History Chapter 23

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What programs were started to help with the war effort at home? Explain how each helped and who ran them.

*Railroad Administration*: Everything that has to do with railroads and related to the war as top priorities *National War Labor Board*: ensure that businesses run smoothly. Make sure no one is striking and the workers get fair wages *Coal Distribution*: Harry Garfield. Making sure the coal distribution was going smoothly *War Industries Board*: Led by financier Bernard Baruch established to set industrial properties, coordinate military purchasing, and supervise businesses. It exercised unprecedented power over industry by setting prices, allocating scarce materials, and standardizing products & procedures to boost efficiency. Helped suspend antitrust laws. *Food Administration*: Led by Horbert Hoover. Persuaded millions of Americans to accept meatless and wheatless days, so the Food Administration could feed military and foreign consumers. City residents planted victory gardens in vacant lots.

List the supporters and opponents of the preparedness movement. List their reasons. Where does Wilson fall? Provide examples.

*Supporters*: Teddy Roosevelt, handful of politicians, northeastern Republicans, and Conservative business groups. *Opponents*: Jane Addams, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Carrie Chapman Catt, American League to Limit Armaments, William Jennings, Quakers and Progressives. They supported because they were convinced that Allied victory was in the national interest; wanted to expand the armed forces and establish universal military training. They opposed because it was expensive military preparations Wilson opposed preparedness initially but reversed his opinion when the submarine crisis with Germany intensified Preparedness movement means they're ready for war (supplies, tactics, etc) National Defense Act: increase size of army Navel Construction Act: power of army

What did Wilson allow the Allies to change on the 14 points?

1. Germany was forced to give up all conquered lands & colonies 2. Forced to pay reparations & accept full responsibility for the war 3. Limit its military to a small self-defense force, destroy military bases & promise not to make or buy armaments

What events in Europe created tension prior to WWI?

1. Unification of Germany through warfare 2. Complex & shifting set of alliances a. 1907- Triple Entente: France, Great Britain, Russia b. 1907- Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy, (defense alliance: if one of them goes to war they won't get involved but if they are in danger they will help) 3. 1908- Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia & Herzegovina 4. Militarism: Europe had forgotten the horrors of the Napoleonic Wars

Selective Service Act

1917. Created conscription (military draft)

How many people went to war?

3 million were drafted & 2 million volunteered

What did the US sign?

A separate peace treaty with Germany

May 1918

AEF fought in their first battle at Belleau Wood

How did the US troops help turn the tide of the war?

After Germany strengthened their western front w/troops from the East Allies launched their own advance & attacked German trenches in the Argonne Forest, by September the Allies overwhelmed the Germans

What did Wilson issue?

Issued a proclamation of neutrality, but neither the American people nor Wilson stayed strictly neutral.

January 18th 1919

Allied leaders met at Versailles for the Paris Peace Conference

Why did war almost erupt?

Almost erupted on several occasions, the biggest threat came when revolutionary, Pruncho Villa, ordered his troops to attack the US to try & provoke war

What did Wilson and his supporters refuse to do?

Any revision to the treaty

June 28th 1914

Archduke of Franz Ferdinand is shot by Gavrillo Principe & it sets off a chain reaction 1. Austria-Hungary gave Serbia an unreasonable ultimatum 2. Russia backed the Serbs (Russia investigate crimes) 3. Germany backed Austria-Hungary 4. Germany declared war on Russia & France 5. Germany struck at France at neutral Belgium by marching through 6. Great Britain reacted by declaring war on Germany

What was the most important difference between Allied violations of neutral rights and German violations of those same rights?

British violations of international law cost Americans property, markets, and time. German violations cost lives. The British were a "gang of thieves", and the Germans were a "gang of murderers"

What resolution did Bryan propose to Congress in February 1916? What was Wilson's reaction?

Bryan proposed prohibiting Americans from traveling in belligerent ships. Its proposals gained support in the South and West and was introduced as a resolution both the Senate and the House in Feb. 1916. Wilson moved to defeat the resolutions insisting they impinged on presidential control of foreign policy and on America's neutral rights. Place more on confronting the problem.

Who was excluded in the Paris Peace Conference?

Central Powers & USSR were excluded

What did the Central Powers hope for and what did the Allies want?

Central Powers hoped the US would remain neutral, while the Allies did their best to bring them into war

American Expeditionary Force (AEF)

Commanded by General John J Pershing. Saw little fighting before spring 1918

What did Europe want from Germany?

Condemned as a war criminal, completely disarmed & forced to pay reparations

What didn't Wilson give up on?

