How Should We Then Live?

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4 Principles for government according to John Locke

1. Inalienable rights 2. government by consent 3. separation of powers 4. the right of revolution

What three things was the Reformation rejecting?

1. The Church had made its authority the same as Scripture 2. The Church added human works 3. The church mixed biblical/Christian thinking was paganist thoughts

Martin Luther nailed the 95 Thesis on the Church doors in


Samuel Rutherford laid down these principles in his book Lex Rex which means ___________. The book was very influential in the _____________ Constitution


Which later revolution can be compared with England's?


What became the answer to civil disorder in Rome?

Authoritative form of government, consolidated the power to one person

In Reformation countries, the ________ was the basis for law


a society can know form and freedom to the extent to which that society allows the teachings of the _________ to come to its natural conclusions


The Church was moving away from the ___________ as the sole authority, now the _______ was an authority

Bible, Church

The statute of the early reformer William Farel shows him holding the ____________ up high, emphasizing the importance of _______________ only

Bible, Scriptures

What does the Roman hump-backed bridge illustrate about Rome?

Certain pressures can lead to collapse

The writers wrote the was the painters painted, Dante made more room for nature, but he, like Aquinas, made the mistake of mixing ___________ and ___________

Christian and Classical

Erasmus, though his Greek New Testament helped with Bible translations, help to create a type of

Christian humanism

Who was unable to do syncretism?


Voltaire, the Father of ________________, provided the philosophical base for the French Revolution, made an observation about england.


accomplishments of Charlemagne, King of Franks

Gained control of some of Roman empire, conquered Germanic Tribes, built churches, encouraged scholars, mandatory tithes

The Psalms were called___________.

Geneva Jigs

Though the Bible does not give exhaustive truth, it does give absolute truth about

God, morals, meaning of life, and values

the Renaissance was seen as a rebirth of the pre-Christian

Golden age

What, according to Schaeffer, was the "great breakthrough" in art that began with Masaccio?

He used real faces in his work, with feet on the ground, central perspective

What was removed from churches as a result of the Reformation and what took its place?

Iron screens, the Bible

In what ways was the Reformation imperfect and incomplete?

It was inconsistent, not much zeal for missionaries

In England how are the branches separated

King and parliament and courts

The english are the only people on earth who have been able to prescribe limits to the power of ____________ by resisting them, and who by a series of struggles, have at last established.... that wise ________________ where the prince is all powerful to do _______ and at the same time is retrained from committing _____________... and where the ___________ share in the government without ____________

Kings, government, good, evil, people, confusion

What were some of the main instruments in the Renaissance?

Lute, spinner, strings

the "New Perspective" in art tells us what about the Renaissance man?

Man was becoming center

What was Thomas Aquinas' incomplete view of man?

Man's intellect was not fallen

Fouquet's The Red Virgin in the good side demonstrates__________, and on the bad side ______________

Mary as a real girl, nature in its place the individual things were being praised

What does Schaeffer mean by the statement "nature was put into its proper place in Renaissance Art"?

Nature is portrayed as it is in real life, as God made it

What are some changes that took place in Renaissance music

Orchestras came in, written music

Leonardo de Vinci is a picture of the true

Renaissance man

Middle ages led to 2 great movements

Renaissance, Reformation

Some characteristics of Romanesque architecture

Roman form, rounded arch, thick walls, dim internal

Which Revolution can be compared with France's?


Why does Francis Schaeffer start with Rome?

The Roman civilization is the direct ancestor of Modern civilization

What was the Christian's strength as seen in the midst of Roman rule?

They had an absolute basis for living

Why were the Roman gods not a sufficient base for life and morals

They were finite, amplified humanity

Exactly why were Christians killed in Rome?

They worshiped one God only, and not Caesar

Who was influences by John Locke who secularized Rutherford's work.

Thomas Jefferson

Who fought to end slavery in the British empire and succeeded without war or bloodshed

William Wilberface

Why is the military not a sufficient base on which to build society?

