Hort 101 Exam 5

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Frequent, shallow watering can decrease the drought tolerance of turfgrasses.

True Frequent, shallow watering is undesirable because the root zone tends to stay saturated. Watering deeply, only when needed, promotes deeper root growth and better drought tolerance.

Which of the following statements about winter dormancy are accurate (select all that apply):

Plants have a "chilling requirement" that must be met to break dormancy. Varieties require different amounts of chilling hours (temps < 45°F). Temps below 32 °F do not provide adequate "rest". If buds open too soon, frost damage may kill off crop.

Which of the following are IPM practices used for fruit crops (select all that apply):

Prune out and destroy dead, diseased, or insect-infested twigs and branches. Remove insect egg masses. Remove and destroy decayed fruit on the tree or ground. Rake and burn leaves under the tree to destroy overwintering disease and insect habitats. Avoid wounding plants during the season - wounds provide an entry point for insects and diseases.

Which of the following may be goals of pruning (select all that apply):

Remove dead, diseased, broken wood Restore balance/symmetry Rejuvenate deciduous shrubs Provide for sun exposure and air circulation Safety Improve flowering and fruiting

Which of the following statements about pruning apple trees is NOT accurate:

Scaffold branches should be chosen to support the weight of the fruit and balance the load around the tree. Clothespins can be used to train new growth for wide crotch angles. Heading cuts should not be used for apple pruning. Pruning should allow light to enter the canopy and good air circulation.

Which of the following statements about non-chemical, pre-plant (before planting) pest control is not accurate?

Solarization is an effective control method in Pennsylvania. Solarization generally does not control perennial weeds. The goal of anaerobic disinfestation is to remove oxygen from the soil. Anaerobic disinfestation and solarization both require an impermeable cover on the soil surface.

Which of the following statements about the length of time required for crops to develop and reach maturity is NOT accurate:

The "days to maturity" listed by seed distributors are applicable to all geographic locations. Temperature is the best environmental predictor of growth and development. Crops have different temperature requirements. Water availabilty, day length, and competition may also affect growth rate.

Which of the following are considerations for planting nursery stock (select all that apply):

The planting hole should be dug at least one foot larger than the soil ball to allow for new root growth. The root flare/collar should be level with the soil surface. Large clumps of soil dug from the hole should be broken up before backfilling. Synthetic root ball coverings should be removed completely because they will not degrade in the soil. Soil should be firmly packed in the hole to avoid forming air pockets.

Which of the following statements about tillage is NOT accurate:

Tillage will help dry and improve soils that are very wet. Secondary tillage is shallow and helps create a uniform surface for seeding and transplants. Lime and sulfur incorporated during fall tillage will have more time to react with soil and correct pH than in spring. Tilled areas left bare are prone to erosion and crusting.

A grape is an example of a fleshy fruit, while a walnut is a dry fruit.


Although eaten as "vegetables", tomato, squash, pepper, and bean are botanical fruits.


Grasses may reproduce both sexually (i.e., seed) and asexually (e.g., stolons, rhizomes).


Intercropping involves growing multiple crops in the same area, at the same time.


Sod, plugs, and sprigs are used to vegetatively propagate turfgrasses.


The frost free period is the average number of days from the last spring frost to the first fall frost.


Thinning fruits prevents overproduction.


Tree and small fruit crops are perennial plants


Vegetables need at least six hours of direct sun per day.

True Ideally, a garden should be located in an area that receives 8 to 10 hours and is not shaded by other structures or plants.

Pesticide application equipment must be calibrated to apply the proper amount of pesticide across the treated area.

True Low rates may not provide weed control.High rates may cause off-target damage.

Many plant diseases and insect pests survive the winter on woody plant parts, in the soil, or on weed hosts.

True Removing weedy host plants is particularly helpful for controlling viruses, which overwinter in plant tissue since they have no survival structures.

First step (of soil anaerobic disinfestation)

feed microbes with carbon (e.g., molasses, ethanol, wheat bran) and nitrogen (e.g., poultry litter)

Perennial ryegrass

fine leaf texture; dark green color; germinates and establishes quickly to fill dead patches

Fine fescue

fine leaf texture; tolerates heavy shade; creeping red fescue produces rhizomes

Which of the following warm season crops may be grown indoors for more than eight weeks prior to transplanting?

tomato eggplant cucumber watermelon


uniform application to soil surface; may be incorporated through tillage

Match with form

A- weeping B- columnar C- Round

Which of the following statements about cross-pollination is NOT accurate:

Bloom periods must overlap for successful pollination. A pollinator is a plant that plant that provides pollen to the flowers of a different plant variety. Plants must be in close proximity. Some crabapple cultivars can pollinate fruit trees.

