Health Test Review Tobacco, Alc, and Drugs

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What are hookahs?

-water pipe -used for centuries in the middle east and Asia to smoke tobacco -mostly shared by ppl

What is the percentage of alcohol in liquor that is 80 proof?

40 percent

When taking multiple drugs at a time, what is the most extreme effect?

synergistic effect

What effects do drugs have on the body?

Can make you feel good in different ways

What is binge drinking?

the consumption of an excessive amount of alcohol in a short period of time.

What types of charges are included in each pack of cigarettes

Federal state tax

What does it mean to develop a higher alcohol tolerance?

Increase BAC (Blood Alcohol Concentration)

Are smokeless tobacco products safe?

No they can still cause harm to the body.

What system is most damaged by smoking?

Respiratory system

Which of the three smokes is the most dangerous?

Side stream

What effect does alcohol have on the body?

Slurred speech Drowsiness Vomiting Diarrhea Upset stomach Headaches Breathing difficulties Distorted vision and hearing Impaired judgment Decreased perception and coordination Unconsciousness Anemia (loss of red blood cells) Coma Blackouts (memory lapses, where the drinker cannot remember events that occurred while under the influence)

Define ETS

Smoke that is re-suspended

Define mainstream smoke

The smoke exhaled by a smoker.

What has research found on low-tar and low-nicotine cigarettes, are they safer?

They are better, but not safer. People will just consume more

What do smokers usually do when they are smoking these types of cigs?

They take deep inhales.

What are drug withdrawal symptoms?

You may have developed a physical or psychological dependence on a drug, or both. Symptoms during withdrawal can be mild or severe, depending on: how long you've been using for.

What are the standard serving size for the 3 types of alcoholic beverages?

a. beer 12 oz b. wine 5 oz c. liquor 1.5 oz

Which is metabolized first food or alcohol?


What is a drug?

any substance other than food that affects our bodies or minds; used to alter bodily functions

How do vapes work?

atomizer heats up liquid making smoke

What does binge drinking lead to?

becoming sick

What is the function of Narcotics, Depressants, Stimulants, Hallucinogens, Inhalants, Marijuana, and Designer drugs?

change a person's mental or physical state

Why was the schedule of drug classification developed?

drug abuse

What is the intoxicating drug in alcoholic beverage?


Since people over the age of 21 are legally allowed to drink, alcohol is not considered a drug? True or False


What is used to determine the % of alcohol in liquor?


What are the dangers of all the drugs?

psychological, and physiological

Define second hand smoke

smoke inhaled involuntarily from tobacco being smoked by others.

Alcohol is absorbed very quickly into the bloodstream. As soon as it hits the_________ alcohol will be absorbed


The rate at which the body metabolizes alcohol is based on genetics but generally a processes how much drinks per hour?

1 drink per hour

the damage caused by smoking is dosed related. What three factors will increase someone's health risk?

1. Early age smoker 2. Smoking greater numbers 3. Inhaling smoke deeply

What is the process that the body metabolizes alcohol?

1. absorbed 2. enters blood stream 3. taken to the liver

How much are cigarettes charged by the gov't?


What happens when you consume more alcohol then what your body can metabolize?

you get sick, have a hangover

How many different chemicals in cigs?

over 2000

What is the ingredient in most ENDS that make it most appealing to teens?


Are e-cigarettes safe?


What health risks do smokeless tobacco users face?

oral cancer, tooth decay, lip damage

What type of drug is alcohol?


What can a person do to increase their metabolism of alcohol?

Drinking more water

What is the difference between drug use and drug abuse?

Drug abuse leads to detriment whereas drug use is the consumption of a drug.

What is the difference between psychological and physical drug addiction? Which one makes it harder to quit?

Drug abuse leads to detriment whereas drug use is the consumption of a drug.

What should you do if you think someone has alcohol poisoning?

give them water and time

Why do young people use drugs?

gives them new high

What type of matter is cigarette smoke made out of?

liquid and gas

What are two steps to helping someone quit smoking?


Why are designer drugs so dangerous?

unpredictable effects since chemists just change a functional group ex: K2, spice, and derivatives of phenylethylamines

What are sign and symptoms of alcohol poisoning?

vomiting slow breathing

what effects the a persons BAC

weight age gender stomach contents the time in which it was consumed

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