Hist 101 - Learning Curves Chp 11

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How did the Battle of the Alamo change the course of the Texas rebellion?

As newspapers romanticized the Alamo, American adventurers flocked to Texas.

How did Democrats build up support for the annexation of Texas in 1844?

By linking Texas to the Oregon question

Why did American settlers in Texas split into two groups in the 1830s?

Divisions over how to respond to changes in Mexico's central government

How did poor southern freemen hope to escape their social condition before the Civil War?

Emigrating to Appalachia

Why did planter James Henry Hammond tell his poor white neighbors that "every freeman is an aristocrat"?

Even poor whites enjoyed the privilege of white supremacy.

Why did President James K. Polk retreat from his demand for "fifty-four forty or fight"?

He had begun a war with Mexico and wanted to avoid a simultaneous one with Britain.

Which non-native animal transformed Native peoples' lives on the Great Plains in the 1840s and 1850s?


Which Old World faith were Africans in the United States most likely to follow before the Second Great Awakening?


Who coined the term Manifest Destiny in 1845 to describe the United States God-given right to control the North American continent?

James L. O'Sullivan

Who did President James K. Polk dispatch to California in 1845 to lead a heavily armed "exploring" party?

John C. Frémont

Which plains tribe came to dominate the northern Great Plains by the 1830s?

Lakota Sioux

Which of the following describes the placement of dominant Native peoples on the Great Plains from north to south around 1860?

Lakota Sioux; Kiowas; Comanches

The slave society led to a growth of which of the following nonagricultural professions in the 1840s and 1850s South?


What name is given the belief in a god-given American cultural and racial superiority that lay behind the desire to make the entire continent part of American democracy?

Manifest Destiny

Which denomination was most likely to supply ministers who traveled south as missionaries to convert African American slaves during the first decades of the nineteenth century?


The top 5 percent of the southern white population owned what proportion of the entire slave population in 1860?

Over 50 percent

What was the dominant pattern of marriage relationships among the smallholding yeomen of the antebellum South?

Patriarchal, with husbands dominant

Which European nation was the first to reach and to trade with the Native peoples of Alaska?


Why did the buffalo herds of the northern plains begin to shrink in the 1830s?

Sioux Indians and other plains tribes began to trade buffalo hides with European fur traders.

Which of the following was one of the commercial cities that existed around the periphery of the South between 1820 and 1860?

St. Louis

Why was General Winfield Scott's attack on Mexico City, despite the 260-mile trek from Veracruz, successful in September 1847?

The city was lightly defended

What story from the Old Testament appealed to many African American slaves in the antebellum years?

The liberation of the Jews

Which statement characterizes the religious practices of African American slaves in the Deep South in the early nineteenth century?

The majority of them worshipped African gods and spirits.

Why did social divisions among the Kiowa Indians intensify in the 1830s?

The new horse culture created enormous distinctions of wealth.

What connection did John L. O'Sullivan's term Manifest Destiny have to American expansion of the mid-nineteenth century?

The phrase embodied the dreams of American expansionists.

Why was the annexation of Texas accomplished without a treaty in 1845?

There were not enough votes in the Senate.

Why did Protestants ministers who preached to black slaves in the antebellum years avoid biblical passages that encouraged unthinking obedience to authority?

They did not want to repel their black audiences.

Why did zealous Presbyterian ministers like Charles C. Jones try to convert slaves to the evangelical faith in the antebellum years?

They feared for their own souls if they did not do so

Why did landless white workers in the South receive so little respect?

They performed hard labor, which was deemed fit only for slaves.

In the decades before the Civil War, how did African American slaves in the southern Methodist Church approach the church's ban on profane dancing?

They practiced the ring shout

American settlement of Oregon differed from American settlement of Texas because Oregon's settlement was based on

an intergovernmental agreement.

In the generation before the Civil War, wealthy southern planters were able to co-opt poor freemen to support the slave system, which accorded the latter group little respect, by

emphasizing white supremacy.

Southern republican aristocracy in the 1840s and 1850s differed from middle-class democracy then prevalent in the Northeast and Midwest through the republican aristocracy's emphasis on


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