLED because they are SUPPLE 2. supple = chappal.. now the rexona ki chappal or any other slippers should be flexible and easy to bend in order to be a good chappal.. so a chappal shoul be supple or flexible, pliable ! :)


flimsy; unsubstantial Mnemonics : sounds like sneeze which is flimsy and dirty..


floor made of wood strips inlaid in a mosaic like pattern Mnemonic : sounds like carpet. which is made of different design.


following in time or order; later


food Mnemonics : Viand and mind,If you do not eat good food (viand), you will not have a healthy mind.


food Mnemonics : Victuals- consider vituals as victim... if people don't get food they become victims of hunger


forecasted course of a disease; prediction Mnemonics : prognosis = pro+diagnosis, pro= think forward, diagnosis = cause of disease, it means to predict the features of a disease before the disease itself.


former occupant of a post


fragment, generally of pottery Mnemonics : s + hard..it is very HARD to join the broken FRAGMENTS OF POTTERY.


fragrant, odorous, suggestive of an odor Mnemonics : re-odo-lent: reminder of "odor".


fret, complain Mnemonics: re+pine, pine rhymes with wine, so when you are given a wine that is not proper, you will COMPLAIN


fundamental reason or principle (on which a system or principle is based); fundamental reason or justification; grounds for an action.


ghostly; MNEMONIC : Specs mein she looks spectral.


gift for finding valuable or desirable things by accident; Mnemonics : Watch Serendipity movie & you will always remember this word.


grand suggesting great expense; lavish; rich; Mnemonics : 1. divide it like sumptu+ous;just focus on the SUMPT+U,SOUNDS LIKE SAMPAT(I)(IN HINDI..DHAN SAMPATI)SO SAMPATI MEANS MONEY,well if you have a lot of sumpati or money, you will spend it LAVISHLY,you will buy be able to buy all luxury. 2. just focus on SUM(means whole amount)+ptuous.....well you have decided to spend whole amount of yours ( around a crore )on your wedding..so you are trying to be sumptuous.


grant in a condescending manner mnemonics : A voucher is valuable, and where do we keep valuables - in a safea safe is a guaranteed security, therefore vouchsafe.


green coating on copper which has been exposed to the weather. Mnemonics : verd means green and take gris as grease. So, a coating of a green colour on metal.


green crust on old bronze works, tone slowly taken by varnished painting Mnemonic : Patila(a utensil made of copper) gets rusted and a green layer called patina is formed on it. Or patina sounds like patna where u find green crust on old bronze works


hardship; want Mnemonics : Take it as PRIVACY.. what do YOU need for privacy, a room, house, but if you dont even have that then? its a life of hardship i.e., a lack of the basic things that people need for living


harshness; plainness Mnemonics : it tamil sever means wall... the walls of the house falls down during an earth quake which is harsh and violent


haughty; arrogant; condescending; patronizing; CF. eyebrow, cilium Mnemonics : 1. split it like SUPER+CILI(sounds like SILLY)+o+US......now think of our SUPER SENIORs in our college . ..who were very ARROGANT IN NATURE..and were very keen to exhibit their superiority over us hence treated us in a very silly way.. 2. super-chilli-ous chilli means hot and can also be related to arrogant


having a saw-toothed edge Mnemonics :'serr.. serr.. serr...' sounds like carpenter's work using the saw..


having many talents; capable of working in many fields Mnemonics : Versatile and mobile sound the same and they both mean, mobility (to be able to move).


having no motion; unchanging; lacking development;


having or marked by a strong tendency especially a controversial one Mnemonics: tendentious - rearrange the words to make - Tend or Tendency + ious or bias. So, we can say that tendentious is a tendency to get biased.


having the odor of stale or decomposing fat; rank. Mnemonics: ran+acid(acid)...presence of acid(secreted by bacteria during the process of fermentation) in curd makes the curd bitter in taste and bad in smell


having the title of an office without the obligations Mnemonics: TITULAR - TIT + U + LAR - TITLED + YOU + ARE. You are given a imp position.but unfortunately with no power.


having to do with predicting the future. Mnemonics : remember harry potter's prophecy.


head off; forestall by acting first; appropriate for oneself; supplant Mnemonics : divide it like - PRE(means BEFORE) + EMPT(EMPTY).IMAGINE YOU get the news that there is a bomb in your room.you EMPTY the ROOM WITHOUT DETECTING IT ..so as to PREVENT, in advance, any kind of mishap.


headland Mnemonics : romon sounds like roman(roman people had elevated land for defense)




hermit; loner; ADJ. reclusive Mnemonics : recLUSE : read luse as lose ; if u lose in any game u like to live alone


hesitate for ethical reasons; fret about; Ex. She did not scruple to read his diary; N: uneasy feeling arising from conscience; conscience Mnemonic : [scruple-couples(lovers) think to elope ,but they scruple ,hesitate to do that [Scruple sounds like trouble,hesitate of being into troubles]


highly gifted child; marvel Mnemonics : Person with exceptional talents is proud ji(prodigy)


highly skilled artist Mnemonics : One who has many "virtues" is called a virtuoso.


hinder or prevent Mnemonics: this word sounds like THROAT,,so if someone squeezes your throat your air passages will get blocked.


hold back, refuse to hand over or share, deduct , recoup Mnemonic : swith+hold,if you hold back the library book and refuse to return it on time,you are withholding it


hunt through discarded materials for usable items or food; search, especially for food; N. scavenger: one who scavenges; animal that feeds on refuse and carrion Mnemonic: [ Remeber it with vultures, eagles which are well known scavengers..] [taking revenge on discarded materials by hunting them and again using...]


hypocritical, displaying ostentatious or hypocritical devoutness; Mnemonic : [Santa Claus is sanctimonious] ( MONI is a sanctimonious persobnality )


idealistic but impractical; Mnemonics : quixotic=quick+sotic (sortic)...if u sort out things quickly without thinking u'll be FOOLISH AND IMPRACTICAL.


imitation of another's style in musical composition or in writing Mnemonic : PASTi+CHE.pasti.PASTE.we do copy PASTE.while copying we imitate the style of others and paste it where we want Or past+iche ITCHING to copy from the PAST Movie songs.


impression produced by achievements or reputation Mnemonics :if we have a competition for whistling, prestige cooker will win ang gets the reputation...


impressionable; easily influenced; sensitive; having little resistance as to a disease; likely to suffer; receptive to; capable of accepting; Ex. susceptible to persuasion/colds;


inquiry; question;


insignificant, petty, trifling Mnemonic : Pal+try. sumthg tried only for a moment (pal) is insignificant.Or trying to impress sum1 in a moment is of no use.


insult to one's character or reputation; slander Mnemonics : slur ~ blur : Blur is something that is not clear to the eyes (vision) and Slur is not clear in Sound !


insult to one's dignity; snub


intense mournfulness,suffering. mnemonics : Woe and sorrow both sound as well as mean the same distress, misfortune.


interdependent relationship (between groups, species) often mutually beneficial; ADJ. symbiotic; CF. together + life Mnemonics : 1. split it like sym(simi)lar+bio+sis..so two sis(ters)..who are sharing BIOlogically similar.body...are living by mutually helping each other.


isolation Mnemonic : ( person living in seclusion ka koi clue nahee hota ) [Seclusion - derived from seclude(exclude)... Opp to include.]


jaunty; stylish; sporty; morally corrupt; dissolute. Mnemonics : rakesh roshan .. father of hrithik roshan.... both are stylish


juicy; full of juice or sap; full of richness; N: succulent plant such as a cactus Mnemonics : 1. You suck a fruit only if it is succulent. 2. Succulent - Split it as suc+culent(coolant). Coolant like are used to preserve juice. Also to keep things fresh.


keep away from Mnemonics : shun sounds like SUN so keep a distance from the sun.


kingdom; field or sphere;


lack of premeditation; naturalness; freedom from constraint;


lack of self confidence and courage Mnemonics: A timid person usually lacks courage and confidence.


lacking clarity or distinctness mnemonics : Wispy and risky or better still.wisp and risk.the wisp of smoke could be showing a risk of fire.


lacking sense or understanding or judgment, nitwitted ,senseless , soft-witted mnemonics : wit(clever perception)+less....a person lacking the ability to percieve things cleverly.


language, idiom Mnemonic : Focus on PAR(ticular) LAN(guage) So Parlance is a PARticular manner of speaking a LANguage


large in number or quantity (especially of discourse),copious, tortuous, twisting,winding,twisty.


lascivious.lustful Mnemonic:( SALA has salacious desires for saali )


last stop of railroad.


laugh nervously Mnemonics: say in a lecture, professor wants to say twist and pronounces it as t(w)its, there will be nervous laughter in the classroom


leery, mistrustful, suspicious. mnemonics : Wary and worry sound the same,you become wary (cautious) if you have too many worries in life.


less intense; quieter; MNEMONIC: After winning the Match when he was asked about the Party.. He said..SAB DUE hai..fir dunga..


lewd or lascivious woman,behave extremely cruelly and brutally, engage in amorous play, become extravagant; indulge (oneself) luxuriously mnemonics : WANT - TON, a person who wants tons of girls,money etc. synonyms: arrogant, capricious, careless, concubine, cruel, disregardful, extravagant, fast, frisky, frolic, frolicsome, fulsome, gratuitous, harlot, hussy, immoral, jade, lavish


lie Mnemonics : divide is as pre(..before)+var(truth..)+icate(..gate) ..i.e. before truth, you have kept a gate. Hence you are LYING or HIDING THE TRUTH..


limit, independent variable




list of works of music, drama etc.. a performer is prepared to present


lively or animated; sprightly Mnemonics : You should try to be lively at time of your VIVA


lively; frisky Mnemonics : kitty(small cute kittens) are always lively and frisky


loathing Mnemonics : Repungnance-v can consider pungent smell...wich every1 hate Or re and pugnance(pugnacious). well pugnacious means war-like. people indulge in war wen they extremesly dislike each other.


local or provincial dialect Mnemonic : Sounds like potato) Some say patois, some say potato ans some say aloo while all seem that round vegetable only difference of language




logical formula consisting of a major premise, a minor premise and a conclusion; deceptive or specious argument Mnemonics : 1. Change the "s" to "c" and you'll find the word "logic." 2. split the word as Syl+logism Syl reminds us of the notorious character of SYLAR in HEROES. so syl+logic=bad logic=specious


long-lasting hatred; bitterness. Mnemonics: RANCOR: RANKER! Most of the students always hate the top RANKER of the class, as they always defeat them in the exams!


lose (s.th.) or lose the right to (s.th.) by some error, offense, or crime,forgo, forefeit, foreswear, relinquish. mnemonics : Waive is somewhat similar to slave, wherein waive means to lose the right to something, while a slave is a person who has lost his right to freedom`


loud and harsh; insistent; MNEMONIC: Think of "stree"(girl) + "dant"(tooth). A girl's mouth is always loud and harsh - craving for supremacy or attention :)


made less dense (of a gas); V. rarefy: make less dense; N. rarefaction. Mnemonics : rare (very less) + fied(..Like field which means environment), hence environment where GAS is VERY LESS DENSE.


magnificent Mnemonic : palashial i.e., like a palace


make friendly again (after quarrel); make consistent (two ideas in opposition); correct inconsistencies; Mnemonics: re+concile...sounds like counsel.......and you counsel your friend (WHO TURNED HOSTILE TO YOU )and again BRING HIM INTO CONSONANCE ..OR IN PEACE WITH YOU... TAKEN FROM re..back+conciliare..good....to make good again....


make impossible; eliminate Mnemonics : prevent to conclude


make known by official proclamation or publication Mnemonics : prom+ul+gate -> prom night will happen tomorrow was announced at school's gate


make oneself tidy in appearance; feel self-satisfaction Mnemonics : Preen ~ Rin; commonly used detergent bar in India used for cleaning clothes.. hence preening clothes.


make rational; devise false reasons for (one's behavior); offer an excuse; give a plausible reason for an action in place of a true, less admirable ones; N. rationalization.


make young again Mnemonics : re(agian)+juve(sounds like yuva(hindi-young) so to make young again


model of perfection Mnemonic : ARAGON in the movie Lord of the Rings was a perfect soldier para-'related to' + -gon'figure has many angles'. If a polygon has infinity angles, it becomes circle. Circle is perfect


model, example, pattern Mnemonic : divide it like parad+igm.....now focus on PARADE....parade is done DURING PUBLIC CELEBRATIONS LIKE INDEPENDENCE DAY, REPUBLIC DAY..just to SHOW OR EXHIBIT THE strength of nation, SO watching a parade is A EXAMPLE OR MODAL


moderately warm,luke warm Mnemonics: sounds like tea pot,,you can hold the tea pot only when it is not hot,,that is when it is lukewarm


moderation (especially regarding indulgence in alcohol); seriousness Mnemonics : sobr..sounds like SOBER..AND a sober person is always serious about his life, therefore seriousness is the state of being sober.


monkeylike Mnemonics : SIMIAN - SIMI = SIMILAR and MIAN or MAN, therefore the word SIMIAN means something similar to man. As the ape, gorilla and the chimpanzee are ancestors of man they are termed as SIMIANS.


moral correctness; moral uprightness; moral virtue; correctness of judgment. Mnemonics : rectitude is modified as RECTIFY THE ATTITUDE.


move briskly Mnemonic : ( when customer said doosri CURRY jaldi lao to waiter scurry to get it ) [SCURRY rhymes with HURRY.SO WHEN YOU ARE IN A HURRY YOU DO THINGS BRISKLY.]


narrate or tell (a story); count over again


narrow in outlook, provincial, related to parishes... Mnemonic : link this with paro....(of devdas)...whose parents were narrow in their outlook for devdas family , so they married her to someone else.


narrow valley with steep sides; gorge; Mnemonics : ra+vine(wine) so we pour wine in glass of STEEP SIDES.


natural inclination Mnemonics : now a days people are inclined towards "CITY" dats y thery r migrating from villages....


navigation tool used to determine a ship's latitude and longitude Mnemonics :The captain used a sextant to know to what extent the ship has travelled.


nearness; kinship Mnemonics : since the alphabets P & Q are in close proximity to each other, they are in propinquity ....


noble, aristocratic Mnemonic : patrician~britan; They are very critical about their behaviour in public as they think they are noble and aristocratic!


not active, acted upon


not lasting forever Mnemonics: temporal and Mortal are rhyming words with the same meaning i.e something that is temporary, that does not last forever.


not natural; artificial; resulting from synthesis; Ex. synthetic fiber; N.


not practical Mnemonics : theore(theory)+tical(practical).so something that is just based on theory..not on practical.


not thick; thinly scattered; scanty MNEMONIC : sparse similar to space meaning at some distance.


on or relating to earth.


one opposed to force, antimilitarist Mnemonic Pacify means calm and soothe and the one who pacifist opposes to war and force.


ostentatious; ambitious Mnemonics : Pretentious is someone who is Pretending


outstanding , prominent , spectacular , striking, projecting beyond a line; conspicuous; Ex. salient features Mnemonic : [saline is salient for a patient]


outstanding; superior Mnemonics : preeminent sounds like prominent


outward appearance; guise; Ex. We called in the troops to bring a/some semblance of order to the city.[re-semblance]




pale, wan Mnemonic : Palli sounds like pale.


past tense


perceptive,shrewd Mnemonic : ( Sagacious person knows SAAG sad gaya hai )


perplexing; unsettled: questionable Mnemonics : causing a problem


person celebrated for wisdom; wise person; ADJ: wise Mnemonic : [who has "usage" ? of course sage person. you can use his/her experiences.hence sage has usage]


person hardened in sin, devoid of a sense of decency Mnemonics : reprobate: rep(repeatedly)+rob+ate.. a person who again and again robs other peoples food and eats it up has no moral values.


pertaining to spring Mnemonics : This is for bio students, vernalisation is to do with flowering, so vernal can be connected to flowers and thus 'spring'


pertaining to tailors or tailoring; Ex. a man of great sartorial elegance; CF. sartor: tailor Mnemonic : [my tutorial(torial) sir(sar) became tailor...hehe...] [ sounds like sari tore and you need a tailor to fix it]


pertaining to the body; physical Mnemonics : all must have read in biology class somatic cells


pertaining to the organs or sense of touch .Mnemonics : 1.CON-tact - If you are in contact with something, you are in touch with it and hence it is tactile. 2. come in-tact means come in touch. So, tact means: sense of touch.


pertaining to the stars; of a star performer; outstanding; MNEMONIC : con"stell"ation also refers to stars and heavenly bodies.


pertaining to the woods or the country Mnemonics : 1. sylvan...an aid to Veerapan who lived in the woods. 2. van---> jungle n jungle is full of woods


premonition; foreboding Mnemonics : sentiment means feeling or perciving. presentiment means feeling before hand about the future.


prescribed diet and habits Mnemonics: regime refers to a set of rules (normally, government). Regimen is the set of rules for eating or regi+menu kings menu that implies the habits and prescribed diet


pretend Mnemonics : sounds like "scam" and in a scam you pretend a lot of things.


privilege; unquestionable right Mnemonics : remember "Interrogative" which means questioning by Investigation officers. So prerogative should be something opposite. so unquestionable


process of being made sensitive or acutely responsive to an external agent or substance; V. sensitize: make or become sensitive Mnemonic: SENSITIZATION or SENSITIZE - cause to respond readily to STIMULI or stimulus.


produced by imagination; fanciful; mystical Mnemonics : Visionary and imaginary sound alike and they both mean - something that is conceived, imagined.


prompt willingness, eagerness , forwardness , readiness mnemonics : Zeal which means full of enthusiasm, sounds like meal meaning food,therefore to earn a meal for your family you need to work with great zeal. you need zeal to earn a meal


prophetic; oracular. Mnemonics : sibyline=see + by + line...see within the lines...have you heard the idiom reading behind the lines...this word has exactly the meaning.


prosper , flourish Mnemonics : Thrive or Drive a roaring trade means to flourish or prosper.


protest, objection Mnemonics : Sound s like demonstrate...n u demonstrate something again only when there is a protest or objection (remonstrance) against u r first demonstration.


provide scantily; live very economically Mnemonics : skimp (less than required) clothes of kim sharma (bollywood actress)


quench; sate Mnemonics : focus on the 'lake' part of this word..so you can say that you want to satisfy your thrist after seeing the water in that lake .


quick or willing to receive (ideas, suggestions, etc.); Mnemonics: in the reception the girl must b receptive.




repair or make whole by using a metal alloy Mnemonics : soldiers need weapons(example in spear the spade should stick with the handle) solder---soldier


retire from public life; segregate; seclude Mnemonics : seek + quest - those who seek to find something as a part of a quest have to leave the society or seclude themselves from it.




satisfy Mnemonic: ( bahut ATE kiya tab bhi bhook satiate nahee hui ) [sate ji got satisfied on eating ,he ate all the money and was satiated]


serious and sedate; sober; MNEMONIC : Staid--sounds like "STAYED"--Imagine you have always maintained your dignity and propriety in the place where you have stayed for so many years!


seriousness; gravity Mnemonics : consider ur sole--- even though u are playful ur sole is always serious


servile flatterer; bootlicker; yes man; ADJ. sycophantic Mnemonic : sycophant,,split it like,,syco(sounds like psycho)+phan...sounds like FAN,,SO JUST IMAGINE a PSYCHO FAN of yours in your office who want to please you in whatever way..by flattering..or by bootliking,,just to gain your favour


serving to assist; subordinate; secondary; of a subsidy; N.


serving to warn Mnemonics : monitors(computer) can warn about weather calamities before itself


set right; correct;


spiritual rebirth


stamp out(put an end to); thwart; hinder; Ex. scotch the rumor; Mnemonic: [he tried to SCOTCH from his father that he had taken SCOTCH]


stand up or offer resistance to somebody or something,defy, hold up. mnemonics : With + stand...you firmly stand your ground (withstand) even though there is strong opposition


state of being parallel, similarity


steep; overhasty Mnemonics : percy(from harry potter) is overhasty


strangle Mnemonics: sounds like THROAT KILL rite??? It means to KILL BY SQUEEZING THE THROAT.


stratagem(deceptive scheme); pretense; evasion; Mnemonics : fuge means to emit, as in centrifuge. sub (internally) + ter (terrible) + fuge (throw out) i.e., internally terrible but externally not. • sub(in hindi 'all')+r(e)fugee....sub log(ppl.)PRETENDED as if they were refugees


strong, rebuke, formal proof, scolding Mnemonics : mand refers to an order. mandatory => maintained by an order reprimand => reprove by order


strongly opposed to social or political change; opposing progress; politically ultraconservative;


tangible. Easily, perceptible Mnemonic : Divide it like palp( sounds like pulp) +able so after touching the pulp of fruit, every1 will be able to perceive if it is gud to have or not. or pal +able.the things which your pal are able to do, they are eay for you too...


target of a hunt; victim Mnemonics : rey sounds like RAY(with laser rays we target the victim)


taunt; clever sarcastic remark; V


terms used in a art or sciene. Mnemonics : Terminology and Etymology both refer to words. Terminology refers to the technical terms of a subject whereas Etymology refers to an account of a word's origin and description.


tether horses ;restraint consisting of a rope (or light chain) used to restrain an animal Mnemonics: TETHER can be split as TiE + HER, so remember it as TIE her WITH A ROPE.


the Greek god of the west wind, air , breeze , gentle wind. mnemonics : Zephyr is like respire.Zephyr means air and respire means to breathe, therefore you breathe in the air..hence relating the words to each other


the act of separating grain from chaff mnemonics : WINd + NOW = WINNOW so, the blowing wind helps to separate the CHAFF.`


the meat of a deer. Mnemonics : remember like this (krishna)veni's son eats meat of deer


the point above the observer that is directly opposite the nadir on the imaginary sphere against which celestial bodies appear to be projected mnemonics : Zenith, is the opposite of beneath which means something below, while zenith means the highest point or pinnacle beneath refers to something on the ground


the right to hold property part of an ancient hierarchical system of holding lands Mnemonics : sounds like ten years..so you are holding an office for the last ten years.


thick skinned animal Mnemonic : derm means skin (dermatologist is a skin specialist) and e.g. for pachyderm animals are elephants, hippopotamus, etc...The word pachy sounds like pack.. So the skin is so packed that is becomes thick... Thus pachyderm is thick-skinned


thin , slim Mnemonics: this word sound very close to TENNIS....and most of the female TENNIS PLAYERS ARE VERY SLIM AND THIN...


token of disgrace; brand; MNEMONIC: Stigma (STICK + MAA) Imagine someone hitting his MAA with a STICK. How disgraceful it will be!


tomb Mnemonic : ( vulture at sepulcher )


tool for holding work in place Mnemonics : a wise person can hold work at place


tough; strong and firm Mnemonics : sounds like "sunny" deol who is muscular and strong.


trace; remains Mnemonics : think of in + vestigate, where we look for traces or remains of something.


traitor who aids invaders. Mnemonics: quisling; quis sounds like wise/cunning person.


tranquility; calmness. Mnemonics : quiet. +tude.look at the word.quite..Means..Calm...silent...so quietude means calmness...Tranquill.


translation, artistic interpretation of a song etc...


tremble; shake; N. Mnemonics: Quiver.Sounds like shiver.when we have fever we shiver/ quiver.Tremble/ shake.


truth; reality Mnemonics : Pronounce it as "Very T" i.e; very true.


truthful Mnemonics : the root word 'VER' refers to true.. hence we can frame words like: veracious - truthful and verisimilitude - an appearence of truth.


truthfulness. Mnemonics : ver=truth so truthfulness or honesty


uprightness; incorruptibility Mnemonics : cbi probe on politician is to investigate his probity (integrity


urbanity; polish; MNEMONIC: (Tag: Hindi) SAAB JI--SAAB JI log have quality of suavity.


used to prevent disease Mnemonics : pro+phy+lactic -> professionals use lactic acid(in milk) to prevent diseases.


using satire; mocking


venomous spider


verbose; drawn out Mnemonics :COMPLEX - complex words, work are always difficult and boring to understand.


very poor person Mnemonic : Imagine a poor person,he does not even have proper clothes to wear.so PAUPER can be remembered from PROPER


well-paid position with little responsibility Mnemonics : I HAVE A SECURE, SINECURE JOB AND ALL THAT I HAVE TO DO IS TO SIGN AND OBTAIN 7 CRORES A DAY.


widespread, affecting the majority of people Mnemonic : Pandemic is an epidemic on a world level.


widespread; generally accepted Mnemonics : see the lent part--- (it is like lend means giving something) so everybody likes to accept but not give. Hence it is widespread


wild tumult(the act of making noisy disturbance), a state of extreme confusion and disorder Mnemonic : Sounds like harmonium(musical instrument)...a harmonium gone out of array creates noisy disorder.commotion


withdrawal; retreat; time of low economic activity


(adj.) concise and full of meaning synonyms : sententious Mnemonic: pi-thy: the math symbol pi is concise and has great meaning


(adj.) conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual Mnemonic : divide it like out+land(ish)..so THINK OF SOMEONE WHO IS OUT of his land..means..someone who is not living in his own land..means living in a foriegn country.


