HIST 1302 CH. 21-26

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Which of the following occurred in the election of 1952?

- a long period of Democratic dominance ended - Eisenhower pledged to settle the Korean conflict - Nixon exploited the issue of domestic anticommunism

In the United States, the Korean War resulted in which of the following?

- anxiety over communism - economic growth - rising insecurity about America's position in the world

Truman's Fair Deal proposals included which of the following?

- public housing and slum clearance - government health insurance - an expansion of Social Security benefits

Which of the following emboldened the North Koreans to launch an invasion of the South?

- the US government's implication that Korea was not within its "defense perimeter" - the relative weakness of South Korea

Which of the following statements regarding the Allied development of an atomic bomb during World War II are accurate?

-Plutonium was a practical fuel for the bomb. -The program was code-named the Manhattan Project -The government secretly poured nearly $2 Billion into the project -The program proceeded at a faster pace that had been expected.

What were the two most important aims for Harry Hopkins in his administration of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration?

-Providing assistance to those with nowhere else to turn -Pumping money into the economy

How did the federal government raise money to pay for the war effort?

-Selling bonds -Increasing income taxes

What legal immigration loopholes did some Chinese women use to circumvent the minuscule immigrant quota restriction?

-entry rules for fiancees -The war bride provision

The heavy-handed action of the federal government during the Red Scare led to

A powerful backlash that gave new force to the Bill of Rights

Alsmith lost the presidential election of 1928 to Herbert Hoover partly as a result of his


The powerful backlash against the federal government's heavy-handed actions during the period of the "Red Scare" resulted in which of the following?

Creation of an organization for protecting civil liberties, which would become the ACLU End of A. Mitchell Palmer's career Damage to the Democratic Party

At the end of 1939, belligerents were still barred from buying arms in the United States


In World War I, the American Expeditionary Forces were led by

General John J. Pershing

The sacrifice of black soldiers in the war

Had almost no impact on white racial attitudes

Which of the following statements correctly describes the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters?

It was dominated and led by African-Americans

When did D-Day occur?


When he began his tenure as president, Wilson's experience in international affairs was


The Office of Price Administration was

Successful and unpopular

The term "Dollar Diplomacy" primarily referred to

Taft's efforts to extend American investments into less-developed regions

The most immediate military effect of the US entrance into the war was in

The Atlantic Ocean

What became known as the "China Lobby" formed around which ideas?

The State Department was primarily responsible for the defeat in China The US could have done more to prevent China from going to the communists

How did the British naval blockade of Germany threaten the ability of the United States to maintain its neutrality?

The US ended the trade with Germany but continued it with Britain

Despite defeat at Kasserine Pass, the Allies regrouped and were eventually successful in driving the Germans from North Africa in May 1943.


During the war years, audiences equal to about half the nation's population attended movies each week.


Even with the booming economy of the 1920s, the average annual income of workers remain below what was considered necessary to maintain a minimally decent standard of living


If it had been provided assistance from other nations, Czechoslovakia would have attempted to fight against German annexation of its territory in the Sudetenland.


The writing that broke out in Chicago in the summer of 1919 pitted

White against African-Americans

The atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima

affected future generations who suffered from birth defects.

The McCarran Internal Security Act of 1950 required _____ to register with the government

all communist organizations

Most Americans involved in the Spanish Civil War were

allied with the republican government fighting against the fascists

At a conference in Potsdam in July 1945, Truman

allowed Stalin to adjust the German-Polish border

The influential sit-down strike that began in December 1936 involved.


During the 1920s, Benito Mussolini's Fascist Party

became more nationalistic and militaristic

Fascism is a political ideology that favors

concentrated state power under a supreme leader

Immediately following World War I, the American economy

continued its boom

As the result of efforts by the congress of racial Equality (CORE), the

culture of civil rights activism in the black community was strengthened.

A treaty to make the United States a member of the World Court was

defeated by isolationist senators.

At their meeting in Morocco, Allied leaders agreed to

demand nothing less than unconditional surrender from the axis

In 1947, when it began a famous series of investigators, the House Un-American Activities Committee was

dominated by Republicans

Franklin Delano Roosevelt's personality could be best described as

ebullient and friendly

Stalin's true motivation for his actions after the war was to

ensure Soviet security

As a result of the world financial crisis, many new governments came to power that were committed to


During World War II, Chinese Americans

experienced less prejudice than before.

As the Korean War continued, Truman focused his economic policies on

fighting inflation

American Communist Party

formed the Lincoln Brigade, which fought against fascists in Spain

The GI Bill of 1944

gave housing and education subsidies to veterans

Roosevelt's campaign of 1940 was unprecedented in that

he was running for a third term

In 1919 in 1920, the nation experienced

high inflation

The Fair employment practices commission was established to

investigate racial discrimination in war industries

Race riots were not new in American history, but the riots of 1919 differed from those prior to World War I in that they

involved African Americans fighting back

What proportion of families in America were living at or below the minimum subsistence level in 1929?

more than half

The main American strategy to fight Japan was to

mount two offensive campaigns and attack the Japanese from two directions.

Roosevelt supported

neither anti-lynching legislation nor efforts to ban the poll tax.

Roosevelt responded to the problem of German submarine attacks by ordering the navy to

patrol the western Atlantic as far east as Iceland.

Nuclear weapons were made feasible by the discovery of the radioactivity of______in the 1930s.


