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payment for Clinton's plan

either broad-based taxes or a requirement that employers provide health insurance for their employees or pay a premium into a public fund (covers medicare and medicaid). Clinton chose the employer insurance but small business community was opposed to bearing the cost of providing health insurance

Water Pollution Control Act of 1972

enacted in reaction to pollution of northeastern rivers and the Great Lakes. Required municipal, industrial, and other polluters to use pollution control technology and secure permits from EPA for discharging waste products into waters; intended to clean up the nation's rivers and lakes

Until the early 1960s

environmental protected was not a prominent element of federal policy. Policy focuses on conservation and the national parks; Nixon pressed for most of the nation's first environmental legislation

health care costs increasing

faster than any other good or service

congress forbade the medicare administration

from negotiating with drug companies for wholesale drug pricing as other governments would do or as the Veteran's Administration does

President Bush pushed for

further opportunities for oil companies to drill in Alaska's tundra; defeated by Senate

Louisiana Rep Billy Tauzin steered the drugs for seniors bill through congress

goal was to enroll 42 million elderly americans in a plan that would reduce their drug costs

60 cents of every dollar put into the gas tank of SUVs

goes to other countries

america does not have a

government - run health care system, nor a completely private one

democrats thought that

government should buy drugs wholesale and resell them at reduced prices

democrats want

government to subsidize drugs and control their escalating prices

Nancy Reagen

has become an advocate for stem cell research

American Association of Retired Persons

has grown from 150,000 members in 1959 to over 35 million today, making it the largest voluntary association in the world

a generation of environmental policies started mostly in the 1970s

has targeted dirty air and water


have the same effect as 20 years of aging; runs neck in neck with smoking as the nation's leading cause of preventable deaths

between clintons 1993 health care fiasco and Bush's reelection in 2004

health costs in america doubled; drugs prices soared

Clinton made health care reform the centerpiece of his first administration

his Health Security Act proposal was an effort to deal with health care policy problems: costs and access.

the health insurance industry has a

huge stake in the outcome of the debate on national health insurance

Water quality has

improved dramatically; in 1972 only 1/3 of lakes and rivers were safe for fishing and drinking; today it is 2/3; the number of waterfowl in us waters has increased substantially

bush's plan supported more health savings accounts

individuals could set money aside, tax free, to pay for their medical needs or even medical insurance

a program funded and run by the national government would leave

insurance companies without a function ( or a profit)

only about 4% of the US

is now designated as wilderness, and half of that is Alaska

Oregon took the lead on rationing health care, trying to set priorities for medical treatment under the medicaid program

legislature agreed to fund 587 of the 709 proposed conditions from its medicaid budget; Oregon does not pay for some costly treatments that might save or prolong lives, but it can use its resources to provide medical care to a larger pool of people

most common reason for losing health insurance

losing or changing jobs

stem cells

master cells that can grow into virtually any sort of cell in the human body; could help diseases like Parkinsons and spinal cord injuries

in 2003, republican run congress passed the medicare prescription drug improvement and modernization act

medicare beneficiaries would be able to get a price reduction on their drugs; is would cost $530 million over its first decade; seniors would pay an annual premium of at least $420

american spends ____ on health care than people in any other nation


Clean Air Act of 1970

charges the Department of Transportation with the responsibility of reducing automobile emssions


chose HMOs or restricted physician lists for the provision of care, negotiate with physician groups and hospitals on fees, and try to monitor most aspects of care to control unneccessary use

critics feared employers and insurance companies could take part in genetic discrimination

congress passed a law in May 2008 forbidding this

new medicare policy in Feb 2006

covered some obesity surgeries; cost $25000-$40000; nearly 200,000 americans get them a year

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

created in 1970, administers much of US environmental protection policy dealing with land, air, and water quality; largest federal regulatory agency

insurance companies have been making it more

difficult for doctors and hospitals to pass along the costs of others' unpaid bills to them, causing a cost crunch for some institutions, including inner-city hospitals and trauma centers that serve the poor

health maintenance organization

directly provides all or most of a person's health care for a yearly fee; contracted by individuals and employers

founded in 1916, the US has been a world leader in wilderness preservation

most consistently successful environmental campaigns in the postwar era have been those aimed at preserving such wild lands; now 378 national parks and 155 national forests

under age 65

most of the uninsured; young adults are least insured; less than 10% of children are uninsured

medicare is the _________ component of the federal budget

most rapidly increasing

medical rationing

mostly informal: physicians and families quietly agree not to provide further care to a loved some; some formal: medical boards have elaborate rules for allocating donated organs

americans pay ____ of their health care costs

nearly 1/5

Senator Arlen Specter

objected to the very name cloning or therapeutic cloning; he has argued that it is not cloning because it is not meant to produce a baby

defensive medicine

ordering extra tests to ensure that they cannot be sued

National, state, and local governments

pay for 46% of the country's total health bill; median for all industrialized countries is 77%

Clinton was concerned with guaranteeing health care coverage for all americans

plan would have particularly benefited people without any health insurance, but it would also have extended coverage for millions of others with inadequate health insurance

federal laws only regulate

point sources- places where pollutants can be dumped in the water, such as a paper mill along a river; hard to regulate runoff from streets, roads, fertilized lawns

republicans though that

price fixing by government was market interference.

