HSCI Ch 13 practice Q's

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Eating, drinking, talking on a cell phone or texting, and using other electronic devices all result in a. erratic driving. b. speeding. c. distracted driving. d. running red lights.


Gangs are estimated to be responsible for what percentage of U.S. violent crime overall? a. 16 percent b. 30 percent c. 48 percent d. 75 percent


Hate crimes are a. also known as ethnoviolence. b. most commonly committed against members of the LGBT community. c. motivated by bias. d. typically reported by the victims themselves.


An individual is less likely to commit a violent act when they are suffering from extreme stress.


Colorado has experienced a decline in motor vehicle fatalities since the legalization of marijuana.


Differences in religious and political beliefs do not appear to be factors that contribute to violence.


Discrimination is a negative evaluation of an entire group of people


Domestic violence refers to the use of force by one spouse against another.


Drowning is the third leading cause of unintentional injury death among Americans


For safety, bicyclists should ride against the flow of traffic to be able to see oncoming vehicles.


If you're swimming in the ocean and find yourself caught in a rip current, you should swim toward the shore.


If your state doesn't mandate bike or motorcycle helmets, you don't need to bother wearing them to prevent injuries


One in sixteen boys is sexually abused before the age of 18.


People commonly experience hearing loss when they listen to music at 45-60 decibels for more than one hour a day.


Primary aggression would be more likely to be triggered by an event than reactive aggression.


Psychological violence is not as devastating as physical violence.


Sexual assault is defined as penetration without the victim's consent.


Sexual harassment always involves a person in power and a situation in which sex is used for control over the victim.


Social networking sites have internal safeguards so that they cannot be used to perpetrate stalking.


Substance abuse decreases the risk of both homicide and suicide.


The media are to blame for the perpetuation of violence in our society.


Unintentional injuries are the leading cause of death among 45- to 64-year-olds.


Using homemade fireworks is safer than buying and using commercial fireworks


Whereas legal penalties exist for drunk driving, there are no legal penalties for operating a boat while under the influence of alcohol.


While it isn't smart to text while driving, there are no legal bans on this practice


Women are the only victims of intimate partner violence.


Young people may be attracted to gang membership because of the companionship or sense of security it provides.


Minicars and compact cars are currently equipped with enough safety features that, when compared to mid-size or large cars, they don't pose any additional risk if involved in a crash.


Two common factors contributing to fatalities from campus fires are alcohol use and missing or disconnected smoke alarms


List three situations that increase the likelihood of acquaintance rape.

When alcohol or drug use is involved 2. At gatherings on college campuses 3. When rape-facilitating drugs are involved, such as Rohypnol or GHB

The presence of a gun in the home triples the risk of a homicide occurring in that location.


It is safe to enjoy music on your personal music device while bicycling


The incidence of acquaintance rape is low on college campuses.


The most common cause of head injury is falls.


Define aggressive driving and provide at least four specific examples of aggressive driving practices.

Aggressive driving involves a combination of moving offenses that endanger other persons or property. Examples include speeding, making unnecessary lane changes, passing where prohibited, running red lights, failing to yield the right of way, and tailgating.

Define sexual victimization and give some possible long-term effects.

Sexual victimization refers to any situation in which an individual is coerced or forced to comply with or endure another person's sexual acts or overtures. Long-term effects include, among others, fear, sexual avoidance, sleeplessness, anxiety, and depression.

Each year in the United States, fireworks cause approximately how many injuries? a. 100 b. 1,000 c. 10,000 d. 100,000


Which statement is TRUE about reactive aggression? a. It is often part of an emotional reaction caused by frustrating life experiences. b. It is goal-directed, hostile self-assertion that is destructive in nature. c. It likely to flare up during times of conflict with authority figures. d. It is a rare and unusual occurrence in people who are normally calm and self-controlled.


A course of conduct directed at a person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear, such as repeated following, written or verbal contact, or implied or explicit threats is a. sexual harassment. b. stalking. c. sexual assault. d. surveillance.


A situation that would be a predictor of domestic violence is a. financial stability. b. marital dissatisfaction. c. tobacco use. d. moving to an unfamiliar area.


A tendency toward anger may be a. simply a mood that will pass. b. both physiological and related to family background. c. a learned response that increases with age. d. a trait of emotionally mature people.


About how many U.S. states have full helmet requirements for motorcyclists? a. 10 b. 20 c. 30 d. 40


Aggravated rape involves a. consensual penetration in the presence of a weapon. b. one or multiple attackers, strangers, weapons, or physical beating. c. rape by a spouse or family member. d. rape by someone the victim knows or has a relationship with.


