History of the Internet

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The agency that started ARPANET was looking for technologies that could be used by the military. farmers. transportation. electronics.

the military

The TCP/IP protocol was invented by _a_ The person responsible for the creation of the group known as ICANN is _b_

-a- Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf -b- Vinton Cerf

DARPA was created to: find a way to compute faster. investigate technologies for the military in the US. find a way to communicate online. increase power in the telephone industry.

investigate technologies for the military in the US.

The first network was called the Internet ARPANET the network networking


Check all of the improvements and inventions of the 1970s. e-mail ARPANET hardware improvements improved data transmissions

Email Hardware improvements improved data transmissions

he first idea for a communications network was called: the galactic network. the Internet. the network. the web.

Galactic network

Who first thought of the "galactic network?" Sergey Brin Tim Berners-Lee J. C. R. Licklider DARPA

J. C. R. Licklider

_a_ lets people access their stored data from a device that can access the Internet. _b_ are programs that help people work and play online

a- Cloud computing B-applications

LANS are_a_ WANS are _b_

a- Short ranged networks that increase speed of network b- Networks that cover a large geographic area

Which of these improved the ability to send information over the network in the 1970s? Internet ethernet ARPANET Iconnec


Cloud computing allows: people to see information in cloud format. people to access information and applications from a web browser. computers to have cloud circuits. information and applications to be on the computer that people use.

people to access information and applications from a web browser.

What was the original reason for the creation of ARPANET? scientists and researchers could communicate and share information universities were able to communicate with their students students and teachers were able to communicate with researchers scientists wanted their own satellite

scientists and researchers could communicate and share information

Mobile technologies access the network and are recent inventions. What are mobile technologies? (select all that apply) smartphones laptops tablets netbooks desktop computers typewriters

smartphones laptops tablets netbooks

What US agency originally started ARPANET? Department of Agriculture Department of Housing Department of Advanced Research Projects Agency Department of Transportation

Department of Advanced Research Projects Agency

One of the biggest changes to the usability of the Internet for people was the ability to use an easy way to remember site addresses. Which of the following was responsible for this? the changes made by Google's search capability students and teachers made it possible to communicate netbooks ICANN


Local Area Networks (LANs) _________. only cover a short block increase networking speed take too long are not used anymore

Increase Networking Speed

Who came up with the idea for hypertex? Sergey Brin Tim Berners-Lee J. C. R. Licklider DARPA

Tim Berners-Lee

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