HIST 1302 15-20

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By what phrase did Theodore Roosevelt refer to the principles of social justice that he began to articulate on his return to politics?

"New Nationalism"

How did African American family life change after the Civil War?

-African Americans rushed to have their marriages legalized and blessed by the church. -African Americans left plantations to search for lost relatives and reunite families. -Many women and children stopped working in the fields.

William H. Seward bought ____ from Russia for $7.2 million, a deal that became known as "Seward's Folly."


Who first demonstrated the telephone in 1876?

Alexander Graham Bell

Which union represented the workers in the Homestead steel plant in the strike of the mid-1880s?

Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers

How did American fashion change from the early to the late nineteenth century?

Americans began to buy their clothes almost exclusively from stores.

Match the nineteenth-century industrialist to the appropriate industry. Instructions

Andrew Carnegie - steel Issac Singer - sewing machine manufacturing Gustavus Swift - meatpacking John D. Rockefeller - oil

By only selling American products, non-ethnic merchants encouraged immigrants to accept American diets, clothing, and lifestyles, thus advancing the process of ____. (Enter only one full word per space and make sure to spell correctly.)


True or false: Industrial growth was hampered by a shortage of skilled workers.


Which of the following best characterizes efforts to reform land ownership in the South during Reconstruction?

It failed.

How did the Homestead Act encourage migration to the West?

It gave settlers land for a small fee in exchange for occupying the land.

What did late-nineteenth-century organized labor accomplish?

It helped establish an eight-hour workday for government employees.

What about the secret ballot was most significant to progressive reforms?

It helped to weaken the power of the parties over the voters.

Which of the following is true of the Democratic platform in the campaign of 1896?

It was too narrow to galvanize working people and to win a national election.

Which best describes the Bessemer process?

It was used to purify molten iron during the steel-making process.

The awe-inspiring qualities of the western landscape were commonly depicted by painters of the ______ school.

Rocky Mountain

Republican candidate James G. Blaine was accused of tolerating a slander on ______ during the presidential campaign of 1884.

Roman Catholics

Before his victory in the presidential election of 1908, William Howard Taft had been

Roosevelt's closest lieutenant.

The "open door" policy was not received well by governments outside of China, and ______ rejected it outright.


Which of the following was a criticism of monopolies?

They overpriced goods and services.

Why did rural Americans tend to reject Darwinism?

They tended to be more fundamentalist than urban Americans.

Why did the AFL initially fail to make substantial gains for workers?

They tried to marginalize women and blacks.

How did the leaders of Tammany Hall react to pressure from progressives?

They tried to preserve their influence by agreeing to some reforms.

Which best explains the growth in the iron and steel industries after the U.S. Civil War?

U.S. railroads rapidly expanded, requiring massive amounts of the metals.

Which state had no commercial centers, urban cotton centers, or rural cotton centers?


Why did white opinion of Chinese immigrants change during the 1850s?

Whites became jealous of the Chinese who prospered, especially in the gold mines.

In 1912, the Democratic Party nominated

Woodrow Wilson after considerable balloting.

The view of most of the general American public was that the Spanish-American War was

a "splendid little war."

Which of the following would be more likely to vote for the Republican Party in the late nineteenth century?

a Protestant someone who favored temperance a northerner

"Molly Maguires" refers to

a coal workers' militant labor organization.

The decrease in party influence in the early twentieth century was directly related to

a decline in voter turnout.

Which of the following items were part of the Omaha platform of 1892?

abolishing national banks electing U.S. senators directly

Literary realism was an attempt to

accurately portray American life.

Before Virginia, Texas, and Mississippi had fulfilled the conditions for readmission, Congress

added ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment as a requirement of readmission.

How did literature express the growing discontent with late-nineteenth-century agrarian life?

by reminiscing about the bygone days of idyllic frontier life

In the 1902 strike by the United Mine Workers, President Theodore Roosevelt

called for federal arbitration.

The key to American victory in the Philippines was the

capture of Aguinaldo.

New "___ stores" offered a wider array of goods at lower prices than small local stores.


What cornerstone of Indian culture was directly destroyed by the Dawes Severalty Act?

communal property ownership

Some of the most important new technologies that contributed to late-nineteenth-century industrial growth were in the field of


The systematic placing of Indians on reservations was known as the "" policy. (Please make sure to spell carefully and correctly, and only enter one word per space.)


Railroads encouraged western settlement to

create new markets for the goods their lines would transport.

In the ______ system of credit, merchants charged farmers exorbitant prices, which the farmers could not pay, and then demanded a lien on the farmers' crops as collateral.


The Federal Trade Commission Act was

designed, in part, to help business police itself.

The Sherman Antitrust Act had no impact in the first decade after passage, for which of the following reasons?

dilution in the law's strength after court rulings ineffectual enforcement of the law

True or false: The first gas-driven motor vehicle was built by Henry Ford in 1893.


Populism appealed mostly to which group?


In the 1890s, the interest in American expansion overseas was motivated in part by

fear that America would be left out of new overseas markets.

On which level of government did western progressives focus most of their efforts?

federal government

As president, Taft

filed almost a hundred corporate antitrust suits.

What destroyed much of Chicago and Boston in 1871?


Which of the following traditional American values was used to justify capitalism?


What factor contributed to industrial growth in the late nineteenth century?

invention of new technologies

Which of the following terms refers to late-nineteenth-century advocates for expanded U.S. economic, political, and military power in the world?


The term "muckraker" was reserved for progressive


Between 1911 and 1913, unions helped institute notable ______ reform.


Which factor contributed the most to unease among the middle class in the 1890s?

labor turmoil

Which of the following posed the greatest challenge to laborers in the West?

lack of job security

Early department stores in the United States tended to be in

large cities.

In the late nineteenth century, Americans

left rural areas for growing eastern and midwestern cities.

Which of the following best characterizes Lincoln's "Ten Percent Plan"?


Which of the following helped to ensure the assimilation of late-nineteenth-century immigrants?

public institutions such as schools

Which of the following are activities that were undertaken by the Freedmen's Bureau?

setting labor contracts overseeing land redistribution providing food, clothing, and education settling land disputes

When the National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry was founded in 1867, it initially centered on

spreading new knowledge about agriculture techniques.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton was a

strong supporter of woman suffrage.

By 1900, the transportation systems of American cities included which of the following?

subways electric trolleys and cable cars elevated railroads suspension bridges

The Fifteenth Amendment dealt with the issue of


By the time the United States successfully negotiated a deal for a naval base in Hawaii, growing ____ for export to America had become the basis of the Hawaiian economy.


The end of the Apache Wars was marked by the

surrender of Geronimo.

