History final

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7. The ________________ built a military society to provide security and protection.


A _________________ source, an account of an event created by someone who witnessed the event may include treaties, diaries, laws, court documents, and royal commands.


A _________________________ source, information gathered by someone who did not take part in or witness the event, may include history textbooks, journal articles and encyclopedias.


As in Mesopotamia and Egypt, the flooding of the _____________ River on the Indian subcontinent left behind a layer of fertile silt which created ideal farmland for early settlers.


Donald Johanson examined the bones of an early _____________ named Lucy and conceded that Lucy was small and walked on two legs.


During the Zhou period , _________________ , or the belief system which stressed living in harmony with the Dao influenced about Ancient Chinese society.


During the Zhou period, ____________________, or the belief that people were bad by nature and needed to be controlled, influenced Ancient society.

Pax Ramana

During the first 2 centuries of the Roman Empire, the lands conquered by Rome experienced the _________ ____________, or Roman Peace, in which accomplishments in government, engineering, architecture, art, and philosophy flourished.


Early humans expressed themselves through language and ________.


Europeans called their code of honorable behavior for knights ______________.


Greeks believed that the gods in their polytheistic religion made natural events such as volcanic eruptions and the seasons occur; they created ________, or stories, to explain the world.


___________, considered to be the 1st pharaoh of Egypt and the founder of its 1st dynasty, built his capital city at Memphis in 3100 BC because of its location in a fertile region.

Feudal and Europe

_____________ societies shared common elements in ____________ and Japan.

Stone Age

_______________ ________ tools, such as those made out of flint attached to wooden handles, grew more complex as time passed.


__________________ divided the Roman Empire in the late 200s AD because he believed that a single emperor could not effectively govern the entire empire on his own.


Historians call the shift from food gathering to food producing the _________________ Revolution.


Hominids and early humans first appeared in East _____________ millions of years ago.

Christianity, missionaries , and monks

__________________ spread to northern Europe through the work of__________________ and ____________during the Middle Ages.


___________________, a kingdom north of Greece, conquered Greece in the 300s BC under the leadership of Phillip II.


___________________, the ideas of Confucius, offered moral/ethical guidance about the proper roles of family members and government officials in Ancient China; Confucius sought to use these ideas to bring order/stability to Chinese society.


____________________ is the study of earth's physical and cultural features.


_______________________ study objects left behind by humans; these objects include ideas such as jewelry, dishes, or weapons.


In the harsh __________ climate of Arabia, Muhammad, a merchant from Mecca, introduced a major world religion called Islam in the 600s AD.


In the mid-600s, Islam split into two groups. The ________were Muslims who thought that only Muhammad's descendants could become caliphs, or the highest leaders of Islam.


_______________________, a religion based on the teachings of Buddha, contains the "4 noble truths", the "eightfold path", and belief that an individual can reach a state of nirvana, or perfect peace.


Like the Sumerians and Egyptians , the Aryans of Ancient India created complex social order called __________________ system ; this system divided Indian society into groups based on a persons birth, wealth or occupation.


Like the Sumerians the Egyptians had a complex society; pharaohs in Egypt ruled as gods at the top of the _____________ structure, nobles came underneath the pharaoh , scribes and crafts people, came under the nobles, and farmers, servants , and slaves existed at the bottom of the structure.


Mountains, rivers, valleys, plains, and oceans are examples of the earth's ________________ features.


Muslim armies ________________ many lands into which Islam slowly spread in the late 600s and throughout the 700s AD.


Muslims believe the Qur'an to be the exact ________ of God as it was told to Muhammad and the Qur'an came into existence shortly after Muhammad's death in 632 AD.


Muslims pray in a ___________, with Muhammad's house in Medina operating as the first of its kind.


One of the more notable Roman achievements in engineering came through the use of arches to construct ___________________, or a raised channel that carried water from mountains into cities.


One of the most important technical developments of Sumer included the ________.


Prior to the 600s BC, rich landowners, or aristocrats created an olivary, or a government in which few people held power, in the Greek city-state of ______________.


The 1st farm settlements formed in __________________ as early as 7000 B.C. and eventually developed into the worlds 1st civilization because of the abundance of fresh water rivers and fertile soil.


The Egyptians developed a writing system , one of the worlds 1st, which featured more than 600 symbols , mostly pictures; we call this writing system ____________________________.


The Illiad and the Odyssey, two epic poems by ____________, served the dual purpose of educating and entertaining the Greeks.

Sharia law

The Qur'an and the Sunnah form the basis of Islamic law known as_____________ ________.


The Qur'an encouraged Muslims in the 600s AD to_______ their slaves.


