History 1301 - chapter 6

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In her correspondence with her husband John, Abigail Adams wrote that "Ladies...are determined to foment a Rebelion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any Laws in which we have no voice." What can we conclude from this?

Abigail Adams embraced the lessons of political enlightenment for the cause of women's rights.

Which of the following did the battles of Cowpens and King's Mountain have in common?

American guerilla bands and militias were crucial to the Patriots' success in both.

Which of the following made the print medium so particularly useful for Patriots on the eve of independence?

Authors could take a stance against the empire without having to identify themselves personally.

Which of the following cities would most likely have been home to Black preachers and writers who voiced their support for the cause of liberty during the American Revolution?

Boston, Massachusetts

Which of the following did the First Continental Congress and Second Continental Congress have in common?

Both gathered in Philadelphia.

Which of the following did members of the militia and Continental Army Regulars have in common?

Both played crucial roles in the American Revolutionary War.

Which of the following is true regarding Lord Dunmore and his proclamation of November 1775?

Dunmore caused many enslaved African Americans to flee Virginia plantations.

Who was responsible for establishing the Stamp Act?

George Grenville

Which of the following is true about the Boston Massacre of March 5, 1770?

It became a rallying cry for rebellious colonists.

In what way did the nonconsumption movement contain a gendered critique of colonial women?

It blamed upper-class women for indulging in luxuries at the expense of men's liberties.

Which of the following is true regarding the Quartering Act of 1765?

It constituted a tax on colonists that bypassed colonial assemblies.

Which of the following was a significant consequence of the Battle of Saratoga?

It increased the odds that the Continental Army would receive military support from France.

Regarding Samuel Adams's Circular Letter of 1768, which of the following is NOT true?

It threatened American independence.

Which of the following did the Stamp Act do successfully?

It unified diverse societies with varied economic interests in the colonies.

Why did King Louis XVI of France decide to join the war on the side of the Patriots?

King Louis deeply resented the British and was eager to weaken Britain's power in the Caribbean.

Of the following inspirations for the Patriots' notions of liberty, which was cited as legal precedent?

Magna Carta

Why did the British offensive focus on New York in 1776?

The British wanted to split New England from the rest of the colonies.

What distinguished the North Carolina Regulator movement from that of its neighbors to the south?

The North Carolina Regulators were particularly hostile to the slaveholding elite.

Why did English colonists on the North American mainland respond with such outrage to the Stamp Act of 1765?

The tax challenged colonists' traditional rights as British subjects.

What led the Delaware to side with the Patriots during the American Revolution?

They accepted the argument of the Continental Congress that the colonies were going to be the region's new superpower.

What did Ethan Allen's Green Mountain Boys have in common with the Paxton Boys, the Sons of Liberty, and the Regulators in South Carolina and North Carolina?

They defiantly rejected traditional notions of deference to social elites.

Why did a petition of the First Continental Congress to the king blame the political troubles of the past 10 years on "the devises of wicked Ministers and evil Counsellors"?

They were fine offending Parliament but did not want to sever ties with the king.

Which of the following took place on December 26, 1776?

Washington's victory at Trenton

The Committees of Correspondence may best be described as

a first step toward an independent American communications infrastructure.

Which of the following would have been the most suitable guarantor of liberty for the colonial wing of the pro-Parliament Whigs in the later eighteenth century?

a yeoman farmer producing mostly for the family's own consumption and the regional grain market

The Continental Army enlisted 230,000 men over the course of the war. What was its active duty force at any given time?

about 14,000

The Battles of Lexington and Concord were seen by many at the time—as they typically are today—as

an irreparable rupture between the colonies and the empire.

Approximately how many people fled slavery to the British side in Virginia between 1779 and 1781?

approximately 10,000

The Coercive Acts of 1774 did NOT

bar Catholics from New England.

Beginning in the late 1760s, colonial fashion might best be described as

displaying conspicuous simplicity.

Nonimportation was a largely successful strategy involving colonial merchants. Nonconsumption

entailed a change in the purchasing habits of ordinary men and women throughout the colonies.

Deborah Sampson's service in the Continental Army tells us something about the less rigid gender norms of military service during the Revolutionary War.


If the French had not committed themselves to an alliance with the Americans, the Carlisle Peace Initiative would have been a failure.


Probably one-sixth of those who had fled slavery in Virginia to join the British side did not see the end of the war.


Having failed to isolate New England, the British focused on the Southern colonies in order to

ignite fears of slave rebellions and take advantage of Loyalist supporters.

The Continental Army's invasion of Quebec

imbued the war with the passion of a religious crusade.

The bloody fighting in and around Fort Stanwix is historically significant because

it illustrated how the war cut through a number of diverse communities.

Which of the following was/were NOT among the effects of the American Revolution for Native Americans?

more peaceful European neighbors

Which of the following was NOT among the likely characteristics of a Loyalist?

strong adherent to a more liberal and enlightened political ideology

The Townshend Duties of 1767 did NOT introduce import taxes on


Which of the following did NOT face an additional tax surcharge in 1765?


At what point in history did the December 16, 1773 action during which a band of men disguised as Native Americans dumped tea into Boston Harbor become known as the Boston Tea Party?

the 1830s

Prime Minister Frederick Lord North's Tea Act of 1773 was most desperately needed by

the British East India Company.

Which of the following proved their worth in the wake of the Battles of Lexington and Concord in 1775?

the Committees of Correspondence

Which of the following proved crucial for the Patriots' conduct of the Revolutionary War?

the fact that Great Britain had made powerful European enemies

Who or what proved crucial to the Continental Army's victory at Yorktown in 1781?

the just-in-time arrival of Francois de Grasse

Which of the following was NOT among the ideals of the Greek and Roman republics that were invoked by the Patriots?

the notion of "natural rights"

Which of the following protests against the Stamp Act could be called "deferential in its tone and philosophical in its approach"?

the petition of the Stamp Act Congress

Which of the following was becoming an issue for English colonists in 1765?

the problems associated with a standing army

Which of the following would have been an unlikely camp follower?

the wife of a Virginia tobacco planter

What was the single unifying purpose of the First Continental Congress?

to reach agreement on the best way to respond to the British crackdown in Boston

Bostonians renamed the large elm tree on Deacon Jacob Elliott's property the "Liberty Tree" because that was where they had hung stamp tax collector Andrew Oliver in effigy.


For all intents and purposes, the Massachusetts countryside was officially in a state of rebellion after October 1774.


The Stamp Act crisis initiated a major escalation in

urban rioting.

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