After the Civil War, most new settlers to the West came from

the East.

Which of the following groups were key supporters of educational reform in the South during Reconstruction?

the Freedmen's Bureau Northern philanthropic organizations black Southerners

Use of intimidation and violence to undermine Reconstruction regimes was most intense in states where

the black population was a majority or the two races were almost equal.

The single most important facilitator of settlement in the West was

the construction of the railroad.

In their efforts to reform the political system, progressives first targeted

the dominant role of political parties

Before the Civil War, most Americans thought leisure was

the equivalent of laziness or sloth.

Which of the following were the two most powerful institutions in U.S. society in the late nineteenth century?

the federal courts the political parties

By 1900, many farmers had more free time due to the

mechanization of agriculture.

One of the first professions to organize on a national level, in 1901, was in the field of


The rapidly expanding railroad industry in the United States especially benefited from major advances in the ______ industry in the late nineteenth century.


Which is a characteristic of modern business administration?

middle management

Which of the following best characterizes the Bell System?


Philippine self-rule

occurred gradually.

A society interested in buying goods is practicing


True or false: Theodore Roosevelt elevated the presidency into the center of national political life.


Which of the following describes the progressive-era term Boston marriage?

two women who lived together

Which technologies were invented in the late nineteenth century?

typewriter telephone cash register

Most of what the women's clubs did was


Which of the following statements regarding Hispanic New Mexico are accurate?

-At the time of the Mexican War, Hispanics greatly outnumbered Anglo-Americans. -The expansion of economic activity spurred by the railroads increased Mexican immigration into the region. -Descendants of the original settlers engaged primarily in cattle and sheep ranching

The Panic of 1907 prompted which of the following?

-J. P. Morgan overseeing a major rescue effort -conservatives blaming Theodore Roosevelt for damaging the economy

Which of the following statements about the political activities of African Americans during Reconstruction are correct?

-Many served as delegates to constitutional conventions. -Many served in the state legislature or held other government jobs. -Nearly two dozen served in the U.S. Senate or House of Representatives.

As professional organizations grew more common, what changes took place in women's professions?

-Nursing became a female profession. -African American women were sought after for teaching at segregated schools.

Which of the following events occurred during the Homestead strike of 1892?

-One radical made a failed attempt to assassinate Henry Clay Frick. -The entire Pennsylvania National Guard was ordered to protect strikebreakers. -Hundred of guards hired by Homestead were defeated in a deadly battle with strikers. -Henry Frick shut down the plant in an attempt to destroy the Amalgamated union.

Why did large-scale efforts to redistribute land in the South ultimately fail?

-President Johnson supported the rights of white landowners. -The federal government's authority to confiscate property came into question.

The fight for women's suffrage challenged the views of many men and women who believed which of the following?

-Society required a distinctive female sphere. -Women should serve first and foremost as mothers.

Which of the following were major components of Lincoln's proposed plan for Reconstruction?

-Southerners had to accept the abolition of slavery. -Voters who had pledged loyalty to the Union could set up a state government.

Which of the following occurred at the tumultuous Republican Convention of 1912?

-Taft was nominated for a second term. -Theodore Roosevelt left the convention and the Republican Party.

What was the significance of the cattle drives from Texas to Missouri in the late 1860s?

-They established a link to the booming markets of the East. -They showed that cattle could be driven to distant markets.

Who among the following were involved in scandals during the Grant administration?

-Vice President Schuyler Colfax -Secretary of War William Belknap -Treasury Secretary Benjamin Bristow

Which of the following did the Radical Republicans believe should be conditions for the readmission of seceded states?

-disenfranchisement of a large number of Southern whites -confiscation of the property of wealthy Southerners who aided the Confederacy and redistribution of land to freedmen -protection of black civil rights

The crop-lien system of credit was detrimental to which groups?

-farmers -African Americans -poor whites

Which of the following encouraged western settlement in the nineteenth century?

-federal government land policies -completion of the transcontinental railroad -short-grass pastures for cattle and sheep -promise of gold and silver deposits

Many scalawags, or Southern white Republicans, also could be classified as

-former Whigs. -farmers from remote areas.

Which of the following are reasons that organized labor in the late nineteenth century failed to make greater gains?

-geographic mobility, which served to dilute institutional ties and class consciousness -powerful and wealthy corporations that had the support of all levels of government -failure to represent a larger percentage of the workforce tensions between ethnic and racial groups, which divided the work force

In the early twentieth century, common instruments used to classify and distinguish different types of diseases included the

-improved microscope. -X-ray.

The major reasons for an increase in American imperialism at the end of the nineteenth century include which of the following?

-increasing overseas trade -expanding U.S. political power

Which of following were new power centers replacing the political parties, beginning in the late nineteenth century?

-labor unions -women's clubs -trade associations

Which of the following are the primary goals of Taylorism?

-speed up the production process -make workers more interchangeable -minimize worker errors

New managerial techniques adopted in the late nineteenth century included

-strict cost -hierarchy -systematic division

Which of the following contributed to Theodore Roosevelt's decision not to seek a third term in 1908?

-the Panic of 1907 -his troubled relationship with conservative Republicans -a public promise he had made several years earlier

Benefits to former slaves during Reconstruction included

-the partial redistribution of landownership. -a redistribution of income. -the creation and strengthening of African American institutions.

Which factors caused Grange power to decline in the late 1870s?

-the political inexperience of Grange leaders -the courts' rejection of Granger railroad laws

Which two of the following most prompted cities to build mass transportation networks in the late nineteenth century?

-the slowness of horsecars -population increases

Which of the following describe activities of groups such as the Ku Klux Klan, the Knights of the White Camellia, and the Red Shirts and White Leagues to undermine Reconstruction?

-use of terrorism to prevent African Americans from voting -use of armed coercion to force all white males to join the Democratic Party

From the 1860s to the early 1900s, the U.S. government paid Civil War pensions to which of the following groups?

-white war veterans -African American war veterans -widows of white soldiers

The "Open Door" proposals

-would allow the U.S. to do business in China without fear of interference. -were directed to imperial powers in Europe and Asia.

What was the official "mint ratio" of ounces of silver to one ounce of gold?


In the twentieth century, urban areas were defined as communities of more than ______.


Why did the Americans abandon their original plan and quickly mobilize troops to proceed to Santiago?

A Spanish fleet slipped passed the American navy and into Santiago harbor.

In 1896, the Democratic political platform

A. adopted several, but not all, major Populist issues.

What is the role of wealthy people in the "gospel of wealth"?

Become trustees for the poor.