(adj.) designating an airship or dirigible having a form maintained by a stiff unyielding frame or structure; (adj.) incapable of or resistant to bending


(adj.) difficult to handle; requiring great tact synonyms : delicate , ticklish (adj.) quick to take offense, feisty , huffy , thin-skinned Mnemonic: TOUCHY or MOODY - someone who is oversensitive and reacts to everything.


(adj.) easily managed (controlled or taught or molded) synonyms : 1.manipulable (adj.) readily reacting to suggestions and influences 2. amenable


(adj.) having great mass and weight and unwieldiness ';(adj.) slow and laborious because of weight; labored and dull synonyms : heavy , lumbering Mnemonic: pond(pound=weighted currency)erous


(adj.) having odor or a characteristic odor;(adj.) having a natural fragrance;(adj.) emitting an odor Mnemonic odor+ous = the person who is full of odor and is emitting it.


(adj.) having or showing or expressing reverence for a deity "pious readings"


(adj.) having sections or patches colored differently and usually brightly synonyms : calico , motley , multi-color , multi-colored , multi-colour Mnemonic : remember pie chart which has different colors


(adj.) lacking in courage and manly strength and resolution; contemptibly fearful synonyms : poor-spirited , unmanly Mnemonic: take it as PUSSY + ANIMAL = a pussy will always be dumb and cowardly, will always lack courage.


(adj.) marked by a ready flow of speech mnemonics : Remember "volume" in TV controls. It's related to sound. This voluble is also related to speaking.


(adj.) marked by artful prudence, expedience, and shrewdness;(adj.) smoothly agreeable and courteous with a degree of sophistication synonyms : bland , smooth , suave Mnemonic: politic is needed for politics


(adj.) not challenging; dull and lacking excitement Mnemonic: mosaic--->beautiful artistic work with full of vibrant colours.....prosaic ...opposite of that ...dull; divide it like pros(prose)+aic- prose consist of facts and facts do not produce any interest in you, do not require any imagination


(adj.) not easily borne; wearing Mnemonic : it sounds like on+er+us..that is ONUS.. when something is ON US ..we feel burdensome


(adj.) possible but not necessary; left to personal choice


(adj.) presumptuously arrogant Mnemonic : a person who wins over and over can be arrogant.


(adj.) providing carefully for the future Mnemonic: to remember this, think about 'LIC PROVIDENT FUND POLICY' which is kept for future use.


(adj.) providing protective supervision; watching over or safeguarding synonyms : custodial , tutelar Mnemonic: TUTELARY to be in CUSTODY of a guardian angel or god, a protector.


(adj.) purported; commonly put forth or accepted as true on inconclusive grounds Mnemonic : divide it like put-a-ti(tea)..so we are SUPPOSED TO PUT TEA ON THE TABLE NOT ON THE FLOOR.


(adj.) relating to or affecting the lungs;"pulmonary disease" synonyms : pneumonic , pulmonic Mnemonic:pulmo=lung


(adj.) relating to or consisting of runes Mnemonics : "rune" means old alphabet. "prune" means cut off. Rune letters are pruned from alphabet.


(adj.) serving or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate; stimulating discussion or exciting controversy


(noun) a twisting force synonyms : torsion Mnemonic: TORQUE and ROCK (as of in dance) are rhyming words.They both refer to a production of an oscillatory movement.


(noun) interval of relief ; time for rest ; delay in punishment Mnemonics : • we generally have sprite when we feel like taking a break for a moment.


(noun) isolation to prevent the spread of infectious disease; (verb) place into enforced isolation, as for medical reasons Mnemonic: quarantine is pretty familiar in case of antivirus softwares you can quarantine the virus affected files which means to ISOLATE THEM...


(noun) lack of elegance as a consequence of being pompous and puffed up with vanity synonyms : inflation , ostentation , ostentatiousness , pompousness , pretentiousness , puffiness , splashiness


(noun) the acquisition of something for payment


Enigmatic; mysterious.


goodness; moral excellence; good quality Mnemonics : tue part sounds like chew---we chew the food only if it is of good quality


headlong; rash Mnemonics : if u eat the recipte u eat rash


introduction; forerunner Mnemonics : CONCLUDE will be in the end, PRELUDE - beginning / introduction


irritate; fester; annoy. Mnemonics: R+ANKLE...focus..on ankle..an ankle..is a JOINT between..foot and leg...and PAIN IN your ankle could be very annoying and irritating for you.


combining parts or separate things into a whole; the whole so formed; PL. syntheses; V. synthesize


composed grave Mnemonic: ( GRE ki date pe every 1 feel sedate ) [one should be sedated before his 1st date....]






defensive mound of earth. Mnemonics: break this word like RAM(hindu god)+APART---you can't keep RAM APART from me even if you build a wall between us.


defile; soil; tarnish; Ex. sully one's hands in menial labor


delay,dawdle Mnemonics : TARRY sounds like tariff rite ....we normally don't pay tariffs on time.. ie We delay things


dormant; temporarily inactive; at rest; N. quiescence. Mnemonics : quiescent => quies ~ quiet = motionless. Queue scent for buying a scent a stand in a queue and bcom quiescent


equipment, odds and ends Mnemonic : You remember this word by peripheral,means extra equipments.


authorisation or certification,


experienced Mnemonic : [its very hard to get seasoned people in this season]


experiencing nausea; nauseated; easily nauseated; squeamish; ex.Feel a little queasy. Mnemonics: queasy can be pronounced as quiz...if teacher takes a surprise quiz you are going to feel nauseated, uneasy, anxious.


explore with tools Mnemonics : In the Movie the MUMMY, when the Hero attempted to ROB("pROBe") the treasure of Egypt,he EXPLORED or INVESTIGATED new Facts about the MUMMY.


express disapproval or disappointment Mnemonics :divide it as re(again..)+proach(..approach).. u won't approach the person again who's work doesn't APPROVE you or who has DISSAPPOINTED YOU.


express; utter Mnemonics : Vent means is to Express some thing...so dudes remember like diz,You Vent in "Express" Bus to your place,, hence vent is to express something


causing sadness, compassion, pit, touching Mnemonic : if there is not path to proceed then you feel sad


extend; draw out; lengthen Mnemonics : PRO + LONG... LONG something that is stretched out, drawn out. Therefore prolong is to stretch the time, delay.


extremely agitated, hysterical Mnemonic : over+wrought => remember wrought iron. Which has become so due to agitation and hysteresis?


extremely dry, very thirsty Mnemonic : If you parked the car in open, then due to sunlight and greenhouse effect it will become hot or dry


extremely hungry; voracious. Mnemonics : Sounds like "revenues". Everyone is extremely hungry about it :)


censure, rebuke Mnemonics : Censure are the people who have d rite to critiZe d things which dey think to be uncensored...


extremely poisonous Mnemonics : it is a virus, which causes disease and harm. So, something virulent is viral and poisonous.


of or causing sepsis; putrid; producing putrefaction; N. sepsis: poisoning of part of the body (producing pus) Mnemonic: [keeping a wound without anti-septis makes it putrid and sepsis]...


of or suffering rabies; like a fanatic; extremely zealous; furious; Mnemonics : rabbit is extremely zealous about carrots.we can change rabid with habit. A thing that is your habit because you are fanatic of it


of substance; material; solid; essential or fundamental; ample; considerable; well-to-do; wealthy


offer, extend Mnemonics: often bridges are constructed on tender basis.


perfectionist; person who insists things be exactly right MNEMONIC : read it as STICK-LER, i.e one who sticks to a set of rules, a PERFECTIONIST.


reasoning; act of drawing conclusions from premises; V. ratiocinate: reason logically. Mnemonics : ratio+cination...you have to SOLVE question based ON RATIO AND VARIATION WITH THE help of reasoning and logic.


rebound, reverberation, reaction Mnemonics : very simple !! concentrate on CUSSION(I mean cushions) ... cushions itne soft hote hai ..bouncy bouncy (rebound property)...similarly reperCUSSION --> rebound


residue from smelting metal; dross; waste matter Mnemonics : sounds like slug( seen harry potter chamber of secrets where ron uses his wand(metal) and pukes slugs(waste matter)


resistance to authority;insubordination Mnemonic: ( pakistani newspaper edition arouse thought of sedition. ) [SEDITION or OPPOSITION].[sedition-seperation and opposing because they are against law]


resonant; producing a full deep sound; producing sound MNEMONIC : sonorous voice of sonu nigam


resorting to help when in trouble Mnemonics : re+COURSE we follow a medicine course which HELPS fight the TROUBLE, caused by the developing disease.




retaliation Mnemonics : reprisal ~ appraisal ; If you Boss doesn't give you good appraisal (the yearly evaluation based on which salary is incremented) then you should retailiate by actually not performing working or His reprehensible deed deserved a reprisal


retired or disqualified because of age; outmoded; obsolete Mnemonics : (super = greater annual = pertaining to year superannuated = great many years i.e., too aged.


revengeful Mnemonics : vindictive=win+addictive obsessed about winning so always having ill will against others


revere Mnemonics : ven(..when)U RATE someone higher.. you TREAT THEM WITH RESPECT .


revoke, annul, cancel officially, declare it invalid Mnemonics : His appeal is null since the law is repealed Or concentrate on later part of word - peal we peal the ORANGE before eating .. similarly rePEAL is something revoking..((tu put off something))


seemingly reasonable but incorrect; misleading (often intentionally) MNEMONIC : It sounds like 'suspicious'.


seller Mnemonics : Vendor and peddler are both sellers who sell their products


seniority by birth Mnemonics : PRIMoGENITure... Considered PRIMary Due to GENTIC importance(genetically important or born first)


sense of taste, roof of the mouth Mnemonic : when your pal tastes the sth made by u...u get to know his sense of taste....n as pals are doggie...so when u say the word 'd' for them...ur tong curves to touch the roof of mouth.


short and thick; stocky; MNEMONIC : Indian toilets force you to go squat.


short, simple story teaching a moral Mnemonic : para+able.. is a small PARAgraph that makes u able.. (i.e. gives morals)


showing hard work, taking great care Mnemonic : Pain+s+taking.some1 who take a lots of pain to complete the work.


sink Mnemonic : ( ship ko maine CUT kardiya thats y it scuttle ) [s-cut-tle -->if there happens to be a cut in a ship,it will sink till the end..]


sink to a lower level; settle down; sink to the bottom (as a sediment); Meaning : descend; grow quiet; become less; moderate; abate


small body revolving around a larger one


speed Mnemonics : Velocity and rapidity are both significant of speed.


speed of music. Mnemonics : Tempo and Go. The Tempo of the orchestra kept changing from the word Go (from the time they started)to the last piece of music they played on stage.


split, tear apart Mnemonics : In most South Indian languages rend means two - i.e., split up Or rend ...relate to rent, and if you don't pay your rent the land lord will tear you apart


split,division Mnemonic: [Sounds like prism which splits light into colors]( sikh bhaiyoon ko everyone tried to schism )


spoil the effect of; make inoperative. vit(wheat)+ti(tea)+ate==if u pour tea in the wheat, it gets spoiled


time long past mnemonics : yore sounds like bore,and we get bored when we see an old movie.or of time long past


winding; bending in and out; not morally honest Mnemonics : Two things: 1. "sin()" uous - like a sine wave, twisting and winding 2. "sin"uous - a person who commits sins (by being dishonest).


winding; twisting Mnemonics : A serpent is a snake - a snake has a twisting and winding movement instead of a straight one and therefore such a movement is termed as serpintine .


winemaker; seller of wine Mnemonics : the word is like winter,in winter making and selling of wine will be growing


worldly wise and urbane; refined; complex


worldly; not pertaining to church matters or religion; temporal eg:the church leaders decided not to interfere in secular matters Mnemonic : [its not secured thing to talk secular matters in church..so don't talk] [SECULAR or a MATTER concerned with earthly life or material gains, worldly matters.]


worn through till the threads show shabby and poor Mnemonics: THREAD+BARE. When the threads in the jacket are worn through, your body is bare.


worried, concerned Mnemonics : sole +city--- when someone alone(single sole) to the city at night... they get worried and frightened


writ(written command issued by a court) summoning a witness to appear in court; V: summon with a subpoena Mnemonics : 1. (Tag: hindi) Its pretty simple... read it as COURT MEIN "SABOOT PESH KARNA"!!! 2 (Tag: ) "Sub + poena" in Latin means "under penalty" The person who's under penalty is required to attend the court hearing. So he's issued a subpoena.


mass of the dead, dirge Mnemonics : re (recite) + quie (quiet) + m (man); means recite for a quiet/dead man.


meager; insufficient Mnemonic : [sounds like scarcity.]


meal, feast, banquet Mnemonics : repast= remember + past = how?? arrange a get together and have a feast or banquet or Repast or say re+fast...before refasting the next day muslims have a repast.


member of the working class Mnemonics : letar is like letter( letter can be written only by educated person hence the person gets employed)


multiply; spread Mnemonics : when we(prop—separate) out of family, we cme out of the home gate and spread worldwide to settle down...


musical repetition, repeat performance, recurrent action Mnemonics : REPEAT PERFORMANCE because it has got PRAISE...is RE-PRISE


inclination, bias


supposed, respect


(noun) beginning again Mnemonics : it can be linked from resume - which means starting again


(noun) breathing ; exhalation.


(noun) bully


(noun) memorization by repetition Mnemonic : ROT = read over thoroughly.


(adj.) attracting or delighting synonyms : engaging Mnemonic: PI+QUANT Quant in GRE is more attracting and delighting than Verbal


(adj.) being in the earliest stages of development


(adj.) being of crucial importance synonyms : polar


(adj.) being present everywhere at once Mnemonic : om(God)+present = god is present every where at once


(noun) most favorable conditions or greatest degree or amount possible under given circumstances


slight knowledge Mnemonics : He does not know the actual matter. His knowledge is quite smattering.


(Noun): complete agreement; ADJ. unanimous Mnemonics : un+animity(enimity) means no enemy which means agreement or harmony.Unanimity and harmony refer to mutual understanding.


(V): confirm, ratify. Ex: "validate the results" Mnemonics : Validate came from valid. Validate- to check(confirm or ratify) if the results are valid.


(adj) : one-sided; involving or affecting only one side;Ex. "unilateral declaration" synonyms : one-sided Mnemonics: UNI(single, one) +LATE+RAL(rail): One who comes late misses the rail and is left alone, on one side


(adj) : steadfast; firm; not changing,marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable.Ex: " unfaltering convictions", " unfaltering resolve", " unfaltering loyalty" synonyms : firm , steadfast , steady , stiff , unbendable , unshakable,unwavering Mnemonics : Remove 'f' from the word it becomes UNALTERING,Alter is to change so UNFALTERING is not changing or being firm.


(adj) : suave; refined in manner; elegant. Ex: "she was urbane and sophisticated" synonyms : polished , refined , svelte Mnemonics : Urbane... In an Urban society people are more sophisticated and refined (urbane) as compared to the simple rural folk.


(adj) : unrepressed; free in behavior and feelings, not inhibited or restrained.Ex: "uninhibited exuberance" Mnemonics: 1. inhibit = prohit= restrained. Therefore, uninhibit= unrestrained. 2. Consider hibit as habit. We cannot change or prohibit one's habit. Thus it is uninhibit.


(adj) :characterizing or affecting all; general; present everywhere; of the universe; cosmic; Ex: "universal agreement"; " a subject of universal interest" Mnemonics: UNI(same)+ VERSAL changed to purple, then: there were same purple flowers EVERYWHERE in the garden.


(adj) :disheveled; uncared for in appearance,not properly maintained or cared for.Ex:"an unkempt garden" Mnemonics : Drop the 'm' from unkempt. It becomes 'UNKEPT'...UN+KEPT, something or someone who is dowdy, untamed.


(adj) :disobedient; lawless; difficult to control Ex: "unruly crowd" synonyms : indocile , uncontrollable , ungovernable Mnemonics: UN + RULY can be taken as something or someone who does not follow any norms (rules).


(adj) :distasteful; disagreeable; morally offensive; Ex. "unsavory activity/reputation" ,"an unsavory scandal" synonyms : offensive , unsavoury Mnemonic : unsavory ~ un + save ~ not save; to save someones life is morally correct but to unsave (not save) someones life is morally offensive


(adj) :entirely acceptable; not offering any basis for criticism.Ex: "two unexceptionable witnesses","a judge's ethics should be unexceptionable" synonyms : unimpeachable


(adj) :having no previous example; novel; unparalleled. Ex: "an unprecedented expansion in population and industry" Mnemonic: Precede is done before or previous.Hence UN(not)+ PRECEDE(done before)


(adj) :immature; not having the feathers necessary to fly, (of birds) not yet having developed feathers young and inexperienced Ex: "a small unfledged sparrow on the window sill", "a fledgling enterprise", "a fledgling skier", "an unfledged lawyer" synonyms : callow , fledgling,: immature , fledgeless , unvaned Mnemonics : Fullfledged (in full bloom, mature, complete) is the opposite of unfledged (immature, young, inexperienced).


(adj) :plain; clear; obvious .Ex: "unequivocal evidence", "took an unequivocal position","an unequivocal success", "an unequivocal promise", "an unequivocal (or univocal) statement" synonyms : unambiguous , univocal


(adj) :without an equal; single in kind, distinct,highly unusual or rare but not the single instance radically distinctive and without equal Ex: "spoke with a unique accent", "had unique ability in raising funds", "a frankness unique in literature", "a unique dining experience" synonyms : alone , unequaled , unequalled , unparalleled Mnemonics : UNI(same) QUE(line), that means only one line i.e. distinct,single


(adj) dazzling ; glorious ; brilliant. Mnemonics : resPlENDENT: Pendent, if gold, is shining and glowing.


(adj) moving with a wavelike motion. Mnemonics : UN(not,no)+DU(two)+LATE(delay) She had no(UN) option, but to see the WAVELIKE MOTION of sea (waves of sea) while she was wating for her two(DU) friends who were LATE.


(adj) respectful ; worshipful Mnemonics : reverent-divide as river end i.e we bath in the rivr end as a part of worship


(adj) strange; mysterious; Ex: "uncanny knack","an uncanny light", "he could hear the uncanny scream" synonyms : eldritch , unearthly , weird Mnemonics : un + cann(CAN'T).something which you CAN'T understand and explain, is always mysterious to you.


(adj) taking effect before its enactment ( as a law ) or imposition (as a tax) Mnemonics : Retro refers to the "past" as in retrospect, retrofit etc., Retroactive means: "Active in the past" i.e., applicable to the past.


(adj) unscrupulous; not guided by conscience; excessive; beyond reason; greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation.Ex. "unconscionable demand", "unconscionable rent", "unconscionable prices" synonyms : exorbitant , extortionate , outrageous , steep , usurious Mnemonics : (not aware about conscience) unconscionable is un + conscio + nable...and conscience means to know what is morally acceptable but unconscious means not aware of the acceptable amount and therefore the same as unconscionable.


(adj.) being present everywhere at once synonyms : omnipresent Mnemonic: remember UB Group of Vijaya Malliya. It is present everywhere in India.


superfluous; more than needed or demanded


(adj): (of something bad) not moderated; unrelieved or immoderate; without qualification; absolute; not diminished or moderated in intensity or severity; sometimes used as an intensifier.Ex. "unmitigated disaster", "unmitigated suffering", "an unmitigated horror", "an unmitigated lie" Mnemonics : un = unlimited.. mitti = sand.. sand is unlimited(not MODERATE) in amount on earth.so unlimited mitti


(adj): bearlike,pertaining to a bear Mnemonics : Ursine.... The MAJOR URSULA (a star formation) or better known as THE GREAT BEAR has a bear shaped star formation.


