Heroes: 1st hal

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To whom did the oracle say that he would be killed by his daughter's son?


Who was the grandfather of Perseus?


Who was the king of Colchis?


Who did Perseus marry?


Who wounded the Calydonian boar first?


Which gods helped Perseus?

Athena and Hermes

Who gave Perseus directions to the Graeae?


Who captured and rode Pegasus?


Who killed the Chimaera?


How did Meleager anger Althea?

He killed her brothers.

How did Acrisius try to kill Perseus?

He put him in a box in the ocean in a storm.

How did Jason die?

His ship fell on him

Brought up by Chiron because his uncle wanted to kill him:


Who was the son of Aeson and Polymede


Who fell in love with Danaë?

King Polydectes

Who helped Jason succeed at Aeetes' tasks?


How did Glauce die?

Medea sent her a poisonous dress

Who killed the Calydonian boar?


Who was the son of Oeneus and Althea?


Whose life was linked to a log?


What did the Fates tell Althea?

Meleager would live until the log turned to ash

What did Meleager try to give away?

The boar's head and hide

What was Jason's quest

To get the golden fleece

Whom did Medea kill in order to escape from Colchis?

her brother, Absyrtus

What gifts did Perseus receive to help him on his quest?

mirrored shield, adamant sickle, helmet of invisibility, winged sandals, pouch

What was Jason's ship called

the Argo

To what group did Jason, Heracles and Meleager all belong?

the Argonauts

Who gave Perseus directions to the nymphs?

the Graeae,

What were the Symplegades?

two cliffs that crashed together when anything moved between them

What tasks did Aeetes give Jason

yoke the fire breathing bulls, plow the field, and sow the dragons teeth

How did Jason lose his shoe?

Crossing a river

Who was the mother of Perseus?


Who found the box and rescued Perseus and Danaë?


Characteristic of a mythological hero:

Divine and royal heritage; claimed by divine and mortal parent; favored by a god; subject of a prophecy; abandoned at birth; performs feats and quests; confronts death; marries a princess; dies ignobly; ascends to the constellations

What did Perseus agree to do for Polydectes?

Get the head of a gorgon

Whom did Jason decide to marry while he was still married to Medea?


What happened to Bellerophon?

He fell off Pegasus and was crippled and blinded

Who was born from the neck of Medusa?


Whom did the oracle tell to beware of a man wearing one shoe?


Who killed Pelias?

Pelias' daughters

What happened to Acrisius?

Perseus accidentally killed him

What happened to Polydectes?

Perseus turned him to stone

Whom did the Argonauts save from the harpies?


Who flew to Colchis on a golden ram?


What did Althea do when Meleager made her angry?

She burned the log

How did Medea trick Pelias' daughters?

She offered them magic to make Pelias young again, but lied.

What did Perseus turn to stone in order to save his bride?

a sea monster

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