Human Sexuality Exam 2

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autoerotic asphyxiation

Cutting off one's air supply to enhance one's orgasm but misjudging the extent of doing so such that accidental death occurs.

T/F Heterosexuals are twice as likely as homosexuals to have a mood disorder


T/F androgynous individuals have lower self-esteem than "masculine" individual


T/F female body image dissatisfaction ends by the late 30s


T/F men are more likely to say "I love you" to a romantic partner first



In Chinese thought, the female force that is seen as passive. vaginal fluids thought to be inexhaustible


In Chinese thought, the male force that is viewed as active. semen, viewed as precious


Removal of body hair by men (mostly single) as a grooming behavior to present one's best sexual self to one's partner.


belief that rising about carnal lust and the pursuit of sensual pleasure into. life of self-discipline and self-denial is desirable Catholic priests, nuns, etc.


belief, stated or implied, that heterosexuality is superior (e.g., morally, socially, emotionally, and behaviorally) to homosexuality

according to one study, which group is viewed the most negatively

bisexual men


bladder infection

sexual fluidity

capacity for variation in one's erotic responses depending on the situation

____________ refers to the condition of being unmarried and refraining from having sexual intercourse, although a person who practices celibacy is not necessarily a virgin


conversion therapy is focused on what

changing homosexuals' sexual orientation

primary sex characteristics

characteristics that differentiate women and men, such as external genitalia (vulva and penis), gonads (ovaries and testes), sex chromosomes (XX and XY), and hormones (estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone)

Plan B

a high dose progestin pill that acts to prevent ovulation or fertilization of an egg can reduce the change of pregnancy by 89% most effective if taken 24 hours after exposure


first menstruation (occurs around 12-13)


first year of life following birth


generally includes three sexually involved adults

during puberty the hypothalamus triggers the pituitary gland to release ____________ into the bloodstream

gonadotropins; these hormones cause the testes in the male to increase testosterone production, as well as the ovaries in the female to increase estrogen production

most worldwide HIV infection occurs through ___________ transmission


___________ is attraction to persons of the same sex


romantics believe

in love at first sight, one true love, and that love conquers all

which of the following is a similarity between love and sex?

involves physiological changes

all the following are considered advantages of female superior position EXCEPT

it is more relaxing compared to other positions

which of the following in NOT TRUE about stalking?

it usually does not cause great emotional distress for the recipient

which of the following is considered a limitation of rear entry position

lack of face-to-face contact

this theory focuses on the role of reinforcement of early patterns of sexual behavior

learning theory

tertiary relationships

less emotionally intimate, sometimes with long distance or more casual partners


licking and/or insertion of the tongue into the partner's anus rimming

real-life experience

living in the social role of the other sex for a year, prior to beginning hormonal or surgical therapy

approximately 50,000 new cases of HIV are reported annually, and _____________ sexual contact is the most common mode of transmission in the United States with 29,700 infections reported annually


behavioral androgyny

refers to the blending or reverasal of traditional male and female behavior, so that a biological male may be very passive, gentle, and nurturing and a bilogical female may be very assertive, rough, and selfish.


refers to the sum of biological characteristics that define the spectrum of humans as females and males. This would include anatomical characteristics that determine gender. The term sex emphasizes the physical attributes and activates related to being male or female.

gender dysphoria

the condition in which one's gender identity does not match one's biological sex


the cultural expectation that one will marry outside the family group

which of the following is a rule of an open relationship

the partners have veto power openness about your feelings partner must approve of person prior to sex


the poly word for more than one spouse

homogamy theory

theory of mate selection that holds that individuals are attracted to and become involved with those who are similar in such characteristics as age, race, religion, and social class

three-person relationships in which one member is sexually connected to each of the two others is known as


sexual health

would be the relationship between multiple factors ranging from sexual behaviors, attitudes, societal factors, and biological factors such as genetic predisposition


"Opposite" of jealousy whereby a person feels positive about a lover's emotional and sexual enjoyment with another person.

dichotomous model

(Also referred to as the "either-or" model of sexuality) Way of conceptualizing sexual orientation that prevails not only in views on sexual orientation, but also in cultural understandings of biological sex (male vs. female) and gender (masculine vs. feminine). major criticism? ignores the existence of bisexuality

coming out

(shortened form of "coming our of the closet") sequence of defining one's self as homosexual in sexual orientation and disclosing one's self-identification to others

cons of masturbation

- feeling of being abnormal - strengthened attraction to inappropriate stimuli - guilt

myths about masturbation

- masturbation causes insanity, headaches, epilepsy, acne, blindness, nosebleeds, "masturbator's heart", tenderness of the breasts, warts, nymphomania, undesirable odor, and hair on palms -masturbation is an abnormal, unnatural behavior -masturbation is immature -masturbation is practiced mostly by simple-minded people -masturbation is a substitute for intercourse/ is antisocial

data from 143 adolescent African American males revealed parent-child closeness was........

