Health Online- The Importance of Mental and Emotional Health and Building Healthy Relationships- Stress and Stress Management

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Kathryn was in a minor car accident while driving her sister to school six months ago. Since then, she experiences anxiety whenever she has to drive. Her mother has encouraged Kathryn to drive even though she finds it stressful. In this scenario, the most likely stressor causing Kathryn to experience anxiety is ____________. Kathryn's stressor is most likely related to ______________.

-driving a car -past experience

Which characteristic is typical of eustress? -affects social relationships -has emotional/mental effects -causes illness -focuses energy

-focuses energy

Fiona's parents have been fighting a lot lately. Which symptom is Fiona most likely to experience as a result of her stress response? -headaches -stuffy nose -fever -sore muscles


Which of the following are consequences of stress? Check all that apply. -increased susceptibility to illness -feeling short of breath -increased immune response -inability to relate well to others -reduced feelings of sadness -infrequent visits to the doctor

-increased susceptibility to illness -feeling short of breath -inability to relate well to others -infrequent visits to the doctor

Which technique is an example of healthy stress management? -sleeping most of the day -limiting physical activity -practicing relaxation techniques -drinking caffeinated beverages

-practicing relaxation techniques

Akram is under much stress at home because his parents are getting a divorce. He has become short-tempered and often lashes out at his friends. What type of stress cost is Akram experiencing? -social -physical -financial -depressive


Angelique has experienced bullying at school in the past year. As a result, she has become withdrawn. She no longer spends time with her friends, she does not speak up in class, and she no longer tutors kids after school. Which of the following best describes the cost of Angelique's stress? -physical cost -economic cost -biological cost -social cost

-social cost

Tim is experiencing insomnia, anxiety, and frequent headaches because he is worried about and taking care of an ill parent. Which strategies would be appropriate for dealing with this stress? Check all that apply. -drinking alcohol before bed -talking to a counselor -scheduling daily physical exercise -increasing caffeine consumption -starting a journal to track stressors -eating a healthy diet

-talking to a counselor -scheduling daily physical exercise -starting a journal to track stressors -eating a healthy diet

Which explanation best describes physiological responses to a demand for change? -the emotional changes that occur when people feel stressed -the changes in relationships that occur as a consequence of stress -the body's release of adrenaline in response to a stressful situation -the behavior people exhibit when they are dealing with a major stressor

-the body's release of adrenaline in response to a stressful situation

The chart shows the results of a study on stress reduction techniques. A student wants to give his anxious friend advice on reducing stress. Based on the chart, what stress reduction technique should he recommend? -exercising daily -talking with friends -transcendental meditation -concentration or contemplation

-transcendental meditation

Raul is fatigued and anxious due to an upcoming move. Which healthy coping mechanisms could he use to manage his stress? Check all that apply. -ignore his feelings -use a guided meditation -take a long walk -get some rest -eat his favorite junk food -spend time with friends

-use a guided meditation -take a long walk -get some rest -spend time with friends

Elizabeth is the goalie of her school's soccer team. While exercising, she twisted her ankle. She needs to be off her feet for a couple months. Elizabeth is confident that her teammate, Tanika, will do a great job as goalie while she recovers. The only thing that bothers Elizabeth and causes her to feel anxious is the off-and-on pain that she feels in her ankle. Which type of stressor is Elizabeth's ankle pain? -biological -environmental -situational -social


Which physical effect is associated with acute stress? -dizziness -depression -stomach ulcers -type 2 diabetes


Which symptoms are associated with acute stress rather than chronic stress? Check all that apply. -stomach ulcers -heart disease -dizziness -sweating -shortness of breath -headaches

-dizziness -sweating -shortness of breath -headaches

Mario is the editor of the school newspaper. He still has five articles and a feature to edit before the paper's release in two days. Mario is trying to decide whether he needs to push the release date. He has never pushed the release date before and does not really want to do it. Mario's classmates have noticed changes in Mario. The once mild-mannered editor has been quick to anger over the littlest things. Mario himself has noticed that he has been having stomach issues and episodes of acid reflux. Which type of stress is Mario experiencing? Which type of stressor is causing Mario's stress? What is a sign that Mario is stressing about the looming release date of the school paper? What is a physical symptom that indicates Mario is stressing about the looming release date of the school paper?

