How Systems Thinking Applies to Health Care
Why is the health system a complex adaptive system?
-It is a set of interconnected parts -It is composed of individuals who learn and change as a result of their experiences
List the habits of systems thinking health professionals and how they an be applied to improve clinical care
-seeks to understand the big picture -observes how elements within systems change over time, generating patterns and trends -recognizes that a system's structure generates behavior -identifies the circular nature of complex cause and effect relationships -makes meaningful connections within and between systems -changes perspectives to increase understanding -surfaces and tests assumptions -considers an issue fully and resists urge to come to quick conclusion -considers how mental models affect current reality and the future -uses understanding of systems structure to identify possible leverage actions -considers short term, long term, and unintended consequences and actions -pays attention to accumulations and their rates of change -recognizes the impact of time delays when exploring cause and effect relationships -checks results and changes if needed: "successive approximation"
A physician joined a new practice. 80% of patients are late. He charges a late fee and then finds out there is not enough parking. Which habit of a systems thinking professional could have prevented this?
Define systems thinking
Health systems science is the understanding of how healthcare is delivered. Systems thinking is the glue that holds together the different domain of health systems science. Allows professionals is... comprehensive, holistic, patient-centered, has inter dependencies, awareness of the whole, and multidirectional cause and effect relationships
What is systems thinking as it relates to health care delivery?
Taking a holistic approach to health care which allows health professionals to see the whole and recognize cause and effect
A 55 y.o. man is discharged after hip replacement. Does not fill prescription because it is too expensive. He returns 1 week later with pulmonary embolism. Which of the following habits could have prevented this?
changes perspective to seek understanding
Identify how a health system fits the definition of a complex system
health system = interdependent parts bound by a common purpose health care is complex bc so many interconnections within and among systems
Why is it important for a physician to be a systems thinker?
health systems are complex and adaptive
Explain the importance of systems thinking in clinical care
necessary to improve health and meet health care needs and to anticipate and mitigate safety threats or other problems before they occur. Necessary for many improvements