HBS Power

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BMI stands for body mass index and is calculated by BMI= weight (kg) / [height (m)]2 What are the limitations of using BMI as a measure of weight and overall health?

It does not take into account muscle vs. fat mass

Which of the following is the correct sequence of urine movement in the urinary system?

Kidney, ureter, urinary bladder, urethra

Metabolism is the sum total of the body's chemical reactions. It is composed of catabolic and anabolic reactions. Which of the following is a catabolic reaction?

Lipids --> fatty acids + glycerol

Which of the following is NOT a health risks associated with high levels of saturated fat and cholesterol in the diet?

Lung cancer

Which of the following is a difference between the urinary systems of males and females?

Males have a longer urethra

The average person has a glomerular filtratrion rate of 180L/day. However, the average person only produces about 1L of urine/day. Why is there such a difference?

The nephron reabsorbs much of what is filtered back into the blood

The volume of air breath in and out (about 10% of our total lung volume) without conscious effort is called ___.

Tidal volume

One of the functions of the urinary system is to maintain water balance in the human body. In what other ways is water balance maintained in the human body?

Water is absorbed in the large intestine of the digestive system

Why does the urinary system adjust sodium levels?

Why does the urinary system adjust sodium levels?

BMR stands for Basal Metabolic Rate. This is the number of calories a person would burn in a day leading a sedentary lifestyle. Which of the following persons would have the highest BMR?

19 year old male, weight = 250, height = 5'10"

My husband wants to lose 15 pounds by this summer (100 days away) without changing his diet. If 3500 calories is equal to 1 lb, how many calories must he burn a day on top of his normal activity to reach his goal weight?


A patient can be assessed for asthma by testing their peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR). Anything below 80% of normal is cause for concern. Using the following chart, which Patient could possibly have asthma?

A 65" 30 year old with a PEFR of 350

Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) and aldosterone are hormones that regulate the amount of water in the blood and urine. What is the difference?

ADH increases water reabsorption, aldosterone increases salt reabsorption

What is the function of the large intestine?

Absorption of water

How does alcohol affect the urinary system?

Alcohol inhibits ADH which helps the kidneys reabsorb water

Which of the following is a function of the kidneys?

All of the other answers

The induced fit model of enzyme action describes how

An enzyme changes its shape slightly around the substrate

Exposure to environmental hazards such as coal dust, silica dust, and asbestos may lead to pulmonary fibrosis or scarring of the lung tissue. With this condition the lungs become stiff and have less elasticity. What would happen to the total lung capacity and vital capacity under these conditions?

Both would decrease

Since most bacteria and viruses that cause infections in people thrive best at 98.6°F (37°C), fever is an important part of the body's defense against infection. Having a high fever over an extended period of time, however, can become dangerous to the person since it denatures enzymes. What does denature mean?

Change shape

The average adult has a total lung volume around 6.0L (6000mL). However, many things can affect this amount. Which of the following is true?

Children have a smaller lung volume because their bodies are smaller

During inhalation, the diaphragm

Contracts and moves inferiorly

Diuretics are often prescribed to treat high blood pressure. Given the name of the class of drug, how would this drug lower blood pressure?

Decreasing the reabsorption of water

You hear someone mention the molecule "AMP." Based on what you learned about the structure of ATP and ADP and the way in which energy is released, how do you think AMP would be created?

Dehydration synthesis of ADP

Suppose you suffered a rib injury that inhibited your ability to take regular breaths due to the pain. If your tidal volume was reduced by half, how would your breathing rate change to maintain the same minute volume?


Complete breakdown of a particular food substance includes both mechanical and chemical digestion. Which of the following is NOT an example of mechanical digestion?

Enzymatic breakdown

Why is it important that cells contain enzymes?

Enzymes speed up chemical reactions

What structure moves food from the mouth to the stomach?


Each gram of fat you consume provides over twice as many calories as a gram of protein or carbohydrates. Which would require the most energy to burn?


The walls of the alveoli in and capillaries in the lungs are composed of simple squamous epithelium. Why is this important?

For gases to diffuse

The human kidney can be divided into three main regions: the cortex, medulla and the pelvis. Which structure of the nephron is located in the cortex of the kidney?


Coenzymes bind to the active site of some enzymes and participate in catalysis but are not considered substrates of the reaction. Which of the following are used as coenzymes in humans?


Urine is formed by filtering the blood in the kidneys. Which of the following substances would be found in blood, but should NOT be found in a normal urinalysis?


ADH (Antidiuretic Hormone) is produced in the posterior pituitary gland and is involved in the kidneys reabsorption of water. If a person just finished a three mile run without drinking any water, how would their levels of ADH be affected?


Which of the following conditions is NOT present during an asthma attack?

Increase of airflow

For lunch, you have a turkey sandwich on wheat bread with mayonnaise and lettuce. Which digestive organ would begin the chemical digestion of the turkey?


Amylase is an enzyme that has the ability to break down starch, a polysaccharide, into smaller disaccharides. Two types of amylase function in the human digestive system, salivary amylase and pancreatic amylase. Salivary amylase and pancreatic amylase are released by two accessory organs of the digestive system. In what structures do the enzymes actually chemically digest food?

Mouth and small intestine

Mitochondria are the organelles in cells that are responsible for cellular respiration, the reaction that produces ATP. Based on this information, which types of cells in the body would you expect to contain the most mitochondria?

Muscle cells

What is the functional unit of the kidney?


C6H12O6 (glucose) is one of the reactants in the equation for cellular respiration. Food that you eat, therefore, must be converted into glucose to be used to make ATP energy. Which food source would give you the most immediate energy source?


Which of the following is the correct order for the flow of oxygen?


Which part of the nephron is the site of the majority of reabsorption of water, NaCl, K+, HCO3 and all of the glucose?

Proximal convoluted tubule

What is the tool we used to measure lung volumes?


The substance that an enzyme reacts with which fits exactly into the active site is called a


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