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What two types of background checks are acceptable for an employer to use?

- Criminal history - Employment references

Why should a company proceed with care when setting up a personnel selection process?

- To comply with employment laws - To use fair employment practices - To identify the best candidates for employment

Which of the following are unintended side effects of downsizing that impact an organization's long-term success? (Select all that apply

- important talent is let go - social networks are disrupted - remaining employees feel less inspired to work

What are some advantages of using internal applicants to fill jobs? (Select all that apply.)

-Applicants have realistic expectations regarding the nature of the job. -Applicants are familiar to the company. -Hiring from within is inexpensive and happens quickly.

What are the advantages of recruiting new employees from online job sites?

-The system will filter results and display only qualified candidates. -Some sites send e-mail alerts and track the progress of job applications. -Some sites allow recruiters to ask candidates additional questions.

What two strategies are the most widespread methods for eliminating a labor shortage?

-contracting directly with individuals to provide a particular service -hiring workers on a temporary basis

What are the four objectives associated with a company's decision to downsize?

-reduce costs -merge with or acquire other companies -move to more economical locations -replace labor with technology

1) Personnel policies 2) recruitment sources 3) nature and behavior of the recruiter

1) influence the characteristics of the positions to be filled 2) influence the kinds of job applicants an organization reaches 3) influences the characteristics of both the vacancies and the applicants

1) extroversion 2) adjustment 3) agreeableness 4) conscientiousness 5) inquisitiveness

1) sociable, assertive, talkative, expressive 2) emotionally stable, non depressed, secure 3) courteous, trusting, tolerant, forgiving 4) dependable, organized, achievement oriented, persevering 5) curious, imaginative, playful

What two elements should be included at the end of an interview?

A thank you to the candidate Information about what the candidate should expect next

Which employer is administering a drug test correctly?

Angela administered the drug test to all applicants for the position, then mailed each a copy of their individual results.

Many employers are coping with the high rate of online applicants by using a(n) ______.

Applicant Tracking System

Which human resource strategy is a highly effective way to deal with a labor shortage?

Ask current employees to work overtime

What are two ways recruiters can increase their positive influence on job candidates?

Avoid offensive behavior. Provide timely feedback.

How do employers verify the legal rights of applicants to work in the United States?

By having applicants fill out Form I-9 paperwork

What is one way to determine whether a measure is valid?

Compare many people's scores on that measure with their job performance.

Which option for reducing a labor surplus causes a high amount of suffering?


What is NOT measured by cognitive ability tests?

Endurance skills

The best way to combat a lengthy period of a labor shortage is to ask employees to work overtime


True or false: A company can dictate to an independent contractor where and what hours to work


True or false: A transitional matrix is useful for charting historical trends, but it is NOT useful for planning for the future.


True or false: Predictive validation uses test scores from all applicants and looks for a relationship between the scores and the applicants' previous experience.


Under federal law, employers have the right to perform a credit check on an applicant without the applicant's consent.


What do internship programs typically accomplish?

Gives an organization the chance to assess a potential employee's capabilities. Gives companies a stronger presence on campus. Gives applicants firsthand experience with the employer.

What are some of the reasons for using external sources for employee recruitment?

Hiring outsiders may introduce the company to fresh and different business practices. Bringing in people from external sources may be a source of innovation. Specialized positions may not be fillable with internal candidates.

What type of test is used to predict whether a job candidate is likely to steal from an employer?

Honesty test

What question is NOT permissible to ask in job interviews?

How would you feel about working for someone younger than you?

What step should be included in the evaluation of an HR plan?

Identifying which parts of the planning process contributed to success or failure.

Under federal law, when is conducting a credit check on a potential employee legal?

It is legal if the person gives consent to the credit check.

Dontrell's water filter company would like to outsource the production process of the filters. Which guideline he should follow when making his outsourcing decision?

Make sure the company has the necessary skills and environment to do the job.

An organization's decisions about how it will carry out human resource management are called its _____.

