History 201 Final

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Eastern woodland societies

"mound" people. Not only do they bury all these wonderful things, but they also bury dead people. The idea of burying people with objects is Egyptian.

Pop Gregory I

(540-604) typified the style of leadership in the western Christian church. He strove to make the papacy the strong centerpiece of church administration that stretched from Britain to North Africa and worked tirelessly to instill a sense of mission among the Christian clergy.

Black Death?

1347-1350, plague from the Black Sea to Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa, transmitted by fleas to rats to humans and by air, spread by the Genoese after Mongols flung corpses into their city, helped end serfdom, Christians saw it as divine punishment, Muslims saw it as an expression of God's will. Killed almost half the world population (about 200 million people)

Fall of the Byzantine Empire?

1453-1461, Seljuk Turks conquered Constantinople using a massive cannon during the siege in April 1453, lasted two months, Mehmet offered surrender but they refused, many of the people fled to Venice, Byzantine also was weakened due to a civil war between Anne of Savoy and Cantacuzenus

Bill of exchange?

A bill of exchange is a paper note that allowed the bearer to receive money in one place and repay it at a different day and place.


Boethius was a member of Theodoric's court and attempted to translate Greek philosophy into Latin, but he was executed by Theodoric. His The Consolation of Philosophy became a classic - it is his memoirs from prison and philosophy that appears as the Comforter - and his treatise On Music was highly influential in the Middle Ages. If he weren't executed, Aristotle and science might have occurred in the Dark Ages.

Gregory Palamas

A supporter of Hesychasm (—mystical practice which is cultivation of inner peace through meditative repetition of the "Jesus Prayer" via mantras, postures, etc.s). Palamas clarified the distinction between God's essence (unknowable) and his energy (knowable). Hesychasm held the belief of "stillness" of and watching the heart; "in closet to pray" means retreat into the privacy and quiet of one's soul. The Palamite Controversy was conflict was essentially between philosophical theology and personal religious experience; God is approachable through the union of soul and body, not just soul only. Opposition claimed this (soul and body union) was impossible, that the flesh is something to be despised and overcome, & only the purified spirit of man can approach God (cf. Platonic view) Gregory asked: How could the body (the temple of the Holy Spirit) be evil? The body and spirit must both approach God together. The body must be purified long with the spirit (cf. Aristotelian view)

Vedic Language

An old Indo-Aryan language; Vedic Sanskrit is the language of the Vedas Veda = knowledge - Vedic Period: 1500-500 BC - Called after the Vedas - war-like pastoralists, patriarchal society, light skin - Vedic Religion - Main source was the Vedas - Reincarnation: Karma and the advancing through the orders orders of being - Sacrifice: essential ritual (horses etc) - Religious texts: Brahmanas and Rig Veda

Chaco Canyon

Around 500 C.E., villages appeared in Chaco Canyon. Between 700 and 900, large pueblos emerged. Rooms were arranged in semicircular arcs so that each family unit was equidistant from a kiva that served as the ceremonial center of the community. In the tenth century, Chaco Canyon's population grew dramatically, and pueblos with more than two hundred rooms appeared. By the twelfth century, there were thirteen large pueblos housing a population of approximately six thousand people. Turquoise workshops that manufactured a wide range of ritual ornaments were found in all pueblos, indicating that trade occurred between the pueblos and the region of New Mexico where turquoise was mined. Trade routes connected numerous settlements throughout the southwest. Although the region was linked via trade routes and numerous pueblos of the same style were built, no central authority ruled the region. Rather than one all-powerful ruler, the activities of the region were guided by a council of elders. No hereditary elites monopolized power and resources

Artists during Renaissance?

Artists of the Renaissance believed they could equal, or surpass, the beauty and harmony of nature in their artwork. The human body became an important focus of the art. Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), one of the greatest innovators of the Italian Renaissance, is a premier example of a renaissance artist. True to the spirit of the age, he did no limit himself to one artistic form. He was a painter, architect, sculptor, engineer, mathematician, and inventor.


