history unit 2 actual review guide

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What is humanism?

An intellectual movement that focused on human potential and achievements

Martin Luther

Christian Monk, professor at University of Wittenberg. Founder of Lutheranism. His 95 Theses started the Reformation.

Francesco Petrarch

Considered to be the father of humanism. Looked for forgotten Latin manuscripts and set in motion a search for similar manuscripts in monastic libraries throughout Europe.

What prompted the Catholic Reformation during the sixteenth century?

Corruption of church

Why did Martin Luther object to the selling of indulgences?

He thought they were corrupt and objected the selling to collect money.

How did Italy's vibrant trade that developed during the Middle Ages, impact the Renaissance?

It expanded during the middle ages. Leading to establishing merchant fleets and trading with byzantine and Islamic civilizations to the east. Also led to trade centers.

Baldassare Castiglione

Italian diplomat, wrote "The Courtier" published in 1528, this book expressed the characteristics of the perfect Noble.

What is one thing the Anabaptists wanted that is practiced here in the United States?

Separation of church and state

What made the English Reformation different from the Reformation in the rest of Europe?

The Catholic Church was ruled by the king not the pope.

How did the Catholic Church defend the selling of indulgences?

They thought that since people had to suffer earthly punishment it was okay to sell these

Explain why England's King Henry the VIII needed the Pope to annul his marriage to Queen Catherine of Aragon.

To rectify his marriage as it was against god laws according to him


a release from all or part of punishment for sin by the Catholic Church, reducing time in purgatory after death.

What is a 'courtier'?

a wealthy noble person of a gentle race

Why was Francesco Petrarch called the 'Father of Humanism'?

because of his influential attitude

Why was the invention of the printing press was so significant?

helped spread knowledge wider and faster

How was society characterized during the Renaissance?

on wealth

What does Machiavelli say about what it takes to be a successful ruler?

rather be feared then loved

During the Renaissance, on what did education and culture focus?

teaching humanist ideas and children attended school in Florence

How do you think classical learning and an emphasis on the individual might have led people to become critical of the Roman Catholic Church?

the Church taught obedience to Church leaders and to religious learning.


the state of being saved (going to heaven) through faith alone or through faith and good works.

What did Charles V hope to accomplish at the Council of Worms?

to forbid anyone to house Martin Luther or help him out

Cosimo de Medici

took control of Florence in 1434, the Medici family dominated the city when Florence was the cultural center of Italy.

Niccolo Machiavelli

wrote "The Prince" this book is one of the most influential work on political power in the Western World.

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