HED Quiz Questions

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Based on SDT framework, which of the following BEST describes controlled motivation? -A person engaging in regular exercise because they received compliments about their appearance. -A person attending a football game because they enjoy the atmosphere. -A baseball player regularly practicing his swing because he wants to perform better during games. -A person beginning to practice yoga because they want to improve their flexibility.

-A person engaging in regular exercise because they received compliments about their appearance.

According to the Health Belief Model, the likelihood of behavior changes is greatest when: -Modifying factors are not present -A person perceived more barriers than benefits of engaging in a behavior, and the person believes they can successfully engage in the behavior. -A person's perception of disease severity and the amount of control they have over a behavior is high. -A person perceives a high level of threat from a disease and believes they can successfully engage in behavior necessary to avoid the disease.

-A person perceives a high level of threat from a disease and believes they can successfully engage in behavior necessary to avoid the disease.

Which statement about the information-motivation-behavior skills model )IMB) is TRUE? -The model was initially developed to better understand cancer risk behaviors. -A primary assumption of IMB is that skill is a prerequisite for many behaviors. -IMB assumes skill directly influences behavior, but information and motivation do not. -Motivation includes attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions of social norms, as they relate to behavior.

-A primary assumption of IMB is that skill is a prerequisite for many behaviors.

Which of the following is NOT an example of a multi-level public/community health program? -A program with multiple components addressing one public health problem at more than one societal level. -A program with multiple components addressing one public health problem in at one societal. -A program with multiple components addressing several public health problems at three societal levels. -A program with multiple components addressing several public health problems at more than one societal level.

-A program with multiple components addressing one public health problem in at one societal.

Which of the following is NOT a part of the epidemiological shift in cause of death in the United States? -A major shift in cause of death from infectious to chronic disease. -A dramatic increase in population size. -A reduced need for chronic disease prevention -An increase in the average age of the population, because of fewer younger people died of infectious disease

-A reduced need for chronic disease prevention

Which of the communication models described the communication process as linear and included the following elements: sender, encoding, message, decoding, receiver, and noise? -Action Model of Communication -Interaction Model of Communication -Transaction Model of Communication -Systems Models of Communication

-Action Model of Communication

Which of the following about findings from the personal trainer study is TRUE? -There was no difference in A1c levels between the MI group and the control group -Younger kids in the study were better able to control their blood sugar. -Among older kids, those in the MI group had lower A1c levels than those in the control group. -The personal trainers provided direct methods for how to manage A1c levels to all groups.

-Among older kids, those in the MI group had lower A1c levels than those in the control group.

Consider expectancy value theories collectively. Which of the following statements is TRUE? -A person's attitude is a collection of beliefs about "normal" behavior -Collectively, beliefs, values and perceptions inform attitude development and change -A person's perceptions of a behavior are primarily based on their knowledge about the behavior -Changes in knowledge always lead to changes in behavior.

-Collectively, beliefs, values and perceptions inform attitude development and change

In the social ecological model, how are societal levels related? -Each level interacts with only the levels about it. -Each level influences, and is influenced by, all other levels. -Each level interacts only with the levels below it. -The level are separate; therefore, they do interact with one another.

-Each level influences, and is influenced by all other levels.

Deci emphasized external motivation in Self-Determination Theory (SDT). True or False?


In the stages of the innovation-decision process, accepting or rejecting the innovation describes the confirmation stage. True or False?


SDT and motivational interviewing (MI) help guide behavior change through direct instruction (i.e. a professional prescribing methods for behavior change.) True or False?


SDT provides a clear and distinct framework in which constructs, and relationships between constructs, are clearly defined to address health behavior. True or False?


Social marketing and commercial marketing have the same goal, but social marketing primarily uses social media (e.g. twitter, Facebook) to achieve its goal. True or False?


Which of the following is NOT true about theory? -Theories start as a conjecture of a researcher -To test a theory, a researcher must develop a model of key constructs and the relationships between the constructs. -To determine the validity of a theory, a researcher must develop a hypothesis and do research to test the hypothesis. -In order for a theory to be valid, cause-and-effect relationships between theory constructs must exist.

-In order for a theory to be valid, cause-and-effect relationships between theory constructs must exist.

