History-GCSE Renaissance medicine

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What does the term 'Renaissance' mean?

It means rebirth.

When was the printing press invented?


What did people believed caused syphilis?

A punishment from heaven. Sexual contact between a man and sick woman. The planet Saturn. Contact with the new world. Little worms that float in the air.

What was syphilis?

A sexually transmitted disease that came about during the Renaissance.

Why was it important to use the 'scientific method'?

Because it led to doctors questioning the knowledge of the Greek and Romans which was important if they wanted to make progress.

How did trade affect progress in medicine?

Columbus discovered the 'New World' where he brought back new food and medicine so these could be used to try and create more cures- leading to progression.

Modern physicians were expensive as they charged a lot of money which meant that only the rich could afford them. So who else would treat you during the Renaissance?

Country doctors- they were cheaper than town doctors but were not well trained. Barber-surgeons- they performed small surgeries and were paid to do this. Apothecaries (chemists)- They sold medicines but were not medically trained. Quacks- These were people who sold medicines that they claimed cured everything. Wise women Neighbours Local witches

How did communication affect progress in medicine?

Different individuals wrote books during this period with their knowledge and ideas which could then be shared with others.

What was treatment like during the Renaissance?

Doctors were useless at treating infectious diseases like the syphilis and the plague (although they realized this was contagious). Also treatment for illness was not very good as it was based on superstition and errors.

What did Anton Van Leeuwenhoek discover that was so significant?

He discovered bacteria in 1683 through a single lens microscope. Although this was important no-one realized the importance of this.

What did Nicholas Culpepper advice people should do?

He wrote a book called 'Complete Herbal' in 1653. He advised people to follow: The four humors. Invoke sympathetic planets. He recommended smoking Tobacco. He said the garden rue was the antidote for all poisons.

When was the plague?

In 1665.

How did method of diagnosis change during the Renaissance?

It didn't. Doctors were doing the same things as they had done during the Middle ages.

What is 'scientific method'?

It was first used by doctors during the Renaissance. It was where doctors would carry out an experiment, write down their results, make observations and then come to a conclusion.

How did not having the knowledge of germs affect progress in medicine?

It was slowed down because doctors could not find cures for patients even though they made discoveries.

What was public health like in the Renaissance?

It was very similar to the middle ages. There were no sewers or water pipes and rubbish was thrown on the streets.

In order, name who came first out of Vesalius, Harvey and Pare.

Pare (1510), then Vesalius (1514), then Harvey (1578)

What did people believe caused disease? (natural beliefs)

The four humors- show continuity from Greeks and Romans.

How did technology affect progress in medicine?

The printing press was developed and this meant that it could be used to print multiple copies of books for example- so knowledge could be passed on to others.

How did war affect progress in medicine?

There were new weapons invented which meant that soldiers could get a variety of injuries an doctors would have to deal with this. This would lead to further knowledge of anatomy.

What sort of measures were taken to try and get rid of the plague?

There were some public health measures put in place. For example, they would kill stray animals, if people in a house had the plague they would have to stay indoors for a month and bodies were burnt at night. Although this was done, it didn't stop the plague.

What did people believe caused illness and disease in the Renaissance? (supernatural beliefs)

They believed disease was caused by: Alchemy- that it was possible to find an elixir which gave everlasting life. Some believed disease was due to atmosphere's. Others believed it was due to stars.

How did artists help make progress in medicine?

They draw/ painted more detailed pieces as they started to study the body in more detail so they gained a lot of knowledge in anatomy.

How did the Government affect progress in medicine?

They were rich and strong so they could spend money for medical research purposes.

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