HRM 360 Exam1

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The cognitive component

"I believe." The cognitive component of an attitude reflects our beliefs or ideas about an object or situation. Example: What do you think about people who talk on cell phones in restaurants? Your idea that such behavior is rude (or not) represents the cognitive component of your attitude.

The affective component

"I feel." The affective component of an attitude contains our feelings or emotions about a given object or situation. Example: how do you feel about people who talk on their cell phones in restaurants? If you feel annoyed with such people, you are experiencing a negative affect toward them.

The behavioral component

"I intend(plan)." The behavioral component refers to the way we intend or expect to act toward someone or something. Example: how would you intend to respond to someone talking on a cell phone during dinner at a restaurant if this individual were sitting near you and your guest?

What OB researchers define commitment?

"a force that binds an individual to a course of action of relevance to one or more targets." This definition highlights the way OB researchers link commitment to behavior and the way workers can commit to multiple targets or entities. For example, an individual can be committed to his or her job, family, girl or boyfriend, faith, friends, career, organization, and/or a variety of professional associations. Let us now consider the application of commitment to a work organization.

What is Organizational Citizenship Behavior?

"individual behavior that is discretionary, not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system, and that in the aggregate promotes the effective functioning of the organization." This definition highlights two key points: (1)OCBs are voluntary. (2)OCBs help work groups and the organization to effectively achieve goals.

What is Openness to change contains?

(1) Self-direction (2)Hedonism (3)Stimulation

What is FIRST two opposing or bipolar dimensions?

(1) Self-enhancement (2)Self-transcendence

What CONTAINS in self-enhancement?

(1)Achievement (2)Power (3)Hedonism

What including Informal organization?

(1)Beliefs and assumptions (2)Perceptions and attitudes (3)Value (4)Feeling, such as fear, joy, anger, trust, and hope (5)Group norms(friendly, not the same Mac Donald in different locations) (6)Informal leaders Which example is Informal organization cause? -emotional things -I don't like everyone in the work place

Two ways of Attitude Change

(1)Central route Ex: I follow what I think by the message (2)Peripheral route Ex: Election- my favorite celebrity vote on Hilary Clinton, so I want to vote to her

What is Conservation including?

(1)Conformity (2)Tradition (3)Security

Examples of organizational citizenship behavior include such gestures as

(1)Constructive statements about the department. (2)Expression of personal interest in the work of others. (3)Suggestions for improvement. (4)The training of new people. (5)Respect for the spirit as well as the letter of housekeeping rules. (6)Care for organizational property. (7)Punctuality and attendance well beyond standard or enforceable levels.

Trait affectivity PA/NA have been found to:

(1)Directly affect strain (tension, burnout, pain) (2)Indirectly affect strain by altering perceptions (3)Make people more/less vulnerable to experiencing strain in response to job stressors

What including in Self-Awareness?

(1)Emotional self-awareness Reading one's own emotions and recognizing their impact; using "gut sense" to guide decisions (2)Accurate self-assessment Knowing one's strengths and limits (3)Self-confidence A sound sense of one's self-worth and capabilities

What including in Self-Management?

(1)Emotional self-control Keeping disruptive emotions and impulses under control (2)Transparency Displaying honesty and integrity; trustworthiness (3)Adaptability Flexibility in adapting to changing situations or overcoming obstacles (4)Achievement The drive to improve performance to meet inner standards of excellence (5)Initiative Readiness to act and seize opportunities (6)Optimism Seeing the upside in events

What including in Social Awareness?

(1)Empathy Sensing others' emotions, understanding their perspective, and taking active interest in their concerns (2)Organizational awareness Reading the currents, decision networks, and politics at the organizational level (3)Service Recognizing and meeting follower, client, or customer needs

What is big 5 factors?

(1)Extroversion (2)Agreeableness (3)Conscientiousness (4)Emotional stability (5)Openness to experience

Two side of Organization

(1)Formal organization (2)Informal organization

What including in Relationship Management?