The Roman Empire grew to control the entire ___________________________ region during the first two centuries AD.

checks and balances

The Roman Republic, after the patricians made changes to meet the demands of the plebeians in the 400s BC, operated under a system of______________ ________ ________________ This system ensured that no one part of a government would become more powerful than the other two.


The Roman _________________ ended in 27 BC.


The development of _________________ changed human society forever because it allowed humans to remain in one place and grow their populations by controlling food production.


The difference between the terms 'Islam' and 'Muslim' exists in the fact that Islam means the messages Muhammad he reported to have received from God and that 'Muslim' means a __________________ of Islam.

hunter gathers

The early humans of Stone Age, called _____________ _________________ hunted animals and gathered wild plans, seeds, fruits, and nuts to survive.


The emperor Constantine moved the capital of the Roman Empire from Rome to ___________________________, in modern day Turkey. This city, now called Istanbul, effectively shifted power from Rome, in the West, to the East.


The most important language of Ancient India ________________, is no longer spoken today , but serves as the root of many modern South Asian languages.

Byzantine Empire

The society of the eastern empire as distinct from that of the west. Non-Roman influences took hold in the east. People spoke Greek rather than Latin. Historians call the society that developed in the Eastern Roman Empire the __________________ ________________.


The theme of ________________ in geo. answers the question "What are the unique features of this place" and describes the human and physical characteristics of a place.


The theme of _________________ describes how one or more features, physical or human, make it different from surrounding areas.


The theme of ___________________ describes the movement of people, goods, and ideas and how this movement affects the human and physical characteristics of a place.


The theme of ____________________ in geo. describes how humans influence their physical environment influences human behavior.


The theme of _____________________ in geo. answers the question "Where is it" and describes a place's absolute or relative location.


The two most powerful city-states in Greece, Athens and_________, had very different cultures and became bitter enemies in the 400s BC after banding together to defeat the Persians during the Persian Wars .


The___________ were Muslims who didn't think caliphs had to be related to Muhammad.


The____________ system dominated Europe's economy during the Middle Ages.


similar to the Persians, Muslims generally practiced religious_________________, or acceptance, with regard to people they conquered.


. Islam also spread beyond Arabia and into Africa, Asia, and Europe as a result of ____________ between 1200 and 1600 AD.

Alexander The Great

After Phillip II, ___________________ ______ _________ built an empire that united much of Europe, Asia, and Egypt.


Alexander the Great spread Greek-like, or ______________________, culture throughout his empire by building new cities based on Greek cities, by building Greek-style theaters and temples, and by encouraging Greek settlers to move to newly conquered areas.


Ancient democracy in Athens differed from ________________ democracy.


As early as 7000 BC , farming in Ancient ___________ started along the Huang He and Chang Jiang rivers which developed fertile silt.

Silk Road

Beginning in approximately 220 BC , the Han Dynasty in Ancient China developed a 4,000 mile-long network of trade routes , called the ________ _______ , which stretched westward from China across Asia's deserts and mountain ranges through the Middle East ; these trade routes ultimately reached the Mediterranean Sea.


Between 550 BC and 529 BC, _________, in what is now the Modern Middle East in Southwest Asia, became an empire under Cyrus the Great; Cyrus possessed tremendous skill as a military and political leader. He allowed conquered peoples to keep their customs.


Buddhism came to China and gained many followers during the Han dynasty during the 1st century AD; spreading of this religion from India to China serves as an example of ________________.

Persian Wars

Darius I from the Persian Empire invaded Greece in 490 BC, starting a series of wars known as the ____________ _______. The Persians unsuccessfully fought Greece twice during these wars.

Julius Ceasar

Disorder in the Roman Republic in the first century BC created an opportunity for _________ ______________ to take power and to declare himself dictator for life.


IN 546 BC , an Athenian noble named Peisistratus became the ruler of Athens as a _______________ , or leader who held power through force.

Shi Huangdi

In 2221 BC , the emperor by the name of _______ ____________, unified China; he unified China by standardizing laws , writing , weights and measures , created a money system , and made trade easier across his vast empire.


In 27 BC, _______________ became emperor of the Roman Empire.


In 494 BC. The __________________, or common people compelled the patricians in ancient Rome to open up the government so that the majority of the population, the common people, could have some political power.


In 500 B.C., Roman society had two divisions. The _________________, or nobles, who held most of the political power until 494 BC.


In 509 BC, right about the same time the Greek city-state of Athens developed a direct democracy, the Romans created a_______________ in which people elected leaders to represent them in government.


In American representative democracy , citizens elect _____________________________ to debate and vote on issues for them.