(adj): boorish; clumsy in speech or behavior; outlandish, lacking refinement or cultivation or taste Ex: "appealing to the uncouth taste for violence", "the uncouth display of the newly rich" synonyms : coarse , common , rough-cut , vulgar Mnemonics : Uncouth.uncouth + youth,, the uncouth youth, an unrefined, boorish young man.


(adj): distasteful, disagreeable.Ex: "your argument is unpalatable" Mnemonic: 1. UN(not)+PALATE(taste)+ABLE 2. UN(not)+PALAT(hindi- not turning back)+ABLE. she was DISAGREEing with the discussion, hence she left and did not(un) palat(turned/looked back) while going.


(adj): excessively submissive or devoted to one's wife Mnemonics : 1. Uxorious and precious - The young man was so smitten (charmed) with his wife that he considered her as most precious to him. You could say he was uxurious. 2. uxorious : take xori soun ds like joru (wife) in hindi. jo joru ka gulaam hai woh uxorious hai.


(adj): genuine; real,not pretended; sincerely felt or expressed Ex: " unfeigned emotion", "her interest in people was unfeigned ", "unfeigned grief" synonyms : genuine , true Mnemonics : un(not)-feigned(fined): you are left unfined if you are HONEST, and this is a GENUINE fact.


(adj): inconspicuous; not blatant,not obtrusive or undesirably noticeable. Ex: "a quiet, unobtrusive life of self-denial" synonyms : unnoticeable Mnemonics : something obtruding/protruding will be noticeable, unobtrusive is unnoticeable and not blatant


(adj): liberated, freed from chains.Ex: "hostages were unfettered" Mnemonics : The feathered(fettred) bird was not kept in cage, the bird was unfettred(LIBERATED)


(adj): mischievous child (usually a boy).Ex: "beware of the urchins "


(adj): modest; not arrogant or presuming. Ex."the champion's unassuming manner"."a shy unassuming girl" synonyms : retiring


(adj): not open to attack; impregnable; not subject to question without flaws or loopholes, impossible to assail.Ex: "an unassailable contract", "a unassailable argument" synonyms : bulletproof , unshakable , watertight Mnemonics : a boat can be made to change direction by changing direction of SAIL. so one who is unassailable cannot be changed or questioned or attacked or tampered with.it remains as it it


(adj): oily; bland; insincerely suave ;unpleasantly and excessively suavse or ingratiating in manner or speech Ex: "buttery praise", "gave him a fulsome introduction" synonyms : buttery , fulsome , oily , oleaginous , smarmy , soapy Mnemonics : unctuous -> functuous -> party like ... in parties girls do a lot of oily makeup and try to appear and behave sauve but in my opinion they look and behave in a bland way.


(adj): pertaining to farewell, of a speech expressing leave-taking of or relating to an occasion or expression of farewell;(Noun): farewell address (esp. at graduation exercises).Ex: "a valedictory address" synonyms : valediction , valedictory address , valedictory oration Mnemonics : 1. Valedictory comes from valediction which comes from validity i.e. expiry of something...which is the end or pertaining to a farewell of something. 2. Dictory can be considered as dictating. Therfore, valedictory is speech given at the farewell.


(adj): random, stray. Ex: "a vagrant double-dealer" synonyms : aimless, drifting , floating , vagabond Mnemonics : vagrant rhymes with migrant. Migrants are homeless wanderers


(adj): that cannot be impeached; beyond doubt or question; blameless and exemplary completely acceptable; not open to exception or reproach Ex: "two unimpeachable witnesses", "a judge's ethics should be unimpeachable " synonyms : unexceptionable, blameless , inculpable , irreproachable Mnemonics : un+im+peach+able. peach sounds like "bleach" which means to whiten or to increase glow. so impeach means to decrease glow or accuse. so unimpeach means peach which is whiten or increasing glow or not accusing. having no doubts.


(adj): unfrightening Ex: "unintimidating movie" Mnemonics: Intimidate is frightening. So UN(not)+intimidating is unfrightening.


(adj): unsatisfied.Ex: "unassuaged hunger" Mnemonics :Consider ssuage as sausages .Hence UN(not)+A+SSUAGE(not satisfied even after eating sausages)+D


(adj): untarnished; (of reputation) free from blemishes;(adj.) spotlessly clean and fresh. Ex: "his unsullied name", "an untarnished reputation" "the unsullied snow of mountains", synonyms : stainless , unstained , untainted , untarnished Mnemonics : UN(not)+SULLY(tarnish, spoil)


(adj): without restrictions, unrestrained Ex: "free society-allowance of untrammeled flow of words in an open Forum"


(adj.) (of a body of water) free from disturbance by heavy waves synonyms : 1. quiet , smooth , still , tranquil , unruffled (adj.) not easily irritated 2. equable , even-tempered , good-tempered Mnemonic: a student well PLACED in his college will sit calmly and peacefully...as compared to those who did not get places.


(adj.) (of liquids) clouded as with sediment synonyms : cloudy , mirky , muddy , murky Mnemonic: T+URBID(urban) we can see that the urban areas are still muddy and disturbed sediment.


(adj.) (of the voice) quivering as from weakness or fear synonyms : quavering Mnemonic: TREMULOUS and NERVOUS are rhyming words with a similar meaning. Both words mean, quivering or shivering with fear.


(adj.) (used especially of persons) of inferior size synonyms : runty , shrimpy Mnemonic : Remember "pony" which is a small horse likewise "puny" means tiny.


(adj.) : forceful; intensely emotional; with marked vigor; strong; characterized by great force or energy N. vehemence marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions; inclined to react violently; fervid .Ex: " vehement loyalty", "in a vehement rage", "vehement dislike", " vehement passions","vehement deluges of rain", "vehement clapping", "a vehement defense" synonyms : fierce , tearing , trigger-happy , violent Mnemonics : 1. Vehement resembles cement i.e. strong, forceful (cement expands inwards with immense pressure and force) vehement == cement. 2. ve(very)+he+men; try to remember as very manly; full of energy


(adj.) : marked by commotion or uproar; very noisy (esp. with laughter); hilarious; causing loud laughter; extremely funny marked by or causing boisterous merriment or convulsive laughter. Ex: " uproarious broad comedy", "uproarious stories" synonyms : hilarious , screaming, rackety , rip-roaring Mnemonics : Uproarious is related to uproar. UP + ROAR. When the roar of the lion goes up (roars loudly), there is great commotion among the other animals.


(adj.) : unaccustomed; unusual, out of the ordinary. Ex. "He arrived with unwonted punctuality"."an unwonted softness in her face" Mnemonic : wonted sounds like "wanted" which is necessity of everyone and usual in their life. so unwonted means unusual.


(adj.) : unharmed; not injured Ex. "he escape the accident unscathed" Synonyms : unharmed , unhurt , whole Mnemonics : scathed sounds like scared. If you are unscared you are unharmed.


(adj.) :(of a position, esp. in an argument) indefensible; not able to be maintained (of theories etc) incapable of being defended or justified Ex: "untenable argument" synonyms : indefensible Mnemonics : 1.un-TEN(et)-able ..if you donot follow the tenets (rules), then you cannot defend yourself.. 2. a child un(der) ten not able defense himself they need parents maintenance (under+ten+not able)


(adj.) :(of someone) awkward in movement; clumsy; (of something) unwieldy; lacking grace in movement or posture difficult to handle or manage especially because of shape. Ex. ungainly dancer/instrument synonyms : clumsy , clunky , gawky , unwieldy, awkward , bunglesome Mnemonics : un(means NOT) + GAINly...a model who LACKS GRACE IN HER MOVEMENT OR IF SHE WALKS IN AN AWKWARD manner on the ramp, will NOT GAIN popularity.


(adj.) :awkward (to carry or move); cumbersome; unmanageable,difficult to use or handle or manage because of size or weight or shape ;difficult to work or manipulate. Ex: "almost dropped the unwieldy parcel","unwieldy rules and regulations" synonyms : unmanageable, clumsy , clunky , gawky , ungainly Mnemonics: 1. Unwieldy---un+wield(near to wild)+y--anything wild or awkward looking thing is unwieldy. 2. un+wieldy...WIELD(y) rhymes with WELD...that which can be WELDED is easily changeable or MANAGEABLE. so WIELDY is EASILY MANAGEABLE. and unwieldy is the opposite


(adj.) :lacking liveliness; dull and unimaginative; insipid and flavorless; lacking significance or liveliness or spirit or zest Ex. "vapid lecture", "a vapid conversation", "a vapid smile", "a bunch of vapid schoolgirls" synonyms : bland , flat , flavorless , flavourless , insipid , savorless , savourless Mnemonics : vapid sounds similar to rapid... If you cook in a rapid manner, you may spoil the taste of the food, or say, when you eat rapidly..you may not get the taste of the food.


(adj.) :not knowing; unaware; unintentional; Ex. She was their unwitting accomplice;Ex. "unwitting insult","his rudeness was unwitting", "an unwitting mistake may be overlooked" synonyms : ignorant , unknowing , unknowledgeable, unintentional , unplanned Mnemonics : wit is knowledge. Witting means knowing something. Hence unwitting without knowing.


(adj.) :not requited; not reciprocated; not returned in kind Ex: "unrequited (unanswered) love" synonyms : unanswered , unreciprocated Mnemonics : teacher is saying all students ,whose file is checked(or returned) they can quit from here but those whose is unrequited(not returned) plz dont quit from here.


(adj.) :ugly; unpleasant to look at Ex: "unsightly scenery" Mnemonics : UN(not)+SIGHT(seeing, observing)+LY. Unpleasant things do not attract our sight.


(adj.) :unattractive creating an unfavorable or neutral first impression synonyms : unpresentable


(adj.) :unbecoming; not proper in behavior; indecent; not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in polite society Ex. "leave with unseemly haste", " unseemly behavior", "language unseemly to a lady" synonyms : indecent , indecorous , unbecoming , uncomely , untoward Mnemonics : UN+SEEM- does not seem normal


(adj.) :unexpected and adverse; unfortunate or unlucky; contrary to your interests or welfare Ex. "untoward encounter"," untoward circumstances", "made a place for themselves under the most untoward conditions" synonyms : adverse , inauspicious Mnemonics : conditions which are not towards me are ==> untoward


(adj.) :unjustified; having no justification, authorization; groundless; baseless; undeserved,incapable of being explained Ex: " unwarranted gossip", "the allegations proved unwarranted ", "unwarranted fears", " unwarranted suspicions", "unwarranted jealousy" synonyms : indefensible , insupportable , unjustifiable , unwarrantable, undue , unjustified, baseless , groundless , idle , unfounded , wild Mnemonics: UNWARRANTED- Arresting without warranti.e. illogical or baseless or groundless arrest


(adj.) abnormally distended especially by fluids or gas synonyms : 1. intumescent , puffy , tumescent , tumid (adj.) ostentatiously lofty in style 2. bombastic , declamatory , large , orotund , tumid Mnemonic: People always tell tragedies by overblowing them


(adj.) adhering to what is commonly accepted


(adj.) affording no ease or reassurance synonyms : unstable (adj.) fraught with danger Mnemonic: PRE+CARE+IOUS -> We have to take CARE while doing something risky so that it does not go wrong. ..


(adj.) allowing light to pass through diffusely synonyms : semitransparent Mnemonic: TRANSLUCENT - an object that allows light to pass through but is NOT TRANSPARENT.


(adj.) apparently reasonable and valid, and truthful;(adj.) given to or characterized by presenting specious arguments Mnemonic : plausible sounds like (laugical)logical!!!


(adj.) beyond and outside the ordinary range of human experience or understanding;(adj.) exceeding or surpassing usual limits especially in excellence synonyms : surpassing Mnemonic: TRANSCENDENT, concentrate on TRANSCEND. We are familiar with the transcend pen drive that is available in the market. It is of a SUPERIOR quality and SURPASSES all the other brands.


(adj.) capable of arousing and holding the attention Mnemonics : river should come to your mind,which is water,it can be absorbed.


(adj.) capable of being bent or flexed or twisted without breaking synonyms : 1. bendable , pliable , waxy (adj.) able to adjust readily to different conditions 2. elastic , flexible , pliable Mnemonic: like comPLIANT


(adj.) capable of being bent or flexed or twisted without breaking synonyms : 1. bendable , pliant , waxy (adj.) able to adjust readily to different conditions 2. elastic , flexible , pliant Mnemonic: pliable sounds like applyable which can be applied anywhere that means flexible, adaptable


(adj.) capable of wounding synonyms : barbed , biting , mordacious , nipping Mnemonic: remember pug dog of vodafone. It's very stingy.


(adj.) careful and sensible; marked by sound judgment Mnemonic: germs are careful (prudent) of pepsodent(tooth paste); A student who is prudent will always be successful


(adj.) characterized by lust synonyms : lubricious , lustful , salacious Mnemonic : opposite of being prude


(adj.) clearly or sharply defined to the mind synonyms : clear-cut , distinct (adj.) characterized by or full of force and vigor (adj.) having keenness and forcefulness and penetration in thought, expression, or intellect Mnemonic: trenchant,,trench+ant,,focus on trench,trench is nothing but a deep hole..a ditch so during wars soldiers dig out trenches for their safty.,when digging a trench you cut the layers of soil,so trenchent means cutting, incisive.


(adj.) composed of or containing bone Mnemonic : root word is os means "bone" and in sanskrit it's "asthi"


(adj.) concerned with actual use or practice Mnemonic : we learn stuff more in practicals


(adj.) elastic; rebounds readily Mnemonics : "clean bouncy hair", "a lively tennis ball", "as resilient as seasoned hickory", "springy turf" synonyms : bouncy , live , lively , springy (adj.) recovering readily from adversity, depression, or the like


(adj.) empty; lacking in ideas; inane; stupid, void of expression; N. vacuity. Ex: "a vacuous stare", "a vacuous space","vacuity of significance or point", "vacuous promises","vacuous comments","vacuous expression" synonyms : blank, hollow, asinine , fatuous , mindless. Mnemonics : vacuous can be seen as vacuum which means, a region empty of matter.


(adj.) euphemisms for `fat' "men are portly and women are stout synonyms : stout Mnemonic: sounds like "Potley" - a ethnic purse (in HINDI); imagine how its always stuffed due to which it appears "fat"


(adj.) excessively abundant synonyms : 1. overabundant , plethoric "Rumors were rife that the factory was about to be closed down" 2. (adj.) most frequent or common "prevailing winds" Mnemonics : rife is like wife...which is common one.


(adj.) expecting unquestioning obedience mnemonic : to bear someone's views on yourself.. that person is overbearing you.. that is he is dominating over you..


(adj.) expressing sorrow synonyms : mournful Mnemonic: Plaintive can be split into plain(plane)+tive(relative). Suppose a relative dies in a plane crash, we mourn. Thus plaintive = mourn. Sorry for the sadistic mnemonic.


(adj.) extremely hot;(adj.) emotionally charged and vigorously energetic synonyms : ardent , fervent , fervid , fiery , impassioned , perfervid Mnemonic: torturously arid or hot & arid=torrid


(adj.) feeding on both plants and animals


(adj.) full in all respects Mnemonic : Plenary can be split into Plen (plenty) + nary (naari - women in hindi). This hall is full of naaris (women) = Plenty (filled with or full of) naari


(adj.) full of pores or vessels or holes synonyms : 1. poriferous (adj.) allowing passage in and out


(adj.) given to expressing yourself freely or insistently


(adj.) good at remembering Mnemonics : Retentive=Re + attentive=one who is attentive has a good memory


(adj.) grossly irreverent toward what is held to be sacred Mnemonics : sacrilegious can be split as SAC(k) + RILEGIOUS(religious) beliefs. So one who sacks religious beliefs will commit PROFANE acts.


(adj.) having a play of lustrous rainbow colors Mnemonic : opal means irid.. and irid comes from iris.. which is the part of the eye..eyes helps us experience colors.. and opalescent means lustrour colors..


(adj.) having a strong physiological or chemical effect synonyms : stiff , strong Mnemonic: Remember Impotent? Which means weak and ineffective. Potent which means- powerful and influential, is the antonym of Impotent. As a mnemonics of Impotent we used: a person who is IMPOTENT/Powerless is not treated as IMPORTANT


(adj.) having sections or patches colored differently and usually brightly synonyms : calico , motley , multi-color , multi-colored , multi-colour , multicoloured , multicolor , multicolored , multicolour , multicoloured , painted , particolored , particoloured , pied , varicolored , varicoloured Mnemonic : Imagine an apple pie on a baldheaded. Obviously, it will give a spotty look on a clear shiny and sparkling bald head.


(adj.) having the power to propel Mnemonic: impULSIVE to drive forward...thats the hint


(adj.) having unlimited power Mnemonic : OMNI (means all) + POTENT (powerful) = ALL POWERFUL


(adj.) impatient especially under restriction or delay "the government has done nothing to ease restrictions and manufacturers are growing restive" (adj.) being in a tense state synonyms : edgy , high-strung , highly strung , jittery , jumpy , nervy ,overstrung , uptight Mnemonics : Restive is actually restless. Like factitious is actually factless :)


(adj.) infinitely wise Mnemonic : omniscient sounds like omni + scient (saint) so a saint knows about all the things that are happening.


(adj.) inflicting punishment;"punitive justice", "punitive damages" synonyms : punitory Mnemonic : pun, if misinterpreted, can lead to punishment


(adj.) intended to attract notice and impress others Mnemonic : OSTENTATIOUS..read it as Stuntatious..Stunts...you perform stunts to attract attention, showy.


(adj.) intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner Mnemonic (Tag: ) OFFICIOUS,the first part of the word sounds similar to office. Imagine a government office where people poke their nose in other's affairs, they are INTERFERING.


(adj.) lasting a very short time synonyms : ephemeral , fugacious , passing , short-lived , transient Mnemonic: TRANSITORY and MOMENTARY have the same sound and both words mean, briefly, a fleeting (passing) moment.


(adj.) marked by elaborate rhetoric and elaborated with decorative details Mnemonic : sounds like ORNAmenTe ..when many ornaments are used, the thing is ornated.


(adj.) marked by precise accordance with details Mnemonic: it is very close to word PUNCTUAL...and you pay attention to even a person who is 1 second late, that shows that you care for even very minute things too.


(adj.) meeting the proper standards and requirements and training for an office or position or task Mnemonic : even though I was a QUALIFIED engineer, I was RESTRICTED from attending the conference.


(adj.) must be kept sacred Mnemonics : In Hindi 'sacro' or more likely 'sainkdo' means 'hundreds' and 'sant' means 'a hermit (a sacred person)'.In the Hindu Mythology we have descriptions of hundreds of the MOST SACRED hermits.


(adj.) not straightforward;(adj.) highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious synonyms : byzantine , convoluted , involved , knotty , tangled (adj.) marked by repeated turns and bends, twisting , twisty , voluminous , winding Mnemonic: The Tortuous Spiral Maze (which has a lot of twists and turns) had everynone perplexed.


(adj.) not transmitting or reflecting light or radiant energy; impenetrable to sight


(adj.) occurring or coming into existence after a person's death Mnemonic : post + humous ~ post + human; after death ~ not considered as human ~ post human


(adj.) of a color at the end of the color spectrum (next to orange); resembling the color of blood or cherries or tomatoes or rubies Mnemonics : ruddy = reddy (red coloured )


(adj.) of or characteristic of a child;"puerile breathing" synonyms : adolescent , jejune , juvenile Mnemonic: PURE things are always childish and immature.


(adj.) of or involving dispute or controversy synonyms : polemic Mnemonic: refer pol to politics, as u know modern day politics is full of CONTROVERSIES...


(adj.) of or relating to a physical injury or wound to the body;(adj.) psychologically painful Mnemonic: TRAUMATIC or something TRAGIC something caused by emotional stress.


(adj.) of or relating to an oracle Mnemonic : In the Matrix...the Oracle(old woman character ) prophesises that Neo is "the one"


(adj.) of or relating to olfaction Mnemonic : ol(oil)+factory...so people are CONCERNED ABOUT THE SMELL THAT COMES FROM THE OIL FACTORY.


(adj.) of or relating to or attended by putrefaction Mnemonic : put+rid...anything that is rotten and foul smelling, we would want to get rid of immediately...


(adj.) of or relating to or caused by a toxin or poison Mnemonic: TOXIC - The ENDEMIC spread of TOXIC waste has caused many deaths in the area.


(adj.) of or relating to or characteristic of Plato or his philosophy;(adj.) free from physical desire Mnemonic: Platonic - Plato (disciple of Socrates) wrote all the theoretical philosophies.


(adj.) of or relating to the biological study of physiology ;(adj.) of or consistent with an organism's normal functioning


(adj.) of something having a dusty purplish pink color


(adj.) open and observable; not secret or hidden Mnemonic : we know covert is hidden so overt is an exact opposite ie non-secretive.


(adj.) out of fashion Mnemonic : OUTMODED or OUTDATED - something that is out of fashion or no longer in use.


(adj.) overly sweet Mnemonics : sounds like shakkar which in hindi means sugar.Sugar is obviously very sweet.


(adj.) powerful Mnemonic: break it as "PUISS+ANT". connote "PUISS" with "pussy cat" and pussy cat is powerful than ant.; sounds like "power isn't it"


(adj.) presaging ill fortune Mnemonic : "omen+ious", Remember the movie "omen" the horror movie


(adj.) presenting favorable circumstances; likely to result in or show signs of success Mnemonic: PROPITI....sounds like property......if you have got lot of property..you are FORTUNATE to get it.. ......pro-means for + pitius/petere means to seek ...so seeking for favorable situation, seeking advantageous deal from someone.


(adj.) reluctant to draw attention to yourself Mnemonics : RET+ICENT=RET(RAT)+ICENT(INOCENT)=RAT IS INNOCENT SO HE SPAKS LESS,i.e REMAINS SILENT


(adj.) reluctant to draw attention to yourself Mnemonics : Retire means to avoid attention.When sports people retire, they lose attention of the media. Though Sachin is a retiring person, he is diplomatic about his retirement.