- positively correlated with amount of parent child sexual communication with both parents - associated with greater condom use, less permissive sexual attitudes, fewer sexual partners, and less unprotected sex (side note: males communicated more with mothers than fathers)

influences of human sexuality

- reproduction - anatomy and physiology - behaviors - emotions -values - sexual self concept thoughts - interpersonal relationships -reproduction

5 attitudes about homosexuality

1. general attitude - homosexuality considered normal or abnormal? 2. equal rights 3. close quarters - feelings about having a gay neighbor or lesbian colleague 4. public display 5. modern homonegativity - feeling that homosexuality is accepted in society and that various special attention are unncessary

how heterosexuals are affected by homophobia

1. heterosexual victims of hate crimes 2. concern, fear, and grief over well-being of gay or lesbian family members and friends 3. restriction of intimacy and self-expression 4. dysfunctional sexual behavior 5. School shootings 6. loss of rights for individuals in unmarried relationships

how do women differ from men in regard to relationships and sexuality in a number of ways

1. importance of relationship commitment (females more involved) 2. body image 3. masturbation 4. expressing love 5. sexual thoughts 6. orgasm 7. number of partners

SSRS score 38-above - higher risk

16% were in this category thoughts and behaviors are less supportive of safer sex

how many countries have recognized same-sex couples for immigration purposes


what percentage of cohabitants are under the age of 25

18 percent

what percent of undergraduate males and females reported that they had been stalked?

18%; 28%

the largest percent of cohabitants (36%) are between what ages


an estimated _______ of adults in the U.S., or about 700,000 individuals, self-identify as transgender


neonatal death rate for babies born to adolescent women is ____________times higher than for those born in their 20s and risks of low birth weight and preterm birth are more than _____________

3; double

Violence against LGBT youth statistics

4 in 10 LGBT youth say the community in which they live is not accepting of LGBT people LGBT youth are twice as likely as their peers to say they have been physically assaulted, kicked, or shoved at school 26% of LGBT youth say their biggest problems are not feeling accepted by their family, trouble at school/bullying, and a fear to be out/open 22% of non-LGBT youth say their biggest problems are trouble with class, exams, and grades.

sexual fantasies on the job: sexual relationship at the office

41% fantasized about it 24% experienced it

in a probability sample of gay and bisexual men, _________ reported that they were currently married


what percentage of U.S. adults favor same sex marriage


what percent of a national survey of workers revealed that they know a married co-worker who has had an office affair

53 percent

SSRS score 15-37 - average risk

68% were in this category "average" people can get HIV rate of HIV among college students is 10 times that in the general heterosexual population

what percent of all adults in the US today age 65 or older have married

96 percent

family balancing

Act of selecting the sex of a child before it is conceived for a "balanced" one boy, one girl family and involves separating sperm carrying X and Y Chromosomes.

sexual fantasies

Cognitions, or thoughts and/or images, that are sexual in nature.


Construct that refers to antigay responses including negative feelings (fear, disgust, anger), thoughts, and behavior.

A former sexual partner of Taylor's was recently diagnosed as HIV Positive. Taylor is afraid to get tested, because not knowing if he is infected means he does not have to deal with it. Which premise is best represented by Taylor's situation?

Decisions produce ambivalence

T/F About half of 5,000 unmarried singles reported having had sex by the third date


T/F SIECUS takes the position that all individuals should choose to masturbate


oedipal complex

Freud's term based on the legend of the Greek youth Oedipus, who unknowingly killed his father and married his mother; involves the young boy's awakening sexual feelings for his mother as he becomes aware he has a penis and his mother does not.

benefits of coming out

Higher levels of acceptance from parents Lower levels of alcohol and drug consumption Fewer identity and adjustment problems sense of relief


Persons with the biological/anatomical sex of one gender (e.g., male) but the self-concept of the other sex (e.g., female).


Prenatal test in which a needle is inserted (usually in the 16th or 17th week of pregnancy) into the pregnant woman's uterus to withdraw fluid that is analyzed to see if the cells carry XX(female) or XY(male) chromosomes, and to identify chromosomal defects


Sexual orientation whereby the predominance of emotional and sexual attraction is to persons of the other sex.

4 stages of identity development

Stage 1: First awareness or realization that one is "different" (often before puberty Stage 2: Test and exploration (teenage years) Stage 3: Identity acceptance (define themselves as homosexual or bisexual) - gay men arrive at homosexual self-definitions between ages 19-21 - occurs after initial same sex experience - women arrive at homosexual self-definitions between ages 21-23 - occurs after developing an emotional intimate, loving same-sex relationship Stage 4: Identity integration (pride and commitment, disclosing orientation to others)

T/F Lesbian relationships are happier than heterosexual relationships


T/F bisexual women report the worst mental health in terms of anxiety, anger and depressive symptoms



a boy's first seminal ejaculation (occurs around age 13 or 14)

paid sex

a spouse seeks sexual variety with a prostitute who will do whatever the spouse wants

how many of the 429 undergraduates regretted having intercourse too soon in a relationship

almost a third

_______________refers to oral-anal stimulation


down low

behavior of keeping one's activity private; term used to describe men who have sex with men but do not label themselves as gay or bisexual

stigma view of virginity

considers virginity as something to be ashamed of, to hide and to rid oneself of 8.4%

which of the following is NOT an effect intercourse will have on you

cultural values

a risk associated with anal intercourse that may result from bacteria from the anal region being spread to the urethral opening ?



developmental stage in which a youth achieves reproductive capacity


emotional and sexual attraction to members of both sexes


emotional response to a perceived or real threat to an important or valued relationship

T/F Most friends with benefits participants have a clear understanding of their relationship and the "rules" for their future


T/F Polyamory, like sexual orientation, is an innate predisposition for multiple sexual partners


which of the following is NOT a con of masturbation

increases risk of STI


individual who lives in a gender role that does not match his or her biological sex but who does not surgically alter his or her genitalia (as does a transsexual)

what is the primary reason for disapproval of same sex marriage


friends with benefits

nonromantic friends who also have a sexual relationship more men (54%) than women (43%)

sexual guilt

personal emotional reaction to engaging in sexual behavior that violates personal sexual values

Which of the following did not influence the concept of love in the 1100s

religious structure

what makes a man jealous

rival's physical dominance

according to Sternberg's triangular theory of love, a summer fling is an example of which type of love?