- distress - situational - He is easily angered. - He is having acid reflux.

According to the graph, about 35% of people report ______________ as a result of stress. The most common symptom of stress reported is _________.

- lack of motivation - anger and irritability

Which image displays an appropriate way to cope with stress? -1 -2 -3


How are stress and physical health related? -High stress levels increase physical fitness. -The body is not able to function under high stress. -The body needs high stress to assist with healing. -High stress levels can damage the body's well-being.

-High stress levels can damage the body's well-being.

Chris has been preoccupied because he failed a big exam and now finds himself getting annoyed easily. Yesterday, he yelled at his boss and picked a fight with his best friend for no reason. He is not sleeping well and cannot seem to control his emotions. He recognizes that his actions are inconsistent with his usual easygoing personality, but does not know what to do to change this. Chris evaluates his behavior to determine whether he should seek help. Why would Chris most likely conclude that he should seek help? -He feels in control of his emotions even though people annoy him more than usual. -His behavior has changed, but he is having trouble deciding what to do about it. -Outside sources are causing Chris to doubt his ability to do his job. -Many of his relationships are unhealthy and cause him to lose sleep.

-His behavior has changed, but he is having trouble deciding what to do about it.

Jorge does not experience a strong stress response to public speaking, but Dan does. Which factor most likely causes this difference? -Jorge has a mental illness. -Jorge is smarter and nicer than Dan. -Jorge's parents put a lot of pressure on him. -Jorge's past experiences with public speaking have been positive.

-Jorge's past experiences with public speaking have been positive.

Some friends want to help a teen who is dealing with distress. What should they do to provide support? -Tell the teen to ignore the stress. -Offer the teen a new perspective. -Reinforce all the teen's ideas. -Laugh off the teen's problems.

-Offer the teen a new perspective.

How can someone distinguish between positive and negative stressors in his or her life? -Only negative stressors create strong and prolonged anxiety. -Only negative stressors cause a change in behavior and outlook. -Only positive stressors influence the body and the mind. -Only positive stressors result in higher heartbeat and breathing rates.

-Only negative stressors create strong and prolonged anxiety.

Deangelo has noticed that Mark has been coming to basketball practice late. Mark has been missing team meetings and making excuses for low grades. On Friday, the coach told Mark he would be benched if he did not change his attitude. Mark tells Deangelo that he feels overwhelmed by all the stress at school and problems at home. Deangelo is afraid that Mark might lose his position on the team. What is the best advice Deangelo could give Mark? -Seek assistance from a school counselor. -Work out with the athletic trainer. -Leave home to remove the stressor. -Quit the team to focus on school.

-Seek assistance from a school counselor.

Which signs might a teacher look for in a student who is experiencing stress? Check all that apply. -The student is falling asleep in class. -The student lashes out at other students. -The student is participating more often. -The student has shown improvement on schoolwork. -The student has frequent headaches. -The student talks about feeling like a failure.

-The student is falling asleep in class. -The student lashes out at other students. -The student has frequent headaches. -The student talks about feeling like a failure.

Sort the environmental, biological, and situational stressors into the correct category. Environmental stressor Biological stressor Situational stressor -a difficult assignment -exhaust from a truck - a broken arm - a fight between friends - noisy construction - a flu infection

Environmental stressor -exhaust from a truck - noisy construction Biological stressor - a broken arm - a flu infection Situational stressor -a difficult assignment - a fight between friends

Match each type of stress to the phrase that best defines it. Psychological stress Physiological stress Distress Eustress - the changes in the body that result from stress - the changes in emotion that result from stress - positive stress that increases focus - negative stress that causes harm

Psychological stress- the changes in emotion that result from stress Physiological stress- the changes in the body that result from stress Distress- negative stress that causes harm Eustress- positive stress that increases focus

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