The Hispanic residents of California in the nineteenth century were known as


After designing New York's ___ Park, Olmsted and Vaux created parks for several other major cities.


The Pullman strike temporarily stopped railroad travel from ______ to the Pacific Coast.


What Indian leader said, "I am tired. My heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever"?

Chief Joseph

Which of the following was a provision of the Chinese Exclusion Act?

Chinese immigrants could not become U.S. citizens.

Anti-Chinese activities in the latter part of the nineteenth century were the result of the resentment of white workers toward

Chinese laborers accepting lower wages.

What group of Indians was the last to maintain resistance against white intrusion?

Chiricahua Apaches

Baseball first became very popular at the end of the

Civil War.

What will be the eventual outcome if people adhere to the "gospel of wealth," according to Carnegie?

Class differences would be lessened.

Luna Park and Dreamland were extravagant attractions of ___ ___ in Brooklyn.

Coney Island

During Reconstruction, there was a "pause" in readmitting the states of the former Confederacy between 1868 and 1870. What caused that "pause"?

Congress added an additional requirement that states ratify the Fifteenth Amendment.

Which group thought that Southern states should only need to accept abolition before being readmitted to the Union?

Conservative Republicans

Which one of these new dependencies presented serious problems to the United States at the beginning of the twentieth century?


Which of the following best characterizes Grant's and most Republicans' position during the Panic of 1873?

Currency should be "sound" and based firmly on gold reserves.

Why was the battle over patronage so prominent in the late nineteenth century?

Distributing government appointments was one of the few powers of the president.

Which of the following was an advance in medical practice in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century?

Doctors began to accept the assumption that a symptom was not itself a disease.

How does Carnegie use history to explain his view about Christian charity?

Economic conditions have changed, requiring a new outlook on society.

What was the outcome of most efforts to improve Chinese working conditions on the transcontinental railroad?

Efforts failed, and the Chinese returned to work.

What was the outcome of most efforts to improve Chinese working conditions on the transcontinental railroad?

Efforts failed, and the Chinese returned to work.

After the war with Spain, President McKinley appointed which of the following as secretary of war and assigned him to overhaul the armed forces?

Elihu Root

How did cultural activities change between the early nineteenth and late nineteenth century?

Elites began developing a cultural life apart from the masses.

Who ran for president several times on the Socialist Party of America's ticket?

Eugene V. Debs

True or false: By the late nineteenth century, the federal government in the United States was both modernized and powerful.


True or false: Populism grew quickly because of its large and diverse constituency of supporters.


True or false: The rise of consumerism had little impact on the lives of American women.


Federal legislation passed in 1914 to regulate trade and prevent business monopolies included which of the following?

Federal Trade Commission Act Clayton Antitrust Act

With the 1870 passage of the ______ Amendment, which gave all male citizens the right to vote, many reformers felt that African Americans should be able to take care of themselves.


This map shows the years in which the states of the former Confederacy were readmitted to the Union and the years for the reestablishment of white, conservative government. Drag and drop the descriptor to the appropriate place on the map.

First - Tennessee State w/ Virginia (1970) - Texas Last - Mississippi

The ______ Amendment guarantees citizenship to everyone born in the United States.


Which statement about education in the late nineteenth century is false?

Free public primary and secondary education was universal.

Among the casualties at the Battle of Little Bighorn was a man known for his skirmishes with Native Americans. Who was this man?

George Custer

Which of the following states had the MOST commercial centers, urban cotton centers, and rural cotton centers in 1880?


The shared border between which two states (along a river) had a cluster of counties with 35 to 80 percent sharecropped farms?

Georgia and South Carolina

The Alabama claims were the result of the diplomatic work of

Hamilton Fish.

Why was President McKinley against granting the Filipinos independence?

He believed that they were unfit for self-government.

Which of the following was not a reason Americans disapproved of President Grant?

He ignored established party members in favor of reform-minded politicians.

Which of the following statements about William Howard Taft is true?

He left the presidency as the most decisively defeated president in the twentieth century.

What happened in the opening months of Taft's administration, when he called Congress into special session to lower protective tariff rates?

He made no subsequent effort to overcome the opposition of congressional Old Guard conservatives.

The most famous settlement house of the progressive era was___ House in Chicago.


Which of the following best describes the effect immigrant workers had on labor unions?

Immigrant workers resisted organizing, thereby weakening unions.

Which best describes how late-nineteenth-century immigrants to the United States differed from immigrants to other countries?

Immigrants to other countries tended to come from only one or two other nations.

What happened at Osawatomie, Kansas, in 1910?

In a speech, Theodore Roosevelt signaled his intention to lead the reform wing of his party.

What were the primary trends in Southern agriculture in the 1870s and 1880s? What were the trends in tenancy from Reconstruction to the turn of the century?

In the 1870s and 1880s, Southern agriculture was mainly cash crops that were being farmed by tenants - this is called sharecropping. Tenants were poor laborers who would get a portion of the crop as payment. During reconstruction, tenant farming increased tremendously. One third or more of the farmers were tenants. By 1900 it increased to 70%.

Which of the following was an effect of the federal government's policy of placing Indians on reservations?

Indians were displaced to various undesirable lands.

The ideology of ____ stressed that every individual had a chance to succeed and attain great wealth.


How did the climate of the early 1870s affect westward migration?

Intense rainfall caused many farmers to relocate to the Great Plains.

Which of the following are true of the Chinese Exclusion Act?

It banned Chinese in the United States from becoming naturalized citizens. It resulted in a dramatic decline in the Chinese population in the United States.

What action did the U.S. government take that made sugar-growing fundamental in the Hawaiian economy?

It eliminated duties on Hawaiian sugar.

Which of the following is true of the western agricultural economy in the late nineteenth century?

It enclosed land once used as hunting terrain for Indians and open range for cattle.

Which of the following is true of the Foraker Act of 1900?

It established an American colonial government over Puerto Rico.

How did limited liability entice investors to purchase stock?

It excused investors from debts beyond the money they invested.

How did the application of Taylorism affect workers?

It increased their dependence on their employers.

What effect did the boom-and-bust cycle have on industrial workers?

It made their wages highly unstable.

Which of the following is true of plains farm life during the late nineteenth century?

It often lacked any access to the outside world.

Which of the following is true of Taylorism?

It organized industrial production into many simple tasks.

Congress's response to the South's discriminatory laws included which of the following?

It passed the first Civil Rights Act.

Which of the following is true about mining in the Far West in the latter part of the nineteenth century?

It produced the region's first economic boom.

Which of the following describe Theodore Roosevelt's Bull Moose Party?

It was founded in the wake of the 1912 Republican Convention. It was also known as the Progressive Party.

