History- 1301-8

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Which of the following contributed to the failure of the English colony at Roanoke?

- The threat the Spanish Armada posed to England

What was the connection between the Agricultural Revolution and humans' ability to control their food supply?

-1.1.1 -The shift to basic crops a transformation that is sometimes termed the Agricultural Revolution profoundly altered NAtive Americans societies. -The availability of a more reliable store of food helped liberate nomadic groups from the insecurities of hunting and gathering.

The French completed by the Spanish for claims in Eastern Canada? True/False


The French had a very antagonistic relationship with the Native Americans in the areas where they settled? True/False


Which of the following characterized the colonies of Mayland and Virginia in the early seventeenth century?

High mortality rate

In the fifteenth century, there were important centers of textile production in?

The British Isles

What did Christopher Columbus and Portuguese explore have in common?

-1.2 -They hoped to establish trading contacts with the civilization of central and eastern Asia would all Portuguese merchants to bypass middlemen in the Middle East who had long dominated the trade in luxury goods like silk and spice. -Christopher Columbus shared this dream

What caused slave traders to accept trade regulations imposed on them by Africans?

-1.2.1 -European slave traders accepted these terms, largely because they had no other choice -The African states fielded formidable armies, and outsiders soon discovered they could not impose their will on the region simply through force. -More, over, local diseases such as malaria and yellow fever proved so lethal for Europeans- six out of ten of whom die within single years stay in Africa that they were happy to avoid a dangerous trip to the interior

Of items and ideas introduced by Europeans, what did Native Americans find most useful?

-1.2.2 -Indians desired most was peaceful trade, metal items for beaver skins

Why did Scandinavians abandon their outposts in the New World?

-1.3 -The hostility of Native Americans, poor lines of communication, climatic cooling, political upheavals in Scandinavia made it impossible to maintain these distant outposts.

What did the Portugues court propose to do instead of accepting Columbus's plan to find a route to Cathay?

-1.3.2 -They suspected the Columbus had underestimated the circumference of earth and that he would starve before reaching Asia.

How did Aztec spiritual beliefs influence Aztec's initial reaction to the Spanish? 1.4.1

-1.4.1 -At first, Montezuma thought that the Spaniards might be representatives of the fearful plumed serpent god, Quetzalcoatl -Instead of resisting, the emperor hesitated -When Montezum's resolved hardened, it was too late

What impact did Historia de las Indias by Las Casa have on readers in Spain?

-1.4.2 -Casas work provoked heated debate in Spain and initiated reforms designed to bring greater "love and moderation" to Spanish- Indian relations

In terms of successful converting Native Americans to Christianity, how did the French compare to the English?

-1.5 -Moreover, because of the colonies geography, all exports and imports had to go through Quebec

What caused King Henry VIII to break with the Catholic Church?

-1.6.1 - He divorced without the papal consent -He wanted a son

What was England's relationship with Spain during the reign of Elizabeth I?

-1.6.2 -By the 1570's, it had become obvious that powerful ideological forces similar to those that had moved the Spanish subjects of Isabella and Ferdinand almost a century earlier were driving the English people -The mid 1580s, Phillip II, who had united the Empires of Spain and Portugal in 1580, decided that England's arrogantly protestant queen could be tolerated no longer. He ordered the construction of a mighty fleet, hundred of transport vessels designed to carry Spains' finest infantry across the English Channel.

Why was the Elizabeth settlement at Roanoke (In North America) a failure?

-1.6.2 -In 1587, Raleigh dispatched colonists under the command of John White Roanoke, a site on the coast of present-day North Carolina, but poor planning, preparation for war with Spain, and hostilities with Native Americans doomed the experiment. -When English vessels finally returned to Roanoke in 1590, the settlers had disappeared -No one has ever explained what happened to the "Lost Colonists".

What was the role that joint-stock companies played in facilitating early seventeenth century English settlement?

-2.1.1 - A business organization in which many people could invest without fear of bankruptcy -A merchant or landowner could purchase a share of stock at a stated price, and at the end of several years, the investor could anticipate recovering the initial amount plus a portion of whatever profits the company had made -Joint stock ventures sprang up like mushrooms

What influenced settlers to choose the site on which Jamestown was built?

-2.1.3 -Tobacco proved relatively easy to grow, and settlers who avoided work now threw themselves into its production with single-minded diligence

What did most indentured servants expect to happy with them after their contract was up?

-2.1.4 -In return the master promised to give the laborers proper care and the conclusion of their contracts, provide them with tools and clothes according to "The custom of the country".

What role did lifespan play in the development of the Chesapeake colonies?