The _________ position may be preferred in the latter months of pregnancy

side by side

the ______________ position is relaxing for both partners

side by side


social and psychological characteristics associated with being female or male

gender roles

social norms that dictate appropriate female and male behavior

secondary partners

tend to keep keep their lives more separate than primary partners, frequently maintain separate finances and residences, may have less intense emotional connections than primaries

T/F a significant proportion of men in the United States seeking international wives have been married before


T/F over half of the workers in a national survey knew of a married person involved in an office romance


office romance

two individuals who work together may drift into an affair

T/F Greater alcohol use is associated with intercourse with a stranger



permanent cessation of menstruation that occurs in middle age

T/F in one study of sexually active adolescents, over 15% reported wanting to get pregnant


T/F most teachers in public schools to use abstinence-only curriculum


T/F most very early sexual debuts (e.g., age 12) are nonconsensual


T/F Binge drinkers have the lowest rate of condom use


brief encounter

a spouse meets and hooks up with a stranger.

consummate love

combination of intimacy, passion, and commitment

sexual debut

one's first sexual intercourse


state of not having experienced sexual intercourse process, stigma, gift

reasons for the increase in cohabitation include

- career or educational commitments - increased tolerance of society, parents, and peers - improved birth control technology - desire for a stable emotional and sexual relationship without legal ties - avoiding loneliness - greater disregard for convention `

arguments against same-sex marriage

- conservative morality - claim that gay marriage leads to declining marriage rates, increased divorce rates, and increased non marital births - subvert stability and integrity of the heterosexual family - point to pubic opinion polls that suggested that majority of Americans are against same sex marriage

why is a dental dam recommended over the use of anal washing as a mechanism of protection when having anal sex?

- even with thorough washing Hepatitis can still be contracted - the many folds on the inside of the anus make it impossible to remove all germs - tears in the anal tissue can expose the body to foreign antigens resulting in an infection.

Comfort with sexual matters for young adolescents (CWSMYA) participants and results

- female average score of 5.02 (more erotophilia) - male average score of 5.22 (more erotophilia) - men were more erotophilic on the comfort scale - women had greater variability in responses on the comfort scale

benefits of singlehood

- freedom, including sexual variety - responsible for one's self only - close friends of both sexes - spontaneous lifestyle - feeling of self-sufficiency - freedom to spend money as one wishes - freedom to move as career dictates - no control/ influence from spouse - no emotional or financial loss caused by divorce

advantages of polyamory

- greater variety - avoidance of hidden affairs / deception - different needs met by different people

factors associated with relationship satisfaction were the same for all couples regardless of sexual orientations

- having equal power and control - being emotionally expressive - perceiving many attractions - few alternatives to the relationship - placing a high value on attachment - sharing decision- making

disadvantages of polyamory

- having to manage feelings of jealousy - greater exposure to STI - limited time

arguments in favor of same-sex marriage

- it would promote relationship stability among gay and lesbian couples - refusing to recognize same-sex marriages granted in other states is a violation of civil rights that denies same-sex couples many legal and financial benefits - distinct wellbeing benefits - children would also benefit - there are a few religious based arguments in support of same-sex marriage

8. other sexual differences! women are

- less likely to report that they are hedonistic about sex - less likely to have hooked up - more likely to have been cheated on - more likely to have been stalked - more likely to have been pressured to have sex by a person they were dating

other sexual differences men are

- less likely to value being a committed relationship - show less concern about body issues - more likely to masturbate - less likely to say "I love you" - more likely to report thinking about sex - more likely to orgasm - more likely to have higher number of sexual partners - more likely to report being hedonistic, having hooked up, having cheated, stalked a partner, and pressuring a partner to have sex

higher scores on the SSRS (student sexual risks scale) ...

- more likely to engage in risky sexual activities

limitations of marriage

- restrictions from spouse or children - responsible for spouse and children - pressure to avoid other relationships - routine, predictable sex/ lifestyle - potential to feel dependent - money spent in reference to spouse/ children - restrictions on career mobility - potential to be controlled/ influenced by spouse - possibility of divorce

truths about masturbation

- there is no evidence that masturbation impairs physical or mental health - many people masturbate throughout their lives - is a normal function - effective way to experience sexual pleasure - many sexually active people with available partners masturbate for additional gratification - intercourse and masturbation can be viewed as complementary sexual experiences, not necessarily as mutually exclusive - masturbation can be an effective way to learn about your own sexual responses so you can communicate them to your partner can also occur during sexual interaction with one's partner

love in medieval Europe

-Not necessarily based on romance or feelings -Marriage was influenced by economics, politics, power, family status rather than love. -English revolutions of 1642 and 1688 and the French Revolution of 1789 caused aristocrat families to lose power and marriage became less political

differences between love and sex

-love is crucial for human happiness while sex is important, not crucial -love is pervasive, where as sex tends to be localized -love tends to be more selective than sex