Which of the following is true of the island of Puerto Rico?

It was part of the Spanish Empire from 1508 until 1898. The native people of the island were decimated by disease.

Which of the following is true of the Dawes Severalty Act of 1887?

It was seen by many in the United States government as a plan to save the Indians.

What banker bought Andrew Carnegie's interests and merged them with others to create the United States Steel Corporation, which controlled almost two-thirds of the nation's steel production at the turn of the twentieth century?

J. P. Morgan

Who first translated President McKinley's statements about access to China into a U.S. policy when he addressed messages to the imperial powers, which became known as the "Open Door notes"?

John Hay

Which of the following was the nation's leading preservationist and the founder of the Sierra Club?

John Muir

President Lincoln was attending a play at Ford's Theater when he was shot by

John Wilkes Booth.

Which of the following was the outcome of congressional Radicals' attempt to remove President Johnson from office?

Johnson was impeached by the House but acquitted by the Senate.

At the conclusion of President Andrew Johnson's impeachment trial,

Johnson was spared conviction by one vote.

The American Federation of Labor emerged as a rival of the

Knights of Labor.

Which of the following is true regarding work conditions in American factories in 1900?

Laborers could expect to work at least sixty hours a week.

Who believed that society's best hope lay in an active government engaged in positive planning?

Lester Frank Ward

A group of ______ opposed President Grant's reelection and broke with the rest of the party to nominate Horace Greeley.

Liberal Republicans

The first Jew and most advanced progressive to serve on the Supreme Court was

Louis D. Brandeis.

Which American writer would be least associated with the trend toward social realism in literature in the late nineteenth century?

Louisa May Alcott

Which of the following famous works is an example of urban literary realism?

Maggie: A Girl of the Streets

Which of the following are true of industrial workers at the turn of the century?

Many had trouble adjusting to the strict routines and repetitive tasks of modern industrial labor. Many former artisans found the new system impersonal and demeaning.

The author and humorist who wrote The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was

Mark Twain.

Which of the following resulted from the decline in government support for research?

More skilled researchers were available to corporations.

Which of the following accurately describes conditions for Southern blacks in the aftermath of the Civil War?

Most of the 3.5 million emerging from bondage had nowhere to go.

Why was the role of women in progressive reform movements so striking?

Most people of the time believed that women were not suited for the public world.

Which faction of the Republican Party announced it would support a Democrat for president in the election of 1884?


Which Indian tribe tried to flee to Canada after several younger members of their tribe killed four white settlers while they were in the process of being moved to a reservation?

Nez Percé

Match the individual with his role in the development of the automotive industry.

Nicolaus August Otto - designed a gasoline-powered four-stroke engine Gottfried Daimler - created a portable internal combustion engine Henry Ford - completed the first of many cars in 1896 Charles and Frank Duryea - made the first gasoline-powered American automobile

The northernmost urban cotton center in 1880 was in which of the following states?

North Carolina

In 1887, the U.S. Navy established a base in Hawaii at

Pearl Harbor.

Why did the mint stop coining silver in the 1870s?

People stopped bringing it to the mint because it had a higher commercial value.

What political movement resulted from the frustrations of rural America in the late nineteenth century?


Which of the following is true of General Shafter's advance on Santiago?

Problems of disease and supply hampered the undertaking.

The process by which the federal government, between 1865 and 1877, controlled the former Confederate states and set the conditions for their readmission to the Union was called


Roosevelt did not intend to run for president in 1912 but changed his mind after

Senator Robert La Follette's campaign stumbled.

When Carnegie speaks of the "survival of the fittest," what philosophy of his is revealed?

Social Darwinism

Daniel De Leon, an immigrant from the West Indies, led the ______ for numerous years.

Socialist Labor Party

How did the Chinese respond to working conditions on the transcontinental railroad?

Some went on strike to combat low pay and terrible conditions.

Which of the following was not part of Andrew Johnson's "Restoration" plan?

Southern congressmen had to take an oath that they had not raised arms against the United States.

Which of the following are true of the 1867 congressional plan for Reconstruction?

Ten Confederate states were put into five military districts. Congress rejected the Southern governments set up under Lincoln's and Johnson's plans.

What was the first state to be readmitted to the Union following the Civil War?


Which state accepted the offer of the Radical Republicans to readmit to the Union any state whose legislature ratified the Fourteenth Amendment?


Which of the following states had the FEWEST commercial centers in 1880?


Why did the Indians' actions at Little Bighorn ultimately fail?

The Indians lacked the political organization or supplies to keep their troops united.

Which best describes why corporations began investing in research and development?

The U.S. government began to reduce funding for research.

Which of the following were among the terms of the Platt Amendment?

The United States reserved the right to intervene in Cuba in an emergency. Cuba was not allowed to enter into foreign treaties. Cuba had to allow the United States to establish naval stations in its territory.

Which of the following statements regarding the Spanish-American War are true?

The bulk of U.S. forces were National Guard units. Cuban rebels did most of the fighting even after the Americans joined in the war. The Cuban insurgents had much higher casualty rates than the Americans. The war lasted only a few months and there were fewer than 500 American battle casualties.

Which of the following happened after William Jennings Bryan gave his "Cross of Gold" speech at the Democratic Convention?

The convention adopted a pro-silver platform. He gained the Democratic nomination for president.

How did the crop-lien system contribute to the shift in Southern agriculture toward one-crop farming?

The crop-lien system contributed to the shift toward one-crop farming because farmers need to pay their debts. So instead of growing a wide variety of crops, they focused one growing cash crops.

Despite the differences in the various immigrant communities, virtually all groups had certain characteristics in common, including which of the following?

The immigrants settled in cities. Ethnic ties had to compete with the desire for assimilation. Most of the immigrants were young.

The land-grant institutions were specifically meant to further knowledge in

The land-grant institutions were specifically meant to further knowledge in

Which of the following was a tenet of the "gospel of wealth"?

The rich should make philanthropic donations to good causes.

Which of the following were among the scandals that plagued the Grant administration?

The secretary of war accepted bribes to keep an Indian-post trader in office. A construction company working with the Union Pacific created fraudulent contracts. Members of the Treasury Department were operating a "whiskey ring" that filed fraudulent tax reports.

How did the phrase square deal figure in the 1904 elections?

Theodore Roosevelt used it to describe his behavior in the 1902 coal strike.

The order to attack the Spanish fleet in the Philippines came from

Theodore Roosevelt.

What does Carnegie believe has changed about living conditions in the past centuries?

There are greater differences between classes.

How did the works of Mark Twain romanticize frontier America?

They depicted freedom from social constraints.

