HPER 435 for final

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If a healthy individual wishes to lose weight without being under medical supervision, what is the generally recommended range of weight loss per week?

1-2 pounds

What is the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR) for protein?

10-35 percent of daily caloric intake

Anthony is a 42-year-old male who recently lost 50 pounds by increasing his exercise and eating small, frequent meals. Now that he is in a weight-maintenance phase, his trainer recommends doing exercise for 90 minutes per day, most days of the week, at 60-70% of his maximum heart rate. How many heartbeats per minute is 60-70% of his max heart rate?

107-125 beats per minute

The human body is known to need an adequate supply of _________ different vitamins.


The national High Blood Pressure Education Program classification system for blood pressure of adults 18 years of age and older has various categories, including normal, pre-hypertension, and hypertension; which values are the minimum levels for stage 1 of hypertension? The values listed are systolic and diastolic.

140 and 90

If a girl weighs 70 kilograms, about how many pounds does she weigh?


If a bottle of beer has 15 grams of carbohydrate, 0 grams of fat, 1 gram of protein and 15 grams of alcohol, approximately how many Calories does it contain?


Which of the following is a risk factor for osteoporosis?

Athletic amenorrhea

Research involving creatine supplementation has shown it to have a positive ergogenic effect on all but which of the following?

Energy metabolism when treadmill running at 50-90 percent of VO2 max

Which of the following is true of the vitamin known as niacin?

Niacin plays a role in energy metabolism

Which mineral is most important throughout life to assist in maintaining strong bone?


Intestinal absorption of water is

enhanced when glucose and sodium are also present.

Which of the following is not a monosaccharide?


Per serving, which of the following food exchanges contains the greatest amount of carbohydrate IN GRAMS?


Per serving, which of the following food exchanges contains the greatest amount of carbohydrates in grams?


The process involving the formation of glucose from protein in the body is known as:


The most potentially dangerous heat illness is:

heat stroke

The three principal risk factors associated with coronary artery disease are:

high blood pressure, cigarette smoking, and high blood cholesterol

Fresh fruits and vegetables are generally

high in potassium and low in sodium

Research suggests that creatine supplementation is MOST likely to enhance performance in which of the following types of physical performance tasks?

high intensity exercise lasting 6-30 seconds

The form by which cholesterol is transported in your blood may be related to the development of atherosclerosis. In general,

high levels of high-density lipoproteins, which act in a process known as reverse cholesterol transport, appear to lower the chances of developing atherosclerosis

To train for strength you should combine _________ resistance with a _________ number of repetitions.


Following a meal high in simple carbohydrate which of the following is most likely to occur in the next 1-2 hours?

hyperglycemia which stimulates insulin secretion followed by a possible hypoglycemia

Excessive loss of sweat during exercise in the heat will lead to a body condition known as



include carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, as well as water.

The basic principle for all resistance (weight training) programs is the __________ principle.


Which organ secretes the major digestive enzymes into the small intestine?


The disaccharide found in milk is:


One gram of protein contains approximately how many calories?


Gains in strength/power are better accomplished by multiple sets with _______ repetitions per set.


One liter of oxygen is the equivalent of approximately how many Calories when oxidizing carbohydrate and fat?


What percent of calories comes from fat in this chicken pot pie?

58% calories from fat

How many Calories does one gram of fat yield?


Vitamin intake may be inadequate for which of the following reason(s)?

A diet high in processed foods that are not prepared properly.

Which mineral may be an effective ergogenic aid for runners since it may possibly increase the delivery of oxygen to the muscle cell by increasing the 2, 3-DPG concentration in hemoglobin and facilitating oxygen release from hemoglobin?


Which of the following is not a trace mineral as per definition?


Zinc is found in virtually all tissues in the body and

small amounts of zinc supplements do not appear to pose any major problems to the healthy individual.

To obtain protein complementarity, you would combine rice with


Complex carbohydrates are primarily found in

starchy vegetables and whole grains.

Common table sugar is:


Put the foods in order by percentage of calories from fat from least (1) to greatest (5).

sugar, bread, peanut butter, bacon, butter

For athletes, timing of protein intake may be an important consideration. Research reviews indicate evidence increasingly supports the conclusion that consumption of protein in close temporal proximity to the performance of resistance exercise promotes greater muscular hypertrophy.


For individuals attempting to lose weight, but maintain lean body mass, increasing the percentage of energy intake from protein may be recommended.


For individuals with normal body weight and for the long-term well-being of our children, exercise is highly recommended for its preventive role.


Galactose is found in milk, as part of lactose.


Heat stroke or exertional heat stroke is the most dangerous heat injury.


If an athlete weighs several pounds less from one morning to the next, it is likely that fluid replenishment has been deficient.


In general, supplements with individual vitamins as well as multivitamin supplements have not been shown to enhance physical performance in a wide variety of events ranging from strength/power sports to prolonged aerobic endurance events.


In general, weight-loss dietary supplements do not appear to be effective and their use may be associated with adverse health effects.


In some instances, extra body fat may actually be beneficial to the human body.


Increased body weight, provided it is of the right composition, may be advantageous to some athletes.


Iron supplementation offers no benefit to individuals with normal hemoglobin and iron status.


It is important to eat foods in their natural state as much as possible.


Research findings suggest that protein quality may be an important consideration in promoting muscular hypertrophy with resistance training. For example, some research indicates that whey protein is better able to support muscle protein synthesis than is soy protein, and the practice of consuming high-quality proteins after exercise should lead to greater hypertrophy.


Research suggests that the most effective weight-loss programs include multiple components—diet, exercise, and behavior modification.


To control lactose intolerance, certain dairy products must be totally reduced or avoided while maintaining adequate calcium intake.


Trained athletes use more fat than untrained athletes during a standardized exercise task.


Which of the following is NOT good advice in attempts to reduce SERUM cholesterol?

use butter instead of soft tub, non-trans fatty acid margarine

Major sources of vitamin E in the diet are:

vegetable oils

Expressed as a percentage of its total caloric value, which food exchange has the highest protein content?

very lean meat

The human body's storage capacity varies for different nutrients. Match the nutrient to its appropriate storage capacity or component.

--Adipose tissue: Fat --Glycogen in the muscles and liver: Short term storage or carbohydrate --Blood: Small amount of glucose and amino acids --Liver: many vitamins and minerals

To lose one pound of body fat per week you must develop a deficit of ____________ Calories per day.


An order of Chicken McNuggets has 314 Calories and 19 grams of fat. What percentage of this meal is composed of fat Calories?


Tomas is a 24-year-old male trying to calculate his protein needs. The Food and Nutrition Board recommends that 10-35% of calories come from protein. If Tomas follows a 2,300-calorie diet, how many grams of protein per day should he be consuming?

58-201 grams of protein per day

Gains in muscle hypertrophy appear to be best accomplished by multiple sets and emphasizing a range of _______ repetitions per set.


If Tomas is a healthy 24-year-old male who weighs 166 pounds, how many grams of protein per day should he have to promote protein equilibrium? (One kilogram = 2.2 pounds.)

60 grams of protein per day

For athletes involved in preparation for prolonged heavy exercise, it is recommended that _________ percent of their Calories should be obtained from carbohydrates.


Compared to skim milk, a glass of whole milk contains about an additional seven grams of fat. How many additional Calories does this represent?


How much carbohydrate per kilogram body weight should be consumed daily in order to restore muscle glycogen levels to normal after intense training?


About _____________ of women in the United States consume less than the RDA for calcium in their diet.


One gram of fat yields _______ Calories.


Using the term "essential" in the nutrition sense, how many essential amino acids are required by the average adult?


Which of the following statements is correct when considering very low-Calorie diets (VLCD)?

A VLCD may actually be counterproductive to the ultimate goal of long-term weight loss, as it may lead to weight cycling.

Anthony is training for a half-marathon. On long-run days, which of the following snacks would be the most appropriate to consume after one hour of running and why?

A banana and pretzels because they provide carbohydrate, which help prevent fatigue

In anorexia athletica, what begins as a means to control weight for athletic competition on a short-term basis may develop into a long-term medical problem. Which of the following statements correctly illustrates this?

Amenorrheic athletes have low bone-density levels in nonweight-bearing bones, such as the spine, and are more prone to musculoskeletal injuries

Which statement about the typical American diet is FALSE?

Americans obtain adequate amounts of calcium

Which of the following is a valid reason for vitamin supplementation?

Antibiotics kill intestinal bacteria and decrease the production of certain vitamins

Many people take megadoses of vitamin C for the prevention or treatment of the common cold. Why are intakes of vitamin C above 100% of the RDA generally not recommended?

As intake of vitamin C increases, absorption efficiency decreases, such that most of the excess vitamin is excreted in urine or feces.

The task of acquiring enough vitamin B12 may pose a problem to vegans because:

B12 is only naturally found in animal products

Regina is a 22-year-old college student who plays on the soccer team. Her coach brought in a registered dietitian to talk about sports nutrition. The RD recommended minimizing trans fatty acids from processed and packaged foods, but she explained that some trans fats do occur naturally. What foods have naturally-occurring trans fatty acids?

