Hist 1301 Chp. 15

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Fort Sumter April 12, 1861

Fort Sumter was located at the mouth of the Charleston Harbor. Lincoln was notified that the fort would soon run out and he would be forced to surrender. This is where the first battle took place.

siege of Petersburg 1864-1865

siege of Petersburg 1864-1865

Blacks in Blue

slave soldiers in a war for their own freedom

King Cotton diplomacy

the South's political strategy during the Civil War; it depended upon British and French dependency on southern cotton to the extent that those two countries would help the South break the blockade

Emancipation Proclamation January 1, 1863

(AL) , Issued by abraham lincoln on september 22, 1862 it declared that all slaves in the confederate states would be free

Crittenden Compromise

A last-ditch effort to resolve the secession crisis by compromise. It proposed to bar the government from intervening in the states' decision of slavery, to restore the Missouri Compromise, and to guarantee protection of slavery below the line. Lincoln rejected the proposal, causing the gateway to bloodshed to be open.

Jefferson Davis

An American statesman and politician who served as President of the Confederate States of America for its entire history from 1861 to 1865

John Wilkes Booth

An actor, planned with others for six months to abduct Lincoln at the start of the war, but they were foiled when Lincoln didn't arrive at the scheduled place. April 14, 1865, he shot Lincoln at Ford's Theatre and cried, "Sic Semper Tyrannis!" ("Thus always to tyrants!") When he jumped down onto the stage his spur caught in the American flag draped over the balcony and he fell and broke his leg. He escaped on a waiting horse and fled town. He was found several days later in a barn. He refused to come out; the barn was set on fire. Booth was shot, either by himself or a soldier.

Appomattox Court House April 9, 1865

April 9, 1865 General Lee surrendered to General Grant at the Appomattox Court house. Sherman marched north. Lee headed southwest and hopes to go to New York. The Results: War is over after 4 years, Union preserved, and the slaves were free. Grant allowed the Confederates to keep their arms and return home.

Antietam April 17, 1862

Battle of Antietam, Union troops find a cigar containing Confederates plan for war therefore leaving McClellan with a better plan to win, Union victory. Bloodiest single day of the war, September 17 5,000 killed in one

Chattanooga November 1863

Chattanooga November 1863

Confederate and Northern conscription 1862, 1863

Confederate and Northern conscription 1862, 1863

Virginia v Monitor May 1862

Confederates Ironclad a ship renamed to the Merrimac sinking more ships Union does this and named their ship Monitor. Virginia v. Monitor; March 1862 Neither ship was sunk but forced the Virginia (Confederate ship) to go back to shore.

Fort Henry and Donaldson Feb. 6 and 16, 1862

Ft. Henry and Ft. Donelson-Union gaining more of Tennessee

Burning of Atlanta

General Sherman and his troops set the city of Atlanta on fire, in order to destroy the confederate's supply lines and then Marched to the Sea, Savannah, and burnt everything along the way

Shiloh April 6, 1862

Grant lost over 12,000 men in the battle of Shiloh Albert Sydney Johnston is killed in the Battle of Shiloh Braxton Bragg takes over confederate troops in the west

New York City Draft Riots 1863

July 1863 just after the Battle at Gettysburg. Mobs of Irish working-class men and women roamed the streets for four days until federal troops suppressed them. They loathed the idea of being drafted to fight a war on behalf of slaves who, once freed, would compete with them for jobs.

Vicksburg July 4, 1863

Lee is defeated at Gettysburg this same day Vicksburg surrenders Both major turning points of the war, Vicksburg union gains control of the Mississippi, Gettysburg had no hope of Britain coming in on their side leaving lee's army with 30,000 he had to retreat and could no longer challenge union on northern soil

Election of 1864

Lincoln vs. McClellan, Lincoln wants to unite North and South, McClellan wants war to end if he's elected, citizens of North are sick of war so many vote for McClellan, Lincoln wins

First Bull Run 1861

McDowell had been able to push back the Confederates but Jackson was able to hold their position in "right flank", where Jackson became "Stonewall Jackson" and are able to make the Union to retreat back to Washington, Confederates win this battle. Lincoln fires McDowell and hires McClellan

Confederate States of America

Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, and Texas (Southern states); states that were against Lincoln; they favored slavery

Trent Affair November 1861

San Jacinto ship stopped Trent ship took the captains and took them to Washington not knowing they had captured them in neutral waters causing a huge problem. Lincoln released the confederate diplomats apologizing Confederacy continuing to hope that Britain will come for them

Sherman's March to the Sea 1864

Sherman's March to the Sea 1864

Chancellorsville May 1863

The Union attempts to take over Richmond and suffers a terrible loss when General Hooker tries unsuccessfully to flank the South and is outwitted by Lee

Wilderness Campaign 1864

The first clash between Grant and Lee, this series of conflicts started with the Battle of the Wilderness (50 miles northwest of Richmond), where Southern leaders A.P. Hill and Ewell held the line, and over 17,000 Northerners fell. At Spotsylvania Court House, Meade assaulted Lee's men, but they repelled Meade at the "Bloody Angle." The trenches in which much of the fighting took place were similar to those later seen in World War I. Advancing within ten miles of Richmond, Grant met Lee at Cold Harbor (June 3); he lost 7,000 men to Lee's 1,500 and withdrew across the James River, but with the entire campaign he severely reduced Confederate strength in a war of attrition.


This is the name given to some Southern Democratic politicians prior to the Civil War who were willing to cooperate with the Republican Party if the institution of slavery was protected from elimination.

New Orleans April 26, 1862

Union captures New Orleans, and this is considered the first major turning point for the North Largest city in the south Banking center in the south Closed the Mississippi to confederate trade

Economic Nationalism

a policy meant to restore the economy by creating self-sufficiency. It was unobtainable, and only led to retaliation. The US Smoot-Hawley tariff banned the import of all manufactured goods. In response, European countries dramatically increased the tariff on all US goods.

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