Assaults on the personality, character, competence, or dignity of a child are considered a. neglect. b. psychological abuse. c. strict discipline. d. physical abuse.


At what noise level does the risk increase for injury and hearing loss? a. 75 decibels b. 85 decibels c. 95 decibels d. 105 decibels


Cindy was raped in a campus dorm. Which legislation gives her the right to call off-campus authorities to investigate the crime? a. Violent Crime Act b. Ramstad Act c. Harrison Act d. Victim of Crime Act


During a party in their residence hall, Keira did not consent to have sex with Alec, but was too intoxicated to stop him. This is an example of a. abuse. b. rape. c. intimate partner violence. d. aggravated rape.


Homicide is the second leading cause of death for persons age a. 12 to 29. b. 15 to 24. c. 25 to 34. d. 35 to 49.


In one-third of homicides in the United States, a. the perpetrator and victim are acquainted or are friends. b. the perpetrator and the victim are part of the same family. c. the perpetrator and the victim are strangers. d. the perpetrator chooses the victim randomly.


About one-half of all boating fatalities involve alcohol


Alcohol poisoning is the leading cause of poisoning deaths American adults


"Acquaintance rape" is now the term used instead of "date rape" because the word date implies something reciprocal or arranged, which has the effect of minimizing the crime.


Alcohol and drug abuse are often catalysts for violence


. Skateboarding injuries are more likely to occur when a skateboarder a. attempts a stunt beyond his or her skill level. b. tries out a new board without adequate instruction. c. practices alone. d. is on an unfamiliar surface.


A woman often remains a victim of domestic violence because a. she fears retaliation against herself or her children. b. she is financially independent. c. she believes the situation will never change. d. her cultural or religious beliefs allow divorce.


Which of these workers has the highest risk for fatal injury? a. Truck driver b. Construction worker c. Surgeon d. Office worker


About 35 percent of women and 15 percent of men have been a victim of stalking.


Name at least four factors that increase the likelihood of violence in our society

1. Community factors such as unsafe neighborhoods, high level of drug abuse, guns, and gangs, and inadequate police and social services 2. Societal factors such as high levels of inequality or discrimination, norms that support male dominance over women or violence as a means of settling problems 3. Religious beliefs and differences 4. Political differences 5. Breakdowns in the criminal justice system 6. Stress, depression, anger, or other mental health issues 7. Heavy use of alcohol or drugs

Identify at least four community-wide strategies for preventing violence.

1. Inoculate children against violence in the home by teaching them respect and responsibility. 2. Develop and enforce policies and laws that prevent violence. 3. Develop educational programs that teach interpersonal communication skills. 4. Involve families, schools, and multiple community groups in programs that help young people to develop self-esteem and self-efficacy. 5. Promote tolerance and acceptance and establish policies that forbid discrimination. 6. Improve community services focused on family planning, day care, and mental health and substance abuse. 7. Make sure public areas such as walking trails, parking lots, etc., are well lit and patrolled regularly. 8. Improve community-based support and treatment for victims.

List at least three safety tips to prevent poisoning.

1. Read and follow all usage and warning labels before taking medication or working with chemicals. 2. Never share or sell prescription medication. 3. Never take more than one medication at the same time without the approval of your health care provider. Also follow medication guidelines for alcohol consumption. 4. Never mix household products because of the risk of toxic fumes. 5. Wear a protective mask when working with chemicals and make sure the area is well-ventilated. Wear gloves, protective clothing, and an eye guard if there is danger of splashing. 6. Keep the national poison control hotline number programmed into your phone.

identify four types of bullying and give an example of each.

1. Verbal bullying: examples include saying or writing mean things, teasing, taunting, name-calling, and threatening directly or indirectly 2. Social bullying (relational bullying): examples include hurting someone's reputation, trying to demean them and turn others against them, or leaving them out of social interactions 3. Physical bullying: examples include hitting, spitting on, or injuring someone or his or her possessions 4. Cyberbullying: examples include bullying carried out on social media or other sites

Alcohol use is a. involved in about one-third of all motor vehicle fatalities. b. a form of distracted driving. c. second only to drowsiness as a leading cause of motor vehicle crashes. d. most likely to be involved in fatal crashes in people age 25 to 34.


An extreme environmental event that causes widespread destruction of land and/or property, injuries, and sometimes deaths is a(n) a. natural disaster. b. national disaster. c. weather phenomenon. d. emergency situation.


