hiistory 1218

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What happened when the peoples of the Americas came in contact with Europeans?

Had different beliefs, conflicts started to arise. Europeans felt that Indians lacked genuine religion. Claimed the Indians did not "use" the land, which meant they had no claim to it. Viewed Indian men as weak and Indian women as mistreated. Trade and disease also played a huge role in shaping relations between the Europeans and Indians. (Columbian Exchange: exchange of ideas, diseases, and goods between the Americas and Europe).

what was the impact of the revolution on slavery?

The northern states either abolished the institution outright or adopted gradual emancipation schemes. ... They petitioned Congress to end the slave trade and state legislatures to abolish slavery.

what challenges did the early English settlers face

They did not know how to hunt. lack of food and medical care. harsh weather conditions

How did patterns of class and gender roles change in eighteenth-century America?

a. Wealthy Americans built their lives around British etiquette b. Women were expected to devoted their lives to being good wives and mothers i. Barred from practicing as attorneys ii. Labor along gender lines solidified

how did equality become a stronger component of American Freedom after the Revolution

people started getting rights. John Locke believed in natural right (life, liberty, and property). and once the U.S broke away from Britain, that's when people started getting their rights. Though it did take several years for it to all settle

What key events marked the move toward American Independence?

stamp act; 7 years war; Townshend act; declaratory war; Boston massacre; Boston tea party; tea act; intolerance act;

What factors led to distinct African- American cultures in the eighteenth century?

In the Chesapeake, slaves learned English, experienced the Great Awakening, and were exposed to white culture. In South Carolina and Georgia, two different societies arose. One group was distinctly involved with African culture while the other was more assimilated into American culture. Northern Slaves had distinctive African- American culture because they had more access to mainstream culture. Since the slaves up north were so far apart, the culture grew less rapidly than the other slave colonies.

How did Virginia and Maryland develop in their early years

Maryland became a Christian or religious colony and Virginia depended on tabacco plantations

how did the definition of citizenship exclude native americans and african americans

Nowhere does the original Constitution define who in fact are citizens of the United Sates. The individual states were left free to determine the boundaries of liberty

how did the revolution affect the status of women?

Some women followed the Continental Army and helped by cooking, mending clothes and tending to wounds. There were also female soldiers. basically more equality

What were the chief features of the Spanish empire in America?

The Spanish empire one of the most populous parts of the New World and the regions richest in the natural resources. Spanish America an urban civilization, an "empire of towns." Encomienda system had a social hierarchy: Spanish-born, creole class (Spanish blood but born in the Americas), Mestizos: mixed blood, slaves, and Indians. The Spanish were the first to include slavery in the Americas, needed labor intensive

what made settlement of new England distinctive?

A different social order emerged in New England, a religious movement known as "Puritanism." A term was initially coined by opponents to ridicule those not satisfied with the progress of the Protestant Reformation in England, who called themselves not Puritans but "godly" or "true Protestants."

how did the anti-federalist concerns lead to the creation of the bill of rights

Anti-Federalists also pointed to the Constitution's lack of a Bill of Rights, which left unprotected rights such as trial by jury and freedom of speech and the press.

What key events sharpened the divisions between Britain and the colonists in the late 1760's and early 1770's?

stamp act; Townshend act; boston massacre; Boston Tea party; and the declaration of independence

How was slavery established in the western Atlantic world?

starts in west indies -laws limit black freedoms -large demand for labor for cash crops + lack of hard working indentured servants

what major compromises molded the final content of the constitution

three fifths compromise, electoral college

what major social and political crisis rocked the colonies in the late seventeenth century?

Bacon's Rebellion b. Glorious Revolution c. Maryland uprising d. Leisler's rebellion e. Salem Witch trials

What were the major patterns of Native American life in North America before Europeans arrived?

Before the Europeans arrived, the native population of North America consisted of numerous tribes with their own languages, religious beliefs, and economic and social structures. The Aztecs and Mayans were the exceptions where they had centralized states.

How did the great awakening challenge the religious and social structure of British North America?

Congregations split into factions and new Churches started, New churches criticized the colonial practice of levying taxes to support an established church as well as defending religious freedom. Overall the Great the Awakening encouraged the colonists to trust their own formed views rather than the views given to them by established elites.

What were the roots and significance of the Stamp Act controversy?

After the Seven's Year War London forced colonists to pay for the war through taxes such as the sugar act, revenue act, and the currency act. The Stamp Act was significant because it offended the rich and poor alike. It was not targeting one group of people, but the entire colony. This act was the first major split between colonists and the British

How did African slavery differ regionally in eighteenth-century North America?

American slavery was widely diverse. Down south, specifically in the Chesapeake region,Slaves worked in fields gathering and planting tobacco. Southern plantation owners were normally harsh on their slaves. They filled the law books to protect their power over the slaves. Slavery in South Carolina and Georgia usually tended rice plantations and livestock. Slavery in the North were based on small farms.

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