histology reproductive system

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what are the two layers of the corpus luteum

-theca lutein cells {TLC} -graunulosa lutein cells {GLC}

primary follicles have what type of "looking" cells


when does the LH "surge " begin

just before day 14

what cell produces testosterone

leydig cells

what hormone binds to leydig cells to prompt the secretion of testosterone

luteining hormone

what is the only section in the spermatozoon with mictochondria

middle section area of sperm

histologicaly late primary follice has

multiple rows of follicular cells "granulosa cells"

what are the three layers of the uterus

perimetrium myometrium {middle layer=circular, outer/inner layer=longitudinal} endometrium

what is the thick capsule of the ovary

tunica albuginea

what is the parietal layer of the testis

tunica vaginalis

what hormone is being secreted during the proliferative phase? what happens to the endometrium and what structure is causing this?

estrogen the endometrium becomes thicker under the influence of estrogen secreted by ovarian follicle

how are primary oocytes formed

oogonia going through a serious of cell division

what are the four zones of the prostate


what forms the ovarian follicle

primary oocytes that are covered with follicular cells

what are intratesticular ducts? what do they contain

straight tubules that eventually becomes rete testis only contains sertoli cells

what type of feed back does testosterone cause and for what hormone? what type of feedback does inhibin causes and for what hormone?

testosterone cause negative feedback for LH inhibin causes negative feedback for FSH

what part of the ovary houses the oogonia

the cortex

what happens to the endometrium during the menstral phase? This occurs due to what?

the surface layer of the endometrium - statum functionale is peeling off from the stratum basale. This phase is due to the decline of both estrogen and progesterone

in what layer does the Ilioingual nerve lay in the ductus deferens? genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve?

Ilioingual is outside the fascia genital branch is within the muscle

describe the 2 points of spermatocyte phase

It is the meiosis phase Meiosis I: Primary spermatocytes >> secondary spermatocytes; Meiosis II: secondary spermatocyte >> spermatids.

what are the cells in the seminiferous tubules

Sertoli cell (SC); Type A (dark, Ad) >> Type A (pale) ; Type A (pale, Ap); Type B spermatogonia

what is a unilaminar primary oocyte

a primary oocyte surrounded by a single layer of cuboidal follicular cells

what is acrosome rxn? what is capacitation and where does it occur?

acrosome reaction=release of acrosomal enzymes as the sperm touches the egg capacitation occurs in the female tract to have glycocalyx components removed from the sperm membrane

what are the "parts" of the ductus deferens and what occurs at each part

ampulla:where duct of seminal vesicle joins ejaculatory duct:where it continues through the prostate

what does apocrine secretion add to milke? what does merocrine secretion add to milk? AF vs MP

apocrine=fatty component of milk merocrine=protein component of milk

what are the the features of the mucosus layer of the uterine tube when it comes to ciliated vs non-ciliated

ciliated: wave towards the uterus; nonciliated (peg cells): secrete fluid for the ovum

during pregnancy what does estrogen, progesterone sitmulate? E-LD vs PA think about females breast during pregnancy

estrogen stimulates growth of lactiferous duct progesterone stimulates growth of alveoli

what are the contents of the secretions of the prostate

fibrinolysin, citric acid, serine protease (prostate-specific antigen, PSA) and acid phosphate

what are the concentration of the semen of fluid? and sperm?

fluid=3ml sperm=100 million

what are the divisions of the endometrium? which layer changes during menstration? what is the changing layer arteriol supply?

functional and basal layer functional layer changes helicine {coiled} arteries

where are prostatic concretions frequently found

in the lumen of the prostate

what are the histological difference in an inactive vs active mammy gland

inactive= more connective tissue, less lobules,epithelial cells of ducts are columnar, visible lymphocytes and myoepithelial cells active=less connective tissue, more lobules, secretory alveolar cells are cuboidal, visible myoepithelial cells and plasma cells

what is the function of prolactin

induces leydig to express LH receptors

what muscles of the ductus deferens is responsibile for ejaculation "IOC"

inner longitudial muscle outer longitudial muscle circular muscle

what is another name for leydig cells

interstitial cells

what happens to the corpus luteum when egg doesnt implant

it becomes corpus albicans

what is a secondary follicular cell

it has the following: - granulosa cells {GC}; - antrum {A}; - theca interna {TI}; - theca externa {TE}

what are the bulbourethral gland "cowpers gland" made of? what does it secrete?

-compound tubuloalveolar gland -simple columnar mucus secreting cells -secretes preseminal fluid

what part of the ductus deferens join with the seminal vesicle


what is the epithelium that covers the tunica albuginea of the ovary? what is it histological make up?