Without a moral base, there is no sense of right and wrong

In what context did the reformation bring freedom

absolute truth

the heart of the Christian message must have two emphases

absolute truth, redemptive work of Christ

No totalitarian state can tolerate whose who have an _______________ by which to ______________ that state and its activities

absolute, judge

Plate represents

absolutes, ideals, values, universals

martin Luther was

an instrumentalist, singer,

The ordinary citizen was freed from _____________ power

arbitrary governmental

the humanistic elements of the renaissance centered on

autonomous man

In the Middle ages, Europe was Christ's kingdom, only a person who was _________ could be a member


According to the painting "Justice lifts the nations" by Paul Robert, how should men judge?

by the Bible

At some point in the Renaissance, man put himself in the _____, opening the door for __________

center, humanism

How did the teachings of the Reformation affect democratic development

everyone was equal

In the united states, the government is split into

executive, led by the President Legislative, led by the Congress Judicial, led by the Supreme Court

The reformation leaders emphasized what about man

fall of man

what freedoms did the Reformation bring to man

from working one's way to God, mental bondage, making our own absolutes

this can be seen in Switzerland where the executive and judicial branches are actually separated in what way


The church of medieval times did provide

hospitals and charities

The reintroduction of particulars opened a floodgate for


Da vinci saw where ________ would lead. Particulars never lead to universal ___________. He though the painter could find meaning be finding ___________

humanism, meaning, soul

the reformation was turning away from the

humanistic elements

What is the significance that Michelangelo painted his own face as Nicodemus in the Pieta

humanistic pride is lessened

Ambrose in the 4th century was innovative and wrote ___________ which he taught to his people


Thomas Aquinas' thinking-that man's will was fallen, but not his intellect- can to full bloom

in the humanistic thought seen in the Renaissance in southern Europe

Aristotle represents

individuals, nature, man

the reformation centered on the ____________ ___________ God who ___________

infinite personal, has spoken in the Bible

in the middle ages, church and government were ____


Rome did not collapse because of external barbaric invasions, but because of

inward rottenness

The renaissance in the South could have gone two ways, but its freedom brought ___________, not meaning for particular or absolutes for moral


John Hus said

man can only come to God through the work of Christ

Michelangelo's the Captives or "man tearing himself out of rock" can be seem to illustrate

man will be victorious

some areas of Leonardo's genius

math, engineering, art, anatomy, chemistry

the reformation exploded in the______ of Europe


Even though reformation countries weren't perfect, they were better than

other countries

The reintroduction of Aristotle's philosophy brought an emphasis on ___________, which have no meaning apart from ______________________

particulars, universal truth

some characteristics of Gothic architecture

pointed arches, flying buttresses, high, large windows, rose windows

Through the Middle ages, the pendulum swung back and forth between the luxurious living of the __________ and the self denial of the ______________ orders

pope/papal court, menastic

Who was John Witherspoon?

president of Princeton Uni., signer of the Declaration of Independence

What characteristics mark the collapse of Rome?

rampant sexual immortality, bombastic music, lust for entertainment, violence

What two things have artists done throughout history?

reflected their culture, provided the next step in culture

The most important thing in the Church was TRUTH, not

religiousness, experiences

Marxism/Leninism has never continued in power without its materialistic base leading to


a humanistic impersonal universe has nothing to say about

right and wrong



What were some evidences that the artist himself was becoming more important in the renaissance

self-portraits, signing work, autobiographies

what were some distinguishing characteristics of the early church?

singing, communion, preaching/teaching of the Bible

The artwork in the early Middle Ages depicted real people in the real world, paralleled with the real people of early Christianity. Later people became ___________



the combination of different forms of belief or practice

In the 14th century, John Wyclif arose to confront

the distortion that had come into Christianity and the Church

Wealth that resulted from the Industrial Revolution was not used with compassion, This can be seen in

twisted view of race, and labor laws

some of Leonardo's inventions

war machines, ball bearing

IN the Industrial Revolution, first __________ power was harnessed, then _______

water, steam

Dutch reformation painters

were a high point of the world/were awesome

How did the the Reformation artists view nature

wonderful, beautiful

medieval art exalted honest


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