Home Inspection Electrical

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What is the min. size wire to provide the house with 60 Amp. service?

#6 Cu (copper)

Does a sump require a GFCI?

Not if it is a dedicated receptacle or circuit

Resistance is measured in


How does a home inspector test a GFCI at the main panel

Push the test button and see if breaker flips off then flipped breaker back on

If you have a double breaker labeled 100 amps what is the amperage rating of the main disconnect breaker

100 amps

What is the correct size copper wire for a 20 amp breaker?

12 copper wire

How many feet of clearance by the overhead Service drop does the NEC require over driveways and yards

12 feet overhead clearance on driveways and 10 or 12 feet over yards we need to look this up

What would be the voltage rating of an electrical service with two conductors entering the house at the Masthead

120 volt service

What are the NEC required electrical Service drop clearances

18 inches from roof line comma 10 feet in yard comma 12 feet in driveway comma 3 feet from Windows comma 18 feet in alleys comma 21 feet over pools with diving board

Number of wires from Street to house in a 240 volt system


How many wires are there from the street into the house in a 240 volt system?

3 conductors

The maximum number of disconnects allowed to shut off main panel are?


The maximum number of disconnects for a main power electrical panel is


What would be considered a safety hazard at the main disconnect

60 amp conductors and 100 amp main breaker more then 6 disconnect at the main electrical box

What would be considered a safety hazard at the main disconnect

60 amp conductors in 100 amp main breaker

A main disconnect with two 60 amp fuses would indicate what temperature rating

60 amps

You find the incoming service conductors to be number 6-gauge copper the main pull out fuse block contains two 100 amp fuses a main panel is rated for 60 amps what do you report as the service amperage rating

60 amps

Grounding rod must be driven to what depth for proper protection?

8 feet

What is an unused knockout

A fuse holder without a fuse in it

Which of the following conditions at the main panel should be reported as safety hazards

Inoperable GFCI breaker, double tap of main wires, oversized fuses Breakers, uncovered panel with exposed wires are all safety hazards

Which two types of service conductor require the same gauge for a given amperage rating

Aluminum and copper clad aluminum

How are electrical systems grounded on rural properties where the oil supply piping into the house is plastic?

Both ground rods and metal well casing is used

Non-metallic sheathed cables in an attic on top of joist must be?

Both protected within 6 feet of attic ladder , Scuttle hole and must be fastened every 4 and 1/2 feet

What is/ are the most common reasons for replacement of knob and tube wiring?

Breakdown of cloth covering insulation, buried in thermal insulation, and homeowner splices and repairs are all common reasons for replacement

In most cases, three distribution wires connected to one fuse or breaker is acceptable? True or false


TF According to most standards inspector must inspect CO detectors


TF According to most standards the inspector must inspect low voltage systems


TF All Outlets should have GFCI protection per NEC requirement


TF The home inspector is required to dismantle connections at junction boxes


TF The home inspector is required to use a GFCI tester and neon bulb tester at the main panel


TF every Outlet on a property should be a GFCI outlet


TF the home inspector is required to determine if aluminum branch circuit wiring is safe


TF the home inspector is required to dismantle a main disconnect and Main overload protection devices


The size of the fuses or breakers at the main disconnect will always tell you the how much electricity is available to the house?


Breakers are safer than fuses, anyhow with fuses should be upgraded to Breakers. True or false

False fuses are just as safe as long as properly maintained and installed

TF head room at the main panel only needs to be 5 foot clearance

False there needs to be at least 6 foot head clearance at main electrical panel

When a GFCI is installed on a two wire non grounded system it provides?

Fault protection, but not grounding protection

Which method of sub panel wiring is not acceptable

Feeder wires tapped at the main disconnect in the main panel

When inspecting a main breaker the home inspector should

Compare its amperage rating to service amperage

A material with a high resistance would be

Good insulator

2 conductor wiring can be used with a GFCI?


Fuses are more prone to improperly sized and overloaded? True or false


TF According to most standards the inspector is not required to inspect security system wiring


TF According to most standards the inspector must inspect branch circuit wiring


TF Electrical arcing is heard from within the electrical panel Woodstock VA home inspector from inspecting main panel


TF Feeder wires from special logs in the main panel of this sub panel wiring is acceptable


TF Home inspector is not required to complete and exhaustive inspection


TF NEC requires there to be power sources in each room


TF Tapping before the main disconnect is considered and unsafe


TF The home inspector is required to check all rooms for afci protection


TF The home inspector would not inspect a main panel if heat is felt when touching the cover


TF a bathroom outlet 12 inches above electric heating unit is considered an unsafe safety hazard


TF aluminum main wires are safe and commonly used


TF handyman wiring, open junction box with wires exposed, and reverse polarity in kitchen the home inspector should report has a safety hazard and recommend an electrician evaluate electrical service


TF sub panel wiring 3 year wires from a 240-volt breaker in the main panel is acceptable


TF the home inspector is required to check for lighting comma power source, and heat source for each room


TF the home inspector is required to observe compatibility of branch circuit wiring and there fuses or Breakers


TF the home inspector is required to operate all gfcis


TF the home inspector is required to report aluminum Branch circuit wiring


TF the home inspector should recommend that an electrician to evaluate the electrical service if handyman wiring is found


TF the plug in under the kitchen counter or sink is not required to be GFCI protected


TF under-sized wires for circuit, uncovered junction boxes with exposed wiring should be listed by the home inspector as a safety hazard


TF using copalum crimp connectors to bond copper to aluminum wiring at every connection and splice is the most highly recommended method of repairing aluminum branch circuit wiring


The ground wire should always be clamped upstream of the water meter?


