health 2220 exam 3 review

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Fred's new girlfriend has a bump on the back of her wrist that feels like a little ball and moves around a bit. He is curious about it and asks her if it hurts. No, she said. She mentioned that she has had it for a couple years and it doesn't hurt. A doctor told her she could have it removed if it begins to bother her. Since it doesn't she just ignores it. What could it be....

Ganglion cyst

Virus which causes vesicles to form along nerve roots. Painful. Sudden high blood pressure, flushing and sweating of the upper body, headache and goose bumps due to an irritation.

Herpes zoster (shingles)

Virus begins as a cold and progresses to significant sore throat, swollen glands and significant fatigue. Should not participate in exercise until cleared by doctor due to possibly enlarged spleen and/or liver

Infectious mononucleosis

Genetic disorder. Tall and lanky with arm span greater than height, prone to cardiac and eye problems. Limit CV and contact activity

Marfan's syndrome

Significant muscle breakdown from tissue compression or overexertion. Urine is dark in color with protein, K+ in bloodstream and Ca+ in cells


Ralph was riding bikes with his kids and thought he would show off by riding off one of the small skateboard ramps in the driveway. He miscalculated and landed too far forward on the front wheel and flew off the bike landing on his shoulder. Ralph tried to play it cool in front of the kids but his shoulder really hurt, he didn't want to move it and when he touched it there appeared to be a step-off deformity. What could this be...

acromioclavicular sprain

Ralph was playing football with his kids in the yard. Things got a bit competitive and he and his teenage son were so excited they scored a touchdown they gave each other a big 'high five'. Ralph immediately had shoulder pain, was unable to move his shoulder, no numbness/tingling, and there was a deformity. What could this be.... Correct Answer

anterior glenohumeral dislocation

Ralph was playing football with his kids in the yard. Things got a bit competitive and he and his teenage son were so excited they scored a touchdown they gave each other a big 'high five'. Ralph said it felt like his shoulder 'slipped', he immediately had shoulder pain though there was not a deformity or numbness/tingling, What could this be....

anterior glenohumeral subluxation

Ralph was playing touch football with his kids in the yard. Things got a bit competitive and he was tackled by his teenage son on the top of his shoulder causing his neck to move laterally. He experienced immediate shooting pain, numbness and weakness down his left arm. After a few minutes of shaking it and complaining the discomfort went away and he was able to return once the numbness and weakness was gone. What could this be....

brachial plexus injury

Fred has been working long hours at work lately inputting data at work. When he gets home he is tired and tends to relax by playing the guitar. Over the past week he is experiencing increasing numbness in his middle fingers and pain as well. Stretching his forearms helps as well as taking more breaks at work. What could this be....

carpal tunnel syndrome

Lynne notices a small abrasion on her calf and the skin localized around the area is red, shinny, painful and swollen. She has a low grade fever.


Ralph was riding bikes with his kids and thought he would show off by riding off one of the small skateboard ramps in the driveway. He miscalculated and landed too far forward on the front wheel and flew off his bike landing on his shoulder. Ralph tried to play it cool in front of the kids but his shoulder really hurt. He didn't want to move his arm and when he touched it there appeared to be a deformity mid-shaft of the clavicle. What could this be....

clavicle fracture

Fred fell skiing, landing forward onto the palmer surface of his hands. He is experiencing pain at the distal forearm. Fred is supporting the arm with his other arm and there is a slight deformity. What could this be.....

colles fracture

Abnormal enlargement of the left ventricle due to virus or other structural problem. Can lead of sudden cardiac death.

hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Blood sugar <60-70 mg/dl. Too much insulin and too little blood sugar


Fred was playing basketball and tried to slow his opponent down by grabbing his shirt. He immediately experienced pain in his right index finger at the dip joint. Fred noticed that he couldn't actively flex the dip joint anymore. His doctor said this would need to be repaired. What could this be....

jersey finger

Mary was playing basketball and had the ball hit the tip of her finger. Upon evaluation, she is unable to actively extend the distal phalanx of the finger. What could this be?

mallet finger

Fred is a middle school catcher and has been experiencing medial elbow pain for a few weeks. He hasn't said anything because he wants to play and doesn't want to be held out. The medial elbow pain is increasing and he is having a hard time throwing. What could this be....

medial epicondylitis

Ralph missed the last step on the staircase causing him to fall forward. He braced his fall by putting his hand out and immediately felt pain in his shoulder. Ralph is unwilling to move his arm, has a deformity of the GH joint and pain. What could this be....

posterior glenohumeral dislocation

Fred fell skiing, landing forward onto his hands. He is experiencing pain in the snuff box and isn't wanting to move his wrist. What could this be....

scaphoid fracture

Ralph has been painting the house getting it ready for move-in day and has been experiencing increasing shoulder pain and stiffness when having to paint above his head (especially between 70-120 degrees of abduction). Even when he is done at the end of the day he is still experiences pain and some numbness into his hands. What could this be....

shoulder impingement syndrome

Shape of RBC cause clumping and subsequent circulatory problems. Careful with excessive exercise, dehydration, heat/humidity, altitude, asthma and fatigue. Can cause significant muscle pain and shortness of breath.

sickle cell

Bob was hit in the left scrotal area with a ball yesterday. Today he notices the left testicle is more elevated than the non-painful right side. The left testicle/scrotum is very painful, causing him to be nauseous.

testicular torsion

Body is unable to use insulin effectively due to combination of resistance to insulin and overall decreased insulin production describes which type of this condition.

type 2 diabetes

Fred fell skiing, landing forward on his hands. He is experiencing pain on the medial aspect of his thumb and is having a hard time gripping his ski poles. What could this be...

ulnar collateral ligament thumb sprain

Fred was painting the bedroom ceiling and fell off the ladder banging his elbow on the dresser. Immediately had sharp pain, numbness and weakness into his 4th and 5th fingers. What could this be......

ulnar nerve injury

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