Which of the following is true of white beliefs about tribal sovereignty that were held before 1860?

They did not withstand the desire of white settlers for more Indian lands.

How were commercial farmers different from independent ones?

They focused on both national and world markets.

Which of the following best describes most former slaves' economic status at the end of the Civil War?

They had no possessions except for the clothes they wore.

How did many former slaves respond to the end of the Civil War?

They left plantations, looking for a better life elsewhere.

Why did the modern corporation become popular among railroad magnates and other industrialists after the Civil War?

They liked the idea of being able to undertake big projects with manageable financial risk. They realized that their ventures could not be financed by a single person.

How did U.S. expansion to California affect most members of the Mexican aristocracy in the region?

They lost their land and were forced into poverty and unskilled labor.

Which of the following was an advantage department stores had over other stores?

They made shopping alluring and glamorous.

In the late 1800s and early 1900s, a popular form of entertainment was vaudeville, which featured a variety of acts. What made these vaudeville acts notable?

They often featured black performers.

Why did most whites engage in the practice of Indian hunting?

They wanted to eliminate a race of people they thought were inhuman.

How did the role of Mexicans change in late-nineteenth-century New Mexico?

They were forced into low-paying labor jobs.

What did progressives believe was wrong with state legislatures?

They were too controlled by party bosses.

Which of the following is true of African American officeholders in the South during Reconstruction?

They were underrepresentative of the black population.

Which best describes why the wealthy contributed to building public spaces in urban centers?

They wished to advance their own social status.

Click and drag the descriptions to their proper locations on the map. Then answer the questions that follow.

This state had four commercial centers in 1880. - Georgia This state had two commercial centers, one of which was located near the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, in 1880. - Alabama This state's sharecropping was mostly limited to its eastern counties in 1880. - texas

What did Wilson do after the congressional elections of 1914?

To gain the support of members of the Progressive Party, he supported a second round of reforms.

True or false: A distinction between "highbrow" and "lowbrow" culture developed in the industrial era.


True or false: By doing research that was directly applicable to the problems of the time, universities played a vital role in the economic development of the United States.


True or false: Many freed slaves searched for their lost relatives during Reconstruction.


True or false: Tammany Hall, the nation's oldest and most notorious political machine, sometimes used its political power on behalf of progressive social reform legislation.


True or false: Without the knowledge of his superiors, Assistant Secretary of the Navy Theodore Roosevelt gave orders to America's Asiatic Squadron to engage the Spanish fleet in the Philippines should hostilities with Spain occur.


Where did American football originate?

U.S. colleges and universities

Who was Theodore Roosevelt's most trusted lieutenant and his handpicked successor, who was elected president in 1908?

William Howard Taft

Who was the first civilian American governor of the Philippines?

William Howard Taft

Who among the following were New York newspaper publishers that sensationalized the violence of the Cuban civil war in their intense battle to gain circulation?

William Randolph Hearst Joseph Pulitzer

For the Populists, the results of the 1896 election were

a disaster and resulted in its eventual dissolution.

Writer Louis D. Brandeis was also

a lawyer and Supreme Court justice.

One of the first objectives of the AFL was

a national eight-hour workday.

To end the Panic of 1907, Roosevelt agreed to

a plan by J. P. Morgan to prop up shaky financial institutions.

What was one goal of "Coxey's Army"?

a public jobs program

Who was Thorstein Veblen?

a social scientist who believed the economy should be run by engineers

Which of the following would be more likely to vote for the Democratic Party in the late nineteenth century?

a southerner a Catholic

The dates in red on the map indicate the years in which the states of the former Confederacy were "redeemed." What was "redemption"?

a term used by white Southerners to describe a return of white conservative elites to political power

During Radical Reconstruction, military commanders were tasked with registering qualified voters. Who was included in that category?

adult black males and white males who had not fought for the Confederacy

Pursuant to the Jones Act of 1917,

all Puerto Ricans are American citizens.

How did the Radical Reconstruction bills define the voters who could elect representatives to state constitutional conventions?

all adult black males and those white males who had not participated in the rebellion

Who was allowed to vote under the Fifteenth Amendment?

all male citizens regardless of color

Jingoes believed that a stronger assertion of power abroad would result in

an easing of domestic tensions.

What spurred the rise of public schooling?

an increasing demand for specialized skills and scientific knowledge

What was it about the amusement parks of Coney Island that people found so appealing?

an opportunity for escape hints of sexual freedom

Under the Populists' program, farmers would take their crops to public warehouses

and receive government loans until they could sell their commodities.

After battling American troops in a battle at White Bird Canyon, the Nez Percé

attempted to flee to Canada.

As president, Rutherford B. Hayes's only issue of substance was

attempting to form a system of civil service.

In the late nineteenth century, fences for plains farms were usually made from

barbed wire.

Which of the following correctly describe settlement houses in the United States?

based originally on similar programs in England focused on helping immigrants adapt

During the progressive era, political interest groups

began to replace parties as political power centers.

By the fall of 1914, President Woodrow Wilson

believed his reform program had largely been accomplished.

The political battles between Stalwarts and Half-Breeds was a fight

between traditionalists and reformers.

In the immediate aftermath of the Civil War, Southern states enacted laws known as ___ ___ the to maintain white southerners' power over former slaves.

black codes

The largest group of Republicans in the South during Reconstruction were

black freedmen.

Which of the following best describes the agricultural economy in the West after the Civil War?


Political machines in cities were run by people known as urban


Some tribes of Plains Indians lived a sedentary life as farmers, but others subsisted on hunting ______, which provided the economic basis for Plains Indians' way of life.


Of the 7,400 telephone customers in the New York-New Jersey area in 1891, the majority were

businesses and organizations.

How did the United States respond to acts of Indian aggression?

by calling upon militias to subdue and destroy the Indians

The systematic placing of Indians on reservations was known as the "___" policy. (Please make sure to spell carefully and correctly, and only enter one word per space.)

concentration, consentration, or reservation

In 1900, the Republicans enacted the Currency Act, which

confirmed the nation's commitment to the gold standard.

The 1912 presidential election was an ideological contest between

conservatives and reformers. the "New Freedom" and the "New Nationalism." different types of progressivism.

In the nineteenth century, vaudeville theater

consisted of a variety of stage acts that were inexpensive to produce.

Which of the following best describes western farmers' attempts to cope with water shortages?


In order to accept Hayes as president, Southern Democrats required all the following concessions except

construction of an expensive new transportation hub in Georgia.