Which of the following statements about the growth and management of turf is NOT accurate:

Broadleaf plants grow from their shoot tips (apical meristems). Grasses grow from their crowns (base). Selective herbicides can be used to control broadleaf weeds in turf. Mowing causes more damage to grasses than to broadleaf plants.

Which of the following statements about plasticulture is NOT accurate:

Can reduce disease by limiting contact with soil. Prevents rainfall from infiltrating soil - typically used in conjunction with drip irrigation. Black plastic provides better warming than clear and other colors. Ultraviolet light degrades plastic.

Which of the following statements about pruning is NOT accurate:

Conifers may not develop new leaf buds if pruned too deep into the dead zone. Shrubs should be pruned after flower buds develop. No more than 25% of a mature tree's foliage should be removed in a given year. Many herbaceous plants benefit from deadheading to stimulate flower production.

Which of the following are reasons for landscaping

Control the path of people (e.g., thorny shrubs) and vehicles (large trees). Reduce noise pollution - dense plantings can help absorb sound Provide shade and/or protection from wind Prevent erosion Screen unsightly areas

Which of the following statements about warm and cool season crops is NOT accurate:

Cool season crops are planted first during the growing season. Warm season crops generally grow best when daytime temps are 70-80° F and nighttime lows remain above 65° F. Hot temperatures can decrease the quality of cool season crops. Warm season crops can be planted in late summer for a second harvest, as long as they mature before the first frost.

Using a crop rotation with eggplant and tomato is an effective way to prevent pest issues.

False Crop rotations using plants from different families can decrease pest and pathogen issues; however, tomato and eggplant are in the same family. For an effective rotation, choose plants from different families (e.g., tomato could be rotated with carrots, spinach, garlic, or broccoli).

If you are excavating on your own property, you are not required by law to contact PA One Call.

False Even on your own property, you are required to inform the utilities of any type of work involving the movement of earth with powered equipment - at least 3 business days prior to excavation.

Newly planted trees should be fertilized immediately.

False No fertilization is needed for at least the first growing season after planting.

Hydrocarbons and plastics are non-living and therefore considered inorganic compounds.

False Organic compounds are defined as carbon-based and include hydrocarbons, plastics, and chemicals produced by living organisms (e.g., carbohydrates, fats proteins).

Drop (gravity) spreaders cover a large area but are not uniform, whereas rotary (broadcast) spreaders cover a small width but provide uniformity.

False Rotary spreaders distribute material to a larger area - at the expense of accuracy.

Planting self-fertile cultivars requires more land area than choosing cultivars that require cross-pollination.

False This is backwards. To get fruit production from cross-pollinated cultivars, you need at least two varieties (i.e, more space to plant two or more trees), whereas self-pollinated plants require only one tree (i.e., less space).

Fruit trees placed on a south-facing slope with full sun exposure have the best chance of producing a good crop.

False We know that south-facing slopes receive more light and warm up faster, but if fruit trees break dormancy too soon, their flowers may be killed by an early spring frost, resulting in little to no fruit production. Therefore, where late spring frost is a significant risk, trees should be located in more moderate locations.

An accent planting covers the walls or foundations of buildings.

False While an accent planting establishes a focal area of beauty or interest, a foundation planting covers the walls of a building, framing and anchoring it in the landscape.

Which of the following statements about USDA-certified organic food production is NOT accurate:

Farmland must be free of prohibited materials for at least three years to harvest an organic crop. Hybrid seed and plants are prohibited. Synthetic fertilizers, insecticides, fungicides and herbicides are prohibited. Farmers must work with a local certifying agency and submit an organic system plan for approval, pass an on-site inspection, and complete annual re-inspections.

Which of the following statements about fruit maturation is NOT accurate:

For fresh consumption at home, fruit should release easily from the tree when harvested. As fruit matures, sugars are converted to starch. Iodine solution will stain starch a dark color. The sugar content (Brix = % sugar) of fruit juice can be measured with a refractometer.

Which of the following are methods used to extend the growing season (select all that apply):

Greenhouse (expensive - $$$) High tunnels (or hoophouses) Indirect seeding (start seed earlier indoors and transplant) Plastic "floating" row covers (plastic placed directly on top of plants) Plasticulture (plastic mulch) Raised beds and mounds (soil warms faster)

Which of the following statements about heat units ("growing degree days") is NOT accurate:

Heat units ("degree-days") can be calculated by taking the average of the high and low temps for each day and substracting the minimum temperature needed for growth. The growth of crops, insect pests, and pathogens is dependent on temperature. All crops have the same base temperature for growth. Tracking accumulated degree days helps growers predict when to plant, when to look for pest issues, and when to harvest.

