honors civics cases

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Gave inappropriate speech during class presidential election to get his friend to win; first amendment

Bethel School District v Frazier

Ruled that "separate educational facilities were inherently unequal" Desegregated schools

Brown v Board of Education

school-sanctioned prayer in public school violates first amendment

Engle v vitale

Evidence found illegally cannot be used in court

Mapp v. Ohio

suspects must be informed of their right to remain silent and the tire right to an attorney when under police custody

Miranda v Arizona

Schools are permitted to restrict 4th amendment rights in order to provide a safe learning environment - can search without search warrant

New Jersey v TLO

The fundamental right to marry is guaranteed to same sex couples under the 14th amendment

Obergfell v Hodges

upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation under the "separate but equal" doctrine

Plessy v Ferguson

The 1989 case which store down a law banning the burning of the flag on the basis of symbolic speech protected under the 1st

Texas v Johnson

students wearing black armbands in protest of the Vietnam War was a form of speech protected by the First Amendment

Tinker v Des Moines

The presidents executive privilege was limited by this case

US v Nixon

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