It was most common to find urban African Americans working which jobs in the late nineteenth century?

cooks domestic servants janitors

A derogatory term of Chinese indentured servants whose condition was close to slavery was


During Grant's second term, to many in the general public, "Grantism" became synonymous with


Like Horatio Alger's stories, Russell Conwell preached that individuals

could find wealth in their own backyards.

During Reconstruction, most poor rural Southerners relied on credit from

country stores

Which type of union was popular before the Civil War?


The settlement house movement was most directed at which aspect of society that greatly distressed urban reformers?

crowded immigrant neighborhoods

A voter's party identification in the nineteenth century was usually a reflection of

cultural inclinations.

In Louis D. Brandeis's 1913 book Other People's Money, he wrote about the

curse of bigness.

Which of the following best describes the political ideology of Theodore Roosevelt?

decidedly conservative in many respects

Adopted by most states in the 1880s and 1890s, secret ballots ______ the power of the major political parties.


For political reformers, the temperance movement continued their work of

decreasing the power of the party bosses.

In the 1860s, the Black Codes were

designed to limit the political power and mobility of black Americans.

Reformer W. E. B. Du Bois argued that the ideas of rival Booker T. Washington served to do which of the following?

discourage African Americans from actively seeking their civil rights limit African American aspirations

Which of the following were responsible for the loss of Indian population in California between 1850 and 1880?

disease Indian hunters poverty

In the late nineteenth century, efforts to reduce poverty in America were

dominated by those who believed that too much assistance would breed dependency.

In the American business community at the end of the nineteenth century,

economic power was centered in the hands of a very few men. 1 percent of businesses controlled one-third of all manufacturing.

Which of the following describes the greatest obstacle faced by African Americans in asserting their rights during Reconstruction?

economic pressure, such as refusals to rent land or extend credit

The most important accomplishment of the Reconstruction governments was a dramatic improvement in


What led American planters in Hawaii to stage a revolution in 1890 and call on the U.S. for protection?

elimination of the Hawaiian sugar exemption from American tariffs

Which of the following was not among the reactions of Northerners to Lincoln's assassination?

embracing Lincoln's plans for Reconstruction and a quick peace with the South

Vivid descriptions of the meatpacking industry in Upton Sinclair's novel The Jungle helped

encourage the passage of food and drug legislation.

At of the turn of the century, the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 was

enforced more against labor unions than business combinations.

Under the Fourteenth Amendment, American citizens received

equal protection of state and federal laws.

Workers in the West had greater ______ than those in the East.

ethnic diversity

Many progressive supporters of immigration restrictions justified their views by appealing to ______, a field that involved grading ethnic groups according to their alleged genetic qualities.


Baptist minister Russell H. Conwell believed that great wealth was available to


Progressive reforms in the West focused on the federal government because the federal government

exercised enormous power over western land and provided substantial subsidies to the region.

At the end of the nineteenth century, American jingoes supported

expanding foreign trade.

As a way to solve social problems, progressives most valued


True or false: Across the United States, women supported progressive reform by effectively forming voting blocs that supported progressive candidates and initiatives.


True or false: The Bessemer process produced small amounts of steel.


Theodore Roosevelt showed himself to be a champion of moderate change by

filing more than forty antitrust lawsuits. forcing impartial federal arbitration in a 1902 strike.

The new immigrants came to America in part to

find new economic opportunities. escape oppression. escape poverty.

Pacific Coast Indians supported themselves by participating in agriculture as well as

fishing and foraging.

The western agricultural economy of the 1870 and 1880s

flourished for a short time before making a long, steady decline.

The United States concentration policy for Indians

forced Indian tribes to live in specific, defined reservations.

Those who wanted the government to increase the amount of money in circulation during the Panic of 1873

formed their own political organization known as the National Greenback Party.

During the 1912 Republican Convention, Theodore Roosevelt

fought President Taft for the nomination to the Republican Party ticket.

William Jennings Bryan's famous "Cross of Gold" speech was given at the Democratic Convention of 1896 in support of

free silver.

Which of the following was a major goal of the Freedmen's Bureau that it failed to achieve?

fundamentally reforming land ownership in the South

During the progressive era, the Socialist Party of America

gained strength.

Settling in ethnic communities helped immigrants adjust to life in the United States by

giving them access to information in their own languages.

In 1849, settlers swarmed to California because of the discovery of ______ in the region.


Progressives believed that before they could effectively reform society, they first needed to reform


The Populists demanded a number of changes be made by the federal government, including which of the following?

government ownership of railroads a graduated income tax direct election of U.S. senators

Louis D. Brandeis argued that the

government should work to break up large corporations.

Progressives believed that the power of private interest groups could be controlled by


Andrew Johnson's "Restoration" plan required Southern states to do all of the following except

grant blacks the right to vote.

Roosevelt's new policy, as outlined in his speech in Osawatomie, Kansas, called for

greater federal government activism.

What caused American industry to expand during the late nineteenth century?

growth of the domestic market

In the late nineteenth century, American universities

had a strong commitment to practical knowledge. grew in number due to the Morrill Land Grant Act. began to form relationships with the private sector and the government.

According to the wealthy capitalists of the era, those who were unable to achieve wealth and power

had only themselves to blame.

Most white Southerners expected the postwar South would

have local autonomy without federal government interference.

Which of the following were major grievances western farmers had in the late nineteenth century?

high interest rates crop prices inflated rail costs

What was the only issue that McKinley and his allies fully committed themselves to?

higher tariff rates

Roosevelt's extreme popularity was the result of

his broad conception of presidential powers.

Which of the following describes a form of corporate consolidation where a group of businesses that do the same thing are consolidated?

horizontal integration

While scientists originally applied the term eugenics to discussion of hybrids and breeds of animals and plants, some scientists used eugenics to theorize that

human inequalities were hereditary.

What did Lester Frank Ward believe controlled society?

human intellect

After the Maine disaster, Commodore George Dewey was given orders to attack the Spanish fleet in the Philippines

if hostilities with Spain occurred.

Which of the following most accounted for the increase in urban populations in the half century after the Civil War?


Progressives believed that

improving society required direct, purposeful human intervention.

When did Radical Reconstruction begin?

in 1867

Immigrants to U.S. cities tended to settle

in clusters or neighborhoods.

The greatest contributor to disease in the poor urban neighborhoods of the late nineteenth century was

inadequate sanitation.

Until its repeal in 1885, the Labor Contract Law

indebted many new immigrants to American businessmen.