Which of the following statements about mowing is NOT accurate:

Maintaining a lawn height close to three inches helps stimulate root growth and shade out unwanted weeds. Always make sure that the lawn mower blades are sharp to avoid damaging the lawn. Mowing should be done at regular intervals and as often as needed, depending on the rate of growth. Removing at least one-half of the grass height at each mowing encourages healthy, competitive growth.

Which of the following statements about mulching after planting is NOT accurate:

Mulch should be mounded into a volcano shape against the trunk. Materials include shredded tree bark, aged or composted wood chips, and commercial bark chips. Mulch helps conserve water, stabilize soil temperatures, control weeds, and reduce damage from mowers. Mulch should be two to three inches thick.

During construction, topsoil is often excavated and removed from the site, leaving lower quality subsoil for landscaping.

True Site developers may remove the topsoil and then sell it for a profit. Landscapers should check drainage on the site and test the soil for pH and fertility in order to establish a good growth medium.

When selecting quality nursery stock, tall-growing shade trees should have a single dominant stem rather than two co-dominant stems.

True Tall-growing trees should have a single central leader to prevent included bark, which will weaken branches, from forming between co-dominant stems as the stems thicken.

Thatch decreases air and water movement into the soil and provides a habitat for pests and diseases.

True Thatch is caused by an accumulation of excess grass stems, stolons, rhizomes, and roots in turf. Fast-growing species and over-fertilization increase thatch buildup. Controlling thatch requires the physical removal (punching holes into the soil or raking) of the excess plant growth.

Cool season crops tend to be leafy vegetables and root crops, while warm season crops are generally fruits.

True This is generally true, given that a botanical "fruit" is a developed ovary with seeds. Cool season: asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, garlic, kale, lettuce, onion, pea, Irish potato, spinach, Swiss chard Warn season: bean, cucumber, eggplant, melons, okra, peppers, pumpkin, squash, sweet corn, sweet potato, tomato

Which choice describes the form of this American elm in front of Old Main:



applied on the side of plants, between rows

Which of the following is a cool season crop which should be planted 1-2 weeks before the last frost?

cabbage broccoli head lettuce onions

Which of the following cool season crops may require 120 days to reach maturity in central Pennsylvania?

cauliflower broccoli brussels sprouts cabbage

Tall fescue

coarse leaf texture (doesn't blend well with other grasses); drought-tolerant, low-maintenance; can be damaged by low mowing height

Third step (of soil anaerobic disinfestation)

cover soil with gas-impermeable mulch (keep oxygen out) for about three weeks

Non-native species

did not co-evolve in a given ecosystem, often introduced to new areas by human activity; also called "alien" or "exotic"

cool-season grass

grow best at 60-75°F; heat and drought impose summer dormancy.

warm-season grass

grow best at 80 - 95°F; cold-weather dormancy.

Native species

historically occurred in a given ecosystem and coevolved with other species


introduced species that can survive outside of human cultivation (i.e., can reproduce in the "wild")

Second step (of soil anaerobic disinfestation)

irrigate the soil to field capacity


may cause economic (e.g., weedy) or environmental (e.g., decrease biodiversity) harm or threaten human health

Kentucky bluegrass

medium/fine leaf texture; medium- to dark-green color; produces extensive rhizomes that help form good turf


placed a couple inches to the side and deeper than row of seeds (in a band)

Which of the following characteristics is NOT true for strawberry:

prefers well-drained soil earliest fruit bearing among small fruit crops shortest life expectancy among small fruits grows as a woody perennial

Thinning out

removal of excessive vegetative growth, opens the plant canopy to light and air movement


removal of old, unproductive branches at ground level; commonly used to rejuvenate shrubs that have stopped flowering

Heading back

removal of terminal branch tips to promote secondary branching, resulting in fuller, more compact plants (includes shearing)

thinning cut

removes a branch at its point of origin on the trunk


rhythm (i.e., flow/continuity) through the use of patterns and repetition.

reduction cut

shortens a limb to a lateral branch large enough to resume the growth of the pruned limb


soluble fertilizer mixed with irrigation water

Which of the following parameters are used to measure turf quality (select all that apply):

texture (width of blades) density (shoots/area) uniformity growth habit (bunch, rhizomatous, stoloniferous) color resistance to compaction and wear

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