(1)Inspirational leadership Guiding and motivating with a compelling vision (2)Influence Wielding a range of tactics for persuasion (3)Developing others Bolstering others' abilities through feedback and guidance (4)Change catalyst Initiating, managing, and leading in a new direction (5)Conflict management Resolving disagreements (6)Building bonds Cultivating and maintaining a web of relationships (7)Teamwork and collaboration Cooperation and team building

What two types of value?

(1)Instrumental value (2)Terminal value


(1)Job Design (2)Training and Development (3)Self-Management (4)Goal Setting and Quality Improvement (5)Creativity (6)Coaching (7)Leadership

What is characteristics of Job Satisfaction?

(1)Need fulfillment (2)Met Expectations (3)Value attainment (4)Equity (5)Dispositional/Genetic Components

What is two keys of Organizational Citizenship Behavior?

(1)OCBs are voluntary(free will). (2)OCBs help work groups and the organization to effectively achieve goals.

What is SECOND bipolar dimension?

(1)Openness to change (2)Conservation

What are two overall factors that interact to influence human behavior in organizations?

(1)Person factors (2)Situation factors Look obvious connection More conceptial

What CONTAINS in Transcendence(existence or experience beyond the normal or physical level)?

(1)Universalism (2)Benevolence

Job Satisfaction: Causes Three extrinsic

(1)Work characteristics: Certain jobs (e.g., complex, challenging, autonomous) are more satisfying than others (2)Pay/benefits: High and equitable rewards are more satisfying (3)Supervisors/co-workers: similar and socially supportive people enhance satisfaction

EQ covers both intrapersonal and interpersonaldomains of intelligence, it is composed of

- Self-awareness - Self-management - Social awareness - Relationship management

What is three ways to reduce "cognitive dissonance"?

1) Change your attitude or behavior or both. 2)Belittle(minimize) the importance of the inconsistent behavior. 3)Find consonant(agree with) elements that outweigh dissonant(luck of harmony) ones.

How does she apply to reduce "cognitive dissonance"? Case study: sometimes attitudes conflict with reality. Suppose that Samantha has a positive attitude about helping others. One day her boss asks her to work on a special project for an important new client—and it must get done in two months. The project represents significant revenue, and her boss even promises a bonus for successfully completing it on time. Samantha would like to use the bonus to purchase a new car. The rub is that two of her peers have also come to her seeking help on their project. Samantha believes she is well suited to help them given her past experience, but she feels it would take time away from completing her special project. Should she make time to help her peers or focus solely on the special project? According to social psychologist Leon Festinger, Samantha's situation is creating cognitive dissonance.

1) Change your attitude or behavior or both. Samantha could either: (a) tell herself that she can't help her peers because the special project is too important for the company or (b) schedule extra time each day or week to help her peers. 2)Belittle(minimize) the importance of the inconsistent behavior. Samantha could belittle (in the sense of "make small") the belief that she needs to help peers every time they ask for assistance. 3)Find consonant(agree with) elements that outweigh dissonant(luck of harmony) ones. Samantha could tell herself that she can't help because the company needs the revenue and she needs the bonus.


A psychological tendency (feeling )expressed by evaluating something with a degree of positive or negative it affect behavior I like accounting class because of positive feeling towards it, but I don't like eco

What is self-enhancement HEDONISM?

A values staggery shared with "opened to change."

Big 5 work outcomes related to each other Agreeable

Agreeable employees are more likely to stay with their jobs (not quit). They tend to be kind and get along with others, and thus they often have positive relationships and experiences at work.

What is "Situation factor" in OB?

All the elements outside ourselves that influence what we feel, think, and do (which is not the person's fault) Ex: Why that person be late at work? Ans-Traffic, Alarm doesn't work, phone was dead etc

What is affect of EMOTION?

