Harry Potter - Order of the Phoenix

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After Professor Trelawney is dismissed by Professor Umbridge, whom does Dumbledore appoint in her place?

Purge & Dowse Ltd

As which closed department store is St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries disguised?

Barnabas the Barmy

Behind a tapestry of which old wizard being clubbed by trolls is the Room of Requirement?

History of Magic

During which exam did Harry drift off and see the vision of Voldemort torturing Sirius in the Department of Mysteries?


For how many years has Professor McGonagall been teaching at Hogwarts?


For how many years has Professor Snape been teaching at Hogwarts?

All-England Best Kept Suburban Lawn Competition

For which non-existent competition was Vernon Dursley told he had been shortlisted so that Harry could be rescued in the Dursleys' absence?

Fanged Geranium

From which plant did Harry receive a bite during his Herbology exam?


How many people initially signed up to be part of Dumbledore's Army?


How old was Sirius Black when he ran away from home?


In which county do the Malfoys live?


In which house did the Sorting Hat consider placing Hermione before deciding on Gryffindor?

Hog's Head

In which pub in Hogsmeade did Dumbledore's Army first meet?

Room of Requirement

In which venue, recommended by Dobby, do Dumbledore's Army decide to meet each week?

Little Whinging

In which village is Privet Drive?

The Quibbler

Of which magazine is Luna Lovegood's father the editor?


On average, how many hours of revision per day was Ernie MacMillan doing for his O.W.L.s?

Fake Galleons

On what objects did Hermione perform a Protean Charm so that Harry can communicate times of DA meetings to members?


On which floor of the Ministry of Magic building is the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office?


On which row of shelves in the third room of the Department of Mysteries is the Prophecy regarding Lord Voldemort and Harry Potter?

Wisteria Walk

On which street does Mrs. Figg live?


The brass knocker on Dumbledore's office door is in the shape of which creature?

Department of Mysteries

To where did the windowless corridor from Harry's dreams lead?


Two illustrations of which Muggle object can be found on Arthur Weasley's office wall?

Percival Wulfric Brian

What are Dumbledore's three middle names?


What are the people who work in the Department of Mysteries called?


What are the staff at St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries called?

Homework Planner

What did Hermione buy both Ron and Harry for Christmas?

Harry Potter, Rescue Mission

What did it say on Harry's badge when he, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville and Luna entered the Ministry of Magic to rescue Sirius?


What does Hagrid tell his half-brother to call Hermione, since her name is difficult to say?


What does the 'A' grade stand for at O.W.L. level?


What does the 'D' grade stand for at O.W.L. level?

Exceeds Expectations

What does the 'E' grade stand for at O.W.L. level?


What does the 'O' grade stand for at O.W.L. level?


What does the 'P' grade stand for at O.W.L. level?


What does the 'T' grade stand for at O.W.L. level?


What has Mrs. Figg been all this time and not told Harry?


What is Cornelius Fudge's middle name?

Big D

What is Dudley's new nickname given to him by his gang?


What is Harry Potter's middle name?


What is Mrs. Figg's first name?


What is Percy Weasley's middle name?


What is Tonks's first name?


What is the ability to extract feelings and memories from another person's mind called?

93 Diagon Alley

What is the address of Fred & George Weasley's premises for Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes?

12 Grimmauld Place

What is the address of the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix?

Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank

What is the full name of the replacement Care of Magical Creatures teacher?

Gubraithian Fire

What is the name given to everlasting fire?

Rodolphus Lestrange

What is the name of Bellatrix Lestrange's husband?

Michael Corner

What is the name of Ginny's boyfriend?


What is the name of Hagrid's favourite Thestral?


What is the name of Hagrid's half-brother whom he rescues after trying to negotiate with the Giants and hides in the Forbidden Forest?

Alice Longbottom

What is the name of Neville Longbottom's mother?

Rabastan Lestrange

What is the name of Rodolphus Lestrange's brother?

Andromeda Tonks

What is the name of Tonks's mother?


What is the name of a skeletal, winged, horse-like creature visible only to those who have seen death?


What is the name of the Black family's house-elf?

Madam Puddifoot's

What is the name of the Hogsmeade tea-shop that Cho takes Harry to on Valentines Day?


What is the name of the Wizard High Court?


What is the name of the creature indistinguishable from a Jack Russell terrier except for its forked tail?


What is the name of the creature with a fairy-like body, beetle-like wings and needle-sharp teeth?

Fountain of Magical Brethren

What is the name of the golden fountain in the atrium of the Ministry of Magic?


What is the name of the magical sealing of the mind against external intrusion and influence?

Dolores Umbridge

What is the name of the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher?


What is the name of the pixieish twig-like creature that usually guards wand-trees?

Death Chamber

What is the name of the room in the Department of Mysteries with the stone dais, the archway and the veil?

Fizzing Whizzbee

What is the password to Dumbledore's office this year?


What is the term for a witch or wizard who can change their appearance at will?