-germinal epithelium -simple squamous to cuboidal

why is panpanicolau "pap"smear performed and what is done/evaluated?

-performed as part of routine gynecological examination to examine stained exfoliative cells of the lining of the cervix and vagina

what are the three layers of the uterine tubes and describe each?

-serous {peritoneum} -muscularis {inner circular & outer longitudinal smooth muscles} -mucosus {folds with simple columnar epithelium w/o cilia}

what is the clinical correlation of benign prostatic hypertrophy?

-urethral lumen constricted due to the proliferation of the glandular epithelial cells -proliferation is related to the action of dihydrotestosterone (DHT)

what are the functions of sertoli cell

- nourish the developing sperm cells through the stages of spermatogenesis - act as phagocytes, consuming the residual cytoplasm during spermatogenesis.

describe the 4 points of spermatid phase "G-CAM"

-Golgi phase: form acrosomal vesicle; -Cap phase: form acrosomal cap; -Acrosome phase: form manchette; -Maturation phase: Sertoli cells phagocytose excess cytoplasm and release sperm cells.

describe the 4 points of spermatogonial phase

-Stem cells divide to keep population (mitosis); -Type A dark (Ad): stem cells; -Type A pale (Ap): after mitotic divisions; -Type B: ready to be the primary spermatocyte after another mitotic division.

what are the 3 phases of spermatogenesis "I'm gonna, I see it my sights, I did it kid"

1)Spermatogonial phase {mitosis} 2)Spermatocyte phase {meiosis} 3)Spermatid phase {spermiogenesis}

what substance does sertoli secrete and describe

1)anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) - secreted during the early stages of fetal life to develop male characteristics. 2)inhibin secreted after puberty, and work together to inhibit FSH secretion 3)androgen binding protein (also called testosterone binding globulin) - maintain the level of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone concentration in the seminiferous tubules to stimulate spermatogenesis

what are the stages of follicular development

1)primordial cell 2)primary follicular cell with one row of follicular cell around primary oocyte 3)secondary follicular cell: priamry oocyte with antrum, corona radiata and zona pellucida apparent 4)vesticular cell: secondary oocyte with antrum,corona radiata and zona pellucida 5) ovulated oocyte is release with a "shell" of zona pellucida and corona radiata 6)corpus luteum maintains if fertilization occurs 7)corpus albicans takes over if NO fertilization occurs

how many cycles are required for a spermatogonium to complete the process? how many days?

4.6 cycles 74 days

what hormone causes sertoli to secrete androgen binding protein?


what is the most clinically important tumor markers for prostate? what secretes it

PSA prostatic gland alveoli and then incorportated into seminal fluid

In prostate cancer what increases? what are the ranges and significance?

PSA concentration 4-10=25% cancer risk factor greater than 10= grater thatn 67% cancer risk

what secretes zona pellucida and what is it rich in?

Secreted by growing oocyte;Rich in glycosaminoglycons and glycoprotens;

what cells of the testis seminiferous epithelium goes through mitosis to form the primary spermatocytes

Type B

what hormone is being secreted during the secretory phase what is happening to the endometrium and what structure is causing this?

progesterone The endometrium becomes more than twice as thick as in the follicular phase.The uterine glands (arrow) increase in length and become tortuous and sacculated. corpus leuteum is secreting the hormone

what hormone regulats the proliferative stage? secretory phase? what is the menstrual phase?

proliferative=estrogen {days 5-14} secretory=progesterone (days 14-28} menstral phase becomes ischemic due to decline in progesterone and estrogen {days 1-5}

what contained in semen may influence sperm transit and implantation of a fertilized ovum


what type of epilthelium does the ductus deferens have? how many smooth muscle layers " ducts walk in a column"

pseudostratified columnar epithelium 3 smooth muscle layers

what type of epithelium does the epididymis have

pseudostratified columnar with sterocilia -sperm cells in the middle, the "dark points" are the head, the "strings" are the stereocilia

what is the histological make up of the epididymis epithelium

pseudostratified stereociliated epithelium

what cells in the males are considered true epithelium? false epithelium

sertoli cells {sustentacular cells} sperm cells

what forms the blood testis barrier

sertoli to sertoli junctional specialization

what is the epithelium of the uterus made of

simple columnar

what is the epithelium of the cervix made of

simple columnar {SCE} and stratified squamous {SSE}

what is leydig cells rich in?

smooth endoplasmic reticulum

primordial follicles have what types of "looking" cells

squamous looking

what zone of the prostate is most likely to have benign prostatic hyperplasia

transitional "middle" zone

what type of epithelium does the urethra have

transitional epithelim

what is the visceral layer that covers the testis

tunica albuginea

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