Brief yet intense affect caused by an event . -Action-oriented in nature -Vary breed in duration (second or minutes) -Many specific emotion (anger, fear, sadness, happiness, disgust, surprise)


Complex, challenging, and autonomous jobs tend to enhance perceived high self-efficacy. Boring, tedious jobs generally do the opposite.

Core self-evaluations (CSEs) definition and 4 traits?

Core self-evaluations (CSEs)represent a broad personality trait made up of four narrow and positive individual traits: (1) self-efficacy (2) self-esteem (3) locus of control (4) emotional stability. (See Figure 3.3.)

Big 5 Factor definition Conscientiousness

Dependable Responsible Achievement-oriented Persistent (hard to change own mind)

What AFFECT contains two manifest?

Emotion and Mood

Big 5 work outcomes related to each other Emotional stability

Emotional stability, along with conscientiousness and agreeableness, is associated with a greater focus on and practice of workplace safety.

directly impede or interrupt thought processes in the present moment and often trigger action (or the intent to act)


What is affect of MOOD?

Enduring yet mild affect with no one cause -Cause is unclear -last longer than emotion (hours or days) -cognitive in nature

What is Openness to change of HEDONISM?

Excitement, novelty(originality), and challenge in life -a varied(different) life, an exciting life, daring

What characteristic including in Big 5 Factor definition

Extroversion (2)Agreeableness (3)Conscientiousness (4)Emotion Stability (5)Openness to experience

KNOWLEDGE OF SELF-EFFICACY AT WORK Goal Setting and Quality Improvement

Goal difficulty needs to match the individual's perceived self-efficacy. As self-efficacy and performance improve, goals and quality standards can be made more challenging.

External Locus of Control

In contrast, those who believe their performance is the product of circumstances beyond their immediate control possess an external locus of control and tend to attribute outcomes to environmental causes, such as luck or fate. An "external" would attribute a passing grade on an exam to something external like an easy test and attribute a failing grade to an unfair test or distractions at work.

What is Openness to change of SELF-DIRECTION?

Independent through and action for choosing, creating, exploring -creativity, freedom, independent

What is a big part of what gives each of us our unique identities, and they are fundamental to the understanding and application of OB.

Individual differences

Big 5 Factor definition Openness to experience

Intellectual (academic) Imaginative Curious (eager to know or learn something) Broad-minded

Big 5 work outcomes related to each other Introverts

Introverts have been shown to score their extroverted and disagreeable coworkers more harshly than their similarly introverted coworkers.The implication is that introverts focus on interpersonal skills more than extroverts when evaluating coworkers' performance. How might this affect you in peer evaluations at school and/or work?


Managers can improve employees' self-efficacy expectations for key tasks through guided experiences, mentoring, and role modeling.

What is consist of multiple specific emotions and two main dimensions?

Mood (1)Positive affectivity (2)Negative affectivity

Big 5 work outcomes related to each other Openness

Openness seems to lead to higher turnover. Open employees are curious and likely to seek out new opportunities, even when they are satisfied with their current jobs. This characteristic seems like a double-edged sword for employers. On the one hand they want open and flexible employees, but these are also the same employees who are likely to quit. How might you deal with this as a manager or the owner of a business.

Big 5 Factor definition Extroversion

Outgoing Talkative Sociable (friendly) Assertive (confident)


Overall belief of how effectively one can perform, cope, or succeed in various situations A personʼs belief about his or her chances of successfully accomplishing a specific task. Self-efficacy can be developed. Helpful nudges in the right direction from parents, role models, and mentors are central to the development of high self-efficacy. For example, a study of medical residents showed that guidance and social support from their mentors improved the residents' clinical self-efficacy.

