Head, Neck & Face (Multiple Choice)

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38. Which landmark, located at the center of the occiput, serves as the attachment site for the ligamentum nuchae? d) inferior nuchal line c) external occipital protuberance b) mastoid process a) superior nuchal line

External occipital protuberance (TG pg 231)

71. Which of the following is an action of the platysma? d) assist in depression of mandible c) swallowing b) loosen the fascia of the neck a) assist in elevation of mandible

Assist in depression of mandible (TG pg 257)

65. Which is the insertion of the masseter? a) angle and ramus of mandible b) condyle of mandible c) coronoid process of mandible d) crest of mandible

Angle and ramus of mandible (TG pg 250)

76. During palpation of the zygomatic arch and masseter, which structure should you be mindful of to avoid causing irritation, inflammation or even nausea? d) temporal artery c) thyroid gland a) facial nerve b) facial artery

Facial nerve (TG pg 272)

69. Which is the origin of the platysma? d) fascia covering superior part of pectoralis major c) sternum, clavicle and manubrium a) external surface of the maxilla b) fascia covering superior part of pectoralis minor

Fascia covering superior part of pectoralis major (TG pg 265)

36. Which type of joint connects the cranial bones? d) synovial c) hinge a) fibrous b) gliding

Fibrous (TG pg 228)

59. To locate the insertion of the temporalis, you must ask your partner to perform what action? a) open her mouth fully b) clench and relax her jaw c) protract her mandible d) laterally deviate her mandible

Open her mouth fully (TG pg 252)

52. What instruction could you give your partner to help you access the coronoid process? a) laterally deviate your jaw b) open your mouth fully c) make a chewing motion d) clench your teeth

Open your mouth fully (TG pg 237)

11. The kissing muscle: a. temporalis b. masseter c. orbicularis oris d. zygomaticus

Orbicularis oris (TG pg 265)

23. Which muscle does not insert on the mandible? a. Temporalis b. Medial Pterygoid c. Masseter d. Orbicularis Oris

Orbicularis oris (TG pg 265)

24. Which muscle (one of our sphincter muscles) closes and purses the lips? a. Buccinator b. Masseter c. Orbicularis oris d. Platysma

Orbicularis oris (TG pg 265)

25. Choose 2 muscles that originate on both the maxilla and mandible. a. Buccinator b. Orbicularis Oris c. Temporalis d. Medial Pterygoid e. Masseter

Orbicularis oris and buccinator (Outline)

40. Which cranial bones merge at the body's midline to form the sagittal suture? d) frontal c) temporal b) sphenoid a) parietal


77. Palpation of which structure can stimulate the production of saliva? d) cervical lymph nodes c) thyroid gland b) parotid gland a) facial nerve

Parotid gland (TG pg 272)

72. Which of the following is an action of the medial pterygoid? d) elevate the hyoid bone c) protract the mandible b) retract the hyoid bone a) depress the mandible

Protract the mandible (TG pg 259)

58. What movement of the mandible will lengthen the temporalis? a) elevation b) protraction c) retraction d) lateral deviation

Protraction (TG pg 251)

61. The frontalis is best seen and felt by asking your partner to do what action? d) squint c) raise eyebrows b) smile a) pucker lips

Raise eyebrows (TG pg 258)

29. Name the part of the mandible that branches off of the mandibular body at an angle and ends in 2 processes. a. Mastoid process b. Mandibular notch c. Ramus d. Condyle


68. Which of the following is an action of the temporalis? a) protract the mandible b) depress the mandible c) retract the mandible d) laterally deviate the mandible

Retract the mandible (TG pg 251)

63. Which movement at the mandible will lengthen the fibers of the medial pterygoid? d) retraction c) elevation a) protraction b) lateral deviation to the opposite side

Retraction (TG pg 259)

18. Which suture separates the parietal bones? a. coronal b. squamous c. sagittal d. lambdoidal

Sagittal (TG pg 228)

10. The butterfly shaped bone that contains the sella turcica: a. ethmoid b. sphenoid c. vomer d. maxilla

Sphenoid (TG pg 234)

46. Which bone's lateral portions are called the 'greater wings'? a) frontal b) parietal c) temporal d) sphenoid

Sphenoid (TG pg 234)

21. Term for a ring-shaped muscle: a. sphincter b. deltoid c. trapezius d. rhomboid


35. How many bones form the skull? a) 8 b) 14 c) 18 d) 22

22 (TG pg 228)

48. In which facial bones do the upper teeth articulate? a) nasal b) temporal c) zygomatic d) maxilla


62. Which muscle mirrors the shape and position of the masseter from the opposite side of the mandible? d) mylohyoid c) medial pterygoid b) digastric a) lateral pterygoid

Medial pterygoid (TG pg 259)

70. Which is the insertion of the platysma? d) base of mandible, skin of lower part of face c) hyoid bone and trachea b) edge of maxilla a) hyoid bone and edge of mandible