In the Greek and Hebrew conceptions of love

-phileo refers to love based on friendship and can exist between family members, friends, and lovers --- philanthropia "love of humankind" -agape refers to a love based on concern for the well-being of others; spiritual in nature "whatever I can do to make you happy" -eros refers to sexual love ----Plato's conception of eros-> homosexual love was highest form of love because it was independent of procreative instinct

similarities between love and sex

-represent intense, enjoyable feelings -involve physiological changes -have a cognitive component -expressed in various ways -need increases with deprivation

Pros of masturbation

-self-knowledge -increased body comfort -orgasm more likely (90% or greater) -pressure taken off partner -no partner necessary -avoids risk of disease transmission or pregnancy -unique, pleasurable experience -helpful in maintaining sexual fidelity -useful in treatment of sexual dysfunctions

Buddhist conception of love

-two types of love: 1) "unfortunate" kind of love (self-love) 2) "good" kind of love (creative spiritual attainment or "love of detachment") -the best love is the one in which you accept other as they are without requiring them to be like you

risks of coming out

1) Parental and family members' reactions 2) Harassment and discrimination at school 3) Harassment and discrimination at the workplace - Employment Non-Discrimination Act 4) Hate crime victimization

7 type of FWBR and their percentages

1) True Friends (26%)- close friends who have sex on multiple occasions 2) Just sex (12%)- focus is sex and a serial hookup, no care about that person 3) Networking opportunism (15%)- part of same social group and go home together when there is no better option "sexual fail safe" 4) Successful transition (8%)- intentional use of FWBR to transition into romantic 5) unintentional transition (8%)- turns into romantic relationship from spending time together and having regular sex 6) Failed transition (7%)- one partner became involved, while the other did not 7) transition out (11%)- couple was romantic, relationship ended, but sex continued

barriers to communication for parents talking to their children about sex

1) anxiety associated with the desire to protect the innocence of the child 2) uncertainty regarding the best age, for the child, for the parent to be open about sexual information 3) fear of the reactions of other parents 4) parental discomfort

social correlates of masturbation

1. Gender- men are more likely to report having masturbated 2. race and ethnicity- white men masturbate more than black men/ black women masturbate more than white women 3. education - individuals with higher levels of education are more likely to report having masturbated in the past year

open relationship rules

1. Honesty - all the time 2. Recreational Sex - sec w the other person is purely recreational and not going anywhere 3. Condom Use - all the time 4. Approval - every person we have sex w must be approved by partner 5. Online hunting - prohibited

recommendations for coming out to one's parents

1. avoid speaking from a defensive point of view 2. avoid talking about your current relationship 3. try to maintain a constant flow of positive reinforcement toward your parents 4. be confident in your views and outlook on homosexuality

different types of extramarital affair

1. brief encounter 2. paid sex 3. instrumental or utilitarian affair 4. coping 5. paraphilia affairs 6. Office romance 7. Internet use

women's and men's reactions to jealousy revealed four significant differences

1. food - women more likely to turn to food (30.3%) 2. alcohol- men more likely to turn to alcohol (46.9%) 3. friends - more women turn to friends (37.9%) 4. nonbelief that "jealousy shows love"- women much more likely to disagree w statement that "jealousy shows love" (63.2%)

coping strategies for dealing with a stalker

1. make a direct statement to the person 2. seek protection through formal channels 3. avoid the perpetrator 4. change phone numbers, address, etc.

Positions for Intercourse]

1. man-on-top position: missionary/ most common position - variation "oceanic position" 2. woman-on-top position: more likely to lead to orgasm in woman 3. side-by-side position 4. rear-entry position "leaping tiger" "doggie style" 5. sitting position 6. standing position 7. variations

internal causes of jealousy

1. mistrust- if cheated on in the past that individual may be mistrustful in later relationships 2. low self-esteem 3. lack of perceived alternatives- think no one else will want them 4. insecurity

top personality characteristics desired in a mate

1. mutual attraction (love) 2. dependable character 3. emotional stability/ maturity 4. pleasing disposition

considerations for having sex with a new partner

1. personal consequences 2. timing 3. partner consequences 4. relationship consequences 5. contraception 6. HIV and other sexually transmissible infections 7. influence of alcohol and other drugs 8. it's okay to change your mind about including intercourse in a relationship

reasons for gay men remaining unattached

1. personal past 2. collective past (membership in a particular historical cohort) 3. previous relationship 4. particular tastes 5. still searching 6. loner

sources for homonegativity and homophobia in the United States

1. religion 2. martial and procreative bias 3. concern about HIV and AIDS 4. rigid gender roles 5. psychiatric labeling 6. myths and negative stereotypes

marital sex is characterized by its social legitimacy, declining frequency, and superiority in terms of sexual and emotional satisfaction

1. social legitimacy- marital intercourse is the most legitimate form of sexual behavior 2. declining frequency 3. sexual and emotional satisfaction- enjoy the most satisfying experience

other reasons for an affair include the following

1. variety, novelty, and excitement 2. workplace friendships 3. relationship dissatisfaction 4. sexual dissatisfaction 5. revenge 6. homosexuality 7. aging 8. absence from partner 9. high androgen levels

overweight or obese girls are at least __________ more likely than their recommended-weight peers to have ever had anal intercourse, regardless of whether they have ever had vaginal sexual intercourse


