health and wellness final exam review

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When stretching, you should hold each stretch for at least

10 seconds

Women need ________% essential fat for reproductive system-related fat deposits.


At which age does flexibility peak?


If your flexibility is within "normal" levels and you simply want to maintain that level, how many days a week should you do your stretching exercises?

2 days

When body mass index (BMI) goes above ________, a person is considered to be more than 10% over recommended body weight.


According to the American College of Sports Medicine the recommended frequency for cardiorespiratory exercise is

3-5 days per week

At what point after an activity has been initiated does the body switch energy sources from the immediate energy system to the anaerobic energy system?

30 seconds

What percentage of Americans engages in no exercise, sports, or other physical activity at all during their leisure time?


When following a resistance-training program, it is important to let each muscle group rest for ________ before taxing it again with resistance exercises.

48 hours

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Americans consume an average of approximately ________ calories more per day now than they did in 1970.


Humans are made up of approximately ________% water.


A disease risk assessment using height and weight is


The components of the FITT formula are

Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type

Exercise intensity is most closely related to

How hard you exercise

The "bad cholesterol," which leads to plaque deposits in blood vessels, is known as


Studies have shown that exercise can reduce the symptoms of depression


Which is true regarding the effect of weight training in women compared with men?

Women increase in strength and muscle endurance through strength training, just as men.

Cardiorespiratory fitness is defined as the

ability of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems to supply oxygen to muscles

Which of the following affects flexibility?

activity level

The cellular form of energy is known as

adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

The best method for burning calories is

aerobic exercise involving large muscles

Training that involves continuous activity sustained for 20 or more minutes is known as

aerobic training

Subunits of protein molecules are known as

amino acids

Resistance training intensity is usually measured by the

amount of weight lifted.

A disturbed pattern of eating, dieting, and perceptions of body image that leads to medical issues is known as

an eating disorder

The improvements in oxygen delivery seen with training are a result of a(n)

an increase in hemoglobin

Use of which of the following ergogenic aids is illegal without a medical prescription?

anabolic steroids

Short-term, high-intensity training, such as sprinting, is known as

anaerobic training

An eating disorder characterized by deliberate food restriction and severe, life-threatening weight loss is known as

anorexia nervosa

The two major types of blood vessels are

arteries and veins

People who stop resistance training will see their muscles revert to pretraining strength and size, a condition known as


Stretching characterized by bouncing or jerky movements is known as ________ stretching.


The pressure that blood exerts on the walls of your blood vessels is known as

blood pressure

________ is defined as the relative amounts of lean and fat tissue in the human body.

body composition

An eating disorder characterized by bouts of binge eating followed by self-induced vomiting, laxative abuse, or excessive exercise is known as

bulimia nervosa

A measure of the amount of chemical energy that a food provides is known as


Essential nutrients

can only be obtained from the diet.

The best sources of energy during exercise are


When you begin exercising

cardiac output increases

Which of the following is a way to get more heart-healthy fat into the diet?

cook with unsaturated oils

Which of the following would be considered an example of an aerobic activity?


Which of the following conditions would always require a medical clearance before exercising?


Stretching that involves mimicking movements performed in a workout or sports activity is known as ________ stretching.


Which of the following types of equipment can be used for resistance training?

elastic bands

The relationship between the amount of calories consumed in food and the amount of calories expended through metabolism and physical activity is known as

energy balance

The minimal amount of fat needed for normal physiological functions is defined as

essential fat

Muscular strength is defined as the ability of your muscles to

exert force

Current trends indicate that weight problems are decreasing in the college population.


From a health standpoint, body weight is more important than body fat percentage.


Gynoid obesity is seen in people who store fat in the abdominal area


Obesity does not increase a person's risk for death and disability.


People who are underweight are at a higher risk for musculoskeletal injuries because of increased stress on their muscles and joints.


Regular resistance training results in increased bulk for women.


The percentage of overweight adults has decreased over the past 5 years


To prevent dehydration, it is recommended that you start drinking fluid approximately 30 minutes after beginning an activity.


When checking your pulse during exercise, you should measure your heart rate for 30 seconds.


Your resting heart rate increases as your cardiorespiratory system becomes more conditioned.