Beef, milk, and butter

The ATP-PC system predominates during the longer sprints and middle distance runs


The American College of Sports Medicine and the American Diabetes Association note that participation in regular physical activity improves blood glucose control and can prevent or delay type 1 diabetes.


The International Society of Sports Nutrition recommends that athletes consume a 1:3-4 ratio of carbohydrates to protein within 30 minutes of exercise to enhance recovery.


The evidence indicates that organic foods contain fewer pesticides than non-organic foods are the much healthier to eat.


The fact that alcohol and fat have about twice the amount of energy per gram as either carbohydrate or protein means that they are better energy sources for the active individual.


The lactic acid system predominates in short, powerful bursts of muscular activity.


Unstructured physical activity includes many of the usual activities of daily life and does not provide any protection against the development of certain chronic diseases.


When discussing the possible ergogenic effect of specific amino acids, which statement is FALSE?

Glycine is involved in the formation of phosphocreatine and has been recently shown to positively affect physical performance.

The current USDA MyPlate Guide is based on the following food groups:

Grains, vegetables, fruits, proteins, dairy

Which lipoprotein is theorized to transport cholesterol from the periphery to the liver for excretion (reverse cholesterol transport)?


Which of the following statements about energy expenditure is INCORRECT?

Hand weights seem to increase energy expenditure only when used at slower speeds

There is no set water intake recommendation that fits all populations. One of the best ways to determine whether you are well hydrated is to:

Look at the color of your urine: it should be clear or light yellow if you are well hydrated.

When participating in very mild aerobic activities, which of the following will lead to fatigue in very prolonged bouts?

Low blood-sugar levels.

Which of the following statements correctly describes minerals?

Minerals may be components of metalloenzymes or exist as electrolytes

A reality television show tracks the weight loss progress of a number of morbidly obese people. What is the definition of morbidly obese?

Morbidly obese defines a person with a BMI greater than or equal to 40 or who is more than 100 pounds over a healthy body weight.

Which of the following statements concerning carnitine is NOT supported by current research?

Most reviewers believe chronic supplementation will enhance prolonged aerobic endurance performance

If you were to stand up during this exam, and sprint down the hall and out of the building (about 10 seconds of activity), what fuel sources would allow you to do this?

Mostly stored ATP and phosphocreatine, but also some glycogen and fat

Success in sport is based primarily upon superior athletic ability, which in turn depends mostly on which of these two major factors?

Natural genetic endowment and state of training

Which of the following B-vitamins is especially important as a coenzyme in fat synthesis?


Which of the following statements is correctly associated with obesity in children and adolescents?

Obese adolescents are at a greater risk in adulthood for all-cause mortality than their nonobese peers

Which of the following is the key factor(s) or predictor(s) associated with exertional heat illness?

Physical fitness of the individual

Irregular heartbeat is a sign of low blood levels of which of the following electrolyte minerals?


Carbohydrate is an important fuel for high-intensity aerobic events lasting over an hour or two.


Certain nutrients in the foods we eat are believed to be promoters of a variety of chronic diseases.


Essential nutrients are essential for life?


Exercise can be used to help prevent and even treat many chronic diseases.


Functional foods are food products designed to provide health benefits beyond basic nutrition.


Health-related fitness includes a healthy body weight, cardiovascular-respiratory fitness, adequate muscular strength and muscular endurance, and sufficient flexibility.


Hyperglycemia may lead, in turn, to a reactive hypoglycemia.


In general, most nutrition scientists recommend that the nutrients we need should be obtained from natural, wholesome foods, and the routine use of dietary supplements is not recommended for most individuals.


Low protein intake negatively affects bone health.


Nonessential nutrients, or dispensable nutrients, may be formed in the body.


One healthful dietary recommendation is to limit sodium intake to less than 1,500 mg daily.


Plants provide good sources of protein and may supply all the essential amino acids necessary for human nutrition when certain foods, such as grains and legumes, are eaten together.


The DASH diet is a dietary approach to stop hypertension?


The key to sound nutrition for the athletic individual is to eat a wide variety of healthful foods


The most important factor affecting the metabolic rate is the intensity or speed of the exercise.


The most important factor determining which energy system will be used is the intensity of the exercise


The precompetition meal should allow for the stomach to be relatively empty at the start of competition.


The primary carbohydrate source of energy for physical performance is muscle glycogen.


The timing of a pre-competition meal for sporting events is almost as important as the type of meal consumed?


To prevent the development of atherosclerosis or reverse its progress, an appropriate diet and exercise program are the two key elements recommended by health professionals.


Nutrients perform three major functions in the human body. Among these is

building and repairing body tissues with protein being the prime source.

Body water is regulated

by osmolality, with tonicity having a primary role in its functioning.

If foods are not selected carefully, strict vegetarians may incur nutritional deficiencies involving


In the female athlete triad, hormonal changes interfere with the proper use of which nutrient that leads to certain health problems?


Which nutrients consumed in excess may pose a risk of kidney damage and other soft tissues such as the blood vessels?

calcium and vitamin D

If one desires to gain weight, one should adhere to all of the following guidelines EXCEPT

calculate your average energy needs weekly.

Weight-loss drugs

cease to be effective upon cessation of use of the drugs if lifestyle is not changed.

Which of the following is not a key (indicator) nutrient as defined by the key nutrient concept?


Which two minerals are thought to assist with the functions of insulin?

chromium and vanadium

Foods rich in vitamin C generally include:

citrus fruits

Which of the following would be the least likely dietary recommendation for someone trying to gain weight in lean mass?

consume plenty of drinks with caffeine, like soda and coffee

Research with effective dieters has shown that in order to be successful for weight loss and maintenance, a diet should follow all the following principles except which?

contain bland foods to curb the intake of Calories

A HIGH QUALITY protein is best described as one that:

contains all of the essential amino acids in the proper amounts and ratio

When glucose consumption is in excess of body needs and liver and glycogen stores, the excess glucose is:

converted to and stored as fat

Protein consumed during a starvation-type diet most likely will be:

converted to glucose for energy

If blood glucose levels decrease, gluconeogenesis is a process in the body that produces glucose internally by

converting amino acids to glucose during the glucose-alanine cycle.

Which of the following is not an example of complementary proteins?

corn tortilla and wheat bread

A good example of a nonessential nutrient is


A review of research supports that there may be an ergogenic effect associated with the use of ____________ supplementation.


Which of the following is a nonessential or dispensable nutrient?


A high relative humidity and sunshine hinder heat loss from the body by their adverse effects on the body, respectively, as:

decreased evaporation and increased radiation

An ergogenic aid is something that is

designed to increase potential for work output, such as in sport.

The leading cause of death in the United States is

diseases of the heart.

The method of resistance-training that involves the lengthening contraction of a muscle to resist gravity is called the __________ method.


Free radicals are formed in the __________, and when you exercise, the increased use of ________ causes a(n) _____________ in free radicals.

electron transport system-oxygen-increase


reduces stress on the cardiovascular system by minimizing the reduction in blood volume.

Free radicals

may be very reactive with body tissues.

Which of the following contains the least amount of calcium?


A food poor in iron is:


Which of the following food exchanges is least likely to be high in dietary fiber?


One example of a micronutrient is


The three key words to a healthful diet are balance, variety, and


Which of the following statements concerning carbohydrate use as an energy source is FALSE?

most athletes should consume large amounts just prior to performance for quick energy

Although there is error associated with the prediction of body fat percentages from all measurement techniques currently being used in most fitness facilities and research laboratories, which of the following is believed to be the most accurate measure of body composition, i.e., body fat and lean body mass?

multicomponent technique using several methods

The greatest total amount of carbohydrate stored in the body is in the form of

muscle glycogen.

Which vitamin may block the release of free fatty acids from adipose tissue and thus may decrease a source of potential energy during exercise?


The essential element in protein that is not possessed by either carbohydrate or fat is


According to numerous well-controlled research studies, which of the following dietary supplements has been shown to be a safe and effective means to induce significant loss of body fat?

none of the above

The most prevalent ergogenic aids used to increase sport performance are those classified as


Which of the following foods would make a good choice to include in a precompetition meal?


The simplest way to determine if your fluid intake is adequate is to:

observe the color of your urine; it should be clear or pale yellow.

Which of the following has the least amount of dietary protein?

one orange

This disease is prevalent in the elderly and may be due to an inadequate calcium intake during childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood?


Which of the following is classified as a starch exchange rather than a vegetable exchange?


Since obesity apparently has many causes, even in a single individual, the best attack on the problem seems to be:


Type IIb muscle fibers

produce energy primarily by anaerobic processes.

The oxygen system

produces ATP in rather large quantities from other energy sources in the body.

Sport nutrition involves eating strategies to

promote good health, optimize adaptations to training, recover rapidly from an intense or prolonged training session, and perform optimally during competition.