Man also known as "Timur", his was the last Mongol empire that rose and fell in the fourteenth century. Conquered many territories then fell sick and died. His empire fragmented. The end of this era marked the passing of nomadic rule and the resurgence of agrarian bureaucratic states such as Ming China and the Ottoman Empire. (pg. 477) Timur himself was also one of Sufism's (mystical tradition) most loyal royal patrons

Barlaam of Calabria

As Palamas and Barlaam discussed the filioque, Barlaam of Calabria observed that the essence of God is beyond human comprehension. Barlaam accuses Palamas of heresy because Palamas made the uncreated Light of God the fourth person of the Trinity (the doctrines about man's capacity to behold the light or glory of God without beholding Himself via essence shows knowledge of God, without actually seeing Him).

Aztec Empire by 1500 CE?

As the Aztec Empire expanded in the later 15th century, sacrificial debts grew to be a consuming passion among pious elites. Around 1500 Aztec had reached a height and some thought it was on decline. By 1500 the Aztec Empire was at its height there is evidence it may even have begun to decline. Constant wars drained the system, demands for more tribute could no longer be supported, further expansion was not possible, and agricultural productivity could barely keep the people fed. It was at this vulnerable point several hundred Spaniards arrived on Mexico's Gulf Coast shores in 1519.

Byzantine Currency?

Byzantine currency became an international monetary standard.

Site of the pueblo society

Chaco Canyon. Around the four corner states.

Chinese Tributary system

China demanded tribute from surrounding countries, creating a Chinese-central East Asia. China viewed itself as the center of the universe and all other nations as barbarians who owed them allegiance. Chinese ruler considered the ruler of all humankind. Thus they even demanded tribute from those who wished to trade with them. (wikipedia)

Emperor Youngle

Chinese Emperor who sponsored Zheng He and the grand Treasure Ships

Thomas Aquinas

Combined both reason and faith, ultimately making religion and philosophy coexist.

Cosimo de Medici

Cosimo di Giovanni de' Medici (27 September 1389 - 1 August 1464) was the first of the Medici political dynasty, de facto rulers of Florence during much of the Italian Renaissance. He liberally spent his family fortune to promote the arts. (wikipedia)


Cosmopolitan Islamic capital built on the banks of the Tigris at "the crossroads of the whole world". At the heart there was the "Round City", which housed the caliph's family and government offices, with the Grand Mosque in the center. Built by Abbasid caliph al-Mansur. The city drew the Islamic world from its roots in Arabian desserts to a central role in the global trade network.

Agriculture 3 field system

Crop rotation to not wear out the ground. Implemented in Europe during the dark ages. Helped the dramatic population increase.

Horse Collar

Developed during the Han era. More effective use of horse power, pulling plows without strangling the animal.

Islam in West African and Spain

Early Islamic accounts of West Africa refer to a very wealthy king of Ghana, referring to both the capital of the area and the king's title, who was not only fabulously wealthy, but also tolerant of Islam. By the twelfth century, many kings, merchants, and elites had converted to Islam because they attracted not only by the faith but also by the socioeconomic benefits (trading relations helped foster cross-cultural interactions and assimilation) of contact with the Islamic world.The kings of Mali merged African traditions of divine kingship with patronage of Islam. The king Mansa Musa (r. 1312-1337) went on pilgrimage to Mecca in 1325, where he distributed great wealth and nurtured alliances with the Islamic world that highlight the ties between West Africa and the Islamic world.


formal colleges for legal and theological studies in Islamic society, commonly found in mosques, received financial support from leading public figures or the surrounding community.

Edict of Milan

Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan in 313C.E. which allowed for Christians to practice Christianity openly in the Roman Empire. The Edict of Milan guaranteed freedom of worship to Christians and all others. This allowed for Christian institutions and networks (roads and sea routes) to reinforce imperial unity when Constantine became the sole ruler of the Roman Empire in 324 C.E.


Feathered serpent god of the Aztecs, considered by them to be the creator and patron of humanity. Mesoamerican myths associated the Feathered Serpent with elemental forces such as wind and fire, and also with the planet Venus, the "morning star" that heralds the arrival of the life-giving sun. Created sun, calendar, and maize. (pg. 334)

Hindrance to centralized state in South America

Formidable geographical barriers and uneven distribution of resources led to hinderance of centralized state.


Francesco Petrarca (Petrarch in English; July 20, 1304 - July 19, 1374) was an Aretine scholar and poet in Renaissance Italy, and one of the earliest humanists. Petrarch's rediscovery of Cicero's letters is often credited for initiating the 14th-century Renaissance. Petrarch is often called the "Father of Humanism". In the 16th century, Pietro Bembo created the model for the modern Italian language based on Petrarch's works. Petrarch's sonnets were admired and imitated throughout Europe during the Renaissance and became a model for lyrical poetry. He is also known for being the first to develop the concept of the "Dark Ages" (wikipedia)

Charlemagne and education?

