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which population is more likely to use hospital emergency rooms for their healthcare? indigent populations, medicaid recipients, the elderly or all of these

all of these

which statement is correct about switzerlands healthcare system a. nonsmokers pay less expensive premiums than smokers b. healthier citizens pay more for their health insurance c. approximately 99.5% of swiss citizens have health insurance

all of these

why are life expectancy rates calculated a. they can be used to compare both male and female life expectancy rates b. the calculate the average life expectancy f a country c. they are often used as a comparison measure of a country's health status d. all of theses are correct

all of these are correct

which statements are true about frances health insurance system

all physicians participate in their public health insurance

epidemiologists identify three major risk factors for disease which are called

epidemiology triangle of the host the agent and the environment

the _________________________ was established as a result of the 2001 terrorists attack in New York City

Department of homeland security

True or False. Involuntary health insurance (IVHI) is a type of private healthh insurance that is provided by non-for-profit and for-profit health plans such as blue cross blue shield


true or false. nearly 60% of medicare enrollees are male which corresponds to the longer life expectancy of the U.S. male.


The ____________________ report was responsible for medical school curriculum development and administration standards which are still in existence today


The ____________________________ developed behavioral standards for employees who deal with blood products such as wearing gloves and other equipment disposal of blood collection materials

Occupational exposure to blood-borne pathogen standard

___fill___in___the___blank___ used by the institute for healthcare improvement is a four step cycle focuses on imporvement of workflow in the healthcare industry

PDSA (Plan Do Study Act)

what is the first step if implementing a public health education campaign?

Perform a community assessment to determine at risk populations

What is the purpose of the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials?

They provide support for state and local health departments by advocating for increased public health funding and profile training for state public health leaders

True or fasle. Public health functions are functions that provide services to the community. they target populations rather than individuals they include child immunization programs health screenings in schools community health services substances abuse programs and sexually transmitted disease control


medicare cost plans are: a type of HMO allow members to seek out of network have similar rulse to medicare advantage plans all of these

all of these

since the late 1980s which organization has been reviewing and accrediting managed care organizations

accreditation association for ambulatory health care

which statement(s) is (are) correct about tobacco use worldwide? a. tobacco use kills six million people annually b. it is the largest preventable risk factor c. Approximately 600,000 are killed from second hand smoke d. all of the above

all of the above

a typical hospice team includes which of the following? social workers, physicians and nurses, clergy, or all of these

all of these

which statements are correct about hospitals a. hospitals may specialize in treatments such as children's health, cancer, and mental health b. they provide total medical care c. many comsumers use their emergency departments as their primary care provider d. all the above

all the above

the three core public health functions are:

assessment policy development and assurance

which statement is correct about japans healthcare system.

both japan is very focused on integrating technology into their healthcare system and japans healthcare is based largely on employer based insurance

which of these activities demonstrate the collaboration between traditional and public health medicine? a. a formal relationship was established between the american medical association (AMA) and the American public health association (APHA) b. a relationship between the AMA and the american hospital association c. both a formal relationship was established between the american medical association (AMA) and the american public health association (APHA) and an increase in collaboration between the AMA and the CDC d. an increase in collaboration between the AMA and the CDC

c both a formal relationship was established between the american medical association and the american public health association and an increase in collaboration between the AMA and the CDC

in a managed care organization reimburses the provider at a ___fill___in___the___blank___ which means they receive a set rate for serving enrolled patients regardless of how much care the provider gives

capitated rate

___fill___in___the___blank___ are services such as experimental treatments that medicaid are not obligated to pay for because they may be too expensive

carve outs

a type of copayment, ___fill___in___the___blank___ which is for a fee for service policy the patient pays a percentage of the cost of the services. a typical coinsurance portion is 20% paid by the individual with the remaining 80% paid by the health insurance plan


as part of the medicare rural hospital flexibility program (MRHP) _____fill____in ____the _____blank_________ is a mechanism that allows for capital costs which enables these facilities to expand

cost plus reimbursement

True or False. Traditional health functions are functions that provide services to the community. they target populations rather than individuals. they include child immunizations programs, health screenings in schools, community health services, substance abuse programs, and sexually transmitted disease control.


True or False. the affordable care act requires insurance companies to cover young adults on their parent's insurance until age 30, even if they are not living with their parents, are not declared dependents on their parents' taxes or are no longer students


True or false. Almshouses operated by local governments were used to quarantine people who had contagious diseases such as cholera. These institutions were the predecessor of hospitals.


