HHist Chap.13

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How did technological advances make American industrial growth possible?

increased number of immigrants wanted to help the environmental destruction caused by frequent supersticious canibles.

Which two inventions revolutionized American communications in the late 1800's?

light weight camera, telegraph, shoe making machine, electric light bulb.

How did John D. Rockefeller gain control over much of the oil industry?

one method was he bought out other competitors. he also prevented rival companies from using the rail roads he held a controlling interest in.

What was the goal of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act?

promote fairl industrial competition. to prevent companies from restraing trade.

How did the nation's first labor strike begin?

railway workers angered by wage cuts.

What did critics of powerful industrialists refer to them as?

robber barons.

define Collective Bargaining

talks between an employer and the leaders of a union about how much a group of workers will be paid, how many hours they will work, etc.

How did the government contribute to the building of the transcontinental railroad?

the US government gave millions of acers of land in the undeveloped west. the railrod companies sold all the land, and with the money raised, it funded the constuction of the railroad.

Why were some workers forced to sign "yellow dog" contracts?

they feared that if they had to pay higher wages and meet the other demands of unions, their costs would go up and they would be less competitive in the marketplace.

What did the American Federation of Labor do?

they led strikes that led to higher wages with shorter work weeks.

How did the government respond to the Pullman Strike?

using federal troops to control the workers.

Compare the idea of "robber barons" versus "captains of industry"?

A Captain of Industry, is a leader in their field. The prosperity their expertise generates does not necessarily go directly to them. It advances or benefits the entire economy. They create wealth. A Robber Baron, by comparison, focuses all their efforts on creating a benefit for themselves, at the expense of society as a whole. They exploit wealth. The same individuals were both. It's a matter of perspective. Competitors, farmers and labor unions called them robber barons due to their ruthless business practices. On the other hand, no one could question their unparalleled position as industrial leaders when they were at their peak. Industrial leaders in the 19th century were therefore called 'captains of industry' by many newspapers of the day and 'robber barons' by others. These powerful entrepreneurs led their respective fields. For example, Andrew Carnegie was the preeminent steel magnate. Similarly, John D. Rockefeller led in petroleum extraction, distillation and distribution. Morgan, Edison, and Vanderbilt were other leading industrialists at the time.

What caused the emergence of labor unions?

A primary reason for the emergence of labor unions during the early 1920s was to develop safety measures for working conditions and equipment.

Why did the strike in Homestead occur?

Because of a wage cut.

What do economists call periods of bust and boom?

Business cycle.

Why were some industrialists called "captains of industry"?

Captain of Industry' was a term originally used in the U.S. during the Industrial Revolution describing a business leader whose means of amassing a personal fortune contributes positively to the country in some way. This may have been through increased productivity, expansion of markets, providing more jobs, or acts of philanthropy. This contrasts with robber baron, a term used to describe a business leader using political means to achieve their ends.

Why did so many children work in factories during the late 1800's?

Children were employed during the 1800's because there were no child labor laws at that point. Children were cheap if not free to have work. People could have a child work in a factory longer hours and pay less than they could an adult. Families also needed the extra money. So to get it they would have their children work.

How did employers attempt to crush labor strikes?

Employers use many weapons to crush strikes; starvation, demoralizing propaganda, playing off one section of workers against another and bribing of leaders. - See more at: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-methods-did-employers-use-to-break-up-labor-strikes#sthash.jUrWGMBt.dpuf

Why did Samuel Gompers oppose letting women join the AFL?

He felt that women in the work force would drive down wages.

What did Alexander Graham Bell set up in 1885?

Long distance telephone lines.

How did Andrew Carnegie gain control of the steel industry?

One of the ways that Andrew Carnegie was able to gain control of the steel industry was by searching for ways to make products better but at a lower cost. He made smart investments and trades. He was not afraid to use new techniques and machinery to refine practices.

How did Rockefeller gain control of the oil industry?

Rockefeller became senior partner and the firm Rockefeller and Andrews became Cleveland's largest refinery. Rockefeller survived the bitter competition in the oil industry. He bought out most of the Cleveland refineries, then acquired others in New York, Pittsburgh, and Philadelphia. He turned to new transportation methods, including the railroad tank car and the pipeline. By 1879 he was refining 90 percent of American oil,

Explain the theory of Social Darwinism?

Social darwinism is survival of the fittest. What this effectively means is that in a market economy your survival is dependant on the amount of wealth, authority and property you have. In a modern society this would mean the removal of all redistrubtive services of the state, a removal of wage regulation and a removal of universally provided education etc. This would be instead regulated by the amount of money you had, the perfection of your knowledge of the products available. This would lead to a downward turn in social mobility for the lest well off stewing social unrest

According to the theory of Social Darwinism, the government should do?

Stay out of the affairs of business.

What happened as a result of the Pullman Strike?

The effect of the Pullman strike was the federal court issuing a injunction (formal court order) directing the union to halt the boycott, the Pullman Strike then collapsed.

What was Thomas Edison's major accomplishment?

The electric light.

How did industrial growth affect the distribution of wealth in the United States?

The industrial growth in the United States created a group of elitists and industrialists who became extremely wealthy at the expense of the working class.

What were the main causes of population growth in American cities in the late 1800's?

The pattern of urbanization that had held up until the late twentieth century dates back nearly a hundred years to the Gilded Age, when technological advances fed the tremendous growth of industrial urban centers and helped create a new phenomenon in the American city: the suburb. Nineteenth-century manufacturing tended to concentrate in urban locations with abundant labor, easy access to a wide variety of local services and markets, and the all-important railroad connections linking to a larger constellation of customers and resources. The increasing use of steam power late in the century allowed manufacturing growth to explode in these dense urban clusters Immigration, Industrialization and the population growth provided the labor force for the factories, mines, and mills. they contributed to the pockets of people like andrew carnegie and john d rockefeller. they pretty much did all of the grunt work.

Define scabs?

Those temporary foot ball players.

What did Carnegie say about the success of wealthy industrialists?

Wealthy people should use the fortune they've made to give opportunity for all and to increase knowledge of humans and the universe.

Define anarchists?

a person who believes that government and laws are not necessary.

Define Socialism?

a way of organizing a society in which major industries are owned and controlled by the government rather than by individual people and companies

What did the Bessemer process help to create?

burn off excess carbon from cast iron to make carbon steel.

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