Which of the following communication models first acknowledged the influence on context on communication... -Action Model of Communication -Interaction Model of Communication -Transaction Model of Communication -Intermediary Model of Communication

-Intermediary Model of Communication

Consider expectancy value theories collectively. All of the following statements about the relationship between beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors are true EXCEPT: -Introduction of new information does not affect a person's beliefs about a behavior -A person's attitude about a behavior is based, in part, on their beliefs about the behavior. -The context in which a behavior occurs can change a person's attitude about a behavior. -A person's attitude about a behavior influences their engagement in the behavior.

-Introduction of new information does not affect a person's beliefs about a behavior

According to the Theory of Planned Behavior, which of the following statements are FALSE? -If a person hold positive attitudes about condom use, they are more likely to wear a condom during sex -It is possible to hold positive attitudes about condoms (object) and simultaneously hold negative attitudes about using a condom (behavior). -It is necessary for a person to have positive attitudes about both condoms (object) and condom use (behavior) before they will use a condom during sex. -The context in which sex occurs may change a person's attitude about condom use.

-It is necessary for a person to have positive attitudes about both condoms (object) and condom use (behavior) before they will use a condom during sex.

Which of the following is NOT a dimension of community capacity? -Level of skill, knowledge and resources -A system of values -Quality of leadership -Level of community commerce

-Level of community commerce

According to Social Influence Theory, which of the following statements about the role of social influence in behavior is TRUE? -Unimportant or invalid information does not affect our cognitions. -People receive information primarily through their social network. -People want everyone they know to believe and behave like them. -Specific types of information cause specific behavior changes.

-People receive information primarily through their social network.

Why are perceived social norms just as influential as actual social norms? -Perceived and actual social norms are usually the same -Perceived social norms are easier to measure than actual social norms. -Perceived and actual social norms have the similar effects on cognitions. - Perceived and actual social norms conform to individual expectations.

-Perceived and actual social norms have the similar effects on cognitions.

Consider this scenario: Ron has researched how to move into and hold yoga poses. He is now confident he can hold each pose. However, when he attempts poses, he is unable to manipulate his body into each pose, and has difficulty holding some poses. According to SCT, why does Ron have difficulty holding these poses? -Ron lacks the self-efficacy to perform the yoga poses. -Ron needs more behavioral capacity to perform the yoga poses. -Ron lacks the knowledge to perform the yoga poses. -Ron's outcome expectations about practicing yoga were unrealistic.

-Ron needs more behavioral capacity to perform the yoga poses.

Which of the following statements about self-efficacy are TRUE? -Self-efficacy is believed to be enhanced through successful experiences -Self-efficacy is an inherent trait that does not change over time -Self-efficacy related to one behavior always transfers to other behaviors. -Self-efficacy and outcome expectations are unrelated.

-Self-efficacy is believed to be enhanced through successful experiences

According to SCT, which of the following statements about social influence is TRUE? -People are more likely to act based on social influence than other factors. -People make behavior choices based only on social norms -Social influence is the primary indicator of outcome expectations -Social influence is a prominent factor in development of expectancies.

-Social influence is a prominent factor in development of expectancies.

Which of the following about socialization is FALSE? -the group selects the individual, rather than the individual selecting the group. -To remain in good standing in the group, the individual modifies cognitions and behaviors so they are accepted by the group. -Socialization refers to the process by which social relationships are established and maintained. -Socialization refers to the development of attitudes and behaviors consistent with social norms.

-Socialization refers to the process by which social relationships are established and maintained.

Which of the following is NOT a component of Social Psychology? -The influence of the social environment and context in which a behavior takes place. -A person's perceptions of a behavior and their values related to the behavior. -The consistency between ones knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes toward a behavior. -The amount of control a person believes they have over a behavior.

-The amount of control a person believes they have over a behavior.

Which of the following statements about reciprocal determinism is TRUE? -Personal characteristics are the most influential factor in behavior -The environment influences behavior by providing context and feedback -Most people have similar responses to an environment -The environment affects the person, but the person does not affect the environment.

-The environment influences behavior by providing context and feedback

Theory is important in health promotion for all of the following reasons, EXCEPT: -Theory helps us understand influences on human motivation -Theory is a tool we use to promote involuntary changes in human behavior. -Theory helps us understand how alter influences on human behavior to promote healthful behaviors. -Theory helps guide selection of interventions and implementation of health promotion interventions.

-Theory is a tool we use to promote involuntary changes in human behavior.

According to the Social Influence Theory, what is the best explanation for why study participants shocked other participants in the Milgram Experiment? -They enjoyed shocking other participants -Study participants were forced to shock other participants -They did not know that pushing the button shocked other participants -They believed it was acceptable to shock other participants.

-They believed it was acceptable to shock other participants.

