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What are the 7 basic attachments in Hansell's Theory and their Signs of Failure?

1) Food, Water, & Oxygen, along with informational supplies. SOF-bordem, apathy, & physical disorder 2) Intimacy, sex, closeness, & opportunity to exchange deep feelings. SOF-loneliness, isolation, & lack of sexual satisfaction. 3) Belonging to a peer group such as social, church, or school group. SOF- not feeling part of anything 4) A clear, definite self-identity. SOF-feeling doubtful and indecisive 5) A social role that carries with it a sense of being a competent member of society. SOF- depression & a sense of failure. 6) The need to be linked to a cash econonmy via a job, a spouse with an income, social security benefits, or other ways. SOF-lack of purchasing power, possibly an inability to purchase essentials. 7) A comprehensive system of meaning with clear priorities in life. SOF-sense of drifting through life, detachment, and alienation.

What are the mandated or required services for Community Mental Health Centers?

1. Impatient Care 2. Outpatient Care 3. Partial Hospitalization 4. Emergency Care 5. Consultation, Education, and Information Amended to include 6. Vocational & Physical Training as well as Research and Evaluation

According to the textbook, what is the function of counseling as a type of human service?

Counseling helps people consider their choices and options in life. Counseling may focus on career choice, budgeting, legal matters, or marital problems. Some counseling services deal with helping people with personal problems and therefore overlap with psychotherapy.

What effect did the Industrial Revolution have on the vast majority of poor people?

It brought about a new philosophy that had a strong influence upon society's attitude toward the poor and disadvantaged. The philosophy was known as the Protestant Work Ethic. This reinforced as set of values supporting the virtues of industrialization and condemned idleness as almost sinful. Hard work, and thereby an accumulation of wealth, was interpreted as God's reward for leading a virtuous life. On the opposite end of the philosophy, poverty was viewed as a punishment from God.

Describe the system that was established with the Elizabethian Poor Law?

It established a system that provided shelter and care for the poor. This law also specified local responciblity for the poor and disadvantaged. If the families, which were the first in line to take care of the disadvantaged, then it became the State's responcibility. This was the framework for the Welfare System.

Who are the "deserving poor"?

It is a group of people who are not able to be self-supporting. Included in this group are the aged poor, young children or poor families, some discharged mental patients, and people who are permanently disabled.

The Human Services Model tends to place more emphasis on what rather than on complex theories?

It places more emphasis on practical problem solving-a pragmatic attitude.

What is meant by the term the "graying of America"?

It refers to the growing number of people 65 years of age and older. Over 15% of the population is currently over 65 years of age and estimates indicate that by the year 2040, more than 25% of the population with be in that category.

What was the purpose of the Settlement House Movement?

It was a reflection of early human services philosophy. Settlement House workers embraced the view that it was the responciblity of society to help the poor and disadvantaged. They also encouraged the view that problems confronting individuals are created by environmental circumstances rather than by personal inadequacy.

Define Hansell's Theory?

Its one of the most elaborate theories used by human service workers in Hansell's motivation theory. Hansell and his colleagues theorized that people have to achieve 7 basic attachments to meet their needs. If they do not achieve each attachment, they go into crisis, or a state of stress.

Define and Describe Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

Level # !- Physiological Needs (Homeostasis,specific hungers, food, water, air, shelter, and general survival. Level #2- Safety Needs (Security, stability, freedom from anxiety & chaos, need for structure & order) Level #3- Belongingness & Love Needs (Love, affection, belongingness, need for family & friends) Level #4- Esteem Needs (Self-esteem, esteem of others, achievement, recognition, dignity) Level #5- Self-Actualization Needs (Ability to direct one's own life, a sense of meaning & fulfillment)

Is it true that people living in poverty are primarily unemployed?


Where are the greatest number of institutionalized elderly persons held?

Nursing homes

What are the two main types of human disorders that have been traditionally identified?

Physical & Mental (Psychological)

When individuals lack primary social supports, they run a relatively high risk of what?

Physical or mental illness (Tuberculosis, alcoholism, accident proneness, severe mental illness & suicidal tendencies)

Which U.S. President initiated the Works Progress Administration, the Civilian Conservation Corps, and Aid to Dependent Children?

President Franklin D. Roosevelt

What is the human services model which is most closely associated politically?

Social movements devoted to bettering the lives of oppressed minority groups. People who are social activists, pushing with Liberal views. DONT ANSWER WITH LIBERAL VIEWS. KNOW WHAT LIBERAL VIEWS ARE.

What influences the degree of support for human services?

The economy/$$$=National & Regional Public Opinion?

In Freudian terms, which system employs reason & logic and is concerned with helping the person survive in the world?

The ego

Define the ego?

The ego "the executive" employs reason & logic & is concerned with helping the person survive in the world.

What factor in our changing society has triggered a reexamination of the role of Western and non-Western treatment strategies?

The greater diversity in cultural backgrounds has already initiated many changes in the provisions of services. Multicultural programs & ethnic sensitivity training are part of the current training system and are likely to continue on a larger, more formalized scale in the future.

Define the meaning of being "Self-Actualized"

The highest need on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Has to do with fulfilling ones's innate tendencies and potentials. This need involves expressing one's inner nature and talents. This highest level of motivation generally becomes prominent in later life.