The establishment of NATO

preceded the signing of the Warsaw Pact by several years

The Fourteen Points are best described as the

principles for which Wilson believed the nation was fighting

By mid-1951, the conflict in Korea had turned into a(n)

protracted stalemate along the 38th parallel

Techniques of mass production

quickly proved an advantage for the Allies.

During the Great Depression, American social values

seemed to change very little

Truman reacted to the growing strength of the communist movement in China by

sending arms and money to the movement's opponents

The Socialist Party of America

sought to find support among rural poor

Upon what faulty premise was the doctrine of containment based?

that communists sought to spread their ideology in a global revolution

Which of the following was the New Deal federal agency that called on business to accept the regulation of wages, hours, prices, and other labor prices in order to stabilize the economy, maintain the workforce, and reduce competition?

the National Recovery Administration

Which of the following refers to the board array of reform initiatives launched during the administration of Franklin Roosevelt in the 1930s?

the New Deal

Huey's Long program of wealth redistribution was known as

the Share-Our-Wealth Plan

According to the anticommunist John Birch Society, a prime result of the treason that infiltrated the US government was

the creation of the United Nations

The Cold War intensified in 1949 with

the first successful test of an atomic weapon by the Soviet Union

The first target of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) was

the movie industry

The rate of employment among women in traditionally female professional occupations decreased during the Depression because

unemployed men began taking jobs in these professions

President Herbert Hoover responded to the onset of the Great Depression by

urging voluntary cooperation from business leaders

The military draft in the United States

was reestablished in 1948 after a short break

The American Communist Party _____ the Popular Front

was strongly tied to

Companies that adopted paternalistic techniques were said to be practicing

welfare capitalism

Because of discrimination and harsh conditions, Mexican Americans

were forced from jobs, left the country, or sometimes tried to fight back (such as by forming unions)

The new Bolshevik rulers of Russia _____ at the Paris Peace Conference

were underrepresented

Opponents of prohibition were known as


In the months following the 1948 elections, Truman

won passage of some Fair Deal reforms

In 1919, the racial climate in the United States

worsened in both the North and South

How did the war affect life on Indian reservation?

Talented young people left the reservations, creating workforce shortages. Government subsides dwindled.

Which of the following was the most important factor in the economic boom of the 1920s?

Technological advancements

Archduke Frans Ferdinand, whose assassination sparked the war, was a key figure in

The Austro Hungarian Empire

Which of the following is most accurate regarding the Democratic Convention in 1948?

The Democrats were abandoned by two factions, one liberal and the other conservative

The first opportunity for using the Roosevelt Corollary was in crisis in

The Dominican republic

Which of the following best describes the general public's immediate reaction to Wilson's Fourteen Points?

The Fourteen Points pleased many in both America and Europe

Which of the following was completed under the New Deal and was,upon completion,the largest public works project built to date?

The Grand Coulee Dam.

By the end of 1938, what was the status of the New Deal?

The New Deal had essentially come to an end.

The Truman administration increased its support for military atomic research in the postwar period for which of the following reasons?

The United States was unable to come to terms with the Soviet Union on an international nuclear weapons treaty

Which of the following prompted the United States to enter the war against Germany in 1917?

The Zimmerman telegram German naval strategy Threats to US commerce

The foreign policy of William Howard Taft was most concerned with

The advancement of US economic interests

What happened in February 1933?

The banking crisis suddenly accelerated

The Sabotage Act and the Sedition Act, both passed in 1918,

-Allowed officials to prosecute citizens who dare to criticize the president or the government -Made it illegal for people to say in public that they opposed the war -expanded the meaning of the Espionage Act

Which of the following problems virtually vanished with the coming of the war?

-Deflation -Unemployment

Who commanded the two major American offensives against the Japanese?

-Douglas MacArthur -Chester Nimitz

Which of the following correctly describe the American Communist Party of the 1930s?

- It included a number of effective union organizers - It took an active role in organizing the unemployed

In what ways did the New Deal fail to challenge patterns of discrimination,and sometimes even reinforced them?

- When funding ran low for WPA projects, black workers and women were among the first to be laid off. - The NRA codes tolerated black people being paid less than white people who were doing the same jobs. - Racial Justice was never a significant part of the New Deal agenda.

Which of the following happened after Hollywood writers and producers refused to answer HUAC questions about their political beliefs?

- they were jailed for contempt - they were blacklisted and barred for employment

Which of the following were significant in prompting the Red Scare?

-Explosion in eight cities within minutes of one another -The post office intercepting parcels that contain explosives -The formation of the Communist International

Protestant fundamentalist object to strongly to the teachings of Charles ________, who have challenged the biblical story of the Creation


As banks failed, the nation's money supply

Decreased significantly

After his election in 1948, Truman was able to pass some Fair Deal reforms because

Democrats controlled both houses of Congress

The demand for agricultural goods in the 1920s

Did not rise as fast as production

During the years of World War II, the entertainment industry

Did record business

The USO expected hostesses that served in their clubs to______ and chat happily with lonely servicemen.

Dress nicely Dance well

Which of the following was the main cause of both the US involvement in Nicaragua in the US purchase of the Virgin Islands?

Fear of European influence

A trade agreement reached by Japan and the United States in 1905

Fell apart in the years that followed

In 1942-1943, the British plan to fight the Nazis prioritized

Fighting in North Africa

Women in the 1920s who behaved and dressed in ways that reflected their liberated lifestyles were known as


While living in internment camps, Japanese Americans were

Forced to give up their jobs and businesses

In 1917 the United States began sending American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) troops to resist the German invasion of what country?