United States relies on _____ to pay for health care

private health insurance (sometimes subsidized by employers)

most common means of access to health care

private insurance plans; began in WW2 when employers paid health benefits to attract workers; about 60% of americans get health insurance from employers

in recent years ___ have transformed the country's health care system dramatically

private market forces

US has the most thoroughly

privatized medical care system in the developed world


provides heath care for the poor; serves about 42.7 million people

2007 average family paid___ for heath insurance


cost of health care a year in US

$2.3 trillion

by 2008 gas was

$4 a gallon

Laurence J. Kotlikoff estimates US owes _____ for social security, medicare, and medicaid

$70 trillion

government subsidizes employer-provided health insurance with tax breaks for

$77 billion a year, benefits go to highly paid workers

aarp claims

1 in 8 americans

private insurance companies over ____ of american's health care


Health expenditures account for how much of GDP

1/7 15.4%; Canada, France, and Germany spend only 8-11%

medicare is ____ percent of the federal budget

12 %

number of foreigners who travel to India for medical care annually


US rank for infant mortality


in 2015_____


more than _____ physicians work for the fed. government


percent in texas of people who do not have private health insurance


people without health insurance face a ____ percent higher risk of dying than those with insurance


by 2030 medicare will be ____ percent of the federal budget

30 %

Medicare and Medicaid consume ____ of GDP

4.5%; by 2050= 22%

only ____ percent of people below the poverty line qualify for medicaid


number of people who do not have private health insurance in the US

46 million; 15% of national population

among those who call themselves social conservatives, ___ percent support national health care


in 1970 _____ today______

7%; 15%

average american life expectancy

77 years, lower than other countries; 24th among other countries for life expectancy

CAA amendments of 1990 marked one of the most radical innovations in pollution control policy

Congress permitted utility companies to use emissions trading, essentially the right to buy and trade rights to pollute on the open market; a utility generating cleaner fuel could bank its savings and sell them to other utilities around the country; actually helped reduce pollution rates

______ was the first president to call for national health insurance

Harry Truman; it was strongly opposed by American Medical Association

National Health insurance

a compulsory insurance program to finance all Americans'medical care

if you have medicare

a doctor will not necessarily treat you because medicare cuts back on fees that it will pay doctors and hospitals

americans compared to other countries pay _____ for health care

a lot

medicaid is

a means-tested program

a health insurance policy

a policyholder pays an annual premium and then is entitled to have the insurance company pay a certain amount of the cost of health care for the year


adopted in 1965 to provide health care for eldery americans; Part A covers hospitalization insurance and short-term nursing care; Part B is voluntary and permits older Americans to purchase inexpensive coverage for doctor fees and other nonhospital medical expenses

doctor visits per person

are declining in US

skeptical environmentalist Bjorn Lomborg

argues that environmentalists overlook plenty of improvements in the world;s resource supply and environment.

conflict between the government and private employers is increasing

as private insurance rates increase, employers complain that they are paying inflated premiums for their workers to cover the costs of those who cannot pay or whose insurance provides only partial reimbursement for medical care

most common reason for lacking health insurance

being poor

medicaid is funded by

both the states and national government; in 2005 they spend $330 billion on Medicaid

at least 3/4 of doctors

signed contracts, covering at least some of their patients, to cut their fees and accept oversight of their medical decisions; these grew slowly in 1970s but tripled in 1980s and doubled again in 1990s. Today they cover 60% of americans, representing 85% of workers who receive health insurance

1990 Congress passed a reauthorization of the Clean Air Act

significantly increased the controls on cars, oil refineries, chemical plants, and coal-fired utility plants

american may generally be in favor of doing something about the environment

specific proposals to limit suburban growth, encourage carpooling, and limit access to national parks have met with strong resistance; VP Cheney once called them personal virtues

2/3 of americans ____ national health insurance


most americans continue to believe

that they and their loved ones are entitled to all the medical care they or someone else can pay for

since WW2

the entire federal budget has never amounted to more than 20% of GDP

people think insurance companies pay most health care costs but

the gov is more involved than private insurance industry

republicans want

to encourage private plans to get seniors drugs

a goal of most participants in our health care system is

to maximize one's health benefits at someone else's expense

two decades ago President Carter

vowed to make the US energy independent; now we are more dependent on foreign oil than when he made the pledge

bush argued that the market for health care

was alien to the medical care system

health care is expensive in america becuase

we like high-tech medicine which is expensive

Scientific American rebutted

with Science Defends Itself Against the Skeptical Environmentalist

evidence shows that Oregons plan

works well and that patient satisfaction is higher after the plan than it was before

with the Bush's plan the government

would lose $60 billion in tax breaks over a decade, more than the administration would be able to squeeze from cuts in medicare and medicaid

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