Personnel policies

Molly decided she didn't want to work for the company where she had interviewed, because it took five weeks for someone to get back to her after the interview. What should the recruiter have done to avoid this situation

Provide timely feedback.

In what two ways do private employment agencies differ from public employment agencies?

Public agencies tend to cater to blue-collar workers, whereas private agencies cater to white collar workers. Public agencies offer their services for free, whereas private agencies charge a fee for referrals.

How can an employer reduce labor costs without downsizing the company?

Reduce work hours for many employees.

Which steps are typically included in the personnel selection process? (Select all that apply)

Screen applications. Check references. Interview candidates. Review work samples.

Select those items that are trends in the external labor market.

Size of the labor market The unemployment rate Types of people who will be in the labor market

Which federal law requires all people who are on unemployment to be registered with a local state employment office?

Social Security Act

What is the most common way job applicants introduce themselves to a potential employer?

Submit a résumé to the company.

Which information is not typically included on a job application

The applicant's marital status

What advantage is there to a firm that hires contract workers

The firm does not have to pay employee benefits to contract workers.

From a cost perspective, why can hiring temporary workers be a business advantage?

Their benefit expenses are paid by agencies.

What is the downside to job references?

They can be a biased source of information.

Select the reasons that many older workers are not retiring early. (Select all that apply)

They do not have pensions. They do not have enough savings. They have high levels of debt

For what reasons might a business reduce work hours instead of downsizing?

To keep experienced employees, to spread the burden among various employees, to avoid the cost of severance pay for laid-off workers

Why do organizations outsource services?

To save money and operate more efficiently

Building and using statistical models that predict labor demand in the future based on objective statistics from the past is called _____.

Trend analysis

What general rules should an employer use when administering a drug test to job applicants? (Select all that apply)

Use drug testing for jobs that involve safety hazards. Provide the applicant with a copy of the test report.

The extent to which the selection method provides economic value greater than its cost is called _____. (Enter one word in the blank.)


What question is permissible to ask on job applications or in interviews?

What is your full name?

Which type of work would NOT be a candidate for outsourcing?

Work that requires tight security

Jamila is looking for an employee for her specialty foods market. What core competency should Jamila look for in a hire?

a knowledge of wines and cheese

Which type of employment test measures the level of knowledge, skills, and abilities that a person already possesses?

achievement test

Jarret has to hire six new employees for the product development area. He selected ten candidates from the resumes he received but is concerned because none of those resumes are from a woman or a minority. Analyzing the representation of subgroups in the workforce exemplifies ______.

affirmative action

The software application which automatically extracts relevant information about job candidates from their resumes and matches it against a company's selection criteria in order to select candidates for a telephone call or face-to-face interview is referred to as ______.

an applicant-tracking system

What is NOT one of the "Big Five" personality traits?


Which type of employment test assesses how well a person can learn or acquire skills or abilities?

aptitude test

Employers tend to decide against job applicants whose résumés _____.

are sloppy and contain many mistakes

An assortment of selection programs that use several methods to rank applicants or job incumbents on their management potential is called a(n) _____ center.


Tests for choosing managers may take the shape of a(n) _____.

assessment center

To avoid the legal issues that can arise when measuring cognitive ability, some companies resort to ______ in which all applicants within a range of scores are treated as having the same score. However, this practice is controversial and some have questioned its legality as well


To evaluate four managerial job candidates, Rachel had them participate in a simulated work environment. It included meeting with subordinates, responding to phone calls and emails, and other typical activities in the work day. This is an example of a(n) _____ test.