Although the nutrients found in food perform a wide variety of functions, which of the following is of primary importance since the other functions are subordinated to it in times of need?

provide energy

The set-point theory of weight control is based upon a feedback system, suggesting that the individual is programmed to be a certain body weight and that the body will always attempt to maintain that weight by regulating hunger and metabolism. What part of the body is believed to be the regulatory center for the control of the various feedback mechanisms?

receptors in the hypothalamus in the brain

The number of times you perform a specific exercise is referred to as


Which of the following statements involving the interaction of protein and exercise training is false?

research has shown conclusively that amino acid supplements and other protein supplements will enhance performance in sports

Which of the following statements relative to protein and exercise is FALSE?

research has shown that individuals who are training to gain weight need about 6 to 8 grams of protein per kilogram body weight

HMB supplementation appears to offer the greatest benefit to:

resistance trained individuals

Which of the following statements relative to fats is FALSE?

saturated fats appear to help lower blood cholesterol levels

Anorexia nervosa is best defined as

self-imposed starvation

Which food exchange is the best (in terms of highest content) source of calcium?

skim milk

Which of the following food exchanges is a good source of protein, calcium and vitamin D?

skim milk

Which vitamin is most difficult to obtain from natural dietary sources, although it may be found in several fortified foods?

vitamin D

Determine which macronutrient is the most important for the scenario listed below.

-Protein: Contribution of this macronutrient to energy needs for fueling muscles is generally small. -Fat: This is an important energy source for low or moderate aerobic exercise that lasts more than 20 minutes -Carbohydrate: This should constitute the greatest percentage of calories for all macronutrients for endurance athletes in training. This is the most important macronutrient to consume during exercise when exercise duration surpasses one hour.

Determine BMI using height and weight given and drag the label to its appropriate BMI classification category.

-Underweight: 5'8" (68 inches) tall and 120 pounds -Healthy weight: 5'8" (68 inches) tall and 140 pounds -Overweight 5'2" (62 inches) tall and 140 pounds -Obese 5'8" (68 inches) tall and 200 pounds

Your body is indirectly fueled by food; but, like other cells, muscle cells cannot directly use the energy released from breaking down glucose or triglycerides. Complete the sentences about energy sources for exercising muscles with the appropriate term.

-You consume food, and your body converts that food energy to the main energy currency used for cells, called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). - Two of the breakdown products of this main energy source are a phosphate group and adenosine triphosphate (ATP). -ATP can only fuel your cells for 2-4 seconds. If there were no resupply of ATP available, another high-energy compound called phosphocreatine (PCr) can be quickly broken down to release enough energy to make more ATP. --When muscle cells enzymatically reform ATP from ADP and PCr, the byproduct is creatine.

Which of the following energy systems has the greatest CAPACITY for energy production, i.e., endurance?

-aerobic glycolysis

Nutrient density

-is when a food possesses a significant amount of specific nutrients per serving relative to its caloric content.

The main energy source for the oxygen system during exercise of 2 hours in length would be


The Caloric expenditure of running one mile is approximately _____ Calories per pound of bodyweight.


The body loses water in a variety of ways. Put the water output mechanisms in order from greatest contribution to fluid loss (1) to least contribution to fluid loss (4) per day.

1 Urine production, 2 skin losses, 3 lung respiration, 4 feces

Arrange the food categories according to their average nutrient density of potassium from highest (1) to lowest (4) nutrient density.

1 fresh fruits and vegetables, 2 dairy products, 3 whole grains, 4 fats and oils

Put the foods in order by cholesterol content per serving from greatest (1) to least (4).

1 large egg yolk, 3 oz shrimp, 1 oz cheese, 1 cup 1% milk

Put the foods in order of greatest amount of carbohydrate per serving (1) to least amount of carbohydrate per serving (4).

1 small banana, 1 cup milk, 1 cup raw vegetables, 3 oz meat

How much water is necessary per day to maintain adequate water balance in the average adult?

2-3 quarts

An endurance athlete exercising for more than one hour should consider replenishing fluids with an electrolyte drink. A popular serving size bottle of a drink such as Gatorade® has four eight-ounce cup servings per bottle. If there are 50 calories per cup, how many calories are in the whole bottle?

200 calories

The level of total cholesterol that represents the borderline/high risk category is _________ milligrams per deciliter of blood.


Larry is a 39-year-old male who is overweight. He is working with a Registered Dietitian and she has recommended an 1,800-calorie diet for gradual weight loss. Larry wants to assure he is obtaining enough carbohydrate to meet his energy needs. If Larry follows an 1,800-calorie diet and wants to achieve the recommended 45-65% of his total calories from carbohydrate, how many GRAMS of carbohydrate per day should he be eating?

203-293 grams of carbohydrate per day

Which of the following initial Body Mass Indexes (BMI) is indicative of overweight and obesity, respectively?


How many Americans have type II diabetes?

26 million

The B-vitamin intake of most North Americans is adequate because B-vitamins are widespread in our diets. However, which of the following population groups is most susceptible to overt deficiencies of B-vitamins?


Which of the following is true of ergogenic aids?

All essential nutrients are considered to be legal for use in conjunction with athletic competition

Which of the following is NOT true concerning exercise and hypertension?

All individuals will experience a decrease in blood pressure from an approved exercise program

Which of the following statements concerning behavior modification techniques and how they apply to a weight-control program is FALSE?

All individuals wishing to implement a behavior modification program should seek professional assistance in developing such a program

The android type of obesity has

All of the answers are correct.

Malnutrition may exist

All of these choices are correct

Which of the following exercises would be the energy equivalent of jogging one mile?

Bicycling 3 miles

Which of the following are functions of vitamin B-6? Check all that apply.

Coenzyme in amino acid synthesis Synthesis of neurotransmitters Synthesis of hemoglobin and white blood cells Fatty acid synthesis

What is the term used to describe the process where heat is transferred by movement of air or water over the body?


Which of the following statements best reflects the research on fat loading?

Current scientific literature does not support the notion that fat loading will enhance performance

Which of the following statements regarding creatine or creatine supplementation is FALSE?

Currently creatine use by athletes has been prohibited by WADA

Excessive iron in children may be associated with which one of the following dangers?

Deaths due to overdoses of iron, obtained by eating large amounts of candy-flavored vitamin tablets with iron

Some people mistakenly believe that eating more protein increases muscle mass. While protein as a component of a recovery snack can help rebuild muscle, it is only repetitive stress on the muscles through exercise that increases muscle mass. Excessive protein intake can actually be harmful. Check all of the following that are possible consequences of excessive protein intake:

Excessive protein can increase urine production and dehydrate the body. Excessive protein can lead to kidney stones in people with a history of this or other kidney problems. Excessive protein can displace carbohydrate intake, leading to insufficient carbohydrate, which can increase fatigue. Excessive protein intake can increase calcium loss somewhat in the urine.

Exercise can help reduce and control body weight in which of the following ways?

Exercise may confer improvements in mood, energy expenditure, body image, and self-esteem

Linda is trying to lose weight by choosing healthier foods and smaller portions and increasing her aerobic exercise. What is aerobic exercise?

Exercise that requires oxygen.

Arteriosclerosis, one form of atherosclerosis, is characterized by deposits of various fatty substances, cells, and debris on the arterial walls.


Because animals store glycogen in their muscles, eating meat, fish, and poultry is a good source of carbohydrate because you are eating the dead animal's stored glucose.


Carbohydrate loading is necessary for the vast majority of athletes.


Creatine supplementation increases the risk for muscle cramps.


Lawrence notices that most of his body fat is accumulated around his mid-section. His dietitian calls this "upper-body obesity" or "android obesity." The dietitian explains that this body fat distribution is more dangerous from a health standpoint than having fat accumulated around the lower portion of his body. Why is upper-body or android obesity more dangerous than lower or gynoid obesity?

Fat from abdominal fat cells goes directly to the liver; this disrupts the liver's ability to use insulin and increases hepatic production of lipoproteins.

Drag each vitamin to its vitamin solubility classification.

Fat-soluble: A,D,E,K Water-soluble: B,C

According to several major reviews of the relationship between fitness and fatness and mortality from cardiovascular disease and other causes, which group of individuals had the lowest mortality rate?

Fit and unfat

Which of the following represents guidelines that will reduce one's chances of suffering heat injury?

For each pound of body weight lost, drink 20-24 ounces of fluid and be certain the body weight is back to normal before the next exercise workout

Foods rich in potassium and low in sodium may carry health claims because such foods may help prevent the development of

Hypertension or high blood pressure

Which of the following is NOT classified as a macromineral?


Lawrence is an overweight male adult embarking on his first attempt at weight loss. He has heard that in order to lose one pound of fat per week, he should cut kilocalories by 500 kilocalories per day from his normal intake. What is the theory behind the notion that a 500-kilocalorie daily deficit promotes weight loss of one pound of fat per week?

One pound of fat tissue has 3,500 kilocalories; 3,500 kilocalories divided by 7 days in a week means 500 kilocalories less per day will help him lose one pound of fat per week.