The "Great Migration" of African-Americans that began during the war is primarily a movement

From the rural South to the industrial cities of the North

As a result of a sit-down strike of autoworkers in late 1936 and early 1937.

General Motors recognized the United Auto Workers union.

The main goal of the New Era presidents was to

Help business and industry operate with maximum efficiency and productivity

The detonation of the first atomic bomb against an enemy nation occurred in

Hiroshima, Japan

President Franklin Roosevelt's "Court-packing plan" arose out of

His desire to change the ideological balance of the Court.

They systematic murder of European Jews and others by Hitler's forces is known as the


Japanese Americans interned during World War II were

Housed in grim facilities in the western United States

During the 1920s, birth control in the United States was

Illegal in many states

How did Truman regard the Soviet Union at the start of his presidency?

In sharp contrast to Roosevelt, he view the Soviet Union with deep distrust

In February 1944, under Admiral Chester Nimitz, American naval forces won a series of victories.

In the Marshall Islands

World War I

Increased the determination of African Americans to fight for their rights

Which of the following was the effect of New Deal policies on Indians?

Indians continued to be the poorest segment of the population.

Calvin Coolidge believe that government ought to

Interfere as little as possible in the life of the nation

Which of the following are true of the National Origins Act of 1924?

It banned immigration from East Asia It reduce the quota for European immigrants

Which of the following most limited the ability of the Kellogg-Briand Pact to help maintain stability in the world?

It contained no instruments of enforcement

How did the war affect the social and legal status of Chinese Americans?

It enhanced both their social and their legal status.

Which of the following is true of the legacy of the New Deal on America's welfare system?

It failed to solve the problem of poverty. It was the beginning of the American Welfare State. It reinforced of patterns of gender and racial discrimination.

Which of the following is true of the pension system set up by the Social Security Act?

It was funded by payroll tax paid by American workers and their employers.

The works Progress Administration

Kept an average of roughly 2 million workers employed.

Compared to the attack on Hiroshima, the attack on Nagasaki three days later

Killed more civilians

In response to the Depression, Hoover urged which of the following?

Labor leaders to forego some demands Businesses to maintain production

Founded in 1936, _____ quickly won more readers than any other publication in the United States (with the exception of Reader's Digest)


After World War I, a generation of Americans became disillusioned with our country and were eager to find personal fulfillment elsewhere. Gertrude Stein called these Americans a

Lost Generation

While serving as Treasury secretary under Coolidge, Andrew Mellon worked to

Lower taxes on corporate profits and personal incomes

The majority of married women who worked outside the home in the 1920s were


Competing claims over ____ led in 1904 to war between Japan and Russia


Destroyed at Pearl Harbor were

Many naval vessels but no aircraft carriers.

In the 1920s, people could buy

Many products, such as cosmetics, vacuum cleaners, and refrigerators, including luxury items for pleasure

Who among the following was a pioneer of the American birth control movement?

Margaret Sanger

Iwo Jima was the costliest single battle in the history of the

Marine Corps.

The Democratic party of the 1920s was

Marked by divisions within the party

When the Nineteenth Amendment was enacted in 1920,

Marked the end of an era of reforms promoted by the Progressive movement Women were guaranteed the right to vote

Taft's responses to the changing political situation in Nicaragua included which of the following?

Military support for the new regime Substantial loans to the government

Economics condition in World War II led to the hiring of

More Women More Minorities

Which of the following is true of popular protest in the first few years of the Depression?

Most Americans were too stunned or too confused to effectively protest

The Kellogg-Briand pact was a

Multilateral treaty that outlawed war as an instrument of public policy

Huey P. Long's Share-Our-Wealth Society proposed to confiscate and redistribute some of the assets of the

Nation's wealthiest individuals.

In 1939, the first steps toward the creation of an atomic bomb were taken by

Nazi Germany

How prevalent were radios in American households at the end of the 1920s?

Nearly every family had one

The American born child of a Japanese immigrants was referred to as


The D-Day invasion took place on the beaches of


In the week following Pearl Harbor, Japanese forces

Occupied Guam, Wake Island, and Hong Kong

The "Black Tuesday" crash of October 29, 1929,

Occurred when all efforts to save the stock market failed

In the presidential campaign of 1920, republican Warren Harding

Offered a few concrete proposals and no soaring ideals Promise to return the country to "normalcy"

The purpose of the Washington Conference of 1921 was to

Prevent a naval armaments race among the US, Britain, and Japan

Neville Chamberlain was _____ the Munich agreement.

Prime minister of Great Britain and one of the chief architects of

After A.Philip Randolph planned a massive march on Washington to demand integration in companies that held defense contracts, President Roosevelt

Promised to establish the Fair Employment Practices Commission.

What happened as the unemployed began looking for help to feed their families?

Public relief collapsed in many places

In the 1920s, motherhood was


The National Recovery Administration focused on

Regulating a wide range of businesses.

On which of the following issues did Franklin Roosevelt break most sharply with Hoover?

Relations with Latin America

Middle-class women of the 1920s

Remained largely in the home

As Wilson's support for the military prepared to screw in 1915 to 1916, the peace faction of the Democratic Party

Remained strong and active

Starting in 1921, there was a twelve-year period during which the office of the president and the power of Congress rested in the hands of the _____ party


Out of the postwar turmoil, Supreme Court jurisprudence began to

Robustly defend the right to free speech

Facing the British and Americans in northern Africa were the German Forces of General


What happened in the elections of 1932?

