Personality Theory Exam 3

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What does the Rep test do

It reveals one personal consturcts and their complexity

Existentialism is most closely asociated with which personality theorist


Coming back to his apartment bulding one evening, Pete saw that firefighters were rushing in to put out a fire. Even though there were seventy four other apartments in the building he immediately assumed that the fire must have started in his apartment though his negligence. Pete thinking is characterized by which cognitive distortion?


The current movement toward positve psychology is most closely related to the personality theories of


What does the existential approach in psychology focus on

The human being as he or she is emerging and becoming

Largely becaue of the efforts of Carl Rogers, which of the following has reemerged as a useful construct for undersanding personality

The self

A therapist who is using the technique of decatastrophizing might ask which of the following questions

Whats the worst thing that can possibly happen

According to Kelly the selfconstruct is based primarily on

a perception of consistency in our own behavior

May believed that the central problem we faced in the second half of the twentieth cntury and the befinning of the twenty first century is

a pervasive feeling of powerlessness

Greg lives his everyday life under the following assumption: Other people are not trustworthy He has interpreted most of his interactions as supportive of this assumption so he has continued to make this assumption for a long time. According to kelly Greg asumption about other people is

a pwersonal contruct

Rogers suggested that an organism is involved in a process of moving forward, known as


Probably the mot important word in Kelly tatement of hi mot baic thorectical asumption is


In 1977 May defined __________ as the apprehension cued off by a threat to some value that the individual holds essential to hi or her existence as a person


In Ellis's theory congnitions emotions and behavior

are consistently interactional and transactional

Intraditional cultures in Japan and in China, it is believed that personality is best rooted in

being able to define onself in terms of the group

Elli associates emotional diturbance with

caring too much about what others think

The ultimate goal of ________ is to deactivate the more automatic modes of thinking and strengthen the more constructive and reflective modes of thinking

cognitive therapy

According to Beck the depressed individual has a negative view of him or herself the world and the furture these three perceptions are known as the

cognitive triad

Aaron Beck developed what is considered the finest psychometric instrument for use in assessing


_______________ is a therapeutic process wherey anxieties and fears are reduced by pairing relaxation with gradual exposure to the thing or situation that causes the anxiety


overgeneralization, dichotomous thinking and personalization are

examples of cognitive distortions

Martin Buber's book I and Thou made a significant contribution to the ____________ theory of personality


Tony is a sixteen year old boy who sees himself asmusic, art, writing, sport, and business. His parents, however view him exclusively as a musician and refuse to acknowledge his other interest and talents. According to Roger, this situation increases the likelihood that Tony will

experirence incongruence

To say that construct are impermeable is to say that they are

fixed and rigid

According to postive psychologist, _________ is an optimal state of instrinic motivation and a tate of oneness with the activity and situation at hand


The goal of Ellis's REBT is to

free individuals to develop their own constructive belief systems

According to Rogers the three attitudes that are necessary and sufficient to produce thereapeutic change are empathy, acceptance and


According to rogers the best way to understand an individual is through

his or her inner subjective experiences

Which of theses statement by Peters parent best exempliefies a condition of worth

if you quit the soccor team i wont love you as much

Kelly suggested that emotions arise when constructs are

in a state of change

According to Rogers maladjustment is a possible consequence of


Unlike controlled thoughts automatic thoughts are


In his definition of anxiety May suggested that anxiety

is an inevitable characteristic of being human

Maslow defined a self actulized person as an individual who

is one of the most well adjusted 1 percent of the population

Although Mallory has won a full scholarhip to a prestigious art school, various art awards, and the admiration of everyone who has seen her artwork, she ha decided not to study art because she has convinced herself that he is just not good enough to compete with really talented people. Mallorys thinkin exemplifies which of the cognitive distortions


According to kelly the term role refers to

one behavior based on his or her contruct of others behavior

The ABC theory of personality suggests that emotional consequences are largely created by

ones belief

In Rogers theory the ___________ refers to the person as a whole, whereas the ___________ refers to the person as he or she is perceived


Rebecca doe not trust babysitter. She bases this distrust on an isolated news report about a babysitter who mistreated several children many year ago. After hearing this news report, she concluded that "thats what babysitters do" and ince that time ha not hired a babysitter to care for her child. Rebecca's thinking exemplifies which of the cognitive distortions?


In kelly theory the hypotheses that people develop and test to make their world meaningful are called

personal constructs

May lives in a part of the world where food is scarce and she cant be sure where her next meal is coming rom. According to Maslows hierarchy, Maya is likely to be focused on meeting her

physiological needs

According to Rogers, for young children to develop a strong feelings of self-worth they need

positive regard

Two major trends that Rollo May work brings together are

pychoanalysis and existentialism

Kelly contribution to therapeutic methodology was

role playind and role reversal

Binod lives in a town where he can rely on a stable source of food, beut he and the other residents experience frequent attaks by criminals and military forces. According to Maslow's hierarchy, Binod is most likely focused on meeting

safety needs

kelly suggests that we conceive of ourelve and other people a


One characteristic of Beck's concept of chemas is that they

shape the personality

Dr Lopez i a clinical psychologist whose belief aout sickness is imilar to the of Rollo May therefor, Dr. Lopez believes that

sickness is a strategy whereby an individual seeds to presever his or her being

Which of the following is the best example of a parental response that conveys unconditonal positive regard to a girl who spilled her milk

that was a mistake. try to be more careful next time

A state of congruence exist when

the self concept and the organism largely coincide

Wxistentialism and psychoanalysis are alike because both

try to understand anxiety, despair and alienation

Kelly' theory i conidered a cognitive theory because it explains behavior in terms of

ways in which people construe the world

Max is very fearful of airplanes. If he does fly, he feels overwhelming anxiety when he approache the gate at the airport. Within Ellis's ABC theory of personality the behavior of approaching the gate at the airport


Which of the following would be the closes to the posture of an existentialist

A jockey in a horse race

A modern percursor of Ellis's rational emotive therapy was

Alfred Adler

According to May what is the reason for the intenification of anxiety in contemporary times

Alienation and isolation

Cognitive schemas are an essential component of the personality theory of


Max is very fearful of airplanes if he does fly he feels overwhelming anxiety when he approaches the gate at the airport. Within Ellis ABC theory of personality Max's overwhelming anxiety represents


Max is very fearful of airplanes if he does fly he feels overwhelming anxiety when he approaches the gate at the airport. With hi therapist, Max is docusing on the D component of Ellis ABC theory. Which of the foloowing best exemplifes the type of work Max and his therapist might do while working on the D component

Challenging Max beliefs about the dangers of airplanes

Which of the following would be characterized as an irrational belief

I failed an exam, so I'm stupid

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