SSRS score below 15 - lower risk

16% were in this category relative to other students, your thoughts and behaviors are more supportive of safer sex

what percent of U.S. adults report that there has been a change in their sexual orientation?


of adults in the U.S., about 1% of females self-identify as lesbian, 2% of males self-identify as gay, and 1.5% of adults self-identify as bisexual. Hence, about ____________(10 mil) are LBG


by age 75, only _________ of American women and ____________ of American men have never married

3.9%; 3.5%

in a probability sample of gay and bisexual men, what percent reported that they are currently married


between the ages of 25 and 29, ___________ of females and ____________ of males are not married

47.8%; 62.2%

of 5,865 respondents in the U.S. ages 20-29, what percent of women reported that they had received oral sex from a man in the past 12 months?


in a national study of homosexual men, _________ believe that they were born w their homosexual orientation; only ___________ believe that environmental factors are the sole cause

90%; 4%

of the 1,197 adults in a study of the LGBT community, _________ reported that they saw society becoming more accepting of them in the last decade


of 94 gay women in one study, ________ said their first homosexual experience was emotional; physical expression came later



Also referred to as sexual touching, the broad category of activities which are usually undertaken with the goal of increasing one's own and/or one's partner's sexual arousal and pleasure. benefits? 1) not focused on genital performance 2) physiological benefits from touching 3) promote a context of trust and connection

which of the following is NOT a way in which love and sex are similar

Both are crucial for human happiness

hate crimes

Bringing harm to an individual because he or she is viewed as belonging to a group of which one does not approve.


Broad term for individuals who may dress or present themselves in the gender of the other sex; a more pejorative term than a cross-dresser.

According to ________ of mate selection a person who is disorderly will seek a person who is orderly

Complementary Needs Theory

involuntary abstinence

Condition of not having sexual relations due to environmental factors, such as not having a partner or being confined to an institution that does not encourage sexual expression.

a study on international marriages between Eastern European-born women and U.S.-born men found homogamy operative in

Education Race Marital Status

T/F national data on adolescents reveals that most are depressed and feel social rejection


T/F overweight females are more likely to be sexually active than recommended-weight counterparts


semen-conservation doctrine

From early Ayurvedic teachings in India, the belief that general good health in both sexes depends on conserving the life-giving power of "vital fluids" (Semen and vaginal fluids).

3 biological explorations of sexual orientation

Genetic Theories - if one identical twin was gay or lesbian, in 31.6% of the pairs, the co-twin was also gay or lesbian - men with older homosexual brothers are more likely to be homosexual themselves - genetic influences were linked to homosexuality in both women and men, with estimates of 50%-60% heritability for women and about 30% for men Perinatal Hormonal Theories - prenatal influences - hormonal and neurological factors operating prior to birth, between the second and fifth month of gestation, are the "main determinants of sexual orientation" Postpubertal Hormonal Theories - not that strong - belief in biological determinism of sexual orientation among homosexuals is strong


Insertion of several fingers or an entire closed fist and forearm (typically lubricated with a non-petroleum-based lubricant) into a partner's rectum and sometimes the lower colon; term also used to describe insertion of hand into vagina.

___________is not one of the three concepts of love introduced by the Greeks and reflected in the New Testament


is there a social/ cultural influence

Parent-Child Interaction Theories (Freud) - Criticisms? 1) does not resolve the question "is the absent or distant father relationship a result or cause of the child's homosexuality?" 2) sons w overprotective mothers and rejecting fathers also grow up to be heterosexual 3) two sons growing up in the same type of family may have different sexual orientations Sexual Interaction Theories - propose that such factors as the availability of sexual partners, early sexual experiences, imprinting, and sexual reinforcement influence subsequent sexual orientation Sex-Role Theories 1) Self-labeling theory "through a process of socialization, lesbians and gays incorporate ideas about what it means to be lesbian or gay into their own identities" 2) inappropriate (nontraditional) sex-role training 3) Exotic Becomes Erotic (EBE) theory combines biological and environmental components

"Love is never "finished" and complete; throughout life, it changes and matures, and thus remains faithful to itself. Idem velle atque idem nolle—to want the same thing, and to reject the same thing—was recognized by antiquity as the authentic content of love: the one becomes similar to the other, and this leads to a community of will and thought."

Pope Benedict XVI

sex roles

Roles filled by women or men that are defined by biological constraints and can be enacted only by members of one biological sex only such as (wet nurse, sperm donor, child bearer).

T/F HPV can be transmitted via oral sex and cause throat cancers


Match the description to the appropriate theory of choosing a mate: Tyler has found a partner with whom he has an attraction. His partner is similar in age, race, and social class.

This is a cultural factor and an example of endogamy

Match the description to the appropriate theory of choosing a mate: isabelle has a weakness of being shy at parties and not wanting to mingle. Her partner is very outgoing and extroverted.