Jonathan noticed that Eva had handled bankruptcy claims in her previous job. During the interview, he asked how she had worked with clients during the bankruptcy process. This is an example of a _____ interview.

behavior description

For the HR planning process, how should goals be determined?

by analyzing labor supply and demand data

How does the U.S. Employment Service work with local agencies to help unemployed people get jobs? (Select all that apply.)

by partnering with nonprofit groups to meet the needs of a community by allowing business to announce job vacancies with state unemployment offices by collecting jobs and skills data from unemployed workers and keeping that information in computerized databases for possible openings

A transitional matrix is a good tool for planning for the future when conditions allow, and it also is useful for _____

charting historical trends

A transitional matrix is a good tool for planning for the future when conditions allow, and it also is useful for _____.

charting historical trends

What type of employment test focuses on an applicant's mental abilities?

cognitive ability test

Marta decided to hire Nazir for the job of financial analyst because even though his people skills tested somewhat low, he more than made up for it through his technical skills. This is an example of a _____


The personnel selection process in which a remarkably high score on one type of assessment can make up for a low score on a second assessment is called the _____ model.


A test is administered to people who currently hold a job, and their scores are then compared to existing measures of job performance. This is an example of______validation.


Kaycee is the current assistant manager of marketing. The personnel department has asked her to take a test relating to her position. Her scores will then be compared to existing measures of performance for the position. Which type of validity measure does this demonstrate?


While setting up her company's personnel selection process, Victoria determines that there is consistency between a high score on a test called "clerical ability" and a high level of intelligence. The test is measuring____validity.


A human resource professional is trying to establish ______ validity when they expose the job applicant to situations that will likely occur on the job.


During a job interview for a road construction company, Matthew was asked to operate one of the bulldozers in an actual work environment, and the interviewer observed how he handled the situation. The test had _____ validity for that job.


What type of validity establishes consistency between the test items or problems and the kinds of situations or problems that occur on the job?


When Lana applies for a job that will involve a great deal of word processing, she is asked to demonstrate her skills by typing several pages of text. The test has ______ validity for that specific job.


According to the federal government's Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures the three acceptable ways of measuring validity are

content validity criterion-related validity construct validity

A _____ competency is a set of knowledge and skills that make the organization superior to competitors and create value for customers.


Janelle hires Brandi to purchase merchandise for her jewelry store because Brandi enjoys making and selling her own jewelry. In addition, she has worked in other jewelry stores, can identify numerous gemstones, and has a good sense of their value. Brandi's knowledge is an example of a ______.

core competency

The total amount of money spent to fill a job vacancy is called the _____.

cost per hire

After a job interview, Claire was told she didn't get the position because her reference said she was unreliable and complained about everything. Claire informed the human resource director that the reference was making untrue accusations due to jealousy at the thought of Claire being hired for such a good job. Claire is making a claim of _____.


When a reference makes a statement that cannot be proved truthful, and it damages an applicant's reputation, it is an example of ______.


The personnel selection process should be created to support the job ______.


Comparing yield ratios for different recruitment sources helps HR managers do which of the following?

determine the best source for the type of vacancy being filled

What are the key components of an effective goal-setting phase in the HR planning process?

determining a specific number of jobs needed in a specific category identifying a deadline for the ultimate outcome

What term describes an individual who applies for a vacancy at a company without any prompting from the organization—in other words, NOT in response to a job notice?

direct applicant

Reducing costs, replacing labor with technology, mergers and acquisitions, and moving to more economical locations are the four objectives associated with _____.


Policies that formally lay out the steps an employee may take to appeal an employer's decision to terminate that employee are called _____.

due process policies

Hiring temporary or contract workers is a very common way in which firms ______.

eliminate a labor shortage

Organizations are most likely to benefit from hiring and retaining ___.

employees who provide a core competency

When there is no specific employment contract saying otherwise, an employer or employee may end an employment relationship at any time, regardless of cause. This arrangement is called _____.

employment at will

Dara noticed that a job applicant worked at a company where Dara was previously employed. She called the company to obtain more information on the applicant and discovered that the applicant hadn't worked there at all. What type of background check did Dara perform?

employment history

An employer would verify immigration records with the ____ to determine if an individual is eligible for employment in the United States.

federal government

What items are evaluated on a physical ability test? (Select all that apply

flexibility muscular tension cardiovascular endurance

By reviewing hiring information from the previous year, James is trying to predict how many additional employees he will need to hire for the holiday rush. Which step in the process of human resource planning is Jim engaged in?


