Histology Final Lecture

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The type of neuroglia composed of tiny cells with long processes that can change into phagocytic macrophages when the CNS is damaged is called:


Which type of neuroglia can become like a phagocytic macrophage when the CNS is damaged?


The mitotic or spindle apparatus is formed from the coming together of many:


Which of the statements below is not a part of the Endosymbiont Hypothesis?

Mitochondria have an endoplasmic reticulum

The type of neuroglia which are tree-like in shape and surround CNS axons to produce myelin sheaths is called:


Which type of neuroglia surrounds CNS axons and produces myelin?


The technique of negative contrast staining with phosphotungstate or uranyl acetate was used to visualize elementary particles in mitochondria because

Phosphotungstate and uranyl acetate are electron dense and fill the space around the elementary particles so they appear electron lucid in photomicrographs.

In myelinated fibers of the peripheral nervous system, a pattern of diagonal lines is produced which represents trapped cytoplasm and are called:

Schmidt-Lanterman Clefts

In the peripheral nervous system, all nerve fibers are covered by a sheath produced by:

Schwann Cells

The Graafian Follicle is also called a:

Secondary Follicle

Which function below is not part of the what the small intestine does?

Secrete HCl

How does the liver act like an exocrine gland?

Secretes bile

Which function is not associated with the liver?

Secretes somatostatin

When chyme enters the intestine from the stomach, the intestinal wall secretes what hormone which causes the pancreas to secrete large amounts of sodium bicarbonate to neutralize the acidic chyme.


The stage in the paraffin technique for producing a tissue slide for viewing with a light microscope that entails using a microtme to cut the paraffin embedded tissue called ___.


Select the muscle type which contains intercalated disks, a 3-dimensional fiber network and a single nucleus.

Cardiac muscle

Hemopoiesis is the formation of:

Blood cells

Excessive production of dilute, pale-colored urine as a result of an ADH deficiency is an indication of the condition known as_____________.

Diabetes insipidus

Choose which statement below applies primarily to tooth enamel when compared to dentin and cementum.

Enamel arises from embryonic ectoderm.

Which function below does not belong to the oviduct.

Endometrium undergoes thickening

The precursor cell to a red blood cells is called a:


The kidney helps maintain the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood by secreting_________, a glycoprotein hormone which stimulates RBC production in the myeloid tissue.


In which portion of the digestive system do you find stratified squamous epithelium?


In bone marrow, groups of cells called erythroblastic islands are formed from one or two macrophages filled with ferritin or homosiderin surrounded by erythrocytes


In simple optics of a convex lens, an imaginary image is one that can be projected onto a screen and viewed with our own eyes.


In the clotting process, the liver produces thromboplastin.


In the first stage of endochondral long bone formation, bone formation occurs first in the endochondrium of the diaphysis


In the first stage of endochondral long bone formation, the periosteal collar forms in the epiphysis region


In the ovary, the atretic follicles are those that are next in line to ovulate.


Isolation of granules from basophils of the adenohypophysis shows that prolactin and human growth hormone associated with them.


Large terminal cisternae are found in the sarcoplasmic reticulum of heart muscle fibers.


Liver hepatocytes closest to the central vein fill first with glycogen granules and lose them first


Loose and Dense Connective Tissues have a firm but flexible ground substance.


Lymphatic obstruction can cause edema due to increased absorption due to obstruction of lymphatic capillaries by cancer cells or parasites such as those causing elephantiasis


Lymphoid tissue is commonly referred to as red bone marrow.


Male primordial germ cells arise from the yolk sac mesoderm.


Microtubule formation is assisted by a number of enzymes especially designed for that process


Microtubules help form the cell cytoskeleton and are able to contract due to their actin content


Mitochondria are so tiny that they can only be observed using an electron microscope.


Muscle tissue is highly vascularized and innervated but does not have much connective tissue associated with it for its functional activity.


Nissle bodies found in many neurons consist of areas of dense concentration of smooth endoplasmic reticulum.


Once the secretory vesicle or granule delivers its contents to the plasma membrane for exocytosis, the membrane of the secretory vesicle or granule is shuttled back to the Golgi Apparatus.


One of the functions of a synapse is to permit passage of impulse conduction equally well in both directions.


Oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone are both produced by cells of the adenohypophysis.


Pernicious anemia is caused by the lack of uptake of Vitamin A.


Phospholipids in the cell membrane are arranged so that their polar ends face inward toward the middle and their non-polar regions face outward in the membrane


Placing heart muscle fibers in solutions lacking calcium ions can cause the gap junctions present in the intercalated disk area to fall apart


Platelets are cells derived from megakaryocytes


Pre-cancerous lesions and carcinomas of the cervix are most likely to develop at the junction where the stratified squamous nonkeratinizing epithelium of the cervical canal meets the simple columnar epithelium of the vagina,


Primary oocytes form during prenatal life just like sperm.


Primary spermatocytes undergo mitosis to produce secondary spermatocytes.


Primordial Follicles can be found in the medulla and consists of a large oocyte surrounded by a single layer of flattened epithelium.


Procollagen fibers are composed of 3 polypeptide chains twisted round each other in a double helix


Procollagen forms a collagen fibril which can be viewed with a light microscope


Renin acts directly on the smooth muscles of arterioles as a vasoconstrictor to increase blood pressure.


Renin acts on milk glands in the breast to stimulate milk production.


Reticular fibers are argyrophilic which means that they stain easily with gold stains


Ribosomes are considered to be one example of a membranous organelle.


Rough endoplasmic reticulum in liver hepatocytes detoxifies barbiturates


Secretion from the Golgi complex occurs at the cis face located at the bottom of the stack of membranes.


Spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis describe the same process of sperm maturation.


Striated muscles in the tongue are arranged in a two-dimensional arrangement to provide for better manipulation of tongue


T/F Secretion from the Golgi complex occurs at the cis face located at the bottom of the stack of membranes.


The Central Nervous System consists of the brain, cranial nerves and spinal cord.


The Descending portion of the Loop of Henle is impermeable to the passage of water.


The Theca interna is composed primarily of connective tissue supporting blood vessels which form a capillary bed in the theca externa.


The actin filaments contain club-shaped extensions that contain ATPase which is utilized to break down ATP for muscle contraction.


The anterior portion of the pituitary is called the neurohypophysis.