Any substance that is harmful to the body when ingested, inhaled, injected, or absorbed through the skin is a(n) a. poison. b. illicit drug. c. pollutant. d. chemical.


Based on statistics about campus violence, female students who are victims of rape a. usually know the perpetrator. b. usually are off campus when the rape occurred. c. usually report it. d. usually are seniors or graduate students.


Deliberate acts that cause harm to a child are characterized as a. child abuse. b. child neglect. c. child maltreatment. d. predatory behavior.


Jill's husband berated her because his laundry was not folded and put away when he got home. Jill feels guilty for not finishing the laundry earlier in the day. Which phase in the cycle of violence are they in when Jill vows to make sure she doesn't make this mistake again? a. Tension building b. Acute battering c. Remorse/reconciliation d. Honeymoon period


More than 8 out of 10 people who drown while boating were a. not wearing a personal flotation device. b. not properly trained in how to operate a boat. c. drinking while boating. d. distracted by music or conversation before falling overboard.


One of the most common chronic ailments experienced by college students is a. low back pain. b. migraine headaches. c. type 1 diabetes. d. mononucleosis.


The September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon are examples of which type of violence? a. Collective violence b. Domestic violence c. Interpersonal violence d. Religious violence


Violence inflicted against one individual by another, or by a small group, is a. interpersonal violence. b. ethnoviolence. c. a hate crime. d. terrorism.


What system uses a variety of technologies to notify campus or community members in the event of public emergencies? a. REVERSE 9-1-1 b. the federal emergency management system. c. the National Guard. d. the CDC's Emergency Preparedness and Response Division.


Which of the following statements about marital rape is TRUE? a. The legal definition varies within the United States. b. It has been illegal in all 50 States for more than 45 years. c. Women who are pregnant have a reduced risk of marital rape. d. Alcoholism and substance abuse do not generally play a role in marital rape.


Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is a. risky driving. b. careless driving. c. impaired driving. d. distracted driving.


A device worn to provide buoyancy and prevent drowning is a a. personal safety monitor. b. personal flotation device. c. navigation device. d. life raft.


Antilock brakes, air bags, and traction control are important features to look for in buying a new car because they a. increase resale value. b. increase safety. c. come standard in most models. d. improve performance.


In the United States, drowsy driving is estimated to cause about how many fatal motor vehicle crashes each year? a. 600 b. 6,000 c. 16,000 d. 60,000


Injuries to joints that occur due to the physical stress of motions made over and over again are known as a. occupational-related disorders. b. repetitive motion disorders. c. tendonitis. d. bursitis.


Lately, Tricia has been screaming at her boyfriend and throwing things at him when he comes home after a night out with his buddies. The last time this happened, she smashed a lamp against the wall, barely missing Greg's head. Which phase of the cycle of violence does this behavior represent? a. Tension building b. Acute battering c. Remorse/reconciliation d. Honeymoon period


Many of the elderly who are abused fail to report abuse, neglect or exploitation because they a. are happy to have someone to take care of them. b. fear retribution or removal from their home. c. readily accept the loss of control. d. have dementia and can't remember details of the abuse.


Sexual penetration without the victim's consent is a. sexual intimacy. b. rape. c. physical abuse. d. sexual assault.


Some men believe that when a woman says "no" to sex, she really means "yes." This belief is an example of a. male socialization. b. male misperceptions. c. trivialization. d. societal pressure to be macho.


Speeding plays a role in what percentage of fatal motor vehicle crashes? a. Almost 10 percent b. Almost 30 percent c. Almost 50 percent d. Almost 70 percent


The first-aid procedure that involves performing chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on an unconscious victim is a. MRI. b. CPR. c. CPM. d. RPR.


The increasing amount of violence being viewed by children and young people on television, online, and via other media has a. increased the rate of violent crime among teens age 13 to 17. b. not been shown to have a measurable impact on youth crime rates. c. been linked to an increase in bullying in elementary schools. d. lowered high school reading and math scores on standardized tests.


The intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, likely to result in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation is the World Health Organization's definition of a. a hate crime. b. violence. c. aggravated assault. d. a criminal act.


Violence based on prejudice and discrimination that is directed toward members of a particular racial or ethnic group is a. interpersonal violence. b. ethnoviolence. c. a hate crime. d. terrorism.


Which form of violence has the ability to affect the U.S. economy, travel, security measures, and military operations? a. Gang violence b. Terrorism c. Interpersonal violence d. Ethnoviolence


Which of the following behaviors is considered neglecting a child? a. Physical harm b. Failure to provide meals on a regular basis c. Living in a small, cramped apartment d. Sexual abuse


Which of the following is TRUE about primary aggression? a. It will not result in the bodily harm of others. b. It is goal-directed, hostile self-assertion that is destructive in nature. c. It results from frustration with minor, daily life experiences. d. Aggressive behavior does not necessarily result in violent interactions.