What is the title for a chief giant?


What number do you have to dial to enter the Ministry of Magic via the Visitors' Entrance?


What relation to Sirius Black are Andromeda Tonks, Narcissa Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange?


What relation to Tonks are Narcissa Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange?


What shape does Cho Chang's Patronus take?


What shape does Hermione's Patronus take?


What shape is the first room in the Department of Mysteries?

Baruffio's Brain Elixir

What substance did Eddie Carmichael, a Ravenclaw sixth-year, claim was solely responsible for his nine 'Outstanding' O.W.L.s the previous year?


What taunting nickname did James Potter and co call Snape in their school days?

Lily Evans

What was Harry's mother's full maiden name?


What was the first name of Sirius Black's younger brother?

Armando Dippet

What was the name of Dumbledore's predecessor as Headmaster of Hogwarts?

Phineas Nigellus

What was the name of Sirius Black's great-great-grandfather who was once a headmaster of Hogwarts?

I must not tell lies

What were the words which Harry was forced by Dolores Umbridge to etch into his hand with her magical black quill?

Kenmare Kestrels

Which Quidditch team does Seamus Finnigan support?

Cassandra Trelawney

Which celebrated seer was Sybill Trelawney's great-great-grandmother?

Imperturbable Charm

Which charm creates a barrier around an object so that nothing can make contact with it?

Sticking Charm

Which charm fastens one object to another?

Disillusionment Charm

Which charm turns a person into a human chameleon, camouflaging them perfectly with their background?


Which creatures, having been insulted by Dolores Umbridge, carried her off and returned her in a quiet, dream-like state?


Which incantation did Hermione use to mark an 'X' on the incorrect doors whilst trying to find their way to the Hall of Prophecy?


Which incantation forces an opponent's legs into a frenzied tap-dance?


Which incantation produces a Silencing Charm?


Which incantation produces a Vanishing Charm?


Which incantation produces a cleaning charm?


Which incantation seals a door?

Skiving Snackbox

Which invention by Fred and George Weasley causes fainting, vomiting or nosebleeds as an excuse to miss a lesson?

Extendable Ears

Which invention by Fred and George Weasley facilitates eavesdropping?

Dr Ubbly's Oblivious Unction

Which magical remedy did Madam Pomfrey use to reduce the scars on Ron's arms left by the brains from the Department of Mysteries?


Which mechanical objects filled the second room in the Department of Mysteries that leads to the Hall of Prophecy?

Marietta Edgecombe

Which member of the DA informs Professor Umbridge of the group's existence?

Mundungus Fletcher

Which member of the Order of the Phoenix overheard Harry, Ron and Hermione trying to set up a secret Defence Against the Dark Arts group?

Cleansweep 11

Which model is Ron's new broomstick, a gift from his parents for being made a Prefect?

High Inquisitor

Which new position does the Ministry of Magic create for Dolores Umbridge to gain more control at Hogwarts?

Neville Longbottom

Which other wizard boy could have been Lord Voldemort's prophesied vanquisher?


Which position are Crabbe and Goyle now playing on the Slytherin Quidditch team?


Which position does Ron successfully earn on the Gryffindor Quidditch team?

Mimbulus Mimbletonia

Which rare magical plant did Neville Longbottom get for his birthday?

Weasley is our king

Which sarcastic phrase did the Slytherins put on badges to taunt Ron at the first Quidditch match of the season?

Bubble-Head Charm

Which spell did students put on themselves when walking between lessons after people started letting off Dungbombs and Stink Pellets on a daily basis?

Stealth Sensoring Spells

Which spells did Professor Umbridge use to protect her office after the second Niffler invasion?

Junior Heavyweight Inter-School Boxing Champion of the Southeast

Which sporting title had Dudley Dursley gained before the summer holidays in his forth year at Smeltings?

Inquisatorial Squad

Which student group did Professor Umbridge set up to help her manage the school?

Dean Thomas

Who does Ginny start going out with at the end of the book?

Urquhart Rackharrow

Who invented the Entrail-expelling Curse?

Amelia Bones

Who is Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement?

Griselda Marchbanks

Who is Head of the Wizarding Examinations Authority?


Who is the Secret Keeper for the Order of the Phoenix?

Bellatrix Lestrange

Who killed Sirius Black?

Sybill Trelawney

Who made the Prophecy about Voldemort and his vanquisher to Dumbledore?

Ginny Weasley

Who replaced Harry as Seeker on the Gryffindor Quidditch team after he was given a lifetime ban by Professor Umbridge?

Angelina Johnson

Who was made Gryffindor Quidditch captain after Oliver Wood?

Lee Jordan

Who was sneaking Nifflers into Professor Umbridge's office to torment her?

Pierre Bonaccord

Who was the first Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards?


With how many Stunning spells was Minerva McGonagall hit by Ministry wizards who had been attempting to seize Hagrid?

Cruciatus Curse

With which curse did Bellatrix Lestrange torture Neville, as she once tortured his parents?

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