Which of the following statements about calcium's functioning in the human body is correct?

One symptom of a low serum level may be muscle cramping

Which of the following is the key principle underlying the adaptations to exercise that may provide a wide array of health benefits, and incorporates the intensity, duration, and frequency of exercise?


Lipids are a unique nutrient group, differing significantly from carbohydrates and proteins. Which of the following statements is not correct about lipids?

Phospholipids are the most abundant type of lipids found in the body and in foods.

The use of hypnosis to improve performance is an example of which classification of ergogenic aid?


What is the term used to describe the average daily dietary intake that is sufficient to meet the nutrient requirement of nearly all healthy individuals?

Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)

Bulimia nervosa involves a loss of control over the impulse to binge. Which of the following is NOT true of this disorder?

Recurrent episodes of binge eating, at least once a week for a month, indicate bulimia to be a consideration

As discussed in lecture, estrogen protects bone density by

Reducing bone resorption

Which of the following is NOT true when considering salt or potassium supplements?

Salt tablets should be taken only if the athlete needs to drink more than 5 liters of fluid per day to replace that lost during sweating

Which of the following are considered to be the bad fats?

Saturated and trans fatty acids

Which of the following is true about food processing and its impact on food quality?

The major problem with food processing is the excessive use of highly refined products and questionable additives

Which of the following is a dietary recommendation that will help ensure adequate amounts of nutrients in the diet?

Select a wide variety of foods from all the food groups and within each group

Which of the following guidelines will increase the likelihood of an individual staying with an exercise program?

Self-motivation is the most important determinant of adherence to an exercise program

Which of the following statements is true concerning heat gain or loss in the human body?

Shivering is nothing more than the contraction of muscles, and it produces extra heat by increasing the metabolic rate

Drag the sugar to its correct carbohydrate classification.

Simple sugar: glucose, sucrose, fructose complex carbohydrate: starch, fiber

Which one of the following may affect the amount of iron absorbed into the body?

Small amounts of meat added to grain products enhance iron absorption

Which of the following risk factors associated with coronary heart disease is classified as a major risk factor?

Smoking and sedentary lifestyle

Which of the following is not a health-related fitness component?


Which one of the following statements about fatigue is true?

The most important factor in the prevention of fatigue during exercise is training

What method of assessment in body composition is now regarded as the "gold standard"?

The multicomponent model

When summarizing the results of studies comparing exercise and the need for minerals, which of the following statements is INCORRECT?

The proper doses of mineral supplements, balanced by a registered dietitian with the individual's regular diet, will increase the physical performance of healthy individuals in endurance contests

Resistance-training is regarded as a relatively safe sport, if appropriate safety precautions are taken. Learning to breathe properly is an important aspect of these precautions. Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement?

The recommended breathing system is to hold your breath while lifting the weight

The definition of a sugar free food is:

There is <0.5 grams of sugar per serving

Which of the following statements is true for anorexia nervosa?

There is a set diagnostic criteria for this disease developed by the American Psychiatric Association

The best food exchange from which to obtain good to excellent sources of both vitamin C and vitamin A (beta-carotene) is the

Vegetable exchange

Excessive amounts of which of the following vitamins is most likely to be fatal?

Vitamin A

Which of the following vitamins is NOT a fat soluble vitamin?

Vitamin B12

Which of the following statements is true of vitamins?

Vitamins are indispensable for the maintenance of optimal health

Tomas has taken up bodybuilding and is starting to become more interested in a diet to improve athletic performance. He read an article in a bodybuilding magazine that said he should dramatically increase his dietary protein intake. What happens to excessive dietary protein intake?

With excessive protein intake, amino acids may be used to meet energy needs or converted to and stored as fat.

The recommended means to replenish lost electrolytes through sweat on a day-to-day basis is via:

a balanced diet and adequate fluids

Creeping obesity is caused by

a combination of an increased consumption of Calories and a decreased level of physical activity.

Iron is important in the body because it is:

a constituent of hemoglobin

The female athlete triad refers to:

a female athlete who has a combination of brittle bones, loss of the menstrual cycle, and disordered eating patterns

Vitamin D

can prevent osteomalacia.

Which of the following foods is usually high in sodium?

canned vegetable

The major energy food for high intensity aerobic endurance sport performance is:


The main energy source for the lactic acid system during exercise is


In order to increase the absorption of iron, vegetarians should eat iron-rich plant foods with which of the following?

vitamin C

Which of the following are fat-soluble vitamins?

vitamins A, D, E, K

No single factor is more frequently responsible for obesity than overeating.


Normal body water level is normohydration, while loss of body water results in hyperhydration.


Recent research has found that spot reducing can be effective.


Research evidence clearly indicates that watching TV may be the key factor that contributes to obesity.


Resistance-training can be a high-intensity exercise, so one must be careful that the energy expended does not result in a negative energy balance, thus defeating the original purpose of the training.


Resistance-training programs may be designed to train the ATP-PC and the oxygen energy systems only.


Resistance-training should be avoided by the elderly.


Resistance-training would be a good exercise choice for individuals with high blood pressure.


The body can store excess amino acids for later use.


The caloric needs of boys and girls are dissimilar in terms of Calories needed per kilogram of body weight throughout their life span.


The hunger center and satiety center are located in the medulla.


The main culprit in the diet that leads to obesity is excess consumption of carbohydrates.


The major villain that may predispose an individual to coronary heart disease is high HDL cholesterol levels.


The most important principle in all resistance-training programs is the principle of recuperation.


There is a preponderance of research evidence indicating that high-protein diets confer an advantage in strength development.


Very-low-Calorie diets are very successful in long-term maintenance of weight loss.


Vitamin supplementation will improve performance in an athlete who is on a balanced diet.


While vitamin supplements will not necessarily enhance performance, no health impairments are associated with their ingestion in large quantities.


Type IIa muscle fibers

are known as fast-twitch red fibers.

Most popular weight-loss diet plans, such as Atkins, Jenny Craig, South Beach, Weight Watchers, and the Zone, may successfully induce weight loss in the initial stages of the program because all such diets

are low in calories

Which food is highest in both carbohydrate and protein?

baked beans

According to the Prudent Healthy Diet, you should

balance the food you eat with physical activity.

In which activities might the condition of "anorexia athletica" appear to be more prevalent?

ballet and gymnastics

In general, a solid precompetition meal should

be high in carbohydrate and low in fat and protein, providing for easy digestibility.

Although all exercises increase caloric expenditure, thirty minutes of which of the following would use the least number of Calories?

bowling in pairs as normally played

Water is the most important nutrient in the chemistry and functioning of living forms.


A general recommendation for daily caloric intake for protein is _________ percent.


Essential fat in females represents about __________ percent of the body weight.


Determine whether each of the scenarios pertains to the anaerobic or aerobic breakdown of glucose.

--Aerobic glucose breakdown Breakdown products are carbon dioxide and water Occurs when plenty of oxygen is available in the muscle Supplies more ATP than other types of glucose metabolism Provides about 95% of the ATP made from complete glucose metabolism --Anaerobic glucose breakdown Breakdown products include pyruvic acid and lactic acid Occurs when oxygen supply in the muscle is limited Provides most of the energy needed for events that require a quick burst of energy, ranging from about 30 seconds to 2 minutes Provides about 5% of the ATP made from complete glucose metabolism

The causes and health effects of upper body vs. lower body fat distribution vary significantly. Determine whether the label describes android or gynoid obesity and drag the label to its appropriate classification category.

--Android Obesity Post-menopausal women are more likely to experience this type of body fat distribution. This type of body fat distribution is associated with cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes. High blood testosterone levels can cause this type of body fat distribution in males. This type of body fat distribution is also referred to as being "apple-shaped". --Gynoid obesity Menstruating women with normal levels of estrogen and progesterone are more likely to experience this type of body fat distribution. This type of body fat distribution is also referred to as being "pear-shaped".

Determine which component of energy expenditure each scenario represents by dragging the scenario label to its appropriate classification category.

--Basal metabolism: Jillian needs a minimum of 1,400 calories to keep her resting, awake body alive in a warm, quiet environment for 12 hours or more. --Physical activity: David burns 250 calories raking the leaves in his yard. --Thermic effect of food: Charlie's body uses 100 calories to digest, absorb, and process the calories from her day's food intake. --Thermogenesis: Linda's constant nervous twitch burns 200 calories over the period of one day.

Determine whether carbohydrate loading is beneficial or not beneficial for each of the activities listed.

--Carbohydrate loading may enhance performance: Soccer, long distance running, triathlons --Carbohydrate loading will not likely enhance performance: walking, weightlifting, sprinting

Drag the risk factor to its disease state

--Diabetes: High blood glucose --Hypertension: High salt diet --Cardiovascular disease: Fatty material deposited in blood vessels --Osteoporosis: Decreased bone mass

Drag the name of the simple carbohydrate from the word bank on top of the corresponding monosaccharide or disaccharide picture that represents its sugar name and/or function.

