Health Behavior Change Midterm

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Each of the following is an example of a construct in Self-Efficacy Theory, except

"I think I can, I think I can"

In the Transtheoretical Model, before a person can move from contemplation to the next stage which of the following must occur?

A decision must be made to pursue the change

Which of the following would be an example of the Transtheoretical Model counter-conditioning process of change?

A soda drinker switching to water

The Health Belief construct of perceived seriousness is best explained by which of the following?

An individual's own opinion of the detrimental effects of a disease

In an effort to enroll participants in the first meeting of an innovative new program, you have decided to use Diffusion of Innovation as the basis for your recruitment efforts. As such, your advertisements and flyers would contain which of the following messages?

Be the first to......

The underlying concept of ecological models is best reflected in which of the following:

Behavior results from an interplay between personal and environmental influences

Which of the following statements is consistent with an internal locus of control?

During flu season, I wash my hands more often to avoid getting sick.

When choosing a theory to use as the basis of an intervention it is important to remember that:

Each health problem in each population may require a different theory

Your innovative exercise program will become mainstream and part of the social culture as soon as which of the following groups on the adoption curve begin to use it?

Early majority

To assist people in maintaining their new behavior according to the Transtheoretical Model, which of the following would be helpful?

Establishing self help groups and strengthening helping relationships

According to the Transtheoretical Model, using the process of environmental reevaluation means that people look at their new behavior in light of how it will change their environment for the better


An innovation that is different than what social norms dictate is more likely to be adopted than one that is consistent with the social norms.


People in the preparation stage of the Transtheoretical Model, are actively changing their behavior and preparing ways to sustain it once the change is complete.


The construct of perceived seriousness in the Health Belief Model explains that behavior cannot be changed unless the health issue is fatal


The more complex an innovation is, the more likely it is to be adopted.


Bridging relationships, according to Social Capital Theory, are those that:

Form when groups of people from different backgrounds come together for the same reason, to attain the same outcome.

According to Diffusion of Innovation, to increase the likelihood of teenagers finding out about and using a new health app for their iphones, the information about it should come from:


Which of the following reflects the use of the Self Efficacy Theory construct of vicarious experiences to improve the diets of freshman on a college campus?

Have senior students demonstrate healthy food choices in the cafeteria

Which of the following best illustrates the use of Self-Efficacy Theory to increase fruit and vegetable intake in XYZ community

Hold vegetarian cooking classes at a local restaurant so residents can practice preparing new foods

Which of the following is the first step in choosing a theory that would be appropriate for an intervention you are developing?

Identify the health issue or problem and the population affected

According to Diffusion of Innovation, what is the relationship between the attitude toward an innovation and its ultimate adoption?

If the attitude is positive, the likelihood of adoption is increased.

Theories at the ___________level focus on the assumption that other people in our lives affect our health decisions and thus, our health behavior.


If someone has not given any thought to changing his/her behavior, according to the Transtheoretical Model this person

Is in the pre-contemplation stage of change

Which of the following is true of the Health Belief Model

It is the most commonly used theory in health education and promotion

Which of the following would be consistent with tasks in the preparation stage of the Transtheoretical Model?

Making plans for how the change will be implemented

According to the Health Belief Model, which of the following demonstrates a cue to action?

Placing an article in the local paper about influenza vaccination

Imagine you were asked to work with the student health services on your campus to reduce the incidence of binge drinking using Social Capital Theory focusing on bridging relationships. Which of the following would be consistent with this approach?

Seek assistance of student leaders to help in developing a means to address the problem.

Which of the following demonstrates content on a flyer geared toward increasing the flu immunization rates of older adults, using the Health Belief Model construct of perceived susceptibility?

The age groups most at risk for contracting the flu

The Health Belief Model was first developed in response to

The need to understand why people were not accessing free screenings

The perception of threat in the Health Belief Model refers to

The perception of disease seriousness in combination with susceptibility

The construct of perceived barriers refers to

The things a person sees as impediments to change

While you are identifying possible causes of a health problem in the process of choosing an appropriate theory to address it, it is helpful to recall that:

Theories help to explain why some people engage in certain behaviors and others do not, relative to their health.