The axons of a neuron synthesize all the proteins that are needed for axonal function.


The biconcave disc shape of the red blood cell is formed by a circular scaffolding of microfilaments.


The cell Body and processes (axons and dendrites) have a dense network of microfilaments to maintain the shape of the cell body and its dendrites and axon.


The classical liver lobule is easily observed in human liver sections.


The exocrine portion of the testis produces testosterone.


The eye lens produces an image on the retina that is imaginary and inverted


The first step in intramembranous bone growth is the formation of a hyaline cartilage model


The formation of a periosteal collar occurs during the final stage of long bone growth


The formation of the corpus luteum following ovulation is important because the corpus luteum then begins to secrete estrogens.


The gray matter of the central nervous system is composed of a myelin sheath produced by oligodendrodria.


The hemidesmosome helps to prevent fluids from passing between cells from outside the body to inside.


The human kidney consists of a single large lobule.


The kidney has an outer medulla and an inner cortex portion.


The largest portion of neurohypophysis is the pars distalis


The lenses located in our eyes are concave lenses


The lining epithelium of the esophagus is pseudostratified squamous epithelium


The lining of our gut is not an epithelium because it is not on the exterior side of our body.


The lungs are only organs of respiration.


The macula densa is a group of cells from the proximal convoluted tubule which reside next to the renal corpuscle.


The major function of the sarcoplasmic reticulum is to sequester phosphate ions for the production of ATP.


The most striking histological feature of the stomach is the abrupt transition of esophageal simple columnar epithelium to stratified squamous epithelium.


The motor neuron is a good example of a bipolar neuron.


The muscularis externa of the small intestine is distinguished by the presence of three longitudinal muscle bands called the taniae coli which maintain muscle tonus.


The next layer beneath the germinal epithelium in the ovary is where the follicles are found.


The nucleated red blood cell called an erythroblast is considered a mature myeloid element.


The pancreas is an endocrine gland because it secretes pancreozymine.


The pituitary is protected by being set in a saddle-like depression of the occipital bone called the sella turcica.


The portion of the tooth that is embedded in the gums is covered by dentin


The process of forming G-actin from F-actin requires the presence of potassium and magnesium ions and also energy from the breakdown of ATP to ADP.


The proximal end of olfactory cells has a bulbous head called the olfactory vesicle which has from 6 - 8 olfactory cilia attached to it.


The stomach glands secrete from 1000 - 1500 ml. of chyme in a 24 hour period.


The ureter is distinguished by its large submucosa and submucosal glands.


The villi of the large intestine play a major role in water uptake.


Tissue fluid is also drained away from the connective tissue by the lymph capillaries which pump the lymph directly back into the arteriole system.


Tissue structures absorbing basic stains are termed basophobic


Tissues are composed solely of particular types of cells


Transfer vesicles forming from the cisternae of the rough Endoplasmic Reticulum get taken up by the trans surface of the Golgi Apparatus.


When Antidiuretic Hormone is present in the blood, it means the body is hydrated and the kidney functions to release water from the blood producing a dilute urine.


When Calcium activates ATPase on the actin molecule, the actin undergoes a conformation change.


When the body undergoes shock, one thing that can happen is for the arcuate artery to constrict causing the glomeruli in the cortex to not function.


Yellow bone marrow has many fat cells but is still active in blood cell production.


The stage in the paraffin technique for producing a tissue slide for viewing with a light microscope that entails adding a chemical to the tissue which coagulates the tissue proteins causing their denaturation and hardens the tissue is called the ___


The type of microscope which is equipped with an illumination source that emits some ultraviolet light which causes light emission in the visible range from the sample is called a ___.

Fluorescence microscope

The fixed macrophages which line the liver sinusoids are called:

Kupffer s cells

The stage in the paraffin technique for producing a tissue slide for viewing with a light microscope that entails using a microtome to cut the paraffin embedded tissue into thin slices is called _____________.


Heparin and Histamine are secreted by cells called

Mast cells

When an object is located inside the focal point of the ocular lens of a compound microscope, choose the statement below that is true.

The image is magnified, erect, and imaginary

Select the fine structural element that does not show up in the T tubules of cardiac muscle when compared to skeletal muscle fibers.

They are smaller

When an image is located outside the focal point of the objective lens of a compound microscope, choose the statement below that is true.

The image is magnified, inverted and classified as a real image

Cytoplasmic inclusions is the term used to describe areas of the cell used to store intracellular energy sources such as polysaccharides and fats.


Dendrites are those neuron processes which carry impulses back toward the cell body.


During development, the adenohypophysis arises from epithelial tissue forming roof of mouth.


During gestation, there is a placental barrier which separates the blood of the mother from the fetus.


During stage 3 of long bone growth, osteoblasts begin to lay down bone on calcified cartilage.


During stage 3 of long bone growth, the rate at which calcified cartilage erodes and is replaced by spongy bone is the same rate at which cartilage cells of the epiphyseal plate divide.


During stage 3 of long bone growth, two secondary centers of ossification form in epiphyseal area.


Elastic fibers are easily stretched but return to their former shape when stretching stops


Electron micrographs show that the collagen fibers in bone have the same 64 nm banding pattern as shown by collagen fibers in other tissues.


Electron microscopic views of freeze etched tissue samples show a cell membrane with small protein bumps spread throughout the membrane and is one of the pieces of evidence supporting the Fluid Mosaic Model for cell membrane structure.


Energy for the beating action of cilia comes from ATP being broken down to ADP and P by the use of an ATPase called dynein


Epinephrine and glucagon stimulate release of glucose from hepatocytes by acting on phosphorylase.


Epithelial tissue is body tissue that lines the exterior surface of our body including the lining of the gastrointestinal tract.


Free actin molecules in the cytoplasm are called G-actin


Fundic Glands are found in the stomach mucosa and empty into the gastric pit region of stomach.


Gastric intrinsic factor is needed for the uptake of Vitamin B12 which is needed for the production of RBC's in the bone marrow.


Glands releasing secretions to the surface of your skin would be called Exocrine Glands


Histology is primarily the study of the structure of cells, tissues, and organs and the relationship of microscopic structure and function.


Homosiderin is a larger crystallized mass of ferritin


Hyaluronic acid is present in synovial joints and its viscous nature makes it a good lubricant enabling joints to move more smoothly


In acute pancreatitus, the pancreatic digestive enzymes become active while they are still in the zygomatic granules and destroy the pancrease by digesting it.