True or false. chiropractors have a holistic approach to treating their patients which means they focus on the entire body with emphasis on the spine although they can prescribe drugs.


true or false certified nursing assistants (CNAs) are licensed patient attendants who work nder the supervision of physicians and nurses


true or false teaching hospitals have one or more graduate medical resident programs approved by the american hospital association.


true or false. The health insurance marketplace offers different types of health insurance plans that are categorized form bronze to platinum levels. the bronze level of health insurance premiums is the most expensive


true or false. The national institute of health is establishing the cancer acceleration network which is a grants center to encourage research in the cure and treatment of diseases


true or false. a short stay or rehabilitative hospital focuses on patients who stay on average of less than 30 days.


true or false. dementia is the most common form of alzheimer's


true or false. health information legacy systems are systems that store transmit collect and retrieve these data


true or false. it is important to mention the general term nonphysician practitioner (NPP) which includes nonphysician clinicians (NPCs) and midlevel practitioners (MLPs) also referred to as physician expanders.


true or false. legal standards are the maximum standard of action established


true or false. local health department oversee the licensure of healthcare facilities including hospitals


true or false. medicare Part B is also referred to a medicare advantage and it can be considered a managed care model.


true or false. medicare is the program based on an individual's income.


true or false. most insurance policies require a contribution from the covered individual which may be a copayment deducible or conisurance which is called cost participation


true or false. quality use as defined by the CMS has established core measures those healthcare providers must meet to determine the EHR system is being adequately used


true or false. registered nurses can only be licensed in one state.


true or false. specialists can be primary care physicians family care practitioners general internal medicine physicians or general pediatricians


true or false. the nurse compare website is established to help consumers with research about their physicians.


true or false. the public health function assessment enforces laws that protect environmental health and safety


The _________________________which is responsible for responding to natural and man-made disasters in the US is under the umbrella for the department of homeland security

federal emergency management agency

what is the difference between the life expectancy of a female and male in the United States

females typically live longer than males

the federal agency that is responsible for ensuring that food human and veterinary products biological medical devices cosmetics and electronic products are safe is the

food and drug administration

in some MCOs the primary care provider is the _____fill____in____the______blank______ of all of the care for te patient member


__________________ created in 1996 are providers that focus specifically on the care of patient when they are hospitalized. this type of provider recognized the need of providing quality hospital care


________________ are the foundation of our healthcare system.


what is the purpose of a care coordinator

individuals who combine nursing social work and disability assistance to help those who are medicare and medicaid eligible and suffer from chronic conditions

what is the purpose of the physician compare website

it allows consumers to find out which physicians accept medicare

__fill__in__the__blank__ developed by motorola uses satatistics to identify and eliminate defects in patient care. the approach, developed by Motorola, uses statistics to identify an eliminate defects in patient care.

lean sigma six

epidemiologic surveilance consists of:

monitoring disease outbreaks to develop public health intervention strategies to combat disease

Which agency was established in 1970 to govern the workplace environment to ensure that employees have a safe and healthy environment ?

occupational safety and health administration

___________are physicians who provide care to patients while they are hospitalized


what is the logo NACCHO developed to promote public health by the local health departments?

prevent, promote, protect

primary prevention activities focus on:

reducing disease development

The national institutes of health is a federal agency that is responsible for

research towards preventing and curing disease

another word for a temporary care program is?

respite care

which federal agency was established in 2002 and why?

the department of homeland security to oversee any major catastrophic events such as terrorism natural disasters and severe weather

What do the American Cancer society, american health association and the american lung association all have in common

they all have active health promotion activities at the national state and local levels

what re physician hospital organizations?

they are healthcare providers that contract with MCOs to provide services to their members

True or False. Fore example California's Integrated Healthcare Association's (IHA) Pay4Performance program, started in 2003, has operated as the largest nongovernmental program nationally.


True or False. The affordable care act requires insurance companies to cover young adults on their parents' insurance until age 26, even if they are not living with their parents, are not declared dependents on their parents' taxes or are no longer students.


True or False. The affordable care act requires most US citizens are legal residents to purchase health insurance if they can afford it or pay a penalty


True or False. increasing numbers of states are using managed long term services and supports (MLTSS) as a strategy for expanding home and community based services to ensure quality and increase efficiency


True or False. the concept of managed care has been evolving seriously since the early 1930s


True or false the health resource and services administration provides access to essential health care services for people who are low income uninsured or who live in rural areas or urban neighborhoods were health care is scarce


True or false. Legal standards are the minimum standard of action established for individuals in a society.


True or false. Voluntary health insurance (VHI) is a type of private health insurance that is provided by non for profit and for profit health plans such as blue cross blue shield


True or false. countries with national health care programs such as Great Britain provide universal access to health care to all citizans. They have a single payer system which means the government pays for the health care services.