(adj.) repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse synonyms : banal , commonplace , hackneyed , old-hat , shopworn , stock , threadbare , timeworn , tired , well-worn Mnemonic: trite = tri +it ( so sounds like try + it) She made the same dish all the time and give it to her friends saying, 'try it',,as it is repeated so many times, it becomes over familiar.


(adj.) represented or appearing as such; pretended Mnemonic : os+TENS+IBLE..FOCUS ON TENS..TENSE..well delievring your speech in assembly you appered tensed to me.


(adj.) showing little emotion Mnemonic : phlegmatic -> plleg (flag) when we hoist a flag we should be calm and unexcited.


(adj.) strange in an interesting or pleasing way Mnemonic : If you know someone already, you call them ac + quaint. That is because, they are already known to you (old).


(adj.) sturdy and strong in form, constitution, or construction


(adj.) suffering from an undiagnosed mental disorder


(adj.) suitable or at a time that is suitable or advantageous especially for a particular purpose Mnemonic : OPPORTUNE sounds like FORTUNE. Therefore, this is just the OPPORTUNE moment to have inherited your father's FORTUNE.


(adj.) taking on different forms Mnemonic : If you eat proteins rather than carbohydrates you will be strong and flexible(versatile) rather than fat.


(adj.) transmitting light; able to be seen through with clarity synonyms : 1.crystal clear , crystalline , limpid , lucid , pellucid (adj.) easily understood or seen through (because of a lack of subtlety) 2. guileless Mnemonic: TRANSPARENT or EXPLICIT - something that is crystal clear.


(adj.) under terms not final or fully worked out or agreed upon synonyms : probationary , provisionary , tentative Mnemonic: in which there is still a provision for the unexpected


(adj.) unequivocally detestable Mnemonic :the word reminds us of ODOUR, when we get bad odour from someone ...we tend to DISLIKE or DEVELOP AN AVERSION for that person..


(adj.): coming at a subsequent time or stage (adj.) beyond or outside an area of immediate interest; remote Ex: "without ulterior argument", "the mood posterior to" "a suggestion ulterior to the present discussion", synonyms : later , posterior Mnemonics : relate it to exterior which means remote or outside, and has the same meaning as ulterior.


(adj.): logically convincing; sound; legally acceptable; effective; well grounded in logic or truth or having legal force still legally acceptable Ex. "valid reasoning/passport", "a valid inference", "a valid argument", "a valid contract","the license is still valid" Mnemonics : 1. Valid (logical) is like solid (strong)... give me one solid reason to prove, that, what you are saying is valid.


(adj.): unexplicable; impossible to account for; unreasonable or mysterious, can't be explained.Ex: "an unaccountable fear" synonyms : unexplainable Mnemonics:UN(not)+ACCOUNTABLE(cannot find the person who manipulated the accounts, i.e. its MYSTERIOUS,unexplainable)


(adj.):boastful; excessively conceited;N. vainglory: great vanity feeling self-importance Mnemonics : 1. all your glorious achievements are in vain if you boast about them. 2. 'vain' means thinking too highly of oneself; so 'vainglorious' means one feeling glorious about oneself


(adj.)not earthly; supernatural; weird; ghostly concerned with or affecting the spirit or soul Ex: "had unearthly shapes as of monstrous creatures", "an unearthly light, synonyms : eldritch , uncanny , weird, spiritual Mnemonics : UN(not)+EARTH- not realted to earth,means alien(weird) or GOD(supernatural), ghost.


(adv) :infallibly; Ex: "he unerringly fixed things for us" Mnemonics : the word stems from error so unerringly - un-error without error, without mistakes.


(adverb) a little bit at a time. synonyms : bit by bit , in stages , little by little (adj.) one thing at a time, in small stages , step-by-step , stepwise Mnemonic : PIECE+MEAL...SO IF YOU DIVIDE YOUR MEAL INTO LITTLE PIECES AND EAT ONLY A PART OF IT AT A TIME.


(adverb) in a casually inconsiderate manner Mnemonic(Tag: ) offhand - hands on means experience, you have prepared for that , so off hands means something without preparation


(noun) (French) a street or road in France;(noun) sadness associated with some wrong done or some disappointment "he drank to drown his sorrows", "he wrote a note expressing his regret", "to his rue, the error cost him the game" nemonics : rue sounds similar to ruin...when you ruin your life you LAMENT and REGRET it


(noun) (Roman Catholic Church) vespers of the office for the dead (noun) an innocuous or inert medication; given as a pacifier or to the control group in experiments on the efficacy of a drug Mnemonic: split it like this PLACE-it takes the place of the actual substance..and BOgus..it doesnt do what the actual pill does.Thus PLACEBO is a bogus harmless pill which takes the place of the original.


(noun) (architecture) a slender upright spire at the top of a buttress of tower;(noun) a lofty peak synonyms : 1. acme , elevation , height , meridian , peak , summit , superlative , tiptop , top 2. (verb) raise on or as if on a pinnacle 3. (verb) surmount with a pinnacle Mnemonic: pin(PINE TREE)+NACLE..SOUNDS LIKE UNCLE..so your uncle wants to CLIMB the PEAK OR HIGHEST POINT OF PINE TREE.


(noun) (biology) the major taxonomic group of animals and plants; contains classes ;(noun) (linguistics) a large group of languages that are historically related


(noun) a person who habitually pretends to be something he is not synonyms : poser Mnemonic: A POSEUR POSEs a lot.


(noun) (logic) a proposition that is accepted as true in order to provide a basis for logical reasoning synonyms : 1. posit (verb) maintain or assert 2. contend Mnemonic: post-u-late: I agree that I posted it late but when you get my mail, my statement that "I did send it" will self evidently be true.


(noun) (military) an offensive against an enemy (using weapons) Mnemonic : onslaught..divide it like..on+slaught(ER)...SO if you slaughter somebody or something on the spot..IN TURN YOU ARE FIERCELY ATTCKING THEM.


(noun) (theology) in Roman Catholic theology the place where those who have died in a state of grace undergo limited torment to expiate their sins ( noun) a temporary condition of torment or suffering; "a purgatory of drug abuse" Mnemonic: purgatory = in Roman Catholic, it means a place where one has to experience suffering before he goes to heaven, so it is like a gate to heaven, purgatory = pure + gate, a gate to heaven which purifies you.


(noun) (usually plural) accessory wearing apparel synonyms : furnishing Mnemonic: there is a chance that outward decorations may trap you. Hence always follow the interiors rather than getting trapped by trappings.


(noun) : ideal place, state, or society; ADJ. utopian an imaginary place considered to be perfect or ideal Mnemonics : remember etheopia which is a country. consider it as an ideal place on earth for everyone.


(noun) :ointment semisolid preparation (usually containing a medicine) applied externally as a remedy or for soothing an irritation synonyms : balm , ointment , salve , unction Mnemonics : Unguent if rephrased as urgent can be used as, say, 'There is an urgent need for the ointment (unguent).


(noun) :position giving an advantage (such as a strategic point); the quality of having a superior or more favorable position.Ex: "the experience gave him the advantage over me" synonyms : advantage Mnemonics : In the movie "Vantage Point" the hero has an ad-vantage over the villain.


(noun) :sameness; monotony; synonyms : uniformness Mnemonics: In school students wear UNIFORM, so from far away everyone looks SAME i.e one cannot distinguish who is who.


(noun) :unity of pitch (in musical performance); complete accord;Ex. "The choir sang in unison." Mnemonics : UNI for same; SON (comes from SONUS=SOUND)


(noun) a basis for comparison; a reference point against which other things can be evaluated synonyms : criterion , measure , standard Mnemonic: divide it like touch+stone..so you touch gold with a stone to test the fineness of gold.


(noun) a bundle of myelinated nerve fibers following a path through the brain synonyms : 1.nerve pathway , nerve tract , pathway 2. (noun) a system of body parts that together serve some particular purpose 3. (noun) a brief treatise on a subject of interest; published in the form of a booklet 4. pamphlet 5. (noun) an extended area of land 6. parcel , parcel of land , piece of ground , piece of land Mnemonic: You would drive a TRACTOR in a TRACT(meaning an expanse of land or say a field) to get it ready for cultivation.


(noun) a channel along the eaves or on the roof; collects and carries away rainwater synonyms : 1.gutter (noun) a container (usually in a barn or stable) from which cattle or horses feed 2. manger Mnemonic: A TROUGH is something HOLLOW, say a hollow receptacle for feeding animals. It also refers to a ditch or crater.


(noun) a clause that is appended to a legislative bil; (noun) a traveler riding in a vehicle (a boat or bus or car or plane or train etc) who is not operating it


(noun) a coarse sieve (as for gravel) Mnemonics : If we remember Harry Potter and Chamber of Secrets... Harry destroys Tom RIDDLE's diary by PIERCING it.


(noun) a collector and student of postage stamps synonyms : stamp collector Mnemonic : philatelist -> reminds me of italy. I used to collect stamps of the letters from italy.


(noun) a composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody's style, usually in a humorous way synonyms : 1.burlesque , charade , lampoon , mockery , parody , pasquinade , puton , sendup , spoof , takeoff 2. (noun) a composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody's style, usually in a humorous way 3. burlesque , charade , lampoon , mockery , parody , pasquinade , put-on , sendup , spoof , takeoff Mnemonic: travesty = trans + vest... change in clothes.. imitation but a poor one


(noun) a coniferous tree synonyms : 1. pine tree , true pine (verb) have a desire for something or someone who is not present 2. ache , languish , yearn , yen Mnemonic: pine(verb):Have a desire for something or someone who is not present there. Mera dost jab WINE pe leta hai tab he starts pining for his girlfriend.


(noun) a container used for carrying money and small personal items or accessories (especially by women) Mnemonic: just think of those bags (or purse) which are secured by pulling the strings on the two sides so that the opening closes by contracting and pukering up like pouting lips...


(noun) a controversy (especially over a belief or dogma);(noun) a writer who argues in opposition to others (especially in theology) synonyms : 1. polemicist , polemist (adj.) of or involving dispute or controversy 2. polemical Mnemonic: pole(poll)+mic..so during polls politicians often attack others opinions.


(noun) a corrupt or depraved or degenerate act or practice synonyms : depravity Mnemonic: turpitude = turbid attitude so a depraved act.


(noun) a country person synonyms : bucolic , peasant Mnemonic: province somewhat SOUNDS very close to PRINCE..so the area that is under the control of a prince...IS A PROVINCE....AND ANY PROVINCE IS very limited in area.. so limited in outlook.


(noun) a course introducing a new situation or environment


(noun) a deceptive maneuver (especially to avoid capture) Mnemonics : His ruse made the opponents lose the match.


(noun) a tropical cyclone occurring in the western Pacific or Indian oceans Mnemonic: A TYPHOON in the MONSOON is a harsh tropical storm.


(noun) a disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc. synonyms : apostate , deserter , ratter , recreant , renegade Mnemonic: if you turn your coat then you show your back... and one who back stabs you is a traitor


(noun) a disposition free from stress or emotion synonyms : 1.placidity , quiet , repose , serenity , tranquillity (noun) a state of peace and quiet 2. quietness , quietude , tranquillity (noun) an untroubled state; free from disturbances 3. quiet , tranquillity


(noun) a feeling of alarm or dread Mnemonic: TRAP - soldier on being trapped had the feeling of trepidation/fear.


(noun) a fictitious name used when the person performs a particular social role synonyms : anonym , nom de guerre


(noun) a form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc. synonyms : 1. absolutism , authoritarianism , caesarism , despotism , dictatorship , monocracy , one-man rule , shogunate , stalinism , totalitarianism;(noun) dominance through threat of punishment and violence 2. absolutism , despotism Mnemonic: TYRANNY is the VILLANY of a wicked person. A Tyrant as is his villainous nature supresses the weak.


(noun) a full supply synonyms : plenteousness , plentifulness , plentitude , plenty Mnemonic : plen(i)tude: remove i. sounds like plenty..means full.


(noun) a hearty draft;(verb) to swallow hurriedly or greedily or in one draught synonyms : gulp , swig Mnemonic : sounds like cough. When we have a cough, we DRINK cough syrup which is quite tasty actually.


(noun) a heavy iron lever with one end forged into a wedge;(verb) search or inquire in a meddlesome way Mnemonic : sounds like spy who interferes in others' private affairs and also OPENS up some secrets


(noun) a large circular room • (noun) a building having a circular plan and a dome Mnemonics : RotUNDA, unda in hindi means egg, which is round.


(noun) a large vertical steel tower supporting high-tension power lines "power pylons are a favorite target for terrorists" synonyms : power pylon


(noun) a list of names Mnemonics : It's a mix of: ro(ll) + (li)st + (regist)er


(noun) a long wandering and eventful journey Mnemonic : sounds like oddisy(a kind of dance)..so seeing and practicing a oddisy dance..is an eventful. thing to do..


(noun) a medical doctor specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the eye;(noun) a person skilled in testing for defects of vision in order to prescribe corrective glasses


(noun) a medical dressing consisting of a soft heated mass of meal or clay that is spread on a cloth and applied to the skin to treat inflamed areas or improve circulation etc. synonyms : 1. cataplasm , plaster (verb) dress by covering with a therapeutic substance 2. plaster Mnemonic: poultICE contains word ICE.Ice in itself is a soothing substance which when applied on inflammation alleviates the pain.So poultice is applying ice on inflammation.


(noun) a medicinal or magical or poisonous beverage Mnemonic : potion=poison+lotion


(noun) a member of a clandestine subversive organization who tries to help a potential invader Mnemonics : • sab(in hindi we all)+teur..sounds like tear...during the gujrat riots when people were destroying property..people who were eying on tv sets .un.SAB ki aakho me tears aa gaye.


(noun) a member of an Aegean people who settled ancient.Philistia around the 12th century BC .(noun) a person who is uninterested in intellectual pursuits Mnemonic: Rhymes like Palestine. Palestinians are narrow minded and killing the Jews in Israel. synonyms : anti-intellectual , lowbrow


(noun) a method of representing the sounds of a language by written or printed symbols Mnemonic : etymologically ortho means 'to correct' and graphy means 'writing'. Therefore orthography means to correct the writings ,in other words TO CORRECT SPELLINGS.


(noun) a minute epidermal pore in a leaf or stem through which gases and water vapor can pass synonyms : 1.stoma , stomate (verb) direct one's attention on something Mnemonic: school books are a bore..because we have to pore through them


(noun) a musical composition consisting of a series of songs or other musical pieces from various sources synonyms : 1. medley , pastiche (noun) a collection containing a variety of sorts of things Mnemonic: imagine a pot in which you are making a puri (Indian dish). you put all kinds of stuff in it to make a puri.so that the mixture is a heterogeneous one! hence potpurri..


(noun) a musical composition for voices and orchestra based on a religious text


(noun) a musical work that has been created Mnemonic : OPUS remember an octopus working on a musical instrument like piano


(noun) a narcotic drug that contains opium or an opium derivative Mnemonic : (Tag: pia= piya=davai piya) Pia sounds like Piya(drink) in hindi..kya piya?? Davai piya...i.e Medicine that makes u sleep..


(noun) a natural disposition to be hostile Mnemonic : PUGNACIOUS - a PUG(a breed of dog) who is Vicious.So Pugnacity can be related; (Tag: hindi) Reverse 'gn' to 'ng' to make- 'punga'-'city' ( quarrelsome place).


(noun) a person excessively concerned about propriety and decorum synonyms : puritan Mnemonic: Can be thought as an antonym of CRUDE. Also, when crude oil is refined we get PURE oil and hence it can be called PURITAN also.


(noun) a person skilled in testing for defects of vision in order to prescribe corrective glasses


(noun) a person who delivers a speech or oration Mnemonic : orator sounds like obama senator , so a senator is a public speaker


(noun) a person with a mania for setting things on fire Mnemonic: pyro+maniac...pyro sounds similar to pyre(pile of wood on which cremation of dead is done)...so a maniac who sets everything to fire and perform their funeral rites...


(noun) a personal or social separation (as between opposing factions)


(noun) a physician who specializes in psychiatry synonyms : head-shrinker , shrink


(noun) a platform raised above the surrounding level to give prominence to the person on it synonyms : ambo , dais , pulpit , rostrum , soapbox , stump Mnemonic: pod means "feet".


(noun) a political system governed by a few people Mnemonic : oligo basically means a few people.. as used in oligopoly..


(noun) a political system governed by the wealthy people Mnemonic: to reach PLUTO, lot of money is required


(noun) a power of attorney document given by shareholders of a corporation authorizing a specific vote on their behalf at a corporate meeting; (noun) a person authorized to act for another synonyms : placeholder , procurator


(noun) a preliminary introduction to a statute or constitution (usually explaining its purpose);(verb) make a preliminary introduction, usually to a formal document Mnemonic: PRE(before) + AM (i) + BOL(tell): in a meeting political leaders will say: what I want to say before I start my lecture is bla bla bla. All this will take 1 hour. :) . This is what preamble is.


(noun) a primitive method of determining a person's guilt or innocence by subjecting the accused person to dangerous or painful tests believed to be under divine control; escape was usually taken as a sign of innocence Mnemonic : OR+DEAL...DEALING WITH ORIYA SPEAKING PEOPLE IN ANOTHER LANGUAGE is quite a difficult experience.


(noun) a quality that arouses emotions (especially pity or sorrow) synonyms : poignance Mnemonic: poignant refers to be pointful to any topic like KEENLY.


(noun) a quick reply to a question or remark (especially a witty or critical one)


(noun) a ribald person; someone who uses vulgar and offensive languag; (adj.) humorously vulgar Mnemonics : ridicule "bald" people


(noun) a ruler who is unconstrained by law synonyms : dictator Mnemonic : Potent enough to pass the rules - a monarch.


(noun) a secret rendezvous (especially between lovers) synonyms : assignation Mnemonic: lovers need to trust each other


(noun) a set of three literary or dramatic works related in subject or theme Mnemonic: TRILOGY or STORY which consists of three parts.


(noun) a sign of something about to happen synonyms : omen , presage , prodigy , prognostic , prognostication Mnemonic: It may POUR today so bring ur TENT when u come for trekking -omen


(noun) a small stream Mnemonics : river + outlet


(noun) a soft wet area of low-lying land that sinks underfoot synonyms : mire , morass , quag , slack Mnemonic : Take into consideration the First three words QUAgmire. The words resemble earth QUAKE. So earth quake is an awkward predicament, where soil sinks under your feet.


(noun) a solemn pledge of fidelity synonyms : 1.plight (noun) a mutual promise to marry 2.betrothal , engagement Mnemonic: TROTH is related to BETROTHAL which can be split as BE+TROTH, to BE TRUTHFUL. Therefore TROTH means a PLEDGE OF TRUTH.


(noun) a solemn pledge of fidelity synonyms : 1.troth (noun) a situation from which extrication is difficult especially an unpleasant or trying one 2. predicament , quandary (verb) promise solemnly and formally 3. pledge (verb) give to in marriage 4. affiance , betroth , engage Mnemonic: sounds like flight which is a difficult condition for first time flyers.


(noun) a spear with three prongs Mnemonic: TRIDENT=TRI(three) + DENT(tooth).


(noun) a specialist in care for the feet synonyms : chiropodist , foot doctor Mnemonic: pod + atrist = pod means feet.


(noun) a standard or typical example


(noun) a state of extreme dishonor Mnemonic : If you take OPIUM(banned drug) you will be criticized, humiliated & put to shame.


(noun) a stipulated condition synonyms : provision Mnemonic: proviso--->"provided"--->ur going to do some work "provided" some condition is satisfied


(noun) a stock or supply of foods Mnemonic: Some vendors sell dry food and hence product sold by a vendor = Provender


(noun) a substance used as a coating to protect or decorate a surface (especially a mixture of pigment suspended in a liquid); dries to form a hard coating synonyms : paint


(noun) a superior skill that you can learn by study and practice and observation Mnemonic: it is taken from root word prou....word like prow, proud, prowess..all has root prou..means something extraordinary, something superior.


(noun) a thorough search for something (often causing disorder or confusion) "he gave the attic a good rummage but couldn't find his skis" Mnemonics : rum+mage..after driniking RUM..ramiz ransaked the maize field


(noun) a trap in the form of a concealed hole synonyms : pit (noun) an unforeseen or unexpected or surprising difficulty Mnemonic: THERE s a pit to make you fall...trap


(noun) a trite or obvious remark synonyms : banality , bromide , cliche , commonplace Mnemonic : 1. The word 'platitude' is derived from the word 'plat',which is the French version of the word 'flat' and means literally "a flat remark. 2. flat + attitude: something flat does not attract us as it is very common. So you will obviously give trite remarks.


(noun) a violently fast stream of water (or other liquid) ;(noun) a heavy rain synonyms : cloudburst , deluge , downpour , pelter , soaker , waterspout an overwhelming number or amount Mnemonic: TORRENT and CURRENT are rhyming words with a similar meaning. They refer to a strong flow of water.


(noun) a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity Mnemonic : OR (can relate to hindi aur , means more) , excess of something!


(noun) a wooden instrument of punishment on a post with holes for the wrists and neck; offenders were locked in and so exposed to public scorn(verb) criticize harshly or violently synonyms : 1. blast , crucify , savage (verb) expose to ridicule or public scorn 2. gibbet Mnemonic: Pillory: The word pillor stands out. Visualise a person being tied to a pillar as a punishment.


(noun) a worker who makes glasses for remedying defects of vision Mnemonic : OPTIC refers to the eye or sight, hence an OPTICIAN has something to do with the eye...he is a spectacle (eye glasses) maker.


(noun) a zoologist who studies birds


(noun) absentminded dreaming while awake Mnemonics : read it as "river eye" jheel si aankhe... think about the song "sharbati teri aankho ki jheel si gehrai me mai doob jata hoon" so doob jana means mused in thoughts.. daydreaming..


(noun) action taken in return for an injury or offense Mnemonics : Retaliation=Re+tell+action


(noun) all future generations;(noun) all of the offspring of a given progenitor synonyms : descendants Mnemonic : posterity = post + inherity


(noun) an abrupt or sudden removal of a person or group from an organization or place;:(verb) eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth Mnemonic : its the opposite of 'merge', merge means to mix something into another and purge means get rid of something.


(noun) an act that sets in motion some course of events synonyms : induction , initiation (verb) release or pull the trigger on Mnemonic: A TRIGGER is a LEVER for releasing a spring. To trigger something off - set something into action.