In bone marrow, groups of cells called erythroblastic islands are formed from one or two macrophages filled with ferritin or homosiderin surrounded by erythroblasts.


In the adult, the Sertoli cells are fixed to the basal lamina of the seminiferous epithelium.


In the seminiferous tubules, spermatogenic cells are located throughout the network of Sertoli cells with the earliest germ cells located closest to the basal lamina of the seminiferous tubule.


Intestinal villi contain blind lymph capillaries which assist in transporting fat globules to the venous blood supply.


Juxtaglomerular cells make contact with both the afferent arteriole and the base of cells forming the macula densa and produce rennin.


Large masses of lymph nodes called Peyer s Patches are indicative of the ileum.


Lymph capillaries begin as blind tubes in the connective tissue.


Lymphatic obstruction can cause edema due to decreased absorption due to obstruction of lymphatic capillaries by cancer cells or parasites such as those causing elephantiasis


Microfilaments help cells change shape, exhibit motility and divide


No digestion or absorption occurs in esophagus because food passes through this area quickly


Olfactory cells are bipolar nerve cells.


One of the roles of the Sertoli cells is to phagocytose residual cytoplasm extruded by devloping sperm


One reason for chemical fixation of a tissue section is to curtail release from dead cells of enzymes capable of digesting tissue constituents.


Our brains invert the image on our retina so that we can see the world right-side up


Pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells produce mature cell types and also replace themselves.


Procollagen fibers lay next to each other to form a collagen fiber and overlap by a quarter of their length which results in gaps which can fill with negative stain such as phosphotungstate to give a periodicity of 64 nm for alternating light and dark bands.


Red bone marrow contains both immature and mature blood cells


Red bone marrow is active in the embryo, newborn and in adults


Simple squamous epithelium is composed of a single cell layer that is flattened and spread out.


Smooth muscle fibers normally are arranged in bundles such that the thick portion of the fiber lies alongside the thin portion of the next fibers.


Spermatids form into spermatozoa without undergoing cell division.


Staining of a tissue section is necessary to provide contrast to cellular components to make them visible in the light microscope.


Starvation can lead to tissue swelling because of the lower amount of protein in the blood


T/F Energy for the beating action of cilia comes from ATP being broken down to ADP and P by the use of an ATPase called dynein.


Tendon is an example of a Dense regularly arranged connective tissue which shows fibers arranged in parallel.


The Ascending portion of the Loop of Henle actively secretes sodium to produce a high concentration of sodium outside the loop area.


The Distal Convoluted Tubule usually has a larger lumen than the Proximal Convoluted Tubule.


The Endosymbiont Hypothesis state that mitochondria were once free living organisms captured by eukaryotic cells early in their evolution.


The Golgi modifies and sorts proteins that are meant for secretion from those that are to be packaged as lysosomal enzymes for internal usage


The Periodic Acid-Schiff Reaction (PAS) oxidizes paired alcohol groups called Schiff s bases to aldehydes


The Proximal Convoluted Tubule is the portion of the nephron which makes up the bulk of the kidney cortex.


The appendix is located near the ileocecal junction.


The axon hillock is a conical space in the neuron cell body which contains no Nissle Bodies.


The cell membrane is actually too thin to be viewed with the light microscope.


The chromophil cells of the adenohypophysis are divided into acidophils and basophils dependent upon their staining characteristics.


The cytoskeleton of the cell is composed of microtubules and microfilaments


The digestive tract begins at the oral cavity and forms a tubular structure that ends at the anus.


The drug Cytochalasin B can dissociate microfilaments (cause them to fall apart) stopping cell division or cytokinesis but does not affect nuclear division and can produce a binucleated cell.


The hypophyseal portal system functions to permit the hypothalamus to control and inhibit the release of hormones by the pituitary.


The kidney s major function is excretion but along with excretion is the function of reabsorption of what the body wants to keep.


The liver is an essential human organ which means that humans cannot live long without a liver.


The mechanism of cartilage calcification is thought to involve the release of phosphate ions due to action of alkaline phosphatase in chondrocytes.


The neuroglia are supporting cells of the nervous system and do not carry impulses.


The portal liver lobule is designed based on the function of the liver in producing bile


The portion of the tooth which we can see when we smile and look into the mirror is called the enamel.


The presence of intercellular bridges providing cytoplasmic continuity between developing spermatogonia of the same cell lineage explains why these cells develop in synchrony.


The renal corpuscle consists of Bowman s Capsule and the glomerulus


The respiratory pathway provides a way for gaseous exchange between the body mass and the air.


The respiratory unit is the lung lobule.


The shortening of the distance between Z lines in a sarcomere is another way of defining muscle fiber contraction.


The space in side the stomach is considered outside the body.


The space inside the seminiferous tubules is really a space that is continuous with the space outside your body mass.


The viscosity of cervical mucus is of a relatively thin consistency prior to ovulation making it easier for spermatozoa to negotiate.


The white matter of the central nervous system is composed of a myelin sheath produced by oligodendrodria.


Throughout neurohypophysis are found round structures of varying size called Herring bodies.


Troponin and tropomyosin on the thin actin filament move away in presence of Calcium to permit myosin attachment


When the Graafian Follicle matures, its size spans the width of the ovary cortex.


Choose the fiber type which is slow twitch, fatigue-resistant and found in high number in the long muscles of the human back which help maintain posture.

Type I (slow oxidative fibers)

The first cell type which an oxygen molecule would have to pass through to get to a blood capillary in the lung alveolus would be a:

Type II pneumocyte

The first cell type which an oxygen molecule would have to pass through to get to a blood capillary would be a:

Type II pneumocyte

Which cell type is round with foamy cytoplasm and produces a film rich in lipoproteins to keep the alveoli from collapsing.

Type II pneumocyte

Which skeletal muscle fiber type below is not found in human skeletal muscles.

Type III (slow glycolytic fibers)

Individual muscle cells of this type have only one nucleus per cell and usually display a long slender form.

smooth muscle

0.001mm is equivalent to

1 micron

If the object size is 1 microns, calculate the magnification produced using a 50x objective lens and 10x ocular lens

500 microns

What wavelength is used in the equation for calculating resolving power or resolution?

