HAN Final

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This muscle is deep to the zygomaticus, major, zygomaticus minor, and the levator labii superiorus. It originates just below the infraorbital foramen and inserts into the orbicularis oris at the corners of the mouth. It pulls the angles of the mouth up and toward the midline.

Levator anguli oris

This muscles, origin is just below the orbit, and runs down to insert into the upper part of the orbicularis oris. It's function is to elevate the upper lip.

Levator labii superiorus

The function of the sinuses is thought to be?

Lighten overall bone weight of skull

What type of cell found in dense irregular connective tissue act as scavengers and devour dying cells and organisms?


What is the nerve supply to the muscles of mastification?

Mandibular branch V3 of trigeminal nerve

The condyle of the mandible articulated with the __________ of the temporal bone to make up the temporomandibular joint?

Mandibular fossa

Which muscle has two origins on the zygomatic arch?


An infection of which sinus could cause referred pain to tooth #14?


What bone makes up the floor?


Match the following: elevation of the mandible

Medial pterygoids, massetter, and all the temporalis muscle

This muscle lies just beneath the lateral incisors and pulls the skin of the chin up. When this muscle contracts it makes it very difficult for the hygienist to clean the anterior facial mandibular teeth.


Salivary glands have a secretory mechanism in which products pass through the cytoplasm and released as tiny vesicles. In this process, the cell is not damaged. What type of secretory mechanism is this?


Considered an accessory muscle of mastication. Helps move food residue out of the sulcus back onto the occlusal services of teeth. Makes up most of the cheek.


Which muscle runs from the bridge of the nose to the lateral eye brown pulling the eyebrow down medially as in a frown?


What bone makes up the posterior medial wall?


Which of the following paranasal sinuses is not a single paired bone but is subdivided into numerous small compartments known as air cells?


The stylohyoid and the posterior belly of digastric nerve supply is a branch of the?

Facial nerve

What is the space called between the palatine tonsils?


What type of cell in dense irregular or regular connective tissue forms collagen?


What type of cartilage forms a cushion in the TMJ?

Fibrous cartilage (fibrocartilage)

The function of the conchae is to?

Increase surface area for air filtration

Depression (opening) the mandible is accomplished by all the hyoid muscles and?

Inferior head of lateral pterygoid

Match the following: depression of the mandible

Inferior head of the lateral pterygoid plus the hyoid muscles

The end of the muscle that is attached to the most movable structure is the muscle's?


What type of epithelium makes up the masticatory mucosa of the oral cavity?

Keratinized stratified squamous

What bone makes up the anterior medial wall?


What suture separates the occipital and parietal bones?


Which muscle of mastication inserts into the condyle?

Lateral pterygoid

Protrusion of the mandible is accomplished by which of the following muscles?

Lateral pterygoids

The hiatus semilunaris, a crescent shaped opening, is located under which conchae?

Middle nasal conchae

Which organelle is considered the powerhouse of the cell and is where ATP production takes place?


Macrophages are derived from what leukocyte?


Which one of the following muscles makes up the floor of the mouth?


What muscle is associated with the anterior faucial pillar?


What muscle is associated with the posterior faucial pillar?


What gland is located in the hypophyseal fossa?


This muscle lies just beneath the skin of the neck and when it contracts it pulls the corners of the mouth down and the skin of the upper pectoral region up?


Contractions of the digastric and which of the following muscles causes retrusion of the mandible?

Posterior fibers of temporalis

Match the following: Mandibular retrusion

Posterior temporalis plus the digastric muscle

Which muscle extends into the medial part of the eyebrow and when it contracts pulls the eyebrow down and medically as in a frown or squint?


Which organelle is responsible for the synthesis of lipids and steroids?

Smooth ER

What bone makes up the posterior lateral wall?

Sphenoid (greater wing)

What suture separates the temporal and parietal bones?


What layer of stratified squamous is only found in thick skin

Stratum lucidum

Which extrinsic muscle allows you to retrude (retract) the tongue?


At its insertion which muscle splits to allow the posterior portion of digastric through it?


A condition in which a person opens his or her mouth too wide and is not able to close it again is called?


Some fibers of which muscle penetrate the capsule of the TMJ?

Superior head of lateral pterygoid

The pterygomandibular raphe (ligament) separates what two muscles?

Superior pharyngeal constrictor-buccinator

Which of the following structures is important in that it secretes a lubricating liquid to prevent irritation of the TMJ?