From the time of Charlemagne, royal courts and Christian monasteries became closely allied. Charlemagne and his successors promoted revival of classical learning consistent with Latin Christendom doctrine.

Ibn Rushd & Peter Abelard in Education & religion?

He believed that faith must have reason. He was persecuted and exiled for his views. Peter Abelard said that nothing could be believed unless it could be understood. He attracted a lot of students. His views on reconciling logic with faith eventually led to his exile.

Sultan Baybars

Invites a fugitive from the massacred Abbasids to Cairo (1261) to legitimate caliphate Abbasid's rule.


Ideology that emerged in Byzantium East Orthodox church. Hesychasm in tradition has been the process of retiring inward by ceasing to register the senses, in order to achieve an experiential knowledge of God. Relies more on experience and feeling than rational thought and theology. Barlaam fought George Palamas, a supporter of Hesychasm. Palamas clarified the distinction between God's essence and his energy. (wikipedia)

Great Schism?

In 1054 the Roman pope and the patriarch at Constantinople excommunicated each other. This mutual excommunication split Christendom between the Latin and Orthodox churches; it is known as the Great Schism. Rome and Constantinople openly competed for new converts in eastern Europe and Russia.

Hernan Cortez and Moctezuma II

In 1519-21, within 2 years, Hernán Cortés conquered the Aztec empire of Mexico of 200,000 people with 600 men through a combination of military technology, disease inadvertently introduced by his troops, and a series of lies and violations of trust. The Aztec civilization was as sophisticated as Cortés' own; Tenochtitlan was a vast city with temples, schools, palaces, open markets, water lanes and moveable bridges- rivaling Constantinople. Moctezuma was hesitant to not utterly destroy Cortez because he was feared he may be Quetzalcoatl.

Fatimid Dynasty?

In 909 an Ismaili leader in Algeria proclaimed himself caliph, founding the fatimid dynasty, (they called it fatimid in homage to muhammads daughter fatima, in 969 the fatimids captured Egypt and made Cairo the capital of their caliphate. In 975 established the al-azhar university, attached to the main mosque in Cairo, as a shi'a theological seminary they entrusted alot of their fiscal affairs to Coptic Christian officials.

Collapse of the Maya city-states

Internal power struggles & wars. Large states were replaced by smaller settlements.

Asian crops in Islamic Lands?

Islam's burgeoning trade w/ Asia gave Islam a bit of new crops. THis required them to find new irrigation methods as well.


Islamic Lieutenant and successor of Seljuk emir. During the 3rd Crusade Major victory against French army in The Hattin Campaign.

Trade among mound-building societies

Local chiefs imitated mound building and sacred ceremonies. They were popular because of the goods they had through trade.

5 Pillars of Islam

MO CAMELS Declare one's faith to Allah Hajj: Pilgrimage to Mecca Pray five times each day facing Mecca Alms Fasting

Trade Partnerships 900-1300?

Major trading centers were in Eurasia and Africa. Merchant trading was difficult and dangerous so they needed some reliable methods.

Mamluk Empire?

Mamluk regime gained enormous stature among Muslims when it repelled the Mongol incursions. Despite the stability of the Mamluk regime, membership in the ruling class was insecure. Affluent notables would preserve control of their wealth by establishing charitable trusts that were exempt from seizures. The Mamluk Sultanate needed agricultural wealth for its support. Population decline led to agricultural decline which led to economic problems, it undermined political authority.

Feathered Serpent Mesoamerian

Maya leaders legitimated their power by appeals to the religious beliefs of the people. They harkened back to a mythical city known as Tollan, which was as a paradise of fertility and abundance as well as the place where human and animal life began. They believed Tollan was where the god known as the Feathered Serpent, the creator and patron of humanity, lived. In order to renew life and fertility, the Feathered Serpent periodically sacrificed himself. Human rulers acquired and maintained political power by offering frequent blood sacrifices to the gods. These blood sacrifices involved both the execution of war captives and bloodletting rituals by rulers and priests, who pierced their tongues and ears and extracted blood. Mesoamericans believed that originally all the people lived together and spoke the same language in Tollan. Leaders used this belief to attempt to expand political control and enforce cultural cohesion over other groups

European staple Crops? Meso america? Asia?