540 nm

"In epithelial tissue, the main site for anchoring microfilaments to the cell membrane is called the:"

Adhesion belt or zonula adherens

If fertilization of the ovulated egg does not occur, the corpus luteum involutes to form a small white fibrous scar called the corpus _________.


Which cell types are present in the pancreatic Islets of Langerhans.

Alpha and Beta and Delta cells

In pancreatic Islets of Langerhans, which cell produces glucagon?

Alpha cells

Which item below is not considered part of the conducting pathway of the respiratory tract.


Tooth enamel is formed by the:


Fertilization of the human egg normally occurs in the ____________ region of the oviduct.


As the Graafian Follicle matures, fluid is secreted to form a crescent-shaped cavity called the:


In the kidney, interlobar arteries extend between lobes and branch off the _________ arteries which are named so because they arch over, radiating from the tip of an interlobar artery like ribs of an umbrella.


Loose Connective Tissue is also called:

Areolar connective tissue

Tissue fluid is formed by the diffusion of molecules from the region of the capillary closest to the


When applied to histologic sections, the term ___ means a flaw caused by faulty technique


The function of the T-Tubule system is to:

Better enable action potential to reach center of muscle fiber

The type of neuroglia that is star-shaped and adheres to capillaries and neurons forming a rigid support for cell bodies and axons is called


What cell type contributes most to preventing antibiotics such as penicillin from getting to brain cells from the capillaries?


Which type of microscope can be used to study the surface topography at molecular and atomic resolution?

Atomic force microscope

The disposal pathway through which primary lysosomes eliminate obsolete cytoplasmic organelles is:


The 9 + 2 arrangement of microtubules seen in a cross sections of cilia is called the:


Which structure listed below is not considered part of the Junctional Complex


Cilia are hair-like extensions on the surface of some cells such as the lining of the respiratory pathway and are anchored in place by a structure called the:

Basal body

The immature red blood cell which exhibits intense basophilia in its cytoplasm with Wright s stain is called a

Basophilic erythroblast

In pancreatic Islets of Langerhans, which cell produces insulin?

Beta cells

Which statement below is not true for cartilage and bone:

Both are avascular

What feature is the same for nerve fibers found in the central and peripheral nervous system?

Both are covered by a sheath

Anatomically, what nervous system components are categorized as being part of the Central Nervous System?

Brain and spinal cord

The last step in the path to producing bone tissue is:

Calcification of cartilage

When the action potential or stimulus for contraction reaches the muscle fiber, the first thing that happens is:

Calcium ions are released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum

If your lab technician says to you that the neuroglia surrounding the spinal ganglia in a slide made from a patient with an undiagnosed disease look suspicious, what is your first response?

Can't be a neuroglial cell

What is the function of vasopressin?

Causes contraction of smooth muscle surrounding arterioles.

Choose the action of pancreozymin on the pancreas.

Causes secretion of digestive enzymes

What is the function of oxytocin?

Causes smooth muscle contraction of uterus in terminal stages of pregnancy.

Which cells in the liver die first when blood oxygen level is at a critical low level?

Cells closest to central vein

The primary components which make up the body tissues are:

Cells, extracellular matrix and body fluids

Connective tissue is composed of:

Cells, fibers and ground substance

Cementum is formed by:


Blood leaves the liver sinusoids by way of the

Central vein

Thrombin performs which reaction below in the clotting process.

Changes fibrinogen to fibrin

Thromboplastin performs which reaction below in the clotting process.

Changes prothrombin to thrombin

In the fundic glands of the stomach, pepsin is produced by the:

Chief cells

The fetal portion of the placenta is derived from the _____________


Choose from below the type of tongue papillae that are located in a V-shaped sulcus at the rear of the dorsal tongue surface.

Circumvallate papillae

The parallel flattened sacs seen in rough endoplasmic reticulum with the electron microscope are called:


Which transmembrane protein listed below is attacked by a small protein produced by the bacterium, Clostridium perfringens, and causes food poisoning by weakening the zonula occludens in intestinal epithelium?


The stage in the paraffin technique for producing a tissue slide for viewing with a light microscope that entails removal of absorbed water and replacing it with xylene is called ___.


Receptor-mediated endocytosis occurs at sites on the cell surface called

Coated pits

The organic component of bone is composed primarily of:

Collagen fibers

The primary function of fibroblasts is to produce

Collagen fibers

The prostate is composed of many _________ glands

Compound tubuloalveolar

The functional property exhibited by cells that describes the ability of the cell membrane to propagate a surface wave of excitation is called:


The type of microscope which is able to see the three-dimensional distribution of a specific constituent of a living tissue by the use of a narrow laser beam that can be precisely focused to the appropriate depth is called a ___________________.

Confocal microscope

If you would like to produce a three dimensional image of a biological specimen, which type of microscope listed would you use?

Confocal scanning microscope

Loose and Dense Connective Tissue is classified as:

Connective Tissue Proper

The main difference between epithelial tissue and connective tissue is:

Connective tissue has intercellular substance

Which transmembrane protein class listed below is not a part of the zona occludens or tight junction complex?


When slides are made from frozen tissues, the sections are cut inside a refrigerated cabinet called a ___


The chief initial placental source of human chorionic gonadotrophin is the ________________.


Explain the role of ATP in muscle contraction.

Does not have a role in muscle contraction.

Which type of microscopy is useful in examining urine for crystals of uric acid and oxalate as well as observing for the presence of spirochetes such as Treponema pallidum, the organism causing syphilis

Dark field microscope

Reserve stem cells which produce mature sperm are called:

Dark type A spermatogonia

The maternal portion of the placenta is derived from the region of the endometrium that underlies the implantation site called the ________________.

Decidua basilis

One function of insulin is:

Decrease blood glucose by making cell membranes more permeable to glucose

The stage in the paraffin technique for producing a tissues slide for viewing with a light microscope that entails replacing the tissue water by passing the tissue through successively stronger solutions of ethyl alcohol is called ___.


In pancreatic Islets of Langerhans, which cell produces somatostatin?

Delta cells

Which statement below is not associated with the exocrine portion of the pancreas.

Delta cells produce somatostatin

Prenatal development of the primary oocyte is completed by its entering a protracted resting stage knowns as _____________.