--Disaccharide: Lactose, Sucrose, Maltose --Monosaccharide: Fructose, glucose

Drag the class of nutrient to its corresponding energy-yielding or non-energy-yielding category.

--Energy-yielding nutrient: Protein, Carbohydrate, Fat --Non-energy-yielding nutrient: Vitamins, Minerals, Water

Determine whether each label describes water-soluble or fat-soluble vitamins.

--Fat soluble: vitamins that travel as part of chylomicrons through the blood stream. Vitamins that are stored mostly in the liver and fatty tissues Vitamins A,D,E, & K --Water soluble: vitamins that are readily excreted from the body Vitamins that are easily lost during food processing and preparation Vitamins that include the B vitamins and vitamin C

A variety of factors can inhibit or enhance calcium absorption. Indicate whether each situation increases or decreases calcium absorption by dragging it to the appropriate column.

--Increases calcium absorption Having a healthy GI tract through which digestive contents can easily flow Eating vitamin D-enriched foods Pregnancy --Decreases calcium absorption Being over 70 years old Having a high-fiber diet rich in phytic acid Oxalic acid in spinach

Iron is carefully conserved by the body and its absorption is affected by a number of factors. Determine whether each factor tends to increase or decrease iron absorption.

--Increases iron absorption Pregnancy, combining nonheme sources of iron with meat, fish or poultry, adolescent growth spurt --Decreases iron absorption: Consuming tea with meals, consuming large doses of zinc, and taking antacids

Certain female athletes are at increased risk for iron-deficiency anemia and compromised bone health. Determine whether the scenario listed below increases iron-deficiency anemia risk or osteoporosis risk.

--Increases iron-deficiency risk: monthly menstrual losses distance running that may lead to gastrointestinal bleeding --Increases osteoporosis risk: cessation of menstruation low dietary calcium intake

Drag the lipid descriptor to its appropriate label on the Lipids Concept Map.

--LIPIDS: phospholipids, triglycerides to monoglycerides and to saturated fat and unsaturated fat that go to polyunsaturated-> omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids, sterols to cholesterol

Determine whether the scenario results in more or less vitamin D synthesis.

--Less vitamin D synthesis: Older vs. younger person Dark skinned vs. light skinned Less vs. more time in the sun --More vitamin D synthesis: Summer vs. winter months Southern vs. northern latitudes

Drag the digestion description to the place in the body where it occurs

--Mouth: where salivary amylase is produced --Stomach: has acidic environment where salivary amylase is denatured --Pancreas: site of insulin and glucagon release for blood sugar control --Small intestine: has alkaline environment and is where the majority of carbohydrate digestion and absorption occurs -- Liver: where most carbohydrates are transformed into glucose --Large intestine: where bacteria ferment soluble fiber

Determine whether each of the case study situations is in positive protein balance, negative protein balance, or protein equilibrium by dragging it to its appropriate classification.

--Positive protein balance: Rachael recently sustained burns over 15% of her body... Quinn is a 3 month old baby who is breastfeeding and whose weight has doubled since she was born. --Negative protein balance: Stella is an elderly woman with an aggressive form of cancer who resides in a nursing home... Barney has a rare intestinal disease that causes him to leach protein out of his digestive tract. --Equilibrium (protein balance): Travis relatively healthy male adult who weighs 185 lbs and eats about 67 grams of dietary protein per day. Larissa recently participated in a nutrition research study...

Most studies have reported that U.S. athletes are getting the recommended amounts of all minerals in their diets, even those participating in weight-control sports.


There are a number of criteria for identifying an unreliable diet. Analyze each diet or weight-loss claim and determine which unreliable criterion the claim meets.

--Promoting quick weight loss: "The College Reunion Diet promises you will lose 20lbs in the next 2 weeks!" --Limiting food selections: The Chopped Salad Diet promises, "3 meals of chopped salads per day will shed lbs!" --Celebrity testimonials: a hall-of-famer star baseball player claims, " The Cereal Diet is what made me such a great baseball player!" --No need for exercise: The Super Berry Diet will,"cure your weight loss problems and no need for physical activity with this diet!" --Expensive supplements: "For just $49.99 per month, the Extreme Supplement Pack will burn fat while you sleep!"

Recently major nutrition organizations put together a list of red flags that they consider signals for poor nutrition advice. Drag the product's claim to the red flag that it most likely represents.

--Recommendations that promise a quick fix: Better eyesight by tomorrow morning! Our high dose vitamin A supplements will give you 20/20 vision in 1 day or your money back! --Recommendations based on a single study: One study showed that people who took our valerian root pills fell asleep faster and for longer than did people who did not take the pills! --Dire warnings of dangers from a single product or regimen: Eating fish can cause mercury toxicity! To get the benefits of fish without the dangers or mercury, try our high-potency omega-3 fish oil capsules! --Claims that sound too good to be true: Burn fat by eating more food and doing no exercise! Just try our celebrity weight loss plan!

Drag the descriptor to its appropriate fatty acid classification

--Saturated fatty acids: these fats increase blood levels of cholesterol and are solid at room temperature --Unsaturated fatty acids: these fats decrease blood levels of cholesterol and are liquid at room temperature --Trans fatty acids: these fatty acids increase blood cholesterol, LDL, inflammation, and are created when unsaturated fatty acids are partially hydrogenated. --Omega-3 essential fatty acids: these fats reduce inflammation responses, blood clotting, and triglyceride levels. --Omega-6 essential fatty acids: These fats regulate blood pressure and increase blood clotting.

If you were a subject in a scientific study measuring body fatness, the scientists might assess your anthropometric measurements using one of a variety of methods. Determine which method is being explained and drag the method description to its appropriate classification category.

--Underwater weighing: you are weighed on a standard scale and then weighed again while submerged in water; the difference between the two weights is used to estimate total body volume. --Air displacement: you are placed in a chamber that measures body volume by measuring the volume of air you displace while sitting inside the chamber. --Bioelectrical impedance: you stand on a scale placing your bare feet on the metal contact points on the device. The scale runs a low-level electrical current through you; calculations of percent body fat are made based on the concept that lean body mass conducts current and fat mass resists current. --skinfold thickness: a clinician used fat calipers to measure the layer of fat directly under the skin from a number of points on your body. --DEXA: you lie on your back and a machine distributing low levels of radiation scans over you, calculating percentages of fat, lean tissue, and bone mass.

An ideal exercise plan incorporates variety, balance, and moderation. Determine whether each scenario is describing exercise in variety, balance, or moderation.

--Variety: Bob used to run for a cardiovascular workout. After sustaining shin splints, he has taken up bicycling and swimming as non-weight bearing cardiovascular alternatives to running. --Balance: Tina used to think that doing only cardiovascular exercise was the ideal way to keep fit. Now she realizes the benefits of balance, strength, and endurance workouts interspersed with cardio. --Moderation: In high school, Charlie used to run until his knees would almost give out. Now that he is older, he values the importance of regular exercise but stays fit without overdoing it during his workouts.

High or low blood sodium levels can have severe effects, including hypertension, muscle cramps, nausea, vomiting, shock, or coma. Classify each scenario based on whether there is risk for high or low blood sodium.

-At risk for low blood sodium: Joe spends a hot humid day in August replacing the shingles on his roof. Throughout the day, he loses about 5% of his body weight through perspiration and drinks only plain water to replace these fluid losses. Amanda contracts a foodborne illness that results in several days of persistent vomiting and an inability to keep down any foods or fluids. -At risk for high blood sodium: Louis is a 72-year-old, widowed man who lives alone. His wife used to regularly prepare home-cooked meals, but since her death, he consumes mostly frozen dinners and take-out foods. Margaret suffers from kidney disease and is not compliant with her low sodium diet.

Carbohydrates are an important macronutrient for fueling muscles. During exercise, where can the body get carbohydrate? Check all that apply:

-Carbohydrate can come from glycogen stored in the muscle cells. -Carbohydrate can come from glycogen stored in the liver cells. -Carbohydrate can come from glucose available in the bloodstream.

Which of the following would be considered a component of health-related fitness?


Choosing a diet low in sodium means knowing which foods are high in sodium and which foods are low in sodium. Match the foods on the left with their high or low sodium classification.

-High-sodium food: deli meat, canned soup, cheese -Low-sodium food: brown rice, fresh pears, fresh asparagus

Which of the following training adaptations would be of MOST use to an athlete competing in the 100-meter dash (less than 10 seconds)?

-Increased stores of phosphocreatine

During anaerobic cell metabolism, athletes sometimes complain of short-term muscle fatigue. What can be causing this fatigue? Check all that apply:

-Lactic acid accumulating in the muscle cells increases acidity of the muscle, which inhibits the activity of some enzymes, causing fatigue. -Acidity in muscle cells increases potassium loss from muscles, causing fatigue. -Carbohydrate accumulating in the bloodstream increases acidity of the muscle, causing fatigue. -Anaerobic breakdown of glucose is a very slow and cumbersome way to resupply ATP and the deficit of ATP causes fatigue.