This is a psychological factor and an example of complimentary-needs theory

T/F most (over half) U.S. adults believe that the legalization of same sex marriage is inevitable


T/F self-identified sexual orientation is often incongruent with preference and behavior


T/F sex selection for girls has a higher percentage of success than for boys


T/F transgender girls are more likely to be gay than transgender boys


multidimensional model

Way of conceptualizing sexual orientation which suggests that a person's orientation consists of various independent components (including emotions, lifestyle, self-identification, sexual attraction, fantasy, and behavior) and that these components may change over time. Most important contribution is its incorporation of self-identity as a central element of sexual orientation

which of the following statements best describes secondary partners?

a relationship in which the partners maintain separate dwellings and finances and do not make the decisions jointly

concept of secondary virginity

a sexually experienced person's deliberate decision to refrain from intimate encounters for a set period of time and to refer to that decision as a kind of virginity


a stimulus loses its value with repeated exposure

gender role transcendence

abandonment of gender schema, or becoming "gender aschematic," so that personality traits, social and occupational roles, and other aspects of an individual's life become divorced from gender categories

about how many gay dads are there in the United States

about 500,000

parental investment

any investment by a parent that increases the offspring's chance of surviving and thus increases reproductive success

obsessive relational intrusion

behavior of a stranger or an acquaintance who repeatedly invades one's physical or symbolic privacy in his or her attempts to have an intimate relationship


behavior that involves treating categories of individuals unequally

external factors of jealousy

behaviors a partner engages in that are interpreted as 1) an emotional and/ or sexual interest in someone else 2) a lack of emotional and/ or sexual interest in the primary partner

____________ refers to not having sex and also moral purity in both thought and conduct


sexual orientation

classification of individuals as heterosexual, bisexual, or homosexual based on their emotional, cognitive, and sexual attractions as well as their self-identity and lifestyle

empty love

commitment without passion or intimacy i.e. the beginnings of an arranged marriage

open couple

composed of two people who often are in a long-term relationship, cohabitate, and have extradyadic sexual relationships

sexual identity

composite term that refers to factors including one's biological sex, gender identity, gender role, and sexual orientation


condition in which an individual is born with gonads matching the sex chromosomes, but genitals resembling those of the other sex


condition of having refrained from having sexual intercourse


condition of refraining from sexual intercourse, especially be reason of religious vows; also used to refer to being unmarried

Turner's syndrome

condition that occurs in females resulting from the absence of an X chromosome (XO)

Klinefelter's syndrome

condition that occurs in males and results from the presence of an extra X sex chromosome (XXY), resulting in abnormal testicular development, infertility, low interest in sex (low libido), and, in some cases, mental retardation

intersex development

congenital variations in the reproductive system, sometimes resulting in ambiguous genitals

_____________ was developed as a food to extinguish sexual desire and curb masturbation desires

corn flakes


cross-dresser's act of destroying the clothes of the other sex as an expression of trying to become free of the drive to cross-dress (rarely has any long-term effect, and the person returns to cross-dressing)


cultural expectation that one will select a marriage partner within one's own social group, such as race, religion, and social class


developmental period in which youths move from childhood to adulthood begins 10-13 and ends 18-22


developmental time frame the extends from age 2 to age 12 and involves physical, cognitive, social, and sexual development

The _________ model of orientation indicates one is gay or not gay


many individuals do not identify themselves as homosexuals __________________

due to embarrassment desire for privacy fear of social disapproval

open relationships

each partner agrees that the other can have sexual (and sometimes emotional) relationships with someone outside the couple relationship

according to the Model of Gay Identity Development, which statement best describes Stage 2: Test and Exploration?

exploring one's feelings and attractions and initiating limited contact with non-heterosexual individuals


extreme form of obsessive relational intrusion that may involve following a victim, property damage, home invasion, or threats of physical harm

family of origin

family into which an individual is born

family of procreation

family one begins by finding a mate, having and rearing children


fearful, negative, discriminatory reactions toward bisexuals

which position for vaginal intercourse requires a strong male erection

female superior

voluntary abstinence

forgoing sexual intercourse for a period of time by choice


framework in which social behavior is viewed as having a biological basis in terms of being functional in human evolution

most young adults come out first to whom?



friendship; companionate love merge love with friendship; no fire or passion


game-playing love- for mutual enjoyment without serious intent deception is acceptable within proper limits; not great depth of feelings most men lowest relationship satisfaction

social masturbation

group masturbation involves three or more individuals masturbating together i.e. circle jerk


groups of four adults most commonly formed when two couples join, although sometimes they develop when a triad adds a fourth


groups with five or more adult members, are larger, more fragile, and more complicated than quads

about _______________ of undergraduates in one study reported that love is not necessary for a sexual encounter

half 52% of males 49% of females


having traits stereotypically associated with both masculinity and femininity

unidimensional continuum model (Kinsey)

identification of one's sexual orientation on a scale from 0 (exclusively heterosexual) to 6 (exclusively homosexual) suggesting that most people are not on the extremes but somewhere in between 0. exclusively heterosexual with no homosexual factors 1. predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual 2. predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual 3. Equally heterosexual and homosexual 4. predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual 5. predominantly homosexual, but incidentally heterosexual 6. exclusive homosexual factors major criticism? does not account for some important aspects of sexuality- such as self-identity, lifestyle, and social group preference

Electra complex

in psychoanalysis, term that refers to a daughter's (unconscious) sexual desire for her father; refers to the Greek myth in which Electra assists her brother in killing their mother and her lover to avenge their father's death

companionate love

intimacy and commitment without passion i.e. a marriage between two older adults who have been married for 45 years

romantic love

intimacy and passion without commitment i.e. a summer fling


intimacy without passion or commitment i.e. a friendship characterized by feeling of closeness and trust