According to the Self-Efficacy Theory construct of somatic and emotional states, self-efficacy is affected when

Thought of the behavior causes anxiety or fear

An innovation has a greater likelihood of being adopted if it can be tried or sampled before a permanent commitment is made to it.


Attitudes are formed by a series of beliefs which result in a value being placed on the outcome of the behavior.


Socioeconomic status, culture, gender, values, and attitude are all influencers of health behavior.


The Ecological Perspective highlights people's interactions with their social and physical environments and the interaction between multiple levels of influence.


The construct of perceived benefits in the Health Belief Model explains that behavior change is influenced by the extent of expected positive results from the new behavior.


When using the Social Cognitive Theory construct of reinforcement to change behavior, the premise behind it is that people behave in ways that result in rewards.


From a Social Capital Theory perspective, before behavior can change, which of the following is needed?

Trust and the desire for mutual exchange of resources among the people involved.

Using the Transtheoretical Model as the basis for a behavior change intervention entails

Using the stages and processes of change to enable the change to occur

Theories are used as the basis for public health programs or interventions because they provide

a possible explanation for health behavior

An innovative way to encourage people to wash their hands for the requisite 20 seconds has just been introduced - it is a soap that changes colors the longer you wash. This would most likely be adopted because it meets which of the following characteristics of an innovation?


The construct of expectations in Social Cognitive Theory explains that people avoid certain health behaviors because they

anticipate the outcome to be unpleasant

Which of the following is the construct of the Theory of Reasoned Action that explains behavior based on a series of beliefs?

attitude toward the behavior

volitional control refers to

behaviors we can decide to engage in, at will

The Theory of Reasoned Action would be appropriate to use as the basis of a program aimed at

changing intention

Changing the legal limit for a DUI arrest would be consistent with which theoretical level of intervention?


In an effort to address the childhood obesity epidemic, you have been assisting the school board, parents' association and town council to develop initiatives that will encourage parents to allow their children to walk to and from school. This is an example of influencing behavior at which ecological level?

community level

In Social Capital Theory, which of the following would represent a bridging relationship?

community softball team

If you were working with the local school district to improve the diets of the children using Social Capital Theory - bonding relationships as the basis, which of the following would be consistent with this approach?

develop nutritional focused homework for the children and parents to complete together

When a woman shares that she is afraid to join a gym because people will be watching her exercise and they will laugh because she is so out of shape, this is consistent with which of the following processes of change seen in the Transtheoretical Model?

dramatic relief

People who fear screening tests such as a pap smear or a rectal exam for prostate cancer because it may cause pain or embarrassment, avoid them. Which of the following constructs of the Social Cognitive Theory would explain why this occurs?

emotional arousal

Which of the following is an example of reflective listening?

express acceptance while gently challenging

A manual that increases knowledge of the health problem being addressed and provides possible solutions would be appropriate to help people with an external locus of control change their behavior.


A person who feels ambivalent (pulled in both ways, uncertain of the right choice) might as well be in denial from a health behavior perspective.


According to Attribution Theory, personal attributes are the basis of all behavior.


If you were working with an employer to change the smoking policies at a large corporation, using an ecological approach, you would be changing factors at the interpersonal level of influence.


Once a client has reached a level where they are autonomous with their health behavior, the professional should no longer be involved in goal setting.


The Social Cognitive Theory concept of reciprocal determinism explains behavior as being the result of the back and forth mutual relationships we have with others in our social environment.


The expectation of excessive alcohol use among fraternity members is an example of a bonding social capital relationship over health behavior.