Saturated fat, trans fat, and dietary cholesterol are the primary types of lipids that raise LDL. Match the American Heart Association's recommended intake level to reduce cardiovascular disease risk with its appropriate nutrient category.

-Less than 7% of total calories Saturated fat intake recommendation 300 mg per day Cholesterol intake recommendation Less than 1% of total calories Trans fat intake recommendation

The hypothalamus is an important control center in the brain that influences satiety (the feeling of fullness). Put the components of the process of satiation in order from start to finish of the satiety process.

-Sensing the flavor of food -Knowledge that a meal has just been eaten -Expansion and activity of stomach and intestines -Nutrient use in liver and communications of use by hypothalamus and other parts of the brain -Brain registers satiety signals and overcomes feelings of hunger.

The DASH diet is low in fat and sodium and rich in fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products. Complete each sentence by filling in the DASH diet serving recommendations for each food group.

-The DASH diet recommends that followers eat 6-8 servings of grain products per day, with most of those coming from whole grains. -Low-fat or fat-free dairy products are part of the DASH diet and adherents should aim to get 2-3 servings of these foods per day. -Each day, someone following the DASH diet should aim for 4-5 servings of fruit and the same number of servings of vegetables. -For non-meat protein sources, the DASH diet recommends 4-5 servings of nuts, seeds, or legumes per week.

Drag the lipid term to its appropriate sentence

-The unsaturated fatty acids can exist in one of two structural forms: the trans form occurs when hydrogens on both carbons forming the double bond lie on opposite sides of that bond. -Fatty acids are classified based on their degree of saturation of hydrogen to be bound to the carbons in the fatty acid chain. -There are a number of lipids that are found in foods and contribute to various functions in the body. Triglycerides are the most common lipid found in food and in the body; they consist of a glycerol backbone attached to three fatty acids. -A fatty acid is saturated if it contains no carbon-carbon double bonds, polyunsaturated if it contains two or more carbon-carbon double bonds, and monounsaturated if it has only one carbon-carbon double bond.

Place the water term into the appropriate sentence.

-Water is a non-energy yielding nutrient. -We obtain water in the diet from fluid sources and foods like fruits and vegetables. -Our bodies are made up of approximately 60% water. -Every day, a female body needs about 9 cups of water, -A male body needs approximately 13 cups of water per day.

Water plays a variety of roles in the human body. Match the scenario with the corresponding role that water is playing.

-Water is part of intracellular and extracellular fluid During pregnancy, the elevated volume of blood causes water to shift out of the bloodstream and into cells, causing edema -Water helps remove waste products After drinking alcohol, your urine turns dark yellow; this is an indication that you may be dehydrated. -Water contributes to body temperature regulation Exercising in a hot climate causes your body to overheat and then work to cool the skin by pushing perspiration out through skin pores. -Water helps form lubricants and provides protection in various parts of the body A pregnant woman's fetus is protected by amniotic fluid within the uterus.

Complete each sentence about the balance between water and electrolytes with the appropriate term.

-When dissolved in water, some compounds separate into positively and negatively charged ions and enable transmission of an electrical current. Such ions in solution are known as electrolytes. -When the concentration of ions on opposite sides of a cell membrane is imbalanced, water moves across the membrane to the compartment of highest ion concentration. This movement of water along a concentration gradient is called osmosis. -If the intracellular concentration of ions is greater than the extracellular concentration, water will move into the cell, which may cause the cell to burst. -Cells that line the intestine actively absorb the ion sodium. Due to the concentration gradient that is created across the intestinal cell membrane, water in the intestinal lumen is passively absorbed, thus allowing absorption of most of the water that enters the GI tract.

Lino is a linebacker on his college football team. He is concerned about achieving adequate hydration during intense, hot summer football practices. Lino weighs himself before and after practice and notices that he loses five pounds by the time practice is over. How many cups of water should he be drinking to replace these fluid losses?

12.5 - 15 cups of water

The recommended protein intake for an individual trying to gain muscle mass through strength training is ________ grams of protein per kilogram body weight.


Put the following four foods in order of carbohydrate content with the greatest carbohydrate content first (1) and the least last (4).

1/2 cup rice, ½ cup pinto beans, ½ cup cooked broccoli, 3 ounces beef

According to the Prudent Healthy Diet guidelines, the recommended dietary goal for fat Calories is less than _____ percent of the total daily Calories


In which of the following athletic events would fat assume a more important role as an energy source for the muscles?

10 mile swim (4.5 hours)

Almonds are a nutrient-dense food. A one-ounce serving of almonds (23 almonds) provides fat, calories, and other nutrients, including fiber. If the amount of fiber recommended for a 2,000-calorie diet on the food label is 25 grams per day, what percent daily value (%DV) for fiber does one serving of these almonds provide?


Essential fat in males represents about __________ percent of the body weight.


An athlete loses 2 kilograms of bodyweight during a training session. What volume of fluid should be consumed to replace the amount of fluid lost?

3 liters

If you exercise at an intensity of 1 liter of oxygen per minute, about how many Calories would you burn in one hour?


The recommended dietary goals for healthy Americans suggest that cholesterol intake be reduced to less than _____ mg per day?


To improve your serum lipid profile, it is recommended that you reduce your cholesterol intake to _________ milligrams per day or less.


One pound of body fat is equivalent to approximately _______ Calories.


As the half-marathon approaches, and in order to increase his glycogen stores and reduce the likelihood of fatigue, Anthony is interested in increasing the percentage of total calories in his diet coming from carbohydrate. If he is eating 2,500 calories per day during the training period, and if he wants 60% of his calories per day to come from carbohydrate, how many grams of carbohydrate should he be eating per day?

375 grams of carbohydrate per day

What is the recommended amount of carbohydrate that should be consumed 4 hours prior to exercise for an individual participating in intense training?

4-5 g/kg body weight

Which from list below is an example of structured physical activity

5 mile jog

Which of the following statements is NOT correct for weight loss during an exercise weight-reduction program?

A person must exercise at a lower percentage of his/her VO2 max, because at the higher energy intensity he/she will derive a lower percentage of energy output from fat

To improve his overall strength, Anthony has been weight lifting in addition to running. He is now focusing on the nutrient mix of his post-weight lifting recovery snack. Which snack is ideal for recovery after weight-training and why?

A sandwich made with bread and lean turkey is ideal because the carbohydrate/protein mix enhances the muscle-building effect of activity

Which energy substance does the body use DIRECTLY to perform its multitude of functions, such as muscle contraction?


Which energy system has the greatest POWER generating ability, i.e., speed?


Which energy system would predominate in an all-out, high-intensity, 100-meter dash in track?

ATP-PC (phosphagen)

A comprehensive weight-control program should include a balanced, reduced-Caloric diet and

All of these choices are correct.

Which of the following is a high-quality protein?

All the above are high-quality proteins

Which of the following dietary modifications may help reduce or prevent hypertension?

Although moderate alcohol consumption confers some health benefits, excess alcohol intake is linked to high blood pressure

In addition to water and food intake, hydration and fluid status are affected by a number of additional factors. Check all of the factors that influence water loss. Check all that apply.

Altitude Day of the week Alcohol and caffeine intake Humidity

A risk factor is a health behavior associated with a particular disease.


It is possible to enhance the effects of regular physical activity by altering the duration, frequency, intensity, or progression of exercise. Match the situations to determine whether they are describing increasing duration, frequency, intensity, or progression of exercise:

Bill was swimming for 30 minutes, 3 days per week and recently increased that to 45 minutes, 3 days per week: Duration Sonya was participating in one aerobics class per week and recently increased that to two aerobics classes per week: Frequency Erin was walking on the treadmill at a rate of 3 miles per hour for 60 minutes and recently was able to increase her rate to 4 miles per hour for 60 minutes: Intensity Chris used to do 30 minutes of cardio at 50% of his max heart rate 2 days per week and has gradually increased his performance such that now he is exercising for 60 minutes at 80% of his max heart rate 4 days per week: Progression

Gabe was reading an article in a muscle magazine that said a particular world-champion body builder regularly eats a dozen raw egg whites per day. From his recent nutrition studies, Gabe surmised that the body builder is at risk for developing which vitamin deficiency and why?

Biotin deficiency because a protein in raw egg whites binds biotin and inhibits its absorption

When considering android versus gynoid types of obesity, which of the following is true?

Both types of obesity have a strong genetic component

Brian learns in his favorite nutrition class that he gets a larger percentage of energy from fat when he is sleeping than when he runs intensely for 3 miles. He decides that the best way for him to reduce his body fat is by sleeping all day. What is going to happen to Brian?

Brian will not lose weight sleeping, it matters how many total calories of fat he will expend, not what percent of his expended calories come from fat.

Which of the following vitamins may NOT be formed in the body from another nutrient, provitamin or bacteria?


Which vitamin and mineral combination provides the best possible nutritional defense against the development of osteoporosis?

