history test 2

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What percent of married women worked outside of the home in the 1920s?


Approximately how many civilians were killed by the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?* 1/1


The National Origins Act restricted the number of immigrants from any given country to____ percent of the number of current Americans from that country


What percent of Americans were investing in the stock market prior to the crash?* 1/1


Approximately how many women served in the military during WWII?


Of the over 110,000 Japanese-descended Americans who were detained in internment camps, approximately how many were American citizens?


Roughly ____ of all German casualties in World War II came in the battle against the Soviet Union.


What was the top tax rate during World War II?


What was the Zimmerman Telegram?

A German offer to help Mexico recover land lost in the Mexican-American War if Mexico would side with Germany in WWI

What was the message of NSC-68?

A call for a tripling of the annual defense budget for the purpose of stopping communism

Warren G. Harding won office by campaigning on which theme

A return to normalcy

Marcus Garvey created a movement encouraging black Americans to migrate to Africa. To do this he created which of the following:

A shipping company called the Black Star Line

What is the definition of Herbert Hoover's "Associationalism?"

A system where businesses would voluntarily limit harmful business practices for the greater economic good

Roosevelt tried to create relief for American farmers through the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA). What did the AAA do?

Aimed to raise the prices of agricultural commodities by offering cash incentives to voluntarily limit farm production, thereby increasing prices

One of the intellectual leaders of the Harlem Renaissance wrote that "we are achieving something like a spiritual emancipation." Who was this intellectual?

Alain Loçke

Why did the League of Nations fail?

American refusals to join

What was the first military action taken by the United States against international communism?

American soldiers fought against the Red Army during the Russian civil war

All of the following events related to the Korean War are true EXCEPT

An armistice was never officially signed

What was FDR's "court-packing scheme

An attempt to appoint up to six new justices who would be friendly to his interests

How did the United States respond to Japanese aggression in the Pacific?

Applying economic pressure to Japan to deter military expansion

What was the particular spark that ignited World War I?*

Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand and Grand Duchess Sophie

When was the Atlantic Charter issued?

Before the United States entered World War II

Where did Germany first invade?


How did President Eisenhower attempt to prevent a Soviet Attack on the United States?

By promising "massive retaliation" and appealing to the logic of "mutually-assured destruction"

Women served in the armed forces during World War I. They served in all of the following positions EXCEPT

Commissioned Officers

Hitler and Mussolini helped to topple which government in Spain?


Upon assuming office, how did Roosevelt respond to the collapsing bank system?

Declared a bank holiday and then pushed through the Emergency Banking Act

Army General John "Black Jack" Pershing used all of the following technologies in his attempt to capture Pancho Villa EXCEPT


What was the result of the King-Crane Commission?

Discovery that most inhabitants of the Middle East favored an independent state free of European control

What was the primary purpose of the failed Equal Rights Amendment?

Eliminate all legal distinctions based on sex

Which of the following issues most concerned American diplomats prior to World War I?

Expanding transatlantic trade

Louisiana Senator Huey long criticized Roosevelt's New Deal programs for _____________

Failing to redistribute wealth

The environmental catastrophe of the Great Depression was partly the result of agricultural mismanagement. Which of the following was the most consequential example of this mismanagement?

Farmers plowed up natural ground cover to grow more crops, cover that had taken ages to form in the relatively dry states of the Plains

Who first advocated the policy of containment?

George Kennan

Why did Hitler stop the Blitz in June 1941?

Germany needed the resources of the Luftwaffe to invade the Soviet Union

Why was Douglas MacArthur removed from command?

He was publicly insubordinate to the Commander in Chief

Which of the following statements are true regarding Soong May-ling, known to the public as Madame Chiang?* 1/1

Her American education made her an effective diplomat in Chinese-American relations

Why did the Russian army disintegrate?

The Russian Revolution distracted military leaders from the war with Germany

Greece and Turkey were early flashpoints in the Cold War. How did the United States respond to unrest in Greece and Turkey in 1947?

The United States sent $400 million to both nations to be used in resisting communism

Fundamentalist Christianity coalesced around a series of ideas best articulated in a pamphlet commissioned by oil barons Lyman and Milton Stewart. What is the name of this pamphlet?

The fundamentals

What prompted President Roosevelt to pass Executive Order 8802?