Didn't give up his fight for the League & it was included when they ratified the Treaty of Versailles on June 28th, 1919

How did Congress limit civil liberties during WWI?

Espionage Act: Law whose vague prohibition against obstructing the nations war efforts Sedition Act of 1918: Broad law restricting criticism of Americas involvement in WWI or its gov., flag, military, taxes, or officials American Protective League: harassed anyone who weren't pro-war Thomas Gregory threw Eugene V. Debs into jail Broke up German groups

What did Wilson create to rally Americans behind the war effort? Explain.

Established the Committee on Public Information. The CPI sought to manipulate not inform public opinion. Flooded the country with advertisements, press releases, cartoons and canned editorials.


Feared US involvement would interfere w/ reform at home (like La Follette)


France Russia Great Britain Italy* Japan* * means joined later on in war

Central Powers

Germany Austria-Hungary Ottoman Empire (modern Turkey)* Bulgaria* *means joined later on in war

What was the Sussex Pledge and why was it needed?

Germany's edge during WWI not to sink merchant ships without warning, on the condition that Britain also observe recognized rules of international laws. It was needed because Americans kept getting injured and Wilson threatened to break diplomatic relations if Germany didn't abandon unrestricted submarine warfare. Threat implied war. French ships Sussex was attacked & 4 Americans died.

Schliefen Plan

Germany's plan, a quick strike on France while Russia mobilized.

Woodrow Wilson warned that war could lead to intolerance at home; what examples listed in the book prove this to be true?

Government responsible for war hysteria. Encouraged suspicion & conflict through propaganda, repressive laws, violations of basic civil rights by supporting the extremists who used the war for their own purposes & by tolerating mob violence against German Americans Spy on neighbors, got rid of anything German, renamed items with German names, and beat up Germans on streets

What did Wilson allow the Allies to do?

He allowed them to drastically modify the 14 points to move the treaty along

What did Wilson believe in?

He believed in idealism, but also made sure our "vital interests" were protected

What did Wilson lean towards?

He leaned towards the Allies, he admired England's Parliament & liberal party's social reforms & he believed a Germany victory would threaten America's economic, political & strategic interests

What did Wilson do to try and gain support for the treaty?

He toured the country


Henry Cabot Lodge Refused to pass the treaty without major changes Felt it eroded congressional authority to declare war & the League might interfere with domestic policy

Summarize the Lusitania incident and the reaction of the press and public in the US?

In May 1915, a Germany submarine sank a British passenger liner, the Lusitania. It had been carrying arms, and the German embassy warned Americans against trading on ships, but the loss of life of 1,198 people, including 128 Americans. Caused Americans to condemn Germany. The press thought that talking about technicalities and rules of war is a waste of time considering the murders. Most Americans still oppose war.

What was Germany inept at doing?

Inept at war propaganda, and their deeds offended the US

How did the war impact trade? How did it impact our community?

International law permitted neutral nations to sell or ship war materials to belligerents. British navy prevented trade with the Central Powers. Only the Allies could buy American goods. Was in recession when the war began, however American looked to war orders to spur economic recovery

What is Mexico experiencing and what did Wilson want to ensure?

Mexico is experiencing political upheaval & Wilson wanted to ensure their new leaders would be friendly towards America

What role did the war play in the election of 1916?

Peace US war and the democratic were for peace. The Republicans split because some wanted war while others joined the Democrats. Two candidates: Wilson & Hughes Wilson used slogan "He kept us out of the war" Hughes was war hungry


Robert M LaFollette Refused to pass the treaty in any form opposed the League because they felt it would put the US into foreign disputes & wanted to focus on reform at home

What was Europe's main concern with Wilson's plan?


Explain how the Declaration of London impacted our neutrality.

Statement drafted by an international conference in 1909 to clarify international law and specify the rights of neutral nations. The US asked the belligerents to respect it, Germany agreed, however the British refused. Instead of skirting or violating established procedures, British blockaded Germany, mined the North Sea, & forced neutral ships into British ports to search their cargoes and confiscate material deemed useful to German war effort.

What 2 amendments were passed during the war?

Suffrage Amendment: giving women the right to vote (19th amendment) Prohibition Amendment: abstaining from alcohol would save grain & make workers and soldiers efficient

What was the 14th point?

The League of Nations which dispensed international justice

What is Wilson's ultimate goal in going to war?

The US would not fight for conquest or domination but for "ultimate peace of the world" & for the liberation of its people. World safe for democracy. April 6 1917

How did America fund the war?