C and phosphorus

Which of the following is true regarding calcium absorption?

Calcium in milk more absorbable because of Vitamin D

Which of the food choices would be considered a 'functional' food?

Calcium-fortified orange juice

Which of the following statements is false relative to post-exercise nutrition?

Carbohydrate supplementation alone after resistance training promotes muscle protein synthesis

Select good food sources of each nutrient by dragging each food to its appropriate nutrient category.

Carbohydrate: banana, rice Lipid: butter, olive butter Protein: eggs, chicken breast

Which of the following statements regarding fat loading strategies is FALSE?

Carnitine supplementation has been shown to be a very effective dietary strategy to enhance endurance performance, particularly in events such as marathon running

Which of the following statements regarding fatigue during muscular exercise is FALSE?

Central fatigue, as contrasted to peripheral fatigue, involves fatigue occurring directly in the exercising muscles; one example might be the accumulation of excess hydrogen ions from lactic acid, which may impair energy-generating processes in the muscle cell

According to the American College of Sports Medicine, endurance and resistance athletes should consume 1.2-1.7 grams of protein per kilogram bodyweight per day.


Which of the following procedures should be avoided by a beginner when using the basic resistance-training program?

Determine the maximum weight you can lift one time for each exercise

All of the following except which are important considerations in a weight loss program by dieting:

Eat only two meals daily

Which of the following statements is NOT true concerning strategies for limiting caloric intake?

Eat only two or three large meals a day, instead of eating five or six smaller ones

Waist circumference is an important factor in the prediction of health risks associated with excess body weight, often referred to as the metabolic syndrome. All of the following, EXCEPT which, are components of the metabolic syndrome?

Elevated HDL-cholesterol

One of Lisa's college classmates is an aspiring body builder with questionable nutrition knowledge. He eats more than the recommended amount of dietary protein but tells Lisa he heard at the gym that this is actually helpful to the body. All of the following are accurate descriptions of what excess dietary protein does EXCEPT:

Excess dietary protein is stored as muscle mass.

Commercial food processing causes more nutrient loss than home processing.


Compared to an omnivorous diet, research strongly suggests that vegetarian diets are associated with significant impairment in aerobic endurance capacity.


Coronary heart disease should not be confused with coronary artery disease because the first is primarily genetic, while the latter tends to be initiated by poor dietary choices.


Dietary guidelines indicate no alcohol should be included in a healthy diet


Exercise training is second only to proper nutrition when one considers a means to enhance physical fitness.


In-line skating at approximately the same speed as running would use about the same number of Calories per mile.


Micronutrients help to regulate metabolic processes and are usually measured in grams.


Physical activity must be strenuous to achieve any significant health benefits.


Recent recommendations, based on reputable research, list the range for dietary protein to be from 10-30 grams of protein per kilogram body weight per day.


At high walking speeds, you may possibly expend more energy than if you jogged at the same speed.


Gabe was experiencing fatigue, despite sleeping eight hours per night. He went to the doctor and was diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia. The doctor recommended he eat iron-fortified breakfast cereals. Which food would be the best accompaniment for his iron-fortified breakfast cereal and why?

Having a cup of orange juice or an orange with the iron-fortified breakfast cereal because vitamin C in the orange increases iron absorption

Which of the following statements regarding dietary supplements is FALSE?

Health claims listed on the label have been substantiated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

The most popularly known method of classification of the major lipoproteins is based on the density of the lipoprotein particle. Which of the following statements is correct based on this method?

High-density lipoproteins (HDL) contain 45-50 percent protein and are associated with apoprotein A

Despite a vigorous training schedule and careful meal planning, Anthony "hit the wall" at mile 12 of his half-marathon and he had to walk the last mile. To what can his inability to finish the race most likely be attributed?

His blood glucose level fell because of depleted liver glycogen

Despite advertisements and fad diet promises, there is no quick solution to being overweight. Successful weight loss comes from hard work and commitment. The most reliable approach to weight loss includes all of the following EXCEPT:

Increased dietary supplement use

What is the most common nutrient-deficiency disorder in the United States?

Iron-deficiency anemia

When considering the different types of programs utilized for gaining body weight, which of the following is true?

Isotonic and isokinetic programs are comparable in their ability to produce gains in muscle size and strength

Which of the following is true of fructose?

It is absorbed more slowly than glucose

Of the following statements, which is true of a healthy vegetarian diet?

It supplies more than an adequate amount of nutrients and is rather low in caloric content

Which of the following statements about the Food Exchange System is correct?

It was developed by the American Dietetic Association and American Diabetic Association, as well as other health organizations

An increase in which lipoprotein is theorized to be a major contributing factor to the development of atherosclerosis?


The ingestion of which sugar has been associated with gas, bloating, abdominal pain and diarrhea in about 10 percent Americans?


Which of the following groups of individuals has the lowest hazard ratio for heart failure?

Lean, active

Which of the following statements is NOT correct when considering hypertension?

Life-style changes and/or medications can cure essential hypertension

Lino has a strong family history of cardiovascular disease and he is worried about his father, who is quite unhealthy. Lino's paternal grandfather (his dad's dad) had high blood pressure and died of a stroke, and Lino's own father has atherosclerosis. His dad is a smoker who doesn't do any exercise and he is also very thin. Which of the following are risk factors for hypertension? Check all that apply.

Smoking Family history of hypertension Atherosclerosis

Which basic principle of exercise training is associated with the concept that cardiovascular-respiratory training will enhance adaptations primarily in the heart whereas resistance training will enhance adaptations primarily in the skeletal muscles?


Why is it important to consume high to moderate glycemic index (GI) carbohydrates immediately after exercise?

Stimulates a more rapid insulin response

Which of the following statements regarding the use of drugs or herbal supplements for weight control is FALSE?

Substantial research has shown that over-the-counter herbal weight loss supplements are effective for inducing and maintaining long-term weight loss

Which of the following statements about calcium supplements is true?

Supplement tablets should be taken with a meal

Which of the following sport events would rely on the lactic acid system for most of the energy production?

The 800 meter run

Exercise affects the appetite in all but which of the following ways?

The appetite will normally decrease in the athlete who has a decreased activity level

Gabe is a nutrition student who is learning that a balanced diet involves consuming foods that have a variety of vitamins in them every day. Why is it advisable to consume vitamins every day?

The body has limited storage capacity for many vitamins, so they should be consumed daily in the diet

Which of the following is NOT a recommended characteristic of a sound diet for weight control?

The diet should include fat-burning enzymes to optimize weight loss

Which of the following is NOT correct when considering a national weight-loss program?

These programs, though expensive, are worth the price since research supports their effectiveness over programs designed by the individual

Which of the following is true concerning diet and competition?

Those individuals involved in daily physical activity of a prolonged nature should stress complex carbohydrate foods in their daily diet

Which of the following is true for a high-Calorie diet?

To gain weight wisely, one needs to continue to eat healthful foods, but in greater amounts

Lisa is a college student with a strong family history of heart disease. She knows that in order to reduce cardiovascular disease risk she should lower her intake of dietary fat. Which lipid is the primary source of dietary fat in our diets?


The greatest amount of energy stored in our body is in the form of:

Triglycerides in our muscles and in our adipose

As part of her renewed focus on diet and health, Lisa is trying to eat more vegetables. She doesn't really like raw vegetables, so she has decided to add one cooked vegetable to her daily diet. She should be careful not to overcook her vegetables, because ________ are easily destroyed during cooking

Water-soluble vitamins

Which of the following is mainly an environmental rather than a possible heredity factor in the multicausal etiology of obesity?

a sedentary life-style

The MyPlate recommends a variety of foods to ensure that all nutrient needs are met. Match each nutrient to the food group that supplies it most abundantly.

a.) Vitamin D: Milk b.) Plant pigments that form Vitamin A: Vegetables c.) Vitamin E: Oils d.) Folate and Vitamin C: Fruits

The immediate source of energy for all body processes, including muscle contraction, is

adenosine triphosphate

If an athlete is on a well-balanced nutrient-dense diet, which of the following is true:

adequate vitamin nutrition should be obtained through the diet

Who has the lesser need for iron as specified by the RDA?

adult males

For an obese individual, what would appear to be one of the best types of exercise programs you could recommend that would meet the criteria as a bona fide component of a comprehensive weight control program and yet be rather practical and safe?

aerobic walking

Gastric emptying is

affected greatly by the volume of fluid ingested.

Which of the following statements relative to cholesterol is false?

all healthy diets should contain no cholesterol at all

Which of the following statements relative to an exercise program for weight maintenance or loss is true?

all of the above statements are true.

Because the human body cannot store excess nitrogen,

ammonia is formed from the excess nitrogen and the liver converts it into urea, which is eventually eliminated by the kidneys.

The loss of the menstrual cycle in some female athletes is due to:

an energy drain-meaning doing too much exercise and ingesting too few calories

Excess body fat would be least detrimental to performance in which of the following athletes?

an ultraendurance swimmer

Which hormone secreted during exercise, particularly intense exercise, is the key hormone for mobilizing glucose from the liver and fatty acids from the adipose tissue to provide blood sources of energy to the muscle?