If you were designing an intervention using an ecological model addressing personal factors that was focused on increasing fruit consumption on your campus, which of the following would you do?

have a taste testing setup in the student center and give out free samples of different fruits

You want to encourage youngsters to develop good handwashing practices using the SCT construct of observational learning. Which of the following demonstrates this?

having a "super hero figure" demonstrate how to wash your hands

the first step in the innovation-decision process of Diffusion of Innovation is:

having knowledge of the innovation

Attribution theory would be a reasonable foundation for a behavior change intervention based on:

identifying causes of unwanted behaviors and changing them so that different outcomes occur.

The underlying concept of the Health Belief Model explains that behavior results from

individual beliefs and perceptions

The concept underlying Social Capital Theory explains that behavior is:

influenced by our social relationships with others

If you were working with an employer to change the smoking policies at a large corporation, which level of the ecological model would be addressed?

institutional level

In conducting a school based childhood obesity program using an ecological approach, which level would be addressed by targeting the relationships between family members?

interpersonal level

If you wanted to use a theory that focused on factors such as knowledge and attitudes, which type would be most appropriate?


In planning an intervention using an ecological model, which level would you be addressing by focusing on attitudes, beliefs and knowledge?


The Theory of Reasoned Action explains behavior based on

intrapersonal factors

The Social Cognitive Theory construct of Self-Regulation explains that behavior:

is the result of self-efficacy, expectations and goal setting

Which of the following statements is consistent with an external locus of control?

my dentist told me to floss more often

According to Social Capital Theory, which of the following would represent a bonding relationship?

parent and child

Which of the following best summarizes the concept of the Self-Efficacy Theory?

people will only try things they think they can

The concept that individual behavior both shapes, and is shaped by, the social environment is known as

reciprocal causation

As opposed to confronting an argumentative client, a much better strategy would be to:

roll with resistance

In an effort to move people from the contemplation stage in the Transtheoretical Model to the next stage, which of the following processes would be appropriate to use?


A theoretical concept is

the idea upon which the theory is based

In using the Social Cognitive Theory concept of reciprocal determinism to elicit behavior change you would focus on:

the interplay between a behavior, personal factors and the environment

After identifying a problem that stems from the intrapersonal level of interaction, a potential theory to use would be:

transtheoretical model

A federal mandate to states to develop a system for implementing parenting classes for families of children in kindergarten that teach about proper nutrition and diets for children is an example of using an ecological model to change behavior by addressing societal factors.


According to the Social Cognitive Theory construct of behavioral capability, before people can change their behavior, they have to know what the new behavior is and have the skill to perform it.


Attitude toward a behavior affects intention to engage in the behavior


Attribution Theory came from the desire to understand the basis of success and failure.


Attribution Theory explains that in order to change behavior the cause of the behavior must be known.


Attribution Theory tells us that it is important to identify behavioral cause at the individual level because the same behavior may result from different causes for different people.


From an ecological perspective, changing the norms of a neighborhood or school district changes behavior because the social or environmental norms help drive people's behavior.


If the cause of a behavior is known, then the cause can be avoided and the behavior changed.


In a corporate setting, the relationship between the employer and the employees and its effect on health behavior is demonstrative of linking social capital.


In conducting a school based childhood obesity program using an ecological approach, the interpersonal level of influence would be addressed by targeting the relationships between family members.


The construct of expectations in Social Cognitive Theory is demonstrated when people buckle up their seat belts expecting that this will reduce their risk of injury in an accident.


The construct of stability in Attribution Theory refers to the extent to which the cause of a particular behavior is consistent or inconsistent, whether it is always the same or if it changes.


The microskills referred to in Motivational Interviewing as O.A.R.S. can have a dramatic effect on a client session, and are often overlooked by health professionals.


The reason why a literature search is conducted in the process of identifying a theory is to find out what theories others have used in similar situations.


The usefulness of the Social Cognitive Theory construct of observational learning is determined by the extent of attention given to the person modeling the behavior.


it the result of adopting an innovation is easy to see, the chances it will be adopted increase


According to Social Capital Theory, which of the following is essential for behavior change?

trust and reciprocity between people

Theories are used as the basis for health education interventions because they identify

why people behave the way they do

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