-2.1.4 -No one knows for certain how such a horrendous mortality rate affected the survivors -At least it must have created a sense of impermanence, a desire to escape Virginia with a little money before sickness who drank to excess aboard the tavern ships anchored in the James River described the colony "not as a place of Habitacion but only of a short so journey"

Why were Maryland settlers encouraged to keep their Catholicism private?

-2.1.5 -Persons who openly supported the church of Rome immediately stripped of Civil office. Although forced to resign as a secretary of state, Calvert retained the crowns favors -Cecilius the second Lord Baltimore, wanted to create a sanctuary for Englands persecuted Catholics

By 1700, how did lives for free blacks in Virginia change?

-2.1.6 -White planted assumed they could forever deprive African Americans of Freedom. -The colony's lietuenant governor knew better, warned complacent Virginians that "Freedom can without a Tongue, call together all those who long to shake off the fetters of Slavery"

Did Puritants tolerate religious differences?

-2.2.4 -The Puritans never supported religious toleration -They transferred the New World to preserve their own freedom of worship -They expressed little concern for the religious freedom of those they deemed heretics -The most serious challenges to Puritan orthodoxy in Massachusetts came from two charismatic people -The first, Roger Williams other demands, and in 1636, after failing to reach compromise with him, they banished him from the colony.

What reputation did Edmund Andros have among colonists in New Young?

-3.5.2 -18th century historian and royal governor Thomas Hurchinson compared Andros unfavorably with the Roman tyrant Nero.

What made William Penn's Frame of government unique?

-2.3.4 -In 1701, legal challenges in England forced Penn to depart for the mother country -Just before he sailed, Penn signed the Charters of Liberties, a new frame of government that established a unicameral, or one-house, legislature 9th only one in colonial America, and gave the representatives the right to initiate bills -Penn also allowed the assembly to conduct its business without proprietary interference. -The charter provided for the political separation the Three Lower Counties (Delware), whose settlers had never shown any enthusiasm for Penns " Holy Experiment: and who had been demanding autonomy -This hastily drafted document served as Pennslyvania's Constitution until the American Revolution

What prompted planters in Barbados to resettle in Carolinas?

-2.4.1 -In 1732, King George II granted Olgethorpe and a board of trustees a charter for a new colony named after him to be located between the Savannah and Altamaha Rivers and from "Sea to Sea" -The trustees living in the mother country were given complete control over Georgia politics, a condition the settlers, soon found intolerable

What explains New Englands settlers' success at preserving English customs?

-3.1.1 -People migrated to America within families preserved local English customs more fully than did the Youths who traveled to other parts of the continent as a single men and women -The comforting presence of immediate family members reduced the shock of adjusting to a strange environment 3,000 miles from home -Even in the 1630s, the ratio of men to women in New England was fairly well balanced, about three makes for every two females -Persons who had not already married England before coming to the New World could expect to form nuclear families of their own

What was most responsible for the population rise in New England in the seventeenth century?

-3.1.1 -The explanation for the region's impressive growth turned out to be survival rather than fertility -Put simply people who, under normal conditions, would have died in contemporary Europe survived longer in New England. - Indeed, the life expectancy of these 17th century settlers was not much less than or own -Males who survived infancy might expect to see their 70th birthday -20% of the men of the first generation reached age 80 -The figures for women were only slightly lower -Why the early settlers lived so long is not entirely clear -No doubt, pure drinking water, a cool climate that retarded the spread of fatal contagious disease, and a dispersed population promoted good health

What was most responsible for the slow population increase in Virginia and Maryland in the 17th century?

-3.2.1 -Because of the unbalanced sex ratio, man adult males could not find wives -Migration not only cut them off from their English families, but also deprived them of an opportunity to form new ones -Without a constant flow of immigrants, the population of Virigina and Maryland would have actually declined

What was the socioeconomic background of most immigrants to the Chesapeake?

-3.2.1 -It is now estimated that 70-85% of the white colonists who went to Virginia and Maryland during the 17th were not free; that is, they owed 4 or 5 years labor in exchange for the cost of passage to America -If the servant was under age 15, he or she had to serve 7 years -Most of these laborers were males between the ages of 18 and 22

How did southern planters justify African slavery?

-3.3.1 -English masters, however, seldom justified the practice purely in terms of planter profit -Indeed they adopted a different pattern of rhetoric -English writers associated blacks in Africa with healing, then religion, barbarous behavior, sexual promiscuity-with evil itself -From such racist perspective the enslavement of Africans seemed unobjectable -The planters argued that the Bible condoned slavery, and maintained that if the black slaves converted to Christianity shedding their supposedly savage ways, they would actually benefit from their loss of freedom

Why did Virginia lawmakers tolerate the mixed status of Africans in the early 17th century?

-3.3.1 -One reason Virginia lawmakers tolerated such confusion was the black population remained small. -By 1660, fewer than 1,500 people of African origin lived in the entire colony (compared to 26,000 whites), and it hardly seemed necessary for the legislature to draw up an elaborate slave code to control so few men and women. -If the planters could have obtained more black laborers, they certainly would have.