(noun) an animal especially a mammal having four limbs specialized for walking; c(adj.) having four feet


(noun) an annoying or frustrating or catastrophic event Mnemonic : The verdict from a 'Tribunal' is often an annoying/frustrating/catastrophic event for a family.


(noun) an anxiety disorder characterized by extreme and irrational fear of simple things or social situations synonyms : phobic disorder , phobic neurosis


(noun) an aperture or hole that opens into a bodily cavity Mnemonic : ORI + FICES oral and flies ... Mouth wide open so flies might go in


(noun) an assembly (including one or more judges) to conduct judicial business synonyms : court , judicature Mnemonic: TRIBUNAL or JUDICIAL have the same sound. The words refer to a board of officials appointed to pass judgement over a trial.


(noun) an example that is used to justify similar occurrences at a later time synonyms : 1. case in point , precedent (adj.) preceding in time, order, or significance 2. precedent Mnemonic: similar to precede


(noun) an exhibition of a representative selection of an artist's life wor; (adj.) concerned with or related to the past Mnemonics : Prefix Retro:Behind,past...-spect..just adding "in" to -spect..it becomes inspect....thus inspecting our past, looking back at our past.


(noun) an imperial decree that becomes part of the fundamental law of the land synonyms : 1. pragmatic sanction (adj.) of or concerning the theory of pragmatism 2. pragmatical Mnemonic: PRA + gma + TIC = PRA + c + TIC + al


(noun) an inadequate payment Mnemonic: 1.Pittance rhymes with Patience; You need to have patience to work all day for a mere pittance. 2. PIT<->TIP(to waiter)


(noun) an involuntary vibration (as if from illness or fear) synonyms : 1. shudder (noun) a small earthquake 2. earth tremor , microseism Mnemonic: TREMOR and Shiver are rhyming words which mean, a slight tremble or quiver.


(noun) an obvious truth Mnemonic: TRUISM = TRUI(TRUE) + SM(SELF MADE) => self evident truth


(noun) an onerous or difficult concern Mnemonic : ON-US you are ON US ie. you are a BURDEN on me.


(noun) an overwhelming defeat Mnemonics : All batsmen are out. Team faces "rout".


(noun) an unsophisticated country person;(adj.) awkwardly simple and provincial


(noun) any liquid suitable for drinking synonyms : 1. beverage , drink , drinkable (adj.) suitable for drinking 2. drinkable Mnemonic: water that is stored in a mudPOT.coldwater .is suitable for drinking.


(noun) any long and difficult trip Mnemonic: Trecking is a long & tedious trip or a track is through which a journey is taken.


(noun) any of various types of fold formed by doubling fabric back upon itself and then pressing or stitching into shape synonyms : 1. pleat (noun) a hairdo formed by braiding or twisting the hair 2. braid , tress , twist (verb) weave into plaits; make by braiding or interlacing 3. braid , lace Mnemonic:hair plaiting..


(noun) attention and management implying responsibility for safety;(noun) teaching pupils individually (usually by a tutor hired privately) Mnemonic: TUTELAGE, concentrate on the first part of the word TUTE meaning a kind of TUTOR, who KEEPS A WATCH ON YOU, a GUARDIAN.


(noun) beaklike projection of the anterior part of the head of certain insects such as e.g. weevils Mnemonics : one who drinks rum (with roast) will need give speech and hence needs a platform :)


(noun) category name Mnemonics : 1."it is usually discussed under the rubric of `functional obesity'"; 2. (noun) a title or heading that is printed in red or in a special type;(noun) a heading that names a statute or legislative bill; may give a brief summary of the matters it deals with "Title 8 provided federal help for schools"


(noun) characteristic way of bearing one's body synonyms : 1. bearing , carriage (verb) assume a posture as for artistic purposes Mnemonic : good physique=good posture


(noun) cheap showy jewelry or ornament on clothing synonyms : bangle , bauble , fallal , gaud , gewgaw , novelty Mnemonic: A BRACELET is also a TRINKET. A Trinket refers to a small and delicate piece of jewellery.


(noun) code of correct conduct


(noun) correct or appropriate behavior Mnemonic: divide the word as propr+iety ..propr(sounds like PROPER)..hence it refers to being PROPER or CORRECT IN CONDUCT..


(noun) determination


(noun) determination ; firmness of purpose.;(verb) decide ; settle ; solve


(noun) disturbance usually in protest synonyms : agitation , excitement , hullabaloo , upheaval Mnemonic: turmoil: turn + oil.when the government raises the price of oil..it creates turmoil among the public.


(noun) dried plum; (verb) weed out unwanted or unnecessary things synonyms : cut , rationalise , rationalize


(noun) enthusiastic approval synonyms : acclaim , acclamation , eclat , plaudits Mnemonic: remove 'p' u'll get LAUDIT. which can mean loud it. Victory should always be praised by loud cheer i.e. with enthusiastic approval.;similar to applaud


(noun) enthusiastic recognition (especially one accompanied by loud applause)


(noun) excessive sternness;• (noun) something hard to endure "severity of character", "the harshness of his punishment was inhuman", "the rigors of boot camp" synonyms : hardness , harshness , inclemency , rigorousness , rigour, rigourousness , severeness , severity , stiffness "the asperity of northern winters" synonyms : cogency , rigour , validity


(noun) extinct flying reptile Mnemonic: pero + duck + tyle (the duck without legs will fly). So reptiles which fly


(noun) extreme excess synonyms : embarrassment , overplus , superfluity Mnemonic : like if you go home after many days, your mother will insist that you eat more. What she will say is "Le + Thoda Aur Le" ultimately, aisai lene se, it will become an excess at the end. You will be full :)


(noun) fanciful but graceful asymmetric ornamentation in art and architecture that originated in France in the 18th century Mnemonics : ro(w)+coco- you arrange and decorate coconuts in a row.


(noun) feeling of deep & bitter anger & ill will ; bitterness ; displeasure Mnemonics : re+SENTMENT you feel BITTER, DISPLEASURE when you see the sentiment scenes.


(noun) forerunners; foremost position of an army; advance forces; the position of greatest importance or advancement; the leading position in any movement or field.Ex:"the Cotswolds were once vanguard of woollen manufacturing in England" synonyms : cutting edge , forefront, avant-garde , new wave , van Mnemonics : 1.Maruti A Maruti "VAN" needs to be guarded from the front as it doesnot have a bonnet. 2. vanguard - one guard which is generally fight before actual war in medieval time~ vanguard also fight before many of other.


(noun) getting something back again Mnemonics : "upon the restitution of the book to its rightful owner the child was given a tongue lashing" synonyms : 1. regaining , restoration , return 2. the act of restoring something to its original state 3. a sum of money paid in compensation for loss or injury 4. restitution....we can think of "rest". we take rest when we feel tired.i.e when energy is lost.....so "rest" is a "compensation" for an energy loss.


(noun) ghostly being that sucks the blood of the living;(folklore) a corpse that rises at night to drink the blood of the living synonyms :lamia. Mnemonics : Empire (kingdom) sounds like Vampire (a blood sucking parasite)...a vampire that has a large empire.


(noun) hate coupled with disgust Mnemonic : odium sounds very close to podium(a stage type of thing)-well standing on podium when politician delivers speech against their opponents ..it fills us with odium.


(noun) homeless wanderer;a wanderer who has no established residence or visible means of support synonyms : drifter , floater , vagabond, Mnemonics : vagrant rhymes with migrant. Migrants are homeless wanderers


(noun) idle or foolish and irrelevant talk synonyms : 1. blether , chin music , idle talk , prate (verb) speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly 2. blab , blabber , chatter , clack , gabble , gibber , maunder , palaver , piffle , prate , tattle , tittle-tattle , twaddle Mnemonic: p-rattle, the word "rattle" (talk continuously) itself conveys that what you are saying sounds foolish as no one can understand what you are rattling off.


(noun) idle or foolish and irrelevant talk synonyms : 1. blether , chin music , idle talk , prattle (verb) speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly 2. blab , blabber , chatter , clack , gabble , gibber , maunder , palaver , piffle , prattle , tattle , tittle-tattle , twaddle


(noun) inactivity resulting from lethargy and lack of vigor or energy synonyms : listlessness , torpidity , torpidness , torpor Mnemonic: Well its quite opposite to what is a topper who is naturally diligent


(noun) intense aversion Mnemonics : repulsion = revulsion


(noun) large deep serving dish with a cover; for serving soups and stews Mnemonic: It can be broken as Tureen = Tarri + In TARRI is famous hindi slang for spicy curry. IN means isnide. So where we put TARRI. Which is nothing but bowl.


(noun) obstreperous and defiant aggressiveness synonyms : truculency Mnemonic : truc(sound like truck) + cull(means to kill animals) + ance(hence).. the truck driver culled some of the animals without permission, hence the villagers are angry with him and are agressively barring him from entering the village.


(noun) one of the common people synonyms : 1. pleb (adj.) of or associated with the great masses of people 2. common , unwashed , vulgar Mnemonic: plebeian - sounds like play with lesbian which is very vulgar


(noun) one who sells advice about gambling or speculation (especially at the racetrack) synonyms : 1.tipster (noun) someone who advertises for customers in an especially brazen way 2.touter (verb) show off 3. blow , bluster , boast , brag , gas , gasconade , shoot a line , swash , vaunt Mnemonic: improve the previous mnemonic,imagine a stout person praising his muscles


(noun) one who stays for only a short time;(adj.) of a mental act; causing effects outside the mind synonyms : 1. transeunt (adj.) lasting a very short time 2. ephemeral , fugacious , passing , short-lived , transitory Mnemonic: remember transient light and transient current,,that we studied in physics,,which produce an effect for a very short time.


(noun) pancake batter baked in a waffle iron, verb) pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness mnemonics : Waffle is somewhat similar to stifle or even muffle, in the sense that they mean, to supress or hold back`


(noun) patient submissiveness ; statement that one is quitting a job


(noun) payment extorted by gangsters on threat of violence synonyms : 1. protection (noun) something given or done as an expression of esteem 2. testimonial Mnemonic: TRIBUTE and CONTRIBUTE are rhyming words. As it was a TRIBUTE for the flood victims, everyone CONTRIBUTED generously.


(noun) physical beauty (especially of a woman) Mnemonic: pulchr(pulsar)+itude(attitude). Pulsar attitude ke saath chalana. Pulsar is a beautiful bike.


(noun) production of a certain amount,output, fruit, mnemonics : Yield sounds similar to field. A field is an area where crop is grown, and yield is the amount of crop produced in it as an outcome of one's effort.


(noun) righteousness by virtue of being pious synonyms : piousness Mnemonic : Pie+tea if we get a pie and a tea when we are hungry we thank god and devout to him. Or else when we need them we devout to god.


(noun) self-control ; formal but distant manner.


(noun) shaving the crown of the head by priests or members of a monastic order;(verb) shave the head of a newly inducted monk Mnemonic: TONSURE - TO MAKE SURE that the head is clean-shaven (tonsured).


(noun) shrewd or crafty management of public affairs; a politically organized unit Mnemonic : sounds like "policy", every software company has its own policy which states the rules and regulations etc.. governing rules


(noun) small gallinaceous game birds; (verb) draw back, as with fear or pain Mnemonic : If you fail in exam, you quail before your dad :)


(noun) someone new to a field or activity synonyms : beginner , initiate , novice , tiro Mnemonic: tyro...sounds like try karo,a beginner TRYing to establish his buisness.


(noun) someone who fights with his fists for sport Mnemonic: (Tag: Telugu) pugilist-->pagilipoddi--->boxer ...lolololol


(noun) someone who has been admitted to membership in a scholarly field synonyms : initiate , learned person , savant


(noun) someone who is married to two or more people at the same time Mnemonic : poly=many, gamy=marriage


(noun) someone who makes charitable donations intended to increase human well-being synonyms : altruist Mnemonic : Phil+anthropy-phil is love and anthrop is human beings


(noun) someone who supplies provisions (especially food) Mnemonic : remember conveyor which means supplying something..purveyor= person+ conveyor. A person who does a job of conveyor by supplying something to others.


(noun) something left after other parts have been taken away


(noun) something of small importance synonyms : small beer , trifle , triviality Mnemonic: TRIVIA which refers to trivial (small) matters is the opposite of INSIGNIA which describes something important, a symbol of authority.


(noun) something that bulges out or is protuberant or projects from its surroundings Mnemonic: protrude is somewhat similar protuberance-extend beyond


(noun) state of uncertainty or perplexity especially as requiring a choice between equally unfavorable options synonyms : dilemma Mnemonic: this word quandary sounds like wandering so if you are in a DILEMMA you wander all around the streets.....


(noun) study of the technique and rules for using language effectively (especially in public speaking) Mnemonics : rhetoric = "right oral" skills. If you have the right oral skills, you can communicate well.


(noun) supernatural practices and techniques;(noun) supernatural forces and events and beings collectively;(verb) hide from view Mnemonic diffiCULT to understand


(noun) that which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason Mnemonic : psych-concerning mind stuff


(noun) the act of arousing


(noun) the act of controlling by restraining someone or something "the unlawful restraint of trade" (noun) a device that retards something's motion "the car did not have proper restraints fitted" synonyms : 1.constraint (noun) lack of ornamentation "the room was simply decorated with great restraint" 2. (noun) the state of being physically constrained "dogs should be kept under restraint"


(noun) the act of correcting for your wrongdoin; (noun) the act of taking revenge (harming someone in retaliation for something harmful that they have done) especially in the next life Mnemonics : RATRI(night)+ABUSE--he abused me at night and got beating from me in the morning, he got RETRIBUTION.


(noun) the act of making a choice,willing. mnemonics : Volition (Volley + Shun):Act of making a conscious decision. Volley : Volley Ball Shun. To Stop Concerning his degrading grades Nikhil "MADE A CONSCIOUS DECISION" of holding his participation in VOLLEY BALL MATCHES.


(noun) the act of making a noisy disturbance synonyms : commotion , din , ruckus , ruction , rumpus (noun) violent agitation Mnemonic: TUMULT or TUMULTUOUS and TEMPESTUOUS have the same sound and meaning i.e great confusion or disorder.


(noun) the act of moving something from one location to another;(noun) a state of being carried away by overwhelming emotion synonyms : ecstasy , exaltation , rapture , raptus Mnemonic: TRANSPORT = TRANS + SPORT. Concentrate on the word sport. So, in order to be successful in any sport you have to be EMOTIONALLY STRONG.


(noun) the act of ordaining; the act of conferring (or receiving) holy orders


(noun) the act of ordaining; the act of conferring (or receiving) holy orders


(noun) the act of passing from one state or place to the next synonyms : passage (verb) make or undergo a transition (from one state or system to another) Mnemonic: TRANSITION or CONVERSION or TRANSFORMATION, all of which are rhyming words having the same meaning. The words refer to the process of changing from one state to another.


(noun) the act of pulling and releasing a taut cord;(noun) the trait of showing courage and determination in spite of possible loss or injury synonyms : 1. gutsiness , pluckiness (verb) look for and gather 2. cull , pick Mnemonic : one should possess "Courage" to pluck flowers from our garden


(noun) the act of stealing valuable things from a place synonyms : pillaging , plundering (noun) goods or money obtained illegally synonyms : booty , dirty money , loot , plunder , prize , swag, (verb) steal goods; take as spoils synonyms : despoil , foray , loot , plunder , ransack , reave , rifle , strip Mnemonic : PILLAGE SOUNDS LIKE VILLAGE.. many villages were plundered during the Gujarat riots. a PILL plunders a disease-causing germs


(noun) the act of swindling by some fraudulent scheme Mnemonics : like rigid = fixed so rig = fix


(noun) the action of attacking an enemy


(noun) the action of going beyond or overstepping some boundary or limit;(noun) the act of transgressing; the violation of a law or a duty or moral principle Mnemonic: Trans + aggression....imagine the army of Pakistan aggressively crossing the Line of Control (LOC) and hence violating the law trans(=across) border.


(noun) the body excluding the head and neck and limbs Mnemonic: A TORSO is the TOP ROW (upper half) of the human body.


(noun) the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience synonyms : center , centre , core , essence , gist , heart , heart and soul , inwardness , kernel , marrow , meat , nitty-gritty , nub , substance , sum (verb) remove the pith from (a plant) Mnemonic: pith sounds like "peeth" which is central to the body hence pith means important, central or essential part of something


(noun) the condition of prospering; having good fortune


(noun) the configuration of a surface and the relations among its man-made and natural features;(noun) precise detailed study of the surface features of a region Mnemonic: TOPOGRAPHY is the GEOGRAPHY of an area, its rivers, roads, buildings, etc


(noun) the deliberate act of delaying and playing instead of working synonyms : 1.dalliance , dawdling (adj.) not worth considering 2. negligible , paltry Mnemonic: divide it like TRI(TRY)+FLING.(means to throw sb or something)..SO..you always TRY to throw SOMETHING UNIMPORTANT.


(noun) the group following and attending to some important person Mnemonics : sounds like routine what you FOLLOW (daily) is routine(oops retinue)


(noun) the harsh sound of a duck Mnemonic : think of it as...if a person quacks like a duck...he is an impostor who is cating like a duck


(noun) the hemisphere that includes Eurasia and Africa and Australia


(noun) the hemisphere that includes North America and South America;(noun) the countries of (originally) Europe and (now including) North America and South America Mnemonic : lets just assume that there are better cars on the roads in the west... hence they have more accidents taking place.. occident rhymes with accident..


(noun) the human face synonyms : countenance , kisser , mug , phiz , smiler , visage


(noun) the humanistic study of language and literature synonyms : linguistics


(noun) the inherent capacity for coming into being synonyms : potency , potentiality (adj.) existing in possibility Mnemonic : potential=capability


(noun) the light horny waterproof structure forming the external covering of birds synonyms : feather , plume Mnemonic: Plum can remembered as slum.So near slum feathers of young birds are spread.


(noun) the metal bob of a plumb line synonyms : plumb , plumb bob (verb) drop sharply Mnemonic: it can be plum+met. as we seen earlier plum(b)=vertical. plummet can be MET the VERTICLE extreme limit(lower).i.e. it fell.


(noun) the metal bob of a plumb line synonyms : plumb bob , plummet (verb) examine thoroughly and in great depth; measure the depth of something (adverb) conforming to the direction of a plumb line; exactly (adj.) exactly vertical Mnemonic: plumb--plumber who tests the pipe to see whether it is exactly vertical or not.


(noun) the path followed by an object moving through space synonyms : flight Mnemonic: TRAJECTORY and ALLEY have the same sounds and they mean, a pathway of say, bullets...an alley of arrows or an alley of bullets.


(noun) the pervading meaning or tenor Mnemonic : PURPORT:PURPOSE


(noun) the property of being close together synonyms : propinquity


(noun) the property of being physically malleable; the property of something that can be worked or hammered or shaped without breaking synonyms : malleability Mnemonic :plastic can be melted easily


(noun) the quality of being responsive; reacting quickly; as a quality of people, it involves responding with emotion to people and events;(noun) responsive to stimulation


(noun) the roundness of a 3-dimensional object synonyms : 1.globosity , globularness , rotundness , sphericalness , sphericity; 2.(noun) the fullness of a tone of voice Mnemonics : rotund = round


(noun) the state capital and largest city located in south central Arizona; situated in a former desert that has become a prosperous agricultural area thanks to irrigation synonyms : capital of arizona (noun) a constellation in the southern hemisphere near Tucana and Sculptor (noun) a legendary Arabian bird said to periodically burn itself to death and emerge from the ashes as a new phoenix; according to most versions only one phoenix lived at a time and it renewed itself every 500 years Mnemonic: As the Immortal bird in Harry Potter


(noun) the study of poetic meter and the art of versification synonyms : metrics Mnemonic: prosody is converting 'prose' into mel'ody'. ie versification


(noun) the vestments and other insignia of a pontiff (especially abishop);(adj.) denoting or governed by or relating to a bishop or bishops synonyms : 1. episcopal (adj.) proceeding from or ordered by or subject to a pope or the papacy regarded as the successor of the Apostles 2. apostolic , apostolical , papal (adj.) puffed up with vanity 3. grandiloquent , overblown , pompous , portentous Mnemonic: remember ponting who behaves like a pope of cricket and rapes the players of other teams.


(noun) the wall that separates the stage from the auditorium in a modern theater Mnemonic: PRO+SCEN in front of the scene..in front of the curtain


(noun) tightly woven fabric with raised cords;(noun) a sudden outburst of anger synonyms : irritation , pique , temper Mnemonic: pique can be split as pi+que.. so imagine you are standing in a QUE(ue) in a Pie shop (cake) for a long time you get ANNOYED ,IRRITATED and you tend to show RESENTMENT


(noun) travel across synonyms : 1.traversal (noun) taking a zigzag path on skis 2. traversal (noun) a horizontal crosspiece across a window or separating a door from a window over it 3. transom (noun) a horizontal beam that extends across something 4. crossbeam , crosspiece , trave (verb) deny formally (an allegation of fact by the opposing party) in a legal suit 5. deny Mnemonic: TRAVERSE or CUT ACROSS - cross over, take a short cut.


(noun) unrestrained merrymaking Mnemonics : Sounds like "jewelry". You buy jewelry when you are in revelry.


(noun) unstable flow of a liquid or gas synonyms : 1. turbulency (noun) a state of violent disturbance and disorder (as in politics or social conditions generally) 2. sturm und drang , upheaval (noun) instability in the atmosphere Mnemonic: TURBULENCE and DISTURBANCE are similar sounding words having the same meaning - great commotion


(noun) use of physical or mental energy; hard work synonyms : 1.effort , elbow grease , exertion , sweat (noun) concluding state of pregnancy; from the onset of contractions to the birth of a child 2. childbed , confinement , labor , labour , lying-in , parturiency Mnemonic: travail ~ travel - If want to get a chance to travel overseas, you have to travail in your company.