The first step in the human resource planning process is _____


A ________ method refers to validity in other contexts beyond which the selection method was developed.


When an employee selection method applies not only to the conditions in which it was originally developed but also to other organizations and applicants, the method is said to be ______.


What can an organization that is facing a labor shortage do instead of hiring employees or outsourcing work? (Select all that apply)

have the existing workforce put in overtime have part-time employees go full-time

What is another name for an executive search firm


Nanci uses an outside hiring firm to fill the director's position at her company. Because the position is an important one, it takes the hiring firm nearly a year to assemble three candidates for the one position. This represents a(n) ______.

high cost per hire

Who is most often responsible for notifying applicants about the results of the selection process?

human resource department

What is the activity carried on by an organization with the primary purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees?

human resource recruitment

According to research, job applicants perceive _____ as less credible when they act as recruiters.

human resource specialists

Reviewing application forms helps HR personnel _____.

identify which candidates meet minimum requirements for education and experience

What is the final stage of HR planning?

implementing strategies and evaluating outcomes

In general, job applicants respond positively to recruiters whom they perceive as _____.


An organization that uses only internal recruitment might be poorly suited to _____.


While setting up a personnel selection process, Marla graphs the performance of her current employees against several factors: college GPA, personality, intelligence, and appearance. The correlation coefficients are: GPA .20, personality .60, intelligence .80, and appearance .30. Which factor should carry the most weight as Marla considers applicants applying for positions in her company?


A(n) ______ program helps both employers and potential employees make well-informed choices about fit when it comes time to consider long-term commitment?


An advantage of using interviews is that talking face to face with job candidates can provide evidence of communication and _____ skills


Franklin learned about the opening in the accounting department when he read a hiring notice on the company bulletin board. This hiring notice is an example of locating an internal source through a

job posting

Organizations recruit internal sources as potential applicants through the use of _____.

job postings

If a company pays higher wages than the current market wages for a job, that company is taking a ______ approach to wages.


A construct validity test could be used to measure which aspect of a job candidate?

leadership ability

Objective measures that correctly predict future labor demand are called

leading indicators

Another name for the polygraph test is the _____ test.

lie detector

What is NOT evaluated as part of a physical ability test?

mental acuity

One objective of affirmative action plans is to _____.

monitor the proportion of women and minorities in a company's workforce

After Corinne was hired, the HR manager told her that she had "passed all the tests" to get the job. She had made it through the resume review, interviews with office staff, and skills testing. What type of employee selection process does this represent?

multiple hurdle model

What model is used to gradually thin out the pool of candidates for a specific job?

multiple hurdle model

Mouna learned that the only reason Chad got the new job in the advertising department is because his mother also works at the company and has a lot of pull with the hiring manager. This is an example of _____.


The hiring of a sibling to fill an open position at a company might be referred to as


In a _____ interview, the interviewer chooses the questions in reaction to the candidate's answers to a previous question.


Rather than follow a predetermined list of questions, Rafael found it easier to come up with his questions based on how the applicants responded to the previous question. This is a type of _____ interview.


What two methods are currently among the most popular and effective for businesses to connect with high-quality job seekers?

online job-related networking sites online job search platforms

What is an advantage of using temporary workers.

operational flexibility

Contracting with another organization to perform a broad set of services is known as _____.


For her third interview with a state government office, Cassandra met with the human resource director, the manager of the accounting department, and the chief financial officer. This is an example of a _____ interview.


What type of personnel selection interview gives candidates the opportunity to witness how people in the organization interact with each other?


A lead-the-market pay strategy exists when a company _________.

pays more than the current market wages for a job

Whom should job applicants list as references on application forms?

people who can vouch for their abilities

Organizations that require heavy use of teamwork are most likely in favor of using which type of employment test?