True or false. local health departments are the governmental organization that provides most direct services to the population


true or false an example of telemedicine is electronic consulting between specialists and generalists


true or false health information technology is important because it can reduce medical errors


true or false the affordable care act of 2010 mandates that health insurance companies must spend 80%-85% of their permium revenues on quality health care


true or false the medicare improvements for patient and providers act of 2008 (MIPPA) authorized incentives to encourage physicians to prescribe.


true or false. Avera eCARE established eEmergency which provides rural providers with immediate electronic access to emergency certified physicians and nurses to help them with doagnosis of patients with critical conditions


true or false. Million hearts is a national initiative to prevent one million heart attacks by 2017. the focus is to educate providers and patients on the "ABCS" through the use of electronic health records


true or false. Pay for performance (P4P) or value based purchasing (VBP) are terms that describe health care payments systems which reward health care providers for their efficiency by providing higher quality are for less cost.


true or false. The national institute of health is establishing the cures acceleration network which is a grants center to encourage research is the cure and treatment and diseases


true or false. The villages is one of the largest over-55 golf cart communities in the untied states. They have developed a partnership with the university of south Florida to create a patient centered community based and primary care driven healthcare system. a primary care network is being developed in which all residents have access to a medical home or care center that will be located within 10 minutes by golf cart.


true or false. a recent trend in health insurance plans is consumer driven health plans which are tax advantage plans with high deductible coverage. the most common CDHPs are health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs) and health savings accounts (HSAs)


true or false. a short stay or acute care hospital focuses on patient who stay on average of less than 30 days.


true or false. according to the textbook, more than 7000 medications related deaths occur each year as a result of incompatible drug interactions and drug allergies.


true or false. accountable care organizations (ACOs) are groups of providers and hospitals who voluntary to give coordinated care to medicare patients


true or false. as the types of MCO's have evolved over the years the restrictions have lessened but there is a financial penalty such as a higher copayment or higher deducible for choosing a provider outside of the network.


true or false. chiropractors have a holistic approach to treating their patients which means they focus on the entire body with emphasis on the spine


true or false. generalists can be primary care physicians family care practitioners general internal medicine physicians or general pediatricians


true or false. if a physician is an employee of a managed care organization the MCO will pay the physicians salary and bonuses based on performance.


true or false. imaging informatics applies computer technology to organs and tissue


true or false. in a national health system as in great britian taxes support the system but the government also manages the infrastructure for health care delivery. countries with national healthcare programs provide universal access to health care to all citizens


true or false. information technology (IT) has had a tremendous impact on the healthcare industry because it allows faster documentation of every transaction


true or false. it is important to mention the general term nonphysician practitioner (NPP) which includes nonphysician clinicians (NPCs) and midlevel practitioners (MLPs) also referred to as physician externders.


true or false. managed care plans are a type of health program that combines administrative costs and services costs for cost control


true or false. medicare is an entitlement program because people after paying into the program for years are entitled to receive benefits.


true or false. national health insurance as in canada is funded by the government through the general taxes although the delivery of care is by private providers. countries with national health care programs provide universal access to health care to all citizens


true or false. outpatient care centers include kidney dialysis centers mental health and substance abuse clinics surgical and emergency centers. these centers provide different types of services that can be obtained without staying overnight.


true or false. over the last decade there has been an increase in the collaboration between public health and private medicine


true or false. psychologists study the human mind and human behavior. some psychologists work independently, doing research or working only with patients


true or false. public health marketing draws form the business discipline of marketing theory and adds science-based health strategies of promotion and prevention


true or false. robotic surgery is a type of minimally invasive surgery (MIS) that surgeons manipulate robotic arms to perform surgeries normally performed by humans


true or false. siemens has introduced a pocket sized ultrasound Acuson P10 which can be used for traditional applications of diagnostic and screening tests. it can be used in outpatient areas intensive care units and rescue helicopters to provide instant information to make a diagnosis


true or false. silent POOs are unauthorized third parties outside the contract between the MCO and the physician that gain access to the MCO discount rates


true or false. social media is electronic communications dedicated to community-based input, interaction, content-sharing, and collaboration


true or false. state governments oversee the licensure of healthcare facilities including hospitals


true or false. the american medial association has recognized that obesity should be treated as a disease and treated as such.


true or false. the establishment if a chief information officer (CIO) in healthcare organizations emphasizes how important information systems and technology had become to healthcare organizations


true or false. the goal of the healthy people reports is to improve the quality of life and to eliminate health disparities in the Unites States


true or false. the public health function assurance enforces laws that protect environmental health safety


true or false. there is a new product called electronic aspirin which is an implant on the side of the head normally impacted by a headache


true or false. used in both fee for service and prepaid plans copayments are costs that the patient must pay at the time they receive the services. it is a designated dollar amount


true or false? registered nurses can be licensed in several states


The incident command system is:

used by the department of homeland security to manage major disasters

why is the US hospital beds rate so low?

we as healthcare consumers prefer outpatient services

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