HR Management final

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Which of the following is an impermissible question for job applications and interviews

Do you have any disabilities

Which of the following types of professions would typically have an internship


Which of the following details need to be asked in an application form to gather information about suitable candidates

Educational Background

Discuss the following approaches to discipline: hot-stove rule and progressive discipline

According to the hot-stove rule, discipline should be like a hot stove: The glowing or burning stove gives warning not to touch. Anyone who ignores the warning will be burned. The stove has no feelings to influence which people it burns, and it delivers the same burn to any touch. Finally, the burn is immediate. Like the hot stove, an organization's discipline should give warning and have consequences that are consistent, objective, and immediate.Under a progressive discipline system, organizations prepare for problems by establishing a formal discipline process in which the consequences become more serious if the employee repeats the offense. A typical discipline system identifies and communicates unacceptable behaviors and responds to a series of offenses with spoken and then written warnings, temporary suspension, and, finally, termination. Progressive discipline seeks to prevent misbehavior and to correct it, rather than merely punish it. Creating a formal discipline process is a primary responsibility of the human resource department

What are the three different approaches of diversity training

Approaches to diversity training include: 1) attitude awareness and change, 2) behavior change, and 3) cultural immersion.Programs that focus on attitudes have objectives to increase participants' awareness of cultural and ethnic differences as well as differences in personal characteristics and physical characteristics (such as disabilities). These programs are based on the assumption that people who become aware of differences and their stereotypes about those differences will be able to avoid letting stereotypes influence their interactions with people.Programs that focus on behavior aim to change the organizational policies and individual behaviors that inhibit employees' personal growth and productivity. Sometimes these programs identify incidents that discourage employees from working up to their potential.Another approach starts with the assumption that all individuals differ in various ways and teaches skills for constructively handling the communication barriers, conflicts, and misunderstandings that necessarily arise when different people try to work together. Trainees may be more positive about receiving this type of training than other kinds of diversity training.

Team training in which team members understand and practice each other's skills so that they are prepared to step in and take another member's place is referred to as

Cross Training

What is e-learning with regard to training

E-learning involves receiving training via the Internet or the organization's intranet, typically through some combination of Web-based training modules, distance learning, and virtual classrooms. E-learning uses electronic networks for delivering and sharing information, and it offers tools and information for helping trainees improve performance. Training programs may include links to other online information resources and to trainees and experts for collaboration on problem solving. The e-learning system may also process enrollments, test and evaluate participants, and monitor progress. The best e-learning combines the advantages of the Internet with the principles of a good learning environment. It takes advantage of the Web's dynamic nature and ability to use many positive learning features, including hyperlinks to other training sites and content, control by the trainee, and ability for trainees to collaborate.

Employees can sue employers for wrongful discharge only if the employee was contracted under an employment-at-will


Putting together a request for proposal is a quick process


The Fair Credit Reporting Act requires that employers obtain a candidate's consent before downloading his/her résumé from an on-line job site


The degree to which a measure is free from random error refers to its validity


The task analysis phase of needs assessment includes determining employees' readiness for training


Usually, needs assessment for training begins with a person analysis


Distinguish between involuntary and voluntary turnover, and give examples of each

Organizations must try to ensure that good performers want to stay with the organization and those employees whose performance is chronically low are encouraged—or forced—to leave. Both of these challenges involve employee turnover, that is, employees leaving the organization. When the organization initiates the turnover (often with employees who would prefer to stay), the result is involuntary turnover. Examples include terminating an employee for drug use or laying off employees during a downturn. Most organizations use the word termination to refer only to a discharge related to a discipline problem, but some organizations call any involuntary turnover a termination. When the employees initiate the turnover (often when the organization would prefer to keep them), it is voluntary turnover. Employees may leave to retire or to take a job with a different organization.

People's perception of _____ depends on their judgment that the consequences of a decision to employees are just

Outcome Fairness

Identify two types of rating errors, and explain how to minimize them

Several kinds of errors and biases commonly influence performance measurements. People observe behavior often without a practical way of knowing all the relevant circumstances and outcomes, so they necessarily interpret what they see. A common tendency is to give higher evaluations to people we consider similar to ourselves. If the rater compares an individual, not against an objective standard, but against other employees, contrast errors occur.When a rater uses only a part of the rating scale, it is called a distributional error. Giving all employees ratings at the high end of the scale is called leniency. Rating everyone at the low end of the scale is called strictness. Rating all employees at or near the middle is called central tendency.Raters often let their opinion of one quality color their opinion of others. The halo error refers to rating employees positively in all areas because of strong performance observed in one area. The horns error refers to rating employees negatively in all areas because of weak performance observed in one area.

Discuss the steps of the selection process

The process of selecting employees varies considerably from organization to organization and from job to job. First, a human resource professional reviews the applications received to see which meet the basic requirements of the job. For candidates who meet the basic requirements, the organization administers tests and reviews work samples to rate the candidates' abilities. Those with the best abilities are invited to the organization for one or more interviews. For the top few candidates, the organization checks references and conducts background checks to verify that the organization's information is correct. Then supervisors, teams, and other decision makers select a person to receive a job offer. In some cases, the candidate may negotiate with the organization regarding salary, benefits, and the like. If the candidate accepts the job, the organization places him or her in that job.

Which of the following is true of in-basket exercises

They require teams of five to seven employees to work together to solve assigned problems within a certain time period.

A protean career is one that frequently changes based on changes in a person's interests, abilities, and values and in the work environment


An advantage of behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS) is improved interrater reliability


Development implies learning that is not necessarily related to the employee's current job


Equal employment opportunity laws affect the kinds of information an organization may gather on application forms and in interviews


Job rotation increases employees' understanding of different company functions


The Fair Labor Standards Act exempts managers and professionals from its requirement that the company pay overtime to employees who work more than a 40-hour week


To rate employee behaviors, the organization begins by defining which behaviors are associated with success on the job


Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, an employer may need to grant a clinically depressed employee time off or a flexible schedule to accommodate treatment


What is 360-degree feedback

What are two advantages and two disadvantages to using 360-degree feedback?360-degree feedback is a method of performance measurement by the employee's supervisor, peers, employees, and customers. Often the feedback involves rating the individual in terms of work-related behaviors.

A perception of _____ is a judgment that the organization carried out its actions in a way that took the employee's feelings into account

interactional justice

Martha Stevens is the HR manager of C-Soft Inc., a software company located in New York. She wants to establish the validity of a test designed for computer technicians using a predictive criterion-related validation strategy. According to this validation, Martha must administer the test to _____

people applying for computer technician jobs in C-Soft

The process through which managers ensure that employees' activities and outputs contribute to the organization's goals is known as

performance management

Performance management is the process through which managers ensure that employees' activities and outputs contribute to the organization's goals


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