Roosevelt beat Hoover in a landslide, and the Democrats won majorities in both houses of Congress

What happened at a peace conference in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, in 1905?

Roosevelt pressure pressured to except Japan's territorial gains

Which of the following would be considered a pink collar job in the 1920s?

Secretary Sales clerk Telephone operator

As President, Warren G. Harding

Seemed baffled by his responsibilities

Which of the following best describes the position of Native Americans in the wartime economy?

Some Native American worked in War plants, though they had to leave their reservations to do so.

In support of the canal project in Panama, the Roosevelt administration did which of the following?

Supported a local revolution Landed troops in the area Recognized Panamanian independence

The main reason that Stalin authorized a North Korean invasion of the South was to

blunt a potential South Korean offensive that might put a pro-Western government at its doorstep

In 1939, after the Soviet Union signed a nonaggression pact with Nazi Germany, the American Communist Party

broke from the Soviet Union

At the beginning of war, Woodrow Wilson

called on Americans to remain neutral

Containment was criticized by left-wing critics for

causing a strain in relations between the United States and the Soviet Union

Bitter strikes in the _____ industries required Truman's intervention in 1946

coal and railroad

The Roosevelt administration established work-relief programs that

constructed roads, dams, and other infrastructure projects planted trees and developed parks

In response to President Franklin Roosevelt's first days in office and his call for a "bank holiday," the American people

felt a mixture of relief and hope

The basis of much the economic development in the West was

government funding for water projects.

Prior to entering the White House, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was

governor of New York

As the conflict continued, the Committee on Public Information's pro-war propaganda

grew increasingly lurid

During Joseph McCarthy's investigation into alleged subversion in government

he never produced conclusive evidence that any federal employee was a communist

Truman supported the corrupt and incompetent government of Chiang Kai-shek because

he was afraid of a communist takeover of China

When Truman intervened in a steel strike in 1952

his actions were ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court

As the Depression took hold, African-Americans

in service jobs were displaced by unemployed whites

Protest movements sparked by the Depression first appeared

in the middle of 1932

The federal loyalty program waa

initiated by Truman

The administration of Syngman Rhee, South Korea's leader at the time of the North Korean invasion, was

nominally democratic but anticommunist

Much of the anticommunist furor in the United States emerged from

politically motivated attacks by the Republicans on the Democrats

With the discovery of the theory of modulation, the capabilities of __________ moved beyond Morse code to voice and music


The Hawley-Smoot Tariff of 1930 was an attempt to help farmers by

raising tariffs on a variety of imported farm products

In the 1930s, Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People

reassured people that their individual initiative could restore their prosperity

The New Deal failed to do which of the following?

recognize the full value of government spending as a vehicle for recovery end the Depression.

When the Republican Party took control of both houses in the 1946 election, it moved to

reduce government spending and chip away at New Deal reforms

In the period between Roosevelt's election and his inauguration, he

refused Hoover's demands

When the Treaty of Versailles was sent to the Senate by the Foreign Relations Committee with nearly fifty amendments and reservations, Wilson

refused to accept any of them

The Federal Emergency Relief Administration disbursed cash grants to support bankrupt

relief agencies

Chinese premier Chiang Kai-shek was

reluctant to confront the Japanese

After the war, demand among women for paid employment

remained high throughout the country

During his first two years in office, among the general public, Franklin Roosevelt was

remarkably popular

Which of the following best describes the results of the 1952 elections?

the Republicans took control of the White House and both houses of Congress

By the end of 1945 the Korean peninsula had been occupied by troops from

the United States and the Soviet Union

The United Nations Security Council, which was created at the Yalta conference, was to include permanent representatives from which five nations?

the United States, Britain, France, the Soviet Union, and China

As new industries such as plastics and electronics were developing in the 1920s, their economic impact can best be described by which of the following statements?

They were too underdeveloped to make up for the decline of industries like construction and automobiles

Wendell Willkie, Franklin Roosevelt's principal opponent in the presidential election of 1940, had support from

Time and Life magazines

Why, above all, did factories adopt a paternalistic techniques a welfare capitalism?

To avoid disruptive labor unrest

Why did Roosevelt argue that the United States should be able to make armaments available to the Allied armies?

To counter the military advantage that the large German munitions industry gave Hitler.

What was the purpose of the "war boards" that organize the national economy into specific sectors?

To meet essential war needs without paralyzing the domestic economy

In 1924, Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon and President Coolidge succeeded in

Trimming the federal budget and retiring half of the nations war debt

In the postwar period, the Soviet Union wanted to control Central and Eastern Europe and use the region as a protective buffer against the West


Rising nationalism and elevation of many powerful, belligerent governments across the world was the beginning of a process that ultimately led to war


The Committee on Public Information encouraged reporters to exercise "self-censorship" when covering the war


The Search for an atomic weapon was based in part on some on the founding ideas of modern physics that were developed by Albert Einstein.


The United States was never a member of the League of Nations


The desire to economically strengthen Western European nations was due to a fear they might fall under control of domestic communist parties


What effectively ended opposition to public development of the nation's power and water resources.

The collapse of a major utility conglomerate

Fundamentalist were largely (although not entirely) from

The countryside

What impact did the New Deal have on American politics?