Once the cartilage model in bone formation is calcified, the chondrocytes present in the cartilage:


During contraction of a sarcomere, what happens to the I Band?


The Resolving Power or Resolution of a lens describes its capacity to:

Distinguish between two points lying close together

Which connective tissue fibers form a network which wraps itself around individual muscle fibers where smooth muscle fibers are arranged in bundles such as in the intestine.

Eeticular fibers

Gap junctional connexons are linked with what types of structures in the nervous system?

Electrical Synapse

The stage in the paraffin technique for producing a tissue slide for viewing with a light microscope that entails replacing absorbed xylene with paraffin is called ____________________.


The type of bone growth which starts as a cartilage model is called


In the fundic glands of the stomach, serotonin and motilin is produced by the:

Enteroendocrine cells

The type of neuroglia which form a layer of supporting epithelial cells that line brain ventricular and central canal of spinal cord is called:

Ependymal cells

Which neuroglial cell lines the brain ventricles and the central canal of the spinal cord?

Ependymal cells

Which tissue below is not an example of an epithelioid tissue?


Reticular fibers and collagen fibers are similar in that they both

Exhibit same banding periodicity

The fusion of secretory vesicles with the plasma membrane is termed


Which function listed below is not one associated with the smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum


In an electron microscope, the glass lens must be of a special construction to permit the electrons to pass through.


12 protofilaments come together to form one microtubule.


A compound light microscope normally found in student labs consists of a convex lens known as the objective lens and a concave lens called the ocular lens.


A fibroblast is an example is an immature cell that produces fibers


A scanning electron microscope is used when the electron beam passes through the thin tissue section in a fast scanning motion


Acidophils in the adenohypophysis are thought to produce human growth hormone and prolactin because they stain heavily with Periodic acid-Schiff reaction.


All glucose is reabsorbed from the glomerular filtrate when it passes through the Distal Convoluted Tubule.


All membrane proteins are attached to either the outer or inner surface of the plasma membrane and never cross directly from one side of the membrane to the other


An amphipathic molecule possesses a hydrophobic end but no portion of the molecule is hydrophilic


Antidiuretic Hormone has its effect on the Proximal Convoluted Tubule of the Loop of Henle.


At an electrical synapse, gap junctional connexons serve to make more easy the passage of neurotransmitters from the post-synaptic fiber to the pre-synaptic fiber.


Bile salts and bilirubin secreted into the intestine perform no major function there.


Blood flows through the kidney through a double circulation pathway which can take blood through mostly the cortex or through the medullary region.


Blood is a special form of connective tissue because it does not contain fibers.


Brown fat is the predominant type of fat found in humans.


Collagen fibers are the only fibers present in loose connective tissue


During heart failure, decreased hydrostatic pressure due to the impaired return of venous blood to the heart can cause ankles to swell.


During stage 3 of long bone growth, epiphyseal plates form but disappear after birth.


Epithelia are classified according to the number of cell layers they have and whether they have blood vessels or not.


Epithelioid tissues are considered a type of connective tissue because they are closely approximated and attached to a basement membrane.


Ferritin contains two molecules of iron per molecule of ferritin


Filiform papillae on the dorsal surface of the tongue contain about 10 - 12 taste buds per papillae.


Gas exchange takes place only in the alveolar sac area of the lung lobule.


Glands releasing secretions into the lumen (space) of your intestine would be called endocrine glands.


Ground substance contains chondroitin sulfate and keratohyalin which result in a firm gel.


Ground substance contains hyaluronidase which makes ground substance more viscous


If no fertilization takes place, the corpus luteum degenerates permitting the ovary to begin secretion of follicle stimulating hormone which starts the menstrual cycle again.


If the pancreatic duct leading to the intestine is tied, diabetes develops.


In a compound microscope, the objective lens produces an image that falls outside the focal point of the ocular lens.


In addition to the alveoli, gas exchange also takes place in the bronchi.


The type of capillaries seen in the glomerulus which are specialized in that they have large pores covered with a thin diaphragm for easier filtration are called:

Fenestrated capillaries

Which of the following entities is not part of the hemoglobin molecule?


The lumen of the T-tubule is considered to be an inner extension of the external environment because:

Ferritin-soaked muscles show ferritin inside T-Tubule

Intercellular substance is composed of:

Fibers and ground substance

Which of the following is not considered a wandering cell of Loose Connective Tissue?


Which of the tongue papillae has nerve endings enabling the tongue to have a sense of touch?


Choose from below the type of tongue papillae that are structured as high, narrow and conical and give them a threadlike appearance.

Filiform papillae

The outer edge of the oviduct infundibulum forms a fringe-like area called:


Answer Question A on the image below

Focal point

The study of histology reveals that all body parts are composed of:

Four basic tissue types

Choose from below the type of tongue papillae that are mushroom-shaped, have a thin epithelial covering and appear red due to appearance of blood vessels just beneath the epithelium

Fungiform papillae

Spot-like areas containing tubular channels called connexons which connect the cytoplasm of two different cells are called:

Gap junctions

Aldosterone is a steroid hormone which stimulates sodium resorption in the distal convoluted tubule and is produced in the zona ___________ of the adrenal cortex.


The Alpha cells of the pancreatic Islets of Langerhans produce:


Cell membranes show an outer oligosaccharide-rich region known as the cell coat or


Which is the correct sequence below to describe the process of spermiogenesis.

Golgi phase to cap phase to acrosomal phase

The functional property exhibited by cells that results in an increase of cell size by the synthesis of an abundance of macromolecules is called:


If marked breast enlargement occurs in males at puberty, it is referred to as _________________.


Pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium found lining the respiratory pathway is described as

Having just one layer of cells

Of the functions listed below, which one is not associated with white or yellow fat found in humans

Heat production

Which of the functions listed below is not a function of the tongue?

Helps to absorb digested food

Identify the type of cell junction indicated by line B


The liver receives arterial blood from the:

Hepatic artery

The strong basophilia exhibited by the Nissle bodies in neurons is caused by what?

High concentration of polysomes

The fetal skeleton is first modeled as what type of cartilage before being replaced by bone?

Hyaline cartilage

Intercalated disks are junctions of two cardiac muscle fibers which occur only at the:

I Band

Answer Question C on the image below

Imaginary imag

Chronic renal ____________ (impaired blood flow) can elevate renin levels which is a contributing factor to high blood pressure.


