what is an interpretation of "Tat tvam asi" (Thou art that) represents Shankara's views
"Atman" and "Brahman" refer to the same thing
"song of the Lord"
who was the founder of Hinduism
Hinduism does not have a founder
who are the two main characters in the Bhagavad-Gita
Krishna and Arjuna
what is the closest equivalent Hindu expression for via negative (the negative way)
Neti, neti
the Individual Soul is over The Body as is
Brahman over The Universe
What is the meaning of Seguna Brahman
Brahman with attributes
again in the flesh
what is the relation of an avatar to deity
an avatar is an incarnation of a deity
Step 4 of Raja Yoga
control breathing: this can be accomplished by the recitation of a mantra, usually a single syllable uttered over and over, like "Om"
cult of the elephant God, Lord of Good Fortune
cycles of the universe
was intent in showing that Sankara's advaitan philosophy was without foundation either from the standpoint of the Upanisads or from reasoning
According to classical Hindu thought, what is it the is reborn from one life to the next
the immaterial essence of one's self, not identifiable as any physical or cultural identity
the merchants and farmers
What best represents Madhva's view
Atman is one in ethical purpose with Brahman
What best represents Ramanuja's views
Atman is to Brahman as the body is to the soul
Step 7 of Raja Yoga
Duality of self and object overcome in meditation
what are the four levels of the ancient class systems in India
Priests, warriors, agriculturalist, and menial laborers
Ramanuja's philosophy
Step 6 of Raja Yoga
Removal of mental distractions
Step 5 of Raja Yoga
Removal of sensory distractions
which of the following are the oldest of the writings considered sacred in the World's Religions
Rig Veda
Step 8 of Raja Yoga
Samadhi - being at peace in the union with the Divine Being itself
which of the following are true of the elephant headed deity known as Ganesha
Shiva gave him his head after first decapitating him, he holds one of his broken trunks in his hand like a stylus to symbolize being the author of the Hindu classic, the Mahabharata, of which the Bhagavad-Gita is a part
When one achieves release (moska), from what is one being released
The cycle of rebirth (samsara) and one's illusion about life
a Pandava hero
Nirguna Brahman
a linguistic marker pointing beyond what can be known or imagined by the discursive intellect
How does classical Indian though explain the apparent injustice that some people suffer so much more than others
every injustice one suffers is an effect of what one did in this life or in a previous life
Seguna Brahman
giving human form to that which is not human
goddess of fertility, love and devotion; as well as of divine strength and power
held that Atman and Brahman are inseparable in the sense that there is a strict ontological identity between them
Rig Veda
hymns- major; "Hymn of Creation"
What keeps one in bondage, from which one wishes to be released
ignorance (avidya)
incarnation of a deity into human form
what is the meaning of Satcitananda
it is the positive description of Brahman: being, consciousness, joy
major deity
What is the meaning of maya
maya is the illusion of separation from Brahman
Neti, neti
not this, not this
playing or dancing
Step 3 of Raja Yoga
posture, for example the lotus position, with legs crisscrossed, back strait, and hands resting lightly on the knees or brought together at the navel
priestly class
what is the meaning of "ahimsa"
refrain from harming other creatures
spiritual teacher
What is the realization that brings release
that the individual self is inseparable from the universal source of being
the creator
the cycle of existence contains individual souls
Shiva (Siva)
the destroyer
the engine that drives rebirth, or ignorance of ones true nature
Step 1 of Raja Yoga
the five abstentions: abstain from injury, abstain from lying, abstain from stealing, abstain from excessive sensuality, and abstain from greed
Step 2 of Raja Yoga
the five observances: cleanliness, contentment, self-control, studiousness, contemplation of the divine
the other great Vedantan philosopher
Bhakti marga
the path of devotion, love, and joyous celebration
Karma marga
the path of ethical deeds and ritual
Jnana marga
the path of study, meditation and knowledge
why does Brahman (or Brahma) engage in the act of creation
the play (lila)
the preserver
the principle of non-evidence toward all living things
the spiritual life principle of the universe
the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence
Tat tvam asi
thou art that
How can one achieve moksa (release)
through any of the paths, of devotion, meditation and study, or good works
ultimate reality
union with the ultimate
word for social class, which means "color"
yoke of discipline