(noun) where something originated or was nurtured in its early existence;"the birthplace of civilization Mnemonic: divide it like PROVEN+ance..now just focus on PROVEN..so what type of things can be proven..ONLY WHICH HAS ITS ORIGIN FROM SOMEWHERE..which have a source from where they have originated


(noun) wing of a bird synonyms : 1. pennon (noun) any of the larger wing or tail feathers of a bird 2. flight feather , quill , quill feather (verb) cut the wings off (of birds) (verb) bind the arms of synonyms : shackle


(noun): bravery;;ADJ. valiant:Ex: "he received a medal for valor" Mnemonics : valor resembles "jailer" who is very brave as he has to deal with notorious criminals. valor==jailer


(noun): capricious happening; caprice; whim; Ex: "the vagaries of the weather" Mnemonics : sounds like beggary.If you invest too much money in the stock market,it may lead to beggary because of the vagary (unpredictable) nature of the stock market.


(noun): in feudalism, one who held land of a superior lord; subordinate or dependent synonyms : feudatory , liege , liege subject , liegeman Mnemonics : 1. Sounds like vasool. One who has to give a vasool is a vassal. 2. sounds like fasal(hindi anaz).. so a person in feudal system who can cultivate under him and reprent them to king


(noun): outcome; final result.Ex: "upshot of a match or contest", synonyms : consequence , effect , event , issue , outcome , result Mnemonics : Sachin (Indian cricketer) hit a shot in the air, the outcome of which was a six... and a win


(noun): resentment; anger; sense of injury or insult; a feeling of anger caused by being offended Ex. take umbrage at his rudeness synonyms : offence , offense Mnemonics : umbrage == angrez ..who ruled India for a 100 years were very insulting to the Indians.


(verb) put forward an idea Mnemonic: propo(propose) + ound(round) = what do we propose at a round table, an idea


(noun): the act of anointing with oil;anointing as part of a religious ceremony or healing ritual Ex. extreme unction synonyms : inunction Mnemonics : unction rhymes with function, consider a religious function in which generally oil is used for anointment.


(noun): wanderer (without a permanent home); tramp (verb) move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment. Ex: "pirate ships were vagabonds of the sea" synonyms : drifter , floater , vagrant Mnemonics : 1.this word can be thought as Vagabond = James Bond the spy, does not live at one permanent place and is always seen wandering all over the world. 2. Vagabond..vengaboys..keep goin' all around for concerts etc..wanderers..


(noun):animal hunted or caught for food synonyms : prey


(noun)a person disposed to take a favorable view of things


(noun)lending money at illegal high rates of interest, an exorbitant or unlawful rate of interest synonyms : vigorish Mnemonics : us+ur+y = y(yield) of ur(your) farm given to us in high interests


(of a building or vehicle) poorly constructed; rickety; falling apart. Mnemonics: ramshackle is divided as ram+shackle where ram is heavy impact for destruction where as shackle is chained one so DESTRUCT THE CHAINED OR WELL CONSTRUCTED ONE.


(of a person) suffer from oppressive heat; be oppressed by heat Mnemonics : 1. If you put on a SWEATER in the heat, then you will suffer from oppresive heat 2. if you dont intend to SWELTER you need a SHELTER and not SWETTER.i.e. if yu don wanna suffer frm oppressive heat


(of a skin or complexion) dark; dusky; Ex. swarthy Italian ? Mnemonics : 1. Sounds like "swarth" which means selfish. i.e., dark side of a human. 2. my friend SWATHI is not SWARTHY.....she is fair!


(of behavior) proper; appropriate Mnemonic: [seemly ~ see + homely]


(of the skin) yellowish and unhealthy-looking; sickly in color; Ex. sallow complexion due to jaundice Mnemonic:[ swallowing yellow fruits makes u yellowish] [Sounds like yellow, and after replacing sa with ye, sallow becomes yellow..]


(of the voice) extremely loud; MNEMONIC : stentoric ~ steno + ori (behari/deaf in hindi).then you need a stento to speak


(of voice) harsh and unpleasant; (of people) disorderly and boisterous; Mnemonics: rauc(sounds like rock) + us rock music is usually loud and harsh.


(of water) not flowing (often bad-smelling); motionless; stale; not developing; inactive; dull; MNEMONIC : Stag sounds like stack that is a collection of things that don't move.


(of weather) hot; sweltering; sensual; voluptuous Mnemonics : Break SULTRY = sul + "TRY". Assume that you are TRYING to get something. For that you are working physically very hard. When you work hard you will feel hot and feel like sweating. Meaning : 1.sul+try sun+tre u rest under a tree when it is sunny 2. SLUT - sluts are usually HOT


(verb) : reprimand; severely scold, express criticism towards, Ex: "The president upbraided the general for his irresponsible behavior" synonyms : reproach Mnemonics : braid means hairdo(hairstyle). upbraid means destroy hairdo. If teacher rebukes or scolds you, he/she pulls your hair.


(verb) : waver (in opinion); fluctuate; sway to and fro;N. vacillation;move or sway in a rising and falling or wavelike pattern. Ex: "He vacillate between accepting the new position and retirement", synonyms : hover , oscillate , vibrate Mnemonics : sounds like OScillate..so something which moves from one position to another position.


(verb) : weaken gradually; sap; dig a mine beneath hollow out as if making a cave or opening Ex: "The river was undermining the banks", "The Resistance undermine railroad operations during the war", synonyms : counteract , countermine , sabotage , subvert , weaken, cave Mnemonics : While mining the workers go UNDER the earth by DIGing to search minerals, MINES, this WEAKENS the surrounding area.


(verb) :change in direction; swerve, turn sharply; change direction abruptly. Ex: "the wind veered" Mnemonics : 1. Veer and steer are rhyming words. Veer means to change direction and steer means to direct the course of, guide. 2. After taking BEER all directions change!!!


(verb) :change the appearance of (by marking with different colors) make something more diverse and varied Ex: "Vary the menu" synonyms : motley , vary Mnemonics : 1. variegated: add variety to an object by making it in many colours.variegated==variety 2. If we drop the letter 'g' and 'd'and take the word as varied+ate...they ATE from a VARIED range of foodstuff. 3. varie(various)-gated(gates)... the gates are of various colors.


(verb) :defrock; strip a priest or minister of church authority divest of the frock; of church officials synonyms : defrock Mnemonics : Priest put on frock. UN(gives negative connotation)+FROCK- so to put off frock. Here if priest put off his frock then the designation that he is holding, gets deprived from him.


(verb) avoid speaking to or dealing with Mnemonic : splitting this gives something like Aus + tere . Its like in australia are strict with Racial abuse. Harbahjan said tere ***ki, thats a racial abuse a) Austere


(verb) be or do something to a greater degree Mnemonic : getting stripped in a colloquial language means being insulted, which is also felt if ur defeated or outdone.. hence try relating outstrip it.


(verb) beat through cleverness and wit


(verb) become bony Mnemonic : concentrate on "oss". its similar to "ooze" to freeze .something becomes hard or fixed


(verb) become polarized in a conflict or contrasting situation synonyms : polarise Mnemonic: reminds of the two poles "N-Pole", "S-Pole" which is nothing but division of two extreme poles.


occurring irregularly; intermittent MNEMONIC : poradic== opposite of periodic, we know periodic things occur regularly.


(verb) block passage through Mnemonic (Tag: ) when you include someone they are welcome and the gates are always open but when you OCCLUDE(rhymes with EXCLUDE), they are unwelcome and hence the gates are SHUT or CLOSED on them.


(verb) cancel officially Mnemonics : Re-Voke...VOKE rhymes with POKE.When someone tries to POKE you you WITHDRAW


(verb) cancel officially Mnemonics : rescind reminds us of "resign", where resign is to cancel your appointment and rescind is to cancel an agreement.


(verb) cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of synonyms : appease , assuage , conciliate , gentle , gruntle , lenify , mollify , pacify Mnemonic: PL + ac + ATE = a PLATE full of tasty food to SATISFY someone.


(verb) change completely the nature or appearance of synonyms : 1.metamorphose , transmogrify (verb) elevate or idealize, in allusion to Christ's transfiguration 2. glorify , spiritualize Mnemonic: TRANSFIGURE+TRANSform+FIGURE(meaning shape)so TRANSFIGURE means TO CHANGE THE SHAPE


(verb) change in outward structure or looks synonyms : metamorphose , transform Mnemonic: transition from one channel to other in mute to avoid loud volume.:-)


(verb) command against Mnemonic: When you want a magazine, you PREscribe(subscribe) it. Similarly when you want to stop it, you will have to PROSCRIBE. SO PROSCRIBE = prohibit


(verb) convert the genetic information in (a strand of DNA) into a strand of RNA, especially messenger RNA:;(verb) rewrite in a different script synonyms : transliterate Mnemonic: TRANSCRIBE = TRANSfer + SCRIBE(to write). So when you transfer some writings from one book to other it means you COPY the writings.


(verb) convert to another faith or religion Mnemonic: prose+lytize = leta kar means mantra mugdh karke prose sunakar religion convert karna


(verb) echo ; resquand. Mnemonics : re+vibrate(echo) again and again


(verb) end resistance, as under pressure or force,succumb, cede, concede, grant,ease up, generate ,give, afford, buckle under.


(verb) extract (something such as stones) from or as if from a quarry Mnemonic: q+uarry..sounds like worry....when you worry about something, you dig deep into the matter .


(verb) formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure Mnemonics : retract->RE TACK IT, meaning to take back


(verb) get worse or fall back to a previous condition Mnemonics : retro(means past)+rograde(sounds like regret).....so you are regretting now for your awesome college days in PAST because you are missing them now.


(verb) give off (water) through the skin;(verb) come about, happen, or occur;(verb) come to light; become known Mnemonic: every one remembers the process of "transpiration" in plants, take it metaphorically for information,,relate it yourself


(verb) go back to a previous state


(verb) indicate by signs synonyms : augur , auspicate , betoken , bode , forecast , foreshadow , foretell , omen , predict , prefigure , presage , prognosticate Mnemonic: When we reached the port's end (sea port) we saw some dead bodies, which gave a sign that something bad was going to happen.


(verb) issue an order Mnemonic : ORD + A + IN = ORDer A person to come IN


(verb) keep ; employ


(verb) lend a rustic character to "rusticate the house in the country";(verb) give (stone) a rustic look;(verb) suspend temporarily from college or university, in England


(verb) lengthen in time; cause to be or last longer Mnemonic: remember protractor which we use for problems in geometry. It "extends" from 0 to 180 or 360 degrees.


(verb) look at with amorous intentions Mnemonic : O+gle..(girls)..so a man staring or eyeing young girls..


(verb) make a reduction, as in one's workforce"The company had to retrench"• (verb) tighten one's belt; use resources carefully Mnemonics : Consider the word in bracket only: re(trench) .. relate trench with bench. Tag: IT companies are removing all the employees on BENCH to CUT DOWN OR ECONOMIZE the company costs.


(verb) make shorter as if by cutting off Mnemonic: trunc(TRUNK) + cate(CUT).....when you CUT the TRUNK OF THE tree, by cutting the top off, you make it SHORT.


(verb) make turbid by stirring up the sediments of Mnemonics : roil = r + oil..consider only the oil part..imagine there is oil in the glass of water which u were going to drink..Sb has added oil kind of thing in ur water to make it turbid


(verb) make turbid by stirring up the sediments of synonyms : roil (verb) cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations Mnemonics : rile(rail)...we all travel by railways imagine you are on a trip to kodaikanal in a train and you find your co passenger who is all the time ANNOYING you.


(verb) move or swing from side to side regularly


(verb) move unsteadily, with a rocking motion synonyms : seesaw , teeter (verb) move unsteadily, with a rocking motion Mnemonic: DO+TARAF(side)- people who are on both side are always swaying either side: TOTTER and SAUNTER are rhyming words which mean, to walk with a limp.


(verb) produce or modulate (as electromagnetic waves) in the form of short bursts or pulses or cause an apparatus to produce pulses Mnemonic: remember "pulse" which beats regularly.


(verb) put down by force or intimidation. Mnemonics : Squash also means the same - compress/suppress. Quash can be framed as CRUSH to ash, so qu+(ASH).


(verb) reflect deeply on a subject "I mulled over the events of the afternoon", "philosophers have speculated on the question of God for thousands of years", "The scientist must stop to observe and start to excogitate" Mnemonics : if in ROOMS of hostel there is interNET, we will start to think(mull over) •


(verb) remove from a position or office Mnemonic : OUT


(verb) render helpless or defenseless Mnemonic: pro+strate...lay straight on the ground; NFS prostrate where our car enervates and stretches 2 ground


(verb) return to consciousness Mnemonics : it can be re+suicide+ate so after suicide he resuscitate for eating shining; brilliant; Ex. lustrous hair


(verb) rise again Mnemonics : re+SURGE surgery is to make one RISE AGAIN from inactivity to active state or REVIVE.


(verb) say (something) with great enthusiasm Mnemonics : when a lecture asks to explain about a rape scene he can explain or write in exaggeration and with enthusiasm.


(verb) speak unfavorably about synonyms : badmouth , drag through the mud , malign Mnemonic: TRADUCE - TO + REDUCE someone's good image, to slander or defame


(verb) spread negative information about Mnemonics : concentrate on evil- doing evil like slandering


(verb) strike, usually with the fist Mnemonic: imagine yourself BEATING PUMMELa Anderson WITH YOUR FISTS


(verb) swell or protrude outwards Mnemonic: intrude: coming in :protrude: bulging out


(verb) take without referencing from someone else's writing or speech; of intellectual property synonyms : lift , plagiarise Mnemonic: divide it like pla(plan)+gi+arize(arise)...so a plan arises in your mind to steal your friend's notes and show it to your lecturer.


(verb) underline; emphasize Ex: "Her gesture underscored her words" synonyms : emphasise , emphasize , underline Mnemonics : underscore means the special character '_' which we use to EMPHASIZE special words.


(verb): cause to feel resentment or indignation synonyms : offend , pique


(verb): live in a monotonous way (without interests or activity) Mnemonics : relate it to vegetarian = one who never takes meat or any of its products but only vegetables therefore has a monotonous taste of food.


(verb): seize another's power or rank (without legal authority), supplant; apropriate;N. usurpation; Ex: "he usurped my rights", "She usurp control of the throne after her husband died" synonyms : arrogate , assume , seize , take over Mnemonics : If I make use of your power forcefully then I am usurping.


(verb):disentangle; solve Ex: "unravel the mystery" synonyms : unknot , unpick , unscramble , untangle Mnemonics : unravel~ travel ; the archeologists who TRAVEL around the world to un-entangle/solve the mysteries of human evolution and socialization!


(verb):turn into vapor (steam, gas, fog, etc.) decrease rapidly and disappear. Ex: "the money vanished in las Vegas", "all my stock assets have vaporized" synonyms : fly , vanish, evaporate , vaporise, aerify , gasify Mnemonics : vapor(gas) is up in the air(rize) and is disappearing=> vaporize.

Stem from

Arise from MNEMONIC : A plant arises from a stem.


Extended scolding , a speech of violent denunciation Mnemonics: sounds like tired.. your mom gets tired after a TIRADE..i.e. LONG ANGRY DENUNCIATORY SPEECH..


Gigantic Mnemonics: the ship titanic was really gigantic isn't??


Marked with parallel bands; grooved


N.supply; allotted amount of work; V. assigned portion of work; limitation; MNEMONIC: stint ..sounds like stunt....and all stunt are learned when u spent SOME FIXED TIME TO LEARN THE INTRICACIES OF YOUR TASK .


Roman outer robe


Scandinavian myth; any legend; long heroic narrative Mnemonic: (sa re ga ma....so saga... songs are always long lehend myth types..)


acting as a substitute; done by a deputy Mnemonics : We do things for the people "we care". We appreciate things that "we care for".


acting without dialogue Mnemonic : panto+mime mime means acting without word.i.e. we can get mime in PANTO movie


action of moving secretly or unseen; slyness; sneakiness; secretiveness; MNEMONIC : If you remove TH then it becomes Steal, stealing is done in a secret manner.


adhesive; gluey Mnemonics : whisky ,once if we addicted to it,it is adhesive and gluey .we cannot leave it


adj): final, not susceptible for further analysis.;(noun) the finest or most superior quality of its kind Ex. The sun is the ultimate source of energy. Mnemonics : Ultimate (final) and penultimate (one and only).


coil , helix , spiral , volute, curl , lock , ringlet, coil , curl ,\ curlicue , gyre , ringlet , roll , scroll mnemonics : Whorl sounds similar to twirl...twirl the strings round to form a whorl (coil) of rope.


colored band produced when a beam of light passes through a prism MNEMONIC : specs produce spectrum in light. i.e. colors in the white light.


advanced in development Mnemonics : it can be pre+conscious(conscious). i.e. thing or person who/which is very conscious in advance.


advocate of the extension of voting rights (for women); CF. suffrage Mnemonics : suffragist~polygamist; a suffragist will fight for women rights like voting etc. (please forget about polygamy that was just to bring you to this mnemonic!) ...afterall just a cue shud b enough 2 recollect the word !


agreeable, pleasing to the taste Mnemonic : Pal+at+table.you are with your pals at the dinning table and having merry time.so everythg will be pleasing in taste.


assumed; counterfeit; hypothetical Mnemonics : supposititious~ suppose+fictitious ;suppose is to assume and fictitious can related to counterfiet and hypothetical ... make ur own stories


assumption; hypothesis; surmise; V. suppose Mnemonics : akin to "suppose".


assumption; postulate Mnemonics : see the mise part(if somebody says that mice can speak it is an assumption


avoid (responsibility, work, etc.); malinger Mnemonics : remember shrek..., normal people used to avoid him as he was a beast.


burn without flame; be liable to break out at any moment Mnemonics : Smolder, remove the 'm' from the word, it becomes solder. For soldering, we do not require fire, it is done by electricity or by burning copper zinc ,lead etc..


cast off Mnemonics : slough sounds similar to slaughter....so when there is a slaughter ,so many lives are CAST OFF


cater to the low desires of others, someone who procures customers for whores


cause to happen or to occur as a consequence mnemonics : wreak sounds like break..so if you break somebody head...you will definately be inflicted some punishment


cause; provoke; provide a cue for an actor


causing deep feelings of wonder, joy, respect, etc.; exalted; noble and uplifting; utter


chain; fetter Mnemonics : rhymes with ankle and is used to chain ankles.


change of fortune Mnemonics : vicissitude sounds like WISE ATTITUDE, whenver there is variation in circumstances or fortune at diffrent times of life, only a WISE PERSON WHO POSSES WISE(good)ATTITUDE CAN HANDLE THE SITUATION PROPERLY


char or burn;brand Mnemonic : ( hot iron se mere EAR sear ho gaya ) [SEAR rhymes with TEAR. When you BURN your hand you are in tears]


characteristic frame of mind. Mnemonics : Temperament and Inherent are rhyming words. You can say, that some people have a certain temperament which is inherent in them.


characteristic of earlier times; primitive, unspoiled Mnemonics : sounds like priest(ine) means pertaining to priests which is to remain in pure state.


characteristic of or devoted to the temporal world as opposed to the spiritual world mnemonics : Worldly and earthly both sound and mean the same, concerned with material gains, not a spiritual person


charm; object believed to give supernatural powers to or protect its bearer Mnemonics : Talisman sounds like Tilism(hindi word), which also refers to a magical charm (most probably a locket or an amulet) that helps protect its bearer.


cliff; dangerous position. Mnemonics : PRECI (PRESIDENT)+ PICE (PEACE). So if presedent wants peace then he will have to CLIMB a HIGH VERTICAL MOUNTAIN and meditate there. It will be a great PERIL for him.


climb up; ascend; remove or come off in scales; N: flake of epidermis; ascending or descending series of musical tones Mnemonic : [think we are climbing up a tree with a natraj scale]


close observation of a person (esp. one under suspicion); watching; guarding


close relationship; emotional closeness; harmony. Mnemonics : rapport- its like airport, at airport you leave close-ones thus, EMOTIONAL CLOSENESS, HARMONY, friendly feeling there.


clothing; garments. Mnemonics : sounds like the Raymond brand which is famous for its garments.


sleepwalker; V. somnambulate; N. somnambulism MNEMONIC : somna sounds like SONA -'sleep' and amble-'walk'.


come or bring together; call up or summon (forces, vital powers,etc.); revive or recuperate (after illness or difficulty); Mnemonics : For rally political parities "call up" many people.


comfort in trouble Mnemonics : i solaced when i opened my shoe lace


comparison of one thing with another, using the word like or as Mnemonics : lets assume that I have a latest car and u have an ambasstor.and we are racing for a MILE distance... we are COMPARING the efficient of the cars...


compensating, rewarding Mnemonics : re+money+iterative... its like u r new work is so good that it is generating money iteratively and have also compensated for the loss of leaving the earlier job.


complain bitterly; scold; rant. Mnemonics: rail sounds like rail or train so when you missed your rail, your father scolded you for not reaching on time.


contaminate; cause to lose purity; modify with a trace of something bad; Ex. tainted reputation; N: stain; touch of decay or bad influence; CF. touch Mnemonics : 1. Taint is like paint. If you happen to throw a paint of another colour on a white wall, it will get stained or tainted. 2. taint is spelled same as stain where stain is one which causes to lose the purity.


contend; compete Mnemonics : Pronounce it as 'Why' and observe the gesture i.e; right thumb up asking someone the question ' Why'.. and indeed you show your thumb up whenever you CHALLENGE some person


corrosive; sarcastic Mnemonics : divide it like vitriolic..vitriol+ic...AND VITRIOL..IS ANOTHER NAME OF SULPHURIC ACID.. and we all know that acid is caustic, sharp and bitter and when it falls on the skin it burns it, causing SHARP pain.


countercharges; V. recriminate Mnemonics : re-crimina-tion: crimina relates to a crime. recrimination means: one accusing the other for a crime. The other "re" accused him of another crime.


cutting ironic remark; scornful remarks; stinging rebuke; caustic remark , irony , satire . ADJ: sarcastic Mnemonic : [ surcasm means surcastic... sur"cast"ic - fight among casts uses scornful wits sometimes.]


daily; commonplace; customary; Mnemonics : split it as "quote+indian". Newspapers quote opinions of Indians everyday.. so its a DAILY occurence,customary


deep; not superficial; complete Mnemonics : whatever professional or researchers found(read find) has to be deep.