Mesoamerica - maize asia- rice europe- cereals : oat, barley, rye among the poor, and wheat among the rich


Mongol empire was formed after fall of Tang dynasty in 907 (China), took about 200 years for the "Mongol People" to really be defined, many were still nomadic people in Central Asia. First dynasty was Liao dynasty in 937, ordered similarly to Chinese dynasties with bureaucratic government, but kept nomadic lifestyle and militarized tribal social structure. Jin dynasty overtook it in early 1120's and faced much pressure to assimilate Chinese ways. Temujin, leader of Jin dynasty, forged a confederation of the Mongolian tribes and became known as Chinggis Khan, under Chinggis, Mongols conquered from Eastern Iran to Manchuria (in China). He divided the Mongol empire after his death into four parts for his four sons, and while they stayed together for that generation, broke apart and became four independent Khanates that were hostile towards each other quite often. These four Khanates became the Ilkhanate, Golden Horde, Chagdai Khanate, and the Khanate of the Great Khan. The Western Khanates (Ilkhanate and Golden Horde) converted to Islam and were rivals against one another, the Golden Horde allied themselves with the Mamluks and Byzantine empire as they fought occasionaly against the Ilkhans.

Golden Horde?

Mongol realm founded in 1241 by Batu, capital was Sarai, ruled through indirect governance, adopted iqta, encouraged commerce. Batu's successor converted to Islam, 1310 country adopted Islam as official religion.

Abu Hamid al-Ghazali?

Muslim theologian, jurist, philosopher, and mystic of Persian descent, al-Ghazali rejected non-Islamic philosophers such as Aristotle and saw fit to discard their teachings on the basis of their "unbelief," played a very major role in integrating Sufism with Shariah. He was also the first to present a formal description of Sufism in his works. His works also strengthened the status of Sunni Islam against other schools. Wrote the treatise on The Incoherence of the Philosophers, affirming the primacy of revelation over rational philosophy taught a proper Muslim must be devoted to the purification of the soul & the direct experience of God, but also must not violate the established principles of Islam set down in the Qur'an and the hadith.

Dehli Sultanate

Muslim-ruled Delhi Sultanate, established in the early thirteenth century, expanded Persian and Arabic into India. The Islamic world merged Arabic beliefs, Islam, and the cultural traditions of disparate societies.


Mystic version of Islam, Sufism is a religious branch historically deriving from Sunni Islam, defined by some adherents as the inner, mystical dimension of Islam, others contend it is a perennial philosophy of existence that pre-dates religion, the expression of which flowered within Islam. (wikipedia)

Influence of Dante Inferno

Part of Dante's Divine Comedy. It is an allegory telling of the journey of Dante through Hell, guided by the Roman poet Virgili. Influenced Christianity representing the journey of the soul towards God, and warning the path of sin.


People are tied to the land. Whoever owns the land therefore in a sense owns the people on it.

What is usury?

Practicing of charging interest on loans. It was forbidden by ancient Christiantiy and Islam.


Religious conflicts during the High Middle Ages through the end of the Late Middle Ages, conducted under the sanction of the Latin Catholic Church. - First Crusade: Pope Urban II proclaimed the first crusade in 1095 with the stated goal of restoring Christian access to the holy places in and near Jerusalem; hundreds of thousands of Christian soldiers enlisted b/c Pope promised salvation to whomever fought the infidels - Second Crusade: Marched on Jerusalem in 1147, failed to win any major victories; Great success in Portugal where the Crusaders allied with the the Portuguese and took back Lisbon from the Muslims - Third Crusade: Muslims united under Saladin and took back Jerusalem; In response the Crusaders launched the third crusade and almost acquired Jerusalem, but ultimately failed - Fourth Crusade: originally intended to conquer Muslim-controlled Jerusalem by means of an invasion through Egypt. Never reached the Holy Land; Crusaders signed a deal with Italy to build warships, then no soldiers showed up to fight (tired, sick of fighting, poor, lost the religious zeal etc.) Crusaders indebted to Venetians - Venetians benefitted in the long run b/c Crusaders offered half the spoils if they helped reinstate Alexius - Crusaders of Western Europe invaded and sacked the Christian (Eastern Orthodox) city of Constantinople, capital of the Byzantine Empire. This is seen as one of the final acts in the Great Schism between the Eastern Orthodox Church and Roman Catholic Church, and a key turning point in the decline of the empire and of Christianity in the Near East.