Carpal tunnel syndrome is a repetitive motion disorder that affects the a. neck and back. b. back and shoulder. c. wrist and hand. d. ankle and foot.


About how many American adults have some degree of hearing loss? a. 12 million b. 21 million c. 38 million d. 66 million


Any form of unwelcome sexual conduct related to any condition of employment or evaluation of student performance is a. sexual assault. b. sexual coercion. c. sexual harassment. d. rape.


Avoiding overloading electrical circuits and positioning lamps away from curtains, linens, and paper are strategies for preventing a. falls. b. high electric bills. c. fires. d. clutter.


Campus law enforcement officers now have a. increased independence from state or local law enforcement officers. b. more training on campus safety. c. more staff and increased authority to prosecute student offenders. d. the ability to enforce laws in classrooms but not in student living quarters.


In the event of a rape, the victim should first a. bathe or shower and clean anything the attacker touched. b. wash the clothing worn and save for evidence. c. call 9-1-1. d. call a friend or family member for support.


Injury done to another person with the intent to harm is a. a premeditated homicide. b. a premeditated assault. c. intentional injury. d. unintentional injury.


Jason comes from a family that rarely expresses emotion. His parents also sometimes fail to discipline appropriately and ignore situations until they become chaotic. These characteristics of Jason's home life may indicate an increased risk for a. sexual abuse. b. depression. c. problems with anger management. d. problems with substance abuse.


Marilyn, a 79-year-old widow, has been financially exploited by her neighbor. This type of exploitation is known as a. social violence. b. community victimization. c. elder abuse. d. neighbor fraud.


Sally brought her boyfriend Paul home to visit over the holiday break. Sally's mother noticed that Paul repeatedly criticized and attacked Sally's actions, decisions, and opinions. Paul may be a. looking out for Sally's best interest. b. trying to impress the family. c. engaging in psychological abuse. d. trying to prove that he is smarter than Sally.


The use of force or the threat of force to control and maintain power over another person in the home environment is a. ethnoviolence. b. intimate partner violence. c. domestic violence. d. domestic terrorism.


To be prepared for a natural disaster, how much water should one person have stockpiled? a. half a gallon b. a gallon c. 3 gallons d. 5 gallons.


To reduce your risk for sexual assault with someone who is threatening you, you should a. avoid eye contact. b. avoid making a scene. c. speak in a strong voice. d. pretend you're talking on your cell phone.


Which of the following are common characteristics of a child abuser? a. Holding extreme beliefs about religion or race b. Being raised in an isolated rural area c. Low income with poor self-image d. Highly educated but with little patience


Which of the following are symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome? a. Uncontrolled tremors b. Excessive bleeding c. Tingling sensation or pain d. Numbness or temporary paralysis


Which of the following is the leading cause of unintentional death in the United States? a. Motor vehicle crashes b. Fires c. Unintentional poisonings d. Homicides


Death that results from the deliberate intent to injure or kill is a(n) a. hate crime. b. death-penalty crime. c. incident of manslaughter. d. homicide


Doing exercise that strengthens the core muscle groups will help to prevent a. injuries from loss of balance. b. neck strain. c. repetitive motion injuries. d. low back pain.


Falls are the most common cause of which of the following injuries? a. Bruising b. Burn injuries c. Sprained ankle d. Hip fracture


In 2014, about what percentage of total poisoning deaths were due to opioid overdose? a. 10 percent b. 25 percent c. 33 percent d. 66 percent


Injury done to another person by accident or without premeditation is a. a noncriminal act. b. a forgivable offense. c. intentional injury. d. unintentional injury


Janelle is visiting friends who have a cabin on a lake. A precaution Janelle should take to stay safe while swimming is to a. swim alone. b. wait at least 20 minutes after her last alcoholic beverage before going in the pool. c. avoid swimming in deep water. d. pay attention to the water temperature.


On average each year in the United States, how many people are shot? a. 10,000 b. 25,000 c. 50,000 d. 100,000


Over-the-counter drugs commonly implicated in overdose incidents include a. statins (cholesterol-lowering medications). b. antidepressants. c. allergy medications. d. sleep medications.


Political differences have historically a. empowered men to be tough and aggressive. b. justified violence against others. c. created an environment of hopelessness. d. been triggers for violent acts.