Under what circumstances (what kind of plantation/farm situation) were African slaves, most likely to be able to preserve elements of their heritage?

-3.3.2 -The salves accepted Christianity, but did so on their own terms-terms their masters seldom fully understood -Blacks transformed Christianity into an expression of religious feeling in which an African element remained vibrant -In music and folk art, they gave voice to a cultural identity that even the most degrading conditions could not eradicate

What was the role of the vice-admiralty courts during the late 17th early 18th century?

-3.4.1 -Established to settle disputes that occurred at sea, the vice-admiralty courts required neither juries nor oral cross-examination both traditional elements of the common law -But they were effective and even popular for resolving maritime questions quickly enough to send ships to sea again with little delay

What was the difference between the Lords of Trade and the Board of Trade?

-3.4.1 -The Board of Trade this group was expected to monitor colonial affairs closely and give government officials the best advice on commercial and other problems -For decades, it energetically carried out its responsibilities.

What did the Navigation Acts regulate?

-3.4.1 -The certain enumerated goods of great value that were not produced in England-tobacco, sugar, cotton, indigo, etc -Could be transported from the colonies only to an English or another colonial port -In 1704, Pariliament added rice and molasses to the enumerated list, in 1705, rosins, tars, and turpentine for ship building were included.

What does the term "mercantilism" mean?

-3.4.1 -The dominant commercial powers of Europe adopted economic principles and belief in the benefits of profitable trading commercialism

How did William Berkeley, royal governor of Virginia react to Indian attacks on outlying plantation?

-3.5.1 -Indians reacting to white encroachment attacked outlying plantations, killing colonists, and Virginians expected the governor to send an army retaliate. -Instead, early in 1676, Berkeley, called for constructing a line of defensive forts, a plan that the settlers considered both expensive and ineffective.

What was the outcome, in terms of population loss, of King Philip's War (Metacomet's War) of 1675?

-3.5.2 -In little more than a year of fighting the Indian destroyed scores of frontier villages, killed hundreds of colonists and disrupted the entire regional economy. -More than 1,000 Indians and New Englanders died in the conflict -The war left the people of Massachuetts deeply in debt and more than ever, uncertain of their future. -As in other parts of colonial America, the defeated Indians were forced off their lands, compelled by events to become either refugees or economically marginal figures in white society.

How did Puritans view witches in their society?

-3.5.3 -Puritans believed that the individual might make a compact with the devil during the first decades of settlement, authorities had executed about 15 alleged witches -Sometimes villagers simply ignored suspected witches -Never before had fears of witchcraft plunged an entire community into the panic

Why did the African population in North America outpace the African population in the Carribean?

-3.6.3 -The size of the enslaved population in a slave-holding area depended on rates of importation, death and "Natural Increase", the number of children born into slavery. -North America, colonial planters were less -Prosperous than their Carribean and South America counterparts and purchased fewer African slaves. -Yet, the more temperate climate of mainland North American population far outpaced that of the Carribean and South America, where death rates were very high.

Which of the following people expressed religious ideas associated with antinomiamnism?

-Anne Hutchinson- The Puritans exiled the person from the Massachusetts Bay colony for testifying in court that the spirit can live without the moral law -see 2.2.4 - Competing Truths in New England

Which of the following transferred New Netherland from Dutch to English control in 1664?

-Articles of Capitulation

Before, 1680, almost half the settlers in the Port Royal area of Carolina were from __________.


What do archaeologists call the region crossed by the Paleo-Indians who migrated to North America 15,000-20,000 years ago?


European monarchs sponsored exploratory voyages in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries in the hopes of finding a water route to ____?


Which colony began as a settlement of men and women from the Massachusetts Bay Colony?


Which of the following reflects a result of the Columbian Exchange?

-Cultivation of the potato in Europe

Which of the following played a major role in decimation of the Native American population in the sixteenth century?


In contrast to Virginia and Massachusetts, Pennsylvania's population was more _____________?


In Contrast to the colonists who settled New England the colonists who settled in Chesapeake were driven more by _________ motives?


What was the name of the system that granted a Conquistador control over a Native American village and the labor of its inhabitants?


What played a major part in facilitating migration of humans into North America?

-Environmental conditions played a major part in this great human trek -Twenty thousand year ago, during the last Ice Age, the earth's climate was colder than it is today

Which of the following accurately describes trade relations between African and European merchants during the fifteenth through seventeenth centuries?

-European had to observe African trade regulations

The Coureurs de bois partnered w/ Native Americans to obtain ________?


The Spanish monarchs sponsored Christopher Columbus's "Enterprise of the Indies" because they wanted too _______?