If you incubated a pituitary slice with fluoresceine labeled antibody to purified growth hormone, where would you expect it to be localized?

In the acidophils of the adenohypophysis

One function of glucagon is

Increase blood glucose by increasing breakdown of glycogen to glucose

The funnel shaped opening of the oviduct that opens into peritoneal cavity and is situated near the ovary is called the:


Which factor listed below is not a requirement for a cardiac muscle fibers to undergo contraction.


The Beta cells of the pancreatic Islets of Langerhans produce:


______________ cells are present between seminiferous tubules and produce increased levels of testosterone during puberty to promote spermatogenesis.

Interstitial (Leydig)

Paneth cells are found in which glands listed below?

Intestinal glands

The type of bone growth exhibited by the flat bones of the skull in which bone is laid down on areas where there are many collagen fibers is called:


The ability of a neuron to respond to a stimulus is termed:


The functional property exhibited by cells that causes them to react to certain organic and inorganic molecules and electrical signals is called:


The syncitiotrophoblast found in the late blastocyst is unusual because it ___________________.

Is formed of cells that have fused together to form a multinucleated mass with no cell boundaries

The 2/3 portion of the oviduct closest to the uterus is called the:


What is the importance of the hypophysioportal circulation found in the neurohypophysis?

It links the nervous system to the endocrine system

What is the most complete statement about the liver?

It receives venous and arterial blood

Holocrine secretion in a gland means:

It releases secretions as whole cells

How does the newborn infant absorb antibodies from mother's milk?

Jejunum and ileum absorbs intact proteins from intestine

Identify the area formed from the combination of the three types of cell junction indicated in area A in the graphic

Junctional complex

The sarcomere is the area on a skeletal muscle fiber which is located between two:

Z lines

Choose the correct path for secretion of bile from blood entering the liver.

Liver sinusoid to hepatocyte to bile canaliculus to bile duct

When a primary oocyte enters the long prophase of meiosis I, its 46 chromosomes become microscopically discernable as long, slender threads and is described as ____________.


Dense Regular Connective Tissue can be found in the

Ligaments and tendons

Which of the functions below is not a function of connective tissue

Lines external surfaces of body

What is the largest gland associated with the intestine?


The kidney renal tubule consists of:

Loop of Henle, proximal convoluted tubule and distal convoluted tubule

______________ from the anterior pituitary stimulates the interstitial cells in the testis to produce testosterone.

Luteinizing hormone

Which of the following is not considered a fixed cell of Loose Connective Tissue?


The term used to indicate that a light microscope is producing enlarged images of small objects is ___


Kartagener's syndrome exhibits the inability of the respiratory system to clear accumulated secretions from the respiratory system and also one of the following problems

Male sterility

The precursor cell to a blood platelet is called a(n):


In the process of bone formation, hyaline cartilage arises from:


The precursor cell to a monocyte is called a(n):


Which blood cell below is not considered to be a granular leukocyte?


In the fundic glands of the stomach, mucus is produced by the

Mucous neck cells

The human kidney is _____________ because it develops from a number of lobes.


What type of cell has a sarcolemma and a sarcoplasmic reticulum?


ATP is a necessary component for:

Muscle fiber relaxation

Which disease listed below is an autoimmune disease in which the body produces antibodies to the acetylcholine receptors on the muscle sarcolemma.

Myasthenia gravis

Which disease listed below is not one linked to preferential damage to the myelin sheath of the peripheral nervous system.

Myasthenia gravis

The precursor cell to granular leukocytes is called a:


The individual contractile unit of a muscle cell that can be viewed with a light microscope is called the:


What statement below is not true about smooth muscle tissue?

Myofibrils are arranged in an orderly fashion.

Which of the listed components is not part of the uterine mucosa or endometrium?


In the banding pattern for the relaxed sarcomere, what filament(s) are present in the A band?

Myosin and actin

The elongated inelastic protein which assists in anchoring the thin filaments to the Z-line is called what?


What accessory protein anchors the thick myosin filaments to the Z-line in the sarcomere?


Which general class of cells in the nervous system do not carry impulses?


One Angstrom is equivalent to:

None of the listed choices

The unusual feature of the second maturation division for a maturing oocyte is that _____________________.

No DNA synthesis occurs

Saltatory conduction of nerve impulses occurs because of the presence of what regions on the nerve?

Node of Ranvier

The area of a nerve fiber where little myelin exists which supports saltatory conduction of a nerve impulse is called:

Node of Ranvier

The immature red blood cell which exhibits cytoplasmic staining of bright pink with Wright s stain, is slightly smaller than earlier erythroblasts and hasn t yet lost its nucleus is called a:


Tooth dentin is produced by the:


What is the best reason for having the esophagus lined with stratified squamous epithelium?

Offers protection to inner surface of esophagus as food passes by.

In the banding pattern for the relaxed sarcomere, what filament(s) are present in the I band?

Only actin

For a relaxed sarcomere, choose the answer below that would fit for being present in the I Band region.

Only actin filaments

In the banding pattern for the relaxed sarcomere, what filament(s) are present in the H zone?

Only myosin

For a relaxed sarcomere, choose the answer below that would fit for being present in the H Zone region.

Only myosin filaments

The mechanism by which water from the tissue fluid flows back into the capillary is called


The type of bone cell responsible for the secretion of the bone matrix and found in areas of new bone formation is called a(n):


Mesenchyme cells follow blood vessels into the diaphysis of the growing long bone and differentiate into:


The type of bone cell formed from blood monocytes and having from 15 - 20 nuclei per cell which participates in bone resorption is called a(n):


During stage 2 of long bone growth, blood vessels migrate into the center of the diaphysis through holes in the periosteal collar formed by erosion of bone by


The type of bone cell found in fully formed bone which lives in small spaces called lacunae is called a(n):


Which of the following statements does not fit with the functioning of the Golgi Apparatus?

Oxidative phosphorylation

Which hormone listed below causes contraction of the smooth muscle of the uterus in terminal stages of pregnancy.


Renewing stem cells which produce mature sperm are called:

Pale type A spermatogonia

Peptidase which breaks down peptides to individual amino acids is produced by which cells listed below.

Paneth cells

Which cell type would you not expect to see in the stomach fundic glands?

