History chapter 18 section 1

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What were the three factors of production required to drive the industrial revolution?

1. An adequate food supply 2. a large and mobile labor force 3. expansion of trade

what were the new manufacturing methods made tremendous growth possible

1. automoation 2. interchangeable parts 3. division of labor 4. assembly line

what were the consequences of the industrialism

1. living and working conditions were horrible- slums, 14 to 16 hours per day work 2. Increase population and productivity

as the factory system replaced the domestic system, four significant changes took place for the worker

1. worker moved to urban environment to be near factory 2. the worker no longer own his tools 3. the worker no longer control his schedule 4. the worker performed his work away form his family creating problems for both workers and society

What preceded the Industrial Revolution

Agricultural Revolution

10 years after the steam powered locomotive was built this person was able to pulled a train of cars for the first time

george stephenson

he invested a way that shoot a jet of air into molten iron would help rid of more impurities then by adding carbon and other metals he developed steel

henry bessemer

who began production of the his famous model t automobile

henry ford

what was one of britian abundant natural resources

iron ore

who invented the spinning jenny which solved the four spinner problem which could spin up to 8 spins

james hargraves

invented the first practical and efficient steam engine by improving the design of an earlier model to provide enough power to run heavy machinery

james watt

who invented the seed drill planter that enabled farmers to plant more efficiently increase crop yields and end the wasteful scattering of seeds

jethro tull

a new method to construct road was developed by this person, he used tightly packed crushed rocks, macadamized roads provided a smoother and more durable surface

john mcadam

What led to the agricultural revolution?

new farming techniques including better methods of farming and new machines

this provided another source of energy after its discover in titusville pennsyvania in 1859


who had the first successful plane flight at kitty hawk, north carolina

orville and wilbur wright

beside the three items factors what else provided for the ease of the industrial revolution in britian

political climate and social climate

what occurred gradually over several decades when powered machines begin to replace hand tools and the modern factory system came into existence

Industrial revolution

Who invented the flying shuttle? which made it possible for a weaver to work faster and to weave cloth of greater width

John Kay

With the increase in efficiency and productivity in agriculture

few people were needed to produce food.

who devised a simple cotton gin with which one man could do the work of fifty pickers

Eli Whitney

Britian remain the leader but this country became a fierce competitor


where did the first occurred

Great Britian

who invented a process by which iron ore was puddled stirred in the furnace to rid it of impurities

Henry Cort

Who invented the spinning frame?

Richard Arkwright

who built a steam powered locomotive

Richard Trevithick

who put the steam engine in a ship

Robert Fulton

Who invented the light bulb?

Thomas Edison

what is the turnpike trust

a group of five men would financed the building of a road and then charged a toll to those traveling on it

the first stage of the industrial revolution was called this because britian, germany, grance and belgium produced 125,000 tons of steel

age of steel

construction of this water way made it easier to transport heavy or bulky industrial goods


who developed a new system of crop rotation

charles townshend

by the late 19th century this new energy source replace the stream engine called

electric dynamo

what was another influenced in agricultural production that allowed for wealthy landowners to incorporate these common grazing lands into their own estate and form larger farms

enclosure movement

who is know as the Father of the industrial revolution

richard arkwright

Who used selective breeding to produce larger and healthier farm animals?

robert blakewell

who invented an even larger spinning machine called the spinning mule

samuel crompton

what happen to the unemployed farm workers

they moved to the centers of industrial development and formed the labor force of industry

what became an increasing vital part of the british economy in the 18th century

trade expansion as the number of british colonial possessions increased

factories were usually located near

transportation routes, water power or natural resources

what was the system called in britian that improved its roads

turnpike trust

The factory system brought the

workers, raw materials and machinery under one roof

Henry cort also developed a method of rolling and hammering the iron to produce a versatile product called

wrought iron

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