The creation of a coalition among Democrats that would dominate for more than thirty years.

Herbert Hoover's concept of "associationalism" envisioned

The creation of national organizations a businessman in particular industries

To help farmers, Hoover proposed which of the following?

The creation of of a national Farm Board A federal program to maintain crop prices

According to the Roosevelt corollary to the Monroe doctrine, the United States have the right to intervene

The domestic affairs of any neighbor unable to maintain order

Who orchestrated the Palmer Raids against alleged radicals?

The federal government

The Munich agreement of 1938 was ______ the policy of appeasement.

The foundation of

German foreign minister Arthur Zimmermann's telegram to the government of Mexico primarily involved

The idea that Mexico could regain its "lost provinces" in the American Southwest if it joined the war on Germany side

Who was Frances Perkins?

The nation's first female cabinet member

What was the one long-term consequence of the New Deal?

The national government began to assume a responsibility for the basic welfare of the people.

Which of the following are true of the American stock market before it collapsed in 1929?

The number of shares traded daily soared Stock prices had been steadily ascending for a year and a half

Which of the following factors was key to the growth of commercial radio?

The reliability of vacuum tubes

Which of the following occurred in the presidential election of 1920?

The result was a reflection of the general sense of disillusionment felt by the American public after the end of World War I Republican Warren Harding won in a landslide Wilsons postwar vision was repudiated by voters

What happened that caused Roosevelt's "Court-packing plan" to be unnecessary?

The supreme court began to take a more moderate stance and upheld several New Deal programs.

The stock market boom of 1928 in the first half of 1929 was characterized by

The use of credit to buy stock

Attacks by German submarines caused Roosevelt to declare

The western Atlantic a neutral zone

What did the Farmers' Holiday Association advocate?

The withholding of crops from the market

The fact that only a small portion of the profits from increased agricultural and industrial production went to potential consumers was a factor in the length and severity of the Great Depression because

There was no adequate market for the goods the economy was producing

Unemployed workers in industrial cities in the Northeast and Midwest could not find jobs for which of the following reasons?

There were essentially no jobs available

Which of the following is true of the Americans fighting in the two theaters of the war?

They represented a cross-section of the country.

Which of the following correctly describes the status of people of Mexican descent as a Depression worsened?

They were often forced to leave the country They were routinely denied relief benefits

Which of the following describes Theodore Roosevelt view of the "civilized" nations of the world?

They were predominantly white They were predominantly Anglo-Saxon and Teutonic

What having to most of those arrested in the Palmer Raids?

They were released

When Harry S. Truman assumed the presidency, he viewed Stalin with deep suspicion and even hatred


World War II was by fat the deadliest war in history.


Which of the following most embodied the flapper lifestyle of the 1920s?

Working class single women

Before the 1920s, birth control pioneer Margaret Sanger had focus on her efforts on

Working class women

Joseph McCarthy was

a Republican senator

NATO was founded by

a coalition of twelve nations

During the 1930s, listening to the radio was usually _____ experience

a community

To Wilson, a broader purpose for U.S. intervention was

a new era of democracy, open diplomacy, and self-determination

The term "New Deal" originated in

a speech Roosevelt made at the start of the 1932 campaign

The most conspicuous method that the government used to engender support for the war was

a vast journalistic propaganda campaign

By the end of the war,German technology was

advanced but could not produce in the numbers Allied industry could.

The Tennessee Valley Authority was

an experiment in regional planning by the federal government

Which of the following describes Adolf Hitler and his National Socialist Party?

anti-Semitic militaristic

The Popular Front was a broad coalition of _____ groups


The fear of nuclear weapons and nuclear destruction

appeared widely in popular culture

The United States government acquired definite knowledge of the Holocaust

as early as 1942

On more than one occasion, in the period between the election and the inauguration, Herbert Hoover

asked Roosevelt to pledge to maintain his economic policies, and Roosevelt declined

A resumption in the movie-going habits of Americans in the 1930s was in part due to the fact that movies were

becoming more appealing

As it related to the money supply, Roosevelt

believed the United States needed a more fluid money,supply.

To Wilson, the most important victory at the Paris Peace Conference was

Acceptance of the covenant of the League of Nations

The role of the 1920s Republican administrations in world affairs could best be described as


In his novel The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald

Criticize the American obsession with material success

The rural Protestant Americans who continued to support prohibition did so because of

Cultural fears

The agreement that formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization

-called for the maintenance of standing military force in Europe -declared that an attack on one member nation was attack on all

Which of the following are true casualties in World War II

-Fourteen million combatants died in the struggle -More than a million Americans were killed or wounded -Fifty million or more civilians may have perished over the course of the war.

Which of the following statements about Herbert Hoover are true?

-He had a few opportunities to prove himself as president before economic disaster hit the nation -His election encouraged many progressives

What accusations were characteristic of those levied against Roosevelt in the "whispering campaign" of 1935?

-He was a drug addict -He was insane

Which of the following statements about Roosevelt's commissioner of Indian affairs, John Collier, are true?

-He was influenced by the work of twentieth-century anthropologists. -He drew heavily on the concept of cultural relativism. -He promoted legislation that restored the tribes right to elect tribal governments.

Conservatives who disapproved of Roosevelt's policies said that

-He was moving away from the nation's traditions -His strategies would lead to enormous concentration of power in the hands of appointed officials. -He was no longer protecting individual freedom and was instead promoting fascism and communism

Which of the following statement regarding the New Deal and women are true?

