History EOC

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Which amendment guaranteed the "equal protection" of the laws to all American citizens, including formerly enslaved individuals?

14th amendment

What was the main effect of the system of debt peonage that emerged in the South during the late 19th century?

African Americans labored in a system that was nearly the same as slavery.

The statement below was by Thaddeus Stevens, a Radical Republican leader. " If (African-American) suffrage is excluded in the rebel states, then every one of them is sure to send a (Democratic) representation to Congress and pass a solid (Democratic) electoral vote [for President].

Black voters would help Republicans to maintain control of the Congress and Presidency.

How were the Homestead and Pullman Strikes similar?

Both ended in important defeats for organized labor.

Which of the following describes a similarity between Jim Crow laws and Black codes?

Discriminated against African Americans

The timeline below shows changes in U.S. tariff policy between 1920 and 1930: May 1921— Emergency Tariff increases import taxes on agricultural products September 1922— Fordney-McCumber Tariff raises tariffs on farm and manufactured goods June 1930— Smoot-Hawley Tariff increases tariff levels to record high level What conclusion can be drawn from this timeline?

During the 1920s, Congress supported domestic producers with a protective trade policy.

Which 2 groups most helped the freedmen during the Reconstruction Era?

Radical Republicans and carpetbaggers

Which president pursued a policy of Vietnamization?

Richard Nixon

Which useful function was served by the political machines of the late 1800s?

They assisted in the social assimilation of immigrants into the community.

How did the experiences of Chinese immigrants differ from those of the "New Immigrants" form Southern and Eastern Europe?

They could not own property, testify in some state courts, or become citizens

"Communities are better off on their own without any central government so that individual freedom can flourish." Which individual would most likely agree with this statement?

an anarchist writer

In 1913, Progressive leaders proposed a reduction in tariffs. How did they plan to make up for the loss of these revenues by the federal government?

introducing a new federal income tax

the gentlrements agreement between president theodore roosevelt and japan resulted in a decrease of which of these

japan immigration to the united states

What was an important legacy of the social gospel movement?

more attention was paid to the needs of the poor in industrial society

Which group most favored the passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882?

nativists on the West Coast

The Kansas-Nebraska Act concerned which issue?

the expansion of slavery into new territories

Which of these was a direct consequence of the Civil War?

the extension of voting rights to African American men

What was a negative aspect of the "Americanization" policy introduced by the Dawes Act (1887) for American Indians?

to break the rural isolation of farmers and represent their interests

Which of the following was the main reason that the federal government created a method for Native Americans to become U.S. citizens?

to encourage Native Americans to assimilate into mainstream society

What was the main purpose of the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887?

to prevent railroads from charging farmers and merchants high shipping rates

Why did the United States participate in the Washington Conference (1921) and the Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928)?

to work with other nations to prevent future wars

Which movement benefited the most from its members' contributions to the war effort during World War I?

women's suffrage

The excerpt below was published in 1907 for The Survey, a magazine promoting social reform. "My name is Luther Watson. I am 14 years old. My right arm was cut off by a veneering saw. I was using a board to [press on] the belt operating the saw. I lost my job in the factory because of the accident." Which laws addressed concerns raised by the case of Luther Watson?

workers' compensation and child labor laws

What was an important effect of the sharecropping system and debt peonage?

Freedmen often remined in a state of economic dependence on their former masters.

What was an important way in which the Knights of Labor differed from the American Federation of Labor?

It was open to women and African Americans.

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. - The 15th Amendment Which practices were introduced in Southern states after Reconstruction to circumvent (go around) this amendment?

Poll taxes, literacy tests, and residency requirements were passed, which affected African Americans more than other citizens.

The following quote is from President Roosevelt in the early 1900s: "This Second New Deal Act gives "contributors a legal, moral, and political right to collect their pensions and unemployment benefits." Based on this quote, to which Second New Deal Act is Roosevelt referring?

Social Security

The information below describes the position of a city manager. In the city-manager form of municipal government, an elected city council hires a city manager. The city manager is an expert in public administration who runs city services. What was a disadvantage of this new form of city government?

The city manager was not directly responsible to the electorate.

How should former Confederate leaders be punished? How should Southern states be readmitted to the Union? How should 4 million freedmen enter into public life and the free market economy? How should the economy of the South be rebuilt? What was the impact of these issues on Republicans following the Civil War?

They disagreed over whether the Presidnet or Congress should set conditions for Reconstruction.

How did many nativists feel about the rapid influx of immigrants between 1870 and 1900?

They feared that the immigrants might take their jobs for lower wages.

What was the main accomplishment of the Freedmen's Bureau?

providing aid and education to emancipated slaves

The excerpt below was printed in a magazine in the South in 1866: We should be satisfied to compel them to engage in coarse, common manual labor, and to punish them for dereliction of duty or non fulfillment of their contracts with such severity, as to make them useful, productive laborers. Which of the following would the author of this excerpt most likely have supported?

the passage of Black Codes and Jim Crow laws

The passage below is an excerpt from the Fourteenth Amendment: No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. This amendment was proposed by Congress in response to which of the following?

the passage of Black Codes throughout the South

What was a consequence of the rapid growth of cities in the late 1800s?

the rapid growth of tenements and ghettos

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