Risk for which of the following conditions is significantly increased in people who survive near-drowning? a. lung cancer b. cardiovascular disease c. osteoarthritis d. severe brain damage


Statistics indicate that wearing a helmet while skiing a. offers no protection from fatal injury. b. essentially guarantees that skiers will not suffer a fatal injury. c. significantly reduces the risk of a fatal injury. d. moderately reduces the risk of a fatal injury.


Teasing, demeaning, hitting, and spitting on another person are all examples of a. stalking. b. situational abuse. c. sexual harassment. d. bullying.


Three factors most likely to contribute to motor vehicle crashes are a. lane changes, tailgating, and speeding. b. drowsiness, talking while driving, and speeding. c. freeway driving, night driving, and slick road conditions. d. impaired driving, distracted driving, and aggressive driving.


What percentage of accidental drowning deaths among adults involve alcohol? a. Nearly one-quarter b. Nearly one-third c. Nearly half d. Nearly three-quarters


Which commonly used electronic device has been associated with hearing loss in young people? a. Laptop computer b. Tablet c. Cell phone d. Portable music device


Which federal agency works to prevent future terrorist attacks? a. the Federal Bureau of Investigation b. the Federal Emergency Management Agency c. the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention d. the Department of Homeland Security


Which of the following conditions is a repetitive motion disorder? a. Sprained ankle b. Tension headache c. Fractured wrist d. Carpal tunnel syndrome


Which of the following is TRUE about substance abuse and violence? a. Athletes are less likely than nonathletes to mix alcohol use and violence. b. Nearly 10 percent of convicted offenders were using alcohol when they were arrested. c. Alcohol or drugs are involved in an estimated 33 percent of all offenses leading to prison. d. Alcohol is a factor in 40 percent of all violent crimes.


Which of the following is an example of the remorse/reconciliation phase of the cycle of violence? a. Sharon can no longer predict her husband's violent acts, so she spends as much time at her sister's house as possible. b. John threatens to teach Sharon a lesson if she doesn't do what he wants. c. Sharon tries harder to please John to avoid being beaten. d. The day after John hits Sharon so hard her lip is split open, he brings her flowers and says he is sorry.


Which one of the following is an example of primary aggression? a. Calling someone a name in response to teasing b. Getting upset when you lose while playing a video game c. Frustration in trying to solve a calculus problem d. Bullying another student in the cafeteria


Which serious crime is one of the most underreported to police? a. Aggravated assault b. Hate crime c. Homicide d. Rape


A hate crime is the unlawful use of force or violence to intimidate in furtherance of political or social objectives.


Wearing a safety belt decreases your risk for serious injury or death in a motor vehicle crash by almost half.


. One strategy for avoiding becoming the victim of identity fraud is to frequently change the passwords for all of your devices and websites.


A death that results from the intent to injure or kill is a homicide.


Accidental poisonings sometimes occur because people mix common household products together; certain combinations can give off toxic fumes.


Bias-related crimes against those of a particular ethnic group are sometimes referred to as ethnoviolence.


By law, statistics on campus sexual assault must be reported annually in campus crime reports.


Child abuse refers to deliberately causing harm to a child.


Collective violence is violence perpetrated by groups against other groups


Extreme religious beliefs can contribute to violence.


Forcing a first-year student to dress in a humiliating costume is an example of hazing.


Gang violence is a form of collective violence.


Hate crimes are sometimes committed in retaliation for a real or perceived insult, unfairness, or slight.


If you are physically attacked, you should shout "Fire!"


If you come home to find your residence has been broken into, you should not enter


In a fire, the first priority is to get out, and then call 9-1-1 once you are in a safe location.


In some states, marital rape is treated as a lesser crime than rape involving people who are not married.


Many researchers consider driving when drowsy to be as dangerous as driving drunk


More murders in the United States are committed using firearms than any other weapon.


Prejudice can be the motivating force behind a violent act


Prescription medication can cause impaired driving


Revoking an impaired driver's license may reduce the risk for motor vehicle accidents


Sexual jokes, suggestive comments, and sexual innuendoes are forms of sexual harassment


Skateboarding injuries are often due to inexperience and overconfidence


Snowboarding has a lower fatality rate than skateboarding


Stalking can be conducted online.


The U.S. Public Health Service defines violence as a chronic disease, indicating that it is a pervasive threat to society.


Thrill seeking is sometimes a motivation for hate crimes.


Violence involves aggressive behavior with the intent to inflict physical or psychological harm.


Wearing a properly fitted helmet reduces a bicyclist's risk of head injury by half


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