-Many occupations dominated by women were excluded from Social Security. -New Deal relief agencies offered relatively little deployment for women. -Women were encouraged to leave the workplace to open jobs for men.

Why did congress abolish the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) and the Works Progress Administration (WPA)?

-Mass unemployment decreased the need for such programs. -Conservatives in Congress were eager to dismantle the New Deal.

Roosevelt's proposed reform of the tax system in 1935

-Seemed to be an attempt to undermine the appeal of his political rival,Huey Long -Would have created the highest peacetime tax rates in history.

Which of the following fell to the Japanese in the first half of 1942?

-Singapore -Burma -The Dutch East Indies

Which of the following statements regarding the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor are accurate?

-The Japanese suffered light losses in the attack. -American aircraft carriers were out at sea and escaped the attack. -More that 2,400 American soldiers and sailors died in the attack. -Many American authorities had believed Japan was incapable of an attack on Pearl Harbor.

Which of the following contributed to a sharp rise in agricultural productivity during the 1920s?

-The development of chemical pesticides and fertilizers -The addition of new acreage -The proliferation of tractors and other machinery

Which of the following contributed significantly to bringing and end to the New Deal?

-The growing threat of world crisis growing congressional opposition

Which of the following emerged out of the end of World War II

-The increased power and influence of the United States -Emerging antagonism between the United States and Russia.

Which of the following describe how the military regarded illicit sexual relationships?

-The military tolerated illicit heterosexual relationships. -The military was intolerant of homosexual relationships

The Marshall Plan was motivated, in part, by which of the following?

-a desire to ensure that Europe would not be an economic drain on the United States -humanitarian concern -a desire to improve the market for US exports

Which of the following describe the vision of the postwar world that appealed to Roosevelt and many other Americans?

-an international organization serving as arbiter of disputes and protector of every nation's right of self-determination -nations governing their relations with one another through democratic processes

Huey P. Long was known for

-serving as the governor of Louisiana, and later as a senator -Strident attacks on banks, oil companies, utilities, and conservative politicians. -Promoting a radical plan to stimulate the economy by taking money from wealthy citizens and giving it to the lower classes

How many American banks, roughly, went bankrupt or closed to avoid bankruptcy between 1930 and 1933?


What prompted the emergence of a powerful trade union movement during the 1930's

A combination of government effort and increased worker militancy

Because 1920s prosperity had depending on a few basic industries, one factor that likely contributed to the length and severity of the Great Depression was

A lack of economic diversification

The Democratic Party in the 1920s was

A mix of urban and rural factions

Wilson's Fourteen Points included which of the following?

A proposal for a League of Nations General principles to govern international conduct Recommendations for adjusting postwar boundaries

One of the most popular creations of the 1930s, Gone With the Wind, can best be described as which of the following?

A romantic epic A saga set in an earlier era

Between 1920 and 1921, postwar inflation causes severe recession marked by

A sharp decline in the gross national product The bankruptcy of 100,000 businesses The loss of nearly 5 million jobs

The Paris Peace Conference was colored by which of the following?

A spirit of national self-interest A sense of unease about communism

The leader of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters was

A. Phillip Randolph

Which of the following describes Hoover's new American Latin America policy?

America would grant diplomatic recognition to any sitting government no matter how it had obtained power

The Dawes Plan was an agreement in which

American banks provided loans to Germany that were used to repay German war reparations

On their arrival in Europe, American strategists suggested.

An invasion of France.

Under the lend-lease system, the federal government was authorized to lend or lease armaments to

Any nation deemed vital to American defense.

During the last eighteen months of Woodrow Wilson's presidency, he

Became even more resistant to compromise Was essentially an invalid

Why did Margaret Sanger focus her initial promotion of birth control on working class women?

Because she believed that large families contributed to poverty and distress

To calm the financial panic that was sweeping the nation, Roosevelt

Began to construct a diverse and ambitious program of legislation

Theodore Roosevelt's early support of the development of American see power it was a result of his

Belief in America's duty to police the world

The growth of the American automobile industry during the 1920s

Benefited businesses in many other fields

As the United States entered World War I, which two of the following made it clear that a major commitment of American ground forces was going to be necessary?

Britain and France had few remaining soldiers in reserve. More German troops could fight on the western front due to Russia's exit from the war.

The promise to accept nothing less than an unconditional surrender from the Germans would be significant to the Soviets because it meant that

Britain and the US would not negotiate a separate peace and leave the Soviets to fight alone

Roosevelt's first task upon taking office was to

Calm the panic that was creating chaos in the financial system

Deadlock at the 1924 Democratic National Convention resulted in the nomination of John W. Davis, who lost decisively to

Calvin Coolidge

Who was America's principal ally in Asia during World War II


MacArthur's invasion of North Korea appeared to be on its way to victory until

China intervened

Calvin Coolidge's administration ended when he

Chose not to run for the reelection in 1928

Which of the following helped lead to a revolution in Panama?

Columbia refused to ratify a treaty regarding the canal

Which of the following types of programs were among the staples of radio broadcasting during the 1930s?

Comedies Adventures Soap Operas

Which organization, begun in 1942, organized sit-ins and demonstrations in segregated facilities to publicize the plight of African Americans

Congress of Racial Equality

Which two industries were the most important to the health of the American economy in the 1920's?