Paneth cells

In infants and young children, there is a continuous a.subcutaneous fat layer of constant thickness over the whole body called the:

Panniculus adiposus

In the fundic glands of the stomach, HCl is produced by the:

Parietal cells

In the fundic glands of the stomach, gastric intrinsic factor is produced by the:

Parietal cells

The region of the oviduct which passes into the uterus is called the:

Pars interstitialis

The glomerular epithelium attaches to the glomerular capillaries through specialized finger-like or foot processes called:


The outermost mesothelial covering of the testis is derived from the membranous lining of a serous sac evaginated from the _________________.


The tiny vesicles containing enzymes which form and break down hydrogen peroxide used by phagocytic cells to kill phagocytosed bacteria are termed:


If fertilization of an ovulated egg occurs, what hormone action below is true.

Progesterone inhibits production of Luteinizing Hormone

Which blood cell below is not a myeloid element?

Plasma cell

The plasma membrane is also known as the:


The glomerular epithelium is specialized in its attachment to the glomerular capillaries and these cells are called:


The immature red blood cell which exhibits cytoplasmic staining anywhere from purple to lilac or gray after staining with Wright's stain because of varying hemoglobin amounts is called a:

Polychromatophil erythroblast

Which artery brings venous blood to the liver?

Portal artery

The liver receives venous blood by way of the:

Portal vein

The liver sinusoids lined by hepatocytes receives blood from

Portal vein and hepatic artery

The portion of the penis which is trimmed during circumcision is called the ____________.


If cells have a zonula occludens (tight junction), what function might you predict it to play in those cells?

Prevents passage of material between cells

Polycystic kidney disease is caused by mutations that affect development of what structures?

Primary cilia

The majority of follicles found in the ovary are of what type?

Primordial Follicle

Answer Question AB on the image below

Principle axis

Which function below is not associated with the Reticuloendothelial System

Produce calcified cartilage

Brown fat mitochondria from bats do not have elementary particles and this helps them to:

Produce more heat to speed up the process of getting their body temperature back up to normal at end of hibernation

Why is the Greek mythological story about Promethius important to understanding the functioning of the liver.

Promethius was punished by having an vulture eat his liver every day and then it grew back the next day.

What statement below does not support the Fluid Mosaic Model for cell membrane structure

Proteins are held rigidly in place in the lipid bilayer

The Proximal Convoluted Tubule can be distinguished from the Distal Convoluted Tubule in that:

Proximal Convoluted Tubule has many luminal microvilli

Which type of epithelium lines the inner cavity of the nose?

Pseudostratified columnar

Answer Question B on the image below

Real image

A hormone called _________ is produced by the corpus luteum towards the end of pregnancy which functions to soften the dense connective tissue of the cervix.


One function of somatostatin is:

Release growth hormone by pituitary

The kidney nephron consists of:

Renal corpuscle and renal tubule

In the kidney, urine drains toward the hilum and enters a funnel-shaped space called the _________ which is the beginning of the ureter.

Renal pelvis

Angiotensinogen from the liver is changed to Angiotensin I by the action of ___________ which is produced by the juxtaglomerular cells of the macula densa.


The term used to indicate that a light microscope is revealing the fine details of a small object is ___.


Choose the correct path for a molecule of oxygen in air breathed into a respiratory unit in the lung to reach a blood capillary.

Respiratory bronchiole to alveolar duct to alveolar sac to alveolus

The cytoplasm of a muscle cell is called the:


During the final phase of red blood cell production, the nucleus is extruded but the cytoplasm still contains some mitochondria and some basophilic staining due to residual ribonucleoprotein and is called a


All proteins for secretion from the cell are synthesized on what organelle listed below:

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

Which structure below is not part of a mitochondrion

Rough endoplasmic reticulum

The plasma membrane of a muscle cell is called the:


The contractile unit of a muscle is called a:


______________ cells are tall simple columnar cells found in the seminiferous tubules which provide a nourishing environment for sperm development.


Name the type of epithelium lining the oviducts

Simple columnar

Each ovary is covered by a germinal epithelium which is what type of epithelium?

Simple cuboidal

The type of epithelium which is composed of a single layer of box-like cells is called

Simple cuboidal

Individual muscle cells of this type have many nuclei per muscle fiber (multinucleated).

Skeletal muscle

Which muscle type below is voluntary and makes up most of the flesh of our limbs and also the covering musculature of our body.

Skeletal muscle

In which portion of the digestive system do you find plicae circulares?

Small intestine

In which portion of the digestive system do you find the Crypts of Lieberkuhn?

Small intestine

In which portion of the digestive system do you find the plexus of Meissner.

Small intestine

Where would you expect to find the Crypts of Lieberkuhn?

Small intestine

Which muscle type below is categorized as involuntary and forms the musculature of most hollow organs such as the bladder and alimentary canal.

Smooth muscle

The Delta cells of the pancreatic Islets of Langerhans produce:


For a relaxed sarcomere, choose the answer below that would fit for being present in the A Band region.

Some actin and all of myosin filaments

What structural feature is missing in the electrical synapse that is present in the motor end plate?

Space between pre-synaptic and post-synaptic fiber.

A boney latticework called trabeculae can be seen in

Spongy bone

As the Proximal Convoluted Tubule forms the Loop of Henle, the epithelium changes from cuboidal to:


If gastric juice lacked the secretion of parietal cells in the stomach fundic glands, what would happen?

Starch digestion caused by amylase would cease.

During contraction of a sarcomere, what happens to the A Band?

Stays same width

Choose the correct order of events that result in a muscle cell contraction-relaxation process.

Stimulus propagated inward via T system, sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane releases calcium ions, myosin ATPase causes thick filament to attach to actin, ATP hydrolyzed and calcium taken up by sarcoplasmic reticulum

The Schiff Reagent in the Feulgen Reaction can react with DNA in a ___


In which portion of the digestive system do you find columnar cells acting as a glandular sheet?


The tall columnar cells found in the lining epithelium of the nose which have a well developed junctional complex attaching them to sensory cells are called:

Sustentacular cells

Edema can be defined as the

Swelling caused by excess tissue fluid

Of the drugs which can bind to microfilaments or actin filaments, which one below stabilizes the mitotic spindle rather than prevents its formation?


Choose the statement below which is in error with reference to teeth.

Teeth have less dentin than enamel.