According to diffusion theory, complex innovations are adopted at a slower rate because they require extensive knowledge or skill. True or False?


In the two-stage communication approach, information about a health innovation is directed at the target population and those influential to the target population (e.g. family, friends). True or False?


Laggards, as described in the adopter categories of diffusion theory, have a limited social network and limited resources. (e.g. time, money) True or False?


Christakis and Fowler (2007) found evidence of which of the following about obesity and social influence? -People who are obese are often told to lose weight by family and friends. -People who are obese often have relatives who are also obese. -Those who are obese seek out others who are obese. -When a person becomes obese, others in their social network tend to become obese.

-When a person becomes obese, others in their social network tend to become obese.

David wants to quit smoking because he doesn't want his kids to mimic has behavior. He also wants to continue smoking because he enjoys smoking and it makes him feel relaxed. David is experiencing.... -mindfulness -autonomy -competence -ambivalence


According to the theories of Reasoned Action (TRA) and Planned Behavior (TPB), intentions are... -impossible to measure -unrelated to a person's perceptions of the environment -an antecedent/determinate of behavior. -the same as behavior

-an antecedent/determinate of behavior.

Group membership, according to social influence theory, is conforming because... -each group member plays a different role in the group -group members tend to have similar beliefs and attitudes. -behavior not consistent with the group norm is typically met with negative consequences. -group members tend to share common interest

-behavior not consistent with the group norm is typically met with negative consequences.

All of the following are constructs of Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) EXCEPT: -Self-regulation -Reciprocal determinism -social influence -behavioral control

-behavioral control

According to the Elaboration Likelihood Model, attitude changes through _______ are more enduring. -environmental cues -peripheral route processing -central route processing -cognitive dissonance

-central route processing

Which of the following is NOT a category of community-based interventions? -community as a participant -community as a setting -community as a target -community as a resource

-community as a participant

Which type of community-based program focuses on implementing a program in a specific geographical area? -community as a setting -community as a resource -community as an agent -community as a target

-community as a setting

Which type of community-based program focuses on changes in health-related characteristics of a community? -community as a setting -community as a target -community as a resource -community as an agent

-community as a target

Which type of community-based program focuses on using community resources (e.g. neighborhoods, schools) as naturally occurring units of solution for health outcomes? -community as a setting -community as a resource -community as an agent -community as a target

-community as an agent

All of the theories of motivation and behavior presented in chapter 3 focused on the interrelationship between all of the following EXCEPT: -community influence on a behavior. -characteristics of the person performing a behavior -the environment in which a behavior occurs. -the behavior itself.

-community influence on a behavior.

The extent to which an innovation "fits" current cultural values and norms is referred to as ______. -complexity -relative advantage -compatibility -trialability


According to SDT, all of following basic psychological needs must be met to produce autonomous motivation EXCEPT... -autonomy -competence -control -relatedness


Freud, the father of Psychoanalytic theory, believed human behavior was primarily motivated by: -fear of negative reinforcement -the physical environment in which we are raised -desire for pleasure, fear of pain, and the inevitability of death -our underlying personality traits

-desire for pleasure, fear of pain, and the inevitability of death

Expectancies and outcome expectations differ because... -outcome expectations include anticipated consequences of behavior -outcome expectations include the value placed on anticipated outcomes based on individual goals. -expectancies include the value placed on anticipated outcomes based on individual goals. -expectancies are developed in the context of social observation and learning.

-expectancies include the value placed on anticipated outcomes based on individual goals.

According to SDT, an unhealthy parent-child relationship undermines _______ motivation and often results in the child being driven by the need for ______. -internal; relatedness -external; relatedness -internal ; competence -external; control

-internal; relatedness

Awareness of an innovation, understanding how an innovation works, and understanding principles of an innovation describe which stage of the innovation-decision process? -knowledge -persuasion -decision -confirmation


The ability to think critically and reflect on collective ideas and actions describes which dimension of community capacity? -value system -civic participation -learning culture -skills, knowledge, and resources

-learning culture

The idea of social connectedness and quality of ties between community members is part which dimension of community capacity? -skill, knowledge, and resources -nature of social relationships -quality of leadership -value system

-nature of social relationships

Consider this scenario: After seeing her mother become very upset with her father for selecting ice cream as a snack, rather than an apple, the child chooses fruit for her snack. The child's behavior in this scenario is best explained by which SCT construct? -behavioral capability for choosing healthful foods. -outcome expectations related to social reinforcement -observational learning through vicarious reinforcement -cognitions ( beliefs and attitudes) towards healthful food.