Pope Urban II

Roman Pope in the 11th Century that called for the First Crusade into the Muslim held territories around Jerusalem. Had the idea to make participation on the Crusade as a type of penance where sins would be forgiven for fighting in this "Holy War."

Shi'ites v. Sunnis

Shi'ites: Believed Muhammad's successor should be hereditary Sunni:Believed Muhammad's succession should be by election

Ming and maritime expeditions?

Silk had long been China's principal export commodity. When domestic silk industries in India and Iran dampened demand for Chinese imports. Advent of Muslim traders in Indian Ocean trade had stimulated commerce along the east coast of Africa as well.

Violence among steppe societies?

Steppe societies were violent in nature because nomadic societies would run into each other in their travels. These people would fight over the best lands for their flocks and would raid settled people for easy supplies, and then when that group settled because of the amount of supplies they had and then would get raided by other tribes.

Teotihaucán's influence over mesoamerica

Teotihuacan was popular because of irrigated farmlands and obsidian mines. The government didn't seem to exercise rule on working lives. No Hereditary kingship.

Amerindian shamans and Predatory Animals?

The Amerindians had an affinity for predatory animals and made them a part of their culture.

Aztecs & Lake Texcoco?

The Aztec Empire, 1325-1521; the Aztecs were former gatherer-hunters from northwestern desert region they called Aztlán (Cooper says its Provo, Utah). They arrived in the Valley of Mexico during the 13th C. and were treated harshly by the urban powers centered on Lake Texcoco (now Mexico City). Once they rose to a position of power in the region, they would exact revenge for earlier mistreatment. We know this because the Aztecs preserved their history in a mix of oral and symbolic forms (painted books, art, and archeological evidence); their native language is Nahuatl. The Aztecs settled on the island in Lake Texcoco and founded the city Tenochtitlán (which was the center of political and spiritual universe), and Tlatelolco was the center of commerce. Their main god was Huitzilopochtli, and the Aztecs believed male and female gods drew their (the Aztecs) own blood, tortured, killed, and dismembered one another, for the good of humankind; sacrifices were necessary to release & renew the fertility of the universe and all beings; this involved removing the hearts of live victims using a flint knife, reenacted the gods' own acts of sacrifice.

Fourth Crusade

The Fourth Crusade (1202-1204) was originally intended to conquer Muslim-controlled Jerusalem by means of an invasion through Egypt. Instead, in April 1204, the Crusaders of Western Europe invaded and sacked the Christian (Eastern Orthodox) city of Constantinople, capital of the Byzantine Empire. This is seen as one of the final acts in the Great Schism between the Eastern Orthodox Church and Roman Catholic Church, and a key turning point in the decline of the empire and of Christianity in the Near East. (wikipedia)

Incase, and Incan record-keeping?

The Incas emerged from south-central Peru and were an egalitarian peoples who cultivated potatoes and maize from 1430-1532C.E. The Incas expanded outward from the highland in the 1430s to conquer expansive territory using technological skills, religious justification, and political traditions. They demanded tribute in goods, labor, and allegiance from conquered people. By 1500 they ruled one of the world's most extensive and diverse empires; it stretched nearly three thousand miles along both sides of Andean mountain range. The Inca used a complex knotted-string records, or khipus, which has yet to be deciphered and predated the Empire. This forces scholars to reply upon archeological evidence, interviews, and narratives to construct a history of the origins and structure of the Inca state. The khipu enabled bureaucrats and others to keep track of tributes, troop movements, ritual cycles, and other important matters.

Mayan view of time

The Mayans had a sophisticated calendar that set aside days in which the ballgame should be played, when wars would take place, planting and harvesting would occur, and markets would be held. The Maya calendar was remarkably accurate and based on detailed observations of the movement of stars and planets. Ritual cycle = 260 days (13 x 20 day months) Solar calendar = 365 days (18 x 20 day months, plus 5 intercalary days "unfavorable") These cycles coincided every 52 years; thought to be auspicious Calendar begins at 3114 BC, thought to be the date of Creation Used the zero


The Ottomans were founded in the thirteenth century by Osman who was the leader of a group of nomadic Turkish groups. Anatolia (Asia Minor) was located between the Byzantine Empire and the Ilkhanate. The Ottoman allegiance to Osman was based on political expediency, not ethnic loyalty as can be seen from Osmam's attacks against fellow Turks. In 1302, Osman's warriors attacked the Byzantine lands of Anatolia. Osman's gained control over western Anatolia, which was populated by Christians and Muslims. Osman's son and successor Orkhan conquered other territories in Anatolia.