-Gain an advantage over their rival Portugal

What was the name of the representative assembly established in Colonial Virginia??

-House of Burgesses

Which of the following was practiced among the eastern Woodland Cultures?

-Hunting and gathering

Which of the following terms refers to people from Europe who agreed to serve a master for a stated number of years in exchange for transportation to America?

-Indentured Servants

During the early settlement of New Jersey, who was the only person who held the legal right to set up a colonial government?

-James, the Duke of York

Who captained the ship that completed the first recorded transatlantic voyage sponsored by England?

-John Cabot

What were the main crops that formed the basis of agriculture in North America?

-Maize -Beans -Squash

The Charter of which colony sought to recreate the feudal system in Norht America?


Which of the following correctly matches the colony to the religious group that settled it?

-Massachusetts Bay-Puritans

Which of the following represents the Pilgrims commitment to form a civil government in Plymouth Colony?

-Mayflower Compact

Which of the following statements accurately describes a major difference between the migrants to Massachusetts and the migrants to Virginia?

-Most migrants to Virginia to Massachusetts came in nuclear families, whereas migrants to Virginia were usually unmarried males

In the sixteenth century, France's rulers sponsored exploratory voyages to find a ________ passage to Chine by way of North America


Which group held the highest status in New Spain?


Which European country was already experimenting with unfree forms of labor on sugar plantations on the Atlantic islands before the European colonization of the Americas?


Which of the following was the site of a community of free blacks in seventeenth century Virginia?

-Pungoteague Creek- Anthony Johnson and his wife Mary helped to found the community -2.1.6 Past and Present: African-American freedom in Seventeenth Century Virginia

All imports and exports in New France passed through_____


The conquistadors were most influenced by the _______.


Francis Daniel Pastorius's description of the ship that brought him to Pennsylvania as "Noah's Ark" highlights the colony's __________.

-Religious Diversity

Which of the following emerged as the staple crop of the Carolinas in the late seventeenth century?


Which of the following was a feature found in both the Chesapeake and Southern Colonies?

-Slave-based plantation system

Which of the following best reflects Spain's view of its colonies in the Americas?

-Source of precious metals

Which country signed the Treaty of Tordesillas w/ Portugal in 1494?


Where did Christopher Columbus believe that he had landed in 1942?

-The "Indies"

Which European power claimed New York before British acquired it?

-The Dutch

A system of land distribution centered on _________ contributed to the growth of the servile labor force in Virginia in the seventeenth century?

-The Headright

Which of the following constrained British colonial ambitions in the Americas?

-The marriage of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon

What did the people who lived along the Atlantic Coast from present-day North Carolina to Maine share in common?

-They all spoke an Alonquian dialect

Which of the following did Native Americans, most want to establish with Europeans?

-Trade relations

Which of the following reflects a synthesis of Indian and European cultures?

-Virgin of Guadeloupe

In comparison to Europe, there were fewer __________ in the Americans before the European arrival?

-communicable disease

Most of the early settlers in the colony of Georgia were?


In contrast, the English colonies in the Americas focused more on ________


Table 1.1 From Eurasia and Africa to the Americas

Cereals (wheat, rice, barley, etc) sugar bananas coconuts Orchard trees (apples, oranges, lemons, etc.) olives, wine grapes, coffee, lettuces, black pepper, livestock (horses, sheep, swine, cattle, goats, chickens, etc) honey bees, many epidemic diseases (smallpox, influenza, chicken pox etc.)

Why were most indentured servants, young males?

2-1.4 -This preference skewed the colony's sex ratio -In the early decades, men outnumbered women by as much as six to one -Such gender imbalance meant that even if a male servant lived to the end of his indenture an unlikely prospect- he could not realistically expect to start his own family -Moreover, despite apparent legal safeguards, masters could treat dependent workers as they pleased, after all these people were legally considered property

In seventeenth century New England, more than men________?

Attended church

Table 1.1 From The America to Eurasia and Africa

Maize potatoes sweet potatoes tomatoes cinchone tree (the source of quinine), many type of beans pineapples, blueberries, papayas, pecans, tobacco, caco (the source of cholocate) vanilla, peanuts, peppers, cassava, squash, avocadoes, sunflowers, turkeys, and (maybe) syphillis

Which European kingdom was the first to explore down the coast of Africa?


What did the Quakers prefer to be called?

Professors of the Light

The Puritans were products of the _________?

Protestant Reformation

Which country did England regard as its chief rival by the late 1500s?


Which of the following was central in shaping New England society in the early colonial?

The family unit

Which areas exports the most gold?

Western Africa

In contrast to those who settled in New England, most of those wholes went to Chesapeak region ____________?

Young unmarried servants

Which of the following terms refers to an independent farmer?


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