In American representative democracy , men and __________________ who are citizens have the right to vote.


In American representative democracy ___________________________ of powers existed. Citizens elect some people to create laws , others to enforce laws, and others to be judges.


In Athenian direct democracy , all ______________ met as a group to debate and vote directly on every issue.


In Athenian direct democracy , no system of the separation of _____________ existed. Citizens created laws, enforced laws, and acted as judges.


In Athenian direct democracy, only free ________ citizens could vote. Women and slaves would not vote.


In response to the demands of the plebeians, the patricians in the 400s BC made some changes to the Roman Republic. These changes included dividing the government into ___________ parts: the magistrates, elected officials, the Senate, the council of wealthy and powerful Romans who advised the city's leaders, and a third part which had two branches. These two branches, which protected the interests of the common people, included the assemblies and the tribunes.


In the 300s AD, the emperor _________________ removed the bans on Christianity, paving the way for a later emperor to make it the official religion of the late Roman Empire.

Arabian Penensula

Islam took root on the __________ __________________, located in the southwest corner of Asia.


Many Greeks set their poems to music. We describe such poets as _______ poets with Sappho, a woman, being one of the most famous of all such poets.


Many people believe that Judaism became the 1st _________________________ religion; Judaism emerged in the context of cultures which worshipped many gods between 2000-1500 BC.


Many scientists believe that the first modern day humans appeared about __________________ years ago.

ancient bones

Mary Leakey's and Tim White's discoveries about _______________ _________ tell us that hominids lived up to 4.4 million years ago and were ancestors of humans.


Other Greeks, such as Aesop, told short stories or ____________to teach people important life lessons and to give them advice on how to live.

civic law

Over time, Roman law inspired a system of law called _______ ______, which bases itself on a written code of laws and which has influenced the law traditions of several countries throughout the world.


People during the Stone Age learned to change plants to make them more useful through the process of _________________________.


Roman culture has spread, or diffused, over vast regions and has endured over many centuries. The Latin language, for example, eventually developed into several modern languages (i.e., Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Romanian) known as the _________________ languages.

Great Wall of China

Shi Huangdi wanted to protect China from invading nomads from the north , so he built the _________ __________ ______ __________.


Similar to Christianity and Judaism, Islam is a _____________________ religion.


Similar to Greece, the _____________________ of Italy made land travel difficult.


Similar to Homer, the Greek epic poet who wrote the Illiad and the Odyssey, Virgil, a Roman epic poet, wrote the __________ to teach Romans about Rome's legendary beginnings.


Similar to other ancient civilizations, the ancient Romans built their settlements next to fresh water ___________.


Similar to the landform on which Greece is located, Italy is a __________________, or a piece of land surrounded by three bodies of water.


The consistent flooding of the _________ River gave life to the deserts of Egypt as early as 3200 BC because it provided a bountiful growing season every year and people knew they could count on a food supply in the future.

Peloponnesia War

Sparta and Athens fought one another in 431 BC in a conflict known as the ___________________________ _______; Sparta eventually won in 401 BC and gained influence over the region.


Stone Age people may have crossed from Asia to North America by using land ____________.

Europe and Asia

The continent of Europe is actually part of a large landmass consisting of ____________ and_____________..


The Sumerians developed ___________________ the world's 1st system of writing.


The Sunnah refers to the way Muhammad lived, which provides a ___________ for the duties and the way of life expected of Muslims.

Five Pillars of Islam

The ________ ____________ ___ _________ include a statement of faith, daily prayer, yearly donation to charity, fasting during Ramadan, and pilgrimage to Mecca.

Franks , christian , and Europe

The __________ led by Charlemagne, created a huge __________________ empire and brought together scholars from around_______________.


The ______________ admired the mind and the arts in addition to physical abilities.


The _______________________ developed a trading culture on the western edge of the Fertile Crescent, or the Eastern Mediterranean; the trading and alphabet of this culture spread throughout the region and had a major impact on other languages including English.


The _________________________ in Mesopotamia developed the world's 1st complex civilization as evidenced by the development of urban areas, city states, the world's 1st empire, a polytheistic religion, and society ordered with a hierarchy.


The blending of ideas from many cultures on the Indian subcontinent eventually led to the development of ____________________ , a polytheistic religion which promotes the idea of reincarnation.


Under the leadership of Cleisthenes around 500 BC, Athens developed the worlds 1st ___________________, or rule by the people.


We call knowledge, beliefs, customs, and values of a group of people ________________ .


We call objects created and used by humans ______________ and these objects include coins, arrowheads, tools, toys, and pottery.

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