-observational learning through vicarious reinforcement

Which of the following about individual differences, as defined by SDT is TRUE? -not all people have a need for autonomy, competence, and relatedness -most people experience complete and constant satisfaction of psychological needs. -people whose psychological needs are not met are more likely to experience mental health and behavior problems. -our health is unrelated to our psychological needs.

-people whose psychological needs are not met are more likely to experience mental health and behavior problems.

All of the following are elements of diffusion theory EXCEPT.. -Communication channels -Social system -Adopter categories -Perceived Control

-perceived control

Perceptions of relative advantages, social norms, and expected outcomes of a health innovation are part of which stage in the innovation-decision process? -knowledge -persuasion -decision -implementation


A week after purchasing a new car, you experience cognitive stress about your purchase (i.e. buyer's remorse.) According to Cognitive Dissonance Theory, you are experiencing.... -selective exposure -induced compliance -post-decision dissonance -inoculation

-post-decision dissonance

The "4 P's" of marketing include... -placement, pictures, promotion, and people -product, place, price, and promotion -people, places, pride, and practice -product, placement, promotion, and people.

-product, place, price, and promotion

All of the following about the concept of self-regulation are true EXCEPT: -self-regulation is only influenced at the individual level -self regulated behavior is goal directed -self regulation is the process of managing goal-directed behavior -self-regulation is the goal of behavior modification

-self-regulation is only influenced at the individual level

In Gladwell's Tipping Point (2008) it was concluded that Rosetans rarely develop heart disease-despite a love of fried food and tobacco- because of the cohesiveness of community, family and friends. This is an example of the impact of... -social capital -selection -socialization -norms

-social capital

Cognitive dissonance occurs when... -someone hears something they don't like. -someone hears something consistent with their current belief system -someone is asked to change their behavior. -someone is confronted with information contrary to her current beliefs, attitudes, or values.

-someone is confronted with information contrary to her current beliefs, attitudes, or values.

When Sarah shares her opinion of an innovation with a friend who has not yet adopted the innovation, she is conveying her... -attitude about the innovation -subjective evaluation of the innovation -subjective norm about the innovation -knowledge of the innovation

-subjective evaluation of the innovation

A teenager refusing to smoke marijuana with her friends because she believes her parents would disapprove is best explained by which TRA/TPB construct? -attitudes -subjective norms -control beliefs -intentions

-subjective norms

A fitness facility offering a free trial is an example of enhancing the _____. -relative advantage -compatibility -observability -trialability


Why are boundaries important in the "systems" approach? -Boundaries describe the influence of one system level on another. -Boundaries only exist because of relationships among system levels. -Boundaries define what is included and excluded from each system level. -Boundaries identify the parameters for health promotion programs.

Boundaries define what is included and excluded from each system level.

All of the following are common practices associated with essential service of public health, EXECPT: -Enforcing mandatory vaccination and smoking policies -Inform, educate and promote the health of the population -Develop treatment protocols for chronic disease -Mobilize community partnerships to identify and solve health problems.

Develop treatment protocols for chronic disease.

The belief that human development is a social phenomenon, and a lifelong process, is a central tenet of which of the following theories of motivation and behavior? -Operant Conditioning -Cognitive Theory -Personality Theory -Developmental Theory

Developmental Theory

Which of the following is NOT a goal of most community health programs? -Directly alter policy, regulation and physical environment -Strengthening the environment to support personal health behavior. -Facilitating healthful behavior. -Providing services and activities that improve behavior and health.

Directly alter policy, regulation and physical environment.

According to Social Influence Theory, selection refers to the process by which a person chooses social relationships. True/False.


According to expectancy theories, when cost of the behavior outweigh benefits, the behavior becomes more likely. True/False


Because we have empirical evidence to help us understand the nature of human behavior, understanding the impact of philosophy and religion on health behavior is not longer important. True/False


Health literacy is directly related to a person's age and educational level; that is older people are people with higher levels of education inherently have greater health literacy than younger people or people with less education. True or False?


Historically, public health had been thought of as "the practice of medicine on a population basis." True/False


Mortality incidence, longevity, and disease prevalence rates are common measures of individual health. True/False


People are unable to value two alternative behaviors simultaneously. True/False


People in our social network impact our behavior only if we know them personally. True/False


The physical environment influences behavior but not individual health. True/False


The social ecological model focuses on individual knowledge, values, and attitudes as primary causes of health outcomes. True or False?