Internal Locus of Control

People who believe they control the events and consequences that affect their lives are said to possess an internal locus of control. Such people, called internals, tend to attribute positive outcomes to their own abilities and negative outcomes to their personal shortcomings. Many entrepreneurs eventually succeed because their internal locus of control helps them overcome setbacks and disappointments. They see themselves as masters of their own fate and not as simply lucky. Those who willingly take high-stakes jobs in the face of adversity (such as pulling a company back from scandal or bankruptcy) likely also have a high internal locus of control. Although Yahoo! continued to struggle in 2016 and will likely be sold, CEO Marissa Mayer undoubtedly has a high internal locus. This partly explains her willingness to take on the challenge of turning the company around in the face of great difficulties and criticism.

What is transcendence BENEVOLENCE?

Preservation(caring) and enhancement(quality) of people with whom ones is in frequent personal contact. -helpful, honest, forgiving, responsible

What is Openness to change of STIMULATION?

Pursuit of pleasure or sensuous(rich) gratification(fulfill) for oneself. -Pleasure, enjoying life, self-indulgent(pleasure-seeking)

Big 5 Factor definition Emotional stability

Relaxed Secure Unworried

What is conservation of Tradition?

Respect, acceptance of the customer and ideas that one's culture or religion provided. -respect for tradition, humble, accepting portion in life

What is conservation of Conformity?

Restraint(control) of actions, inclinations(tendency), and impulses(unexpected strong action) or harm others and violate expectations or norms -obedient(agree), self-discipline, politeness

What is conservation of security?

Safety, harmony, stability of society, relationship -family security, national security, healthy, sense of belongings

What is compatible(able to exist or occur together without conflict) bipolar dimension?

Self-direction and Universalism

What is Less compatible(not able to exist or occur together without conflict) bipolar dimension?

Self-direction and power

What is self-enhancement POWER?

Social status(important in relation with others) and prestige(status), control or dominance over people -authority, wealth, social power, social recognition, preserving(protect) the public image.


Supportive managerial actions—encouraging risk taking and providing "blue sky time"—can enhance the strong link between self-efficacy beliefs and workplace creativity.

What is "Person factors" in OB?

The characteristics that give people their unique identities and sense of self. Ex: Why that person be late at work? Ans-Person is lazy, hates managers , low emotion stability etc


The degree to which people base their behavior on cues(sign) from people and situations

Locus in the Workplace

The outcomes of internals and externals differ widely at work. [Internals] -Display greater work motivation. -Have stronger expectations that effort leads to performance. -Exhibit higher performance on tasks that require learning or problem solving, when performance leads to valued rewards. -Derive more job satisfaction from performance. [Externals] -Demonstrate less motivation for performance when offered valued rewards. -Earn lower salaries and smaller salary increases. -Tend to be more anxious.


Those with low self-efficacy and employees hampered by learned helplessness need lots of constructive pointers and positive feedback.


Training related to goal setting, action planning, and self-motivation all enhance(increase) self-efficacy expectations.

Big 5 Factor definition Agreeableness

Trusting (honestly) Good-natured Cooperative Softhearted (kind)

What is transcendence UNIVERSALISM?

Understanding, appreciation, protection for welfare of all people and for nature -broad minded, social justice, unity with nature, protecting the environment

What is employees value of bipolar dimension?

Universalism and Benevolence

What is this? (1)What influenced by parents, our experience in childhood and through out life, and our religious or spiritual beliefs.


What is this? (2)it is stable and influence our behavior without aware of it. personality who I am.


What is instrumental value?

Value that are modes of conduct(behavior) If I have a power value and want to get money and happiness, I think power and influence people is the only way to get happy.

What including Formal(plan/organize) organization?