Construction automobiles

World War I emerged most directly out of a(n)

Controversy involving nationalist movements in the Austro-Hungarian Empire

The Munich conference of 1938 precipitated by a crisis over


Who was the Republican candidate in the presidential election of 1952?

Dwight D. Eisenhower

The young general placed in charge of the American invasion of German-occupied France was

Dwight Eisenhower

During the 1920s, the Asian population in the western United States

Encompassed immigrants from a wide range of countries, including the Philippines

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) was intended to

Encourage the growth of local industries Improve the economy of the entire Tennessee River Valley Increase the productivity of local farmers

Which of the following is true of the standing army of the United States at the time it entered the war in 1917?

Enlistments were not adequate, so a national draft was instituted

At the same time Roosevelt was hoping to negotiate the Treaty of Portsmouth, he

Entered into a secret agreement with Japan to ensure free trade for America in the region

The National Recovery Administration did which of the following?

Established a minimum wage for labor Made child industrial labor illegal Set a standard for the maximum hours one could work in a week Set floors under prices

An emergency immigration act passed by Congress in 1921

Established a quota system based on nationality

In the domain republic and Haiti, Wilson

Established military occupations that lasted for years

As a result of the Dawes Plan

European nations grew increasingly indebted to American banks and corporations

American strategists planned two board offensives against the Japanese, which they hoped would

Eventually come together to invade Japan

Which of the following made it difficult for the United States to deal with the belligerents on equal terms?

Extensive trade ties with Britain Public sympathies for Britain

Roosevelt's attempt to install new justices on the Supreme Court.

Failed in Congress

Despite the fears of radicalism by many in the American public, the American Communist Party was an open, patriotic organization


During the 1930s, leading magazines focused almost exclusively on the social conditions of the nation


In the major industrial cities of the North and Midwest, unemployment, while severe, never exceeded 50%


The 1929 "Black Tuesday" crash of the stock market was the main cause of the "Great Depression"


The Social Security Act omitted all provisions for direct, need-based assistance.


The United States government knew that there was going to be an attack on American soil but did nothing to stop it.


The economic success and hard work of Asian immigrants resulted in their acceptance in California during the New Era


The issue of race was significant part of the New Deal's agenda.


The vast majority of soldiers during the war had volunteered their service.


Women are the New Era maintain a rigid, Victoria female respectability in all aspects of their lives


Which of the following events occurred in the weeks following the assassination of Archduke Frans Ferdinand

Germany declared war on both Russia and France Russia and the Austro-Hungarian Empire became hostilities Germany invaded Belgium

Roosevelt wanted the US government to police the world. He built up the Navy until, by 1906, it was second in size only to the Navy of

Great Britain

Which of the Allies were most concerned with preserving their spheres of influence in the postwar world?

Great Britain and the Soviet Union

Why was the passage of the lend-lease program necessary?

Great Britain was bankrupt and could no longer afford the cash-and-carry requirements.

The migration of African Americans out of the rural south______the war.

Greatly increased during

In the 1930's, American workers

Grew more militant and powerful

Ratified in the summer of 1920, the Nineteenth Amendment

Guaranteed women the right to vote

Who was in the Baltimore journalist who ridiculed many cherished beliefs about politics, religion, and the arts?

H.L. Mencken

In the election of 1916, one of the most prominent arguments of Wilson supporters for his reelection was that he

Had kept the country out of war

The administrator of the Works Progress Administration was

Harry Hopkins

How did Roosevelt respond to the issue of was debts?

He ended the payment system Hoover had established and allowed the issue to die.

Which of the following hampered Truman's ability to "get tough" with the Soviets after assuming office?

He had little leverage over Russia and was unable to enter into a renewed conflict in Europe

What was Hoover's position with regard to European war debts?

He refused to cancel war debts to the United States

Which of the following are true of the Espionage Act of 1917?

It gave the government new tools with which to combat spying and sabotage It embraced a broad definition of "obstruction of the war effort"

The Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 accomplished which of the following?

It gave tribes the right to elect tribal governments. It restored to the tribes the right to own land collectively.

Which of the following statements correctly describe the Abraham Lincoln Brigade?

It included several thousand Americans It was directed by the American Communist Party

Which of the following is true of the new military technology that was used in World War I?

It led to trench warfare It required elaborate maintenance

Which of the following is true of prohibition?

It resulted in an increase in organized crime

Which of the following is true of the Socialist Party of America in the 1930s?

It sought support by citing the economic crisis as evidence of the failure of capitalism

Which of the following is true of Wilson's campaign to get the Senate to ratify the Treaty of Versailles?

It was a grueling, cross-country speaking tour that exhausted Wilson and eventually resulted in him suffering a stroke

Which of the following is true about swing music?

It was an African American musical form.

Some of the isolationist sentiment of the 1930s was the result of a Senate Investigation led by Gerald Nye of North Dakota that claimed to have evidence that

U.S. involvement in World War I was the result of pressure by wall Street and munitions makers.

The war_____efforts to revive tribal autonomy for Native Americans.


How were Hispanics treated by whites during the Depression?

Unemployed whites demanded their jobs

Believing that the company of friendly, "wholesome" women was critical to sustaining morale, the______ recruited thousands of young women to serve as hostesses in their clubs.

United Service Organization

Which of the following groups were part of the New Deal political coalition?

Urban Blacks Liberals and Progressives Western and southern farmers The working class

Until the 1930's,_________ were largely successful in blocking public development of the nation's power and water resources.

