Hemispheric Asymmetry and Language

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Describe the pathway for speaking a HEARD word.

1. Primary auditory cortex to Wernicke's area 2. Wernicke's area ANALYZES the sound 3. Info through arcuate fasciculus to Broca's area 4. Broca's area to motor cortex 5. Motor cortex implements a plan

Describe the pathway for speaking a WRITTEN word.

1. Visual cortex to angular gyrus 2. Angular gyrus to Wernicke's area 3. Arcuate fasciculus to Broca's area 4. Broca's area to motor cortex

What brain regions are associated with aphasia?

Angular gyrus Wernicke's area Primary auditory and motor cortex Broca's area

What are disorders of comprenehension? (fluent aphasia)

Auditory Visual Can understand what they hear or read. They can make sounds, but it's nonsense.

Damage to what brain system or brain areas is linked to prosopagnosia? Right parietal lobe Right temporal lobe Ventral visual stream B and C A and C

B and C

Phonemes are the basic sounds of a language. grammar of any language. words of a language. None of the above

Basic sounds of a language

What is paraphasia?

Bike/hike Rose is a lily

What type of aphasia does a patient have who can understand speech but has a difficult time producing it, even with intact oral motor functions?


Damage to what lobe(s) can result in spatial orientation deficits (difficulties finding one's way around) ? Occipital Temporal Parietal Frontal C and D above

C and D

What is anomia?

Can't recall the names of everyday objects.


Collection of all words in a language

What is alexia?

Disorder of language in reading

What is aphasia?

Disorder of language in speech

What is agraphia?

Disorder of language in writing

What happens if there is a lesion to the angular gyrus?

Disrupts the flow of information from visual cortex

What if there is a lesion of the arcuate fasiculus?

Disrupts transfer from Wernicke's area to Broca's

What are characteristics of Wernicke's aphasia

Fluent speech Lack of comprehension Grammar is adequate Syntax is adequate Made up or inappropriate words Neologism Anomia Paraphasia Poor repitition

Jyothi Quiz Questions Perseveration is a symptom of damage to which lobe? Frontal Parietal Temporal Both frontal and parietal


Broca's aphasia follows damage to which brain area(s)? Temporal lobe Frontal lobe Parietal lobe Primary motor cortex Both B and D

Frontal Lobe

Close your right eye. Observe a water bottle in your left visual field with the left eye. This information goes to which side of the brain? To NAME the object, you need what center of the brain?

Goes to the right side of the brain Object is verbally identified by crossing over to the LANGUAGE center of the brain on the left side

What are characteristics of Broca's aphasia?

Halting speech Perseveration Disordered syntax Disordered grammar Disordered structure of words Laborious articulation (Laborious= considerable effort/time)


Individual sound units

Differentiate Cerebral Lateralization. Function of the auditory system Left: Right:

LEft: Language related sounds Right: Non-language sounds, music

Specialties of the left hemisphere

Language Math Visual appearance of written word

Language disorders are due to lesions in which hemisphere?

Left hemisphere

Broca's aphasia is usually associated with lesions of the angular gyrus. the left inferior frontal region. Wernicke's area. the left temporal lobe.

Left inferior frontal region

Nonverbal visual stimuli are better processed if they are presented to the left visual field. the right visual field. either hemisphere. the left hemisphere.

Left visual field

Differentiate Cerebral Lateralization. Function of movement Left: Right:

Left: Complex voluntary movement Right: Movements in spatial patterns

Differentiate Cerebral Lateralization. Function of the visual system Left: Right:

Left: Letters, words Right: Complex geometric patterns/shapes

Differentiate Cerebral Lateralization. Function of the Somatosensory system Left: Right:

Left: Unknown Right: Complex patterns, Braille

Differentiate Cerebral Lateralization. Function of memory Left: Right:

Left: Verbal Right: Nonverbal

What is neologism?

Make up new words


Meanings that correspond to lexical items and possible sentences

What is alexia without agraphia

Normal speech production Poor reading

What is agraphia?

Normal speech production Poor writing

Describe disorders of production (Non-fluent aphasia)

Poor/laborious articulation Anomia: Word finding deficit Paraphasia: Unintended words Aprosidia: Loss of tone Loss of grammar/syntax Inability to repeat words!

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the right hemisphere? Wholistic Spatial Sequential Musical


Specialties of right hemispehere

Spatial and musical abilities Recognition of forms/faces Emotional expression

What does perseveration mean? Damage to which lobe causes perseveration?

Tendency to repeat phrases or words Damage to frontal lobe.

Where is language represented in deaf individuals who use American Sign Language?

The left hemisphere


Vocal intonation that can alter meaning

what is word deafness?

Word's go through the cortex, but don't make sense - Normal speech production -Poor comprehension -Poor repetition

Lesions of the insula cause?

apraxia and speech

Damage to the angular gyrus disrupts the flow of information from which of the following: a. Visual cortex to Frontal eye field b. Visual cortex to Wernickes area c. Somatosensory cortex to Broca's area d. Occipital lobe to Broca's area

b. Visual cortex to Wernicke's area

Activation of the right visual cortex leads to transfer of information to the left hemisphere via the ___

corpus callosum


linking of senetences to form a narrative


smallest meaningful phonemes

A symptom of aphasia called paraphasia is stumbling speech. making up new words. substitution of words/sounds. impairment of writing.

substitution of words/sounds.

The angular gyrus links the auditory and visual regions. auditory region and Wernicke's area. visual region and Wernicke's area. interhemispheric regions.

visual region and Wernicke's area.


words strung together in patterns according to grammer or rules

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