At the local Toyota dealership, all open positions are recruited from within before looking outside the organization. This demonstrates the _____ policy of the dealership.


What are the three areas of recruiting for which all companies must make decisions?

personnel policies recruiter behavior recruitment sources

The process through which organizations make decisions about who will or will not be allowed to join the organization is called _____.

personnel selection

In what type of retirement program does the company keep older workers but reduces the hours that they work?

phased retirement

Which type of validation relates test scores of all applicants to their future performance?


From an HR standpoint, hiring from within the organization is generally Blank______.

quicker and more economical

The use of cognitive ability tests may lead to a practice known as ______ in which organizations establish different norms for hiring members of different racial groups.

race norming

After receiving a job offer, what details might certain candidates need to negotiate with the organization before accepting the offer? (Check all that apply.)

rate of pay benefits

A _____ job preview provides background information about a job's positive and negative qualities.


When the recruiter called Hannah about the job opening, he talked about the job's positive and negative qualities. After hearing some of the negative aspects of the job, Hannah declined the offer of the interview. This demonstrates the concept of a _____ job preview.


Tonya's company set up a booth at the college job fair to identify spring graduates who might be candidates for employment. This is an example of _____.


All companies have to make decisions in three areas of recruiting: personnel policies, recruiter behavior, and _____.

recruitment sources

Individuals who apply for jobs because someone in the organization prompted them to do so are called _____.


What is the key to a successful downsizing effort?

refraining from universal cuts

Correlation coefficients are used when determining the ____ of a personnel selection tool.


The characteristic of a measurement that indicates how free that measurement is from random error is called _____.


An interviewer describes a scenario that is likely to occur on the job and asks candidates how they would respond. This is called a(n)_____interview.


What type of interview might predict job performance most accurately?


The personnel selection process should be established so that an organization can identify candidates who have the required KSAOs, an acronym which stands for knowledge, _____, abilities and other characteristics


Which of the following are components of a well-planned interview

standardized comfortable for the participant

When a company offers a job to someone who has completed the personnel selection process, what information should be included in the offer? (Select all that apply)

starting date job responsibilities work schedule

What are three components of human resource planning?

strategic planning forecasting goal setting

A behavior description interview is a type of (structured/nondirective) interview.


Ross was told that he could ask the job candidate only the questions from the list he was provided. He is conducting a _____ interview


What type of job selection interview uses a predetermined set of questions for the interviewer to ask?


Criterion-related validity relies on a substantial correlation between _____ and job performance scores.

test scores

What type of organization would favor the use of a personality test?

those that use teams to complete tasks

A chart that documents job categories held in one period and lists the proportion of employees in each of these categories in a future period is called a(n) _____.

transitional matrix

The size of the labor market, the unemployment rate, and the kinds of people who will be in the labor market are ______.

trends in the external labor market that affect the supply of labor

Research has shown that interviews can be ___.

unreliable and low in validity

Unlike other employment agencies, executive search firms ______.

usually work with people who are already employed

Isabelle stated that the cost of interviewing three candidates in person could be minimized if they conducted the first interview on the phone instead of face-to-face. Isabelle is discussing the _____ of the selection method.


What term describes the extent to which performance on a type of measure is related to what the measure is designed to assess?


A transitional matrix answers two questions: Where did people who are now in each job category come from, and _____.

where did people who were in each job category go

Most private, as opposed to public, employment agencies serve the -collar (white/blue) labor market.


Elaina is a writer and she is applying for a job at a fashion magazine. Which type of material would Elaina most likely need to submit to the employer?

work samples

What type of review compares subgroups within a company to the proportion of subgroups within the labor market?

workforce utilization

A comparison of the proportion of employees in a protected group with the proportion that each group represents in the relevant labor market is called a(n) _____.

workforce utilization review

What is the term for the percentage of applicants who transition from one step of the recruitment and selection process to the next?

yield ratio

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