Which process accurately describes a change in body composition that occurs as a result of resistance training?

fat cells decrease in size

Oxygen derivatives that can cause the body damage are known as

free radicals

Which lifestyle factor is related to weight gain?

getting less than 6 hours of sleep

HDL cholesterol

helps protect against heart disease

A protein that transports oxygen in blood is which of the following?


Which of the following can be a component of metabolic syndrome?

high blood pressure

Women have a tendency to burn fewer calories than men because of women's

higher level of essential body fat

A person with gynoid pattern obesity would most likely carry excess body fat in which area?


The stable, constant internal environment that our body maintains at rest is known as


Stored adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the muscle is used in the ________ energy system.


The three metabolic energy systems are

immediate, oxidative, and nonoxidative

Which of the following may occur as the result of cardiorespiratory training?

improved oxygen delivery to muscles

Which of the following is a purpose of the exercise warm-up?

increase muscle elasticity

Which mineral is a component of hemoglobin?


The condition in which the body fails to produce enough hemoglobin in the blood is termed

iron deficiency anemia

Which cancer is specifically linked to a high BMI?

kidney cancer

A byproduct of breaking down glucose for energy that may cause burning in the muscle is

lactic acid

________ is defined as the body's total amount of fat-free tissue.

lean body mass

Anemia results in

low blood oxygen levels

Gains in muscular endurance are best developed with

lower resistance and more repetitions.

Successful weight loss can be best accomplished by

making small dietary changes over time

Which of the following is high in trans fats?


When assessing muscular strength, a 1 RM test

measures the maximum amount of weight that can be lifted one time.

The root cause of delayed onset muscle soreness is

microdamage to muscles

Cellular structures where oxidative energy production takes place are known as


In the past 25 years, obesity rates for adolescents have

more than tripled

Flexibility is the ability of the joints to

move through a full range of motion

Creatine phosphate is stored in


The ability of your muscles to contract repeatedly over time is known as

muscular endurance

The "10 percent rule" states that you should

not increase frequency, intensity, or time by more than 10% per week.

Chemical compounds that supply the energy and raw materials we need to survive are known as


Muscular strength is defined as the ability

of a muscle to contract with maximal force

A disease associated with low calcium intake is known as


Men over 45 and women over 55 should obtain ________ before beginning an exercise program.

permission from their doctor

The glycemic index is a measure of the rate at which foods

raise blood sugar levels

Which is an advantage of using machine weights for resistance training instead of free weights?

safe and less intimidating for beginners

Loss of muscle mass and strength with aging is called


Fats that are solid at room temperature are


A pre-programmed weight that your body returns to easily when you gain or lose a few pounds is known as

set point

The simplest method of stretching for people who are just starting a stretching program is ________ stretching.


People with android fat distribution carry more fat around their


Which of the following is a good strategy for avoiding stretching-related injuries?

stretching only after warming up muscles

The ventricles contract and pump blood out of the heart during the ________ phase of the heart cycle.


Muscular endurance is defined as the ability

to contract a muscle repeatedly over an extended period of time

The overload principle states that to see improvements in physical fitness, you must

train at a level that is greater than what your body is accustomed to.

When hydrogen atoms are added to an unsaturated oil to cause more complete saturation, it produces

trans fat

The fatty acids in most foods and in the body occur in the form of


A group of repetitions is called a set.


Abdominal fat increases your risk for disease much more than fat on your calves


Age-related muscle loss can be slowed with resistance training.


BMI incorporates height and weight to estimate weight classification


Essential fat is needed for normal body functioning.


Lack of flexibility can cause changes in posture.


Lean body mass is body weight minus fat.


Resistance training is beneficial in preventing osteoporosis


Storage fat is nonessential fat stored in tissue near the body's surface and around major body organs.


The American College of Sports Medicine recommends 1-3 sets per resistance exercise for beginners.


The United States is one of the most overweight nations on earth.


The leading causes of death for Americans overall are heart disease and cancer.


How many adult Americans are currently considered obese?


Your friend is thinking about trying a fad diet to lose weight. Given the information in this chapter on problems associated with fad diets, you can inform her that

unless she changes her eating habits permanently, she will regain the weight.

Organic compounds that we need in tiny amounts to promote growth and help maintain health are known as


Muscular strength is often measured by determining the maximum

weight a person can lift one time

A series of diets followed by eventual weight gain is known as

yo-yo dieting

When developing a training program for cardiorespiratory fitness, your intensity of exercise should be determined by

your target heart rate

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