defamation; utterance of false and malicious statements Mnemonics : when Columbus said he landed India... people said he is lying and used malicious statements... (slander—s+lander)


deliver, provide, represent Mnemonics : Rhymes vendor who delivers ur goods


destroy completely; Mnemonics : Raze means to destroy completely. So the word raze sounds similar to erase. Raze=erase...which means to remove or clean completely.


devastate; plunder; despoil. Mnemonics: ravAGE by AGE u will be despoiled.


devoted to the pleasures of the sense; carnal; voluptuous; Ex.sensual woman/curves/lips Mnemonic: [SENSUAL indulging in PHYSICAL pleasures that also excite the MENTAL status of a person.]


devouring or craving food in great quantities, edacious,esurient, ravenous, rapacious, wolfish. mnemonics : Voracious (BORA RICE FOR US) Imagine you are seeking a BORA BHARKAR RICE for yourself.. what does it signifies? Simply you be such a food craver !!


dexterity Mnemonics : Dexter is only eight years old(seen dexter laboratory???) sleight—sl+eight


diligent; assiduous; paying attention; N. sedulity Mnemonic : [SEDULOUS, CAREFULNESS and ASSIDUOUS which are rhyming words, mean, to work with care and effort.] [if u dont work hard and diligent ur "due" will be not cleared "said" the officer...so be sedulous]


diminish; weaken; undermine the foundations of (a fortification); Ex.The element kryptonite sapped his strength. Mnemonic:[ learning SAP course makes u sap and weak]


dinning hall Mnemonics : fect = made by or did refect = refresh (what has been done in the past) refectory = place where you refresh (cafeteria sort of place) or every factory has a dinning hall ( cafeteria sort of place)


dirty child in torn clothes; person wearing tattered clothes. Mnemonics : RAG+muffin(muslin)......a GUY WHO is RAGGED because of that whose muslin cloths are torn apart and have become DIRTY.


disclaim or disavow; retract a previous statement; openly confess error. Mnemonics : RE (again) + CANT (cannot) = "I have told you this AGAIN and AGAIN, it CANNOT be done, it has been REJECTED."


disdainful,hateful Mnemonic : ( sir don sabko sardonic nazar se dekhta hai ) [I hate tablets and even SARADON to take] [ I hate DON like behaviour over me-its saradonic]


disease communicator Mnemonics : VIRUS is CONTAGIOUS.


dishonest behavior Mnemonics : using drugs is being dishonest to parents


disobedient or resisting authority even after being punished; obstinately stubborn; determined to resist authority; unruly; Mnemonics : re+calci(calculator->calculate)+trant....so imagine a person who has made a mistake in calculations using a calci and is unwilling to recalculate... it shows he is STUBBORN.


disown, disavow Mnemonics : divide this word into repud(sounds similar to repute.reputation)+iate....sounds like eat...eaten(past parciple)..eaten...means decrease..in sth..and when reputation decreases ?when you get invove in doing bad things.


disprove Mnemonics : refute rhymes with refuse, when you DISAPPROVE OF something, or if something is false or incorrect..you refute it or disapprove..


dissipated; wasteful; licentious Mnemonics : split it like prof(professor)+li(lee)+g+ate(past f. of eat).. your Professor whose son Lee spent all of his father's money .. eating at all five stars hotels...what a wasteful use of your Professor's money....


distaste, act of driving back Mnemonics : Repulsive force...which drive u away


disturb; be violently disturbed; boil; Mnemonic:( baap seethe when he "see the" girl with his boy friend ) [SEE THE --- ur mom say to u to see the water which is boiling]


divided into classes; arranged into strata; MNEMONIC: Stratified sounds like classified. divided into classes.


division of a poem


division; partition; separation Mnemonics : SEVER:If you have Fever, you will be separated or SEVERED from the group.


dizziness Mnemonics : Vert represents height. ;When you look down from a great height,you tend to get dizzy.


do or give something in return; repay in kind; give or take mutually; interchange; move


dock; wharf; pier; landing place (for boats). Mnemonics: quay can be spelled as Q+WAY=quay which means QUEUE all along the WAY to dock the boats. Quay - sounds like bay (area near the sea) - where boats reach.


done secretly; secret; furtive; sneaky; hidden Mnemonic : surreptitious sounds like sir repeated it to us. - only to us and not to everyone as it was a secret method to solve the problem.


doubter; person who suspends judgment until he has examined the evidence supporting a point of view. Mnemonics : consider it like sketch+tick... after finishing his sketch tom always puts a tick in the paper because he doubts that somebody will misuse it...


driving away, unattractive Mnemonics : Repelling forces...u wish to move away 4m one other....


dull; impassive; showing little emotion when strong feelings are expected MNEMONIC: In STOLID take out the 'T' It becomes 'T' SOLID. So someone very SOLID against 'T'(ears) or emo'T'ions.


dull; stuffy; boringly conservative; MNEMONIC: stodgy-a old fashoined doggy


dullness owing to length or slowness Mnemonics: tedium,,stadium,,bored of sitting in a stadium.


ease pain, make less severe or offensive Mnemonic : Its like pale(feeling weak coz of the disease). u ate something and that reduced your pain.


easily irritated or annoyed Mnemonics: If someone has described you as SHORT-TEMPERED in the TESTY (testimonial), then you will get IRRITATED looking at it.


egg-shaped Mnemonic : Ovoid sounds like oval


emit ( odor) Mnemonics : The body of reech (beer) gives bad reek


equivalent in effect or value; Ex. This invasion is tantamount to a declaration of war; CF. amount Mnemonics : 1. ta-n-ta; an equal amount of 'ta' on both sides of 'n'. 2. Tantamount and Paramount are similar in sound but have different meanings. While tantamount means, equivalent, paramount means chief in importance.


esp. of older people) vigorously active; nimble MNEMONIC : Spry -- Sprite...and Sprite, the cold drink, can all make you active.


evil Mnemonics : sounds like minister who are always evil...


exact. Mnemonics : cise sounds like size...( clothes we wear must be of exact size)


examine closely and critically Mnemonic : ( the plumber scrutinize every detail of SCREW )




excite pleasurably or erotically Mnemonics: TITILLATE and STIMULATE are rhyming words, both of which mean to excite or to provoke desire.


excuse Mnemonics : preTEXT... when your teacher asks for an explanation for your low marks, you try to find an EXCUSE that you donot have a TEXTbook


existence; means of subsisting; means of support; livelihood; V. subsist:exist; maintain life (at a meager level)


existing at the beginning (of time); rudimentary Mnemonics : sounds like primary


face; appearance Mnemonics : VISion of AGE. How can you visualise someone's age? By his/her face.


fall apart into tangles; entangle; unravel or untwist. Mnemonics : open the knot.(in hindi=kholna),in telugu mudi vippadam.


false; counterfeit; forged; illogical; MNEMONIC : Sounds like "furious". You get furious when you hear spurious arguments.




fasten together; unite MNEMONIC: Splice is the opposite of slice (not the drink). If you slice, you cut. If you splice, you join


father and ruler of a family or tribe Mnemonic : patri+arch pater=father..n arch=ruler.hence partiarch is father of family or tribe


haphazard; careless; sloppy Mnemonics : SLAPD(slapped)+ASH..SALMAN GOT SLAPPED BY ASH FOR HIS SLOPPY BEHAVIOUR ON THE SETS.


fit or attack of pain, laughter, rage Mnemonic : par+OXY+ism .. it is said that excess of oxygen gives people the high that alcohol gives.. and such people can be considered to be in a rage or have a sudden outburst of anger..


fitful; periodic; of or like a spasm MNEMONIC : spa mein regular aa.


flair, flamboyance Mnemonic : It sounds a bit like APACHE.which is a bike. a bike is a symbol of FLAIR , FLAMBOYANCE, STYLE..


flavored dessert ice Mnemonics : Relate it with Sharbat (which in Hindi means, a fruit drink). If it is frozen it becomes a chilled desert (sweet dish) ice.


foremost in importance, supreme Mnemonic : paraMOUNT..(MOUNT EVEREST)..IS THE biggest mountain on the earth,so something SUPREME ,and BEYOND OUR REACH(LIKE MOUNT EVEREST) is paramount


forerunner. Mnemonics : if mouse cursor has great great grandfather, he is forerunner.


foretell Mnemonics : pre +sage- SAGEs have the power to PRE tell the future


forewarning Mnemonics : pre+monition(monitor). Monitor before to give warning in advance


forgivable; trivial Mnemonics : replace the first word with d and the word "denial" means to deny something or give excuse to something


form of literature in which irony, sarcasm, and ridicule are employed to attack human vice and folly Mnemonic : [SATIRE is a FIRE (attack) against human vices] [he was sitting on sofa and was commented as if he" sat on a tire"]


formal praise Mnemonic : Pane sounds like paean means praise and gyric sounds like lyric, so panegyric means expression of praise Pan+e+gy(gana)...kha ke pan amitabh sang the song...'khaye ke pan bana raswala' ..n every1 praised it....


formidable, causing fear Mnemonics : redoubtable can be re+doubt(able)..so if you have REpeated DOUBTs in any subject just before the exam, it might CAUSE FEAR


give in Mnemonics : re=re+lent, imagine you lent something to your friend, and you need it back but your friend needs it even more than you do, so you relent and lend the thing again


give up sumthg wid reluctance, yield Mnemonics : Its quite opposite to what it spells "Re - link - Wish"


given to complaining; complaining; fretful; whining. Mnemonics : One who keeps questioning (querying) everything.


giving pleasure to the senses; pertaining to the physical senses; operating through the senses; sensuous feeling of soft velvet on the skin Mnemonic: [SENSUOUS - indulging in excessive sensual PLEASURES.]


glimmer intermittently Mnemonics : listen eagles famous song "hotel california" shimmering light


gloomy Mnemonic : ( Saturday ko nine o clock pe street was saturnine with silence ) [ I got a dream that I was left on the one of the 9 planets - Saturn ,on a gloomy night]


gradually deprive (infants and young mammals) of mother's milk,ablactate, mnemonics : Wean sounds like Bean ( say SoyBEAN)-- milk is considered a good alternative to cow's milk, so you can wean away the baby from its mother's milk and feed it soya milk instead


green; lush in vegetation Mnemonics : verd(ant)ants eat leaves which is green


grow rapidly; spread; multiply Mnemonics : pro + life + rate : increase in rate of production (pro) of life (living organisms) causes population to increase rapidly


grow tiresome Mnemonic : A Song from Lage Raho Munna Bhai "Pall Pall Pall Pall Har pal Har Pal Kaise katega pal" If you are bored then you say "Kaise Katega Pall Har Pall" Or when your tired at work but still left with 3-4 hrs, so sing the song 'kaise kategae yehe pall har pall'


growing or spreading uncontrollably; growing in profusion; unrestrained. Mnemonics: THIS WORD SOUNDS LIKE TOGETHER LIKE..ramp+elephant...so imagine when a elephant walks on ramp...elephant will walk in a violant and unrestrained manner.




guess; Mnemonics : Mice can guess where the cheese is kept even though they do not know where exactly it is kept.


guilt, self-reproach


habitual return to crime (even after being punished); Mnemonics: re+CIDIVISM consider the second part, if you see suicide,homicide etc all will end up with cide which is bad, CRIME


habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition mnemonics : wil+ful.full of will to do something.something intentional (done purposely).


habitually silent; talking little Mnemonics : Taxi_turn while taking turns during driving, you will always find the taxi driver silent.


half asleep; drowsy; N. somnolence (adj.) inclined to or marked by drowsiness


half-human, half-bestial being in the court of Dionysus (resembling a goat), portrayed as wanton(unrestrained) and cunning; Mnemonic : [SAT+Yr. = Any 1 who SAT AT HOME FOR A YR. becomes a half goat n half man.... (u sit for 2yrs, u becum full goat/beast :P)]


half-stifled laugh Mnemonics : hmmm.. if some body gives u snickers(chocolate) u smile right???


healthful Mnemonic:[(salman khan) SALLU bhai lives in salubrious home ]


lawyer using questionable methods; unscrupulous Mnemonics : shy + star...if you are shy and still want to become a star you have to use unethical methods because stars have a charisma in them which is lacking in shy people.


lay eggs MNEMONIC : a swan goes to a spa to lay eggs!!


layer of earth's surface; layer of society; MNEMONIC: Stratum ~ stratosphere : A layer of earth's atmosphere!


laziness Mnemonics : "slow"th


lazy person Mnemonics : slug moves very slow... hence lazy


lean and wrinkled by shrinkage as from age or illness, shriveled , shrivelled , shrunken , withered , wizen mnemonics : relate it to the word WISE,think of a lady who has gained wisdom as she has aged and grown old and shriveled up.


lover of luxury; person devoted to pleasure and luxury; CF. Sybaris: an ancient Greek city in Italy Mnemonics : 1. sybarite..sy+bar+rite a lover of luxury finds going to the bar right 2. someone who like 2 see+bright things in life i.e. luxury nd devoted to it. 3. sy+bar+rite....who "SaYs BAR is RIghT" is sybarite

underlying (adj.)

lying below; fundamental, being or involving basic facts or principles, located beneath or below Ex: "shortcomings underlying in our approach","an underlying meaning","underlying principles", "the underlying laws of the universe" synonyms : fundamental , rudimentary,implicit in , inherent Mnemonics : 1.Underlying...under + lying...something that is LYING UNDER another material as a support,can be termed as underlying. 2.UNDERLYING- the invention is based on the 'basic principles' are 'lying under(underlying)' the research.


lying on back; passive; inactive; Ex. The defeated pugilist lay supine; Ex. supine acceptance of the decision Mnemonics : 1. remove 'u' => spine... lying on BACK facing upward.. as good as no resistance 2. In the long run, a 'Supine' persons 'Repine' for wasting so much time.


make stupid in mind; cause to appear or become stupid or inconsistent; suppress; frustrate or hinder; MNEMONIC: Stultify sounds like STUNT+IFY. When one guy who tries to be a stunt man and fails then he looks stupid.


making a harsh noise; grating; harsh. Mnemonics : rap music sounds a bit raspy


manly Mnemonics : Virile (strong) is the opposite of fragile (sensitive).


marked by skill in deception, crafty , cunning , dodgy , foxy , guileful , knavish , slick , sly , tricksy , tricky mnemonics : WILY=WILling to trick people what anyone wants to have


marker of a will.


meeting place Mnemonics : I will remember it with the program that used to come on Star World titled : " Rendezvous with Simi Gerewal " it was a famous program...


method of a system or government Mnemonics : reg(king or ruler )+aim (method) i,e method of government


minimal number of members necessary to conduct a meeting. Mnemonics : quorus is a group of people singing a line. The minimum number of people required for singing is one - quorum (singular) :)


minor fight Mnemonics : consider ancient roman war costume... something like a mini skirt..(skirtmish---skirt+mini).. so associate with figth..


minor objection or complaint; V: raise minor objections; carp; cavil. Mnemonics : mnemonic in Hindi... Read it as qui (kyun) +bble (bill)...KYUN BILL ITNA ZYADA HAI? You OBJECT to reading of meter & COMPLAIN to the authorities. Query + babble (minor objection/murmuring)


minor quarrel; bickering; MNEMONIC : Squabble is close to Quibble. Which means an argument on some irrelevant thing.


miscellaneous; various; several; N. sundries: small miscellaneous items Mnemonics : 1.when you SUNDRY .. you expose yourself to MISCELLANEOUS radiations 2. SUNDARI (beautiful girl) ke peeche SEVERAL boys pade hai :P 3. it is sunday you can do various things !! 4. SEVERAL fruits are SUN-DRIED to turn them into dry fruits.


miser Mnemonics : skinFLINT.. The Flintstones cartoon show had stingy cartoon characters.


misgiving, scruple of conscience




mixed indiscriminately; haphazard; irregular, particularly sexually Mnemonics : sounds like promise + mix...so you have promised your dad that you will mix with all the students in class and will not be attaching yourself to a single group of students.


mock,ridicule Mnemonic:( he scoff at his presentation by COUGHing )


move furtively and secretly Mnemonics : skulk reminds us of skull. People who associate themselves with that symbol are usually notorious(like pirates). And as everyone knows such people move about secretly.


move slowly Mnemonic : ( Santro car se utar kar saunter ) [we were sauntering ,wanderingin our Santro(car)..]


murder of a king or queen Mnemonics : Regime refers to government. "cide" refers to killing (infanticide, genocide, suicide etc.,) regicide refers to killing the ruler


mutual; given and received in return; exchangeable; interacting;


occurring again and again


neat and trim in appearance; smart; MNEMONIC : SPRUCE rhymes with CRUISE,TOM CRUISE who is NEAT AND TRIM IN APPEARANCE.


necessary requirement Mnemonics : remember PRE-REQUISITE...u cannot register for a course if u have not done its pre-requisite.so REQUISITE is NECESSARY REQUIREMENT.


needlessly repetitious. Mnemonics : sounds like repeated TAU TAU Thus the meaning


negligent Mnemonics : re+MISS you miss something because of NEGLIGENCE, CARELESSNESS or repeat+miss, A negligent person will repeatedly miss important things


neigh , nicker , whicker, the characteristic sounds made by a horse mnemonics : Whinny (the neighing of a horse) and Ninny (a foolish person),he was a such ninny because he was frightened of even the horse's whinny


net for catching fish Mnemonic : ( seine is used in sea )


obtain by seizing forcibly or violently, also metaphorically mnemonics : wrest originates from the root word, wrestling.everyone knows the meaning of wrestling


obtaining Mnemonics : procurement concentrate on cure for curing we need to OBTAIN a medicine so hence procure means obtaining


occupying a lower rank; inferior; submissive; N. V: put in a lower rank or class


of a schema or scheme; relating to an outline or diagram; using a system of symbols; N. schema: diagrammatic representation; outline scheme systematic plan; plot; clever dishonest plan; orderly arrangement of elements; Ex. health insurance scheme; Ex. a scheme to escape taxes; Ex. a color scheme; Ex. a story with no scheme; V: contrive a scheme Mnemonic: [SCHEMATIC or SIMPLISTIC - simplified or in the form of a diagram] [The scheme of writing evry thing in short cuts is good]


of the surface; not deep; shallow; not thorough; trivial; Mnemonics : 1. seeming like "upper face" so no deep interst or knowledge & knowing only wt is apparent(hawa me udana) 2. superficial--super fish---imagine an idiot(not thorough)fish swimming on the surface of lake because water is shallow.


old age; feeblemindedness of old age; ADJ. senile: resulting from old age; Syn:dotage , second childhood; Ex. senile dementia Mnemonic : [senility=senior+nationality so if you have a senior nationality you musta be old aged....]


old-fashioned, past the prime Mnemonic : Sounds like past..and so past items are always old fashioned now.


one regarded as embodying a set image or type; fixed and unvarying representation; standardized mental picture often reflecting prejudice;


one who harvests grain;


one-sided, prejudiced, committed to a party Mnemonic : parti(think of a political party)+san(son)...so a father who is favouring his son's political party, instead of a good party


only slightly connected; not central; peripheral; digressing; showing divergence; CF. tangent Mnemonics : 1. Word Tangent(ial) taken from maths. A tangent is a line that touches a circle with a 90`degree angle. So the meaning comes from there only slightly connected, not central, preipheral. 2.Tangential - Take it as Tangent which is Divergent, meaning, scattered or dispersed.


oversimplified Mnemonics : SIMPLISTIC or EXPLICIT - something that is simple or clearcut


overwhelmingly favorable review; V: talk wildly as if mad; Mnemonics: an oblivion star. Only a RAVE can SAVE him.


paint or draw with dots or short strokes MNEMONIC : staple means to punch holes. stipple means to put dots.


parched; dry Mnemonics : in tamil—sere means mud--- wat becomes if mud is exposed to sun???? it becomes dry..


parchment used for second time after the original writing has been erased. Mnemonic : Sounds like pamphlet and any palimpsest is a sort of pamphlet.Or palim...lets consider the word palm.the lines on are palm keep on changing as new lines are made when the original ones get erased.


partiality; preference Mnemonics : pre(before)+dialect(local language); you generally become partial when you are taking an interview and you meet someone who speaks your language ( :) assume the interview is in the US)


particular living language; natural style Mnemonics : Vernacular and particular have the same sounds,each region has its particular vernacular.


pass slowly through small openings; ooze; trickle; N. seepage Mnemonic: [ SEEP is similar to PEEP. When you peep, you see through a small opening. When liquid seeps, it comes out of a small opening]


pay for services


perceptiveness; ingenuity; delicacy; ADJ. subtle: delicate; so slight as to be difficult to detect; able to make fine distinctions; clever; Ex. subtle mind/differences in meaning


person or thing excess of what is necessary; extra; ADJ: additional to the usual or necessary number Mnemonics : 1. super = greater numerary = pertaining to numbers something that is more than the required number.


person who turns animal hides into leather• a craftsman who tans skins and hides• a small coin of the United Kingdom worth six pennies; not minted since 1970 Mnemonics : A Tanner knows the Manner in which to convert a hide (animal skin) into leather.


persuade to act unlawfully (especially to commit perjury); N. subornation Mnemonics : break it as SU+BORN.change born to burn (Sanskrit) su(meaning good) + (English) burn i.e., burn good (truth).i.e., order someone to burn the truth i.e., tell lies. • SUBORN=SUB(sab in hindi)+ORN(ornaments) ... all pple not having enuf pay wear ornaments taking bribe or similar stuff... ALITER: SAB witness ko ORNaments distribute karna as bribe..


pertaining to disease


pertaining to drama Mnemonics : thespis,,the first person in universe who appeared as an actor on the stage in a play,so thespian means pertaning to drama or play.


pertaining to earthquakes Mnemonic: [SEISMIC is a series of RHYTHMIC waves running through the earth's core]


pertaining to or resembling glass Mnemonics : after (vitre) a victory(ous) you get a prize of glasses.


pertinent, referring to the case in hand, having a bearing on or Mnemonics : connection with the subject at issue


petition humbly; pray to grant a favor Mnemonics : 1. supplicate, suppliant, supple, supplicant are all related terms. 2. You have to write an 'Application' to ask something humbly. 3. supplicate~supply+C+ate ; If you have eaten up all the supply of Chocolate you had at home you supplicate your mother to get some more from the market !


physically strong; brawny; steadfast; strong in mind or determination; MNEMONIC : STALL+WAR- He alone can stall the war because he is a stalwart.