Which of the following is an example of tertiary prevention? -Health education to encourage healthful diet and physical activity among healthy school children. -Health education to encourage healthful diet and physical activity among patients with hypertension. -Health education to encourage healthful diet and physical activity for injury rehabilitation. -Health education to encourage healthful diet and physical activity among school children who are overweight.

Health education to encourage healthful diet and physical activity for injury rehabilitation.

In the ecology of human development, Bronfenbrenner (1979), described Ontogenic Development as the developmental history and experience of the individual. Bronfenbrenner viewed Ontogenic Development as a part of which level of analysis? -Exo -Micro -Mezzo -Macro


The idea that adolescents take up behaviors such as cigarette smoking or drinking alcohol because of pressure from their friends is rooted in which of the following? -Operant Conditioning -Social Psychology -Gestalt Theory -Social Pressure

Social Psychology

Which of the following is an example of health-related behavior? -Engagement of physical activity, by an individual, to improve health. -The development of policy supporting physical education teacher training. -The development of infrastructure, such as a park. -Engaging in cigarette smoking, as an individual.

The development of infrastructure, such as a park.

Early interest in the relationship between behavior and health, particularly chronic disease, emerged from scientists studying: -The impact of obesity on long-term health of the general population -The effects of tobacco use on cancer rates and mortality among the general population. -The effects of tobacco use on cancer rates and mortality among physicians. -The impact of obesity on long-term health of physicians.

The effects of tobacco use on cancer rates and mortality among physicians.

According the SCT, variation in how people respond to stimuli in their environment occurs because their responses are based on their individual goals and values. True/False


According to SCT, a person ultimately responds to the environment based on their unique personal experiences, and their response, in turn, alters the environment. True/False


According to Social Influence Theory, consistency in beliefs, values, and behavior by members of social groups are largely created by social influence. True/False


According to the author, health-related behaviors are a product of our social structure and who we are as a society rather than personal choices. True or False?


An assumption of expectancy value theories is that people tend to behave in ways they think will maximize the likelihood of achieving something they value. True/False


Behaviorism and Operant Conditioning theorists believed that we should observe only observable changes in human behavior, and that unobservable psychological process should be ignored. True/False.


Community-based interventions, in practice, rarely target organizational, community or policy level changes. True or False?


In general, there is more experimental research on behavior reinforcement and psychological theories than socioenvironmental theories. True/ False


The intended outcome when using persuasive communication is to change attitudes toward an object or a behavior. True or False?


The outputs (e.g. exposure, attention, action, etc.) in the communication-persuasion matrix (McGuire, 1989) occur in a specific, logical sequence. True or False?


Theory is an essential tool for health promotion because it allows us to interpret program results and generalize them to other contexts and health problems. True/False


Within the social ecological perspective, public policy is used to influence health by: -creating disincentives for unhealthy behavior in order to produce behavior change. -changing cultural beliefs and values that influence public opinion about unhealthy behaviors. -providing direct services to at-risk populations, such as mobile mammography. -making people feel stupid for engaging in unhealthy behaviors.

creating disincentives for unhealthy behavior in order to produce behavior change.

At the intrapersonal levels of the social ecological perspective, we focus primarily on... -how a person's attitudes, beliefs, and values affect health behavior -how setting or common community characteristics affect health behavior. -how a person's family and social networks affect health behavior. -how the availability and functions of community-based health organizations and health care affect health and health behavior.

how a person's attitudes, beliefs, and values affect health behavior.

According to SDT, people with a ____ locus of control believe they have the ability to determine events in their lives (i.e. they control whether or not they make a certain grade or receive a promotion). Further, the development of locus of control is strongly related to perceived ______. -internal; relatedness -external; competence -internal; competence -external; relatedness

internal; competence

Health promotion programs that account for influences across the social ecological model are referred to as: -complicated interventions -effective interventions -social interventions -multilevel interventions.

multilevel interventions.

Which of the following approaches has NOT been used to understand disease causation? -the germ theory -the cultural-behavior model -the host-agent-environment model -the web of causation

the cultural-behavioral model

All of the following are identified levels of the social ecological model EXCEPT: -the community level -the intrapersonal level -the global level -the interpersonal level

the global level

From the "systems" perspective, embeddedness refers to: -the extent to which a system is connected on a global scale. -properties that only exist because of the relationships among system level -the influence of each level on the other levels of the system -the extent to which a level within the system can "stand on its own."

the influence of each level on the other levels of the system

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