What you are supposed to do. What you are told to do (1)Goals and objective (2)Policies and procedures (3)job descriptions (4)Financial resources (5)Authority structure (6)Communication channels (7)Products and service -Which example is formal organization cause? -systematic -did the formal process -Person didn't great performance at work because he got anger toward the company. Ans- both formal and informal organization.

strong situations

When I walk in the room, what exactly you should do and it is very clear to see. When police pull you over, you need to stop and keep hand visible. What exactly what I need to do. Situation affect you it doesn't matter you are extrovert or introvert employee behavior is modulated (adjusted )to meet external standards (e.g., rules, policies, norms, etc.) rather than follow internal ones, like values. -Clear and consistent(acting or done in the same way over time) job requirements that constrain personal discretion(the quality of behaving), and have consequences(result) if violated, make a situation strong Weak situation is you can relax

supply-value fit

When the organization creates situations that supply opportunities for employees to fulfill their values, workers fit better and are more satisfied and committed, and exhibit better well-being.

Locus of control

a relatively stable personality characteristic that describes how much personal responsibility we take for our behavior and its consequences.

(Attitude-to-Behavior Linkage) Subjective norm

a social factor representing the perceived(recognize) social pressure for or against the behavior.

(JOB SATISFACTION) Dispositional/Genetic Components

a. Hire employees with an appropriate disposition. Ever notice that some coworkers or friends remain satisfied in situations where others always seem dissatisfied? The dispositional/genetic model posits that job satisfaction is a function of both personal traits and genetic factors. Indeed, the model implies that stable individual differences are at least as powerful as characteristics of the work environment in their impact on satisfaction.

(JOB SATISFACTION) Met Expectations

a. Meet employees' expectations about what they will receive from the job. -Met expectations represent the difference between what an individual expects to receive from a job, such as good pay and promotional opportunities, and what she or he actually receives. -When expectations are greater than what is received, a person will be dissatisfied. On the other hand, he or she will be satisfied when outcomes are above and beyond expectations.


a. Monitor employees' perceptions of fairness and interact with them so they feel fairly treated. Equity theory builds on the notion that satisfaction rests on how "fairly" an individual is treated at work. If we perceive that our work outcomes, relative to our inputs, compare favorably with someone else's outcomes and inputs, we will be satisfied. Research has strongly supported the theory behind this model. Managers thus are encouraged to monitor employees' fairness perceptions and to interact with employees in such a way that they feel equitably treated. Chapter 5 explores how this can be accomplished.

(JOB SATISFACTION) Value attainment

a. Structure the job and its rewards to match employee values. -The idea underlying value attainment is that satisfaction results from the perception that a job allows for fulfillment of an individual's important values. -Research consistently supports this perspective. Managers can enhance employee satisfaction by providing work assignments and rewards that reinforce(supports) employees' values.

(JOB SATISFACTION) Need fulfillment

a. Understand and meet employees' needs. -it proposes that satisfaction is determined by the extent(area) to which the characteristics of a job allow an individual to fulfill her or his needs. -Needs are physiological or psychological deficiencies(a lack or shortage) that arouse(arouse) behavior. -All of us have different needs, which means that managers need to learn about employees' needs if they want to increase employees' job satisfaction. EXAMPLE: A 2014 national survey of 600 individuals by the Society for Human Resource Management asked employees to choose the aspects of their job that were very important to their job satisfaction. Their top five choices were respectful treatment of all employees, trust between employees and senior management, benefits, compensation (payment), and job security.


abstract ideals that guide one's thinking and behavior across all situations Ex:Even though original person value is Universalism, if the family takes strong power value, the person probability takes power value too. However, less power value, the person after leaves family, probably takes Universalism. This is how strong environmental are. -They can change but slowly change.

You are unlikely to say anything to someone using a cell phone in a restaurant if you are not irritated by this behavior


job satisfactions

an affective or emotional response toward various facets of your job

Big 5 work outcomes related to each other Extroversion

associated with success for managers and salespeople, and more generally for jobs that require social skills. It is also a stronger predictor of job performance than agreeableness, across all professions.

You are unlikely to say anything to someone using a cell phone in a restaurant if you have no intention of confronting the individual


You are unlikely to say anything to someone using a cell phone in a restaurant if you believe cell phone use helps people manage their lives


What is terminal value?

define the desired outcomes -goals that we work towards and view as most desirable -goals for his lifetime(end) If I think more power to get, more I will be happy doesn't matter how they get. having it end of their life.