picture; short literary sketch Mnemonics : Sounds like "vignesha". At the beginning of every pooja, we make a small "vignesh" idol with turmeric. Similarly, there is a "vignette" before every chapter.


pithy; terse; concise; aphoristic Mnemonic : [say so much in one sentence that it is better than a whole story] [Sentence+less - Someone who can concisely explain his views in just a few sentences (less sentences used).]


place into a case Mnemonics : A SHEATHE, which is a sword case is made up of a metal SHEET, nicely polished and decorated.


place of refuge; shelter; shrine; holy place Mnemonic : [sanctuary can be spelled as san+CHERY so "chery" can be regarded as church:a place where refuges take shelter.]


place over something else


plan in advance Mnemonics : pre+meditate = think before planning something.


played in an abrupt manner; marked by abrupt sharp sound MNEMONIC : When the cat suddenly jumps on to the stack, it makes an abrupt sharp sound.


playful; frolicsome; merry; MNEMONIC : sport means a game to play. So sportive means playful.


pleasant in taste; tasty; pleasing, attractive, or agreeable; Ex. savory reputation Mnemonic : [telugu) sa+VORY remember VORY (sounds like rice (vari,godhuma)whichis tasty as we eat] [remember Elephants "IVORY" which is attractive and pleasing...] [mouth-watering , savoury]


plot outline; screenplay(script for a movie); opera libretto; outline of possible future events Mnemonic : [Can u give scenario of the scene in a movie...]


plundering Mnemonics : seen the movie predator-the alien kills human


point at which the sun is farthest from the equator Mnemonics : solstitiun== means sun standing still


poisonous snake Mnemonics : A VIPER can WIPE out your life.


poke; stir up; urge Mnemonics : sounds like "rod". stir up with rod, poke with a rod etc.


pompous array of words Mnemonics : A GARBAGE OF WORDS.


popular fashion Mnemonics : Vogue and provoke...sometimes fashion trends (in vogue) provoke (anger) a certain class of conservative people.


postpone; delay Mnemonics : As this word is consisted of 13 letters, it will kill time to write it down.


power of endurance; strength; staying power MNEMONIC : Stam sounds like stem. Stem holds the plant because it has strength.


practical rule guiding conduct Mnemonics : precept sounds like "recipe" which is a guideline for cooking.


practice of abstaining from alcohol Mnemonics: normally the word teetotaler means , a person who obtrains from alcohol.


predict Mnemonics : Resembles to Diagnostic so foretell


providing a general overview; summary; N. synopsis


psychosis marked by delusions of grandeur or persecution


puff of air, sniff. mnemonics : whiff sounds like SNIFF....I could sniff (smell) the fragrance of the flowers in a whiff of air


purest and highest embodiment; perfect example; apotheosis; most essential element; Mnemonics: Quint+essence.It carries a quintal (a large amount) of ESSENCE(feel) of itself. Therefore it is a perfect example of it's type.


put an end to forcibly; subdue; stifle; overwhelm; inhibit the expression of; check; prevent from being published or made public; Ex. suppress a smile; 'Ex. suppress the magazine/truth


put into words; spoken rather then written. Mnemonics : verbal+(lyse)—u have killed the words... so we can only speak the language rather than writing it


quality of a musical tone produced by A musical instrument. Mnemonics: Timbre reminds us of timber or wood. Also most of our traditional musical instruments are made of wood. Especially tabala the sound produced


reclining; lying down completely or in part Mnemonics : recum+bent => sounds similar like become+bent. You become bent while sitting means you lie down.


retort, comeback, reply Mnemonics : Like r Indian cricket team performs too poor in some matches n den suddenly a match is a blast!!! So commentators are like...'what a comeback'... or what a rejoinder or reply....


return of part of a payment; discount; V. Mnemonics : RE+BATE..SOUNDS LIKE BEAT..SO WHEN someone ask you to pay.. return for the part of payment..(which he has given you..you beat him.


right or claim to possession , heading of a book


rip, split Mnemonics : The small rooms which are rented at various place like delhi, nodia etc... are splitted into no of parts so that maximum no of people can live excluding its capability to accommodate


royal Mnemonics : sounds like legal i.e., laws made by a power n only people who are royal, have power to make laws


run at the nose; snuffle; whine Mnemonics : sniffing and snivelling due to influenza


rural Mnemonic : past(history)+oral---We believe that in the past people were of rural kind and we only study them orally in books..


satiate; feed or supply to excess; stuff; indulge to excess in anything; N: surfeiting; excessive amount; Ex. surfeit of food Mnemonics : surfeit = SIR is FAT..as he eats a lot than required until he is full.


satisfy to the full; satisfy to excess; cloy Mnemonic : [ sate ji got satisfied at his business]




scarcity Mnemonic : take it as somebody saying about a city as pau;in hindi PAU(pao-a small weght)i.e "ek pau ki to city hai" or in a "city", there is a "scarcity" of many things or pa+city works has been PAused in CITY bcoz of SCARICITY


scholar Mnemonic : ( Abhijeet SAWANT is a savant of music ) [rakhi savant -a scholar of dance]


school for training future ministers; secondary school, especially for young women Mnemonic : [similar to seminar were we increase our knowledge (or get educated)]


scold harshly; criticize severely. Mnemonics : rebuke~'Angry Duke';An angrly duke will scold badly or criticize badly


scolding woman Mnemonics : I tried to SHOO away the SHREW that had got into my garden.


secret; hidden; not public Mnemonics : priv(PRIVATE)+Y.......SO A PRIVATE DISCUSSION IS ALWAYS secret and hidden from others.


sediment deposited by running water Mnemonics : SILT is not exactly FILTH but sediment deposited by a river on course.


seemingly plausible but fallacious reasoning; sophism


separate religious body; faction; group of people with common beliefs within a larger group sectarian of a sect; narrow-minded; parochial; N: member of a sect; narrowminded person Mnemonic : [dissect: cut open into parts, sect is one of the parts] [a separate section of ppl-sect, factionists]


separate; part; CF. asunder Mnemonics : 1. sunder sunder girls were sundered among the friends


severe and adverse criticism; critical comments; limit or restriction MNEMONIC: STRICTURE rhymes with strict sir...so a sir who is always strict CRITICEZES SEVERELY


severe disapproval Mnemonics : just focus on re(means again)+prob..(probe..means to investigate....) so if someone tries to probe into the past affairs which are of no benefit to people.people starts criticizing such kind of probing or reprobation.split it like reprob+tion.reprob sounds like REPROVE.think you are reprove of your friends plan.so you are strongly critizing him....you want to disapporve what he thinks is right


severe punishment Mnemonic: ( KARZ is regarded as scourge ) [we scold the children in the urge to learn them manners and then give punishments ->>sco-urge]


sham; not genuine; inferior Mnemonics : sounds like "showy" means in look things are good but in quality they are not good as they are made up of inferior material


sharpen by rubbing, as on a whetstone, make keen or more acute,quicken. mnemonics : Whet sounds like wet. So, before using the whetstone to sharpen your knife, you have to wet it a little.


showing pensive sadness mnemonics : Wistful and Wishful.Wistful = Full of longing or unfulfilled desire. Wishful = Seeking advancement or recognition


shred,least bit Mnemonic: ( scintilla of evidence can be seen on TILLA )


similarly timed; simultaneous with; occurring at the same time; V.synchronize


slander,insult Mnemonics : vilify(sound like villain)-villans always insults others


slaughterhouse; scene of carnage Mnemonics : SHAMBLES and GAMBLES... The gambling den was in shambles after the police had raided it.


slave , bondage Mnemonics: Thrall and Enthrall have similar sounds and a somewhat similar meaning as both words refer to a kind of captivity. While thrall means to be held by power or forcefully, enthrall means to be spellbound (beholden by someone's charm)


slavery; compulsory labor Mnemonics : SERVitude -->So remember it with a person who is kept for serving people at a party, at dinner or lunch.. He is a slave, a labourer.


slavish; cringing Mnemonics : sounds like "SERVE" while serving you have to be submissive,or keep your head down.


sleep-causing; marked by sleepiness; drowsy MNEMONIC : 100(soo) puri kha kar I felt soporific


spread through or over (with a color or liquid); charge; Ex. A blush suffused her cheeks. Mnemonics : akin to other fuses: diffuse, effuse - all of which mean flow or spread.


squabble; minor dispute; minor quarrel MNEMONIC : spat-sounds like >spit-and when you spit on someone it leads to a minor quarrel.


standard; kept regularly in stock or supply; typical; routine; common; MNEMONIC : STOCK MARKET ... make your stories ! There are enough stocks(shares) to supply regularly to the buyers, These days its a common way of making money !


state as a necessary condition (of an agreement); make express conditions; specify; MNEMONIC : stipulate=steep+late imagine that you are going for a meeting where you are going to do some verbal agreement with the party but because of steep slope of the route you couldn't reach in time(reached late) at the desired place..


state of being stupefied; state of apathy; daze; lack of awareness MNEMONIC: If u have STOPPER on ur mind then u will be unaware abt things.


steadily loyal; unswerving; steady MNEMONIC : STEADFAST-- Split as STEADY+fast someone who is steady always.


sth apparently contradictory in nature, statement that looks false but is actually correct, a statement that contradict itself


sticking together , cant be pulled apart Mnemonics: Sounds like ten Asians. Ten developing Asian countries if united together, cannot be pulled apart. USAGE: I had to struggle to break his tenacious hold on my arm


sticky, gluey Mnemonics : Viscous is like mucus - both mean something sticky or gooey.


stinginess, excessive frugality Mnemonic : parsi-purse,mony-money..one who will not take money from his purse - a greedy person.


stir up a fire or furnace; feed plentifully MNEMONIC: Sounds like "stove" which is a furnace.


stitches sewn to hold the cut edges of a wound or incision; material used in sewing; V: sew together a wound Mnemonics : 1. sounds like hindi SOOTAR(like in mangal-sootar)...means thread in english 2. Sounds close to "stretcher" i.e., related to injuries etc.,


stoical; impassive; unmoved by joy or grief; MNEMONIC: STOIC sounds similar to TOY (if that 'c' is removed)...a toy is impassive and unmoved by joy or grief


stop or check (the flow of) MNEMONIC : meaning of stem is opposite of what a stem of a plant does ; It lets the nutrients travel accross and lets the water from root upward ! But stem means to stop the flow !


stop or check flow of blood; MNEMONIC : stanch~kaanch (peice of glass) ; kaanch chubta hai to khoon behta hai jise hum rokten hain (or we stanch it !)


storehouse Mnemonics : repository sounds like depository- a place where u deposit things


stormy ,violent , impassioned Mnemonics: TEMP + PEST +OUS.So how will your TEMPer be if someone keeps PESTering you. It will obviously be VIOLENT.


story-teller; one who tells stories with wit and skill. Mnemonics : divide it like re(means)+conte+ur(sounds like count)..So you are counting in how many minutes you can REmemeber this story again and tell to people.


struggle confusedly Mnemonic : ( CUFF chadake boss scuffled with employees ) [shuffling(suffle) the cards in hurry and get confused]


stubborn, unmanageable Mnemonics : Refract (...we learnt that light refracts.i.e it bends away..)so a REFRACTORY person tries to BEND AWAY from rules by being DISOBEDIENT & STUBBORN..


study of prehistoric life, the earth sciences that studies fossils organism and its remain.. Mnemonic : Paleonto...consider the word plants from it....and animals are related to it...so when they die...they become pale and hence its like they become fossils and their study is known as study of fossils.


stun; make numb (as with a drug); amaze MNEMONIC: remember it like stupidify..


substance that dissolves another


substance that propels or drives forward. Mnemonics : pell is like pills(drug) when runners take drugs they can drive forward


substantial; essential; pertaining to the substance; substantial; considerable; Ex. substantive issues


substitute; person or thing used in place of another; Ex. surrogate mother; Mnemonics : 1.SIR+ROG,if SIR is suffering from ROG(illness) then we would have to replace him. 2. you would have heard about surrogate mothers,,substitute


sudden flood or rush; Ex. spate of accidents MNEMONIC : What will be our fate if there is a SPATE OR SUDDEN FLOOD?


sudden sharp turn or twist; startling twist; caprice; idiosyncrasy; peculiarity of behavior. Mnemonics: Sounds like "quick" (sharp turn).


suffer (harm or loss); experience; support; prop; maintain; keep in existence;nourish (to maintain life); Ex. sustain the family/the trapped miners


summarize Mnemonics : sounds like recap....if you have noticed, whenever you watch a serial, before it starts they always give the recap of what happened the previous day,. in other words they repeat what already has been shown but in a concise form.


summit, highest point Mnemonics : Vertex and climax are similar and they mean, the most intense.


superfluous, repetitious, excessively wordy, repetition of same sense in different words Mnemonics : Like redundancy is always of things which make d same sense but are always written in different words..


superiority of power, quantity, etc. Mnemonics :ponderous means weighty, unwieldy...so preponderance may be remembered as something having heavy weight, quantity or power


support (a claim) with evidence; establish with evidence; verify Mnemonics : provide substantial evidence.


support, act superior toward Mnemonic : If u remember Patronus--from latin it will give u a lot of words like patriarch (Patri+ arch: ruled by father or eldest male) well you father is giving u regular pat (encouragement) Pat+ro+nize: consider a person 'ro' who has done a nice job so u pat him.


supporting bar; MNEMONIC: Rhymes with straight. For something to be straight, you need a support.


suppress; extinguish; MNEMONIC: rhymes with rifle(a gun). So if you fire a rifle , you need to EXTINGUISH it too.


suppress; put an end to; put down forcibly; extinguish; quiet; Mnemonics: quell rhymes hell where you're suppressed.


survey of enemy by soldiers; reconnoitering; V. reconnoiter: make a preliminary inspection of (esp. to gather military information) Mnemonics: RECONNAISSANCE.SOUNDS LIKE RECOGNIZANCE.so recognizance of the army persons to do their act....or ...binding them to spy over enemy's.. reconnaissance of an area by the army..


surviving remnant(a small part or portion that remains after the main part no longer exists), memento, something of sentimental value Mnemonics : Re+lic(sounds like link)....so a memento links u too sumthg has occurred in past


susceptible to attack; susceptible to criticism or persuasion or temptation


sustaining; means of livelihood, support, food, nourishment; something that maintains life; food


swath; wrap around; bandage; Ex. one's head swathed in bandages Mnemonics : 1. also remember swathe(y),name of a gal,who's come out after a shower and has wrapped herself in a towel 2. Think of it as "swetha" i.e., white. Bandage is also white universally.


take the place of unfairly; usurp; replace Mnemonics : 1. Sounds like: sub + plant....i.e substitute + plant.so it is taking the place of the other plant or superseding it. 2. SUPer PLANT---Due to advances in agriculture, govt. is replacing all plants with SUPer PLANTs.


talking to oneself Mnemonics : sol(ilo)+ quy = Sole + guy Imagine a Sole(lonely) guy will talk to oneself.


tax of one tenth


teacher of philosophy; quibbler; employer of fallacious reasoning; N. sophism: plausible but fallacious argument


tease; excite by exposing something desirable while keeping it out of reach;torture with disappointment; CF. Tantalus: Greek mythological figure Mnemonics : 1.tanta rhymes with Santa, imagine a rich kid tantalizing a poor kid, Santa gave me a car, Santa gave me new clothes, what did he give you? 2. Tantalize or Entice - You entice or tempt somebody with something.


temporary moderation of diseases symtons, cancellation of a debt, forgiveness or pardon Mnemonics: Re=mission(ur job or ur objective basically) u start u r mission again when ur debt's cancelled or wn u have recovered temporarily from some disease or include sum1 in ur mission again after u have forgiven or pardoned d one who deceived u


temporary platform for workers (to work at heights above the ground); bracing framework; platform for execution Mnemonic : [SCAFFOLD rhymes with staff + hold...think of a TEMPORARY place or PLATFORM for the staff.]


temporary stay Mnemonics : reprieve rhymes with deprive, when you are deprived of sumthg then u find a temporary alternate for it like if u r deprived to stay at u r place the nu l find a temporary home to stay...


temporary stay Mnemonics : sojourn== short + journey on some places..so you would stay there temporarily there..


tender sorrow, pity, quality in art or literature that produces these feelings Mnemonic : PATHos.is a part of the word symPATHy.and you have sympathy for the people for whom you feel pity or who are in sorrow..


tending to improve; beneficial; wholesome; Ex. The punishment had a salutary effect on the boy; CF. health Mnemonic : [we salute your remedial improvements] [salute the salutary things]


tending to overthrow or ruin; V. subvert: overthrow completely (an established system); destroy completely; CF. undermine ? Mnemonics : akin to invert (to place upside down), convert (to modify into another shape),. subvert is to "destroy something". • subversive->reversive->go against established rule


tending to reserve or introspection, indrawn, recluse, reclusive.


thin layer; cover Mnemonics : In tamil veneer means hot water,when you boil water u can observe a thin layer on the top of water


third in level Mnemonics : Tertiary and Subsidiary have the same sounds. While Subsidiary stands for something second in importance (as Primary means first), Tertiary refers to third in level.


throb, flutter, beat rapidly Mnemonic : Pal+pit: my pal felt on a pit n my heart started to beat rapidly. Or palpitation: d word is used by cardiologist frequently during the time of heart attack.


throw headlong; hasten Mnemonics : if u eat the recipte u eat rash


thwart; present an obstacle; stump MNEMONIC: Stymie is a negative word. Stymie means "tie me". i.e., prevent from moving forward.


tight Mnemonics : taut sounds like taught.. and if all the teachers want to taught(teach) lessons at the same period it will be tight..


timid by nature or revealing timidity Mnemonics: sounds like TIME + OVER: imagine you are giving your GRE exam, and your time gets over, you will get frightened.= fear = demonstrate fear.


to move in a twisting or contorted motion, (especially when struggling) squirm , twist , worm , wrestle , wriggle mnemonics : Looks like "write the".. we must write the writhe of the Reporter who was killed by the police for WRITING THE truth


turn aside; divert; sidetrack Mnemonics : S+hunt... imagine a group of hunters while they were shooting in hunting, a group of elephants attacked and turned their jeeps aside


under terms not final or fully worked out or agreed upon Mnemonics : Living in a tent temporarily. If you are living in a tent, you are unsettled.


understood (without actually being expressed); not put into words; Ex. tacit agreement Mnemonics : 1.tacit= take + it or you will have to take something which is not expresssed... 2. tacit ~ take it; imagine you are giving permission to someone to take something from your room...but you didn't say it verbally but via your actions.


unique; extraordinary; odd Mnemonics : anyone who is SINGULAR(single) in a crowd is UNIQUE AND ODD


unpleasantly dark; gloomy; hellish; deathly; MNEMONIC: stygian sounds like sky + agyan. i.e., hell.


untidy; slipshod Mnemonics : SLOW+LOVELY - she is so slow that does not want to be LOVELY/ does not groom herself. so she is slovenly.


very precise and formal; exceedingly proper. Mnemonics : In order to be very precise and formal with my speech.., I had to trim all my stories. (Prim - Trim)


very strong or irresistible impulse to travel, itchy feet. mnemonics : wander(moving from place to place)+lust(a desire for something).when you have a desire for wandering to places ,it means, you love to travel ,so you can be refered to as a wanderlust


vibrant and lively; critical; living, breathing.Vital is the same as essential - something important.


violate; desecrate(holy) Mnemonics : PROPANE - propane being unextinguishable is not allowed in mosques/temples etc.


violent pangs of suffering Mnemonics : THROE is pronounced like throw ..so you throw things at someone when you are in PAIN/ANGUISH.


voracious; ravenous; taking everything one can; excessively grasping; plundering; subsisting on live prey; Mnemonics: Rapa+cious....FOCUS ON FIRST PART. Rapid.....and we eat very rapidly when are hungry and want to consume lot of food......similarly you talk RAPIDLY. When you want to say many things at once...talkative. Person does this.'Rapacious' means who likes to 'Rape' that means very greedy on woman body!


wait in hiding to attack,lurk, scupper, ambuscade,ambush, bushwhack, mnemonics : way+lay,imagine a situation where an army LAYs its plan of attacking the militants on their WAY to their destination..


wander aimlessly (physically or mentally); digress. Mnemonics : RAMBO wandered aimlessly! Ram + amble -- Lord Ram ambled (wandered) aimlessly in the jungle.


ward off a blow, deflect Mnemonic : pari- imagine a pari(angel) warding off difficulties


waste; spend foolishly MNEMONIC : SQUANDER rhymes with WANDER....so if you keep wandering, you are ultimately wasting time in life.


wasteful; reckless with money Mnemonics : prod(i.e push with) +gals(girls)=extravagance. If you are with girls then you have to be extravagant..


watchfulness Mnemonics : sounds like Agilent(multi national company)..they are alert to survive their competition.


willing to obey orders; yielding; timid Mnemonics : one who easily submits himself in front of some1 else is submissive.


withdrawal Mnemonic : ( secession of T.N.Seshan from the post of election commissioner. ) [Due to recession in US, many WITHDRAWN their business...]


without attention to comfort; lacking luxury and comfort; sternly disciplined; MNEMONIC : watched '300'? Those spartans were highly disciplined but Sparta as such led an austere life.


without definite purpose, plan, or aim; haphazard.


witty or joking mnemonics : 1. waggish sounds like rag+sh.so while ragging they stopped by saying shhh!! by seeing their lectures .they r so tricky here 2. waggish=wag+ish.wag,chatter or talk,being witty or joking


wooden enclosure or pen; fixed line of posts used as defensive barrier MNEMONIC: stockade~Stock(enough supply) of Blades; Lets put these blades in the fence around our house..this is a stock(common,standard) way (in India) to protect from thieves climbing the fence to enter the house - hence the barrier !


word for word Mnemonics : Verbatim is like immitation...both words signify, to copy.


wordy Mnemonics : VER for verbal BOSE for boss; so you may say that your boss is excessively verbal.


yield (to something overwhelming); give in; die; Mnemonics : 1. succumb= sir+comb, when sir asked you that do you have a COMB(which is a bad thing, in school)? you gave your comb reluctantly 2. succumb(Suck + thumb)- Children doesnt give up sucking their thumb - Children are succumb in sucking thumb


young of any of various canines such as a dog or wolf mnemonics : w+help.say a little pup needs HELP from its mother because it is still very young.

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