Professional organizations, labor organizations, and other groups that try to publicize their political views outside the major political parties are known as

interest groups

Which of the following contributed to the development of the first automobiles?

internal combustion engine gasoline

In his books The Theory of Prosperity and The New Basis of Civilization, economist Simon Patten challenged long-standing views of


As working hours declined for many late-nineteenth-century workers, ___ time rose.

leisure, free, vacation, or recreation

Among African Americans at the beginning of the twentieth century, Booker T. Washington's ideas were ______ they had been at the end of the nineteenth century.

less popular than

In 1852, to exclude the Chinese from mining, the California legislature

levied a tax on foreign miners.

Which of the following Christian movements harmonized scientific discoveries with their religious beliefs?

liberal Protestantism

Progressives believed that society should

limit monopolies and concentrated power. work toward social cohesion.

Which best describes the middle-class response to late-nineteenth-century urban poverty?


In 1865, Southern whites defined freedom as ______, and Southern blacks defined freedom as ______.

local and regional autonomy; independence from white control

Which of the following most contributed to agrarian malaise?


Ranchers moved cattle substantial distances from ranges to railroad centers in procedures called

long drives.

The Knights of Labor were most interested in

long-range economic reform.

The use of blood transfusions in medical treatments allowed for

longer and more elaborate operations.

During the 1840s, many Hispanics living in California

lost their land and became part of the lower end of the state's working class.

Which of the following were functions of the federal government during the late nineteenth century?

maintaining a military conducting foreign policy delivering the mail administering Civil War pensions

Women who attended college, after the Civil War, tended to

marry later than women who did not attend college.

In the later part of the nineteenth century, urban growth made which of the following a necessity?

mass transit

Incidents such as the Sand Creek massacre illustrated the tensions between the Cheyenne and Arapaho and the area's


As compared to rural areas, late-nineteenth-century cities had

more respiratory disease from poor air quality.

Which of the following refers to a progressive-era journalist who worked to expose scandal, corruption, and injustice?


The first target of political reformers during the progressive era was

municipal governments.

Which of the following correctly describe events of the conspiracy of April 1865?

n associate of Booth's abandoned a plan to murder the vice president. Booth was shot and killed by Union troops.

Which of the following was most responsible for American journalism's development of a professional identity?

new communication technologies

The consumer economy had which of the following effects on women?

new employment opportunities

Newfound leisure time resulted in

new forms of recreation and entertainment.

The "ten percent" in Lincoln's Ten Percent Plan referred to the

number of white voters required to take loyalty oaths before setting up a state government.

After the Civil War, many former slaves sought to

obtain land of their own.

African American clubwomen ______ belonged to white-majority clubs.


Muckrakers aided the political reforms sought by progressives by encouraging

outrage at the corruption in city politics.

Which of the following was the most important achievement of Reconstruction in the lives of future generations of African Americans?

passage of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments

National support for Reconstruction was undermined by

perceptions of black-and-carpetbag misgovernment in the South. the growing political strength of Democrats. the Panic of 1873. the adoption of the Fifteenth Amendment.

Which of the following describes the majority of white Northerners who moved to the South during Reconstruction?

planters, businessmen, or professionals who viewed the South as a promising frontier

As the Grange grew, it began to focus on

political action.

Which of the following were urban immigrants' primary source of help in adjusting to life in America?

political machines

Prior to the adoption of the secret ballot,

political parties printed tickets that voters deposited into ballot boxes.

Informal agreements among various companies to stabilize rates and divide markets were known as

pool arrangements.

Which aspect of poverty most alarmed the middle class of the late nineteenth century?

poor children in the cities

Tenement buildings in urban America were initially

praised as an improvement in housing for the poor.

During the late nineteenth century, college education for American women

produced a spirit of collective identity and access to communities outside the family.

As a presidential candidate in 1912, Woodrow Wilson proposed a program later known as the New Freedom, a program that was


One of the most striking features of progressivism was the

prominence of women in reform movements.

Which of the following were cornerstones of Theodore Roosevelt's approach to natural resources?

public irrigation projects public reclamation projects the expansion of the National Park System

By 1914, William Randolph Hearst was a prominent member of what industry?


The principal agent of industrial development in the late nineteenth century was

railroad expansion.

Which two of the following were vital to the expansion of railroad track miles?

railroad mergers government subsidies

The farmers' most burning grievance in the late nineteenth century was against the


Which of the following groups eventually established more permanent economies in areas with mineral strikes?

ranchers and cattle herders

In the late nineteenth century, political "machines" in cities owed their existence to the

rapid growth of urban America and the influx of millions of immigrants.

American Jewish leaders adopted ____ Judaism to make their faith less "foreign" to the dominant culture.


Before the congressional elections of 1914, President Wilson

refused to support new reform legislation.

Of the several factors affecting Americans' loyalty to their chosen party, which appears to have been the most important?


Women's clubs played a major role in efforts to achieve which of the following?

regulate the food and drug industries provide government support for needy families regulate the conditions of child labor

What was not accomplished at the founding convention of the People's Party in 1892?

rejection of the idea of currency based on silver

The 1895 rebellion of José Martí in Cuba attracted the attention of the American people as the result of

reports by popular newspaper accounts of Spanish atrocities.

In most respects Andrew Johnson's Restoration

resembled the Wade-Davis Bill.

Which of the following did American cattlemen and cowboys adopt from Mexican ranchers?

roundups spurs roping saddles branding

The Republicans' Specie Resumption Act

satisfied creditors.

White Southerners who supported the Republican Party during Reconstruction were known in the South as


The Payne-Aldrich Tariff of 1909, which resulted from a special session of Congress called by Taft, resulted in

scarcely reduced protective tariff rates.

What were black "academies"?

schools that offered advanced education for black people

Which of the following best describes the researchers who staffed corporate research laboratories?

scientists and engineers who had lost their traditional forms of support

In the election of 1892, Populist candidates were successful in gaining which of the following offices?

seats in Congress state governorships seats in state legislatures

In 1873, the congressional law that officially discontinued silver coinage was

seen by many as a conspiracy by big bankers.

In the late nineteenth century, reformer Booker T. Washington urged African Americans to work for

self-improvement rather than social change.

When Congress investigated the Crédit Mobilier construction company, it discovered

several Republicans, including the vice president, accepted stock in the company instead of investigating its wrongdoing.

Which of the following most accurately characterizes the depression that followed the Panic of 1893?

severe and persistent

Which of the following were among the activities most women preferred to spend their time on in the early twentieth century?

shopping going to luncheonettes going to tea rooms

Which of the following best describes the mining boom in the West?


Many industrial workers faced ten-hour days, ______ days a week.


In the late nineteenth century, middle-class families were typically ______ they had been in previous generations.

smaller than

Which of the following best describes commercial farmers of the late nineteenth century?