Triangular Theory of Love (Sternberg)

intimacy- emotional connectedness or bondedness passion- romantic feelings and physical sexual desire commitment- desire to maintain the relationship


involvement of more than three individuals in a pair-bonded relationship (some of the individuals may be married to each other) who have an emotional, sexual, and parenting relationship

Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)

legislative act that denied federal recognition of homosexual marriage and allowed states to ignore same-sex marriages licensed elsewhere


living situation in which two heterosexual adults involved in an emotional and sexual relationship share a common residence for 4 nights a week for 3 months

____________ is the most frequently reported position used during intercourse

man on top


manic, jealous, obsessive love "symptom love" based on uncertainty of love lowest relationship satisfaction

_______________couples are least likely to report jealousy in their relationship


all of the following are truths about masturbation EXCEPT

masturbation is an abnormal, unnatural behavior

hooking up and unspoken rules

meeting someone and becoming sexually involved that same evening with no commitment or expectation beyond the encounter -doing so is not dating -hooking up is not a romantic relationship -hooking up is physical -hooking up is a secret -one who hooks up is not to expect no subsequent contact from a partner -condoms/ protection are always used (although only 57% actually do)


members in a polyfidelity who are emotionally intimate but not sexually connected

Which of the following statements about undergraduates is TRUE?

men typically score closer to the midpoint between romanticism and realism than women

researchers found that the duration of desired intercourse for heterosexual men and women in long-term relationships with each other was__________

men= 18 minutes; women= 14 minutes

Love in Easter

more realistic marriage and then love low divorce rates

Love in Western cultures

more romantic love before marriage higher divorce rates

according to Freud's theory, homosexual men had a close relationship with which member of their family



natural, common, and non harmful means of sexual self-pleasuring that is engaged in by individuals of all ages, sexual orientations, and levels of functioning (also called Autoerotic behavior)


negative emotional responses toward, and aversion to, homosexuals

non love

no intimacy, passion, or commitment i.e. 2 work acquaintances

behavior of a stranger or an acquaintance who repeatedly invades one physical or symbolic privacy in his or her attempts to have an intimate relationship is known as _______________________

obsessive relational intrusion

when evaluating the pros and cons of the side-by-side position which of the following is considered a con?

offers little clitoral stimulation


on the other hand, emphasizes consideration of the context of a situation when making sexual decisions. A female might be committed to using condoms when sexually active, however, she might find herself in a situation where there is no condom available and decide that it will be ok this time because her partner usually uses them too.

according to Buddhist concept of love, the best love is one in which __________

one accepts others as they are

in recalling their first same-sex attraction, how many young women recalled an explicit sexual context for the attraction



oral stimulation of a man's genitals

the family in which one is born and reared is one's family of __________________


_______________ are typically regarded as the first and most important source of sexual socialization for children



partners in the group remain faithful (sexually exclusive) to everyone else in the group

fatuous love

passion and commitment without intimacy i.e. whirlwind courtship and marriage; fantasy love


passion without intimacy or commitment i.e "love at first sight"


passionate love, not limited to physical passion love highly valued; erotic love most women highest relationship satisfaction


person who looks like a woman and has the breasts of a woman (from hormonal or surgical enlargement), yet has the genitalia and reproductive system of a man

Transgendered Individuals

persons who do not fit neatly into either the male or female category, or their behavior is not congruent with the norms and expectations of their sex Include cross-dressers and transsexuals


perspectives believe in an unconditional power and authority of religion, law or tradition. Choices are made based upon the rules of what is considered to be "right or wrong" by a higher power. For example a sexually active female might refuse to have sex without a condom because she has been taught by her parents, health care provider and friends, that you should NEVER have sex without a condom. Others may refuse to engage in sex outside of marriage because their religion has strictly forbade it.

what makes a woman jealous

physical attractiveness of a rival

"Love is never "finished" and complete; throughout life, it changes and matures, and thus remains faithful to itself. Idem velle atque idem nolle—to want the same thing, and to reject the same thing—was recognized by antiquity as the authentic content of love: the one becomes similar to the other, and this leads to a community of will and thought."

pope Benedict XVI


pragmatic and practical love "love planning"; use criteria matching most women

nature of sexual decisions

premise one: not to decide, is to decide premise two: choices involve trade-offs premise three: decisions include selecting positive or negative values premise four: decisions produce ambivalence and uncertainty premise five: some decisions are revocable; other are not

individuals conceptualize their virginity in one of three ways- as a ___________

process, gift, stigma

the family in which one pair bonds and has children is one's family of ___________



propensity to have very negative views of and emotional responses to sexuality these individuals have a higher risk of pregnancy and HIV/STI transmission because they feel uncomfortable discussing or using contraception or condoms


propensity to have very positive views of and emotional responses to sexuality

gender identity

psychological state of viewing one's self as a girl or a boy, and later as a woman or man

true hermaphroditism

rare condition in which individuals are born with both ovarian and testicular tissue (These individuals, called hermaphrodites, may have one ovary and one testicle, feminine breasts, and a vaginal opening beneath the penis)


refers to a core dimension of being human which includes sex, gender, sexual and gender identity, sexual orientation, eroticism, emotional attachment/love, and reproduction. It is experienced or expressed in thoughts, fantasies, desires, beliefs, attitudes, values, activities, practices, roles and relationships.