The government borrowed money and raised taxes. Raised 2/3rd of the war costs by borrowing. Most of the loans came from banks and wealthy investors, but the gov. also campaigned to sell Liberty Bonds to the general public. Celebrities went to schools, churches, rallies to persuade Americans to buy them. Also raised taxes.

What was the purpose of the 14 points?

The purchase of his plan was to remake international order so future disputes could be kept from deteriorating into war

January 1918

Wilson announced his 14 points which addressed several immediate war issues

How did Americans feel towards the Allies?

They felt cultural, economic, and political ties to the Allies

What did England do to be convincing?

They knew how to evoke sympathy & blew up German atrocities, many times exaggerating and lying

Why'd they finally sign the armistice?

They signed on November 11, 1918 because the Central Powers Western Front was wearing thin

What did Americans want to do at first?

They wanted to stay out of the war

What did soldiers do in training?

They were trained in hastily made camps where they followed prohibition & were taught personal hygiene & English

Why did Germany resume unrestricted submarine warfare?

To break the deadlock, Germany continued the warfare, German generals believed that even if the US declared war, it could do little more in the short run to injure Germany than it was already doing. They hoped it would end the war by cutting the Allies off from US supplies before the US could send an army to Europe. Germany is losing in the war & following all of the rules. Wanted to win so started using again.

How did we help the Allies finance the war?

To finance their war purchases, the Allies borrowed from American bankers. By April 1917, American loaned to Allies exceeding $2 billion. 100 times more than Germany

What were the 3 themes of government propaganda?

national unity, loathsome character of the enemy, and the war as a grand crusade for liberty and democracy.

What was segregated?

Training camps. military units and jobs

What type of fighting did they use in WWI?

Trench warfare


US should play a vigorous role in world affairs & serve as a force for honorable behavior (like Teddy Roosevelt)

Who made up the Big Four?

US, France, Italy, and Great Britain

Why does Wilson want "peace without victory"? What is his version for the new world order?

Wants peace without victory because it would not lead to another war. New World order is based on national equality, self determination, arms reduction, freedom of the seas, and an international organization to ensure peace.

Why did Bryan resign from Wilson's cabinet?

Wilson demanded that Germany abandon its submarine campaign. Its language was so harsh that Bryan resigned , warning that by requiring more of Germany than of Britain, the president violated neutrality and threatened to draw the nation into war. Wilson wasn't neutral. He wanted more land.

What was the final straw propelling the US to war?

Wilson intercepted a message from the German foreign minister, Arthur Zimmerman to the German minister in Mexico. It proposed that the event of war between the US and Germany, Mexico should ally with Germany & in return recover its lost territory in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. A submarine sank 4 American freighters.

Who's opinion did Wilson ignore about the treaty?

Wilson returned to a Republican congress whose input he ignored for both he treaty & the peace conference

Moral Diplomacy

Wilson's foreign policy- doing what is morally right, not necessarily what is most beneficial

What did the Central Powers say about the 14 points?

nothing more than propaganda and dismissed it

Why was "unrestricted" warfare the only strategy that could be used by U-boats?

With its army stalemated on land and its navy no match for Britain, Germany decided in Feb. 1915 to use its subs against Allied shipping in war zone around the British Isles. U Boats are vulnerable and small and its sneak attack helps them because since they're so tiny they can blow up for any reason.

How were women affected by WWI in the workplace?

Women worked in munition plants (100,000 people) and the steel industry (400,000 people). War helped middle class women reformers achieve 2 objectives: women suffrage & prohibition

What did Wilson do the create his "armed neutrality" policy?

asked the Congress to arm the American merchant vessels. When the Senate refused Wilson invoked an antipiracy law of 1819 and armed the ships. Although 170 American ships had been sunk, he also ordered the navel gun rows to fire at submarines on sight. The sec. of the Navy warned Wilson that these actions violated international law & were a step towards war. Broke diplomatic means with Germany

How were African Americans affected by the War?

caused a huge migration of black people from the rural South to Northern cities, where they worked in shipyards, steel mills, and packing houses. Encountered racial discrimination and violence in the North that they wished they left behind in the South. White people rioted and murdered blacks

What was 5 out of the 14 points about?

invoked principles to guide international relations, freedom of the seas, open diplomacy, reduction of arms, free trade & for settlement of colonial claims

What was 8 out of the 14 points about?

proposed creating new nations, shifting old borders or ensuring self-determination

March 19th, 1920

the Senate killed the treaty, it was never ratified & the US never joined the League of Nations

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