Synovial cavities

The articular eminence is located on which bone?

Temporal bone

Which muscle of mastification inserts into the coronoid process?


All of the muscles of the soft palate have their nerve supply from cranial nerve X-XI except one. Name the muscle

Tensor Veli Palatini

What type of epithelium is found in the urinary bladder?


What term describes the inability to open the jaw wide due to possibly inflammation or trauma?


All the muscles of facial expression are supplied by which nerve?

VII- facial

What bone makes up the anterior lateral wall?


Originates from the zygomatic bone and inserts into the orbicularis oris at the angle of the mouth. It's function is to elevate the corners of the mouth as in a smile.

Zygomaticus major

A poorly developed muscle that raises the upper lip. It inserts into the orbicularis oris just lateral to the levator labii superiorus.

Zygomaticus minor

What type of epithelium is found in the respiratory tract?

pseudostratified ciliated columnar

The skull consists of how many bones? Excluding inner ear bones


A small fibrous pad of dense collagen tissue found in between the mandibular fossa and the condyle is?

Articular disc

The end of a muscle that is attached to the least movable structure is the muscles?


The fibers of the superficial and deep head of the mastered inserts into the?

Angle of the mandible (lateral side)

The insertion of all the fibers of the medial pterygoid is?

Angle of the mandible on medial side

Which leukocyte releases histamine in response to an allergic response?


Match the following: Mandibular protrusion

Both lateral pterygoid

The habitual grinding of teeth is termed?


What type of muscle is considered striated and involuntary?

Cardiac muscle

Lingual glands of von Ebner are minor salivary glands that wash which papillae to allow someone to perceive different tastes?


This muscle converges into a triangular shape with the orbicularis oris at the angle of the mouth. It pulls the corners of the mouth down.

Depressor anguli oris

This muscle pulls the lower lip down as in a pout

Depressor labii inferioris

The primary function of the intrinsic muscles of the tongue is?

Determine the shape of the tongue

Which of the following is not a muscle of mastification?


Black hairy tongue is a condition of poor oral hygiene, excess dead keratinized squamous cells, and elongation of which papillae of the tongue?


Which papillae makes up the keratinized protective coating of the tongue and does not contain any taste buds?


Which papillae are located on the lateral borders of the tongue? They look like folds and some contain taste buds but are poorly developed. They are more developed in animals?


What bone makes up the roof of orbit?


Which extrinsic muscle allows a patient to protrude the tongue?


Which of the following is not a pharyngeal dilator muscle?


Which organelle is responsible for packaging proteins for delivery to different parts of the body?

Golgi apparatus

What bone is the foramen rotundum found in?

Greater wing of sphenoid

The maxillary sinuses drain into the?

Hiatus semilunaris

What type of cartilage helps to support the trachea and is found inside the nasal cavity also?

Hyaline cartilage

What are the first leukocytes (white blood cells) to an area of infection and is involved in the phagocytizing, killing, and destruction of bacteria?


What type of epithelium makes up the lining mucosa of the oral cavity such as the alveolar mucosa, inside the lips, and the lining of the cheeks as well as the sulcular epithelium?

Non-keratinized stratified squamous

Which organelle is considered the control center of a cell and houses DNA


Name the muscle that encircles the eye?

Orbicularis oculi

Which muscle allows you to compress your lips on the saliva ejector?

Orbicularis oris

What type of epithelium is found in the respiratory passages?

Pseudostratified squamous

Is a condition in which sensory messages, seemingly coming from the area of the TMJ, are actually traveling to the brain from other regions of the body?

Referred pain

What type of loose connective tissue makes up the structural framework of lymphoid organs such as lymph nodes and the spleen?

Reticular connective tissue

The area posterior to the articular disc which houses most of the TMJ's blood and nerve supply is:

Retrodiscal pad

Which organelle is responsible for protein synthesis?


Left lateral movement of the mandible is accomplished by the contraction of which muscle?

Right lateral pterygoid

Match the following: left lateral excursion of the mandible

Right lateral pterygoid

What suture separates the two parietal bones?


What type of epithelium lines the digestive tract?

Simple columnar

What type of epithelium lines the blood vessels and lymphatic vessels?

Simple squamous (endothelium)

What type of epithelium lines the pleural, peritoneal, and pericardial cavities?

Simple squamous (mesothelium)

Which of the following is not an infrahyoid muscle?


Which of the following is not a suprahyoid muscle?


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