Emotional Stability

individuals with high levels ofemotional stability tend to be relaxed, secure, unworried, and less likely to experience negative emotions under pressure. In contrast, if you have low levels of emotional stability, you are prone to anxiety and tend to view the world negatively. How is this knowledge useful at work? Employees with high levels of emotional stability have been found to have higher job performance and to perform more organizational citizenship behaviors. Recall that organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs) are actions that go above and beyond your job responsibilities to benefit the organization. EmotionallyPage 102 stable employees also exhibit fewer counterproductive work behaviors (CWBs), actions that undermine their own or others' work.


it talent surfaces when top management gives high self-efficacy managers a chance to prove themselves under pressure.

indirectly alter perception(recognition) and cognition by biasing


What is self-enhancement ACHIEVEMENT?

pursuit(chasing) personal success through demonstrating competence(ability) according to social standard -ambitious, successful capable, influenced

Organizational commitment

reflects the extent to which an individual identifies with an organization and commits to its goals. Committed individuals tend to display two outcomes: (1)Likely continuation of their employment with the organization. (2)Greater motivation toward pursuing organizational goals and decisions.

Cognitive dissonance

represents the psychological discomfort a person experiences when simultaneously(existing) holding two or more conflicting cognitions (ideas, beliefs, values, or emotions).

Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

the ability to monitor your emotions and those of others, to discriminate among them, and to use this information to guide your thinking and actions

(Attitude-to-Behavior Linkage) Attitude toward the behavior

the degree to which a person has a favorable or unfavorable evaluation of the behavior in question.

Trait affectivity

the degree to which a person has an enduring tendency to experience either positive (Positive Affectivity, PA) or negative (Negative Affectivity, NA) emotions that involve high levels of activation or engagement


the instinctive(natural) feeling a person experiences in response to stimuli(encouragement).

What is Individual differences (IDs)?

the many attributes, such as traits and behaviors, that describe each of us as a person. -So, what is it that makes us different? Is it our genetics or our environment? The answer is both. And while the way you are raised, along with your experiences and opportunities, indeed helps shape who you are, a large volume of research on twins suggests that genetics matters more. But what is more important at work is recognizing the many attributes that make us unique individuals, regardless of whether they are due to nature or nurture.

(Attitude-to-Behavior Linkage) Perceived behavioral control

the perceived(regard specific way) ease or difficulty of performing the behavior, assumed to reflect past experience and anticipated obstacles. Example: Consider the intention of donating blood. You would have a positive intention if you thought donating was valuable for society (attitude toward the behavior),if your friends were going to join you (subjective norm), and if you had the time to participate (perceived control).

Big 5 work outcomes related to each other Conscientiousness

the strongest (most positive) effects on job performance and training performance. Individuals who exhibit traits associated with a strong sense of purpose, obligation (duty), and persistence generally perform better than those who do not. They also tend to have higher job satisfaction. This trait has consistently been shown to be the most influential when it comes to performance at work.

What is Organizational Behavior?

the study of individual behavior and group dynamics in organizations -Goal is why someone acts -Things cause behavior

If our emotions shape our perceptions of reality, then Emotional Intelligence (EQ)?

the tool that allows us to control our reality


your general belief about your own self-worth. Personal achievements and praise tend to bolster self-esteem, while prolonged unemployment and destructive feedback tend to erode it. Researchers measure self-esteem by having people indicate their agreement with positive and negative statements about themselves. An example of a positive statement is, "I feel I am a person of worth, the equal of other people." An example of a negative statement is, "I feel I do not have much to be proud of." Those who agree with the positive statements and disagree with the negative statements have high self-esteem. They see themselves as worthwhile, capable, and accepted. People with low self-esteem view themselves in negative terms. They do not feel good about themselves and are hampered by self-doubts.

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