The home inspector is not required to dismantle connections at junction boxes


TF a bathroom outlet 12 inches above electric heating unit is a unsafe practice

True electrical cords overhanging the electrical heating unit can be overheated

TF the home inspector is required to observe branch circuit conductors

True the home inspector should observe branch circuit conductors, types, fuses, Breakers , and amperage

TF Connections in branch circuit wiring should be enclosed in junction boxes per NEC requirement

True there should be no open connections in or around the house

TF Wiring should be run through wood framing members rather than stapled to the edges

True to keep in nails and screws from penetrating wiring jackets although Romex is allowed to be stapled to the edges in attics as long as protected if in walkway

TF Water is pooling on the floor below the electrical panel would stop a home inspector from inspecting a main panel


A fused neutral ( neutral wire runs to a fuse) is?


What is the measure for electromotive force


Which formula shows the relationship voltage, Ambridge, and wattage

Wattage equals voltage multiplied by amperage

What determines the amount of electricity (amperage) the wire can carry?

Size (diameter)

The following closet lighting it is ok

Surface mounted or recessed incandescent fixtures with completely enclosed lamps, recessed fluorescent fixtures , mounted incandescent fixtures can be mounted on ceiling with 12 inch clearance

Why should knob and tube wiring never be buried under thermal insulation

Wires can become bear from rodents nibbling on them and from Warren insulation

How is the electrical system in most older homes grounded?

to metal Water supply piping

What should the inspector suggest to the customer if the main panel is underrated for the service amperage

have an electrician evaluate the service

What is the most common electrical flaw found residential?

Over fusing

In electrical outlet wiring to which screw is the hot wire connected

The brass screw

BX cable is also called

Metal armored cable

What amperage would be needed to power a 1200 watt hair dryer on a 120 volt system

10 amps

What is the minimum required clearance in front of the main electrical panel box?

30 inches wide X 36 inches front clearance is required at breaker box

Reverse polarity is

A possible shock hazard

Low voltage lighting systems

Are not inspected according to Industry standards

BX cable is also called

Armored cable

A non grounded receptacle within 6 foot of water should be replaced with?

GFCI , GFCI Upstream from receptacle , single pole GFCI breaker

Where are GFCI required in newer homes?

Ground-fault circuit indicators are required in new homes in kitchen's, bathrooms, unfinished basements, Outdoors, and garages.

For which of the following conditions should an electrician be called to evaluate to service

Handyman wiring at the main panel, a rusted main panel comma the presence of a 20 amp fuse on a 15 amp circuit all heart conditions that electricians should be called to evaluate the service

How do any standards describe the inspection of a home's electrical system

Has a visual inspection

How do the standards describe the inspection of a home electrical system

Has a visual inspection

A new dryer Outlet must

Have a dedicated circuit

What should the inspector suggest to the customer if the main panel is underrated for service amperage

Have an electrician evaluate the service

what steps should a home inspector take to protect the customer safety

Have the customer stay a safe distance away from the electrical equipment

Which condition would not stop a home inspector from the specting a main panel

Headroom it at panel is only 6 foot

Identify the components how a single bus main panel

Main breaker, bus bar, grounding bar

Another name for Romex is

NM cable meaning non metallic

Sub panel requirements?

Neutral and ground must be separated , must be bonded , must be isolated

Which electrical meter most likely indicates the largest service Ambridge

One with a rectangular base

What is an example of improper installation of branch circuit wiring

Open connections not in junction boxes

What is resistance

Opposition of a material to the flow of electricity

What should the home inspector do if he or she finds aluminum branch circuit wiring

Recommend an electrician be called to evaluate the electrical system

What should a home inspector do if he or she finds aluminum circuit wiring

Recommend an electrician be called to evaluate to service

Which action is required by most standards of practice in the electrical inspection

Required to observe polarity and grounding of all interior Outlets within 6 feet of water

What most commonly used as a branch circuit wiring in most modern homes

Romex cable

Which of the following is used as a branch circuit wiring in most modern homes

Romex cable , NM

The neutral and ground wire in a subpanel must be

Separated with a neutral wire isolated the panel

A 3-prong receptacle with an open ground on an older two wire system

Should be replaced with a two prong outlet

You find incoming service conductors to be number 6 gauge copper the main pull up fuse block contains two 100 amp fuses the main panel is rated for 60 amps in this case study what would you report has a safety hazard

The service conductors are rated at a lower rating than the main fuses

In outlet wiring, which is hot

The small slot the brass screw

An electrical outlet wiring Which slot is hot

The smaller slot

Name an important Improvement between knob and tube wiring and modern cable.

The use of grounding

AC cable commonly known as BX , contains a bare aluminum wire. What is its purpose?

The wire is a bonding wire and should not be connected or brought into the interior of boxes

What is the overall purpose of the electrical inspection

To identify major deficiencies in the electrical system

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