Which of the following statements relative to protein metabolism is false?

essential amino acids can be formed in the liver from carbohydrate and nitrogen from non-essential amino acids

Nutrients that the body needs, but cannot produce in adequate quantities are called

essential nutrients

The B vitamins play major roles in:

facilitating energy production and making red blood cells

A Body Mass Index above 20 is considered obese.


All individuals will experience a decrease in blood pressure from an aerobic exercise program.


An electrolyte deficiency could impair physical performance; therefore, supplements, above normal electrolyte nutrition enhance performance.


As a person goes through his/her life cycle, the amount of protein per unit body weight remains at a constant ratio.


As the BMI increases, the odds ratio (OR) for premature death decreases.


Available research supports the ability of protein supplements to improve physical performance above and beyond the effects of the training program.


Body Mass Index below 18.5 is considered a symptom of malnutrition.


Boron has been found to enhance athletic performance and the use of boron supplements is recommended


Chromium supplementation should be recommended to athletes as a means to promote muscle growth or fat loss.


CoQ10 supplementation is recommended for the endurance athlete.


Due to potential health hazards, dietary fat holds no real value in human nutrition.


During acute, moderate duration bouts of exercise, such as a 10-kilometer run, electrolyte deficiency is a concern.


Heredity and environmental factors both contribute to obesity, thus in some instances an individual is not capable of achieving and maintaining a desirable body weight.


Hypothermia is one of the major factors limiting physical performance.


If one has been following a schedule of physical training, there should be no deterioration of exercise performance when hot temperatures arrive, even by an unacclimatized individual.


If you decide to take a vitamin supplement, buy one of the highly advertised national brands because the quality will be worth the extra price.


In order to meet the needs of a weight-gaining program, protein or amino acid supplementation is generally necessary.


Individuals who have a Body Mass Index greater than 30 are classified as obese and this is always an indication that they have too much fat on their body.


It is always necessary to take a daily vitamin/mineral supplement when one is dieting.


Loss of night vision is one of the first symptoms of vitamin E deficiency.


Magnesium supplementation has been shown to lower blood pressure.


A typical Supersize fast-food meal of a triple burger, French fries and a cola-type drink is usually high in:

fat, sodium, and sugar

Which of the following foods are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA and DHA?


Which of the following has the least amount of Calories as per the Food Exchange System developed by the American Dietetic Association and the American Diabetes Association?

five servings of vegetables

When the body cannot properly digest a portion of food resulting in gastrointestinal distress, you are most likely suffering from

food intolerance

The addition of a nutrient to a food that did not originally contain that nutrient makes it what type of food?


The dietary technique designed to increase the glycogen content in both the liver and the muscles in an attempt to delay the onset of fatigue is referred to as all of the following except

glucose loading

The three major monosaccharides are

glucose, fructose, and galactose.

Studies have shown that endurance trained athletes

have an increased muscle triglyceride content.

Trace minerals

have physiological roles that may have important implications for health or physical performance.

Regional fat distribution (the distribution of body fat such as the apple or pear shape), may have implications for the development of chronic diseases. Which two diseases may be associated with upper body or abdominal fat, the apple shape?

heart disease and diabetes

Headache, disorientation, and a rectal temperature above 105-106 degrees are clinical findings of:

heat stroke

Which of the following hormones is involved in reducing the amount of glucose in the blood in reaction to hyperglycemia?


Which two key nutrients should be stressed in the diets of women and children because they are often consumed in less than desired amounts in the United States?

iron and calcium

Hyperhydration, also known as superhydration,

is an attempt to assure that the body-water level is high before exercising in a hot environment.

A type I muscle fiber

is called a slow-twitch red fiber.

Vitamin B6 is a collective term for three naturally occurring substances that are all metabolically and functionally related. Vitamin B6

is involved in the metabolism of protein, carbohydrates, and f


is so widely available in foods that no purely dietary deficiency has been reported.

The "settling point" theory

is supported by comparing the Pima Indians living in the United States with those living in Mexico.

One reason why carbohydrate is the most important energy food for exercise is that

it is a more efficient fuel than fat.

Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the resting metabolic rate (RMR)?

it is lower than the metabolic rate when sleeping

Which of the following statements regarding hyponatremia during exercise is FALSE?

it is more common in faster runners who complete marathons in 3 hours or less

All of the following are true physiological functions exhibited by protein EXCEPT

it is the major energy source during exercise.

Nitrate may be found in:

leafy greens

What two tissues in the body store the most carbohydrate?

liver and muscles

Which of the following is not one of the physical means whereby heat is lost from the human body?


Research suggests that protein may be a significant source of energy during

the latter stage of prolonged endurance exercise, when protein could contribute up to 15 percent of the total energy cost.

Which of the following statements relative to carbohydrate loading is false?

the major advantage of carbohydrate loading is the increased storage of glycogen in the adipose cells for use during exercise

The most highly successful regimen for the treatment of anorexia nervosa involves:

therapy for the individual and the family and comprehensive medical care

During several months of endurance training, all of the following have been noted to occur EXCEPT

there is more reliance on carbohydrate oxidation during submaximal exercise.

Which statement does not describe the role of major minerals in the body?

they are a source of caloric energy

The most practical way to determine if muscles have increased their glycogen stores would be

to keep an accurate record of your body weight

Two important determinants of blood pressure are the volume of blood in circulation and the resistance to blood flow


Vitamins C and E, along with beta-carotene, are very popular supplements because all three possess antioxidant properties.


A sufficient amount of carbohydrate Calories must be present to provide a protein-sparing effect.


According to the latest government report, the majority of American adults are overweight.


Although percentages vary, according to the most healthful dietary programs consulted, all concur that the majority of the total caloric intake should be in the form of complex carbohydrates.


An aerobic exercise program that involves the large muscle groups of both the arms and legs will be the most beneficial type of program for losing body fat.


Antioxidant supplementation might be a reasonable recommendation to limit the effects of oxidation stress.


Body temperature refers to the internal, or core temperature, and not the external shell temperature.


Dietary carbohydrates are considered to be important in preventing certain chronic diseases and as part of a proper diet to lose excess body fat.


Niacin supplementation may be a useful means to help reduce serum cholesterol levels, but high doses may cause liver damage in some individuals so niacin supplements should not be taken indiscriminately.


Once fat cells are formed, the number seems to remain fixed even if weight is lost.


One key principle in selecting foods for weight control is to choose quality Calories and include more natural, unrefined products in one's diet.


One symptom of magnesium deficiency is muscle cramping, which may occur because the low levels of magnesium are not able to block the stimulating effect of calcium on muscle contraction.


Proteinuria has been observed in a variety of sports, and research suggests that the greater the intensity of the exercise, the greater the loss of protein.


Regional fat distribution may be associated with several major health problems.


Resistance-training exercises may increase bone mineral content, thus, they are an important consideration for females to help prevent osteoporosis later in life.


Setting short-term goals that may be attained in a reasonable length of time is a very important step in your weight control program.


Soft drinks have a relatively high phosphate content.


Some individuals may wish to lose excess body weight for the same reason that other individuals wish to gain weight.


Sports performance is primarily determined by genetic characteristics and state of training, but nutritional strategies may be used to enhance performance in certain sports.


The major concern when gaining weight must be to increase the fat-free mass, with little or no increase in body fat stores.


The onset of fatigue may be delayed by glucose ingestion, as this spares the liver glycogen and thus prevents hypoglycemia in susceptible individuals.


The specificity principle of training basically means that if an individual wants to gain muscle mass in a certain part of the body, those muscles must be exercised.


The three factors that contribute to heat injuries are increased core temperature, loss of body fluids, and loss of electrolytes.


The nutrients that are primarily responsible for helping to regulate bodily processes are

vitamins, minerals, and protein.

Which of the following classifications of physical activity is rated as light, mild aerobic exercise because it is likely to burn less than 5 Calories per minute?

walking at a speed of 2.0 miles per hour

Carbohydrate supplementation is beneficial to performance

when substantial amounts of the carbohydrates are consumed a day or two prior to the event.

In the exchange lists, high fat foods are usually found in which two exchanges?

whole milk and starch/bread

The main ingredient (by weight) in a product whose label contains an ingredient list which reads, in order, "Whole wheat, dextrose, hydrogenated vegetable oil, and salt" is:

whole wheat

Fat is a very efficient, compact means to store energy

with approximately 80,000-100,000 Calories stored in the adipose tissue of the average adult male.

Although athletes on weight reduction diets normally may not need vitamin supplementation, which athletes, based on the nature of their sport, may be best advised to take a supplement?


Who has the greatest need for dietary calcium, and thus the highest AI?

youth and adolescents age 9-18 years

Which of the following should you not recommend to a friend who wishes to develop a weight reduction program?

zero carbohydrate, high-protein diet

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