The planned march on Washington led by A. Philip Randolph

McCarthy's power waned after four years of mostly unproven accusations after he went after the ________ on live television in 1954.

US army

The Triple Entente united all of the following nations EXCEPT

United States

What was the purpose of the Marshall Plan?

all of the above

Which of the following advantages did the Soviet Union achieve during the Cold War?

all of the above

Which of the following most accurately describes religious commitment during the early Cold War years?

all of the above

Why was the "loss" of China to communism so upsetting to Americans?

all of the above

The ____________ marched on Washington in the summer of 1932 demanding the money promised for their service in World War I.

bonus army

What was the most dramatic result of the 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act?

creation of minimum wage

_________________________ captured one of the most recognizable pictures in American history in the "Migrant Mother."

dorothea lange

What theme dominated American popular entertainment in the 1920s?


How did increased availability of consumer credit in the 1920s influence American expenditures?

expenditures increased

The Korean War became known as the "_______________________" because of its unclear ending and the difficulty squaring it with American ideas of greatness.

forgotten war

A flurry of New Deal legislation was passed in the first year of Roosevelt's presidency in a time referred to as the

hundred days

What was the consequence of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff of 1930?

internationqal trade collapsed

Britain and France declared war on Germany after which invasion?

invasion of poland

The writer _____________________ captured the suffering of migrant laborers in his work "The Harvest Gypsies."

john steinbeck

C. Wright Mills said that all the postwar military spending was creating a " permanent war economy," or what Eisenhower later called the "____________________________________."

military-industrial complex

The threat of nuclear annihilation was turned around to make everyone somehow feel safer due to both sides being too afraid to risk upsetting the other. This was called ____________________________ or MAD, for short.

mutually assured destruction

The Teapot Dome Scandal sent several prominent members of the Harding administration to jail. The scandal involved the leasing of government land to what group?

oil companies

President Wilson announced American entry into the war was an effort to "make the world ______________________."

safe for democracy

The longest lasting program from the New Deal was ____________________________.

social security

Which group of Americans benefitted the least from the economic changes of the 1920s?

southern farmers

Which of the following best characterized German military tactics

speed and meneuverability

Which two countries entered World War II in 1941:

us and japan

These two groups took on the name "new" in this era, in reference to their challenge to preexisting norms and roles. They were the "new _________" and the "new ___________."

woman, negro

Which group accounted for 90% of household expenditures in 1920s homes?


What disease proved most deadly during and in the immediate aftermath of World War I?


Two events are widely credited with inspiring the rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan. One is the release of the film The Birth of the Nation. What was the second?

Lynching of Leo Frank

How did attitudes toward sex change in the 1920s?

Many college-educated white women rebelled against "Victorian" notions of sexuality, leading to an increase in premarital sex

Joseph McCarthy first achieved national prominence in February 1950 by waving a piece of paper that he claimed included 205 communists currently working in what capacity?

Members of the Department of State

Which of the following describes the place of the labor movement during the 1920s?

Membership declined

Which of the following statements regarding immigration during the Great Depression is true?

More people left the United States than entered it during the Great Depression

A vibrant homosexual culture developed during the 1920s in which American city?


Fascism appealed to what three groups especially?

Nazi Germany, Italy, Spain

Which of the following actions did FDR take to advance civil rights for African Americans?

None of these occurred

How did the United States respond to the Bolshevik Revolution?

Opposed the Revolution and sent American troops, who remained in Russia until 1920

How did the Federal Reserve respond to the financial collapse?

Overcorrected by raising interest rates and tightening credit

Before turning to military expansionism, Japanese leaders were also considering which of the following strategies?

Pan-Asian anti-colonialism

What did the Works Progress Administration do?

Put unemployed men and women to work on projects designed and proposed by local governments

What was the Red Summer of 1919?

Racial violence in twenty-five American cities

Which Allied nation was the first to reach Berlin?

Soviet Union

How did many black leaders, including W. E. B. DuBois respond to the war?

Supporter the war effort and lobbied to include black soldiers in front-line combat positions

Which of the following nations were not a part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)?


Why did the United States fail to help more of the decolonization independence movements during the 1940s - 1970s?* 1/1

The Cold War alliance with Western Europe led the United States to support many colonial powers

What was the result of the Kaiserschlacht?

The Germans launched five failed major attacks

The hit song of the twenties was ____________________.

Yes, we have no bananas

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