Base of mandible, skin of lower part of face (TG pg 257)

19. What is the pathological condition that is an infection of the 7th cranial nerve; primary symptom/sign is paralysis of facial features, including the eyelids and mouth. a. Trigeminal Neuralgia b. Lou Gehrig's Disease c. Bell's Palsy d. Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction

Bell's palsy (Outline)

16. Which muscle maintains the cheeks near the gums? a. orbicularis oris b. buccinator c. masseter d. lateral pterygoid

Buccinator (TG pg 263)

78. What structure might you encounter during palpation along the underside of the mandible that feels like a soft lentil or moist raisin? d) submandibular gland c) thyroid gland b) parotid gland a) cervical lymph node

Cervical lymph node (TG pg 274)

22. What part of the mandible articulates with the temporal bone? a. coranoid process b. condylar process c. ramus d. angle

Condylar process (TG pg 235)

32. Select the bones and part of those bones that make up our jaw joint. (2 answers) a. Mandibular fossa of the mandible b. Condylar process of the mandible c. Mandibular fossa of the temporal bone d. Coranoid process of the mandible e. Mastoid process of the temporal bone

Condylar process of the mandible and mandibular fossa of temporal bone (Outline)

17. There are 2 processes at the top of the ramus of the mandible. One process is rounded and is part of the temporomandibular joint. One process is pointed (rather than rounded). Name the anterior of these processes. a. condylar process b. mastoid process c. coranoid process d. styloid process

Coranoid process (TG pg 235)

67. Which is the insertion of the temporalis? a) condyle of the mandible b) zygomatic arch c) coronoid process of the mandible d) body of mandible

Coronoid process of the mandible (TG pg 251)

56. Which action at the mandible would shorten the fibers of the masseter? a) lateral deviation b) elevation c) retraction d) depression

Elevation (TG pg 250)

15. What is the name of the connective tissue sheet (flat tendon) that connects the frontalis and occipitalis muscles (like a shower cap)? a. epicranial aponeurosis b. sagittal suture c. ramus d. sphenoid

Epicranial aponeurosis (Galea) (Lecture notes)

75. Position your finger at the base of the mandible along the anterior edge of the masseter to locate which structure? d) temporal artery c) parotid gland b) facial artery a) common carotid artery

Facial artery (TG pg 271)

08. The large hole in the skull (occipital bone) that allows the spinal cord to communicate with the brain: a. foramen magnum b. mastoid process c. occipital condyle d. vertebral foramen

Foramen magnum (TG pg 231)

45. Which cranial bone forms the forehead and upper rim of the eye sockets? a) parietal b) temporal c) maxilla d) frontal

Frontal (TG pg 234)

53. What structure lies parallel to the base of the mandible and the third or fourth cervical vertebrae? a) hyoid bone b) trachea c) thyroid gland d) cricoid cartilage

Hyoid bone (TG pg 238)

74. Where can you best feel the pulse of the temporal artery? d) in front of the ear along the zygomatic arch c) just anterior to the mastoid process b) at the base of the mandible at anterior edge of the masseter a) medial to the SCM at the level of the hyoid bone

In front of the ear along the zygomatic arch (TG pg 271)

27. Name the suture on the back of the head between the parietal bones and occipital bone. a. Sagittal b. Squamous c. Lamboidal d. Coronal

Lamboidal (Outline)

13. This is one of only 2 muscles that can laterally move the mandible to the opposite side (because it originates medial to the mandible), but it cannot elevate the mandible (it's fibers run from side to side, or front to back, depending on how you view the skull): a. masseter b. medial pterygoid c. lateral pterygoid d. temporalis

Lateral pterygoid (Outline)

54. Which muscle is responsible for protraction of the mandible? d) anterior scalene c) lateral pterygoid a) digastric b) temporalis

Lateral pterygoid (TG pg 259)

73. Which of the following is an action of the lateral pterygoid? d) retract the mandible c) retract the hyoid bone b) elevate the hyoid bone a) laterally deviate the mandible to the opposite side

Laterally deviate the mandible to the opposite side (TG pg 259)

06. What part of the temporal bone does the mandible articulates with? a. mandibular fossa b. condylar process c. mastoid process d. styloid process

Mandibular fossa (Outline)

12. This muscle originates on the zygomatic bones and inserts on the ramus of the mandible: a. temporalis b. masseter c. lateral pterygoid d. frontalis

Masseter (Outline)

02. What is the strongest jaw closer (Elevates mandible)? a. lateral pterygoid b. masseter c. orbicularis oculi d. zygomaticus

Masseter (TG pg 250)

55. Which muscle is the strongest in the body relative to its size? a) levator scapula b) lateral pterygoid c) masseter d) temporalis

Masseter (TG pg 250)

26. Which 2 muscles produce lateral jaw motion to the same side? a. Lateral Pterygoid b. Orbicularis Oris c. Masseter d. Medial Pterygoid e. Buccinator f. Temporalis