What are the 3 subsystems that make up the personality according to Freud?

The id, the ego, & the superego

What is a defense mechanism?

When a realistic resolution of conflict is not availabl, the ego employs the defense mechanism to reduce tension. Example-the entire conflict may be repressed or blocked from awareness. The desire may be expressed in some disguised or symbolic way. Example-agressive urges may be discharged in sports & games, or erotic feelings may be expressed in artistic pursuits.

What are the criticisms of Maslow's theory of motivation?

-The idea that our lower needs must be satisfied before moving to the next higher ones. -A certain degree of hardship in meeting basic needs can bring people together and give them a sense of purpose in working to overcome adversity. -Deprivation of basic physiological needs may sometimes facilitate satisfaction of higher needs , such as the need for intimacy.

Define Trephining?

A primative medical Tx that included a small section of the human skull was bored out, probably by means of sharp stones or other such crude instruments.

What is the difference between abuse and neglected children?

Abuse is usually an act of comission on the part of the caregiver, meaning a voluntary act, whereas neglect is an act of omission, in which some ingredient important to the child's welfare is not provided. Many instances of neglect are involuntary on the part of the parent or caregiver. Sometimes the caregiver may be unable to provide for the child because of illness, incarceration, loss of income, or some other unforeseen event.

When most people talk about "welfare", they are referring to what?

Aid to Families with Dependant Children (AFDC). This still exists in some states today.

Who developed the concept of the laissez-faire economy?

An Englishmen by the name of Adam Smith in 1776. His book, The Wealth of Nations argued for an economy in which government had virtually no influence and placed no restrictions on the free marketplace. According to Smith, without government control, society would grow and prosper by itself based on people's individual merit and hard work. Supporters of this concept saw human services not as a right but as a misguided societal gift- a gift that they percieved would actually hinder overall economic production.

Which theorist emphasized the person's basic task at each phase of developement?

Erik Erikson as well as other neo-Freudians

Identify the significant contribution of Phillipe Pinel, the French physician, in 1792?

He became the director of La Bicetre, a mental institution in Paris. He inspired the idea that the insane might be curable, unchained some prisoners and provided adequate food, clothing, and other necessities of life. Although he still advocated the use of harsh measures as sometimes-useful tools of Tx, the reforms of Pinel are considered by many to be the first major revolution in mental health care.

Who became known as developing the "Social Darwinism" views?

Herbert Spencer, who was a sociologist.

What are the MAJOR providers or sponcers of human services?

Human services organizations may be sponsored, or organized and funded by private citizens, by religious and other groups, or by government. Private agencies may be operated on either a profit-making or a nonprofit basis. THE MAJOR PROVIDERS ARE GOVERNMENTS (LOCAL, STATE, FEDERAL). THEY PROVIDE DIRECT AND INDIRECT AID TO THOSE IN NEED.

According to the text, what are the criticisms of the welfare system?

In 1995, the welfare state was criticized for breaking up families, rewarding irresponcible behavior, and minimizing work incentives for the poor.

Which level of observation stresses a person's skills, motives, and needs?

Psychological Point of View

What is the preferred Tx for child abuse?

The preferred approach is to hold the family together if that is at all possible and to give the parents the support they need to become adequate parents. Rather than to punish the parents, the goal is to help them break the cycle of abuse. Examples: group parenting classes, abusing parents are encouraged to call the staff of the mental health agency when they feel the impulse to hurt their children, (PA) Parents Anonymous a group founded in 1970 that avoids the angry feelings that are often generated by an outside authority intruding into a home. Abusing parents voluntarily admit their tendencies to others like themselves and work on the issues behind why they commited the abuse.

What is meant by the term "mainstreaming"?

The prevailing current of thought, influence, or activity-everyday normal life.

Define the id?

The seat of primitive instincts such as sexual & aggressive drives. This part of the personality want it now. It is the first system to appear in the developement of a child.

Define the superego?

The supergo is similar to the conscience. It is an outgrowth of the taboos & moral values of the society as interpreted by the parents. It aims to inhibit desires that are regarded as wicked or immoral.

When comparing traditional social supports and professional service agencies, where would Self-Help groups be placed?

They occupy a position somewhere between traditional social suppports & formal agencies that provide service. They are mutual help groups made up of people who have similar problems. The increasing popularity of these groups may be due partly to the decline if the extended family & other traditional sources of support in our society.

What is the first step in the Medical Model Procedure?

To arrive at a Dx-which means to classify & label the disorder according to the presenting symptoms.

List the type of Human Services Organizations the textbook describes.

To be considered human services, the help must be provided by some type of formal organization, be it a clinic, hospital, nursing home, agency, bureau, or other service institution.

Identify the major goal of human services intervention?

To identify the needs & problems of the client & then provide resources to meet the needs and solve the problem.

Name the 3 fuctions of theories?

Understand, Predict, Control

Define a generalist?

a person who is familiar with a variety of therapeutic approaches rather than specializing in one or two areas.

What increased important factors will be placed on Human Service workers in Western Culture?

a) knowledge about other cultures b) the skills necessary in working with diverse populations c) the proper attitudes when working with individuals of varying cultural backgrounds.

The paraprofessional or generalist human services worker movement resulted in a renewed intrest in which way, as opposed to intrapsychic factors in causing maladaptive behaviors?


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