Which of the following was a source of industrial growth in American industry in the late nineteenth century?

surge in technological innovation large and growing labor supply abundant raw materials

In the 1870s, many western settlers expanded their landholdings by

taking advantage of government acts such as the Timber Culture Act.

In the late nineteenth century, the majority of professional women worked as

teachers. social workers.

What was most crucial to the development of national press services?


What legislation provided for the gradual elimination of most tribal land ownership and alloted tracts of land to individual owners?

the Dawes Severalty Act

Which of the following legislation was passed during Theodore Roosevelt's administration?

the Hepburn Railroad Regulation Act the Pure Food and Drug Act the Meat Inspection Act

Which group was most instrumental in quashing the Homestead Strike?

the National Guard

Which of the following contributed to Theodore Roosevelt's decision not to seek a third term in 1908?

the Panic of 1907 his troubled relationship with conservative Republicans a public promise he had made several years earlier

The first to adopt the new corporate form of organization was

the Pennsylvania and other railroads.

In what labor event did Eugene V. Debs play a major role?

the Pullman strike

In 1912, Theodore Roosevelt ran for president, in part, because

the Taft administration implied Roosevelt had acted improperly as president.

Which sectors of American society were extremely worried about what would happen if William Jennings Bryan won the presidency in 1896?

the financial community the business community

Which of the following conditions were of key importance to the development of the professions?

the growth of cities advances in technology the growth of industry

To many progressives, which of the following was most damaging to cities?

the impact of party rule

In the mid-nineteenth century, the Plains Indians were

the most widespread Indian groups in the West.

As a result of the Spanish-American War, American military planners realized

the need to improve glaring deficiencies in the Army.

Fluctuations in the economy beginning in 1873 made Americans begin to question

the power of monopoly.

What issue most inflamed public opinion during the administration of Benjamin Harrison?

the power of trusts

The Federal Trade Commission Act and the Clayton Antitrust Act were proposed by Wilson to address what issue that was central to his 1912 campaign?

the problem of monopoly

According to the ideas expressed by Andrew Carnegie in The Gospel of Wealth,

the rich should use their wealth to advance social progress.

The greatest American debate over the consequences of the Spanish-American War involved

the status of the Philippines.

American expansionists justified their position that strong nations should dominate weaker ones using which of the following sources?

the theories of Charles Darwin

Which of the following brought about the collapse of the Pullman Strike?

the use of federal troops and the jailing of union leaders

What was the initial American plan for invading Cuba?

to begin with extensive training

Why did urban leaders begin to arrange for the creation of city parks?

to create an antidote to urban congestion

Why did southern blacks move to urban areas in the late 1800s?

to escape rural poverty and oppression

Why were the first tenements built?

to improve the cheap housing available to the poor

What was the purpose of the Freedmen's Bureau's "Circular 13"?

to lease 40-acre plots to ex-slaves with the intention of eventually selling it to themto lease 40-acre plots to ex-slaves with the intention of eventually selling it to them

Why did many progressives believe that alcohol should be eliminated from American life?

to restore order to American society

For what reason, described in his inaugural address, did President Hayes withdraw troops from Southern states and allow white Democrats to take over Southern state governments?

to restore peaceful local self-government

What was the purpose of the National Consumers League?

to utilize the power of female consumers to improve working conditions

Under a trust agreement, individual stockholders

transfer corporate stocks in exchange for shares in the trust.

Cheap three-story wooden houses in Boston were called


True or false: By "demonetizing" silver, Congress foreclosed a potential method of expanding the currency.


True or false: In reality, Reconstruction in general did not negatively affect the lives of Southern white elites.


True or false: Mark Twain's characters Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer tried to escape into a more natural world.


True or false: Progressives believed that government must play a role in the improvement and stabilization of society.


True or false: Subsidies from federal, state, and local governments contributed to the expansion of the railroad system across the United States.


True or false: The Compromise of 1877 effectively ended Reconstruction.


True or false: The exclusion of certain groups from professional organizations kept membership down, which ensured that the demand for services of those already in the profession remained high.


True or false: To fulfill the common wisdom that 40 acres and a mule were the building blocks of any stable household, Freedmen's Bureau officials would sometimes secure mules for freed people.


True or false: Under the Radical Reconstruction bills of 1867, states seeking re-admission to the Union had to give adult black males the right to vote.


Which of the following were developed to facilitate nineteenth-century corporate consolidation?

trusts pools holding companies

The Panic of 1873 affected Reconstruction by

undermining support for Reconstruction policies.

The election of 1884 is best characterized as


Which group would most likely be rejected by the AFL?

unskilled workers

Attempts by educational reformers to extend educational opportunities to Indian tribes were

unsuccessful because they were unpopular with their intended beneficiaries.

In 1920 it was revealed that for the first time the majority of Americans lived in

urban areas.

Support for the Socialist Party of America was strongest among

urban immigrants.

Lincoln Steffens wrote extensively of the need to reform

urban politics.

Radicals in the House led the charge to impeach President Johnson after he

violated the Tenure of Office Act by firing Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton.

Middle-class Americans were troubled by tactics of the Molly Maguires in part because they were


Before the Civil War, most settlers traveled through the Great Plains in


Western agricultural life was defined by ___ shortages.

water, rain, or rainfall

Which group of men did American football initially appeal to?

wealthy elite

Who contributed most to the development of public buildings like museums and theaters?

wealthy residents

The most distinctive quality of women in professions during the progressive era was that women

were concentrated in professions that society considered "suitable."

Most of the western progressive reformers

were current or former U.S. senators.

By the end of Reconstruction, most Southern black women

were engaged in income-producing activities.

Industrial workers at the turn of the century

were never very far from poverty.

As the nation's immigrant population grew, progressives

were split, with some arguing for assimilation and others for immigration restrictions.

Which of the following was a direct result of the landscapes of the Rocky Mountain school?

western tourism

The dual labor system that developed in the West was characterized by unequal treatment of

white and nonwhite racial groups.

Theodore Roosevelt's call for stringent regulatory reforms

widened the gulf between the president and the conservative wing of his party. ostracized him from the members of the Progressive Party.

As president, Theodore Roosevelt

wished to give the government the power to investigate corporate activities.

Which of the following groups were allowed to join the Knights of Labor?

women factory workers

Which was most important to advancing women's education in the post-Civil War era?

women's colleges

The largest single reform movement of the progressive era was probably the fight for

women's right to vote.

Which was most important to advancing women's education in the post-Civil War era?

womens colleges

Uriah S. Stephens founded the Knights of Labor to advocate for


How did progressive reformers seek to circumvent the boss-controlled legislatures?

working to increase the power of the electorate

Although they didn't know it, the primary root of the problem for farmers was

worldwide overproduction.

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