What is the numerical aperture of a lens?

The ability of a lens to gather light

In the paraffin technique for producing sections for microscopic study, which statement describes the process of dehydration, clearing and embedding.

The fixed tissue is placed in successively stronger ethyl alcohol concentrations, xylene and then paraffin

If a nerve is stimulated in the middle of an axon with a synapse to the right-hand side of where the stimulus is applied, what is your prediction of what will happen?

The impulse will be conducted in the right-hand and lef-hand direction from the stimulus site.

In a cross section of a sperm at the midpiece, the axoneme is surrounded by _____________.

The mitochondrion and the coarse fibers

The plasma membrane can best be described by which of the following statements after staining with osmium tetroxide and viewed with a Transmission Electron Microscope

The plasma membrane is seen as an inner electron clear layer sandwiched between outer and inner electron dense layers

The electron microscope has a greater resolving power than a light microscope because:

The wavelength of an electron beam is much lower than that of visible light

Bulk of neurohypophysis is made up of many unmyelinated nerve fibers which make up what is called the hypothalamo-hypophyseal tract.


Which statement below is not true about human mitochondria

They have elementary particles attached to their outer membrane

Cholesterol is synthesized by liver hepatocytes.


The ______________________ is unique to epithelial tissues and forms a strong adhesion with other epithelial cells.

Tight Junction or zonula occludens

The fluid content of the gelatinous interstitial matrix surrounding small blood vessels which enables oxygen and nutrients to diffuse from the blood fluid inside capillaries to the tissue cells and waste products to diffuse in the reverse directions is called the ______________.

Tissue Fluid

The large elastic accessory protein in the muscle sarcomere which anchors the thick myosin filament to the Z-line is:


Light microscope sections must be thin for the following reason:

To more easily permit light to pass through the section

A special microtome able to produce very thin sections must be used for tissue samples to be used with the electron microscope for the following reason:

To permit the passage of electrons through the tissue section

Collagen fibers exhibit an axial periodicity which appears as repeating bands running down the length of the fibers


Cytokinesis is the final step in the process of cell division.


If as a histologist, you look at an unlabeled slide of muscle tissue and you note that the striated muscle is in a three-dimensional arrangement, what organ do you know this section comes from?


Which face of the Golgi is this?


Identify the round objects emerging from the rough ER and Golgi membranes

Transfer vesicles

In the process of forming a coated vesicle from the invagination of a cell surface coated pit during receptor-mediated endocytosis, what name is given to the clathrin-containing subunits forming the latticework which surrounds the coated vesicle?


Which accessory protein in the sarcomere caps actin and regulates the length of the thin filaments?


Which accessory protein in the sarcomere stabilizes the thin filaments and helps regulate binding of Calcium ions?


A cryostat is a special type of microtome used in surgical analysis to produce frozen tissue sections.


A kidney lobule consists of a nephron which begins in the cortex as a blind tubule surrounding a tuft of capillaries and ends as it runs into the collecting tubule.


A motor unit is considered to be a nerve fiber and all the muscle fibers it innervates.


A phospholipid is an amphipathic molecule


A transmission electron microscope employs an electron beam which passes through a tissue section and is captured on a photographic plate for a permanent record


Adipose cells are fat cells


All blood cell types arise from an early single type of progenitor cell called a pluripotent hematopoietic stem cell.


All nerve fibers in the Central Nervous System (CNS) and in Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) are covered by a sheath


Alveolar macrophages absorb foreign particles breathed into the lungs.


Alveolar pores are small holes found between adjacent alveoli.


An imaginary image is one that can only be viewed by looking through the lens such as in a magnifying glass.


An imaginary image is produced when the object to be viewed is placed inside the focal point of the convex lens.


An ultramicrotome can produce sections with a thickness of 30 - 40 nm which is the thickness needed for electron microscopy.


As the Primordial Follicle matures, the adjacent connective tissue forms a capsular sheath around follicle cells called the theca folliculi.


Astrocytes especially contribute to the Blood-Brain Barrier which means that many antibiotics such as penicillin do not cross the epithelial lining of capillaries to reach brain.


At a chemical synapse, a substance called a neurotransmitter is produced to help the impulse jump the gap from the pre-synaptic fiber to the post-synaptic fiber.


At the beginning of the process of forming microtubules, alpha and beta subunits of tubulin form what is called a tubulin dimer.


At the time of ovulation, the muscles of the oviduct contract rhythymically in the direction of the uterus helping to move the egg toward uterus.


Between the developing oocyte and the follicular cells is formed the zona pellucida.


Bile is secreted into the bile canaliculus running parallel to the liver sinusoid but moves bile in opposite direction of the blood flow through the sinusoid.


Bone has a rigid and hard ground substance


Bony outgrowths of the maxilla and mandible called alveolar processes form a strong support for the teeth.


Brunner s Glands are located in the submucosa of the duodenum


The site of origin of the proximal convoluted tubule from the renal corpuscle is termed the ___________.

Tubular pole

The testis is surrounded by a thick fibrous capsule called the:

Tunica albuginea

The outermost mesothelial covering of the testis is termed the _________________.

Tunica vaginalis testis

The spermatogonia which produce primary spermatocytes are called:

Type B spermatogonia

What type of microscope can be used to quantitatively measure DNA and RNA in cells

Ultraviolet microscope

Reticular tissue is not found in which tissue or organ listed below:

Umbilical cord

A simple, alveolar gland would have which of the following characteristics:

Unbranched and flask shaped

The plasma membrane is also known as a:

Unit membrane

Choose the best answer which fits how a phase contrast microscope works

Utilizes small differences in the refractive index to visualize different cell parts

The thin segment of the Loop of Henle is surrounded by a numerous straight blood capillaries called the ___________.

Vasa recta

The site where the afferent and efferent arterioles both converge on the renal corpuscle is termed the ____________.

Vascular pole

Which hormone causes contraction of the smooth muscle surrounding walls of arterioles to increase blood pressure.


Absorption of water from the tissue fluid back into the blood occurs in the region of the capillary closest to the:


If bone is placed in weak acid for an extended period of time, the resulting bone becomes:

Very flexible

In the umbilical cord, mucous connective tissue is called:

Wharton s Jelly

Individual muscle cells of this type have only one nucleus per cell and usually display a long slender form

smooth muscle delete

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