The Templars combined spiritual calling with military zeal. They acquired great wealth, and created the first European banking system. (As they traveled it became unreasonable to carry large amounts of money with them, so they deposited money received a note and could use that to withdraw the money in a different location)


The Varangians or Varyags was the name given by Greeks and East Slavs to Vikings, who between the 9th and 11th centuries ruled the medieval state of Rus and formed the Byzantine Varangian Guard (wikipedia)

Mayan ballgame

The ballgame practiced by the Maya had its roots in Olmec beliefs. In the ritual ballgame, a rubber ball was kept aloft by members of two opposing teams who did not use their hands during the game. The losing team would be sacrificed to the gods to symbolically renew creation.

Vitruvian Man

The circle and square drawing of a man, which depicts the perfection of the human body (proportionality) but Dr. Cooper said it doesn't flow because the circle and square are clearly different shapes. This leaves room for man's creative and divine spirit to make a new world (the creative being the square/physical grasp of the world while the circle being the divine interpretation of life). Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) painted the Vitruvian Man.

Role of the Manorial lord? Interaction with Pesants?

The role of a lord of the manor varied. His base was the manor house. From here the lord of the manor would preside over complaints of the people in his manor and oversee the running of his farm lands on the manor. His role also revolved around his Oath of Fealty to his immediate superior, a great noble or even the King. He would be expected to fight and to provide soldiers and arms from his manor.


The second of the four major Islamic caliphates established after the death of Muhammad. After the prophet Muhammad, Uthman hoped to solve the succession problem by creating a family dynasty. This provoked civil war and he was assassinated in 656. Ali, Muhammad's cousin replaced him. He too was assassinated. Mu'awiya, Uthman's cousin finally succeeded in establishing a hereditary dynasty of Umayyad caliphs. (pg. 292) This dynasty ruled Spain from 756-1030 (pg. 450) At one point the caliphate in Spain was the most urbanized part of Europe. Fell in the Reconquest of Spain


The study of the humanities based on the works of ancient Greek and Roman writers; this included poetry, history, moral philosophy, and the key to humanism was rhetoric - speaking and writing were considered premium skills.This provided the intellectual foundations for the Renaissance. Cicero and Quintilian were the models who exemplified this: eloquent style + skill to persuade + virtue = the humanistic ideal


Theoderic the Great (d.526) king of the Ostrogoths (488-526), ruler of Italy (493-526), and regent of the Visigoths (511-526); He was a child hostage in Constantinople who learned the Roman culture and military; the Byzantine Emperor installed Theodoric as viceroy in Italy and later defeats Odacer (493). He respected and preserved Roman culture and was an Arian Christian (Belief that Jesus was separate from the Father) and this created huge problems in the Eastern Empire. Theodoric is also the guy who executes Boethius for treason in false charges.

Civil service exams, Song Dynasty.

These were a complex series of tests based on the Confucian classics, history, poetry, and other subjects, and the primary method for recruiting government officials since the 11th century. It transformed the composition and character of the political elite, the educational system, and strategies for social success. It established Neo-Confucianism (a revival of Confucian teachings and commitment to moral perfection and the betterment of society) and a more uniform ruling class - connected by common educational experience and mastery of examination subject matter.


They were given a lot of authority to regulate to economic factors relating to their trade.

Gregorian Chants & Music

They were scriptures sung in Latin, deem in it (Latin) as a sacred language.

Abbasid caliphate and in Islamic literature?

This was the third of the Islamic caliphates after the prophet Muhammad. Arabic poetry reached its height under Abbasid reign. Writers like Abu Tamman and Abu Nuwas were closely connected with the Abbasid court. The best known fictional book of the Islamic region is The Book of One Thousand and One Nights which is a compilation of tales.

Admiral Zheng He?