physiological androgyny

refers to intersexed individuals, the gentials are clearly neither male nor female.


reflects the idea that the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain provide the ultimate motivation for sexual behavior. In this perspective there is no concern for what is right or wrong, or why it might be ok "just this time"---the decision to have sex without a condom is based upon if it feels better to have sex with or without it. A hedonist might choose to wear a condom to avoid the chance of contracting a painful infection, but the reason to wear one is only based upon the pleasure/pain ratio.

gift view of virginity

regards being a virgin as a valuable positive status wherein it is important to find the "right" person since sharing the gift is special 38%

process view of virginity

regards first intercourse as a mechanism of learning about one's self, partner, and sexuality - it is a learning experience 53%

preconceptual sex selection

selection of the sex before it is conceived

prenatal sex selection

selection of whether to continue the pregnancy based on the sex of the fetus

which of the following is the style of love known as Agape?

selfless, idealistic love


selfless, idealistic love all-giving; nondemanding love highest relationship satisfaction


sending sexually explicit text or photos via cell phone

coping mechanism

sex can be used to enhance one's self-concept or feeling of sexual inadequacy

extramarital affair

sexual intercourse between a spouse and someone other than the person he or she is married to


sexual orientation that involves the predominance of emotional and sexual attractions to persons of the same sex

extradyadic sexual involvement

sexual relationship that occurs outside the couple, as when an individual of a dyad (couple) becomes sexually involved with someone other than the partner or mate

sexual intercourse

sexual union of a man's penis and a women's vagina Coitus

gender role ideology

socially prescribed role relationships between women and men in any given society

primary partners

sometimes corresponding to the larger cultural conception of a spouse

gender postmodernism

state in which there is a dissolution of male and female categories as currently conceptualized in Western capitalist society


state of not having had sexual intercourse; also implies moral purity or virtuousness in both thought and conduct 1) christian teachings 2) spiritual, mental, and physical health benefits of abstinence

sexual celibacy

state of not having sexual intercourse or activity


stimulation of the clitoris, labia, and vaginal opening of the woman by her partner's tongue and lips

compared to their heterosexual peers, LGBT students are more likely to experience

suicide substance abuse sexual health risk

occupational sex segregation

tendency for women and men to pursue different occupations


term often used synonymously with menopause, refers to changes that both men and women experience at mid-life


term that refers to individuals of one biological sex (female or male) who express behavior not typically assigned to their gender


term that refers to individuals who express some characteristics other than their assigned gender, which is usually based on their biological sex (male or female) gender queer (their gender identity was neither male nor female) pansexual/queer (they were attracted to men, women, bisexuals)


term that refers to the biological distinction between being female and being male, usually categorized on the basis of the reproductive organs and genetic makeup

realists believe

that love takes time to develop, that there are numerous people with whom one may fall in love, and the love does not conquer all "conjugal love"

3 models of sexual orientation

the dichotomous model- people are either heterosexual or homosexual unidimensional continuum model- sexual orientation is viewed on a continuum multidimensional model- views sexuality as a function of degrees of various components such as emotions, behaviors, and cognitions

Coolidge effect

the effect of novelty and variety on sexual arousal - such as when a novel partner is available, a sexually satiated male regains capacity for arousal

what is the most important contribution of the Multidimensional model of sexuality?

the incorporation of self-identity as a central element of sexual orientation

paraphiliac affairs

the on-the-side sex partner acts out sexual fantasies or participates in sexual practices that the spouse considers bizarre or abnormal

exchange theory

theory of mate selection that holds that partners select each other on the basis of who offers the greatest rewards at the lowest cost 1. rewards are the behaviors, words, resources, that you value and that influence you to continue the relationship 2. costs are the unpleasant aspects of the relationship 3. profit occurs when the rewards exceed the costs 4. loss occurs when the costs exceed the rewards 5. it is also necessary that no other person who offers a higher profit is currently available

Complimentary Needs Theory

theory of mate selection that states that one tends to select mates whose needs are opposite and complementary to one's own needs "opposites attract"

principle of least interest

theory that holds that the person who has the least interest in a relationship controls the relationship

conversion therapy (reparative therapy)

therapy designed to change the sexual orientation of a person, usually homosexual to heterosexual about 2% of U.S. adults report that there has been a change in their sexual orientation

two most frequently identified regrets about their first intercourse experience made by 292 undergraduate respondents I a study by Thomsen and Chang

they wished they had waited and they wished they had been in a committed (love) relationship

dental dam

thin piece of latex that covers the vulva during cunnilingus or the anus during analingus

instrumental or utilitarian affair

this is sex in exchange for a job or promotions, to get back at a spouse, to evoke jealousy, or to transition out of a marriage


threadlike structures of DNA within the cell nucleus that carry genes and transmit hereditary information


three-person relationships in which one member is sexually connected to each of the two others

middle age

time in a person's life that begins when the last child leaves home and continues until retirement or the death of either spouse

Hate crimes in terms of sexual orientation affect which of the following groups of individuals?

transsexual gay/lesbian individuals heterosexuals

T/F women are more likely to report feelings of jealousy than men


177 LBG individuals who reported that ____________ of the parents to whom they first came our responded with social and emotional


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