Masseter and temporalis (Outline and Lecture notes)

42. Which bony landmark is located directly behind the earlobe and serves as an attachment site for the sternocleidomastoid? d) mastoid process c) styloid process b) external occipital protuberance a) zygomatic arch

Mastoid process

33. Name the upper jaw bone (our upper teeth are on this bone). a. Mandible b. Maxilla c. Frontal d. Zygomatic


30. The superior and inferior nuchal lines are found on which bone? a. Temporal b. Occipital c. Frontal d. Mandible

Occipital (TG pg 231)

60. The galea aponeurotica (epicranial aponeurosis) forms the bridge between which two muscles? a) temporalis and masseter b) occipitalis and frontalis c) suboccipitals and occipitalis d) right and left bellies of temporalis

Occipitalis and frontalis (TG pg 258)

01. What muscle(s) raises the eyebrows? a. orbicularis oris b. masseter c. occipitofrontalis d. zygomaticus

Occipitiofrontalis (TG pg 258)

37. Which bone is located at the posterior and inferior aspects of the cranium? d) frontal c) temporal b) occiput a) parietal

Occiput (TG pg 231)

05. Name the structure that is endangered because it is located between mastoid process & posterior border of ramus of mandible. a. mastoid process b. facial nerve c. parotid duct d. styloid process

Styloid process (Outline)

44. Which bony landmark of the temporal bone is best explored with caution? d) mastoid process c) zygomatic arch b) external occipital protuberance a) styloid process

Styloid process (TG pg 233)

49. Which bony landmark is located on the underside of the mandible and acts as an attachment site for the suprahyoid muscles? a) angle b) submandibular fossa c) ramus d) coronoid process

Submandibular fossa (TG pg 235)

51. When palpating the mandible, in which area should one use extra sensitivity? a) coronoid process b) condyle c) ramus d) submandibular fossa

Submandibular fossa (TG pg 235)

39. Which bony landmark of the occiput serves as an attachment site for several neck muscles? d) inferior nuchal line c) external occipital protuberance b) mastoid process a) superior nuchal line

Superior nuchal line (TG pg 231)

41. The mastoid process and zygomatic arch are both landmarks on which cranial bone? d) frontal c) temporal b) sphenoid a) parietal


09. The mastoid process is part of which bone? a. frontal b. temporal c. occipital d. parietal

Temporal (TG pg 233)

66. Which is the origin of the temporalis? a) zygomatic arch b) occiput c) temporal fossa and fascia d) coracoid process of temporal bone

Temporal fossa and fascia (TG pg 251)

14. Which muscle can elevate the mandible and retract the mandible due to its insertion on the coronoid process? a. masseter b. occipitofrontalis c. medial pterygoid d. temporalis

Temporalis (TG pg 251)

43. The space between the zygomatic arch and cranium is filled by which muscle? d) digastric c) sternocleidomastoid b) temporalis a) masseter

Temporalis (TG pg 251)

50. The coronoid process serves as an attachment site for which muscle? a) masseter b) sternocleidomastoid c) temporalis d) longus capitis

Temporalis (TG pg 251)

57. The broad origin of which muscle attaches to the frontal, temporal and parietal bones? a) occipitofrontalis b) masseter c) temporalis d) platysma

Temporalis (TG pg 251)

03. Which 3 muscles close the jaw (elevate mandible)? List all 3!! a. occipitofrontalis b. temporalis c. zygomaticus d. masseter e. medial pterygoid f. lateral pterygoid g. sternocleidomastoid h. scalenes

Temporalis, masseter, medial pterygoid (TG pg 259)

07. What is the only freely movable joint in the skull? a. coronal suture b. eye lid c. ball & socket d. temporomandibular

Temporomandibular (TMJ) (TG pg 235)

34. Migraine headaches are frequently: a. Tension headaches b. Cluster headaches c. Vascular headaches d. Very enjoyable

Vascular headaches (Outline)

20. What is the name of the triangular shaped bone below the ethymoid bone? a. perpendicular plate b. vomer c. sphenoid d. sella turcica


28. This bone is commonly called the cheek bone. a. Zygomatic b. Temporal c. Ethymoid d. Mandible

Zygomatic (Outline)

47. Which bone forms the anterior aspect of the cheekbone and serves as an attachment site for the masseter? a) mandible b) temporal c) zygomatic d) maxilla

Zygomatic (TG pg 250)

64. Which is the origin of the masseter? a) mastoid process b) maxilla c) styloid process of temporal bone d) zygomatic arch

Zygomatic arch (TG pg 250)

31. This muscle inserts on the corner of the lips and also has an attachment on the zygomatic bone. a. Masseter b. Zygomaticus c. Buccinator d. Orbicularis Oris

Zygomaticus (Outline)

04. Which is the smiling muscle? a. temporalis b. orbicularis oculi c. masseter d. zygomaticus

Zygomaticus (TG pg 266 & outline)

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