Turkish Muslim was placed with the prince who would become Emperor Yongle. Then Became the head of the Chinese armada (Treasure Ships)

Chinese/Ming Porcelain?

Very high quality, used in trade and to forge alliances. The depictions thereon show evidence of cultural/artistic mixing.

100 Year wars

War between France and England. England wanted to get rich through plunder, but could never actually rule France.

Renaissance Banking in Europe

Wealth of Italian bankers altered relationships between government and commerce. In Europe the expanding availability of credit was irresistible temptation to monarchs who wanted more than what they had. Italy lead the way in putting Private capital to work. Public debt was more efficient than taxation to raise emergency revenue

French Languages in education in England?

When William the Conqueror became king of England, French took over as the language of the court, administration, and culture - and stayed there for 300 years

Woodblock printing?

Woodblock printing dates from the first half of the 8th C. Chinese inventors devised movable type by the mid-11th C., but this technology was not widely used because the Chinese written language was not conducive to the early movable type technology. Developed in China, carved an entire page to print rather than letters or words, the Song dynasty created a huge project to print official histories, dictionaries, etc, helped disseminate official ideas and values, earliest example from the first half of the eighth century.

Diamond Sutra

a popular piece of Mahayana Buddhist teachings from 868, making it the oldest known dated example of block printing (block printing was developed by the Chinese)

Zapotec script

earliest writing in Mesoamerica, undeciphered since the spoken language is different from the written language, used as early as 400 BCE, it was the Zapotec script of the Monte Alban state in southern Mexico, the inscriptions focus on diplomacy and war

Yuan dynasty?

founded by Qubilai (renamed Yuan) in 1260 a Mongol prince, he conquered China north to south, tried to conquer Japan but were destroyed by a typhoon, conquered Burma in 1277, surrounded himself with foreign advisors, highly centralized government, used tax farming (the assignment of tax collection powers to private individuals or groups in exchange for fixed payments to the state), full tolerance for other religions, associated himself with the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism.

Similarites between Hand and Roman Empire

lasted for around 400 years emphasized territorial expansion Used bureaucracy and taxation to provision major cities & increased coercion with military governments were actively engaged in a economic activity designed to ensure a stable social and political order dominated by patriarchy & reverence for fathers Early on, both empires focused on rituals and themes that would bring loyalty to the empire Overexpansion led to invasions by nomadic pastoralists. Tax based weakened as land (wealth) was concentrated into fewer hands who paid less in taxes

Chinese Textiles?

long history in China, as garments, currency, tax goods, and commodities. Chinese domesticated silkworms no later than 3,000 BCE


partially recovered the territories of the defunct Western Roman Empire, his reign also marked a blossoming of Byzantine culture, and his building program yield such masterpieces as the church of Hagia Sophia, which was to be the center of Eastern Orthodox Christianity for many centuries.

Columbus and Indonesia

sponsored by Ferdinand and Isabella in 1492, wanted to spread Christianity (full name Cristoforo Columbo), Columbus was mistaken about the size of the world, he thought it was much smaller- he thought this because he had sailed to Iceland and thought China was close to Iceland

Uses for an Astrolabe?

tell time during the day or night find the time of sunrise and sunset the length of the day locate celestial objects in the sky reference of celestial positions determine aspects of horoscopes determine Islamic prayer times

The Council of Florence (1438-39)

the Council successfully egotiated reunification with several Eastern Churches, reaching agreements on such matters as the Western insertion oft he phrase "Filioque" to the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, the definition and number of the sacraments, and the doctrine of purgatory. Another key issue was papal primacy, which involved the universal and supreme jurisdiction of the Bishop of Rome over the whole Church, including the national Churches of the East (Serbian, free, Moldo-Wallachian, Bulgarian, Russian, Georgian, Armenian, etc.) and nonreligious matters such as the promise of military assistance against the Ottoman Turks.

Agriculture in Amerindian societies

they cultivated potatoes and maize, and because of the agricultural advances their culture flourished.

And Al-Malik Reforms

™standardized coinage –gold dinar from Byzantine denarius –dirham from Iranian silver drachma ™administration was Arabicized: –eliminated local differences; forced existing local officials to learn the new language and culture (leads to the Greco-Arabic Translation Movement) ™development of a professional army, supported by salaries from taxes, as in the Roman Empire ™Built the Dome of the Rock mosque in Jerusalem ™Succeeded by his son, al-Walid

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