Utility Companies

On the surface, what led European naval forces to blockade the coast of Venezuela in 1902?

Venezuela had begun to renege on debts to European bankers

Herbert Hoover believed that the avenue to economic stability was

Voluntary cooperation in the private sector

During twelve years of Republican control that began in 1921, how would the relationship between the federal government and the business community best be characterized?

Warm and supportive

Who among the following was elected president in 1920 and is generally remembered as being ill suited for office?

Warren G. Harding

Leaving labor organizations ________ women in pink collar positions

Were generally uninterested in organizing

In 1940 and 1941, German submarines

Were having a major impact on shipping throughout the Atlantic.

Prior to the Election of 1916, what is you sparked a heated debate between pacifists an interventionists in the United States?

Whether the US should make military and economic preparations for the war

During the period leading up to the collapse of the stock market,

Widespread speculative fever grew steadily more intense

After World War I, views on motherhood shift it toward a belief that

Women should rely on expert opinions of doctors and other professionals to raise a child

In the presidential election of 1936, Roosevelt

Won in a landslide

In the presidential election of 1916,

Woodrow Wilson won by a small margin

In the pacific in early 1934,U.S. submarines

devastated Japanese shipping and the Japanese economy.

When several Latin American nations defaulted on debt payments to the United States in 1931, Hoover

did not allow American intervention

In Korea at the end of the war, the United States and the Soviet Union

divided the nation between them along the 38th parallel

A 1948 public opinion poll revealed that a majority of Americans believed atomic power would

do more good than harm in the long run

In 1949, Truman was able to get Congress to pass a national health insurance program


The World War II experience was generally similar among all participants in the war, no matter in what position they served.


The most important agent of the economic charge that came with the war was

federal spending

What effects did the New Deal have on the American economy?

it elevated new interest groups that could challenge the power of corporations. It increased the regulatory functions of the federal government over the economy.

The lend-lease system was established after

it passed Congress by wide margins.

At the Yalta conference,

it was agreed the Soviet Union should regain land lost in the 1904 Russo-Japanese War

How did the Second New Deal differ from earlier programs?

it was less friendly to corporate interests.

The American Expeditionary Forces

joined Allied forces in turning back a series of new German assaults.

Sit-down strikes involved sitting down in the workplace and refusing to work or leave, a tactic that

kept the company from being able to use strikebreakers.

The terms of Agricultural Adjustment Act favored

large landowners over small ones

In response to the growing criticism of the New Deal, Roosevelt

launched "Second New Deal" legislation

Under the terms of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, the government paid fees to farmers for

leaving some of their land idle

After mid-1931, Herbert Hoover was

less willing to increase spending, and more worried about maintaining a balanced budget

The results of the 1946 elections

made Truman's efforts to pass the Fair Deal more difficult

The Southern Tenant Farmers Union, supported by the Socialist Party of America, was

made up of sharecroppers and tenant farmers of African American and white communities

In the mid-1930s, the American Communist Party _____ Franklin Roosevelt

maintained its high praise of

As new technologies were introduced over the course of the war, trench warfare

replaced the old way of fighting in open fields sheltered troops from machine guns and artillery could not protect troops from mustard gas

Most industrial workers in the United States saw the standard of living __________ over the course of the 1920s


Over the course of the war, the size of the civilian workforce

rose significantly

Support for prohibition tended to be strongest among

rural Protestants

In the 1920s best seller The Man Nobody Knows, Jesus Christ was portrayed as a


For women, companionate marriages tended to involve an increased focus on which of the following?


At the end of the Depression, ______ women were working than had been doing so at the beginning

slightly fewer

Which of the following best characterizes Josef Stalin's priorities on the Korean peninsula?

strategic for security purposes

In the 1930's, organized labor was

strengthened by New Deal Legislation.

Which of the following helped ensure that most movies in the 1930s remained safely uncontroversial?

studio system censors employed by the industry

The battle of Okinawa used kamikaze attacks, which involved

suicide missions

Which of the following weapons first came into wide use in World War I?

tanks mustard gas

One advantage that women had in the workplace during the Depression was that

the nonprofessional jobs they traditionally held were less vulnerable than male jobs in heavy industry

Industrialists during the 1920s were worried about

the overproduction of goods

To finance the war, the U.S. government relied primarily on which of the following?

the sale of bonds new taxes

What country pressed for an Allied invasion of France to take place at the earliest possible moment?

the soviet union

African Americans who left the rural South in the 1930s settle primarily in

the urban North

In the early 1940s, the focus on that reform that characterized the policies of the New Deal shifted to focus on

the war in Europe

Which of the following industries would be more likely to consolidate?

those dependent on large-mass production

Which of the following of Stalin's demands did Roosevelt and Churchill refuse to accept at their meeting in Casablanca in January 1943?

to open up a second front in Western Europe to help the Red Army fight off a German invasion

In his relations with Latin America, Hoover

tried to repair some of the damage done by previous American policies

The Holding Company Act of 1935, a major antitrust effort, was aimed primarily at


War expenses

vastly increased the federal budget

By the late 1940s the use of nuclear power for electronically generation was

viewed positively by the public, and plants were springing up in many areas of the country

Throughout the 1930s, the American Communist Party

was closely supervised by the Soviet Union

The States' Rights Party

was formed by former Democrats

Some Americans supported isolationism because they felt the League of Nations.

was ineffective at preventing Japanese expansion in Asia.

The McCarran Internal Security Act

was opposed by Truman

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