Health Test Chap 1, 2, 3

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To prevent sleep problems, which of the following behaviors should be avoided?

-Eating a full meal before bedtime.

Which is NOT useful in promoting restful sleep?

-Exercising immediately before bedtime to tire yourself out.

What contributed the to increased life expectancy in the earlier twentieth century?

-Vaccines and antibiotics

What percentage of college students say they don't feel rested most days of the week?


The duration of sleep that is associated with optimal health and functioning is..

8 to 9 hours

Consumate love

A relationship that combines intimacy, compassion, and commitment.

Intellectual health

Ability to evaluate and analyze information, reason clearly, and learn from life experiences.

Emotional health

Ability to manage and express feelings appropriately; possessing self-esteem, self-efficiency, and self confidence.


Accepting responsibility for personal decisions, choices, and actions.

Subjective well-being

An uplifting feeling of inner peace

Obsessive compulsive disorder

Anxiety disorder that involves recurrent, irrational thoughts and repetitive behaviors.

Environmental health

Appreciating the external environment and how its health affects people, working to preserve, protect, and improve environmental conditions.

Social health

Aspect of psychological health that involves interactions with others.

Spiritual health

Aspect of psychological health that relates to having a sense of meaning and purpose in one's life.

Self efficiency

Belief in one's ability to perform a task sucessfully.


Belief in one's own ability to accomplish a certain task or action.

To avoid or reduce jet lag, which os the following should NOT be done?

Book a "red eye" flight.


Cognitive, affective, and behavioral tendencies toward anger, distrust, and cynisism.

Social captial

Collective value of all the people in your social network and the likelihood of those people providing social support when you need it.


Condition in which a person feelings overly pressured by lifes demands.

Stress inoculation

Consciously preparing ahead of time for potential stressers

generalized anxiety disorder

Constant sense of worry that may cause restlessness, tension, and difficulty concentrating.

The six dimensions of health

Correct! interact continuously


Custumary manner of thinking to yourself, the "voice in your head"

Social support

Degree and nature of interpersonal contacts


Developing individual potential through a balanced and realistic appreciation of one's self worth.


Dynamic process of achieving ones potential in each of the dimensions that determine well-being.


Exclusive sexual involvement with one partner.

Chronic mood disorder

Experience of persistent emotional states, such as sadness, despair, and hopelessness.

Emotional health

Experiencing and appropriately managing ones feelings.

Social phobia

Fear and avoidance of social situations.

Spiritual health

Having a sense of connection to something greater than oneself; having meaning or purpose in life

Social support

Help we receive from people in our social network in the form of emotional, instrumental, informational, and appraisal support.


Hormone that stimulates body systems in response to stress.


Inner thoughts and feelings


Intensified feelings or complex patterns of feelings.


Interpretation and evaluation of information provided to the brain by senses.


Learning specific behaviors by watching others perform them.

Dysthymic disorder

Less severe form of depression characterized by fatigue, pessimism, or short temper.

Predisposing factors

Life experiences, knowledge, cultural and ethnic heritage, current beliefs and values.

Common-law marraige

Long-term cohabitation that is considered legally binding in some states.


Making lifestyle changes to simplify one's life and reduce stress.

Bipolar disorder

Mood disorder characterized by alternating episodes of mania and depression

Relational connectedness

Mutually rewarding face to face contact.

Which disorder involves excessive, intrusive sleepiness?


Social integration

Need for someone with whom we share worries and concerns.

Social bonds

Network of people and services with whom you share ties and from whom you recieve support.


One's sense of self respect and self worth.

Social network

People you know who can provide social support when needed

Psychological hardiness

Personality trait characterized by a sense of control and commitment and willingness to embrace challenges.

Reinforcing factors

Presence or absence of support, encouragement, or discouragement from others.


Principle or idea that a person accepts as true

Life expectancy

Projected lifespan remaining at a given age


Proportions of death to population

Attraction theory

Proximity, similarity, reciprocity, and physical attraction influence who a person falls in love with.

Fisher's theory

Quality of love relationship is related to the level of intimacy, passion, and commitment.

which of the following is commonly used to treat insomnia?

Regression therapy

Open relationship

Relationship in which parters are sexually involved with others outside their relationship.

Intimate relationships

Relationships with family members, friends, or romantic partners, characterized by behavioral interdependence, need fulfillment, emotional attachment, and emotional availability.


Relaxation technique that focuses on controlled breathing and getting in touch with the inner self.

Panic attack

Severe anxiety reaction in which a speciific sitation causes terror


Sharing personal feelings or information with others.

Acute stress

Short-term physiological response to an immediate real or percieved threat.


State of being prepared and willing to begin a course of action.

Psychosocial stressors

Stressors that can include hassles, frustration and conflicts, overload, and stressful environments.


Technique to teach self-monitoring and control of psyical repsonses to stress

Learned optimism

Technique used to overcome pessimism and negative thinking.

Sternberg theory

Theories of love and attraction based on brain circuitry and chemistry

Mental health

Thinking aspect of psychological health

General adaptation syndrome

Three phases that make up the body's physiological response to stressors.

Seasonal affective disorder

Type of depression that only occurs during winter months


Using a series of small steps to gradually make a change in behavior.

Imagined rehearsal

Using mental imagery to practice performing a task or action with the goal of improving actual performance.

Allostatic load

Wear and tear on the body caused by prolonged or excessive stress responses.


achievement of the highest level in each other the dimensions of health based on ones limitations.

24 hour cycle in which you sleep, wake, and preform habitual behaviors is known as your.......

circadian rhythm

Katherine is an energetic, confident student who is not afraid to stand up in front of the class and read her essay aloud. She trusts that even if others don't agree with her point of view, they will still value her as a person and a friend. These traits best demonstrate Katherine's positive

emotional health

Background distressor

environmental stressors of which people are often unaware


food or other substances that can produce stress like responses when consumed.

Chemical messengers released from endocrine glands that travel in the bloodstream to a site where they help regulate body functions:


Passive listening

listening but not providing either verbal or nonverbal feedback to the speaker.


managing events or conditions to lessen the physical or psychological effects of excess stress

Competitive listening

more interested in explaining our own point of view than in understanding someone elses.

Active listening

not only hear the words but also trying to understand what is really being said

Chronic stress

ongoing state of physiological arousal in response to one or more stressors over prolonged period of time.


positive state of enjoying life and actively embracing the world around you.

Enabling factors

skills, abilities, or available resources

A disorder is which breathing is briefly and repeatedly interrupted during sleep is....

sleep apnea

A clinical assessment of sleep patterns conducted ina . sleep center is a....

sleep study

Jill has many friends, is respected by her coworkers, and maintains a great relationship with her boyfriend. Her ability to interact with others is an example of which dimension of health?



stress that can have a detrimental effect on health; negative stress


stress that presents opportunities for personal growth; positive stress.

Social health

successfully developing satisfyinging and productive relationships with family, friends, co-workers, and others.

The contemporary definition of wellness is:

the achievement of the highest level of health possible in each of several dimensions

cognitive restructuring

the modification of thoughts, ideas, and beliefs that contribute to stress


two people in a romantic relationship who live together but are not married.

Lack of sleep can seriously impair a person's

visual acuity

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